Andrea – My horny wife | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Netzfund” “boys!“Hans, my boss came to the office with a dark face, where we had only been sitting in front of dark screens for an hour and waited that things showed something again,“ the technician thinks that he would probably need a little more time there. He will stay here until everything runs again, but that can take time. I think it makes little sense if you sitting around there. But you all have overtime, so it would be right if you are tasting them now.

At least the weather is nice, you can do a lot at home. “He took a little break and then put on his well -known, mischievous grin:“ Mowing the lawn – for example. “I didn’t expect to be free today and I only mowed the lawn at the weekend, but what should you do. Maybe with Andrea, my wife, I could take a little excursion. So I packed my things together and drove home.

That means I first had to look through the timetables of the bus lines because the car was for inspection in the workshop. But maybe Andrea had already brought the car, otherwise it would probably not be anything with the excursion. But it fit quite well and so I went around 11. At 00 a.m. already the small driveway to our house. An idea came to me: I would surprise Andrea! I wanted to sneak into the house very quietly and see what she was doing.

Something would come to mind to scare her a little bit, or at least surprise you. As quiet as I went, I opened the front door and sneaked into the house. Already in the hallway I took off my shoes and crept out as quiet as it went on my stockings to the kitchen. I put an ear on the door: nothing! Even when I opened her very carefully and looked in, nobody was to be seen. Only the workshop’s invoice was on the table.

Andrea had already brought the car. But where was she? She was also not to be found in the living room. I was wondering whether she might be on the toilet when I heard sounds from our bedroom! She wouldn’t ..! I listened and there, yes again I heard something that sounded like a quiet moan. I felt my stomach pulled together and in front of my eyes I already saw my wife with a strange man in bed together.

So that would be a different surprise than I had imagined. A completely different one!So now I sneaked in the direction of our bedroom and a few meters in front of the door I saw that it was only based. bingo! So you could first watch the matter. But when I saw through the gap, I was surprised: only my wife lay on the bed: naked, with her legs spread wide and a hand on her pussy.

The movements were easy to see that she did it herself. How petrified I stopped, but at the same time felt how it got tight in my pants. Fortunately, she had put herself on the bed exactly that you could see her from the door exactly between her legs. Andrea had closed her eyes. From the door I now watched her alternately play her clit with her fingers and then dive deep into her cave with her fingers.

Not only the fingers, but also her whole hand shone with moisture. Even from the distance I could see how her skin areas were red and chest and almost constantly drove her tongue over her lips to moisturize them. Her pelvis slipped back and forth restfully on the bed and again and again she groaned softly. I heard her whisper, but I couldn’t understand it. But I believed that I understood words like “firmer” and “fuck me”.

But I could also deceive myself, maybe I just wanted to hear these words. In any case, Andrea was so busy with herself and her pussy that she didn’t notice me at the door. I had rarely seen my wife so excited. Almost automatically my hand lay on my bump and began to massage my cock through the pants, while I continued to watch my wife masturbating. It turned me on how her fingers disappeared into her pussy while her labia nestled closely on her hand, as if they wanted to suck their fingers into their pussy.

In addition, smacking noises of their gender penetrated to the door. And then it happened. Only slightly touched my hand ankles, but it was enough to hear a clear “clock” and easy to get the door in motion. Immediately, almost panicked, Andrea finished her game and saw terrible towards the door. “Anton!“Your voice still sounded rough and excited,“ What are you doing?“Then she took a quick look at the watch on her bedside table:“ And at this time?“Like a caught tensioner, I now opened the door completely, went to the bed and sat next to her on the bed.

I briefly told her why I was already at home and that I actually wanted to surprise her. “But obviously I came in an inconvenient,” I said, “but maybe you can continue the game with me too. “Andrea looked at me with a smile:” Yes, “she said with a seductive undertone,” that would certainly be a good idea!“It didn’t take a minute before I was also naked next to her on the bed and she kissed tenderly on my mouth.

My hand caressed her breasts first, played on her nipples, which she acknowledged with pleasant cuff. But then I slowly let my hand slide down her stomach until I felt her first pubic hair. How automatically their legs opened and as if by itself, my finger slid through their wet shame. “Ooohh!“Almost immediately her breath became deeper and again she had closed her eyes. It was literally to look at that she was different with her thoughts.

Her whispered words remembered again and I was sure that she had imagined something beforehand that she had been fucked in her imagination. But as it seemed, she was back in her story, in her imagination and I was almost sure that she imagined that another hand was playing between her thighs with her pussy. “What do you think?”” Just keep going, play on my pussy!“Gasped Andrea.

“Play someone else on your pussy?”” Ooaahh!”” Don’t want to tell me?”” I don’t think you want to hear it. “”Why not? It’s just fantasy!“My fingers slowly dived into their grotto. “You want to .. it … really know?“The words came and sounded rough. “Yes, of couse!“My fingers pressed a little deeper in her grotto to search for this point in her, the touch of which she always reacted immediately. “But before..“, Breaking deep, she took a little break,“ you have to promise me that you are not angry when I tell you everything.

“” “I clearly promise that I won’t be angry with you. Why also? You can trust me. “”All right then. Can you get on the party remember that Peter and Karin last made?””Yes, of couse. You might imagine sex with Peter?“My finger slid out of her hot grotto again, stroked between her labia and gently lay on her clit. “No,. Oaaahh.. Nonsense. Mmmmmmhhh … There was such a young man, Günter.

He was alone and then danced with me a few times. Do you remember?“Her breath was now difficult and she almost struggled to press the words out of her mouth. “Yes, he looked a little shyly as far as I remember. “” Yes, that’s how he worked..“Her voice sounded as if she wanted to say the opposite. “When I picked up the car today, I saw that he was the owner of the workshop. “” Ohh!“Escaped me surprised.

“And to him.. I mean Günter, I thought!””Real? Why especially him?“Andrea took a little break as if she were thinking about what she can tell me. Maybe she only needed a little break. Her face was now deeply red, her lips were dry, while sweat shone on her forehead. But then she said: “He flirted with me today as if he wanted something from me. “”You mean..?“” Yes, he was almost exaggerated, smiled at me all the time and just made me great compliments.

He winked at me a few times and his facial expression just told me that he wanted more from me than just setting the bill. “” I can imagine that you liked that. “” Yes, it has it. Actually, it should be indifferent to me if such a young man turns me on, but somehow I liked it. And besides, it also turned on me, excited. For me it started to tingle directly and when I paid the bill, he stopped the door for me.

When I walked past him, I also felt his hand, who lay on my buttocks as if accidentally. “” Sounds like you had a lot of fun today when you got the car. What did you do when you felt his hand?”” I looked at him and wanted to say something, but his facial expression was somehow clear. Even his face that said nothing other than “I want you now”, let Schauer run over my back.

Then I wanted to turn around and go to the car when he reached into my face with one hand and cut back a strand of hair. He stroked as if by chance, but incredibly tenderly over my forehead. When I looked at him surprised, he said that I would now look much more attractive when I already have a look at him. Actually, I should have told him that he should pick up his compliments for his girlfriend, but this cheeky behavior somehow captured me completely.

I was surprised at myself in a word without a word and went to the car, but I was sure that he was looking after me, probably on my butt. And even that I liked that. ““ Looks almost as if you played something with him yourself?””Yes. When I opened the car door, I leaned far forward to put my bag in the passenger seat. The skirt has slipped pretty high.

Just knowing that he could see my slip now, turned me on. I think I was wet between my legs. “” What is hot!“I whispered in her ear and gently let my finger slide into her pussy through her shame. She was punched wet. “Yes,” said Andrea, “and how hot. I was really cool when I got into the car. When did a young, good -looking man turn me on so clearly.

And I was surprised that it turned me on like this! And he looks really good. “She looked at me dreamily:“ And makes you horny!””That is very interesting. I mean that you let young men heat you like this. “” No, not from everyone. But it’s really hot and somehow he has exactly the right buttons with me caught. “”How hot?”” Large, muscular, just good -looking. In addition very expressive eyes. In many men this “I want you to fuck you” rather, with him I got wet between his legs.

““ But he made you a lot, the guy. “”Yes he has. Actually, I already had the tingling when we danced at the party of Katrin and Peter. He pulled me closer to him when it might have had to be and I already felt his hard piston there as he rubbed my stomach. I think he’s not of bad parents. Back then I imagined what his cock could look like in Natura.

And are you angry about it now?”” No, if I’m honest, it already makes me. Tell telling!”” Well, there is not much more to tell. Then I drove home. But even while driving, I didn’t stand it and started playing in myself. I remembered his cock again, which he rubbed against me. At first I only pushed around my tits, but when I drove into the courtyard entrance, my hand was already between my legs.

And as it went on, you saw. “I thought briefly and her whispered words came back in. Her imagination probably went on and I was now incredibly curious, which had still happened in her head cinema. “So you did it yourself, here in bed?”I asked further. “Yes, just as I got into the house, I took off and started masturbating. “” Did you come?”” Yes, 3 times!””! Did you think of him?“She looked at me as if she wasn’t sure if she should tell more.

But she saw on my face how sharp I was now to find out everything. “Yes, I have. But now I need your cock in my pussy!“Without asking further, she just climbed on me and sat over my cock. She seized him, led him to her entrance and slowly let himself down on it. She was incredibly wet. My cock slid so easily into her pussy that I almost didn’t feel anything. Only her heat surrounded my piston and only when she had settled completely on me did I feel how my cock tip was toasted to her cervix.

But somehow I had the feeling that she just wanted to distract it and avoid that she should tell me all her “history”. She closed her eyes, licked her lips and then leaned forward. Only when I bent over me and her lips were just before mine, she opened her eyes again. It was like she was in another world. They looked dreamy, hot, cool!”What did you expect?”I whispered.

I didn’t want to let go now. She looked at me for a while as if she was thinking about whether she should really tell. “That he fucked me!“So!“How did he fuck you?““ I imagined that it just followed me. Home here. And when I was about to do the door, he was already in between and pushed in. “”And further!”” I imagined that I could see his big bump in his pants.

Then he literally tore my clothes off my body and put me on the kitchen table. I don’t know anymore whether I have spread my legs myself or whether it has pushed apart. But at least I then imagined that he birded me through the kitchen table uninhibitedly. “And, you have already come at the performance?””Yes, I am. Especially because I got the big dildo out of the closet and fucked myself with it.

I imagined that it is Günter who pushes this bolt into my pussy. “”and further!““ After that I imagined that he takes me in bed here. “”And how?“She slowly circled my cock with her pelvis, then pushed something back and forth. Then she further whispered in my ear: “First from behind! I am on the bed on all fours and present my buttocks to him. And then he puts his cock into my pussy from behind and fucks me from behind.

“”And then..?“And then he says that I should ask him to fuck me. And.. I .. do..””What are you doing?”” I ask that he fucks me. “Now I was surprised. Not that my wife would be prudish in any way, but what she really can’t have is dirty talking. Even if I whisper in her ear that I want to fuck her now, she usually pulls a schnute. And now she even imagined something like that!”And what do you say?“I was now curious about what she really trusted herself.

“Lot Günter, put your big cock into my horny pussy and fuck me properly. I want to have your cock in my pussy now and I would like to be fucked out of you now. “Now it’s up to me. I didn’t know such things from Andrea at all, almost perplexed I heard these words to come over her lips as a matter of course. But at the same time this talk turned me on animal. I remembered her whisper and it was probably the scene I had observed.

I felt how everything slowly pulled together in me and I had to be careful not to get too early. I wanted to hear the whole story before I was done. “Did that turn you on, I mean these dirty words?”” Yes, I don’t know why myself. I don’t like this game normally, you know that. But today I have the idea that I only spread my legs for him and do what he says, scary gymnastics.

Somehow I imagined that I would do everything he tells me and I just obey him, just can’t say no. “” You imagined that he came?“” Yes, just when I noticed you, I imagined that he inseminated me. I imagined that he kept injecting in my stomach until his seeds ran down my buttocks. “This idea is too much for me now.

With a loud groan, my pipe begins to twitch and inject into my wife’s vagina and now it’s me to inseminate her pussy. At the same time, my wife now leans down completely to me and while I continued thrust pumping into her body at the thrust of my seed, enclosing her lips who think and only when I slowly come back to myself, I feel her tongue in my mouth, the gentlyplays with me.

When she realized that I was sacking back, she dropped away from me and slid down from me. I felt something wet on my stomach and also know that it is probably my seed that is dripped from her pussy back onto my stomach. But at the moment I didn’t care, I was too exhausted to do anything. Only after a while did I come back to myself: “What!”I say,” that was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

You can tell me such stories more often. “Andrea smiled at me. “Let’s see,” she says, “but now I have to take a shower first. “When Andrea had disappeared and I heard the noise of water out of the shower, I tried to remember the party where we had met Günter. There was actually no feeling of jealousy in the game, rather curiosity. Something had already happened there that my wife had done? I got the pictures again when she danced with the young man.

Well, he hadn’t actually worked so shyly. But not intrusive either. Nor had I noticed that maybe his hands would have been where they hadn’t belonged. But if she thought that she would do it with this young man, why should he not let this game play this game. Later I spoke to my wife about why she suddenly had different wishes and ideas about the thoughts of this Günther than she had during sex with me.

When asked why it could be that her dirty talk with Günther, but she rather rejected it with me, she only said that it was just a imagination and if I now be jealous, she would nottell more in this direction. Actually, I thought that things would have been done with it, but then the matter began to develop a certain dynamic that I couldn’t guess at the time.

When I came home from work a few days later, everything still seemed normal. I parked my car in the garage and then went into the house. But when I closed the front door, the house seemed strange to me quietly. Otherwise I have always heard Andrea call or work around somewhere, but that day everything was quiet. But then my view of something on the stair railing fell. When I got closer, I saw that it was a black nylon stocking that was hanging around the railing.

I was surprised. When I saw the stairs up curiously, I noticed that something was hung up above the railing. I went up confused around the fabric or what it might be to take a closer look. I don’t know anymore why I tried to be as quiet as possible, but I almost sneak up the stairs. But even before I stood in front of the garment, I could see what it was: it was a nicely occupied bra for my wife, also in black, which was now on purpose or not, also simply hung over the railing.

Should my wife..? But now, she knew that I would come home soon. But if at all, then where? Our bedroom was on the ground floor, up here..? Yes, here we had set up a guest room. I carefully looked towards the door of the room and saw that the door was only based. But there was also a piece of fabric over the jack. But I could also see from a distance that it was a Tanga of Andrea, who was seductive there on the Knauf.

Now now I really crept intentionally as quietly it went towards the door, stopped in front of it and tried to listen to. But I hardly heard anything. Only quiet rustling of fabric urge my ear, as well as a quiet, peculiar hum, almost like an electric razor. Otherwise there was nothing to be heard. I gently split through the gap. At first I only saw Andreas out of the foot that was slowly moving. When I opened the door a little further and looked into the room, I immediately understood what was going on: my wife wanted to seduce me and had pretended to go into the guest room: she was back naked on the bed so that she could see the door, while playing on her pussy with a vibrator.

Her legs were spread wide and so I could see at first glance that her pussy was wet and ready. Her labia was swollen thick and at the top of her slot it was steeply up to the top of her slit. Her pubic hair shone with moisture, as her thighs already seemed wet wet. A look at her breasts also showed me her excitement. Her nipples were hard and steep, a sure sign that my wife was very excited.

Actually, she had to have noticed that I opened the door, but apparently she didn’t let her game dissuade her. With her eyes closed, she played one hand on her breasts and nipples, while she was now working on her clit with her vibrator. Quiet sigh kicked out of her mouth and while she then pushed the humming plastic tail into her pussy, she groaned softly. In my pants it was suddenly narrow and without thinking even further, I stepped into the room, got rid of my things and put me naked next to my wife on the bed.

Nor had she said a word nor reacted to my presence. Only when I lay down next to her and started playing my hand on her chest did she open her eyes dreamily, put her vibrator aside and started kissing me at first, but then passionately. While our tongues met, she crowded close to me. It is always exciting for me to feel the warmth and proximity of my wife, especially when she is excited and rubs her body, shame and breasts on me.

And so I just let myself go, enjoyed the excitement that suddenly took possession of me and made my cock swell and hard as if by magic. A thought of what the reason for this afternoon surprise could not come, but I only took it as a joyful surprise at first. But then Andrea turned me on her back, climbed over me and immediately after that my cock was in her pussy. She started riding me gently while her eyes literally fixed me.

She seemed to have a little in the shield, or to have prepared another surprise for me. But finally she leaned down to me, and while I felt her hard nipples rubbing on my chest, I felt her mouth by my ear: “I was at the Baggersee this morning. I thought I could swim a few laps on my own. “At the moment I was a little confused. What could have happened at the quarry lake that my wife had been so excited.

But then I got an idea: “And were you alone?”” No, advise who had the same thought!”” Günther?””Yes!”” And, he turned you back on?“” Yes, but I really don’t know if I should tell you what happened today. “” You cheated on me?“Suddenly I felt jealousy. “No, but he’s pretty much my underwear!”” Woouuh!”” Hey, what does “Woouuh” mean?”” Tell!“I was surprised myself that I completely ignored that another man wanted to fuck my wife. I was actually not sure how to react.

On the other hand, my cock knew exactly: he wanted more now, he wanted a story again. “All right then. “While Andrea had her pelvis on me and massaged my cock in a very pleasant way, she began to tell …“ I think it was really a coincidence that I met Günther there. At first I didn’t notice him at all. I started after breakfast because it was the least going on early in the morning.

I didn’t look closely, but many were actually not at the lake. The ceilings were widely scattered and even in the water you could hardly watch anyone. I then put my blanket between the bushes, which you know. Even if not many were around the lake, but you know that I don’t like it so much back and forth. Then I just put the things there and pulled out.

I had already put on the bathing clothes at home and then just went into the water to swim a round. Even when I came back to the blanket, I was still alone. So I took my book out of my pocket and started reading. I was probably so distracted with the book that I didn’t even notice that someone was approaching. Only when I heard someone said “Hello, may I sit down?“I noticed that someone was standing next to me.

And when I went up, the blow almost hit me: it was Günther. He grinned at me as if I had invited him. I was so confused at the moment and surprised that I did not bring out any sound. After not getting an answer from me, he just gave it himself: “Thank you, that’s nice!“And he was already sitting next to me on the meadow. At first we only chatted about the weather why we were at the lake so early and things like that, Small talk simply.

Nevertheless, I felt his eyes on my body and especially on my breasts. I have to admit that his closeness alone made me tingle somehow. It is somehow a strange feeling when a young man sits next to me on the lawn, from which you imagined a few days ago that he was birded. And I have to admit that I not only enjoyed his eyes on my breasts, but tried to watch his cock as inconspicuously as possible, rather the bump in his swimming trunks.

“The thought that my wife was keen on the tail of this man somehow gave me a kick. Andrea was not prudish when it comes to sex, but always the more passive part in our marriage. The fact that she is now looking at a tail on her own got me touring in an interesting way. Perhaps there was also a certain hope that you would be able to transfer this experience into our marriage. “And so his eyes on my breasts were not uncomfortable, but, how should I say, made me in, made me proud.

I don’t know myself. In any case, I could literally feel his gaze. Günther also realized very soon that I had nothing against it when he stared at me, especially on my breasts. When our eyes crossed and he could be sure that I knew exactly where he had had his eyes, but I didn’t do anything about it, he just grinned me cheekily at me. Actually, I would have had to ask him to keep his eyes in check, but instead I shaked my eyes ashamed and at the same time knew that his view of my breasts was sticking, but maybe even wandering between my legs.

But it was precisely this thought that let the tingling between the legs even swell. For a while neither of us said anything. Then Günther interrupted the silence: “Have you already creamed yourself? You shouldn’t underestimate the morning sun!“No, I actually didn’t have it yet, but this turnout was somehow too clumsy for me. It was enough if his eyes were on my breasts and maybe on my pussy, I didn’t want to have his hands now. “No, I haven’t creamed myself yet, but it is not necessary either, because I will go home soon anyway.

The few minutes are still going, ”I said, and thought that I was able to save myself from the situation. “Nonsense!“He just said and before I could say something, he was cheekily grapping for my bag and immediately held my sunscreen in my hand. “Let it be good, that is not necessary,” I resisted again against his attempt to apply it to my stomach, and let me apply it now.

A sunburn is really uncomfortable!“He just ignored my objection. When I still didn’t react, he showed with a nod of what he was expecting from me. Why don’t I know, maybe it was just too stupid to ride me around, whether I needed sunscreen or not. In any case, I then followed his request and put my stomach on the ceiling. Again, this strange feeling was somehow powerless towards his wishes, just like in my imagination.

However, I had decided to search for the width and drive home on the slightest reason of intrusiveness. But Günther remained decent, at least first. I felt the cold splashes on my shoulders and immediately after that his hands, which gently passed the cream. He creamed my shoulders, my arms and then my back. He did it very well, it was more of a massage, but not somehow offensive. I even admit that I enjoyed it over time to feel his hands on my back and shoulders and secretly I even imagined how it would feel if he also rubbed my buttocks.

A small alarm bell rang somewhere deep inside me, but the pleasant feeling of his hands on my skin immediately dilated it. I was even almost surprised when he asked me if he was allowed to apply my legs. Not because he wanted to apply my legs, but because he asked about it. Since he had remained “decent” so far and it was very pleasant for me to feel them gentle touches, I gave my consent. And so I soon felt the cold of the cream on my thighs.

And when I felt his hands on my thighs, he suddenly said if I knew that I had a really great buttock. “I know,” I resolved, “but it is left out!””A pity!“I heard Günther say while he now gently opened my thighs and drain to distribute the cream. “If you make your legs apart a little,” I heard him say again, “so that I can get better to the inside of the thighs?“Almost naive I did him the favor.

But first of all, his hands also held my hands from my pussy. On the other hand, I knew that he could now look at my pussy. Even if she was covered by the bikini panties, I also knew that this wasn’t necessarily much covered. In my thoughts I imagined where his gaze was now and again the thought excited that he could now see the impressions of my pussy through the fabric.

It was not only a tingling sensation that I felt, but I also thought I could feel moisture between my legs. And obviously, Günther had also noticed something, because almost instantly, his hands drove up on the inside of my thighs and touched my pub. I even believed that I was able to feel a finger directly on my pussy, but before I could protest, my hands had already removed again.

But the feeling of the finger, the short contact, seemed to have stayed like a magnet on my pussy. Even if the hand was long gone, I still believed that I could feel the touch. Between my legs it started to tingle more and more and I was really tried to spread my legs a little further and show him that he should continue. But then my mind won the upper hand again.

I turned on my back and said that I would probably swim a round now. And without waiting for an answer, I was on my way to the water again. I urgently needed to cool off. Actually, I had expected that Günther would follow me, but he was surprisingly with my blanket for me. I could only see that he watched me and persecuted me with his eyes. But the hoped -for cooling only partially worked.

As soon as I was swimming a few meters, I thought about what would have happened if I actually continued to open my legs for his fingers? The only idea of feeling his fingers in my pussy made me shiver. And somehow I just couldn’t solve my thoughts from the idea. But I didn’t want to let him seduce myself and so I decided to swim back and go home. “While she told me that she had thought about how it would have been if she had Günther continued to play on her pussy, I felt how her vaginal muscles began to work and I was sure that she was also this thought nowstill very excited.

But I also saw the fingers of a strange man to work on my wife’s gender in front of my eyes and also noticed the reaction of my body on it. I saw Günther’s fingers very clearly, who slid over the gusset of the bikini panties and I imagined how the buttocks of my wife became restless, how a wet spot was revealed on her panties and how she opened her legs for this Günther.

But I had to tear off my thoughts because I wanted to concentrate on Andreas again. “But when I swam back to the beach, Günther rose and came towards me in the water. Everything in me now seemed to be turning. I simply got this demanding imagination of his fingers on my pussy anymore. The guy had managed to make me hot. My pussy was now looking for sex, after his fingers and after touching and now he came up to me.

It was a mixture of joy, excitement and fear that took me in possession at that moment. And Günther was waiting for me exactly where I could reach the sea base with my feet and now stand in front of him. “Nice beautiful woman, a little cooled again?”He teased. He apparently knew exactly why I had gone into the water. “I hoped for more!“It had slipped out more than I really wanted to say it.

And then it came back, this machogegrinse that I normally hated, but now only more reminded me that it was still boiling between my legs. “By the way,” he said, “you know that you have beautiful breasts?”” Hmm “I just embarrassed, careful not to show me anything from my feelings. But then I saw a movement under the water and immediately after that there was a hand on my breast. I looked around.

In the surrounding area there was no one except both of us, so that nobody could see the touch under the water surface. The scoop had chosen the right place in the lake, so the thing was planned. He started kneading my breast through the bikini gently. I felt like I started to tremble, but not with cold!”Please!“My protest probably sounded weak, he put on this grin again and now pushed his hand under the fabric, so that his hand was now on the bare skin of my breast.

Immediately after that, his fingers found my nipples and when they started playing gently, I almost didn’t think I could stand. My whole body now literally pretended to satisfy. And each of his touches seemed to put me in ecstasy. “Please, not Günther!“It was just whispered and it was probably obvious for him that he didn’t have to take the objection seriously..And so I immediately felt his second hand, which lay down gently on my stomach, but then squeezed back right down between my legs.

I just couldn’t help it anymore, I needed this touch now and willingly let my legs slide apart. When I felt the first delicate movement on my pussy, I probably gave up comfortably. I also allowed it to put my panties aside and now played my pussy with one hand while working on my breasts with the other. He split my labia with his fingers and then gently circled over my clit.

And with every contact, with every slight touch I gasped and was carried further and further to a climax. And when I believed that I would explode the next time I was going, he suddenly changed his tactics. He pushed his hand backwards between my legs and I allowed it to enter his grotto his fingers into my grotto. “Again, the picture of his fingers appeared in front of my eyes, which fingered my wife in the water.

With further increasing excitement, I introduced myself to the picture that had faced a diver. And with the idea of playing this diver and watching in such a game, I realized for the first time that I might not be averse to a game with other men or women together with my wife. To watch the idea of how my wife seduces, fingered and maybe also nibbled, created an excitement in me that I have never known so far.

And now I was really hot to find out more details. “I don’t know,” continued Andrea, “why I didn’t just push him away, I know I should have done it, yes. But everything in me was only fixed on the tingling sensation, my head was somehow switched off. Almost greedily I pushed my gender towards him and tried to rub my clit on his hand, which I succeeded more or less well.

Somehow it seemed as if Günther wanted to avoid this, let me fidget for longer. “Please!“I gasped and I was sure he knew what I meant. “The expectation of how my wife would now tell me how another man brought her to an orgasm, my tingling in my loins continued to rise, provided that was still possible. But then her story took a completely different course: “But then he leaned forward and wanted to kiss me.

I do not know why it was exactly what got me back to reality, but at this moment when his mouth approached mine, it became clear to me again that I had to put an end to this hustle and bustle and I actually managed meto tear off him. I now fell almost panicked towards the beach and to my blanket. I no longer paid attention to him, but rowed with both arms so firmly, only to get away from Günther.

The piece of meadow to my ceiling I ran directly. When Günther appeared next to me at the ceiling, most utensils were already stowed in the pocket. I felt Günther’s eyes in my back, but he knew that the game had run for this day. He was also smart enough to say nothing. It was only when I had changed my own to go that he only said that if he went too far, he was sorry.

But he found that I was a remarkable, attractive woman. I just looked at him and I am not sure whether he still looked at my desire for him, but I didn’t want to go beyond a border. Flirt and pouch, yes, but let a man put his tail into the pussy, I don’t know. I could probably no longer look you in the eye. “Somehow I was glad that Andrea could still interrupt the game, but on the other hand it would have not agreed to me if she had told me how to fuck me somewhere.

I was not sure whether only my imagination and the stories of my wife excited me, or whether I could actually agree with sex between my wife and another man. I only knew one thing: I wanted to hear now how she could have taken Günther. “And if you my O, K. If you had had, you would have been fucked by Günther?”” Would you have your O. K. given?”” I don’t know, but let’s say, if so?“This time Andrea didn’t think long.

“Yes, on the spot, right there in the lake!”” Tell!“Andrea considered something, but then she slid down from me surprisingly, crawled to the end of the bed and immediately after that I felt her warm lips on my cock tip. Briefly she looked up again: “Tell me!“Then I felt her tongue licked along the underside of my cock. As I enjoyed my wife’s tongue on my cock, I closed my eyes and painted how the scene could have continued in the lake.

“I imagine,” I finally started, “that he continues to play on your pussy with his fingers, while you are now putting your hand in his swimming trunks and playing with his cock. You feel how his piston gets tall and hard and now play with his stiff cock, while at the same time you can be spoiled by him on your breasts and on your pussy. “Andrea’s mouth now put himself over my cock tip and I took a break.

The feeling of the warmth of her mouth on my cock made me shiver, while at the same time it began to tingle more and more in my pool. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold back long anymore. But also the picture in front of my eyes, my wife and this Günther and mutually spoiled, did the rest to get me going. “At some point you can no longer hold back,” I continue to tell you in an excited voice, “You both pull your swimming trunks down.

Günther now has an even better access to your pussy and now fucks you with his fingers, while you are massaging his tail with relish. In doing so, they cuddle with each other violently. I can see how your tongues play and you rub yourself together “. I had trouble telling now. My breath was difficult and I had to concentrate on it not to spray immediately. “Then he lifts you up. You caught your legs around his hip and he dipped with his cock effortlessly ……..aahhh..!“At that moment I exploded and sprayed my seed in my wife’s mouth completely uninhibitedly.

But it was only at the second or third thrust that I noticed that the mouth was still surrounding my cock. Andrea had always rejected it that I splashed my seed in her mouth. I was only allowed to ejaculate her on her breasts or belly. Face or mouth were absolutely taboo. And now she kept her mouth over my cock, which now pumped thrust in her mouth for the thrust of my seed. I even thought I felt sucking on my splashing rod and when I looked down, I saw her started swallowing.

I felt like I was in the seventh heaven and now enjoyed my climax as well as the feeling of her warm mouth on my ejaculating cock. Even the picture that offered me, the lips of my wife put my wife’s lips close to my cock, her eyes demanding and with a kind of satisfactory look, was better than in any porn. Finally I let myself be pumped out completely and breathed badly back. Andrea was next to me and snuggled up to me.

When I looked her in the eye, a tender smile scurried her face. “I love you!“I breathed to her and at that moment I actually felt that too. “Same to you!“She said and kissed me tenderly on my lips. It tasted a little salty. When I woke up again, Andreas Platz was empty. I found her down in the kitchen, where she just leaned on the kitchen buffet with a bathrobe and drank a coffee.

She seemed thoughtful, but when she noticed me she started to smile immediately: “Again you wake you little sleeper again? Or has today’s special treatment stressed you so much?““ The special treatment could be introduced as regular treatment. That’s simple … great!“She smiled. “Perhaps. “We stood against each other for a while. Everyone was probably giving up and seemed to be overwhelmed by the situation. After all, it was I who no longer endured the silence and the tension. But curiosity also had me under control.

“You would like to fuck with him, or?“Andrea tears up his eyes:“ How do you come up with it?”” If you hadn’t been married, you would have let him take today. I wouldn’t believe something else now. “” But I’m just married. I’ve probably already gone too far, but I definitely don’t do more. I promise to you. And if you want, I also try to avoid Günther.

“I thought about how to ask my question. I wanted to know how Andrea is on a topic. “And who I do that O. K. Add to that. Have you ever imagined a threesome with 2 men?”” Anton, what do you think?“Her voice sounded indignant and she obviously hadn’t expected this question. “If I’m honest, your stories will make me an animal. The fact that this really happened also gives the whole thing a special kick.

But when you told me the events at the lake beforehand, the idea went through my head to be able to watch and participate in real. If you want, I would try that once. “Andrea now looked at me almost reproachfully. “Anton, no. We have our joy in these gimmicks and if you want, I can continue to use Günther as a small toy and we can always make a great evening.

I also cannot deny that I enjoy it too. But I don’t intend to let Günther put my cock into my stomach. And I’m afraid, even if Günther understands that these amorous games will end. “We had discussed the matter and it was clear to me that the idea of being able to watch my wife live during sex with another man would not be true.

At least my intent made me make up for one or the other game with Günther. That was somehow unfair to him, on the other hand, he himself was to blame if he approached married women. A few days later I met Peter while shopping. He waved to me from afar and when I faced him, he asked if we would not come back with them on Saturday. Your last party was not that long ago, but Karin’s birthday and since the weather is currently so beautiful, you would like to repeat the meeting.

The guests are the same as last time. Almost instantly, Günter came to my mind. It was a strange feeling to possibly meet the man again, from whom his own wife imagined to do it with him. But somehow this thought also excited me, even more curiosity, how this evening would develop with the knowledge. And would result in a banter between Andrea and Günther? So I said first, of course, but I wanted to ask my wife.

But Andrea also had no objection. And when I mentioned that Günther would come again, she said that I shouldn’t drink too much, that could ruin the rest of the evening. And so we met again with our acquaintances at the weekend. The weather was actually ideal for a game and so we were sitting in the large garden when grilling. Even when the sun had gone down, the air remained mild and none moved into the house.

But every time I looked at Günter, Andrea’s imagination and the occurrence at the lake remembered and I even caught myself when I imagined how he could have climbed my wife at the lake. He was always attractive. In this respect, I understood for Andrea that she imagined sex with this man. Andrea also seemed to think about her daydreams, at least occasionally, because her eyes kept walking to Günter, mostly and then ashamed to look at me.

On one of these occasions she even breathed a kiss on me. The evening, or better the night, could be interesting again. “I have to have it,” she said suddenly and since I was debating my table neighbors about the local football club, I only got their disappearance on the side. But then it suddenly seemed too long for Andrea no longer sitting next to me and when I looked around the group whether she was not talking to someone else, Günter had also disappeared.

That could also be a coincidence, but suddenly a feeling of jealousy spread in me. Would she really. Without saying anything? I looked around again, but there was nothing to see from both. I felt stupid somehow, but I wanted to have certainty and so I apologized and made my way to the toilet. There was nothing to be seen of both of them. I met Peter in the hallway, who probably noticed that I was looking for someone.

“Are you looking for your wife?”He asked me. When I affirmed, he only said that the property was not so big that someone could be lost. I nodded and strolled through the garden again before I went back. When I came back to the table, Günter was surprisingly at the table and chatted with someone who was sitting next to him. Andrea, however, came from a corner of the garden, in which only bushes and some shrubs stood from a corner of the garden.

But she couldn’t have been there because I was looking for there too. So she had to have been somewhere else. I thought I saw a short horror on her face when I saw myself, but maybe it was just the flickering light of the party candles. But then something strange happened. Andrea came up to me, took me in my arms and kissed me gently, tenderly and very erotic on my mouth. “We should drive!“She breathed and looked at me with a demanding look.

I immediately realized that something had happened, but her offer was so tempting that I did not ask immediately for the cause, but opened up to apologize with an excuse for the early departure. The journey home already became an experience. As soon as I started the car and was bent around the corner, Andreas hand was lying between my legs and began to massage my cock through the pants. At the same time she lifted her buttocks and pushed her dress up so far that her panties became visible.

Then she almost left her legs and while she continued to massage my cock through her pants with her left hand, she began to do it with the other hand. At first she only gently drove over the white fabric of her briefs and so stroked her pussy, but then I could see from the corner of the eye that her finger pressed more and more firmly against the fabric and when we drove past a street lamp, I saw that I saw thatthey had already pushed the fabric between their labia.

She had leaned her head on the headrest and her eyes were closed. Her breath came and when I really interpreted the situation, it was not far from her first orgasm. “You fuck him?”I asked her. “Yes!“She knew who and what I meant. “You tell me?“I now had trouble concentrating on driving. “Not now. At home. Then I’ll tell you everything!””Everything?”” Ohhahh … “Andrea took her hand from her pussy, while her left hand now crashed into my cock almost desperately.

Her breath was now panting, but slowly calmed down. Obviously she was just able to hold back to experience a climax. Probably she wanted to save him, for what should come later. When I stopped the car in front of the garage door to open the gates with the remote control, Andrea got out and set off towards the front door. My wife actually seemed to be in a hurry. I still parked the car in the garage and then went curiously to the front door.

She hadn’t even closed the door, she was only based and when I entered and the door closed, I also heard my wife: “Here, in the living room!“I went in the direction in a happy expectation and when I opened the door, I stopped: My wife was already naked in front of me and before I just published a word, her lips were on mine. And while I immediately felt her tongue in my mouth, her hand came to work on my belt.

It probably didn’t take a minute for me to stand in front of her naked. As soon as I had undressed, she already prompted me back to the couch without a word. She couldn’t have said anything because she didn’t stop kissing me. When we arrived at the couch, she pushed me back slightly, so I quickly realized that I should lie down. As soon as I was back on the piece of furniture, Andrea already knelt above me.

She leaned down to me and I thought at first that she wanted to kiss me again, but instead she started nibbling on my ear and whispering in my ear whether she should tell me what had just happened at the party. It was already clear to me that she had played another game with Günther, but he had to understand today to get her right, because I almost had the impression that Andrea no longer had control.

She now literally ran like sex and also from her physical reactions it was clearly recognizable that she was incredibly sharp on sex: her nipple stood away from her brushes like little candlesticks, her neck was deep red and when she had kneeled over meI also see that her pussy literally expired. All the more curious, of course, I was of course what had happened, even with the knowledge that my wife and Günther had also disappeared at the same time.

“Yes, tell me. And I want to know everything. “”Everything? Really everything?“My wife now sounded a little unsafe. “Yes. Everything!“If the two should actually have popped up, at least I wanted to know. Somehow it would even have happened to me. “So good,” she started. “I was on the toilet and when I was about to go back, I met Günther in the hallway. I don’t know whether it was intentional or coincidence, but somehow his presence and that we were alone, plus the memory of my fantasies and the lake rose in me.

That means I already had the tingling sensation all evening, but now it increased considerably. Günther smiled at me and asked if everything was okay. Small talk. When I said that I was doing well, he asked me why I was actually so suddenly disappearing at the lake. He said that if I hadn’t wanted to get involved in anything else, you could have had a coffee somewhere.

It sounds strange now, but I was thinking about how it would have been if he had fucked me on the toilet of a coffee. But then I also thought whether he might not get one down at the lake and imagined to do it with me. I imagined how he had enclosed his cock with his hand and rubbed him as he thought of me and imagined how it could be with me.

“She took a little break during which she pushed her hand under her stomach and grasped my tail. Then she lowered her pelvis, placed my cock tip on her pussy and then let himself go back to it with relish. While my cock immersed in her hot cave, she kept her eyes closed and enjoyed the penetration of my piston into her pussy. When she had completely settled on me, she stayed still on me for some time before she bagged back and began to tell: “In any caseAnd more nervous and before I knew what was going on, he stroked very tenderly over my arm.

Actually, I should have pushed his hand away, but I don’t know either, everything in me was already tingling and at that moment I couldn’t do anything. Something in me said that I shouldn’t stay here, but something else in me enjoyed tingling and above all the gentle stroking. Günther probably realized very quickly that he could play with me at the moment, because right then he hiked his hand over my arm and gently stroked my breasts.

When I felt his back of his hand over my nipples, it was like when small flashes flashed through my body. I only know that I had to swallow and then wet my lips with my tongue. At that moment I actually didn’t know what to do now and how I could cheat out of this situation. But my behavior must have misunderstood Günther, because he just laughed at me, took my hand and pulled me through a door that was next to us.

Maybe it would have been the last opportunity to cancel the matter, but I was like a puppet. Almost unpaid and without thinking clearly, I simply let him lead to this room. It was a small storage room and at one end there was a freezer chest. That is exactly where he swept me. He turned me around so that I stood on the chest with my buttocks. This time his hand drove on my neck, began to massage gently and then slowly drove to my ear, where he began to play on my taps.

You know how sensitive I am there and at the latest then I realized that the matter could be dangerous. Only now my mind slowly came out and I wanted to gently push it away. But since he did not make any institutions to move away from me, I said we shouldn’t do that. “Why,” he said, “nobody can find us here. “” No, but me..“I couldn’t get any further, because his mouth was gently pressing on mine and immediately after that his tongue drove incredibly gently and tenderly over my lips.

I only know that I have been upgraded, this gentle touch hit me so violently. And there was no longer any way of resistance. ““ You have now let Günther fuck you there?“It burst out of me. “Don’t be that impatient!“Andrea teased me,“ just let me tell me!”” No, I actually didn’t think about that. I just wanted to feel his closeness, his tenderness. So we started to cuddle violently in this room.

We let our lips and our tongues play together and yes, we also rubbed each other. Of course I could feel his cock through his pants and my dress and it just appealed to rub my stomach and pussy on his cock. Somehow it was part of it and maybe I also needed this charm. At some point I also felt his hand on my breast. At first he only gently pressed through the fabric of the dress, which I would like to put up with.

But then he tried to push my dress up and then I held him. Somehow I was afraid that things would get out of hand. For me surprisingly he accepted that too and so we continue to cure for a while. He had now put his hands on my buttocks and pulled me firmly against his belly, where I rubbed myself almost stormily on his cock. Somehow it always made me hornier and everything was flooded between my legs.

Maybe at that moment I would have even allowed it if he had pushed my dress open me. But then he slowly pulled my dress up until he pushed it over my hips and my stomach. I could now feel his piston much better and urged myself to be almost unconcerned against exploitation. He understood that I liked this contact, now put his hands firmly on my now bare buttocks and pressed me tightly against him again.

But then everything went pretty quickly. Suddenly one hand slipped further down and before I could react, a finger pushed between my legs and pressed against my pussy. A flash twitch through me and I wouldn’t have done anything now rather than pushed my panties aside to give the finger the opportunity to penetrate me. But once again my conscience, my fear that something could go wrong. That the game would cross a limit.

But Günther is really a gigolo. When he realized that I was not referring him, but also gave him no signs that he should go on, his finger pushed further forward until he met my pleasure button. And it had happened to me. If all the party guests had stood around around us, I wouldn’t have been! I groaned and enjoyed the horny desire between my legs. I now pressed my pussy against his finger, rubbed my gender on him and his hard exploitation and only wanted one thing: come! Come on his finger!“Andrea now breathed a hard time and it was to look at how she now heated up the story.

She now kept driving her tongue over her lips and regularly wiped strands of hair out of her sweaty forehead. My cock was almost softened, so she felt her grotto. Yes, I could even feel how her wet ran over my testicles and down between my PoSpot. I was now excited to do how it had continued and the story, or whatever really happened, also left my cock hard and firmly in her pussy, while my whole body literally vibrated with excitement.

On the other hand, I was somehow afraid that she would confess to me now that she had had this youngster fucked. On the other hand, I would now have a description of how Günter had put his cock into her pussy, exploded immediately. But I saw that my wife, but also me, needed a little break. She now supported herself with her hands on my chest, straightened up and began to let her pelvis and her pussy be circulated on my cock.

It was clear that a film was going on in front of her eyes. While I heard the smacking noises between her legs, I wondered what she was imagining. She just got the scene back when Günther had his finger on her pussy or now imagined that he had fucked her?But even without being able to guess her thoughts, the situation turned me on: my wife riding on my cock, excited how I hadn’t seen her for a long time, with her horny breasts and steep nipples right in front of my eyes and dreamy,horny look.

Her mouth was slightly open and kept pushing soft sigh over her lips as she keeps moistening her dry lips with her tongue. If her pussy hadn’t been so wet and widened, so that the attraction of my gender was limited, I would probably have long since pumped my seeds into her pussy. Or was that maybe even her strategy now? She wanted me to come so that she didn’t have to tell me the rest? Now a feeling of jealousy came over again.

I wanted, no, I had to know if she had Günther fucked. “Next tells!“I gasped. But Andrea didn’t seem to hear me, she made no institutions to react to my request. Panting, her pelvis continued on my cock, but now interrupted again and again of the movements of her pussy, so that she has repeatedly shattered on my cock. I was just about to ask her again when she suddenly threw her head back and I felt at the same time how my cock was massaged in her pussy.

A long and loud “ooaahhhh..“Confirmed my climax. Her body started to tremble and she groaned again until she finally tipped forward and then breathed heavily to lie on me. “Wooa.. is it good!“She whispered in my ear. I was afraid that it could have been when she started nibbling on my ear: “As I know you”, she then said, “you would certainly like to know the rest, or?”” Yes, I would like to know that!””O.

K. I really grated my pussy and clit on his finger until I came. I don’t know what exactly happened then how exactly. I only know that my legs suddenly gave up and I sagged away. But not far, because I somehow fell on Güther’s fingers, who suddenly stuck in my pussy. I don’t know how he was able to push my slip as quickly as possible and brought my fingers to my pussy.

I just didn’t notice it. But in any case he was in me. I felt how his fingers started playing in me and these movements in my pussy almost brought me to frenzy. I was now pressing myself tightly, yes, almost my pussy squeezed on his fingers. Would we have been alone now or in his workshop, I am sure that I couldn’t have said no anymore. I am sure that he fucked me and I would have loved to take my pussy towards him.

But then I heard your voice in the corridor. You asked someone if he saw me and your voice suddenly brought me back into the present. Even if it was quite difficult for me, but I loosened from him and then told him that we have to end here. However, Güther said that it was unfair now. After all, I had a great climax and he is now standing around with a big cock.

So he couldn’t among the people. “And you just left him like this?“Andrea suctions the air:” No, I then opened his pants, got his cock out and made it by hand. He was also so excited that it didn’t take long. “And then you just got him down one?”” Well, it wasn’t that simple either. He has a nice, big and thick cock. And to be honest, I was still close to let him fuck me.

But then I only massaged it by hand until he just sprayed on the floor. “Andrea suddenly started giggling. “I hope he was still wiping. Because afterwards I am right out of the room. However, I went around the house at the back so that it doesn’t stand out so. You know the rest. “She sat up again and began to ride me. But Andrea did not close her eyes again this time, but quite the contrary, she fixed me as if she had something on her heart.

“Would you like to do me a favor?“She finally asked. “Yes, what do you want?”” “Tell me how it could have been if I hadn’t kept myself back? How would Günther born me?”” You want me to tell you how another man takes you?“I asked a little surprised. “That would be a small balance that I didn’t do it,” she said back. “Well,” I started, “but then I want to have some of it too!””Yes what?”” Ask me that I should fuck you from behind!”Andrea looked at me as if she had to fight me, but then I heard” dirty “words from her mouth for the first time:” Yes, Anton, I want you to fuck me now from behind.

Put your horny cock in my wet, horny pussy from behind and give me properly, fuck me properly!“With that we changed position and just when I put my cock tip on her pussy I heard to my surprise Andrea again:“ Oh, yes that is cool. I want to be fucked now, really horny by you!“And I did her a favor. As firm as I could I pushed my cock deep into my wife’s grotto.

Moaning she leaned far forward, supported herself on her arms, while I held onto her buttocks with my hands and fucked her as firmly and deeply as I could. While my pelvis met her buttocks again and again, I told my imagination herself: “You sit on his fingers and enjoy his gimmicks in your pussy. “Wait!“You whisper Günther in the ear,“ until my husband is gone again. Not that he hears us!“But Günther just keep playing and you have to pull yourself together so that you don’t groan.

When some sighs come over your lips, he puts his lips back on yours and begins to cuddle with you while continuing to spoil your grotto with his fingers. His hand is very wet because you literally wit it into it, you are incredibly sharp and wet between your legs. Then you hear how I go away and it will be quiet again in the corridor. “I hear Andrea Keuchen and Keuchen. “Get my cock out! He orders you and you open his pants and get his cock out of his panties.

You like it: he is big, fat and hard. You start playing with your hand while you still feel your fingers in your pussy. You hear how his breath will be difficult and he enjoys your treatment. But you know that you can’t stay away forever. You tell him that you don’t have unlimited time and he nods to you understood. Then everything goes very quickly. He turns around, presses yourself on the freezer and willingly you spread your legs.

You know that he now not only has a good view of your pussy, but that you will feel this horny cock in you. “I have to take a break, now focus on the feeling of my cock in the wet tightness of Andreas Grotte and have to be careful not to cum before I’m finished with my story. But now Andrea begs: “Tell telling! Please tell!”” And then you feel it. You feel the tip at your entrance and immediately after that your pussy is stretched and you feel how Günther pushes your cock into your grotto.

For a long time you have another cock than mine in your grotto. Can you feel it, you want a strange cock in your pussy?“Now even my feelings went through me. “Yes, Günther, push your cock into my ehenpussy and fuck me! Firmly!“” Yes, you horny marriage mare, you want to be fucked now?“I whine. “Yes, fuck me, Günther, fuck me right through! I want to be your marriage mare now!“Andreas continued to play unrestrained.

“And like my cock? Is better than your husband’s tail?“I gasped. “Yes, that’s a ….oooaahhhh!“Her muscles now almost crush my cock and this also made me explode. “I..Spray … you … I … “I gasped” Besam my ehenpussy. Günther, spray into my pussiiiiiiiiiii!“Then we sagged together exhausted. Breathing and totally pumped out, we just stayed next to each other for a few minutes and only slowly I became aware of what had happened. Andrea also seemed to be embarrassed, because we were simply wordlessly side by side and everyone seemed to hang up again, had to digest the first step again that we had taken another step again.

Otherwise we were still snuggling together or albert, but now the situation had changed. And so I asked the question of the questions again: “You really want to fuck Günther? I mean, not just can no longer resist the game, but in seducing, so on purpose … I know I have already asked you. But now, I have the feeling.. as..“I couldn’t explain it in more detail, but I was sure that the situation had changed.

Actually, I now had an indignant “you are crazy!“Expected, but it took a few minutes for Andrea to answer me. “Want to and do are probably two different things here. I think you know that this guy somehow captivates me. If I were not married to you now, I will surely put in Günther’s bed. Even if I knew he has another tomorrow. But he somehow excites me.

But after I’m married to you, I’m lying with you now. But I’ve already told you that. “She looked over at me. “And that’s not bad either! And that will remain so. I also don’t know if it is right to play with Günther like this. Sure, it all turns us on, but I should avoid him more, even if we miss one or the other story! Or do you have anything else?”” …

I … something else?“It echoed through my brain. Andrea thought that I would give her green light to take this Günther to a lover? Actually, I could have said no right now and the thing would probably have been done, but in me the thought in my brain had stuck to see Andrea with Günther fuck. And Günther would take part in my security. He had no inhibitions to eat a married woman, not even when the husband was nearby and there was a risk that one would be caught.

It might not be irrelevant with him, but for a married woman this would have had uncomfortable consequences. But this seemed to be no idea to the guy. So why should he say no in a threesome, or if the husband really watched?On the other hand, Andrea and I also had a lot of fun with the game, even if it was dangerous, as my wife had just confessed to me. And yet, the devil rode me now, I had an idea: “Did you like the game, I mean, you now have a guilty conscience?”I asked Andrea.

“Yes and somehow no. Actually already. As a married woman, I can’t actually let it get that far and make it by hand to a young man. Especially when I imagine someone would have discovered us. On the other hand, it was somehow turned and if I see your reaction now, I might even do it right. But why do you ask that now?”” If you have, I mean, you would repeat such gadgets with Günther, I mean … if it would allow the situation?“Andrea looked at me with big eyes.

“You mean…. “You could see that she was in words, but not the right one. “Yes, I mean you often let yourself go for a game with him. We have a lot of fun doing it ourselves. ““ But you are already clear that it can really happen that I may no longer be able to say no and then I let him fuck me. It was not fun that it was already scarce now.

The boy really turns me on and I think that I should often get involved with him with him, but then you also have to expect that I will tell you how his cock feels in my pussy. “But you would play along?”” I don’t know Anton, I have to sleep about it. “This ended the topic at first and it was clear to me that this would be a no. She would probably avoid Günther now and these gimmicks would end.

Also my dream would probably have been dreamed of for the time being. If Andrea “had to sleep”, it was usually a no the next day. But what should perhaps be the most sensible. But I had underestimated Günther. When I came home from work the next day, Andrea just covered the table. I cleared my jacket away and when I sat down at my wife at the table, I immediately noticed that she was oppressed.

She somehow poked around in her meal and bit her lips again and again as if she was afraid to say something. “What’s going on?”I asked,” I see that something is depressed. “Andrea looked at me. I saw that she was nervous and insecure, something that I didn’t even know with her. Then she put the fork on the table and leaned back in the chair, as if she needed distance.

“And?“I hold again. “Günther called today!“Now I also put the cutlery back on the table. “He would like to finish this where we stopped yesterday, he said. “So he wants to fuck you. And what did you say?”” I didn’t say anything, I was just too surprised. Then he simply meant, expected today at 20. 00 a.m. at the pallatin on me. “Pallatin was a danceable, about 30 kilometers away.

But you could also eat well there. The restaurant itself also had some homely niches who had a table for only 2 people each. So the restaurant was very popular with couples who wanted to experience a romantic evening. On the other hand, it was good that it was a little away. So the probability that she was not very high by someone who knew her who knew her. “And.. What do you think?“I asked my wife a little unsure.

I remembered the question from the evening before what she wanted to sleep again. “What I think? I don’t know myself. But … “” But what?“I saw her cheeks red. Then I looked at me as if she wanted to read my thoughts with me: “I’m already completely wet between my legs!“I slowly realized that the Pandora Büxe was still open and now I didn’t know myself whether I should close it again or leave it open.

It took an eternity in which we looked at each other and hoped that the other would say something and make a decision. And it was clear to me that each of us knew that it might be a mistake if Andrea went to this pallatin tonight, but everyone knew that it could be attractive for each of us. If I had known that at some point there could still be a possibility that I could watch or with this Günther a threesome with Andrea, I would have approved immediately.

But so I always had a guilty conscience because I could see Andrea literally opened up between her lust for this man and the loyalty towards me. But it was also kind of dangerous that she was ultimately driving it behind my back with Günther. And that was not only the worst variant, but also the most likely in my view when we let the game go on like this. Finally I ended the silence: “You want to fuck with him, or?“Andrea seemed visibly embarrassed, her voice now sounded quiet and careful.

“I don’t know why, but I’m … I’m just horny for the boys. But I understand you when you say no. Then I stay at home too. And yes, I would like to feel his cock in my pussy, but on the other hand … ”, she almost desperately looked at me,“ I don’t know if I can do that?”So it is my decision. “”Yes!“Loud I blown out the air between my lips. I was crazy? Why didn’t I just say no? Why did I take the risk? Why didn’t this crazy pandora cheek closed? Why did I want to hear from Andreas Mund how Günther nailed her? What made me so that I left my wife to another man?”All right then.

But I want to know everything. Everything!”” Would you endure everything?”” If at all, then I don’t want you to have secrets in front of me. So: everything!“And you are clear that I may tell you exactly how I was fucked by another man. And it is clear to you that you might hurt you too?”” “I think it would be a little if I had to assume that you have secrets from me. “Andrea nodded. I looked at her face that she was still not sure whether she or I did the right act.

But she wanted this Günther, she wanted him to have him. That could no longer be hidden. At half past eight, Andrea then left the house. She had made herself nicely, subtly made up and was wearing a light, knee -length summer skirt and a blouse. I thought I could see that she was not wearing a bra. When she came out of the bedroom, I was able to see clearly how her breasts bumped under the blouse in the rhythm of her step. But when I asked her about it, she just said that she would tell me everything if she was back.

A little later I heard her car left the farm. I sat up the couch and switched on the TV. I don’t know how often I had blown through all the channels, but I couldn’t concentrate on anything. What would happen? I wondered how he would take her, what he would come up with and whether Andrea would actually tell me everything. But with the idea of how Andrea describes the scenes for me while I was in it, I immediately got a stiffness.

I walked back on the couch and let my thoughts run wild. The more detailed I imagined Andrea’s stories, the more excited I became and at some point I opened my pants and started playing on my cock myself. The television continued, but I didn’t get anything from the program for a long time. I played carefully and almost gently on myself, but just so much that the stimulus didn’t get too violent.

I enjoyed the tingling feeling in my lumbar area and the ideas of how Andrea would tell me what happened. Then I heard a car that stopped in front of the house and ashamed I immediately stopped with my gimmicks, stowed my cock back in my pants. But just when I am through the window I wanted to see if Andrea was back, I heard the car drive away again. But when I still peek out of the window, I saw our neighbors, who was currently running up his front door.

I looked at the clock: 23. 00 a.m. So they took a lot of time! But now that the excitement had subsided in me again, I somehow felt strange. Again I asked myself why I gave my wife to another man and that excited me. I was perverted? I couldn’t answer the question now, and it was now too late anyway. I myself had given my wife permission to do so.

I sat on the couch again, began to zap and wait: 24. Still alone, 1. Still no Andrea. Should I be worried? But what should I tell the police? So I left the matter on it and went to bed. After all, I also had to go to work this morning, so I needed some sleep. But I fell asleep. I always woke up, looked at whether Andrea was already in bed next to me or if I could hear something.

But even when the alarm clock rang around six and I crawled out of bed as if crushed, the bed next to me was still empty. A fleet of feeling crept me and I thought about what could have happened. But when I passed the living room door, it was only based and I heard noises. I carefully peeked through the door and saw that the television was running. In the glow of the screen I also saw my wife, who was sleeping on the couch.

At first I was tried to wake her up and ask what happened. But then I closed the living room door quietly and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. But when I had breakfast I noticed that I was still completely confused. Apart from the fact that I could hardly keep my eyes open, a lot of things went through my head. Even during work, I couldn’t really concentrate, so that on that day I only did work that did not need the full concentration.

So for the first time I had sorted my documents and folders again for half a year and re -filed papers or brought them into the shelf. As I later noticed, I could have saved it, since most of it was later found in the wrong folders. But when I entered the apartment again at home, the tiredness was blown away and I was only curious about my wife and her narrative.

When I heard her “hello” from the kitchen, my cock was already pressing against my pants. “And how was the evening? Tell!”” No welcome kiss?“Andrea made a pouting face. Immediately after that my wife received her requested. When I asked her again after yesterday evening, she said, I should be patient, she would tell me everything, but at first she is hungry. And after something edible!And in fact, Andrea had taken a lot of time with dinner.

In addition, she told about everything she was doing and with whom she had called today, but avoided the action of the evening before. When we finished eating, she asked me to clear the table, she would have something to do. I didn’t pay more attention to what she still had to do, but my wife did the favor. But when I cleared the table, my wife was not yet back and I decided what where she was and what she actually wanted to do.

When I went into the hallway, I immediately noticed the ajar bedroom door and immediately I knew that what she wanted to do could be a surprise for me in the bedroom. So with pleasure I went to our bedroom and slowly pushed the door open. Immediately it got tight in my pants when I saw what Andrea had to do: she knelt with her legs spread wide on the bed, with her face to the door.

She was wearing a red bra, but it was so little covered that even her steep nipples could be seen. The panties actually did not earn this name, but was just a red something that was obviously open in her crotch. The one in her pussy was an almost huge plastic cock that she had put on the bed and which she now rode with relish. But the most surprising was the stocking holder and the red stockings that were attached with suspenders.

“Wohh!“I didn’t get more out. Andrea smiled at me, then closed my eyes and now began to piss off with the dildo. She played on her clit with one hand while her other hand was struggling with her breasts. I wondered whether Andrea now imagined that she would be fucked by Günther and I would watch now. The only thought made me to tear my clothes off my mind at no time.

But when I crawled on the bed next to her, she gave me to understand that I should only watch. In fact, she had probably already made a living room armchair into the bedroom during the day, which I should sit on now. Was that a new game?But more out of curiosity, than from desire, I sat down naked in the armchair and while my hand lay around my steep tail my wife began to tell: “When I arrived at the pallatin, Günther was already waiting for me at the entrance.

As I drove into the parking lot, he was already waving friendly to me. I waved back almost shyly. It’s a strange feeling to meet with a man that you know that he actually only wants one thing: with me to bed. Somehow I was nervous and insecure. In the few meters from the parking lot to the entrance, I was considering whether it would not be better to just turn around and make a back. But as soon as I stood in front of Günther, the thoughts were blown away.

He hugged me and I got a kiss on the cheek that I then returned well. “You look great! Fantastic!”He said. You know, I always like to hear compliments!”Thanks!“I gave back. When we came to the restaurant, a waitress showed us the way to a table in a niche that was pretty offside and barely visible from other tables. So Günther had already taken care of. “Would you like to dance?” asked he. “Gladly. I like to dance for my life.

“I expected that he would press me right from the start and take full advantage of dancing, I saw myself quickly deceived. Sure, he pulled me tightly, but it was never pushy. However, I felt his closeness and of course our bodies touched, but his hands always stayed where they belonged to when dancing. Slowly now the nervousness with me and finally I started enjoying the evening.

Only when we went back to the table after a few dances did I feel his hand on my buttocks. We sat down at our table and started chatting. But just when the operation came to our table to record the order, his hand lay on my thigh. The touch immediately let this tingling rise in me again. I don’t know why, but the touch was just more than pleasant. When the waitress stood in front of us and the order started, he began to stroke my thighs through the fabric.

I struggled to give up my order because I concentrated fully on this hand. But Günther did not seem to disturb the presence of the operation in the slightest. Completely unabashedly he gently stroked my legs, while the waiter stood in front of us with her block and the ballpoint pen. While the operation then turned to him, he pushed his hand even further forward until he reached the hem of my skirt and immediately disappeared his hand under my skirt, so that I could now feel his hand on my bare skin.

Without somehow thinking about it, I willingly opened my legs to him. I don’t know either, but his direct way is somehow irresistible to me. The operation noted our order on a piece of paper and just when she wanted to go, she noticed Günther’s arm, who had disappeared under the table and put on an understanding smile. It was clear to me that the service knew what was going on there. But instead of being embarrassed to me, the excitement grew in me.

I felt hot, while Günther’s hand was slowly moving upside down on the inside of my thighs. And as before, I continued to open my legs to him. And then his fingers touched my panties. I literally winced when I could only feel his fingers on my pussy, only separately by the fabric of the brief. Slowly and gently stroked it and the rubbing was transferred to my gender and especially to my clit.

I felt how I got wet and began to tingle it in my pool. During this he told about the nice place and that I was a good dancer, completely regardless of what his hand was doing under the table. But to be honest, I didn’t notice anything because I only concentrated on his touch in my step. But then he started to push my panties aside with his fingers.

“Günther, please!“I gasped when I could finally feel his finger directly on my exposed pussy. But instead of taking back, his fingers started playing on me and soon he had found my clitoris. I closed my eyes, had to concentrate on not to moan and literally heard my heart began to knock. When I had a certain extent again, I opened my eyes and saw Günther smiled at me as if nothing had happened.

I looked around and when I saw no one who watched us, I slipped a little forward, so that he now got the opportunity to slide a little further back with his fingers. And Günther understood immediately and soon afterwards I felt his fingers on my grotto. His fingers gently divided my labia and right afterwards a finger dipped into my hot opening. I didn’t notice anything for a moment. My lips were dry and my whole body was flooded by a feeling of excitation, as I hadn’t known for a long time.

It was somehow irrational. I never thought that I would be fingered in a restaurant. But now the events even made me really horny. “Andrea took a little break, let her pelvis circle over the dildo and then tried to drive the plastic tail a little deeper into her pussy. “Do you like it?“She asked in an almost wicked voice. “Yes continue!“I gasped while my hand slowly on my mast and removed.

“It was only when I saw the service to come back to our table that I realized where we were and I asked Günther to take my hand away. But Günther simply ignored my objection and instead a second finger bored into my grotto. Finally, the operation was back in front of our table and when it turned the glasses, I was able to look around, where she intentionally bowed to the front, where Günther’s hand was.

For a moment I had the feeling that I could read something like excitement in her eyes as if she had liked to exchanged with me. But then she moved away again without saying anything. “I think she likes you!“Günther said when she was gone again. “How do you get it on it?“It was more of a wheezing than a normal say. “You saw that! That would certainly like to spoil you now too.

Have you ever done something with a woman?”” No, I don’t have and I don’t know if I would do it. “But in my thoughts I just introduced myself to stroke me and let her tongue be circulated over my clit and I was no longer so sure whether I had said no there. At that moment I was somehow even surprised at myself that I could even imagine being able to become intimate with a woman.

Günther apparently always aroused new sides in me. Obviously, Günther also looked at my thoughts to me, which he leaned over to me now and before he kissed me gently, he whispered to me how both should now imagine that this service would kneel and lick my pussy. When his fingers pushed into my pussy a little deeper at the same time, it was impossible for me to suppress a moan. It was really good that we had got a table that was a little offside.

“It started to circle in my head. My wife together with another? This thought had never come to me, but he was electrifying. I planned to discuss this topic with her later. “Soon afterwards I also felt Günther’s tongue in my mouth and while our tongues began to play, his fingers almost brought me to ecstasy in my pussy. However, the position was now a bit complicated and since Günther leaned over to me, it was difficult for him to play on me with his hand and his fingers.

He probably leaned back a bit and then took his hand out of my crotch, which left a strange emptiness in my gender. I would have loved to take his hand now and put it back between my legs. But then he leaned over to me again, but his mouth now went towards my ear: “I think your panties bothers something!“I looked at him amazed, knowing exactly what he was expecting from me now.

He breathed a kiss on me and then said that I shouldn’t stay away for too long, which he thought I shouldn’t do it myself on the toilet. It was as if he had hypnotized me. I got up without a word and went to the ladies’ toilet. As soon as I closed the cabin door, I pulled my panties over my feet and stuffed it in my handbag. Although I knew Günther was waiting for me, I couldn’t hold myself back.

I worked down the toilet cover and sat on it wide -legged. Already when I got in the ladies’ toilet, I saw whether I was really alone. Still I was listening a little, but I couldn’t hear anything. Then I leaned back until I could lean on my back on the cistern, spread my legs and immediately then my fingers dipped into my overflowing pussy. I almost didn’t dare to touch my clit because I was afraid to come immediately.

So I only stroked a few times between my labia and enjoyed the touch of my fingers in my gender. My point of view and immediately afterwards my middle finger dived deep into my wet grotto. At first slowly, then faster I pushed deep into my pussy, imagined that it was Günther’s cock, who fucked me and felt how a climax was approaching quickly. I felt the twitching, contracting my vaginal muscles and just before I came, I pulled my fingers out of me and just got up.

Everything raged, itched and twitched and I would have needed nothing more than an orgasm. But now I didn’t want to withhold this game from Günther and so I went back with wheezing steps. On the way to our table I also passed the counter, where the waitress just tapped a beer. She looked at me briefly, then smiled mischievously and then turned her eyes back onto the glass in front of her.

When I sat next to Günther again, he looked at me with a smile. “So you couldn’t leave it, or you? Did you come or you stopped playing on yourself beforehand?“His corners of his mouth went far apart to a triumphant smile. “How do you know that?“I asked embarrassed and still breathing hard. “First,” he said, “your face and your neck is red like a tomato and secondly I’m slowly scared for your blouse.

Your nipples will slowly wander through. “I almost panicked I looked down. And in fact my nipples pressed clearly through the thin fabric of the blouse. Now it was also clear to me the look of the service. She also had to have seen my nipples clearly. “So, done or not?”” How, what ..?“Of course I knew what he meant. He looked at me with a smile that said more when he could have asked with words. I swallowed: “Not done!”” Make.

Keep on to the end!”” What here?””Yes here!“I looked around. Nobody took special attention from us. Slowly my hand drove under the table, pushed himself under my skirt and then higher until I reached my pussy. I spread my legs a bit again and then slowly started playing on my clit. Immediately I felt the flashes through my pussy lawn and I was now sure that I would leave a wet spot in the chair.

My breath was increasingly restless and my pelvis twitched with every touch on my pleasure button. “You can imagine how the service licks you. You feel her tongue on your pussy?””You’re crazy!“My voice now sounded hoarse and rough. But in fact I closed my eyes and imagined how the operation would now kneel under our table and lick my pussy. Once again I touched my pleasure button and then everything exploded in me.

I just twitched on the chair and I bit my lips so as not to cry out loud. I felt my whole body trembled and I had trouble keeping myself on the chair. My nipples now literally scratched the fabric of my blouse and sent other small flashes through my heated body. Only slowly I calmed down again and just when I put my hand back on the table, the operation came to cash in.

Günther had obviously informed her that he wanted to pay. We hadn’t even drunk half of the drinks. Günther was obviously in a hurry. And I was grateful for him!This time her gaze fell on my hand and when I also looked at my fingers, I only noticed that they were still wet and shiny. She looked through Günther mischievously, wished us a very successful evening and then disappeared behind the counter again.

“I thought we would go better before we got trouble,” said Günther and got up. I followed him out without a word. Although the siller was still warm and pleasant, it at least caused a little cooling. At least as far as my head affected, but it was still burning between my legs. “You can drive with me. You can pick up your car later or tomorrow. “He put his arm around my hip and led me to his car.

He opened my passenger door, let me get in and then got on on the driver’s side. “” And you really have, I mean.. in the local?“I was still perplexed“ Yes, I have. And it was one of the most impossible, wicked and hottest things I’ve ever done. I would never have dared to do that, but at that moment it was incredibly cool!“Then she continued:“ We initially drove a few kilometers along the main road before we then turned into a side path.

Finally, the side path became a forest path that led through a small forest before a kind of weekend house could be seen on a clearing. I looked at him surprised. “Nobody will bother us here,” said Günther, “the weekend house belongs to me!“But as soon as the car had come to a standstill, Günther leaned over to me and our mouths merged into an intimate, hot kiss. Our tongues met and immediately after that I also felt his hand on my breast.

He began to massage my balls tenderly before trying to twire my nipples through the thin fabric. Playing on my breasts and nipples was not without consequences and soon my whole body tingled again. Then Günther suddenly interrupted our cuddling, got out and no minute later I stood in front of him, again our mouths merged with each other. But this time his hands immediately found the buttons of my blouse and when he had all opened, I helped him pull my blouse over my shoulders until it was on the ground.

My hand lay on his head and pulled it up to me. I felt his delicate kisses on my neck and neck. And when he also started nibbling carefully on my earlobes, a quiet moan escaped me. His lips then began to hike further down and left a moist track on my skin. And when his lips surrounded my nipples and sucked it gently for the first time, I escaped another moan again and I gasped something from “Oh God” or something like that.

In any case, everything started to vibrate in me. Alternately played, sucked, sucked and nibbled on my breasts and on my nipples. And he did that very well. You know that I am very sensitive anyway, but Günther managed that I was completely removed from the world. I only enjoyed these touches with closed eyes and the feelings that they triggered in me. I could even feel how my own wetness ran down my thighs.

Somewhere I heard him say that I have the hottest breasts he would have ever seen. Sure I knew that it should only be a compliment that he would probably say to every woman, but at that moment it made me proud and I felt as a desirable woman. A desirable woman with great, horny breasts!I was always groaning more uninhibitedly and as if he wanted to give me relief, his lips finally wandered down again.

His lips stroked gently over my stomach, taking short breaks again and again and gently kissed me and sucked on my skin slightly. And so I didn’t do any resistance, yes, even when he opened the buttons of my skirt, which, like the blouse, soon lay on the floor. I was now naked in front of him and assumed that he would now be troubled by my pussy.

I willingly put my legs apart and winced briefly when the air on my wet pussy now felt it cool. But instead he suddenly said that I should wait for a moment that he would get something. Surprised and also a bit frustrated whether the abrupt interruption, I watched as he went to the car, opened the trunk lid and took out a blanket. He put her on the floor next to me and said I was happy to take a seat.

I don’t know if just think about it about it or think about something like that at this moment. But I thought that this was not a blanket for a floor outdoors. She was definitely not cheap, felt very soft and cozy and I would never have put such a blanket on the floor outdoors. She would have been too good for me. But on the other hand, that’s what I felt so honored and sought that Günther used such an expensive blanket for me.

“I didn’t say anything now, but to pay attention to the idea of the quality of a blanket in this situation, probably only got my wife ready. “Günther helped me lay my back on the ceiling. While he didn’t let me out of his eyes, he also put his clothes off. When he finally put his shorts and stood in front of me again, I could now see his gender in the moonlight clearly too.

His cock steeply and hard from him and somehow I felt the desire to retire with my mouth on this piston. But then he knelt next to me and started kissing and pampering me again on my neck and on my breasts. I had now supported my arms, but now put my head back on my neck and, as before, concentrated me on the gentle touch of his mouth with closed eyes, which chase me more and more intensely through my body.

And when I felt his mouth over my stomach even further down, I lay back completely and my legs opened almost automatically for his tongue. Somehow I had wanted his tongue on my pussy now and also assumed that he would lick my pussy now. But now he crawled under me until he knelt between my legs and now it looked like a man who was not my husband would now climb and fuck.

It was this feeling again to cheat on you. On the other hand, I would have preferred nothing now than opened my legs for his cock, but on the other hand it also reported a guilty conscience. Günther now knelt directly between my legs and looked at my pussy with a glassy look. He must have seen how wet and ready I was, maybe he was even able to smell my juices. He then looked me in the face and maybe he saw it in my facial expression, or he had something else about it, at least I don’t know.

In any case, he thought about some time, but then suddenly reached under my legs and raised them up, then literally pushed it towards me, so that my buttocks rose from the floor and my knees almost pushed my breasts. His hands now held my legs against me so that I couldn’t roll back. In order not to tip away, I had to support myself with my arms on the side. I looked at him surprised and watched his head to lower and I immediately felt his mouth on my pussy.

Even if this position was somewhat uncomfortable, the tingling and twitching in my pussy compensated me fully during his touch. I felt his tongue, which shared my labia and then slid forward until she rubbed over my clit. He repeated the game several times and with every touch of his tongue on my pleasure button I groaned loudly. But then his tongue wandered back to my grotto. I felt how he tried to penetrate my vagina with the tip of the tongue, then drove back to my Klit between my labia.

My pussy shook, everything twitched. Again and again his tongue moved back and forth, licked, sucked and played with me. Günther’s face was now completely soaked by my juices. His chin, his mouth, even his cheeks shone in the moonlight moist. Only now did I realize that we had full moon. I don’t know whether Günther had taken into account or was a coincidence. Again his tongue immersed in my vagina, like a small movable cock he widened my entrance.

It was only when I twitched that he pulled his tip of the tongue back and didn’t let me get across the border. But instead of that he drove forward to my clit as before before, I suddenly felt his tip of his tongue over my dam and before I realized what was happening, his tongue urged my anus. The feeling was somehow new, spoiled, exciting, I don’t know, at least I just shouted on. I actually found what he thought, dirty and perverse, but the tingling was just as new, indescribable and exciting.

My whole pelvis was in turmoil, the touches sent flash everywhere, even my pussy started to twitch. I had no idea that I was so sensitive. “I wondered if that was a request that I should do that with her too? Although the idea had something exciting, at least playing the idea of playing on her bottom, I came to the conclusion that it was probably only the narrative. But I planned to talk to her about it too.

Maybe we should try anal sex. “And while his tongue continued over my anus I got nothing more real. One orgasm wave after the other shook me, I screamed, gasped and only came back to me when Günther put my legs back onto the floor. I only came back to reality when he lay down on the blanket next to me and when I felt his mouth back on my lips.

He had somehow dried his face;I hadn’t even noticed that. I still tasted remnants of my pussy juice, but his face was dry. “You may put my cock in your mouth?“He asked considerably. You know that I am usually not the blowing friend, but in this case I couldn’t refrain from him. “Sit down!“He said and then stood in front of me with his erect piston. Exhausted and yet somehow excited I was fun to spoil his cock with my mouth.

At first I sucked on it, then licked again to make it disappear as deep as possible in my warm cave. You can imagine that Günther was also quite heated, and so it didn’t take long for me to feel his twitch. At first I wanted to withdraw, because I somehow find it disgusting to be injected into my mouth, especially from a stranger. And so I thought about whether I should really do it, but before I made a decision, I already felt his first thrust in my mouth.

I was so surprised that I only opened my mouth. I only tasted a peculiar but not necessarily uncomfortable salty taste that slowly filled my mouth. I heard Günther gasped as he continued to pump his seed in my mouth. But since I somehow had scruples to swallow, I just let my mouth open a little, so that his seed ran down my chin and literally flooded my breasts and my stomach.

It was incredible which amounts of seeds Günther sprayed into my mouth. But at that moment I found no feeling of disgust, more of eroticism and well, how should I express it, as a woman who sometimes dared to go to “spoiled area”. “Andrea now took a break again and when I saw her between her legs, the dildo was almost completely gone in her pussy. I saw her muscles worked on the stomach, how she played in her with the dildo.

She had now bent a little forward so that she could better push the art tail in her pussy, but had to support herself on the bed so that she could no longer play on herself. “We were on the ceiling for half an hour before we drove back and drove back. When I came to the house, everything was already dark. On the one hand, I didn’t want to wake you up, on the other hand I also had to think about what happened last night.

So I stayed in the living room and then slept on the couch. “She took a break, then looked at me with a demanding look and then waved my finger to herself. It was already clear from her eyes that this would not be the only surprise of this evening. When I sat on the bed with her, she got up a bit, pulled the dildo out of her pussy and just threw it on the floor.

“Lay on,” said Andrea and I was excited about her. As soon as I was lying on my back, my wife climbed over me in such a way that I had her pussy exactly above my face. She lowered her butt something so that I had no trouble dipping into her gender with my tongue. But at the same time I also felt her hand on my cock and then something warm that was around my tail tip.

Her pussy was so wet that my face was wetted by her juices almost immediately. Her pussy seemed wide and stretched and I had no trouble sinking my tongue deep into my wife’s grotto while a little wet ran down my chin. At the same time, she sucked carefully on my cock, let her tongue play on my cock and soon we groaned the bet. She rubbed her pussy on my face and I almost believed that she wanted to pile up on my tongue, but while I couldn’t keep up and my pelvis full of excitement and always tried my cock as deep as possible in herMouth to push.

But then Günther’s tongue came to my mind again on her anus. I hardly had a chance to get to her hole in this position with my tongue. Apart from the fact that I wasn’t sure if I wanted that at all. Anal sex, right with what, we had never tried. But after the attraction of her butt was probably Andrea, I used another option. I managed to push my middle finger deep into her pussy, which my wife acknowledged with a cozy cub.

I was not sure if Andrea really wanted this, and so I left my fingertips gently on her hole and waited how my wife would react to it. But to my surprise, she immediately pushed her pelvis towards me and when I pressed even slightly against her anus, her ring muscle opened and my fingertips were in her buttocks. I had imagined it much more difficult, but my finger penetrated her anus almost without resistance.

I took a short break, also because I didn’t know how careful I had to be. But Andrea simply took the decision to me by stretching her butt further towards me and so my finger slowly but incessantly found his way into my wife’s butt. Finally my finger was in full length in her butt. It was a strange feeling. Her ring muscle was closely around my finger, while “behind” everything was far and not narrow at all, as I had actually imagined.

Slowly I pulled my finger back until only the fingertip put in her bottom and then push it back into her back entrance. Andrea reacted with a quiet moan and for a short time she even released my cock out of her mouth. Only heavy breathing could be heard at that moment and then she said that I can get a little more firmly. And so I started fucking her with my finger more and more in her buttocks while she continued to play on my cock at the same time.

Sometimes I only felt her tongue sliding over my shaft, then again how her mouth put it over it and licked it, sucked and then carefully slid along my bolt with her teeth. I thought that during sex with a second man might want to provide her butt her hole and I was interested in how far you could actually stretch the ring muscle. And so I pushed a second finger in her buttocks the next time I dive.

Andrea twitched, but indicated me to make a little slower. But then she pushed her pelvis towards me again and I only held my two fingers towards her, so that she shattered herself to the attack. And just as I touched my hand and I was completely in her, I felt a jerky pulling of her ring muscle and at the same time my face was literally flooded by a gush from her pussy. From somewhere I heard a groaning while I had the feeling that my wife wanted to suck my cock in her mouth.

This was too much for me and with a loud “ooaahh” I just started to spray. So far I had always taken care of not ejaculation in my wife’s mouth because I knew that she was more of a disgusting, I now forgot all the obstacles. And to my surprise, she didn’t release my piston out of her mouth, but even began to swallow. I felt her swallowing movements while I now keep promoting my seed in her mouth.

Even when I fell back completely, I could still feel how she sucked the last drops out of me and then also powerlessly falling next to me on the bed. In all the years of our marriage, Andrea had blown my cock, but had never kept it in the mouth to the end. And now I had been able to experience this “luck” for a second time within a few days. The new thing with anal sex was now surprisingly added to me.

Andrea seemed from the encounter With this Günther in completely new spheres of the sex life to let. We were both completely broken and stayed next to each other for a while only breathing hard. It took a few minutes to turn around and lay down with her. Her eyes looked at me exhausted but satisfied. She pushed herself close to me and it was now more than pleasant to feel her skin on my mine. We pulled the blanket over us and just looked at ourselves without a word.

Both were aware that something had happened in our marriage, that we were running in a direction that we could not estimate, but both of us both attracted us. “I love you!“I finally whispered to her and that came to the deepest heart at that moment. “Same to you!“Whispered Andrea back and I knew she was also meaning it. I was still not sure if I was doing the right thing when I entered Günther’s car dealership the next day during the lunch break, but now there was no back.

Günther probably greeted me like any other customer. He could hide it really well that he had been intimate with my wife. “Can I help you?“He asked confidently and polite. “Yes, possibly” I returned, “but we should not discuss it here in the business room, but in four eyes. Maybe in yours, or may I tell your office?“Günther squeezed his eyes together into a narrow gap and he was in the way that there would be trouble now.

Then he said softly as if there was still someone in the room: “I don’t think there is the right place to carry jealous arguments. I do not attach any importance to fights here in the business. “” First: I’m not there to beat here. Second: if so, then I wouldn’t care where I was talking about you and thirdly: I’m not there here to argue with you, but to discuss something with you!“Günther looked at me with an insecure expression now.

Obviously he couldn’t do anything with this statement. He only looked at me silently and irritated. “So where is the office?“So I was definitely able to. He nodded his head in the direction of a door and when I entered, he immediately closed the door behind him. He offered me a place and then said what there was to discuss. “So good”, I tried to look as confident as possible, although I almost trembled with nervousness, “we don’t need to talk long around the hot porridge.

You have fingered my wife in several situations and you also got her underwear quite a bit. But so far my wife hasn’t let you fuck you yet. Before you ask where I know all of this: you are part of a game. I like it when my wife plays around with other men and then tells me the details. That may be a fetish, but he brings us a lot of horny sex. So if you think you have seduced my wife, then you are wrong.

We chose you!“Günther fell down the chin, it was obvious that he hadn’t expected something like that. I was very happy about this victory inside, even if it wasn’t quite the truth. “Therefore..That’s why, ”he stuttered“ ”..That’s why you never got your horny cock into my wife’s belly. Yes, that’s exactly why my friend, ”I completed his sentence. “And why are you, I mean you here?”” I’ll make you an offer. My wife is really sharp on you.

I’m not sure if she can’t be fucked by you. But..“I took a little break,“ I would agree to it if I was there. So what do you think of one, let’s say, erotic triangular relationship. You can fiddled with two, and then I let it tell me, but it is only fucked with me with a threesome. “Günther had leaned at his table and still seemed completely surprised.

I was waiting for a few minutes, but when he still hadn’t brought out a word, I hooked again: “So what is now: fuck or not. But if you say no now, then it’s over with the other!”” And what Andrea says about it?“He had found his language again. “Andrea is hot for your cock. So I had to decide how to let the game continue to run. I don’t want you to fuck with you behind my back, so the offer.

I am sure that she won’t “say” no with you. On the other hand, you are much too green and unstable for her than that a relationship could develop. So it’s all about sex, nothing. “” And how should that work? Do you tell her that three of us agree or what plan do you have?“So the thing seemed to be running. “Charge Andrea on Friday evening. You can do your game again.

But don’t exaggerate, you should be fit on Saturday. Then you come around 15 on Saturday. 00 a.m. to our house. I will make sure that the front door is not complete. Our bedroom is on the ground floor. If you hear us popping, you just come into the bedroom. I take every bet that Andrea doesn’t throw you out again. “.

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