The lustful large aunt [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The next day they slept into the late morning. Michael woke up first and saw his half -naked aunt Lying next to him, he himself completely naked – with a huge crossbar, how it was a matter of course after waking up. With a grin he thought of the last night, while fingering around his glans with thumb and index fingers. Erika slept deep and didn’t notice anything.

“What a great aunt,” he thought, while he played around, “no longer the very youngest, but all the sharper and horny …” He looked at her skin, which already had an approach to the formation of wrinkles, but strangely excited himThis not very young skin more than the flawless complexion of the young girls at his school.

He was also able to see her breasts, which punched out a little out of the duvet and that attracted him to touch and stroke them. How he would have loved to suck on them or grated his link on the nipples!”Well,” he considered, “maybe there is still more in today than yesterday!”

He became almost dizzy when he thought about what had happened yesterday of the night, which he had not dared to paint in his wildest dreams beforehand. Only one thing, seeing her completely naked and touching her where it is most interesting, was still missing. That obviously went too far – or? He imagined how he should just put it under the covers, push his hand into her underpants and stroke them there.

Perhaps she would spread her thighs for his fingers to give him admission, or she would show him everything by her by hand … the heat in his head rose by several degrees in such fantasies. Or he would do her butt, which she was now wearing him because she had turned onto the left side.

Michael simply couldn’t resist the temptation and nestled to her, although being tail pressed on their panties. And that’s exactly what he had intended.

His hands swung around her body, gently caressing her belly button with his right hand, but she kept going down or upwards, to the breasts.

With a deep cozy sigh, his aunt woke up at such erotic touch of her nephew. She turned her head back and first saw his pretty face, which she promptly kissed. Immediately she turned to him and pressed her still sleeping body on his naked, where she clearly noticed his hard penis on her lap – a very pleasant feeling, as she was satisfied.

“Hello, my darling, you slept well?”” Her treasure “murmured his satisfied approval and kissed her again. “And I dreamed of you all night!“He claimed.

His aunt believed it on his word and therefore immediately rewarded him with a new long tongue kiss. “I dreamed of your kisses,” continued Michael, “and how you cuddle with me!“In such conversations, their abdomen fell into a swinging, a slightly letting against each other, which caused the effect to feel the gender of the other only so more.

In this way they slowly got into heat. Her tongues were busy with each other, passionately explored the other’s mouth. Erika cut her fingertips into the boy’s back, who in turn had put a hand around her chest, but kept the buttocks under control at the back.

The dragging and pulling on the body of the other increased in strength, while now they loved themselves exclusively with the mouths. After a long time in which they were so deepened into the battle, the woman in the end took the limb of her nephew and jerked it off as if by senses.

“Love”, she whined during the breaks when her mouth was free from her nephew’s tongue, “My dearest, you pretty guy you … love me, come on me love me!“However, that was not meant literally, because she kept her underpants, only she allowed her nephew to touch her on the butt. He still kept his hand over the piece of clothing, but in the zeal of her caresses she also slipped underneath and felt her bare buttocks.

Michael was very excited when – more or less unintentionally – suddenly he felt his fingers on her bare butt – this feeling went through his body like a shock.

But he was too shy to let her walk on, down her ass column, approach her most intimate place. But even the pleasant feeling of touching her seating meat, it inspired him immensely. She seemed to enjoy it in the same extent, because she didn’t mind that he had his fingers where he actually had (yet) nothing to look for. But the lovemaking had already been so far, she was already so heated up – even with her nephew’s exciting wake -up service that she had no longer any energy to forbid him anything.

Now, so much is certain, she would have allowed everything and did everything he would have wanted.

But it hadn’t come that far yet. While Michael continued to knead her butt, she satisfied his cock and kissed his mouth constantly. This treatment had to be his very soon orgasm lead, who promptly came. Since the couple was in a close hug on the bed, his seed sprayed straight onto her two bodies, where Erika got the most off.

Up to the breasts high, she was smeared with his juice, which she enjoyed with Michael’s body, which she was closely accumulated.

For a long time they were closely wrapped on the bed, Michael’s hand still in the back of their pants. Sex between them was slowly familiar – it seemed to them as if they had always done it – and not only since tonight!“Come on, darling, we should get up and have breakfast! You will need a strong breakfast after all of this ..! What do you actually think of scrambled eggs?“Michael grinned at her and pointed downwards. “You have already made scrambled eggs, or?“His aunt grabbed him on his nose mischievously. “Lauswehgel! You make fun of your aunt, you! – but it was nice, you know that?“Michael nodded sigh.

“It’s so great when you’re there. Wouldn’t that be great if you were living here?““ Only so that you have a helpful hand every evening?“She laughed at him conspiratorially.

The boy shook his head. “No, that’s all so great with you, everything. Not only that – “he pointed his head down -“ I can do that alone.

But everything is so different, so beautiful, you understand it as I mean it?“He kissed her tenderly on his neck. “It is just great to lie down with you and hug you …” She had to agree with him;The same happened to her too. “I am also in love with you. But you don’t find that I am too old for you? I am the Sister your grandmother, don’t forget that!“Now that she said it, it was suddenly embarrassing what they did again.

She jerked her big nephew the tail, who wasn’t even a third as old as she was, and still liked it! She was already shaken a bit, but on the other hand: she just had to look at him, she was already weak.

Such a good -looking boy, so nice and personable -then it could be wrong what they did?Michael shook his head. “You are not too old at all, I think. It’s not so nice with any girl in my class, I’m sure of that. And I’ve always liked you … ”In fact, they always found themselves attractive, even when he was much younger.

“You know that I have occasionally satisfied you as a little boy, you can still remember it?”She asked carefully.

She did not know that it was noted because she was sure that he was no longer remembered.

“Yes?“He asked surprised,“ Really?“He had often been with his great aunt, whom he always called ‘aunt”, because she had been his darling as long as he could think. And often he had slept in bed with her – whatever was very already. And there she had ..?“Yes, yes, you were always enthusiastic, because you were in bed with your stiff member next to me and even showed me it!””Honest?“Michael was shocked. He had done that?”Yes.

And I gave you a little fun, nothing more. You were still young, and of course nothing came. But you fell asleep afterwards – excellent!“Neckisch she put her hand around the boy’s limb, which is now more or less limp. The woman’s touch, however, brought it up a little again – that was that strongly its effect.

“So, put on a pair of pants – I’m doing breakfast now!“Erika put on a bathrobe and disappeared into the kitchen. The boy was still a bit dazed and just stayed on the bed. The warmth of his aunt was still felt ..

SN «“ Breakfast is ready!“Called it at once. Suddenly Michael drove up.

He was aware that he had fallen asleep, but probably only for a short time. With his cock, which now stands away from him again, he went into the kitchen.
Aunt Erika immediately took note of it. “So Michael, I have to say … you are certainly a pretty guy, but for breakfast you will please take on something!“No sooner said than done: he went back to the bedroom and put on the boxer shorts.

“So it’s better,” she praised him when he returned to the kitchen.

Breakfast was in great, relaxed atmosphere, because they both were in a good mood after that night and the morning. Again and again they kissed on their mouths. It seemed to get hot outside, just like the day before. And meaningfully they drove to the water in the afternoon, but this time to the quarry lake, not in the outdoor pool, which was simply too full the day before.

In addition, Aunt Erika said, she was able to swim at the lake up without what she was in the outdoor pool would never do. Michael was right. In fact, there was more to tension at the excavator lake than in the outdoor pool. In addition, the view of seeing his aunt half -naked was very tempting.

This expectation was not fulfilled because she was brushing again her one -piece.

In addition, she sharpened him that any tenderness is prohibited in public. Only briefly, in an unobserved niche, which was hidden by a group of trees, he could kiss it once – but only on the cheek!However, when they returned to the house in the evening, they were first in their arms. The boy’s tail immediately swelled out with these kisses, and so he only thought of one thing: to get back to bed with her, but said nothing. For this she suggested going to take a shower.


Erika looked at him a little reproachfully. “What do you have in mind again?“He smiled at her harmlessly. “Nothing, why?“Erika shook his head with eyebrows pulled up. “No, no, what kind of a spoiled child are you! We can take a shower together -but only if you are good!“Michael laughed again and gave her a kiss overjoyed.

“Of course, aunt, of course!“He had quickly moved out his clothes in the bathroom and stood naked with a furnished limb in front of her.

Erika still had her replacement swimsuit and therefore needed a little longer than him. She looked at her nephew, who stood in front of her in the bathroom with all of his masculinity and watched her off.
“What’s that again, you Lümmel!“She scolded in joking tone while pointing to his stiff part. He proudly picked it up and pushed back the foreskin so that she could see the glans – maybe she liked her.

“It just happens, I can’t do anything about that!“In guilty he looked down at his young stand, which in fact seemed to be self -employed – especially when he was alone with his aunt.
A little hesitated Erika with the lining, because now she has to go completely in front of the blessing of the boy, which she found to be quite dangerous in his youthful urge. But also sparkling – that was the other side of the medal.

And he really looked too good as he, her 17-year-old nephew, stood in front of her, with his sporty, slim body, his male limb, and how he looked at her expectantly, his hand on his organ to show her everything. What was it into her since last night? Which devil had ridden her to do such erotic games with him? When that comes out, she remembered when that comes out! The shame was out of the question: great aunt is driving with her nephew! In spirit she already saw the black letters in the Bild newspaper. They had to be really careful! And she wanted to prevent “to the extreme” by all means ..

It was one thing to satisfy the boy by hand or let him reach the genitals, but it was a completely different thing to have sex with him – a completely different thing. It was again another thing to cuddle with each other tenderly, but also naked for them, but it was just a completely different matter to sleep properly with each other.

With such thoughts, she finally took off her swimsuit, but turned away from Michael. Michael gently caressed her back, which she gratefully acknowledged with a smile. In doing so, she turned to him and presented himself completely naked for him for the first time. He made big eyes.

He had already seen her breasts this morning, but he was still impressed by them. In addition, he could not cripple himself to stare at her pubic hair down.
She blushed a little, although he had already stood in front of her with his stand all the time. She followed his eyes with her eyes, so that they both looked down on their body. Her stomach already hit a few wrinkles and she also had a small lifeguard ring around her waist, but in general she still had a very good figure.

Her pubic hair was as brown as her main hair, she had cut it quite briefly so that it wasn’t going out of swimming trunks Summer was and she was sweating regularly at this point. Her butt, which Michael had already explored this morning, was still reasonably firm and round for her age, although the ravages of time had already gnawed and the skin was no longer as tight as in her youth.

“Come in, into the tub!“The bathroom did not have its own shower cubicle, but the shower was installed in the bathtub, which was the prerequisite for the fact that they found two place in it at all in it. They turned alternately under water jet. First of all, Erika washed her nephew’s hair.

“If you like, I can get you in …” That was a real offer that Michael was not able to say twice. Erika also found it extremely stimulating to rub his beautiful body from head to toe, although she definitely had to wash his big cock. Her nephew would like that too, so she was sure.

“Is it good like that?“She asked when she approached the lower body area. Michael just grumbled, so she just continued.

She distributed the soap evenly and deliberately between his penis and his testicles, and did not forget the step between his legs. She had already touched his limb a few times, but it was always new and fascinating for her -as it was for him -again and again. Michael looked at her washing campaign excitedly at his best piece. After missing her hand all day, she finally touched him where he loved it.

Erika already his foreskin down and the acorn is also if the glans. “You have to wash your seed after you have poured it out,” she instructed him, while she cleaned his glans with your thumb and index finger very precisely and carefully.

“If he stays under the foreskin for a long time, the diseases and everything can give!”How much he would have liked to” pour out his seed “, into her hands, or even better, between her legs!Unfortunately, she had already finished and was now crushing his butt – not to blame either, the boy thought. He made his legs apart so that she got along well, which she also likes to do and repeatedly packed his scrotum from behind – of course only “by chance”! Finally she showered her entire work and Michael was clean.

However, this did not change his erection, except for the fact that he felt more and more than painful. After all, the demolition campaign was connected to many tender touches to his genital organ.

His aunt gave him a thick kiss and a slap on his butt under the rushing water.. “Now it’s your turn when you want!“She handed him the soap and built up in front of him. Michael was overjoyed to be able to touch her too – everywhere on her body, as it became clear to him! -, But had a wish beforehand.

He put her hand in his and led her to his excited tail. She immediately understanded this and grabbed his shaft lengthways, being able to massage his testicles with her fingertips. The boy smiled at her gratefully. After a long kiss he could now start with his work.

He started on her beautiful neck and had her breasts in her hands in no time.

They looked at their eyes mischievously as he nipped their nipples with soap. Erika then closed her eyes and enjoyed the touch of her nephew. She asked him softly if he also liked him, he then only gave her a kiss on her mouth. While in this way she massaged her breasts, she kept his cock and rubbed it very easily, so that Michael never bothered him in his work.

After the breasts the stomach followed, the belly button – and finally her pubic hair came on it. Michael hesitated a little, after all he had never touched her here.

But the aunt that his hesitation had noticed nodded to him as a prompt. “Don’t worry, soap me between my legs.

Everything has to be clean!“She spread her legs so that the boy got better with her hand. In Michael it raged while he was there, on her vagina. For the first time he touched a woman in this great place – and also with his aunt!The rubbing between her legs did not want to end because Erika, too, in his touch, who were less washed than with Jerk off had to do, had started to breathe loudly and violently and almost encouraged him to continue and also rubbed his cock with more violent movements. But suddenly she paused.

“Stop, Michael, not! We continue later, yes?“He was reluctant to take his hand away, but in anticipation of what should happen after the shower, he hesitated.

After all, he still had her legs in front of him, which he also drove in with devotion and her back, including the beautiful tire, female butt, which he was allowed to stroke this way in this way.

After washing yourself off and drying out of many kisses and teasing, the aunt took her nephew’s stiff back in hand and looked at the boy seriously: “If we want to lie down a bit, you like it?“Thomas beamed at her and included her hip. He couldn’t let her body anymore, he always wanted to be allowed to touch her, wherever he was whining. And he also wanted to feel her hands on his body as they stroked him, custody of him and jerked him.

They lay on the bed like a freshly married bride and groom. Erika opened her thighs and offered Michael a look in between.

“Have you ever seen a woman?“He said no. She arched her lower body a little and spread her legs a piece further. “Look here, there is the clit.“She took his hand and led her to her clitoris. “Every woman has the most sensations here.

You just have to rub him, see how I do that.“She put his hand next to it on her thigh and rubbed her clit with her index fingers’ top, very slowly so that he could watch it closely. He put his face near her belly to be able to see her genital organ better.

“Can you see him well?“She almost worried. She was happy to show him her gender, it was just right for her since the shower when he saw her completely and naked. “If you like, you can kiss him too.“Michael looked in astonishment at her up.

“Yes?”He asked confused. She nodded and he leaned down his head to kiss her clit. His fingers freed him from the waxing pubic hair, so that he could reach him better with his lips. It tasted incredibly feminine and good.

Immediately he had grabbed him between his lips and sucked on him like on a nipple. Erika sighed out loud and scratched his hair. When he was sucking, he could also lick it, very much as he did when he had her tongue in his mouth.

Erika moaned again and called that it was so good, he is doing that so well. He should keep kissing and sucking her, he was such a pretty boy, so dear to his aunt, he makes her so much joy and shouldn’t stop ..

She had now crossed her legs on his back while he continued to suck on her and licked. His hand had now hiked between their theaters and felt her vagina, which had already become quite moist. Michael did not think long and licked them with growing interest. She smelled very intensely, but horny after a woman, he found, and she was so wonderfully soft and big.

“So that’s a cunt,” he thought when he licked her, “and I want to put my cock there!”

Erika began to tremble when his licking and sucking became more and more violent. “Oh, you do it so well, my boy, you do it so well!“She loosened her legs and left him free. “But now please come up to me, yes, my little one, I want you to have you now …” What did she mean by that? That she wanted to kiss him? Michael let go of her pussy and worked his way up to her mouth again so that she could kiss her immediately. They did that in all passion.

But his aunt did not stop trembling, but asked him softly: “Do you want to make me happy, Michael, very happy?“He looked at her questioningly and kissed her on the mouth. “Yes, aunt.” –

“I want to have you completely in myself, you understand, completely with me … I want you to belong to me …“Slowly it dawned on what she suggested to him. She didn’t want to ..

– the same thing he wanted?”Yes,” he said in a croaky voice, “yes, I will do everything you want.““ Do you want to penetrate me, my darling?“She asked him again and this time very directly. Michael nodded again. They kissed for a long time. Erika puts back and took her nephew’s tail in her hand.

She gently brought him to her vagina, pushed his foreskin back and rubbed his glans along her wet vagina. “Aah”, the boy made when he felt her genitals on his. By rubbing, her labia opened, so that his cock was now right in front of the opening. “Come on, my darling, come to me”, she whispered as she held his shaft directly at her cunt entrance and pulled slightly to him.

He followed him with his body into her inside with his body. “Look how nice it is when you penetrate me!“Both saw them down, where his limb disappeared more and more in their vagina. Finally, after a slow entrance, he was entirely in her. Happy she pressed his butt.

“Now we are very close together, my darling!“With all the nerves she enjoyed her nephew’s tail.

“Very close together! How do you like that?“Michael could hardly say anything about the excitement. It was incredibly intense and exciting to fuck his aunt. He only kissed her with passion while he stayed quietly in her and the pleasure in her enjoyment. “Now you have to get out again and then back in,” she whispered to him.

“So we feel even more!“Michael Tat, as she had told him.

He pulled out his cock a bit to push him back into her again. She sighed out loud while his push had her whole body shaken. “Yes,” she called, “that’s a good thing.

Oh, you are such a dear treasure.“And again her nephew, this time, this time his cock into her into her. His aunt howling on. “Oh, my darling, keep it up, yes!“She looked down to watch his young cock fucking her vot-good. Such an angel – approached his own great aunt! And she enjoyed it like hardly anything before.

She clawed on his back, arrived on the butt and pressed it up with all the might so that his push became even harder and more intense. She breathed very loudly, yes it almost gasped with effort and joy.

She was so ten or fifteen minutes by Michael Gevögelt. Her moan grew louder and soon, soon she only screamed at every bump with which he entered her into her. Her nephew also gasped increasingly and soon felt how he wanted to come.

“Wow”, he thought, “I inject in Aunt Erika – that’s great!“His body began to tremble, everything seemed to be cramped in him. Erika felt how the highlight of her young nephew. With her right hand she took his testicles to feel exactly when he sprayed.

Finally it shot out of him, right into her vagina, which was so greedy for his seed. Erika could feel how with every unloading that she felt in her body as a damp, warm beam, the sack of her nephew merged together and his again seemed to be expanded.

Michael groaned loudly, whined like a small child and stopped his bumps to feel better every single load that he exuded into her. Erika’s body tremors too when he took out Michael’s seeds. The young, warm juice he sprayed into her also excited her lust so much that she felt her orgasm. While she was still scratching his sack with the right, she now jerked off like her clit to finally reach her climax and to get together with her nephew.

The latter just sprayed the last drops of sperm into her pussy, which was already very slippery, and almost watched his aunt undertaken under him and turned as she was still satisfied while she was still in her and how shestared at him full of excitement.

Immediately he pushed his cock into her again and kneaded her round breasts to support their climax.
Erika reared up and shouted out her lust – as if she hadn’t had sex for years. The picture of her nephew, who was sitting on her and his penis in her body, was just too much. With opened eyes, she looked at him, his sporty upper body and his pretty boy’s face, which was on her body and looked at how she got her orgasm ..

Sn «They stayed in this position for at least 5 minutes. Slowly the waves of their orgasm faltered and were replaced by warm, cozy waves that flowed through their bodies.

She gently stroked her belly and back of the boy, who was still sitting on her and still had his limp, who had become limp in her vagina. Finally they loosened from each other and lay side by side, kissed on their mouths and stroked the side of the other down to the butt and up to the neck. Again and again she stroked through the boy’s crest, rippled his neck and patted his cheeks, accompanied by many kisses on his lips.

“I’m so happy with you,” he finally said in silence. Erika just loved his face and said nothing.

“You know that you are my first wife?“She just kissed him on her mouth and nodded silently, but beamed at him very eloquently with her eyes. “Wöw, it was great! You liked it too?“He just wanted to know more. He wanted to know everything that had to do with her and her sex.

“Didn’t you feel it, as I liked it? You made me very happy. You know that happy as it has not been for a long time?“She drove his back with her hand tenderly.

“But you are also such a pretty guy – for an old woman like me too much!“He laughed and picked up her still handsome chest. “Look, you’re not old yet!”” The breasts of a young girl look different, you should know that!““ But I’m so satisfied with yours!“Again he let her breast slide through his hand, she grabbed a little firmer and kneaded something. “You can grasp it so well!“He felt how he became horny with his caress. She lay back, put the arms back and offered him.

Her mature, naked body was now there for him, for his eyes, for his hands. She had spread her legs slightly, so that the pink meat of her shame was easy to see for her nephew. And she wanted that too, because he should see everything from her and touch everything from her.

“Get a little more, Michael, you do it so well …” Michael continued to caress her breasts. Even her armpits she showed him, he found erotic.

Her neck, which already had a few wrinkles, he found it downright provocative, as his breasts immediately connected to him without a piece of fabric in between. Next time he wanted to inject his seed there, he took action: either in the middle of her neck, or the attractive gap between her breasts. His limb had grown back on his earlier form, and so he knelt next to her with his steeply protruding tail so that she could see and admire it better. He had incredible desire to touch her with his penis all over her body, as if he wanted to fuck the appropriate place.

And he immediately implemented this idea. His first stop was her nipples. With the tip of his bare glans, he drove around the courtyard of her right nipple, kissed the steeply up -up nipple with her – a picture that both found extremely erotic. Erika took her left hand and carefully dab his acorn as she spoiled her breasts.

Happy smiling they looked at each other and kept looking at this picture as the bare glans of the boy’s tail worked their ripe breasts.
Michael, whose left hand held the foreskin back so that his tail tip was naked, started impatiently to easily jerk him.

But Erika shook his head. “No, not, wait!“She leaned to his member and licked the glans with her tongue. A pleasant shower passed through Michael. Her tongue played with the Nille as if she had a soft ice cream ball in front of her and licked the remaining sperm from her.

“If I were a younger woman, you would have pregnant me now, as much seed as you have!“The boy grinned down on her and stroked her hair, took her head in her hand and pulled it up so that she got all his shaft in her mouth. She did not fight back at all, but seemed to have been waiting for his part. With all the might she sucked his cock into herself, took him in the end of his hand, kneading the testicles in a violence that she did not know beforehand. She wanted all of this from him, wanted to have him completely for herself, everything that made his masculinity, his lust, his sex.

And his young gerchwanz just tasted so good ..

After a few minutes when he felt how he threatened to get into her, Michael took his limb out of her mouth again and continued to play on her body. Again he first dealt with her breasts, the nipples of which he also stroked and pressed his fingers, so that Erika repeatedly groaned. He hiked deeper, down to her belly button, which he also played playfully. And further down-to her fur, which stuck darkly from her stomach, into the undergrowth, which he could sink his cock tip.

Her thighs were still open, ready for him again, and so it made no difficulty to find her wet slot in between. She had taken his penis back in her hand and pushed the foreskin back a little, so that his acorn was mere and aggressively staring at her shame. She carefully approached her clit, who was stiff and plump the gender of the boy and scored a great game with him, to which the woman had invited him to him. Michael was surprised at how gently and horny the two buds could play together.

As if he made around with the stand of a very little boy.

“That’s really great!“He called out breathlessly. His aunt let go of his limb again, and Michael himself continued with his hand on her clit, with his penis still touching him. In this way he stroked both her organ and his Nille, A brisk threesome on their shame in a way.
Erika Wimmer quietly, totally intoxicated by her nephew’s caresses. “Yes,” she just groaned, had now closed her eyes and gave himself the horny mood.

The boy immediately knew this “yes” as a request to do more.

He quickly took his cock into his hand and let him disappear in her wide -open cunt. Erika Joke, glad that he finally took her again, that she could finally feel him again. With a few rapid bumps, he made space in her opening, leaning down to her again to kiss her on the mouth while fucking and touching her body. He rolled her big breasts through like a obsessed man while she smooched horny and his cock raged like a berserker in her pussy.

Her mallow grew louder and more urgent, just like her tongue, who circled in the boy’s mouth and seemed to eat him.

Michael loosened from her -with the exception of her abdomen, of course -reared up and supported himself on the bed. So he had more strength to balance his body into her. She helped him by sneaking her legs around his body and cheering him on with her feet with every push. The violence of penetration into his aunt was amazing.

It was just the second time because he entered a woman -and also into his aunt -but he seemed to have quickly understood the rules of gaining her desire. She tore up her eyes, looked into his sweaty face in astonishment, as if she would really notice him for the first time. They laughed happily on how they bird together.

“I do it a good thing?“Wanted to know Michael Keurtend. Erika was only able to nod happily, but at least brought a croaky “yes!“Out of his limb was waiting for the next push.

In a hurry, Michael leaned down his head to her again to lick her breasts, which of course was only partially possible during the strenuous Behavior. But he felt how it was slowly but sure he wanted to cum into her again. But he wanted to get rid of his juice on her chest, not again in her vagina as before. His aunt was also close to her orgasm because her movements and her breath became more and more quick.

“My boy,” she called, “Yes, my boy, do it to me, yes, yes, yes …” She almost shouted now, trembled and trembled all over the body, while Michael was still moving into her pussy.

He bite vigorously in her chest nipple, which caused her to be a new howler. She had now reached her climax, a trembling bundle full of lust that no longer knew where she was and with whom she did with. The orgasm of his aunt finally cheated on Michael to such an extent that he could already feel the warm stream of his seeds his testicles. With a jerk he pulled his device out of her gossip wet hole and climbed forward to her upper body, where he could finally unload his load of sperm in a wide range.

The white cream ended up on her neck, some of them splashed directly on her face. Only the subsequent pencils met the breasts, whereby the sperm ran down in small streams on their stomach and above all into the recess in between. Michael watched fascinated how she smeared his seed over her face in her ecstasy, stroked her breasts to get his seeds as she rubbed the juice into her hands to distribute him anywhere on the body ..

He never thought how horny this older woman could be, what energy and lust lurked in her! In ever new batches it came to him on her body. However, the quantities were smaller, dripping only on the glans on their breasts.

The two lovers trembled for the bet. Erika had had an orgasm all the time while her nephew had come, a never -ending wave of warmth and happiness that roared through her body. Slowly but slowly died away, and Michael’s cock, from which a thin seed thread still flowed, also shrank together to normal size.

“Come here,” whispered Erika and hugged him warmly. Naked as he was, he lay on her smeared body, kissed her gently on the mouth and felt all around the best.

Nobody said a word so that they could fully sow themselves in the feeling of their orgasm just faded. With slow circular movements she drove along his back, scratched it on the neck and repeatedly grabbed his butt because she just found it so crisp. The gentle caresses of his aunt had the consequence that he gradually came back to strength and made a new swelling between his legs – if only as a tender beginning of a stand. After all, he now wanted to stroke her body again.

So he rolled on the bed sheet next to her and pulled the blanket over them both.

So he was able to massage her back comfortably, and her butt also found his lively interest. Now that he was satisfied and she was just so dalagen, he felt a much more sparkling and more erotic mood than before when he couldn’t feel anything out of sheer lust. Now he seemed to be able to enjoy all of this afterwards. And he was able to be surprised again how it was possible that he could love himself at the age of 17 and at just 60 here in this room! Her skin, which occasionally wrinkled, made this age difference too clearly to him.

And yet he found this woman, his great aunt, something of spicy that hardly any girl knew from his surroundings.

That evening, not too much happened between our unusual lovers. They only sat hand in hand hand in hand and looked at the television program. Occasionally they gave themselves a kiss or stroked the head of the other, for a while Michael also had his hand on her thighs under her skirt and stroked her there, but he was not so hasty to bring his fingers to her panties. After all, she no longer wore a bra, so that he could see a lot of her breasts in the neckline of her summer dress.

He also liked the way her nipples turned on the fabric, and occasionally he just couldn’t keep her to stroke her chest on the dress. Only when he wanted to touch her underneath she took his wrist gently and held him back. “Now not, my darling, we are looking away now!“That was clear, and Michael had to be modest. After all, he had slept with her twice today.

Already at the thought of it he could be wild. The fact that they slept together in a bed was a matter of course.

Here in bed he was finally allowed to suck extensively on her breasts. However, since she had no sense for further adventures between them today, he made a matter of naked next to her. She had put her arm around him and stroked his hair on the side.

In the meantime, he satisfied himself – accompanied by a huge amount of kisses. They had left the light so that she could both see how the boy did it himself. She would like to look at that, she said how a boy “does it”. With her right hand she helped him by kneading his testicles – “The boys like to have that, not true?“Michael was satisfied with it, and proudly presented her his stiff cock and his plump sack.

She looked at him unabashedly with shiny eyes, was fascinated by his youth, his beauty and his masculinity, which she had enjoyed a few times.

Not long, and the boy came under sigh and moaning. He again shot an astonishing load on seeds, supporting each unloading with a pressure on his testicles. To his neck, then to the chest and the whole upper body injected the sperm until it finally went to the end with a thin thread.

They kissed happily again, they rubbed it dry with a towel, and finally they could spend a quiet night.
Throughout the week they loved each other extensively and intimate and at least twice a day until Erika finally drove home because she had to work. Without further ado Michael grabbed his seven things and just drove with her. But that is a different story.

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