My fetish | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Mom caught me with embarrassing action

I have been sexually active for some time, cum very often, swap the worn and fully awakened shorts with my best friend, including mine Brother Geside me with a few horny things he has waxed. As for the living out of my fantasies, I have everything around me and use it again and again when I am alone and feel like it, horny to me too jerk off.

All in all, it has been a little bit ago that I have discovered and fully waxed shorts and sleep pants for me, which my brother unfortunately caught me, how I stole and wore one of his sleep shorts, which also my mom in full action caught wanking has. However, nothing has changed in terms of freedom of movement and inhibitions.

My brother, since he was sexually more active, is a little more covered, he has mostly on clothes, also in Summer If it’s really hot, it is usually always with a short, boxer or in his sleeping pants on the basis of. I always like to look at him, when he stumps and runs around in front of me, see his light, sometimes large bumps through the fabric. Sometimes I also have to be careful not to get a stiff, especially if I don’t get any attached. I am a little more open about freedom of movement, I have no problem here at home without going around, unless there is a visit, but otherwise I’m also completely naked in summer.

My ellies have no problems with that either, know the heat too well, even if they never run around here without anything, but do not interfere with my behavior. Since Mom caught me with full lust and Paps knows himself best, it is no problem for me to move freely here. I sometimes pull my brother with it because he is wearing something, sometimes he can also be changed and then pulls out his pants, so I am not entirely alone in freedom of movement.

I like to jerk myself with the shorts or sleepers on my face, the horny smell and the horny cream stains usually make me too horny that it sometimes goes far too quickly, which I cum, it usually works twice from each other.

Even on a holiday day, the Ellies was not at home, my brother, no idea whether there or not, I woke up quite late and then slowly came to me and started on vacation as almost every morning, with cornflakes down inthe kitchen. I was wearing sleeping pants, the bump was very cool to look at and to be touched in my pants, the fabric dangled with mine tail Horny back and forth, it just felt cool. Of course I got more and more the desire to jerk off, but did not want to let my pleasure run free down here on the presentation plate, I am not yet so freely. So I then back up, at my brother’s door, I stopped stopping whether he was there or not, I heard nothing, opened the door quietly and carefully so as not to fall straight away, but I sawnot him, for that I saw his sleeping pants on his bed.

I only thought so ‘hmm, his sleeping pants, I would like to jerk off now’, so I go to bed in his room, snapped my pants and immediately felt the soft fabric, so it tingled easily, of course too, of courseRighted one nose and a horny fragrance flowed through me. Then I took a closer look at it and saw some spots in front again, I thought ‘wow, exactly what you are looking for’ and the lust increased in me, my cock prays out my sleeping pants really well, hewas actually already in its greatest orientation with a slight bend to the stomach. I petted it again and again through my pants and born on my brother’s sleeping pants, it was just too wonderful and he urged me to jerk off horny. I also took the opportunity to do that my brother was not there, chose his bed as a playground for this action and put me down, more and more on my pants and has become more and more hotter.

So slowly I pulled out my sleeping pants, then scurried her legs completely and put them in his bed next to me, I thought so ‘You could also really overlay the thing’, so I took his pants andReally stripped over my head. Where his cock was otherwise, now my nose was and picked up his horny fragrance full of his pants, the pants legs were behind me, the lust rose and now flowed through more and more, so I now had both hands free,In order to stroke and jerk off. I pressed my nose deep into the fabric to feel the stains and suck the smell, stroked my chest and stomach and also on my eggs and my cock, a really cool and pleasant feeling was in me. I got lost in my thoughts and played undisturbed on me, forgas everything else around me everything else that I was lying in bed here with my brother and pulled myself up with his sleeping pants.

I guessed my stiff in my hand, so firm and hard, jerked it, stroked my glans, felt my praise running well and kept passing over the glans and on the tail. The fragrance and lust rose immeasurably, I didn’t get anything about myself anymore, because of the pants on my head anyway.

I stroked Mih and more violently and slowly jerked myself more and more, because the point was slowly coming into me that I would love to cum wanted. But then suddenly something tough on my pants, I felt that someone pulled it and I asked for my brother, after all I was in his bed in his room, but then the stimmer “You are?“, I heard the horror from it and I also heard at the Stimmer exactly, it was my mom.

I would like to be sunk in the ground and would have bought away, but that didn’t work, unfortunately. I stopped jerking off, my pants pushed up and there she stood with a huge question mark on her face, I thought I got a bright red head to be caught with something like that was not just a jerk off, no, it was my sleeping pantsBruders on my head in his bed at the same time. I couldn’t say anything at first, my mom for it “What do you macchy, here in the bed of your brother and with his sleeping pants”, I didn’t say anything at first, but then “well you see”, I felt like this, mineThe cock got limp, I got up and now pulled my pants completely off the head and again “Why are you lying here in his bed?”, I” Well, it was somehow “,” you can’t do that with you? What should your brother think of it?“She was probably not so relaxed and I guessed her stricter tone. I “Yes, of course I can do this with myself, but I just came up to the stairs and wanted to go to my room, but also to see if he was there or not, and then it was somehow quickly”, she “play your hormonesQuite crazy “, I didn’t say anything about it.

They again “What do you do with his sleeping pants, why do you pull it over your head?“, I was animal in the clamp and felt really bad, but I also didn’t want to reveal my tick so much, at least, but apparently she knew a lot, she practically answered“ I know a lot of preferences, but fromI haven’t heard his brother’s pants yet ”, I was amazed and still speechless, actually just wanted to get out of here, I didn’t say anything about it either. To make matters worse or luckily my brother also came to it, he also looked very surprised in his room because I was completely naked and my mom was inside and they were so dissolved on discussing. Of course he asked “What’s going on here?“My mom also had nothing better to do than tell him what she saw. My brother, of course, laughs at it, knows my preference for such sniffers on the shorts and pants, but did not say that, my mom then only “What is wrong with you, what do you do again and again?”, My brother” Oh mom, if he wants to be satisfied, then let him “,” she “is not a problem either, you both have my understanding of, these are normal things.

But why is your brother, so me, your sleeping pants on your head?”, My brother” Maybe he somehow like it, I don’t know either “, I didn’t want to tell me, my brother just. My momm again “And why is he in your bed here?”, My brother” Hmm, probably thought he would be in his room and bed and then also his pants “, my mom” Oh come, your rooms are completely different “. At least my brother tried to calm her down a little, but she was probably too surprised by my action that she was not so easy. My brother keeps trying to manage, I also put on a pair of pants, unfortunately my brother, but that was not discussed at first.

My mom won for me after a few minutes, after all, whoever knew some preferences of whom. Until then, the day was the worst for me and should go on like that when my dad came home. When my mom was down again, my brother also squeezed me up “Say, what do you do if I’m not there”, I “Now don’t start, I know me, couldn’t resist”, he “but you can’t be so careless, it’s okay that you jerk you here in Bet, so for me, but not before mom”, I “Well, it already has mecaught wanking, but that was not planned “, he” what, real, she caught you, haha “, I” yes just laugh, when you were tents with your buddies, I had the stiff and withIn one, she stood in the room and kept me an ice cream ”, he only laughed and said“ You’re really careless ”and only grinded. Then he “you really pulled my pants completely over the head, boar, you are really a little sow, how was it?”, I” so the hammer, was shortly before cumshot and thought with once, you would be plucking on your pants, that wouldn’t have been so bad, but that it is mom … “, he” real, how cool, well, Mom calms down again, was waiting for the time being, it is easy to do with something like that “.

I first in my room and think about what happened and actually not quite understood why Mom reacts like this. Unfortunately the topic came up immediately when Paps came home. It didn’t take long and I had to go to them and something was discussed again. My mom had already calmed down, my dad was also rather easy on the subject, both said to us, i.e. my brother and me that we shouldn’t go too far such games.

Since the situation had relaxed, I was slowly breathing breathe again and laughing at it afterwards.

However, I got a “punishment” from my brother, since I started the action without his knowledge and didn’t go through to the end, I had to end it the next day before him. Since the Ellies weren’t there, it was not a problem either, although it seems to be no longer a problem with them, but we did it that way.

So on the other day I go to my brother in the room, he was already grooming and happy, we had already made a few games together every now and then.

I asked him again “should I really do that?”,” Yes, of course, you can secretly alone enough, you can do it in front of me to the punishment now “. I put myself in his bed, he gave me his sleeping pants, said “I also worked a little on the night” and grinned, I looked at and saw my pants and seen, some were now even slightly moist andSchwupp, my part was already in my sleeping pants. He then “let go” and I followed, my pants pulled back over my head, noticed the horny fragrance in it, said to him “Wow, that’s even hornier than yesterday” and suddenly noticed howmy pants were pulled down. He said “I also made an effort and you just don’t need it, let go” and heard him sit down again.

So I horny my pants, my cock stood like a one, I caressed myself and wanked, the pretense ran on my stomach, kept dripping it and wiping with the Finger He over his stomach, pressed my nose even deeper into the fabric than yesterday, wanted to eat it, so horny he was so horny, made me hornier and kept jerking at me, heard my brother slowly moaning and I knew what he was doing,seemed to be enjoyed the show that I gave it and I lost my last inhibitions entirely and read my lust free run. This time I also came to the cumshot and it also shot horny and far, I guessed the warm cream on myself to my chest, the horny fragrance in my nose and the stains in the fabric on my skin were so animal -hungry. My brother then only “wow wow wow, you are really awesome, I literally felt like you go and then cumshot, really too cool, smaller”. I slowly came back to myself and the pants pushed up a bit, I looked at him questioningly. “We are now quitt?”, He” after the show, I don’t think so yet “and only grinded.

I continued to look at him and then saw that he had my sleeping pants on the wrap, I asked him right away. “You also wanked?”,” Yes, of course, you can’t help it with the sight “, I” in my pants?”, He” as if that would disturb you “, I” Neeeeee, cool “and I was happy.

Then I got up slowly and pulled out his pants, he was my hand and I his and we both were satisfied at first.

So the little catastrophe still had a great end …… although my brother wasn’t finished with me yet ….

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