The broken bed and my stepmother | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My parents had separated shortly after my birth, since then I have grew up with mine Father and his new wife, my stepmother, who from then on my new one Mother was.
When I started my studies, my father left my mother from one day and we were alone.

Since then I have lived with my mother in a small, not particularly comfortable apartment in Berlin, which was particularly due to the fact that she was a housewife and I was a student, we only saved money and my Bafög..

We always got on extremely well, she was almost something like my best friend, which was also because she was only 18 years older than me.

One day something happened that our living together and our dealings changed sustainably.

It was Saturday evening when I wanted to look at my sofa bed to look a little away. When I threw myself up, she just crashed under me under a massive polar.
My mother immediately hurried to my room:

“What have you done again now?”She asked loudly
“Nothing at all, I just wanted to lie down” I replied.

The situation was done, it was Saturday evening, where should a new bed or a new couch get from, on the broken one was no longer possible to think about sleeping, since the whole wooden frame was broken.

After complaining about the rest of the evening that I now have to sleep on the floor and will certainly get back pain, since we can also not buy a new one on Sunday, my mother, visibly annoyed:

“Then sleep in bed with me, it will somehow go”
“I’m not a little child anymore,” I replied – almost at the same time I regained this answer, because it would be exciting to sleep with my mother.

My mother was 37 years old at the time, 1.65m tall and weighed about 72 kg. She was not super slim, but definitely had the curves in the right places, especially her very large breast (80 e) combined with her blonde hair brought her nickname Stiffler Mom with my friends – an allusion to the first part of the American PieFilms.

However, my mother insisted that I slept with her.
“First you complain for hours and then you are not really sleeping in bed, we sleep over it now, point out of the end,” my mother shouted at me.

I started ready for bed at first, put on my sleeping things and lay down, after which my mother went into the bathroom to get ready.
As I waited that she was coming back, 1000 indecent thoughts in my head – I knew that it wasn’t ok, but I just couldn’t do anything about it.
I imagined how my mother enters the bedroom in various outfits: with leather Corsage and suspenders, breast-free only with black holdingless and high heels, in a black network cat-cat, splinter fiber.
Within a few seconds I got an extreme stand from the mere thoughts, no more, I was horny without end.

In this second my mother came around the corner, I quickly hit the blanket to hide my stand.
Although my mother, which I did not seriously expect, did not wore any of the outfits that I had imagined, the little black nightgown with a lace edge of what she had dressed, but she was also extremely good, especially since neither on her buttleft a lot of imagination to their lush breasts, both jumped towards you.

When she lay down, she grabbed the only blanket that we had to share and pulled her over, which led me to a panic reaction because I was afraid that she was pulling the ceiling so far that I was “freely” andShe sees that I have a stand.
So I hit the ceiling again to prevent the pulling away.

“Quite calm, I’ll not take the blanket away,” said my mother.
Not really knowing how to explain my behavior, I replied:
“I know I’m just a little cold”
“Oh, then I just come up a little bit of treasure” my mother said and moved closely to me while I lay away on the side of her and so on hid my stand in front of her.

I could hardly shake off the thoughts of my mother who made me so incredibly sharp earlier, so it was difficult for me to fall asleep, but after all, it was possible.

When I woke up at some point, I realized that my mother had put her arm around me, we were in spoon position – she slept deep and firm.

My mother’s hand was only a few centimeters, if not a millimeter from my penis. I thought back and forth whether I should take her hand and put it on my link, which has already become rock hard again by this consideration.
I assured that she really sleeps and pushed her hand very carefully down a little bit so that her fingers were on my shaft, which was covered by my sleeping pants, but it still felt extremely good.

My penis grew and grew, I was so horny that I actually wanted to make myself easier, but I would have had to give up the laboriously developed position of my mother’s hand, which is why I took her hand even more braver and her finger on my shaft slightlyAnd from gliding let.

Suddenly I noticed that her fingers moved up and down, if only gently without my intervention on my penis.

I no longer knew if she was sleeping or awake, I didn’t care at that moment, I enjoyed the game of her fingers and dropped myself.
My breathing became harder and I always got hotter.
Then I noticed that my mother’s fingers now gently caressed my testicles – I became more and more sure that my mother was now awake.

When my climax approached, my breathing became even harder, I felt how my mother briefly pulled her hand away, then put her directly under my sleeping pants, covered my penis firm foreskin To the hardest cumshot until then, my penis shrugged like crazy and punched more and more sperm out of here.
Feared the sperm shot from my penis literally, I had never been so cool before – I felt my whole pajamas wet got wet from my juice.

My mother moved her hand up and down my penis a few times after my cumshot, pushed the foreskin back and pulled it back, sometimes tender, sometimes a little firmer.

She didn’t say a word, let her hand rest on my penis at some point and continued to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, her hand was disappeared from my pants and I no longer sure whether I had a damp dream or that actually happened was that all my foster pants were glued.

“Well slept sweetheart?“, I suddenly heard my mother asking.
“Yes very good and you ?”I asked back.
“I had a crazy dream” replied my mother
“Tell” – I asked my mother.
You: “I am uncomfortable”
“Come on, we’re talking about everything” I begged.
You: “Well, so ehm …I dreamed that I touched you in my sleep and then I somehow woke up, I think, and then I was somehow excited … that’s so embarrassing ”
“Mom, I honestly think that was not a dream, because I had the same dream,” I said on that.
“Oh god, we had sex ?” – she asked.
“No I don’t think you only touched me with your hand.
“You can’t say that to anyone ! That is forbidden !” – she screamed at me.
“I don’t do that, I promise you” – “You said you were also excited?”I then courageously follow.
You: “Yes, but that’s completely normal when a woman feels and sprays like a penis in her hand, and you have already had a stand when you only saw me in the nightgown, or do you think I didn’t check somethingYour ceiling campaign should?””
“You knew that?”I asked and then switched:“ Wait a minute, how do you know that my penis is sucking and I hooked up in your hand?””
You: “Why are you just so smart, you break everything”
Me: “Why do you mean ?””
You: “Oh man … I know that I like you, you are constantly looking at my chest and my buttocks and since your father is gone, I no longer have a guilty conscience that I feel about you as a woman andnot as a mother. If you thought we had only dreamed, we could have had fun with each other often, but so ….””

I knew that if I found the right words now, then I would have the chance to really have sex with my mother, maybe even see them in the outfits of which I have only imagined so far.

I started “Gina” – this is my mother’s first name – “I also feel drawn to you as a man. I also don’t know why we shouldn’t just be able to deal with our feelings openly here in our apartment, but have to pretend that we dream. You are an incredibly erotic woman and I get a stiff from your sight as you know alone ”

My mother said nothing, came towards me, knelt in front of me, pulled my still glued swimming trousers down and took my penis into her mouth without adoption and without using her hands: sucking, sucking, playing around with my tongue.
I only lasted a few seconds before I poured out violently in her mouth, I saw how my mother had to fight everything to swallow and my sperm partially ran out of her mouth again.
She got up, wiped the rest of my juice with her hand from my lips and said to me: “The next time you give me what I need – and now go to the baker for breakfast, get from your egg whitesI’m not getting full alone ”.

I was completely overwhelmed and after I got dressed without saying anything down to the baker to get breakfast.

The next few days were quite normal, except that I could no longer see my mother secretly on breasts and butt..We continued to sleep in a bed, but we no longer had sex.

When I came out of university the following Friday, however, a surprise awaited me that I will never forget.
When I opened the door to my room, there was a new bed there, but that was not the really surprising, but the fact that my mother was lying on the bed, splintered suddenly except for a few owner -free stockings and with incredibly far apart legs -Her labia stood wide and shone as if she had satisfied herself before my arrival.

She called for me demanding: “Get off completely naked and come here immediately!””
I immediately followed that.

She reached for the back of my head and pulled my face between her legs, my nose and my mouth pressed her directly to her wet vagina.

I didn’t really know what happened to me, but instinctively began licking her vagina, which she acknowledged with lustful moan.
She pressed me tightly and firmly, I licked as quickly and powerfully as I could until my mother suddenly pulled my hair very tightly, screamed extremely loudly and then relaxed again – I had my own mother orgasm licked.

“Thank you honey, that was incredible, I hope I didn’t scream the whole house together” were the first words after my mother’s outcry.

“Oh what, what has to get out,” I commented on my mother’s really loud orgasm scream.

My mother replied: “What has to go out has to get out? With that you know yourself from *laughs *, speak out: Do you want to come and maybe I can try something?”

For me there was only one answer: “Yes and yes”.

As soon as I said, my mother stretched out her feet with the black, keeping your foster. With one foot or. The toes crawled the underside of my testicles and the dam, with the other foot stroked it over my stiff penis from above.
Both made them increasingly energetic and then said to me: “Come on treasure, spray mom on her feet”. As soon as she said that, my entire load was not only flew over her feet, but up to her thighs.

“Very good” she said with a laugh in her voice.

“Why did you buy me a new bed? I thought we continued to sleep, ”I asked when I could think more clearly again.

“From now on we sleep together in your bed, my old one was no longer beautiful anyway.

The only thing missing in your room was the smell of sex in the air, but we got that now.”

“You are really incredible” I concluded the conversation before we both took a shower.

It passed a few days when I thought about how I should speak to my mother, despite all the fun we should talk about, that I want to have real sex, real sex with her.
I thought back and forth and came to the conclusion that the next time I licked her, I guided my penis to her vagina and wait for her reaction.

At the weekend this opportunity arose, it was wonderfully inviting with sprayed legs in front of me, the labia of the previous orgasm opened wide, the path in it completely free.

I slipped towards them and led my glans to their opening.
Then she clawed into my shoulders with her nails, pulled me up so that my stiffer tail from itself slid into it and said: “Thank God, I thought you didn’t feel like fucking me properly”.

“And if I feel like it,” I said while I started to push them rhythmically. “I was just not sure if I was allowed in you, especially not without a condom”.

“Of course you can do that, I also take the pill and now stop chatting and giving me,” my mother said vigorously to me.

Again and again I came across lust fulfilled into my mother’s soaking wet, my eggs bounce against hers anus, What she felt also gave way to healer.
At some point she reached to my testicles with her hand and started massaging her, she obviously wanted me to cum into her now.

I grabbed her mighty tits with my hands, kneaded her in the same clock as her my eggs, her cunt smacked loudly with every push.
From then on it didn’t take long for us to loudly scare our orgasm out of the bet and I unloaded my entire load into her wonderfully slimy-wet cunt.

Until I moved out of the apartment after the end of my studies, we had sex with each other almost every weekend, a friend we didn’t need both at that time.

I still visit my mother regularly today, she still has a new man or friend. Although I now have a permanent girlfriend, my mother still comes over the desire for her from time to time during my visits, so that we still approx. Sleep together once a month.

None of our secret still knows about our secret.

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