Lesbian fuck with the librarian | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Since I like to read, I often went to a library to borrow books. I had just turned 17 at the time and were also interested in erotic literature. This often inspired my imagination that I masturbed with relish and not infrequently sprayed on the book. Of course, of course I cleaned it too, but I thought you could smell it. And when I was in the library again, I knew the librarian, she was in her mid -50s, a little lean, glasses, always without make -up, actually quite unotic, I asked her about new erotic literature.

She always smiled and stuck, to the individual shelves and searched for me something, there were 2 recent expenses from the area of eroticism. I nodded and wanted to get rid of it, she was clearing her throat and said what I would think of it if she read from the book? In doing so, she blushed lightly and smiled laying. Yes, I was amazed. “Here? “I asked her” No with me at home because it is certainly more comfortable “I wanted to reject at first, but then said for the next evening.

The following evening we met with her, she had a comfortably furnished living room, had red wine and candles. She herself took a seat in the wing chair, I should make it comfortable on the couch, which I did, I was wearing jeans and shirt. She had a relatively short skirt on with black stockings, a cream -colored blouse, there were striking chic velvet -colored high -heeled shoes with many small straps around the binds. In addition, she was made up and now looked much more erotic.

We drank some wine at first, it was a heavy port wine that went quite in the head. I wasn’t used to something like that. Then she began to read, she was very excellent, the story was pretty frivolous and my cock filled with blood pretty quickly and it became tight in the jeans. So I slipped back and forth uneasily, which she noticed and said: “You can take your off and masturbate when you are after that, you can always do it well, you can smell it well on your read books!!“With embarrassment I became red on my face, on the other side, the wine also had its effect and I thought why not … with such an offer.

Meanwhile she continued, I took off shoes and jeans, finally the boxer shorts and my cock jumped out and stood naked with an erect tail in front of her. “Wow” it escaped her, she took off her glasses and looked at me. She situation excited me very much, so I started to jerk off her standing. “You know that the books also excite me? “She asked me what I took note of in astonishment. “I also masturbate” she said and pushed her skirt up, spread her legs, she was wearing no panties, but horny suspenders with the black nylons, walked into her crotch with one hand and stroked her clit delicately.

“Wow” it was now and I jerked it faster, knelt in front of her, looked directly into her wet cunt, with the wet finger, who worked hard to edit her clitoris. And the awesome was, she just read on as if nothing had happened. That made me unspeakably horny, my cock shrugged suspiciously and since I also have a shoe fetish, I splashed my whole cream on the straps of the shoes. Then she put her book aside, sniffed and said: “I love the smell of sperm, that totally turns me on” her clit massaged 2-3 times and then came with twitching in the pool, closed her legs and eyes and enjoyedYour orgasm.

I knelt in front of her with astonishment and speechlessly enjoyed this spectacle. That was one of my first sexual experiences with a mature woman. Then after a few minutes she relaxed again, moved her skirt upside down and put her glasses back on and said: “We’ll read the rest of the book on weekends” gave me signs and a fold. “Then please put on to you,” she ordered what I did while I was watched interested.

I went home quite crowded and slowly I realized what had actually expired. This inspired my head cinema in such a way that I had to jerk off again at home. The whole week I was pleasantly excited and full of anticipation, which stimulated me to jerk off daily. Before our 2. Meet at the weekend I went to the library again curiously, she sat there as always, treated me as if nothing had ever happened between us.

I went a little confused and was very excited about the weekend. On Saturday it was time, I was pretty excited and excited, had already waxed in the early morning, because I didn’t want to get rid of her immediately. Freshly showered with pounding hearts I rang with her. Smiling she opened to me, she looked stunning, was subtly made up, only now did I notice her beautifully curved full lips through her lipstick.

What makes a little make -up, I thought. She had tied her hair together into a ponytail and pulled back strictly. To do this, she wore a crunching black leather pants with knee -high boots and a leather vest and nothing under it so that her breasts were discreetly visible. How did she know that I not only had a shoe feed, but also on leather?She probably had read the same books as I was, I couldn’t explain it otherwise.

I went into the living room behind her and rather excitedly behind her. ” Undress completely”! ordered me with strict sound. I did as a hiss and stood in front of her with half -tire cock. She looked at me benevolently and once walked around me, always stroking me slightly or also pinched me into my buttocks. I didn’t find that uncomfortable. Then she took a kind of leather paddle and clapped me on my body, it was not uncomfortable, but made me somehow horny.

My cock was vertical and I would have loved to have waxed, once I wanted it, when I got a little on my hand with my paddle and a short gossip between my legs. This sweet pain, yes it was very exciting. Now she opened various zippers on her leather trousers and removed a front and a rear part of the leather pants, it looked awesome, her horny ass came into its own and in her shaved step you could see the labia.

She was still single and never had children, as she had told. Her body still looked very firmly through a lot of sport and looked unused. My cock twitched with anticipation, good that I had waxed a lot, otherwise it would have happened now. Then she lay on the couch with a wide -legged length lengthways and ordered me: “Take the book and read to me!!!“I took the book, about the“ black countess ”a fairly erotic button from the Middle Ages, this time put me naked as I was in the wing chair.

I started reading and kept watching out of the corners of the eye how she stroked, meanwhile she had also knotted her leather vest and her little but even very elegant breast could be seen, which she was also stroking the nipples, so that the buds really stopped. She groaned slightly. The whole situation excited me so much that the tail was painfully hard. Of course, she also noticed my “suffering”, she waved me to the couch, I had put the book away.

Ordered me on my knees and said: “Lick me from the boots to the chest!!“I didn’t let that be said twice, I started at the tips of the boots, that was already cool to have shoe and leather fetish at the same time, G e i l-very very much. “And it is not wanked, my dear” she said strictly than if she had guessed my thoughts. I licked and licked myself up and finally arrived at her crotch, he looked at me wet and lustful.

The scent of the body juices made me horny, I licked, sucked and nibbled on her labia on her clit and tried to penetrate her deeply with my tongue. She groaned and turned, an orgasm, or if it was several shook her through. My face was really wet. She took my head in both hands and pressed me firmly into her cunt so that I could feel all the muscle contractions of her orgasm. Shortly after she had recovered, she got up and we drank some wine, my cock stood out a little painfully, which she took true.

“So, then sit down in the armchair and read further,” she said. I thought I didn’t hear properly, I was just before bursting. But did how ordered. I started reading the horny story, the librarian knelt in front of me and began to suck on my cock, suck and take it deep into the throat. I couldn’t really concentrate on reading aloud, so I was so distracted and whenever I stopped groaning, she ended up: “Now read on, and don’t stop!!“Then she rose, turned her back to me, bent a little and pulled his cheek apart a little and put himself over my cock, this slipped smacking into her cunt.

Slowly she moved up and down on my cock groaning. I passed hearing and seeing and reading what was it wonderfully narrow. “Continue reading “!! the request came from her. That was increasingly difficult for me, but I would have had injected long ago under normal circumstances, but reading prevented it again and again. She literally rode into her next orgasm, which came and shook her a little more gentle this time.

Then she rose from me, which caused a smacking sound. I was now invited and ready to inject that I would have done everything to cum. “Stand on the armchair” she ordered me. I did as ordered. Now she came with a small vibrator, smiled at me and said: “Can you also inject” handsfree “?“I flinched the armpits, I had never done that before. “Get your eyes”!I did how to.

She started to stick to the vibrator on my body. A pleasant shower drove me through. It was particularly intense on the nipples. Also on the navel. Then it went on along the inside of the thighs. But unfortunately she left out the tail. Then it continued on my back, along the buttocks, in the crotch, finally the vibrator lingered on the hole. It was a wonderful feeling, my cock started to twitch and already inject individual fountains through the air.

I gave very strange sounds of myself, but that didn’t matter, I just wanted redemption, and I got it now, I literally pumped myself empty. “Well” she said grinning “that was really good, probably also have erogenic zones on your sweet rosette. “Ok, I grinned a little, she aroused feelings in me that I didn’t know before. “Do you want to be fucked?”She asked me directly” I’m not gay, “I replied.

She laughed out loud and said: “Well, what do you think of being fucked by me?“And held up a double strap-on-cutting-off dildo. To be honest, I was flat now, my librarian, such a spoiled pig. The thing had a longer thin cock to the front, and a small somewhat thicker tail inwards, which then came into the cunt. The whole thing was made of silicone and not too hard, the woman strapped around.

“But first we have to prepare you” she grinned at me. “The best thing to do is go into the shower, you need it bitterly! “And pushed me into the bathroom. She was thoroughly in the shower, which slowly woke up with various feelings, which she took note of with a smile. Then I should bend down to her with my buttocks, before that she had screwed something small onto the shower hose. She cleverly fingered the piece into me.

That was still nice. But when she let water run into me, which was nice and warm, everything passed me. Oh dear, I had the feeling of getting diarrhea u. Then she said with a laugh: “I’ll leave you alone for a few minutes when you’re done, come into the living room. “After 10 min. Everything was done, I felt wonderfully easy, I was really fine. I got good things into the living room naked naked.

Curious about what should come. She offered me a glass of port wine, which I drove out in one train. You already have a little bit of shit. After all, my first fuck should be with me today. She asked me that I lay on my stomach, and stroked my bottom with a lot of oil and the rosette with circular movements, which was very, very pleasant and exciting. Then she took the vibrator and also played on my rosette and entered me a bit deeper every time, it was strange and beautiful at the same time.

My cock increased violently, lust grew in me. “So my dear boy, now stand up” and while I was standing in front of her with stiff, she now pushed the vibrator in me, that was really sharp. “So hold him down so that he doesn’t slip out” I was asked, with the left I held the VIB and with my right hand I jerked myself hard..She pulled out completely, wow that looked horny, then she took her double strap -on dildo both greased well and pushed the little thickness into her vagina and strapped the straps on her stomach and one through her cim so that nothing could slip.

“Mhhhh is a great feeling” and pointed to her crotch, the outer dildo stood in front of her horizontally. The sight made me so ratty that I stammered: “Please fuck me” And she did it, came from behind, leaned my upper body, took the vib for me. off, placed the strap-on dildo on my rosette, which was wide wide, she went cm for cm in my ass. A great feeling, no wonder that this is so popular with gays.

She slowly but surely fucked me. Now she was getting faster and faster, because the dildo also had an effect on it while she fucked me, she also fucked herself. Both groaned the bet, I jerked myself more and more, became more and more guessed, oh what is it wonderfully awesome. Suddenly she stopped, penetrated deep into me, I felt quiet twitching, she just came moaning. I took the opportunity and jerked my cream out of my cock, which was different with the dildo in the ass a completely different feeling but also totally cool.

Then she pulled the thing out of me and also removed the dildo from her vagina, then we hugged each other and held together each other. I felt her whole body, her nipples on my chest, my slab tail on her step, a feeling of deep connection. We let the evening end well. The day after next I visited her in the library, shortly after she had opened, I just couldn’t stand it until next weekend, I was so horny on her.

She had aroused something in me that constantly worked in me. I now masturbated twice a day to get rid of the pressure. As always, she was dressed very unobtrusively, wore an airy summer dress, was not made up, the hair had tied together to the braid. “Nice that you drop by” she greeted me “I just have to see you, I’m so horny for you …” pointed to my bump in my pants “Ah yes, that is unmistakable” she grinned at me.

Then she took me by the hand and took me to the last row of the library, here there was only literature from abroad, these shelves were hardly frequented. “Take a pull out” she breathed in my ear “..? And when people come??”” “I can hear that, then I go forward,” she said only grinning. Excited I pulled out naked, my cock was quite vertical, so I stood in front of her. “Wow that looks great,” she grinned and took the strap and jerked it tenderly.

The cheered with joy and became more and more tougher. Then she sucked on my nipples, which was just great. I raised her dress, went under my panties and stroked her buttocks, I just wanted to pull it down when the door opened at the front, 2 silly students were heard. “Wait a while just wait,” said the librarian, ripped off her dress and hurriedly hurried forward. I was undecided what I should do, pack everything and put on or just stay naked as I was, that was also very exciting.

So I just played on my tail and kept him happy. I heard the librarian spoke to the students, she referred to the 3. Regal series where the psychology books were. I was relieved, I stood on 4 rows of shelves. “If you have any questions, please call for me, I’m further back and do inventory!!“She said to the two silly students and hurried to me again. I positioned myself in a wide -legged ordinary in the middle of the course when she came.

“You a little horny pig,” she just said grinning and knelt in front of me and blew my cock fervently, so I almost came. I withdraw from her mouth so that I did not spray and pressed her back onto the bookshelf, went to my knees, under her dress, tore her slip with a jerk so that he was broken, enjoyed the smell of herJuices, then she opened her thighs and pushed her pelvis towards me so that I could lick her with my tongue.

If someone had come by now, naked man under the dress of a woman ……… definitely a great sight. I found exciting that we could hear the talk and laughter of the two students, but we were also not allowed to groan loudly. So I dragged and sucked on her clit diligently and went with my thumb into her vagina and fucked her slightly, I let the middle finger circle on her rosette and slowly but safely penetrated her there too. She breathed faster and faster, then suddenly withdrew my fingers and tongue.

Turned around, stood in front of me in front of me threw her dress back onto my back and presented me her horny back. “Go Fuck me, I can’t take it anymore !!“She whispered. That was a request that she shouldn’t have told me, I put my pipe in her crotch and only pushed it over her clit a few times, it was pretty wet, then he slid directly into her hot cunt next time and disappearedThere effortlessly until the stop.

Then I fucked, there was always a clapping sound when we slammed together. But I didn’t care about that now. Her belief she too, because her orgasm came in a robbery, she suddenly shrugged and moaned and withdrawn my cock by upgrading herself and taking the step with a heavily breathing with closed eyes. For a moment we had completely hidden our surroundings and not noticed how the two students watched us from the other side of the shelf through a book gap and filmed with the cell phone.

I now wanted to have my orgasm and wank wildly and when the point “of No Return” came, I happened to meet the eyes of the two students and then everything was too late, I sprayed my fountains in the middle of the corridor, hurledWith wild pelvic movements everything out and groaned violently, now I just didn’t care, rather ancient … I still heard how the two gently removed and disappeared from the library.

They had something to tell today.

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