The beginning? | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I looked at him with big eyes. I don’t know, somehow I’m scared now. Thomas smiled at me, that is only more understandable, but you don’t need to have any. I will handle you and your body carefully and carefully.

You only need to trust me, I will not harm you, neither a physical nor a emotional one.

You should be able to live out your fantasies and dreams and I would like to help you. I looked him in the eye for a time that looked at me with a lot of rest. I couldn’t discover anything that worried me. No emotion of this lust that some men get when I have told them about my fantasies.

Okay, I want to try it, but I want to be able to stop again at any time if I want it. This is your right what you can use at any time.

Just tell me when the time has come, we will stop immediately and there is no more back. I nodded, I had such a strange feeling in my stomach what I somehow liked. Since you drive to Cologne, we still have a lot of time to deal with each other.

First of all, I want you to show me your breasts, but not just show it but you will present them to me. Show me what you have. I swallowed, so now it was serious. Slowly I pulled my sweater over my head.

In the meantime, Thomas carefully pulled the curtains and then turned to me and leaned back and watched me.
I made mine hesitantly bra on. My big breasts jumped out immediately.

I pressed out my upper body a bit and pulled my shoulders back, I knew that they were best presented. Show me your breasts individually, but also together. I would like to see how you deal with them.

I hesitantly picked up my right breast and pressed it a little. With that of the index finger I drove over my large Wartenhof, played a little with the already steeply upright nipple. Then I got my finger a bit wet and drove over the nipple, to whom this treatment also liked and he stretched up a bit. I let go of it carefully and took my left chest.

I also spoiled it only that she also pressed something on my body and with mine Tongue tried to reach her. Then I took both breasts and pressed them together.

I had somehow completely forgotten Thomas. He took the nipple between his fingers and rolled it a little, stroked it and pressed a little firmer. I was involuntarily groaning loudly.

I went through this feeling and gathered in my lap. He looked at me and grinned a little, I see that you like.
In a few minutes we reach Heidelberg Central Station ..

I instinctively reach for my sweater to put on me, but Thomas takes away the sweater and grins at me and shakes my head. Now comes the first big rehearsal. You will now completely move out here and sit down like this.

If you are sitting against the direction of movement, you will hardly be discovered. I go out and fit on that nobody comes in here. You are then completely on you.

But I know that you won’t take your things. I looked at him with big eyes and considered whether I had just heard right.

But he nodded to me, so it had to be right. I still started to take off my jeans. Thomas sat on his seat as normal and looked at me with a smile. After all, I was naked and sat down against the direction of travel, I looked at him anxiously, but he got up, gave me a kiss on my forehead and went out.

At that moment we drove in Heidelberg. I got hot and cold. Stiff that I was in my place, I had the feeling that my wagon was transparent and that everyone could see how I was sitting here. I looked down all the time, just don’t look at anyone.

After all, he held Train And of course travelers also stood in front of my window. My hand shrugged in the direction of the sweater. At that moment I heard Thomas outside in the hallway. I quickly pulled my hand back.

The travelers were too busy with themselves than they looked into my firm.

Suddenly the thought came over me that I also liked it too. I felt what happened between my legs. I looked out of the window totally confused, somehow I couldn’t realize it with myself. Then I fell a young man on whom I was curious to see if he had seen something.

My thoughts overturned in my head. Then a whistle and the train jerked. The man was quickly from my perspective. I breathed a relieved breath.

Then someone jerked the door and she listened to it as being torn open and then Thomas’s voice;that everything is occupied in this compartment. I drove together if it had come in and had seen me that way. The sweat ran down my back. After endless minutes, Thomas then came into the compartment.

So, I think now is the risk that someone else comes in here.

How are you doing??I would have loved to jump up and have scratched his eyes out or my fear could roar in his face, but it didn’t work. I just sank into myself and in my eye there was a little tear. Thomas took me in my arms and pressed me tightly.

I am proud of you that you kept that. You are already a very special woman. I lay in his arms and enjoyed his warmth. Suddenly his hands started to explore my body, my head, my shoulder, my chest, my stomach.

My body relaxed under his hands. I groaned quietly the deeper his hands worked up. My thighs went out by itself and my juice flocked out. Now I wanted to feel him, my hands started to explore his body, but Thomas stopped immediately.

I looked at him frightened. He looked at my eyes for a long time, then he grabbed my pants and pulled the fabric belt out of his pants.

He captivated my hands and pulled himself gently but significantly up where he feasted the end of the belt on the luggage network. So he had brought me to a position where I could only support my feet, I had to make a very extreme hollow cross. I scream quietly, but he banned every word to me.

Again he started to stroke my body. My body began to wind when he grabbed me. His fingers played on my clit and he pinched slightly, I groaned loudly. Then he buried his fingers in my labia.

A finger gently pushed into my flooding hole. Then he took his head down and he started spoiling me with his tongue.

I turned my body back and forth, but his arms held me up and I could hardly move. Hot waves rise in me and I could hardly control myself.

It would come to me soon. But he dominated me, whenever I was on the point that was right away orgasm He stopped rolling up and he kissed me on the thigh, he drove this game half an eternity with me. At some point I only had one wish, I wanted to come, shout out my feelings. Thomas took his head out of my lap and kissed me on my mouth.

Our tongues met for a passionate kiss. Suddenly he took my clitoris and rubbed him so violently that it came to me with an unknown violence, I wanted to scream loudly but his mouth stopped me. I could only indulge and I only saw stars and it was dark around me. I lost consciousness.

When I came back to myself, I sat in my place again, I had my sweater and also my pants.

I looked around the compartment confused, but I was alone. No trace of Thomas, but there. There was a note on his place.

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