Experience in Halterlos | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A friend of mine has their own office for computer animations, every now and then we met with her in the office Since she liked to hear criticism from me about her work.

Well, otherwise we actually saw each other quite rarely, since I was under a lot under the way, because their society was always a great change.

She was called Ramona and had a great figure, oh what do I say, she was a dream woman for me, only I never had the courage to do with her because I always jeopardized the friendship.

At least that’s how my thoughts were up to this day.

It was in spring this year and the temperatures were enormous on the streets, more or less, more, more less to be seen.

I was glad that the weather my sunglasses gave me good eye protection so that I was the beautiful legs and feet with these beautiful shoes that you could hear at several hundred meters.

Sure that I mean high heels, for this fetish I’ve been interested in over 10 years.

But now back to Ramona, when I got to her office it took my breath away, she was wearing a black tight -fitting stretch mini skirt a white blouse that had a deep neckline and I noticed that she was not wearing a bra.

When I was standing at her door and ranging I was already hearing that she was wearing high heels today.

The steps on the floor were nice to be heard, when she opened she greeted me with a laugh and we took ourselves in our arms and greeted each other warmly.

She went in front of me and I could see her legs from behind and noticed that she had skin -colored nylons on with a nice shine and a beautiful seam that disappeared under her skirt.

Her right bondage adorned a golden foot chain, I certainly didn’t even know where to look and became visibly nervous when her perfume got into my nose.

I was glad that I had airy summer pants from linen because my little friend got bigger.

She sat back in her leather chair and started typing on the PC, she said over her shoulder to me: get a chair and put you behind me, oh yes and coffee is just used in the kitchen.

I got the coffee took an office chair and sat behind her and could still look wonderfully on her overturned legs how loosely her foot hung in front of me.

She explained to me what problems she had with the order and what I think here or of it while gesturing her monitor.

I heard her but was blown away and only saw her beautiful legs in front of my eyes.

So over hour after an hour until it suddenly rang the door.

A short silence was in the room, it was literally heard a crackle, she meant by a gentle voice then whether I could open it will be clear your friend.

Of course I meant a little frightening Ramona, so I got up and went to the door, it rings again.

Yes yes I just don’t come so stormy, in the name Klara I introduced myself to a Bauerhof Pomerance.

At this thought I got a bad mood because I no longer had this wonderful sight.

When I opened the door, however, the bad mood was blown away, in front of me there was a beautiful woman with long smooth black hair that reached the buttocks.

Her dark brown eyes were framed by a beautiful face.

Although only the thought of Snow White came up with me, otherwise you couldn’t describe this face.

Blood -red lips said to me: Hello I am Klara I am an appointment with Ramona, who are you?

I, I stuttered when I slept my eyes over her, I am the Marcel and gave her hand.

Somehow I felt pretty stupid like a teenager With his first date.

Come on in Ramona sits on the computer and works.

When she stepped past me, I smelled Klara’s sweet perfume you could literally hover behind her.

She wore a paint dress with a side slot in black with a deep back cutout and had latex holder on the feet of which was in a few black 16cm high lacquer high heels and she also carried a foot chain around the right bondage and it was exactly the same as Ramona was wearing it.

Her black paint dress shone in the shallow light of the windows that were covered with lambs.

When I came back into the room there were three glasses of sparkling wine and Ramona had opened her blouse so that I could see more of her now.

Klara and Ramona greeted each other in a way that I would not have thought, they took their arms and gave themselves an intimate tender tongue kiss, Klara’s hand slid up on Ramona’s hip and gently stroked her breasts.

Her buds turned up and Ramona’s head sank back and a light sigh came over her lips.

I could only stand in the door rooted and watch the two of them to pamper each other.

Klara sat on the chair and Ramona sank on her knees in front of her, her blood -red lips nourished Klara’s feet and she started sliding over Klara’s heels with her tongue and over her beautiful feet.

Due to the high paragraphs, their tension was nicely stated and their tendons were recognizable.

With your eyes closed she kissed every millimeter of her shoe and foot, Klara looked down at her from above and her hand tenderly stroked her hair.

I continued to watch the hustle and bustle and realized that I was my hand on mine tail Had he had won extremely in size.

The two didn’t seem to be perceived by me anymore, I wanted to go but tied up this game more and more so that I just had to continue watching.

Ramona’s hands slid over the latex Halterless and stroked her calves and thighs, Klara had opened her dress on the side and Ramona’s hands continued to roam up to Klara’s Venushügel.

Suddenly Klara looked at me directly at her look said more than a thousand words, they were herring and determining that I should come to her.

With slow steps I went to Klara until I stood in front of her and Ramona knelt to feet.

Klara’s hand always came to my step nourish until she was lying on my testicles with a practiced handle.

She started to massage easily and I started moaning with closed eyes quietly.

With a quiet but determining voice she told me that I should kneel down, I followed without will in a trance and knelt next to Ramona on the floor in front of Klara, my god these feet were just divine, my lips were kissed by Klara’s foot and I kissed every centimeter of hersFoot and high heels.

Ramona meanwhile sagged and spread her legs wide apart. She put her feet on Klara’s foot in her hand and slowly pulled the shoe off her foot.

Laying on his back with his head between Ramona’s thigh, Klara’s voice came down from above, I did it and could see that Ramona had no panties on.

Klara didn’t need to tell me what to do, slowly my lips came closer to Ramona’s pleasure center and I started kissing her pleasure cave and spoiling with my tongue.

Ramona’s sighs turned into a quiet muffled moan because she had Klara’s foot between her lips and started nibbling her toes suck.

I felt that Klara felt her foot on my hard cock and slowly started massaging it through my pants with my foot.

My lust got into immeasurable, I closed my eyes and just gave myself this wonderful feeling.

I transferred this to my intimate kisses at Ramona and her moan grew louder.

Klara said to Ramona, go open his pants I want to see how you spoil him with your horny nylon feet.

Ramona was suddenly over me with an insane look and opened my pants, she pulled out my pants and shorts from Klara’s treatment very moist.

Ramona sat between my legs held my feet and said come on my shoes.

I tenderly took her heels on paragraphs and slowly pulled her off my feet and massaged her feet slightly.

Ramona pulled her legs and I felt the nylons on my stomach as they slowly slid to my hard tail, my god a dream came true when her nylons soles my friend down there it shot like a flash through me and I had togroan.

Slowly she started to glide with her feet, Klara came down to us and her lips fed up with Ramona’s lust triangle, who groaned over the clit as Klara’s tongue, she had taken off her black dress and sat on Ramona’s face.

They licked each other into the tall spheres, it passed minutes in which I felt the wonderful feet of Ramona on my cock, just before I came to Klara: Ramona Blas him and kneel in front of me.

Klara sat back on the chair and Ramona knelt in front of me and put my cock in my mouth, my god was her lips soft and her gentle tongue played around my glans.

I just moaned, from half -closed eyes I only saw Klara poured over her latexnylons oil and it is rubbing.

Slowly she took a foot and led him to Ramona’s damp lust cavity and stroked the excitement over her labia and clit.

Ramona groaned loudly when the latex material touched her hot area, turn around said Klara.

Now Ramona was in front of her and she started spoiling her foot Ramona, her toes penetrated her gently and began to fuck Ramone with her foot.

Through the oil, they were nicely lubricated so that all their toes were soon in Ramona, Ramona’s moan was more a scream. You hit her head wildly and literally roared Klara: Fuck me with your foot nice through yes!!

I watched the two and almost only came at the sight of the two until Klara understood that I should lie down on the floor next to Ramona.

When I was in front of Klara, she took her other foot and put it on my cock and caught him like this jerk off.

Ramona trembled next to me all over the body, so it didn’t have to take long for her orgasm to scour out.

The moment I had this thought she just started her body was a trembling something her head hit back and forth, she reared up and sagged together when she slowly subsided her orgasm.

Klara now took the second foot to me and took it between her latex soles but she tortured me in which she did it very slowly.

Ramona lay next to me totally dazed of her urborgasm with a glassy gaze she looked at both of us how clear I gave a footjob.

After approx. However, she sat up for five minutes and her nylon feet always came to my cock.

My eyes must have sprayed with lust because when I suddenly had 4 feet on my cock it was around me, I started to tremble like Ramona a few minutes ago.

Both stroked me with their divine feet every now and then let off my cock and stroked my chest and nipples that turned hard.

Well you like that asked Klara and I only answer with a moan and only pressed out in bed.

But they continued to torture me by doing it very slowly, my tremor took almost spastic dimensions.

I reared up and shouted out my orgasm, with large batches my cream shot over both feet.

I got black in this orgasm and I was dazed on the parquet floor .

With slight blows on the cheek I was torn back into reality, Ramona was bent over me and asked me if everything was fine with me.

I just answered very much and smiled at her when I was upset, but nothing was seen by Klara anymore.

You ramona, I just dreamed of everything?

No you don’t have, I have always noticed your eyes on my feet and I also invited Klara today.

As you have noticed, I also like feet so I did it for you only I was afraid to address you because I didn’t want to break anything between us.

Ramona and I have been a couple since this day and have often visited Klara.

I gave up my apartment and moved to my dream woman who will continue to stay my wife.

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