First fetish experience | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I already have a flowering imagination and that’s why my stories usually didn’t really happen as I finally wrote it down. Even if I have always experienced segments from it. Well, I just like to let myself be inspired.

But this time I really tore myself off and wrote down how I actually discovered my passion for nylons, heels and women’s laundry.

Of course I wasn’t a child of sadness in the past and have already had one or the other frivolous Contact had.

That is why I also had no major inhibitions in this, for me to find the new world quite quickly at the time. And so it happened:

It was Wednesday morning, shortly after 7 a.m. I had the next two days. So I decided to go to Karlsruhe, take a hotel room and relax for 2 days.

The weather was a bit unpredictable. It was very hot, but there was also a storm warning, so it could quickly turn around. So my plan was to drive to the Eppleneee when the weather was good, lie in the sun and bathe naked during the day. And look at the evening whether there is a nice acquaintance with which you could still have some fun with which you then have a bit of the back of the lake, where the hidden corners are.

With my pronounced BI-Aquer I was not fixed on one gender and so there have already been some nice contacts on the Eppleneee. Mostly with men, of course, but there were already very open -minded couples.

In bad weather, the alternative program was announced: in the bluemovie during the day (a porn cinema in the Karlsruhe City) and then in the evening possibly. In the jungle (a Swinger club In the Karlsruhe surrounding area, which, however, no longer exists).

Before I wanted to start, I checked my emails briefly and when I was Internet I thought, I thought, have a look at Eroticchat4free. Let’s see if someone from Karlsruhe is there who wants to come to the lake.

So I logged in with my usual nickname: Bimann31 shaved. Then a brief description in the profile and the hint that I am looking for someone who wants to go to the Eppleneee with me. I then chatted with a few people, but either no time or no desire Nudist had. One or the other fake was certainly there too.

However, I sort them out quite quickly, because I always make it clear very quickly that I am only interested in real contacts and therefore without a telephone check neither excavations nor for any role -playing games or cybersex sessions to be excited.

But suddenly someone clicked me. He was 34 years old, but came from Munich and was a nylon fetishist. He was very nice and not clumsy at all. He raved to me all the time how cool it is to wear nylons and show himself, z.B.

At night in motorway parking spaces. Somehow the conversation made me curious and also a little horny. So I decided to just try it out. I have always been very open -minded and represented the view that you don’t try, you cannot judge.

So I drove past the Beate Uhse Shop on the way to Karlsruhe and got me a nice black nylon tights with an open step.

When I arrived in the hotel room, I was so excited that I took off my way out and tried it on. Man, it was a great feeling. With every movement I felt the tender nylon on the skin. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself for a long time.

It just looked horny. My tail already stood from the sight and the feeling on half mast.

I decided to go into the bluemovie in tights today. There it has three cinemas. A very small one with just one room.

A big one with three small and a large room and a gay cinema. There are several rooms in the gay cinema and there is also no smoking ban and there is a drink of drinks. So I decided on the gay cinema. But before I went to the cinema, another idea came to me.

Below in the sex shop I looked at the women’s clothing and found a sexy mini dress made of black, stretchy gloss material. I chose the greatest size and bought it shortly. Then off to the cinema. It was 13.00am and accordingly there wasn’t much going on.

I looked around a little first and discovered 2 other visitors. But I was so curious about the dress, so I wanted to go to the toilet to try it out there. Unfortunately the toilet is very small and so I went into the lockable cabin with a hole wall. I quickly brushed off my T-shirt and took off my pants.

I already had the nylons underneath. I unpacked the dress and put it on quickly. It fit … well, it was pretty tight, but it fit.

It was just enough to cover my butt and my cock rumbled out horny under the stretchy fabric at the front. I felt really cool in this outfit but it was dark in the cabin and I couldn’t really look at. I have to go to the toilet in front of the mirror, I thought. But now it was a little queasy to walk around outside where others could see me.

I pinched. I pulled my pants and the t-shirt over it again. I let the dress and nylons underneath. So I went out and got a beer at the drinking machine, put a cigarette on me and stripped through the different rooms.

In the meantime, only another visitor was there and he didn’t seem to move away from his seat. I considered. I want to walk through the cinema at least once in dress and nylons. Nobody sees me anyway.

I quickly drank another beer. Then I went into the foremost room and stood behind the half -high demarcation into the dark. Slowly I opened the button and zip of my pants and let them slide down. The beer started to work.

Then I summarized all my courage and pulled out the pants completely and the T-shirt right away. My cock immediately got hard and I always got hotter. So I packed my pants and the shirt in the bag that I had got to the dress and carefully went to the door. A short view.

Nobody in the hallway. So then go. It felt really cool to run around in this outfit, only my espadrilles I would have liked to exchanged for beautiful pumps or something similar. But on the other hand, I was able to walk well in the flat fabric shoes with my still a little soft knees.

First I went to the toilet to be able to look at myself in the mirror. Horny, it just looked horny. Now I was getting safer. I strolled through the rooms and became more and more excited.

And then it happened. I just came out of one of the rooms when I suddenly stood in front of a new visitor. He looked at me from top to bottom, noticed the thick bump in the front in my dress and smiled at me. Unfortunately I was much to be scared and just slowly passed the hallway past him.

I literally felt his eyes and became totally horny again. I even started wiggling something with my butt while walking. The encounter I really fueled me and now I wanted to show myself. So I ran through the aisles again, looked into the rooms and went on again.

I just stood in front of the drink of drinks and let myself out another beer (actually I would have preferred to drink a piccolo in the outfit, but unfortunately it didn’t exist) when I noticed that someone was behind me. To get the beer out of the shaft, I had to bend down. And I knew exactly that my dress slipped so far that you could see the open step of tights. And I literally enjoyed irritating the guy behind me.

I turned around and smiled at him. It was again a new guest that I had never seen before. He was still quite young, maybe 22-23 years old, very slim and quite attractive. I opened my beer and enjoyed a sip with relish.

I looked at him all the time. Then I went past him very slowly, not without wiggling my butt as female as possible. I strolled from room to room and noticed how he always appeared behind me as if by chance. So I went slowly in front of him in the direction of the front space.

I stopped in front of the door and bent down deeply around my nylons smells. So he had a brief outlook on my bare butt, which flashed out under the hem of the dress. I continued to go into the room and standed behind the half -high demarcation completely on the wall, exactly where the light of the canvas made me best visible. Then he also came into the room.

He saw me, but obviously he was too shy to come to me. He sat down before the demarcation and set up a cigarette. I thought that now or never, went to him and asked him for a cigarette. I imagined him in front of him so that he looked at the bump in my dress.

He rummaged his cigarette box and held it to me. Then he looked for his lighter.

“Thank you, I have fire!“I said and took my own cigarette box, which I had put on the side of the dress, she opened so that he could see that I also had my own cigarettes and got my lighter out of the box. Emphasized slowly I lit the cigarette and stopped right in front of him.

I finally felt his hand on my nylon legs. First tentative and then ever firmer. He soon stroked me with both hands and they wandered up to my butt. When he pushed the hem of my dress up at the back to massage my butt, the hem also slipped a little higher at the front and suddenly my already stiff tail literally jumped into his face.

Immediately he put his lips over my glans and started licking and sucking with relish. My tail seemed to burst. He blew very well and passionately. When I noticed that I mean sperm I couldn’t keep long, I signaled him that he should make a little slower.

But instead he grabbed my butt and sucked even more intensely until I shot all of my juice into his throat.

When he had sucked me totally empty, I said he should get up, because now his cock was on it. But he said no, he would much prefer to lick my rosette if he is allowed. So I turned around, bent myself and put one leg on a seat. I immediately felt his tongue.

Soon he pushed her into my analloch as deep as possible. I was getting hotter and my cock was slowly getting stiff again. I just enjoyed the wonderful tongue anal treatment as another guest came into the room. He watched a while and then got his cock out of his pants.

He had a huge slat and was shaved bare. I looked at him and enjoyed my lips with relish. He immediately understood and came closer. I bend down and started blowing his mighty piston.

He was very persistent and I was able to extensively satisfy my orall tust on his wonderful big cock. Then I noticed that the juice rose slowly. I asked him to inject on my ass so that the young ass truck could lick it up there. And he licked and sucked everything greedily.

My cock was now hard again and the two noticed that too. Together they knelt in front of me and now alternately licked my cock, my eggs and my rosette until I sprayed a second time. This time both in their open mouths and on their tongues. In the meantime, some other men came into the room and had watched us wanking.

I had enough for today and when I went my two still delicious and I think the wanking men still took care of them extensively. I pulled my pants again and my T-shirt over it and went back to the hotel very satisfied.

I was sure that this would not remain my last experience in this direction and decided to get me just beautiful high heels. With shoe size 42, this shouldn’t be a big problem. So I made my way into the city and looked for a shoe store.

But then next time ..

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