Taboo Luder practices deepthroat | Erotic sex stories

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…. Well, I am written here more often that I would have pretty hard deep throat video’Sin my favorite and whether I like and do it the same way. So I decided to write it here … How I think in this regard and how my experiences are with it. Maybe in advance … I find the scenes in the videos blatant and exciting. Whether I would do it like that … let me do it? I don’t think ….If someone finds traces of humor or irony in my post, I would like to say that my report is still true and everything has happened exactly like this.

The whole thing was more or less easy that I look at an erotic film from time to time, of course only when nothing else runs on TV *Grinsnaja, at least every now and then deep throat scenes and my wish was always to be tried out once and againstronger. Just for me … all alone … just because I wanted to know how it is. And hey ….You can only talk about something you have already tried or? So I needed a replacement for a penis first, because I wanted to try it out for myself.

Since I don’t have sex toy’s myself … Yes that is really 😉 I got borrowing that my male protagonists should replace. I chose two penis replicas. Source information on the origin of the loan can unfortunately not be made here; Pich would like to call the two in the following mini and Maxi 🙂 Mini I would describe mini as rather small and slimming, so it was almost 15cm long and a diameter of almost 4cm, of coursenot to be able to imitate a male penis, even if it was astonishingly imitated to one.

But there is no small one … or? : Pmaxi corresponded to its almost 23cm length and almost 6cm diameter, almost exactly the penis of the average Xhamster user 🙂 So it was perfect. But to be a little more serious again …… the information of the two voices really … And are not invented. And as I said, it was loan and I did not have the huge selection, but just had to take what was there;) In any case, there was an afternoon that I alone was at home to carry out my project and I was even aLittle excited.

I grabbed a towel (for which the deep throat knows what to think of), so to speak, a safety measure xdund went into my room, opened the drawer in the mini and maxi and which were already excitingly rolled back and forth 🙂 I put the towelOn the floor and grabbed me first mini. I put it on the floor knelt and held it with both hands. Then I took it in my mouth to be honest, I felt a little stupid at the beginning of sucking on a rubber hing, but I just wanted to know how that is, no idea if someone can understand that.

I took it deeper and deeper in my mouth and surprisingly, it caused me no problems at all, even if accompanied by smack and worn -out sounds, to make it disappear completely in my mouth. The longer I tried, the more my saliva was stimulated, because it ran out of my mouth, then over Mini and my hands. The towel was gradually getting wet and my T-shirt also got more and more. In short, it was already a mess 🙂 I decided to move the whole action into the bathroom before I nasted the carpet and I would have to tell my parents, possibly the reason for this, that would have been a bit embarrassing to me.

I also thought that it might be better to be naked when trying. So I pulled myself out of Mini and Maxi, my towel and mashed into the bathroom. I put Maxi in the sink and disappeared with mini in the shower;) I took it back in my mouth and put it deep in my mouth again and again, yes I fucked my own mouth and although mini was not the biggest, my saliva ran likecrazy and I really wondered where it came from.

He dripped my mouth out of my mouth and ran down my body. It was rather uncomfortable to me than horny because every time mini disappeared completely in my mouth, contracted my abdominal muscles through the constant choking and I got real swords, and I also got sore throat through the permanent irritation. So I stopped and looked at the clock -Oh Wow, I thought you kept up for just 5 minutes deep throating ?That was somehow frustrating for me.

I went out of the shower and exchanged Mini against Maxi, wiped my spit from my body and disappeared back in the shower. The difference was blatant and it was almost a challenge for Michmaxi to get in the mouth, these were really remarkable dimensions. Now you know why I don’t meet with any user here; if I were to Maxi and the deeper I pushed it into my mouth, the more it caused it a feeling of pressure, but I still had it deeper and then had to quickly do itpull out because suddenly I didn’t get any air at all.

My goodness, how do they do it in the films, of course they do it for money, but what is not possible, that is also not possible for money. New attempt, this time I got enough air beforehand and pushed Maxiwieder into my mouth, deeper and deeper until I couldn’t get it any further, but there was still a long time missing, definitely just under 10 cm that I didn’t get in. And the feeling of pressure was really violent, again I couldn’t air and pulled it out, this time he pulled thick spitting threads, even though it was actually spit? It was very firm and tough, like spit, but you could wind it up like a noodle.

Yes, I know sounds disgusting 😉 But that’s really that. Strangely, I didn’t have to choke so much with Maxi. So I tried to push him in and out quickly and firmly. It was different again, I had to choke quite a bit and the smack noises were really blatant, and the tears ran through the extreme exertion. For a moment I had when I thought it didn’t stay when I choked, my stomach cramped, I had to cough and I just thought -I had to shit now I had to get happily but only a huge surge of this tough mucus and hung outMy mouth, dragged on to my breasts and when trying to take off it, I had it like thick threads hanging on my hands and it looked totally strange, on the one hand, but how saliva threads stuck like with small balls and incredibly tough, so if someone knows why thatIf he is happy to educate me, I then exchanged again against Mini and thought he would have to go in easily now.

It was like that too, but the gags remained. But I still wanted to know if I would endure a real mouth fuck. So I took a mini at the bottom of the clock, took me to hold out at least 10 minutes and fuck myself in my mouth. My spit ran without end and I choked, but I would make it. Then I had to quit because, as the first time, my belly hurt me from constant strangling and a real feeling of nausea.

Again I had not managed 5 minutes, but I felt like I had done it for hours. My neck hurt when I swallow and when I tried to speak, only a croak came out. Yes great, well that was really worth it, I thought. Hopefully that will go away again. The whole thing lasted almost all day and even a day later I still had a slack feeling in my stomach. How do you feel if it takes half an hour? I prefer not to know.

Well, that was my first deep throat attempt, I don’t know how it was with others, but for me it was absolutely not exciting but just exhausting and very hard. If you are wondering if I would do it again, yes I would, but only for someone I really love and who really want to experience it, I would do it. Unless he also has a maxi 🙂 I hope you liked it a bit, if so then leave me a like or a comment, I’m always happy and hey maybe one knows where the tough mucus is actually herecomes xD.

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