The 1. Gangbang for a good wife | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I knew what was coming. I didn’t know how it would work in every detail, although it wasn’t my first ganbang … Nevertheless, a tension spread in me. I have felt this tension for a few days now. It started with my husband that I had to Gangbang would participate. This conversation was some time ago. However, my husband had not been idle during this time, had made contacts, visited people, talked to them and found.

So today this day should be. We sat in the car. I heard into myself, followed my thoughts. I felt my husband’s hand, felt it under my dress, felt it on my cunt. Today I was simply dressed for my standards, only pulled out of holding stockings, a short dress on it, plus sexy sandals. Why an exciting outfit, I was wondering … it was clear that I would be naked. How many will it be, I asked myself.

My husband didn’t want to tell me especially. How will they be? I’ll be one orgasm have? I couldn’t give myself an answer. I heard the music in the car radio, the entertainment with my husband went as automatically. We talked about general things. Then he turned the car into a large entrance. It seemed almost princely, looked like the driveway to a castle. We had arrived at the place where it would take place.

He parked the car right in front of a magnificent villa -like building that was wonderfully illuminated with stylish light. A terrace -like staircase led up to the front door, which we had quickly climbed. My husband rang and soon we were admitted by a distinguished man. It seemed to be the landlord, he led us into the living room, where I was startled violently. There were two other women in addition to me and approx. 30 men. I had to swallow whether all the types m I didn’t think to the end, but it was an attractive thought, even though now a fear of hell was rising in me.

I would create so many? In which constitution I would probably be afterwards? I eyed the faces and saw the other two chubby women. They were younger than me. One might be in his mid -20s, good figure, at least what I could see because it was dressed a little more casually. I appreciated the other at the beginning/mid -30s, also a good figure. The feeling came up in me that I might be a bit out of place. What should I do here older semester? The guys would only take care of the two younger graces anyway, I thought.

I felt relieved that I was not alone and had two fellow campaigners, but I couldn’t get rid of this strange feeling. I felt the men’s eyes on me. I felt how I was patterned, felt the eyes of the men who pulled out me with my eyes. They all looked nice, nobody was unappealing. A voice penetrated my ear. ,,All are now present. ” I heard. ,,We can now slowly take action!”I had to smile,” go to act … “sounds good.

What is my deed? What is the act of the other two women? Our act will be to spread the legs apart, nothing more! Simply spread legs and one tail to let yourself go into it. To fuck and let yourself be fucked extensively and fully. The host went up, everyone followed him in the basement. I was surprised when I entered a large room that was bright and factually furnished.

At the center I saw an examination chair standing. In addition, there were a lot of mattresses. I watched most of them pull out. My husband also made no institutions to undress, although he didn’t want to participate. It was easy for me, I just pulled my dress over my head and was naked, naked to the stockings and the sandals. One of the girls went to the examination chair and sat on it. Again I heard the host of the host, who repeated the rules again.

“In the beginning, every woman comes to the chair for 30 minutes, one after the other. After that, pack of packs is announced!“I should be the second and then I thought again that I was by far the oldest. In the meantime, the men were allowed to touch the women who were not sitting in the chair and horny themselves, although I had already expected that everyone would quickly try to get a place with the younger one.

But instead I was taught a better one. Except for one, all the guys moved to me with the tail, wanking in my hand. Wow, I thought … I looked at the little one, it was the younger one, saw her put her legs in the holding bowls of the examination chair and how she spread her legs. The first man was already building up in front of her, with the tube in his hand. With his cock he shared her labia, pushed himself forward and started fucking her.

I watched the spectacle that would soon expect me. I felt touches, touches on my body. They attacked me and folle me, picked me up and horny with her fumbles. I looked at breathlessly like the girl, whose name I didn’t know, was fucked. I watched, saw the man’s short rearing up and suspected that he was pouring into her. I saw what will happen to me immediately.

I could see how he pulled himself back from her and how his sleeping dick ran down from him. The next man took his place and the game started again. Some men followed until the first 30 minutes were over. I knew my time had come now. I would sit on this chair for 30 minutes and spread my legs. Broad to be fucked! Spread so that the men will have fun! Spread to let the cock like cock into me! Broaden to make my fucking hole available to you!I went to the chair with a queasy feeling, sat in and put my legs on the holding bowls.

I opened myself, opened my greedy shaved cunt to let the first cock into me. I had hardly sitting properly, as the first beating penetrated into me. The guy pushed into me right away as far as possible. I felt his movements, his fucking movements, felt his pushing. ,“You have such a horny cunt, you little horny ficksau!“He grumbled me and I actually felt a little bit honored.

I let it go through me and knew that I would like it. I knew myself and knew my husband who enjoyed this spectacle. Yes, he obviously enjoyed seeing me how I am fucked by strangers. I felt the lust of the man, felt his desire, felt that he wanted to come as quickly as possible. I felt his passion, as far as one can speak of passion in a gang bang. I felt his effort, felt his tremble, felt him closer to his goal.

I felt how he pulled himself out of me and loosened from me. Then I looked up and saw the next man coming to me. He stood his stiff in his hand in front of me. I looked into his eyes and noticed a embarrassed grin, coupled with lust and the certainty that he was allowed to fuck me. I felt his cock, which made his way through my open labia deep into my cunt, although his goal was to let off his lust in me.

He just wanted to make it easier for me, which I was here for. After him the next came, then another and another, I counted with me. My time was over, the beginning made! It was the “warmingup”, so to speak,. I got off the chair, got something to drink. No matter whether you move or not, fuck makes you thirsty, I thought! I grinned and looked for my husband and found him not far from sitting.

Our eyes met. Hands touched me, horny to me. They were everywhere, on my tits, between my legs and of course on my butt. I looked at the spectacle and felt the lust that was in the room. How the men literally radiated their lust. I let me fiddly with me … “Well, you horny piece, make you nice and strange when I fumbate you?“Suddenly one of the men asked. I couldn’t give an answer.

It didn’t make me horny in the conventional sense, rather from the head. The situation and the fact excited me. It excited me that I was an object, nothing more. Reduced to my body. Reduced to my abdomen and my cunt, my greedy hole and on my heavy tits. Just there to be grabbed by the men. To be grabbed to get horny or to stay horny. I felt comfortable! Maybe that’s a bit incomprehensible, but I think that a cunt is made to fuck.

Why shouldn’t you use what was given by God? I know that I sound like a bitch, but it’s not that? What else does a woman have a cunt for?Finally the 30 minutes of the 3. Woman ended. There was a small snack for everyone and also refreshing drinks. After this break it should really start. I lay down on one of the mattresses lying around. To discharge, I pushed a pillow under my buttocks and immediately opened my legs.

Eíner immediately came up and accepted this invitation. I didn’t know if I had the “pleasure” with him before. Somehow I didn’t care either. I just wanted to be available, be available to him, indulge me and let me fuck. He fucked me quickly and hastily, so that average was my rating for him. The next man was just average and the next one and the next one.

It was changed again and again! Next to me I heard loud moan and look right away. The woman next to me came to her first orgasm. She reared up violently and twitched back and forth completely ecstatically. I also felt that my body finally reacted. In retrospect, I no longer knew which man or better, in which fuck I got my first orgasm of the evening, but it was important?In the course of the evening another joined another one, but it was a bit more extreme.

I didn’t count, I don’t know how many men are over me, how many men put their cock into my body and how many men had an orgasm in me that evening. I just enjoyed it. Later, when we drove home, I was tired, dead tired. But I was still horny, horny for my husband. Horny to feel it in me. I did without the shower, jumped into bed and expected my husband.

I clearly felt my cunt, my battered and swollen cunt. But I enjoyed the pain when my husband entered me, suppressed the scream that the pain awakened and gave it to him. I let myself be fucked and had my orgasm out of pleasure, out of pleasure for my husband. I just woke up slowly and felt heavy like lead. I just dreamed all of this? When I was slowly getting wicker, everything was remembered again.

It wasn’t a dream, it was a reality. My body hurts as if I got under the bikes. What I was more or less too, but it wasn’t bikes, but men. Men who used my body. Men who had drowned my body. I felt a burning, a burning sensation that came from my middle. My fingers were slowly moving to the stove of the fire and twitching back! It felt strange like a yeast dough that had risen, my cunt was swollen.

At the same time I noticed a pull in my warts! “That’s right”, the memory came back. I was also taken off, violent, even very violent. Here, too, I went on a control handle and felt my nipples that were hard and hurt violently. I perceived coffee scent. So my husband was already up. He too had been out of print and in my body! More and more details returned to my memory. I got up, wanted to put on something. Everything hurt! My eyes fell in the mirror, in which I could see myself.

I became curious, stood in front of my reflection, looked down at me, looked for my middle and saw the presents that I had only felt before. My nipples got off, were completely stiff and could have served me as a clothing hook in this state. I was looking for my Kimono. I just didn’t want to carry too much fabric over the battered body. I followed the coffee scent up to the dining room, where my husband had already been diligent and had prepared breakfast.

We hugged each other, kissed, had breakfast, entertained us and reviewed the evening yesterday’s evening. I was still totally tired, wanted to sleep, but my husband had other plans! How could it be otherwise, he had already made plans for the further day and also started with the organization for it. He had made an appointment with some of his colleagues and friends, or rather, he had invited them. Invited to make me the object again.

An object in which man puts his tail in order to be used exclusively for the lust of the men present. An object that is only used for fucking. ,,But today it is really fucked, not such in and out like yesterday! That was only the starter on what comes today!“He said with a smile and completely convinced. I came up with his imagination, which was often mine too, just not today! I was looking forward to the boys because I was all nice and sometimes quite cool, but I couldn’t know whether this was also based on mutuality.

Who would actually come now, knowing that he should just fuck me? The wife of the work colleague fuck in front of his eyes. The thought turned me on and shouted at me again at the same time. I knew he wanted to torture her, a meanness that I honestly liked to like. A sweet agony and a painful one. I felt the excitement! A delicious excitement that spread in me. Spread throughout my body.

I felt the blood circulating in my body and I was getting warmer and warmer. I prepared for it and took a hot bathroom. The water hurt on my battered and used body. I gave myself a day’s dream, merged with him and came back to reality. I shaved how I did it every day because I hated hair or even stubble on my body. First the legs, then the armpits, then the sensitive area between my legs.

She was cautious when I let the sharp blade slide over my cunt. I wanted to be smooth, very smooth for my new lovers. After I spotted myself dry, I cremated my whole body with body lotion. A delicate soft fragrance enveloped me. A little problem was the clothing, fabric was too rough for my maltreated body and for my nipples. They were still hard and pain. It was a pleasant pain that flowed through me sweetly, but still decided again for my Kimono, because the silk flattered my skin.

I knotted him, put it on above the hip, made it shorter, but the fabric no longer appealed my nipples. Mine was happy with me what I saw in his gaze and at the bump in his pants. He reached for me and I nestled against him. I was very close to him and he was on me. He stroked me and his hand slid under my Kimono. I easily felt his hand on me and it was so good that a shower ran over me and I got goose bumps.

Goosebumps that intensified when he pinched me! I wanted to scream at first, but I suppressed it and enjoyed the cutting pain that flowed through me violently. He pinched and pulled on my thick nipples, which now shone blood red and painstakingly tried to control myself! I would have wanted to scream, moan, groan, but the only thing that happened was that my knees were soft. We kissed, wet and deeply kissed, played with our tongues, who were up to mischief in the other’s mouth of the other.

Saliva ran out of our corners of the mouth, but I wanted more, much more because I just loved kissing it. I gasped and felt the feelings in my body blazing. I was ripe, I was wet and I was totally cool! I loosened from him, slid down on him so that I knelt. At my eye level, his hard cock was hidden under an enormous bump in his pants. I licked my lips and wondered if he wanted it now.

I was brave. My hands crawled up his legs, only touched him slightly, but I felt his whole excitement and enjoyed it. I was there because my hands felt the beloved hardness through the fabric of his pants. My fingers nesting on the zipper, opened in, slipped in and found what I desired. He hadn’t put on a slip, which I always liked incredibly. I could feel it aware and feel it, his heat, his soft skin, which had a hard core underneath.

He was really rock hard and pulsed slightly flinching. I carefully got it out of the covering of the pants and looked at him exactly. I love this cock and consume myself after him!It looks appetizing, tasty, tasteful, juicy. I released his glans, lush pink shone she. Receive the plump and twist filled with blood, ready to give. I also opened the belt of his pants and then the button. She fell down and lined around his feet.

I had to pull myself together, I wanted to record him entirely, show him my irrepressible lust and my greed. I approached his spear, licked over the glans, sucked it in and heard a cozy sound. I massaged his buttocks, grabbed his testicles and massaged it too. I sucked his stiff deeper, worked it out with my lips and tongue. Then come his hands, to put on my back of my head and hold it.

I knew what that meant and expected that he would continue to hold my head because he wanted to determine the pace and hold the reins in his hand. Yesterday it was my cunt that was fucked several times and today it was my mouth. I like it and can’t do without being used to be used like this. I enjoy each of his slight bumps in my mouth. I give him completely and I am proud that he will take me that way.

I know his rhythm, know how he reacts, expect his warm cum to swallow her. It makes me totally horny, just horny. Its bumps become faster, become more powerful, its grip on my head becomes firmer, fodier. From the little hole little at the top of his glans, liquid comes, not much, just something, the first harrings! He’s deep in my throat when it hits me. His orgasm begins at the lowest point, the first cumshot meets my throat wall and automatically starts a swallowing movement for me.

It gets more and is distributed in my mouth. I swallow his juice! Greedy I suck everything out of it to the last drop and feel this feeling of bliss in me as always!I get up and kiss him with my smeared mouth. I give him something back from his own taste and he takes it benevolently. I was aware that it would be similar with the men that evening! I will certainly get a climax with my mouth, an orgasm.

If they will let me come in and on me, they will taste and obedient as I am now swallowing everything!My husband will take the lead! He has the booklet in his hand and prepares everything. He put a large bath towel on the carpet and threw a few more pillows. His looks revealed to me that I had to change. Of course, a Kimono was not necessarily what made tired guys alive. I should wear something horny, something that would look hot together with high heels.

Nylon socks were an absolute must, he told me and I should put on make -up as smettily as possible. Actually it wasn’t my kind at all. I prefer to have a subtle make -up, but did not contradict, but did what he asked me. I decided on a Catsuit made of black tip, which was of course open throughout the step. The tits were also able to dangle freely, because there was also an opening for them. I roamed a mini dress that revealed more than covering up and climbing into my favorite pumps.

So you could have easily sent me to the line in Hamburg!The boys came as an appointment, I was happy to be able to give satisfaction and wondered me. I didn’t know one of these men who were now in front of me and were there. to undress. A quick look at my husband, who was the grin on his face, told me again that it should be a surprise. Most of the time it was different from what was thought, that was his kind.

Without thinking about it, I got on my knees in front of them, as before with my husband. The first stranger immediately came up to me. He proudly carried his stiff in front of him, looking at the others and also with them the cocks were sticking and stood out of their bodies. They all had powerful cocks, one larger than the other, but they were all very young men too. It will go quickly, I thought to myself! They were hungry and certainly very splashed!I willingly opened my mouth when the first came to me.

Without hesitation, he immediately pushed his cock into my expected throat. His hands took my head unerringly, held it. I knew how the rules of the game were provided by my husband. I should be fucked in my mouth, no bubble was the order of the day, you should just use me. Gradually they fucked me in my mouth. Everyone gave me their juice, sprayed it in my neck and let me swallow. The laboriously dressed tight dress pulled out of my head quickly.

Then they put me on the back, spread my legs and released my blank shaved cunt. I was in front of them defenseless! Her eyes were now exposed to my battered and swollen cunt, which should now get treatment that would definitely be painful at the beginning. ,,Aaaaaaah!“I literally screamed because it hurt terribly and I hate pain. A mouth lay on mine to put me calm, I thought, but it was actually a real kiss.

I felt my hands and fingers on me, on my big tits and it got warm. Blood flowed through my body, brought even more life back into me. Hormones were released, put me up and let me feel my body. I felt my cunt! She was kissed, licked, sucked and caressed. Everywhere there were hands, fingers, mouths and tongues. They brought me into driving. I was foggy and could only breathe hard. Everything turned around me and I heard myself gasping and groaning.

I heard my irrepressible desire, my despair about where it should end up. My breath, heavy and trembling, indicated that I was damn close to an orgasm. I came, I screamed and groaned as violently as hardly before. It was just awesome. I still felt the many hands on me, despite the fact that I was still completely foggy with lust. Now I wanted more and everything they could give me.

I was suddenly turned on my stomach and noticed a pillow under my pool and how my abdomen was pushed up. I knew what kind of meaning and was ashamed. I was ashamed of my overwhelming lust and my greed. Nevertheless, a feeling of pride came up in me that I could be so horny and could live it out. Then I felt a cock and shouted my whole dirty lust out of me.

Screamed because it hurt violently and then again out of sheer lust. He was deep inside me with a hard bump. It burned like fire and yet it was a cute horny burning. I could only let myself go completely, totally indulge myself and give up. They changed, did not want to come, let me fidget and in no way let me rest in a little rest. There were no breaks! They fucked me continuously and incessantly.

I was desperate and came several times in a row. I gasped, groched, groaned and screamed like a wild furie. I worried every push and enjoyed what they did with me. As with a final final run, they accelerated their pace. They wanted to come, I felt that deep in me. They rammed, bumped and drove their fat merciless cocks into my emaciated housewife cunt and brought me to the sky of feelings. Every splash of the viscous cum that they shot into me was like a violent salva from a flame thrower for me.

sperm Then ran out of me as if it came from a filled piping bag. Yes, I was, filled, satisfied and blessed. I stayed as they had fucked me and fell into a kind of fickerkoma. I do it like drunk to myself and let it blast in a relaxed manner. I heard from afar how they talked to my husband. “You have well -behaved marriages! Willing and wet like a wet meadow! Send them over with us, we still have a few guys who would like to fuck them!!!””I’m thinking about it!“My husband answered hesitantly and was already sure that he would do that.

“But next time she will be around one Ass fuck unable!“,, Yes and titty fuck, she has such a thick tits, you have to have fucked them!“From a distance I heard how they went. I was too broken to move and just stayed like that. When I slowly came back to myself, I felt a cold that rose in me and also a cold between my legs. Still ran out of my pussy.

Fucked foreign sperm, which my pussy skin now cooled down. My husband stood next to me and looked down at me like a gentleman on his slave. “And? Did you like it?”I nodded. “Do you want to do that again?“Again I was willing. “Then go now have a shower, My little marriage hooker. The weekend is far from over!”.

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