A bizarre furniture exhibition | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Anne looked thoughtfully into her wardrobe. Just a few days ago, the invitation to fetish venue had come. Stefan, her friend, did very mysterious. One thing was certain – she had to dress in rubber. Stefan’s instructions had been clear and unmistakable. And as far as this topic affected, it was better to follow his instructions. It was best if she decided on an elegant outfit, so she couldn’t do anything wrong today.

She chose her long, black rubber lumps with the right gloves. She grazed granted that smooth, elastic material over her slim Legs and poor. Spontaneously she decided to leave her smoothly shaved shot unmatched today. To go out with a bare step under protective, flattering dumplings, that always appealed to her. It stroked a pleasure through the lap before taking her tight, black rubber saga out of the closet. Close, very closely, she was able to cordon her waist with this bodice, which was reinforced with flexible metal struts.

The corsage grabbed under her breasts from below and raised it as demanding. For months she had had to train until she mastered the art of lacing almost perfectly. Slowly it first raised one, then the other breast over the edge of the corsage before finally closed the lacing with a strong jerk and ordered the end of the band into a loop. Then she pulled the bracket of a small lock through the eyes of the loop and a metal ring at the bottom of the corsage.

Click, the fuse was perfect. Now she could only get rid of the Corsett with Stefan’s permission because he had the key. As always, he had left a number of locks open during his last visit and took the keys with him, a game that always triggered new lust in it. She never knew what would come to her. And it was precisely this uncertainty brought the special kick. She attached the stockings to the corsage, then ran to the dressing table, took heavy, golden D-rings from an case and put them into the perforations of her nipples.

Then she slipped into a knee -length, tight black rubber dress. The breast insert was made of solid, crystal -clear plastic and let her inaked, born breasts be seen. It had a fairly high collar made of strong, stiff rubber that was closed with a gold buckle in the neck and almost looked like a neck corsage. She also secured this buckle with a castle. The sleeves were cut wide and were summarized in wide, tight cuffs around the wrists.

Anne stepped in front of the mirror and looked at her slim shape, almost completely in black rubber. The almost 25 centimeter wide, tight belt made of red paint would mark your waist even better. And then the red pumps with the stiletto heels and the wide straps for the Tie up. So now Stefan could come. She ran restlessly in her apartment. Again and again she looked at the clock – the pointer had rushed over the agreed time for a few minutes when it heralded.

She ran to the door, a look through the spy assured her that Stefan stood outside. She tore up the door wide, presented himself proudly. He took a step back, looked at her with glittering eyes. “You look great, Anne!””Thanks. I’m trying, that’s ok for tonight? What is this meeting about, Stefan?““ Be so curious, wait it.

Look, I brought you something!“He handed her a large box that was integrated into black paint paper. Anne tried to get the loops, but she couldn’t cope, with the rubber gloves it was unable. “I can’t get it up!”” You have no scissors?“Stefan watched how she rummaged a scissors from her secretary and thus separated the gift ribbon. She hurried the box and picked the lid off.

In the box was a bright red short petrch made of high shiny lacquer material, with far swinging shape and a large hood under the wide stand -up collar. Inside it was lined with fragrant, soft rubber. She put him on the armchair, session both arms around Stefan and kissed him passionately, “He is beautiful, Stefan!“He replied the hug, his hands could almost fully comprise their slim waist. He gently stroked her chest, which presented himself to him in a transparent plastic.

His right drove under the hem of her dress, and a path between the rubber -wrapped thighs came up. When he felt the naked shot of his lover, he closed his lips with his mouth, let his tongue penetrate deeply while his hand gently massaged her shot. Anne tried to pull him onto the sofa. “Not now, Anne. Let us go, otherwise we’ll be late!“Sighly she fell his wish, let him off and slipped into her new coat.

He closed her belt around her waist and buttoned the coat to the chin. “I want you to always wear him completely closed, that’s what it looks best!”” Your wish was “to me” Flatest Anne, while she was followed by the door to the apartment and Stefan to the car. Anne didn’t ask where she was going, she knew that she didn’t get an answer anyway. She was silent next to him in the car, put her hand on his rubber trench while he concentrated entirely on the traffic.

She didn’t even know how long they had driven when they had reached their goal, an old warehouse in one of the industrial districts of the suburb,. She noticed that on the parking spot A lot of cars stood, mostly vehicles of the upper class. She would not have expected that here – and above all at this time. Stefan grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to the entrance. She heard music and tangle of voices – first she had to get used to the half -darkness.

She recognized a large room, the double doors of which were wide open. Almost all visitors were dressed in rubber and paint, only here and there you could see someone in jeans. There was a cloakroom stand in front of the entrance. Anne had to look twice to believe what she saw. The wardrobe consisted of two strong wooden posts, where two men clad in rubber were tied up. Her legs were pulled apart with spreading bars and the feet were in heavy rubber boots.

Both had a muscular figure that was easy to see through the skin -tight rubber suits. Her heads were in heavy masks that only had two short socks for the nostrils. A crockery made of rubber belt that was strapped around the masks captured gag that had been inserted to them. The two were connected by a three -meter long, heavy wooden board, which enclosed their neck like a medieval piece. Heavy iron eyelets were attached to the right and left of this board, which included their wrists.

The hands were in heavy rubber acust. A strap crockery had been strapped around the hips that kept a rubber penis feed in its place. Obviously, both rubber slaves were extremely excited. A long cloakroom rod was attached to the underside of the board, which was wearing the clothes bar with the wardrobe of the guests. Some couples were in front of Anne and Stefan, and everyone took the time to admire the exotic arrangement extensively.

“What’s going on here”. “Well, this is an exhibition in which furniture is shown that its function with integration of slaves and get slaves. As a bizarre object, they serve as equal as educational instruments. Interesting, not true? Maybe we’ll find something for Living room, Treasure!“Anne did the language. Stefan had often threatened her that he wanted to treat her more strictly. And she had liked to get involved, because fetishism with all its facets up to Bondage She had already pulled his spell since Stefan introduced her to Stefan.

She had seen many bizarre things. But now you true, as if she seemed to be in another world suddenly. “Come on, pull your coat off. “Now she was right in front of the cloakroom, which was held by the rubber slaves. She could hear her breaths under the masks. She carefully took on one of the steeply towering, black rubberized links, which caused a clearly twitching reaction. How you had to feel comfortable, in the middle of the action and yet completely isolated? She experienced this thought for a short moment, wished to be in the rubber skin, exposed to the compulsion.

“Come on, there is definitely more to see inside. “Stefan took her arm, pulled her through the open wing door behind her. About twenty guests filled the room, talked, with curiosity, the exhibits were merged with human and furniture into bizarre objects of lust. Right next to the entrance you had set up a young lady. They had been tied to a stand made of chrome -plated steel tube, their feet, which were in high -heeled pumps, floated thirty centimeters above the floor.

A short rod kept them in a slightly spread position. Her entire body weight rested on a U-shaped bracket that ran through her crotch and on a metal band that pressed close to her waist. Chrome -flashed metal brackets also spanned your upper body above the rubber skin The breastware had to strut to the left and right, in which you had fixed her arms in a nodding position. Her palms pointed up, she held a glass pane in front of her, on which handout for the guests who were interested in this model.

Anne could see through the glass plate that every single finger of the rubberi woman was tied up with straps. The slightest movement was not possible. The girl’s head was in a rubber mask that only had openings for the eyes and nose. The short screw connection of a balloon knob protruded from the mouth opening. A metal band also spanned the forehead and captured his head motionless. When Anne walked around the girl, she discovered that the string bracket continued in the back of the tied up;The front of the front was attached to it.

Stefan took one of the handouts with the supplier addresses from the glass tray. The gagged seemed to want to say something through all the party noise said Anne to hear her stammering. In addition to the bound, there was another rubber slave in a long rubber evening dress, which presented her heavy breasts naked and the legs down to the knucke Knalleng, too, could not move from the place -under the hem a stand that was stuck in oneCoated with the floor screwed with the floor.

Her feet also hovered over the ground, they were held by a crossbar that could be adjusted in height by means of a wheel. A sign set up next to her informed that this model also rested the body weight on a step bar, which was also covered with two elastic bars. At least this lady was able to move her arms – she handed the rubber -shoe hands to all guests as a greeting. “Good evening Welcome to our furniture exhibition!“Good evening – how do you feel like furniture?“Anne couldn’t hold back.

“Thanks. I feel good. Even if I am a little disabled at the moment. But I’m looking forward to it when my Lord picks me up again!“She winked to Anne too. Stefan had now discovered a new object that captivated his attention. A sign like it as a “table of the two stages”. On a base plate covered with rubber, two women, who were also dressed in tight but transparent rubber suits, were tied.

They lay on their backs, their hands fixed next to the body, their fingertips meadows. The legs had been pulled far over their heads, their lower legs protruded vertically upwards. Short chains to secure the knee joints with wide rubber cuffs, the legs kept imminent in this position. The facial features were only shadowy due to the transparent head masks, made the bald shaved skulls of the maids of shiny rubber organs.

Only the bright red, full of lips are placed from the mouth openings by two large, black rubber songs, which were held from across the lower face of the loft of the maid, and were adjustable using threads. They had been screwed around the foot ankles, which in turn were connected to the glass plate of the ‘table ”. Stefan looked at the exhibit with a certain regret. “Schap” he said. “Too bad what?“Anne wanted to know.

“It’s a shame that you none Sister have!””You are totally crazy!““ Well, maybe there is still a suitable partner, let’s see. “This time it was Anne who pulled her boyfriend on. She had discovered a seating group. Two male rubber slaves were chained to the ground in a kneeling stance on the ground. Wide metal clamps around the lower legs held the legs in a spread position. Their heads were in heavy masks and were fixed in a humble stance with bondage chains.

A long, upholstered seating board was strapped over her back. In front of this bench there was a table with a plate made of thick plexiglass. A rubber slave, which was also bound to all fours, served as a frame for this plate. She wore a breast -free corset made of red rubber as well as suitable stockings and gloves. The table top rested on her shoulders and buttocks through a punching her head at the top, and was thus fixed in an extremely sublime position.

Two chromium brackets were attached to the table top. One protruded in front of her face and wore a strong gag that filled her mouth, the other swung down and held a elastic bar in her lap. Every shock of the table top was transferred directly to the wearer. Anne presses the thighs together. The sight of all these bound slaves gave them a strong charm on them. At the sight of the sculptures of humans and furniture, Stefan got a dry neck.

He would have loved to include his girlfriend and slave in this game. But now he needed a drink. “Is there a bar here?“He asked a young woman who stuck in a tight lace -up set that ranged from the knees up to the neck. This corset was so reinforced with metal bars that it could not sit down. She struggled to turn to him, the high shoes she was wearing, made it difficult for her to keep the balance.

“Yes, over there!“She nodded her head in the direction and disappeared into the crowd of visitors, while Stefan and Anne crowded through the crowd in the dependent direction. And then they saw the bar that was set up for this evening. Even here the topic of the evening, Fetish Furniture, was perfectly put into practice. Two girls had been tied on two narrow chairs with excessive legs and high backrests.

Arms and legs were strapped with numerous rubber beam festival, around their upper bodies were laid out of brewed steel, which had openings for the bare, born breasts. At the lower end of these tanks, angles were welded up, the plate of the bare rescue was worn. Of course, the bodies of these girls were also completely packed in tight rubber: over the red full suits they wore thigh cellar, strictly laced rubber boots, and the head covered with eye glasses covered with eye glasses. A chroma bracket screwed to the backrest of the chair was at the level of the mouth and held a balloon gag, the hose of which hung on the counter between the bare breasts, so that every guest could play with both.

Another bracket around the forehead of the maid was carried by the lighting for the bar. Below the burst, a rod was shot to keep the chairs at the right distance. It was also to be guessed at where the pole really ended. For everyone who stood at the bar, it was clearly recognizable how the muscles flinched under the rubber skin of the girls, how their breasts caught and lower in constant erotic tension.

The shelves, which formed the background of the bar, rested on the shoulders of two strong rubber slaves. They had set them up in such a way that their masked faces showed each other. They too were held by a rod at the right distance, which had hard rubber at both ends of hard rubber, which disappeared into the mouth openings of the masks. They kept strong head harnesses made of rubber belts in the square. The legs stuck in hip -high wats boots. Like all rubber slaves that evening, they also wore thick rubber pants with penis feedal.

A strap was wrapped around the root, a tightly tense rope each established the connection and also ensured the right distance at this height. Stefan pushed his girlfriend closer to one of the bound. “Just look at it,” he said after receiving the drinks. “I wish I could see you in this position! I just find this balloon gag crazy, look at how firmly you can inflate them!“He grabbed one of the blades and started pumping.

Anne could see how the cheeks of the rubber slave under the mask float more and more. Stefan continued to pump, the metal bracket of the holding device already pressed the cheeks together. Anne heard a suppressed moan of the girl and could see how her gaze seemed to be rigid under the eye glasses of the rubber mask. “She still gets enough air?“She asked her companion concerned. “But yes. A breath tube is embedded inside the gag, and the balloon is so shaped that it only fills out the front part of the mouth.

I’ve seen something like this in our rubber shop!““ You don’t need to go to the rubber shop at all, there is a kind of sales stand there, you can get something like this!“Said an elegant lady who stood next to the two at the counter. Anne turned to see the stranger. She was tall and slim, wore breeches made of white rubber, with wide -cut thighs. The calves disappeared into narrow black rubber boots.

To do this, she wore a wide-cut blouse made of white, semi-transparent rubber through which you could see a black corner saga. Her neck was decorated by a wide rubber neck tape decorated with rivets, the hair was worn back to the ponytail. “Well, how about, I shouldn’t buy such a pretty gag for you?”” Hmm, I don’t know … “adorned Anne, who was not so convinced of the idea. “Well, young man.

“, The strictly looking lady interfered again. “If you handle her companion so tentatively, she will never be a clever maid! The maid that gives opposes demands to lock your head into rubber!“Anne got goosebumps in the certain way with which the unknown spoke. “You’re right. What do I ask you about at all?“Answered her to Anne’s annoyance. And turned to her: “Let’s go, let’s go!“There were masks, stockings, gags, gloves – everything that makes the heart of the rubber covers beat faster on the sales table of the stand.

“I think that you should finally get a clever mask. I had been doing that for a long time. “” What – you want to squeeze my head in rubber?”” But yes, we had already talked about it “Anne started red. Sure, they had talked about it, and she wanted it secretly, but here and all the people – that came a little suddenly. The seller had listened to the two.

“You are looking for a mask for your maid? I think this could fit here. Try it!“She handed Stefan a black mask made of thick rubber, which had cut red cuts for the eyes, short nose stubborns made of soft rubber and a round opening for the mouth. The closure was laid out twice, a zipper was secured with an additional flap with a firm lacing. “Put on the mask. “Stefan Anne asked.

“Here?”” Yes, now immediately!“Anne was still trying to protest, but the service had come out behind the counter and opened the mask with a harmful smile to keep anne in front of her face. Anne looked around anne that a good dozen expectations were crowded around her, and it shot into the already reddened face. She smelled the intense smell that the rubber of the mask exuded, which the seller, this damage happy, kept up, with a smile.

She did not even think about getting to her, but waited gently until Anne humbly prevented himself. She jerked herself and put the glowing face in the mask, the cold rubber of which was soothing on her skin. With a handle handle, the girl inserted her the short breath in her nostrils, then the rubber spanned her whole head. While the hair was arranged with one hand, the other moved the zipper-Anne’s head was in a full mas for the first time.

She instinctively grabbed her head with her hands, tried to put the rubber off while the operation closed the lacing. Urban murmur came from the bystanders, whose presence Anne was only conscious again. With a last jerk the tape was tightened and tied together. “Fits like a glove. “Said the seller. She held anne a mirror. Stunned stared at her head, which had become a round, shiny rubber ball.

On the one hand, the event had turned her down, on the other hand it was ashamed. It was a difference whether you ran around as an elegant model in rubber clothing, or was clearly marked as a maid. “It’s good now, pull the thing back on me, Stefan!“Bat Anne. “No way! I like you very much, I think the mask is excellent for you! I want you to hold them all evening!”” Not – not tonight! I want to take it off.

“Definitely she grabbed her neck for the bounds and tried to open the loop. “Leave that immediately!“Stefan’s sound was hard and sharp. With a slight hand movement he hit her on her fingers. Anne was amazed, tears of anger and shame in her upstairs. “Wait a moment!“The waitress had a small, silver castle in her hand, which she hung in the ligaments. Anne hadn’t understood what happened at first, only when she heard this clicked on her neck that she recognized the hopelessness of her situation.

“Stefan, you scoop!“She let her head sink on his shoulder and tried to excite pity. However, her boyfriend was not put off by it. “So, now to the gag. “Anne frozen to the column of salt. He couldn’t expect that to her now! But Stefan knew no pardon. He chose a balloon gag that he had just seen on the slaves in the counter. “Mouth on!“Anne defiantly turned her head to the side.

“Can you please help me?“He asked the seller and handed her the gag. Then he took his Anne tightly and turned her so that she was standing in front of the girl who licked her lips with anticipation. Anne perceived how the murmur of the bystanders reinforced and she came closer from all sides in order to be able to see better. Suddenly Stefan knack her in her butt – Anne opened her mouth with surprise, and at that moment the seller pushed her sagging rubber into her mouth.

Ferred Anne closed the lips again immediately, but it was too late, the girl had flashed the intruder with a few pump thrusts, she could no longer go out. “Thank you, I do the rest myself. “Said Stefan and took the Blasebalg out of the girl to the girl. Before that, he had quickly tied up Anne’s hands with a few handcuffs on his back and was now able to inflate her gag in peace.

He kept it up so that she could see how he slowly and relentlessly put it slowly and relentlessly, over and over again while the rubber spread in her cheeks, and again until her mouth was filled with rubber. Her gaze became rigid, only shadowy she took the bystanders who laughed, applauded. Her thighs started to twitch, almost she would have lost the balance if Stefan had not supported her and pressed it firmly.

He kissed her tenderly on her rubber head. “I love you, little maid. “He paid calmly, then he continued his silent and helpless maid through the exhibition. He proudly enjoyed the eyes that were aimed at them. Now he also had a slave that he could do and show. A slave that he would slowly but surely make his property. Anne began to get used to the situation.

They slowly strolled through the exhibition, kept looking at exhibits and other visitors. And then Stefan saw the furniture that he had always dreamed of. It was a simple steel steel stool, slightly higher than a normal chair. From the side the frame looked like the letter z. Various clamps and buckles were attached to the FuJ3, the pipe frame forked to the seat and the seat itself was inclined to the front and had a half -burner lockout.

A rubber slave had been tied into this chair. Her head was exactly in the semicircular of the seat, the face turned to the seat. Her lips were located directly above the rubber padded seat, a headband kept her head in this position. The lower legs were parallel to the lower line of the Z and were secured with solid rubber bands. Her body had been tied to the tube striving upwards with straps, the arms were tied to the back.

Her born nipples protruded from the Catsuit. In the mouth of the woman bound in the chair, there was a rubber song as a gag. “It’s crazy,” Michael took it. “Just see how you sit on it!“He settled on the seat, the step of his rubber jeans was now right in front of the mouth of the caught. He would only have had to take the gag and open his pants if he wanted to use her mouth.

“Well, like my Z-Chair?“Stefan was approached by a young man in a paint overall. “And whether I like that, I have to have something like that!”” I would be happy to build one, but it would have to be manufactured according to mass. We have a lot of fun, what do you think, how I like to sit and work at the desk – for hours!”” I like to believe that. ““ You can make the situation a little more exciting, you can see!“He hooked up two short rubber mibands on the back of the seat and pulled them down to the nipples of the slave to attach them to the rings there.

“Now you can rock a little!“Stefan did not let that say twice, the caught mouth groaned in his crotch. He acknowledged this by bringing the step of his rubber pants close to the slave’s mouth so that they were hard tail Could feel clearly. Anne stood silent and painted how it would be if she was strapped into this crazy chair while the young man began to take her mass.

With regret, Stefan rose from the chair after a while. The evening was progressed, the first ones already went, slaves were freed from their helpless situation occasionally. He decided that it was time to cede the way home;Anne was also happy. to come back home – she now only had a need. She couldn’t say it, but she could let her master feel it when he loosened the handcuffs to help her put on the paint coat, suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbed her rubber head on his shoulder and squeezed her thigh between hisLegs.

She pressed against him, there was no doubt what she wanted …

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