Down | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

David sat behind the counter and whistled quietly. Calm day. he said loudly. Could be more going on, especially on a Friday, he murmured.

He looked over the collection that hung in the shop. Latex and leather clothes hung on a wall next to a small shoe shelf, in which there were some pairs with very high heels. Whip on another wall, chains and Tie up all kinds next to a passage that was covered with a red leather curtain. Behind it was a changing room.

The third wall was covered with corsets and a wide variety of clothes. Behind the counter, he had a selection of toys, vibrators, dildos and so on under glass.

In the middle of the small shop was a stand with fetish and bondage magazines. David flipped in one to get the time around. There was also a window behind the counter where there were two mannequins, from head to toe in leather dressed.

’Kinky Korner’ he called the shop. He has only been in business for a week, but even curious visitors, gaffers, were rare. David heard the front door opened and turned around. A young woman came into the shop.

She was about 25 years old, had blonde hair and a cute figure. Her clothing consisted of a knee -length skirt, a white cotton blouse and pumps, in her hand she held a small handbag.

David nodded to her and devoted himself again to the magazine in which he had flipped. ‘Just don’t scare. ‘ he thought.

’That happened to me before, I was just too aggressive. ’The woman was not shocked by what she saw in the shop, but also not entirely familiar with the clothes. Sorry, please, she said. I…

Oh … I would like to try on something. There is a changing room? Behind the curtain, said David. Can I bring something to you? So…

she said. I have a special appointment tonight. I wanted to wear something special, something you remember.

Hmmm … I thought of these boots, the mannequin is wearing there, she said.

In size 41? David looked behind him, the doll had thigh -high boots with 12 cm high heels. I have to look back at the back. he said. Is there anything else? And…

Maybe a corset? she asked. One of these from black leather. But I don’t know what size. How is your waist size? asked David.

Sixty -five centimeters. she answered. Then you should try one in size 55, he said. So…

she answered. How about one size 50? But that will be very tight, Madam, said David. Even if the lacing remains open.

I want to look as much as possible. said the customer.

I check it. David went through the curtain into the changing room, which was left. On the right there was another door that led to his storage room. When he came back, he had a few boots and a black leather corset in his hands.

Is it what you imagine? asked he. Yes, exactly, she replied. David led her into the changing room and put the boots on the floor and the corset on a small bench. Please call if you have something.

A few minutes later he actually heard her voice.

Can you please help me? called her. David went to the curtain. What can I do for you? he asked, in accordance with the difficulties she was in. I need help with the corset, she replied.

May I come in? Certainly, said the woman. David went in and saw her stand in the black boots. The skirt and the white blouse lay on the floor and it only wore her panties and one bra. She wiggled a little on the high heels and supported the wall.

I don’t even get the corset. she said. David went to her and picked up the corset.

Let me try it, he said, reached around them and put the corset around the waist. It was not too difficult for him to close the front closure.

However, even without the lacing, it was only a very tight seat. Now please lace me up, she said and turned to the wall. David felt a little tough in his pants when he started to tie the corset closer. Hey, how are you? he asked when he had pulled the open 12 centimeters together in half.

Faster, she said. David made it two centimeters closer, the cords were already pretty tight.

How is that? asked he. Firm! Close it completely! David shook his head, but then agreed. He let them keep the long ends while working up and down at the lacing to get the corset closer.

It must have taken about 20 minutes until it was finished. Then he had put the loose ends around her waist and closed in the back with a loop. The customer breathed flat and quickly against the corset. Are you OK? asked David.

Are you sure that this is not too tight? It’s very tight. she said breathless. But that’s exactly as I want it.

David took a step back and looked at the woman. You look pretty hot, Madam, he said.

Oh, thank you very much, she answered with a touch of blushing cheeks. You can call me Tammy, not Madam. David left the changing room and waited behind the counter. A few minutes later the customer appeared, now dressed again with the blouse and skirt.

David was able to recognize the dark shimmer of the corset under the white blouse and noticed her lightly wobbling on the high heels of the boots. You want to keep that on the way home? asked he. Yes! she replied with a smile.

David described a receipt. That makes four hundred dollars for the corset and the boots, he said.

Tammy rummaged in her handbag. The credit cards have a limit. Damn, I forgot that! she said. David got an empty feeling in the stomach area.

Oh, the bills come and not yet a single sale! I only have fifty in cash, said the young woman. We can somehow regulate that? You can have things covered, he said. And pick them up when everything is paid. Not a good idea, she said.

I need things tonight. I’ll pay the rest tomorrow.

I don’t want to say that I don’t believe them, but that doesn’t work that way. I have no security for being reappearing here tomorrow, said David. so what can I do? she asked.

Fifty dollars would be enough for electricity and telephone, maybe there would still be something for heating. Goods on the shelf do not help either … An idea was formed in David’s thoughts. There may be a solution ..

he said. However, the total amount becomes slightly higher. Whatever it is, I agree to it, said Tammy. David went over to the wall with whips and captivates.

He chose a few ankle cuffs that were not connected to each other.

What’s that supposed to be? asked the customer. I will complete the boots, they cannot take them off. he said. And I keep the key.

You have to come back to get the key. Tammy chew on her lip. Well, agreed, she said. David knelt down and closed the bonds around the narrowest part of her ankles.

They were quite striking against the bare leather. And now the corset. he said. Tammy nodded again.

David took three small padlocks and went back into the changing room with Tammy. After moving out her blouse, David first stuck a lock through the eyelets of the lacing.

It was tight, but it went. It was only because it was completely laced together. Then the other two locks followed and finally the corset was secured in three places: above, in the middle and at the bottom.

If she somehow got the cord out, the corset was still closely closed for her body. When they were finished Tammy gave him the fifty dollars over the counter. I’ll see her tomorrow? asked David. Until tomorrow, anyway ..

she answered. David, my name is David. Until tomorrow, David, she said. David was behind the counter early Saturday morning.

So far he had one Dildo And a game whip sold to a somewhat stronger lady who pretended to plan a party for her friend.

Every little thing helps, he thought. He heard the door opened. He looked up and saw Tammy coming into the store. Your gaze was worried.

She wore a blouse and a long skirt of a printed fabric that extended to the floor. She also wore a belt that emphasized her very narrow, kor-set waist. The tips of the boots looked out under the skirt. I…

I can’t pay the rest today, she said softly.

David sighed. I’m sorry. My friend was supposed to arrive at the airport in his pocket yesterday with a thick check. He had promised to buy something special from it.

But he called and said that the meeting would have taken longer and he would have missed his flight. He will come tomorrow, definitely! David just looked at her. At least she already paid me something. She sounds like it is really sorry for her.

I can still give you forty dollars today, she said. That showed him that she honestly meant it. Well, that works first.

he said. Just don’t forget: there is only the key when everything is paid.

Tammy nodded and gave him the money. May I see myself a little more? she asked. Go ahead. he said.

If you need something, please ask. She slowly walked through the room and looked at the different things that hang on the walls. Then the magazine stand in the middle received their attention. For a few minutes she leafed in a magazine with the title ’Leather Lady’.

After she was done she went to the leather articles and looked through them quickly. Tammy chose a few very long leather gloves and a suitable top with a carrier that ran around the neck.

Can I try on these things? she asked. Go ahead. said David.

A few minutes later she came out of the changing room. She still had her skirt on, but the blouse had been replaced by the top. What do you mean? asked Tammy. The shiny gloves fit well and sat closely on the whole arm, up to the shoulders, where small rings were attached to the gloves in D-shape.

The black top made of leather enclosed her full breasts and supported them. When Tammy inhaled, it looked like they float in the air, despite all the laws of gravity.

The top was held by a strap that was walking around the neck and was attached to a metal -reinforced collar that carried the Tammy around her neck. There were only two centimeters of bare skin between the top and the corset. When Tammy turned over, David saw that the castles were still in their place.

Again David felt a tough part formed in his pants when he looked at her. That … that’s really impressive, he said, and it really seemed too. Tammy turned again and looked at him with her big blue eyes.

Whether I probably … I can also get these things on a down payment? David almost let a tortured grunt be heard.

But another look at the woman dressed in leather changed his opinion. Ok, the same rules as yesterday, he said. Tammy nodded when David came up with a handful of small locks.

First he stuck a lock through the clasp of the collar. He was now unsolvable around her neck. With a piece of thin chain and two locks, David connected the gloves with his collar. When he was finished, the upper edges of the gloves were closed to the chain, and this ran through the collar.

David found that the whole thing could only be solved by ruining the gloves.

Thank you very much! said Tammy and gave him a fleeting kiss on his cheek. David was surprised for a moment when Tammy slowly went back into the changing room. When she returned, she wore her blouse again. Everything that could be seen from their equipment were the gloves and the tips of the boots.

I’ll be back tomorrow, promised! she said when leaving the business. David was only open for a few hours on Sundays and only came to the business around noon. Just a few minutes later, Tammy appeared. I assume you now have the money? he said after a look in her face.

Tammy wore a brown dress with long sleeves that would have reached the floor if she didn’t wear the boots with the 12 centimeter high heels.

David saw the black leather of the gloves, a belt kept the dress closely on the corseted waist. No … she said with a sigh. The plane with my boyfriend had a technical problem in the air and they had to land in Oklahoma in such a nest.

There is no other plane before tomorrow and so he rented a car and drives the rest of the way down here. Your friend seems to have a lot of problems with his travel arrangements, said David.

I scratched a hundred dollars, she said. I can live with that, he replied. But…

she said. Maybe I would like to have a few things on ‘down payment’. The money came in, slowly, but it came. Maybe he even got the chance to see her in even more leather.

I think we can arrange that. he said. Tammy first went to the magazine stand. After leafing through a few of them, she went to the things made of black leather and looked through her quickly.

She took a little out and disappeared into the changing room. David heard the door going again.

Another customer? he wondered in a moment of enthusiasm. Delivery for Kinky Korner, said the messenger. Please sign here.

David signed the papers and received a medium -sized box. Looks as if some goods come late. he murmured. David just unpacked the delivery when Tammy appeared behind the red curtain.

Her dress was gone and he could look at her in her leather clothing. The black collar, the top and the gloves are still in their place, closed. He could see the upper half of the corset, underneath she wore a long tight skirt that reached to her knees, then the boots came with her metal heels.

Tam-my could only take small steps when she went towards the person. That looks great on them.

he said. She smiled and turned around for him once. The skirt had a zipper that was closed from bottom to top. This made it not possible to open him something to take bigger steps.

Either the skirt was completely too or entirely, there was no ‘in between’. What is that? She asked and pointed to the things that David had put on the counter. Oh, that’s a chastity belt. he answered.

Tammy tentatively touched the dildo and the latex surface on the inside of the metal belt.

Is that … normal for a chastity belt? It depends. he said. That looks totally bad! she said.

Can I … can I still try it on? she asked. David had to hide his surprise. I think so…

But you may need some lubricants, he said and brought out a tube under the counter. A minute later he heard a voice from the changing room. I think I need some help with it, she said. David grabbed another castle and was very quickly in the changing room.

she sat on the bench and had taken off the skirt. Tammy struggled with the belt and tried in vain to put him around her corseted waist.

David saw her panties lying on the floor next to the skirt and had a clear view of the smooth -shaped area between her leather -covered, wide -spread legs. Stand up. he indicated her.

Now spread yours Legs as far as you can. She could have taken this position anywhere else, except in the small changing room. Her feet were in the corners, the two opposite walls formed with the floor. When she got there, David pulled the belt tightly around her already narrow waist and closed it.

Tammy had already smeared the dildo. When David slowly pushed him in his place, he discovered a small latex ball with small knobs on the stepper strap above the dildo.

Aha, also a built-in clitoris stimulator. ’Thought David. The front belt required a padlock so that it stayed in his place.

David searched in his pockets and found it. Oh! Mmmh! Tammy murmured when David closed the strap. This is funky! she said. He watched her moving her hips.

I would also like to count and take that, please, she said. Please. David simply had no way to reject. Certainly, Tammy.

he said. I have to go home now, she said. He will surely come soon. David still helped her in the skirt.

She held him up when he pulled the zipper from bottom to top.

We still have to do something with the skirt if you also want to take it on a down payment, said David. Fortunately, there were sewn -on belt loops on the skirt. David took a black belt and closed it after he had threaded it into the skirt. So she could open the skirt, but could not put it off.

Tammy was unsafe on her feet when she left the changing room. David helped her for the counter when she continued in the tight skirt and the dildo between her legs on the high heels. Here is a key to the lock on the chastity belt, he said. You will have to go to the toilet.

Tammy nodded and put the key in her handbag.

She hesitantly gave him a pack of twenty dollars and slowly went to the door. When she stepped onto the street, completely dressed in black leather, David had a big smile on his face. This is the best advertising that I can get, he said. He went back to the changing room to clean up.

He saw that she had forgotten to put her brown dress back on before leaving the shop. David had had the need behind her for a moment, then hesitated and decided to keep the dress behind the counter. It was a few minutes before ten o’clock on Monday morning.

When David wanted to switch on the light in the shop, he saw a well -known person dressed in leather in front of the window. David opened the door and Tammy came in.

She sweated and tried with every step to turn her hips. Is everything ok? asked David. No! she said and leaned against a wall. I forgot my dress last night and had to run home all the way.

But that was not bad, somehow it was even fun … so I was sitting there and waiting for my friend. He called. It…

he … he doesn’t come back! He moves to a woman he met over there! To run down a teardom on her cheek.

I do not know what to do! she said. I wanted to report sick today, but on the phone they said that I could go to the employment office right away, I would be fired! Oh, crap, everything goes wrong! David felt sorry for her, but at the same time felt stimulated by her presence. How is the belt? asked he.

It was the only thing that comforted me last night. she answered. Me … oh man, sometimes he can get me quite a bit! Perhaps…

David began. Maybe I can give you a job here. W … really? she asked.

You don’t seem to make much sales here.

That will change, he said sure. By the way, somehow you have to earn money if you want to pay the things you have already paid for me. Tammy looked at him, wanted to say something, got air. What should I do? she asked.

His latest exhibit really brought him the hoped -for sales. The magazine stand was hiked into a corner of the shop and a chain was hung from the middle of the ceiling. Tammy’s hands were tied up and attached to the chain high above her head. She still had the leather gloves on.

The collar and the top were still in their place, closed with the padlocks.

Tammy looked great in her corset, the tight skirt. She held her balance on the boots with the high heels. When David read the instructions for the chastity belt, he found a few more details about his use. A cable now ran along the ceiling from his counter, down the chain to the belt under Tammy’s skirt.

The dildo and the clitoris stimulator were connected there. David had a small box with a switch and a rotary control in his place. It was connected to the belt by the cable. With a simple push of a button, he gave the dildo and stimulator to wild movements.

It was seven in the evening and he had already brought her to a few orgasms.

However, he only did this in the moments when the customers did not look there. Just as a reminder that you are paid for commission, he said to Tammy. Five percent from sale. David now received five dollars from the customers for entering the shop, and Tammy did not get a commission on that.

She was talking to a man who pretended that he was going to get a leather jacket, but let his eyes slide over Tammy. Her face was reddened by the last orgasm that the fidgeting vibrator had triggered.

David had found that Tammy found the belt to be very distracted. Do you want to buy something or not? he asked the customer. Ah, yes, I take this jacket here, said the man without even trying on the jacket.

With this turnover in the cash register, David took the ’open sign from the door and closed the door. That was not a bad turnover today, especially for a Monday, he said and let the vibrator humidiled several times. Thank you very much, said Tammy Breathless in her corset. Now that the door was closed and David played on the buttons, turned and walled and let it hear a grunt.

This belt brought them closer and closer to their climax.

Tammy’s face moved into a cry, but only the sound of her violent breathing could be heard. It fell together and was only hung on the wrists for a moment. Are you okay? asked David. Yes I’m fine.

She said and put himself on her feet again. The chain only gave up about 30 centimeters, her knees hadn’t touched the floor. David took off the chain and removed the cable from the belt. Now clean up a little and then go home, he said.

I wonder all the time … Tammy murmured and looked at David with her big blue eyes.

Whether I could still have a few things? On down payment?

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