Suddenly the neighbor fucks with | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Doreen wanted to surprise her husband again last weekend with great lingerie. She had showered freshly when Paul was around 20. 00am came home. She was lying on the couch in the living room, covered with a ceiling. When Paul entered the living room and she lies on the sofa, she hit the ceiling and presented her husband in noble underwear and ownered stockings. She was wearing a blue top bra and a blue transparent silk patch.

High -heeled pumps were the right choice to their lingerie. “My god, you look great”. Doreen felt very flattered. Your regular fitness training provided her good figure. She was also proud of that and liked to show them. With a body size of 1.65m and a weight of 70kg, it had enough female curves to fill the top bra of size 80b very well. “Really pretty …” he produced and slight excitement rose in it.

He sat down on Doreen on the couch and kissed her for a very long time. Meanwhile, his hand hiked onto her silk patch and his fingers started to stroke her labia through the fabric. This treatment did not pass through Doreen without a trace, her nipples had become rock hard and her pussy became more and more damp. Paul immediately noticed that the Doreen was slowly getting hornier and so he continued to stroke and stimulate her labia with his left hand to stroke and stimulate her labia more intensely while his rights processed her nipples through the bra.

Doreen closed his eyes and started moaning slightly. Overall, Paul pressed her a little stronger onto the couch and gently massaged her clitoris through the silk patch through the silk patch. Doreen spread her thighs and pressed her head into the pillow. She twisted her eyes and groaned, “you make me so horny”. What a horny sight, Doreen lay with the back on the couch the legs pointed towards the terrace, the ceiling was on the floor, the wide-spread legs, the blue transparent silk panties, the keeper stockings with the high-heeled pumps and the blue topbra.

Paul lowered his head aside and began to suck on her nipples. At the same time, he edited her clitoris and buttocks through the silk patch. “Let’s go into the bedroom, or do you want the neighbor to see us?”” Keep on … “breathed Doreen. Paul had his fingers spread along the edge of her silk briefs, suddenly he abruptly pushed the edge of the silk briefs aside and drilled two fingers in her vagina. Doreen moaned loudly.

“Please, pull my panties off quickly”. “Do you really want that? “”Yes”. “Then the neighbor can look at your pussy ..?”” No matter, finally pull out my slip “. “Make it horny when he is watching? “” Jaaaa … “moaned Doreen. Meanwhile, Paul read his fingers tirelessly in her vagina. To Doreen’s surprise, he now drilled a finger in her hole. Paul had never done that before. Doreen closed his eyes. The moaning became louder and louder.

Meanwhile, Paul knelt in front of Doreen and tried to drill a third finger into the opening between her legs. Doreen opened her legs a little further. Immediately Paul pushed his third finger into her vagina and started to fuck her rhythmically. She groaned even more violently, her lower body was already flipping. Shortly before she came, Paul pulled out his fingers out of her vagina and put his tongue between her labia.

With the tongue of an experienced husband, he now drove up and off between her labia, he sucked on her clitoris in between. Doreen’s abdomen turned to the left and right and Paul clawed his fingers in her buttocks to hold her. A strong orgasm came over Doreen, orgasm cramps flocked again and again through their body. She couldn’t suppress her cries of pleasure. Suddenly Paul said to hear noises. Doreen raised her head, for a moment she felt that someone had looked through the glass pane of the terrace.

She blinked outside, but could not see anything. A somewhat uncomfortable feeling she went through. Paul turned and said “there is nobody” Doreen’s breath became calmer again. Again she looked at the terrace door. Then she saw the neighbors. He stared through the disc and rubbed himself over the bumps in his pants. “Watch”. Doreen Covered panic. She wanted to jump up. Paul pushed her back onto the couch and drilled two fingers in her dripping wet again.

Doreen groaned while trying to press her legs together. “Hey, what should that be” screamed Doreen a little and tried to get up. “The old horny miller is there!”. “This guy just stares at us here, what outrageousness. “” Well darling, you could have him watched a little and offer him a little show, “said Paul and grinned. “What do you mean by that?” she asked. “Now come as if you didn’t know how to make this guy horny! In addition, that also makes you horny when he watches us, or?“Paul replied.

“Very funny” she replied. “Now treat them something, it’s horny when he is watching us. His wife has been dead for five years. He’s already Senil ..?”” Me, make it cool “. Meanwhile, Paul’s fingers tirelessly worked on their vagina. Doreen noticed how she started to excite the situation. “But the door is closed, or?”” Certainly, you don’t need to be afraid, he won’t come in here, “she reassured Paul. Under his treatment, she gave up her resistance.

Every now and then she looked at Mr. Müller. He stared on her dripping wet pussy and rubbed the bump in his pants. Doreen spread her thighs to make work easier for Paul’s fingers. She closed her eyes and let her head sink into the pillow. “Come on, show him your breasts” he cleverly opened the top bra with his right hand and threw it into the corner. The neighbor who was well over 60 was a wonderful sight.

Doreen lay on the couch with his back, which was not far from the patio door. The legs pointed towards the terrace. She had spread her thighs wide. Her pussy was densely overgrown with black hair. The old miller could only guess her labia. Your pussy certainly looked mysterious. Your plump breasts and the holding -free stockings with the high -heeled pumps rounded off the picture. The guy would certainly have fallen on her immediately, but there was the protective patio door.

Paul lowered his head and started sucking her nipples again. Slowly he pulled his fingers out of her dripping wet pussy, shared her labia and then gently but unstoppably massaged her clitoris. She could no longer suppress a moan. “Nice horny my little one” said Paul. Doreen was back just before an orgasm. Then Paul heard to stimulate her clit. “Make, keep …” Doreen started to circle with her pool. Paul was mean. Whenever Doreen was just before that, he heard to massage to her clitoris.

In between he kept holding his smeared fingers in front of her. Doreen sucked and licked on the fingers like crazy. She was so incredibly horny, she loved her pussy juice. “You like that?”” Taste my fingers?”” Yeah … “she groaned. Doreen could hardly stand it anymore. “Please I want to come now,” she begged. Paul played with her. Again and again he massaged her clitoris. Again and again he rubbed through her dripping wet column, up and down. He always did this until it was about to be orgasm.

Then he stopped immediately. He repeated this game at least ten times. And every time an even greater orgasm was announced by Doreen. In the meantime, the juice flowed out of her pussy, so horny it was. Your orgasm did not come to explode but also not to fade away. So he held up her lusten mirror and made it a compliant mare. “Please let me come now,” she begged again. “Take a look at the old one.

““ Your sight seems to make her really horny. “” He wanked … “Doreen raised his head like in a trance. The old Müller had let his pants down and stood wanking on the patio door. Doreen couldn’t believe what she saw. A huge cock. Thick and dark red. The glans still slightly covered by the foreskin. He was incredibly long and incredibly thick. Incredible…..She had never seen anything like this before. She would never have thought that there would be something like that.

His eggs also corresponded to the proportions and looked like two chicken eggs. The sight of the mighty cock was too much for her. She stammered “Oh god is the huge” when an enormous orgasm wave was on her. Doreen groaned much louder now. Then she came … orgasm cramps flocked again and again through her body. It was as a twitched flash through her body. Her finger clawed into the leather of the couch and she turned wildly from left to right.

Paul held it as long as she had rarely experienced an orgasm so intensely. Still pulsed her innermost like never before. “Please fuck me … “” Please, “she breathed. “No at first you blow him,” said Paul and rose. He went to the patio door and opened her unnoticed by Doreen. Then he took off his pants and started to jerk off his cock. “Come on blas him me” Doreen slowly rose from the couch and crouched in front of Paul.

She was still slightly dazed by her intensive orgasm. The old one still diligently jerked on his cock. He pressed his mighty cock against the glass pane. Doreen looked to the right. The tail was now exactly on its eye level. Only the glass pane separated it. “Come on blas him” Doreen stretched out his tongue and started licking Paul’s testicles. Then she enjoyed the shaft with relish. She carefully pulled back his foreskin and played around his glans with her tongue.

Then she let him slide into her mouth and slowly blew him. In doing so, she put her tongue very skillfully. Paul moaned. “Ahh is awesome”. After she had blown him for a while, she let the tail slide out of her mouth. She turned her head back to the tail on the window. Doreen stretched out the tongue again and let it slide over the glass pane. She licked the tail through the disc with relish. She changed again and again.

Sometimes she blew Paul’s cock, sometimes she licked over the window. The old one jerked off more and more violently. Suddenly the old’s tail started to twitch and poured over the disc. “Old pig!“Doreen called. “Finally you disappear you disgusting pig” you spin Doreen. It is no wonder that he splashes onto the window, as you present yourself!“Yes it was awesome, as Doreen crouched there, the spread legs, the owner -free stockings with the high -heeled pumps, her plump breasts that hang down like udder.

“He would definitely like to fuck you …” “You are probably spinning” she replied. “Why not, you like big cocks,” replied Paul. “Yes already. It is much larger than your cock, but I would never let myself be fucked by this old pig … “” Is mine too small for you?”” Well, he was never the biggest!”” He was always enough for you!””Do you think?“She asked Schnipisch. “The old man, probably haven’t seen a pussy for years” “but I still find him really disgusting”.

Doreen got up and turned. Due to their high -heeled pumps, their butt came into their own very well. The older one now gave way back a little. He had heard her well despite the glass pane. This young marriage lamp wanted to insult him. He only had one goal. He wanted this bitch, she believed that she had everything under control, to get to be fucked. He knocked on the window and pointed to his cock. “My name is not pig, but Bernhard!“Called the old one.

“Finally from you disgusting pig” called Doreen and showed him the stink finger. Paul continued to look at Doreen and the old. Somehow the situation made him and her sight was getting hotter. His mind switched off. “Come on me,” said Paul. “No, prefer to fuck me, then the old pig has, at least also his fun, you seem to like him …” “Such a nonsense, I think it’s horny when he watches us” “Come on, blow him a little more,Then I’ll fuck you too “.

Horny as Doreen was still, she got on her knees and crawled after him on all fours. She finally wanted to be fucked. Bernhard presented her wet pussy on all fours, stretched the butt to the terrace door, she presented Bernhard. Your plump breasts hung down horny. She let the tail slide into her mouth and blew it again. Paul looked at the door and groaned. “Ahh is cool, keep it up” “You are so horny, my little fuck mare, make your legs wide and stretch your butt up, come on!”” Show him how horny you are “” show him what you have “.

Without superior, Doreen, Paul’s instruction followed. Bernhard no longer endured this sight. Quiet and unnoticed, he opened the patio door. He entered, closed the door again and knelt behind Doreen. Doreen was so busy with the tail that she didn’t notice anything about it. Paul felt that he would come under Doreen’s treatment soon. A feeling of fear and lust spread in him. The old one now took his huge cock in his hand.

He pulled the foreskin back, so that it released the imposing glans. Doreen unintentionally stretched out her bare butt. Then he placed her in front of her dripping wet and pushed it in. A cry of her throat. “No!“She tore up her mouth far as he widened her labia, that’s exactly how he wanted it. In a single movement, he pushed his huge cock into a third into the hairy cunt presented.

He literally spied on her. “You pork” screamed Doreen. She tried to press her thighs together. He clutched her pelvis with both hands. He pressed so massively with his body weight that she had no chance. Doreen still tried to free himself from the almost hopeless situation. She turned to the left and right. Paul also grabbed her and held her tight. “Paul helps me!”” If you are now completely crazy “” Stops “she roared, but Paul’s hormones played crazy.

He should have helped her. He could have helped her. The situation made him so horny that his mind was completely eliminated. Doreen was now also panicking with regard to the thickness of the tail. “That doesn’t work” she screamed. “Please don’t” “your pigs” “We will see how well you stretch, my little sow” grunted the old one. Then he increased the pressure. Slowly but unstoppably he bored into her millimeter by millimeter. He slowly widened her vagina as it had never been widened.

Doreen first tried to avoid his cock,. Then she gave up the tremendous pressure. She reacted with her whole body. She kept trying to push the huge cock away. She kept trying to pinch her thighs together. But none of that seemed to be interested at all. He only clutched them and further increased the pressure. It hurt easily. The tail disappeared very slowly in her dripping wet pussy. “Ahhhh is the thick” groaned Doreen loudly.

She pinched her lips together, also her eyes. “Oh your pigs” “No, no longer” “Please do not continue to” “stop” “Now you feel a real man,” said Bernhard. He came deeper and deeper with his thick thing. He slowly drilled himself deeper and deeper towards her uterus. His plump glans, which was even thicker than the shaft, split their already twitching vaginal tube gently but adamantly. His testicles hit their labia gently gently committed to their labia. At the same moment, Doreen felt like his glans on her cervix.

She groaned even louder. She felt the pulsation of his cock. Their vaginal walls were pleasantly irritated by the extreme stretch. For a while it was little pain, now slowly turned into pure lust. Now he had bored into her entirely. Bernhard persisted in this position. He leaned deep over Doreen. He drove over her back with both hands. He hugged her. He grabbed her breasts and groaned. “Yes, that’s awesome! You are so soft and hot and your breasts make me even hornier!“Doreen threw his head back.

Your mind wanted to end all of this immediately. Your body spoke a different language. Your pussy wanted this cock. She wanted to be fucked. Not from her husband’s ridiculous cock. No. Finally a real cock. She showed that too. As at the push of a button, she produced a lot of pussy juice. Doreen literally ran out. The juice really ran down their thighs. “The way you run out, you want it, you snooty marriage lamp?“Doreen did not want to press it instead of pressing her thighs, she spread her thighs as hypnotized to offer the huge cock more space.

She started to circle with the pool. Incredible this old man had stuck his cock in her and Paul had looked at with relishly wanking without doing anything. Slowly Bernhad pulled his cock out again. Doreen moaned loudly. “Should I fuck you?”Doreen groaned” this nasty pork cock should fuck you, my little sow?“Bernhard asked and slowly pushed him in again. She groaned. “You old dirty ker” it broke out of her. “Oh the lady of the house, but has poor tone,” he said by pulling him out of something again and then penetrating a little deeper.

Again she had to moan loudly and again she ran through this shower, who sparked this irrepressible pleasure. “Jaaaaaaaaaa …” came out of her mouth, which was surprising about herself. “I knew that you needed something like that” “You horny marriage lamp,” he replied and accelerated his in and out. He now fucked her with strong bumps. At first nice slowly and then faster and more and more violent. Doreen acknowledged every poss with a deep moan. Her whole confident and arrogant manner was gone.

After half an eternity, her brain suddenly switched on again. Doreen turned around. “No, please not like that, please at least take a rubber” “Please don’t fuck without rubber” she begged and bended him. Doreen got terrible panic. She knew that she did not take a pill and not controlled. She hadn’t tolerated the pill. Paul had been sterilized a few years ago. And today she was in her fertile and hot phase. She didn’t want to get pregnant.

Especially not from this old neighbor. “I could get pregnant” panicked she bends Bernhard. And indeed. Bernhard heard briefly to fuck her. But he read his cock in her. His thick tube seemed to be even harder now. “Please don’t, we have to stop” she repeated herself. The idea of pregnant this high -wicked marriage lamp only made him wild. “I pull my cock shortly before I come out, what do you mean?”” I don’t know, “complained Doreen.

“I really don’t want to get pregnant from you” everything turned into her. Growling with pleasure Bernhard continued his series on hard bumps. He massaged Doreen’s breasts and twirled her nipples. Again, Doreen started to moan, but this time much louder. While she felt pulsate his huge cock in her vagina, she willingly spread her legs a little further and let herself fuck. When Paul saw how resistant to the old one, he couldn’t hold back and came back.

He groaned loudly and splashed. A fountain seed shot on her face, he sprayed on her forehead and cheeks. He pumped his seed wildly over her three times, four times, four times,. Part of his slightly salty cargo landed on Doreen’s mouth and she greedily licked it. After he had sprayed everything, he sat on the couch like dazed and could only watch how his wife was mercilessly fucked by Bernhard. The old grinned Paul and licked his lips.

“Yes, look at how I fuck your wife!“He gave her a pat on her butt. “Finally she gets a real cock. “Doreen twitched together. In the meantime it was only drive -controlled and wanted to be fucked. “Like his cock?“Paul asked bluntly. She answered his question with slight nicking movements. Of course she liked Bernhard’s monster tail. This incredible length and thickness. So far she hadn’t known that there were really such big cocks. However, she hadn’t really been interested in it yet.

Since she had only had sex with her husband so far, she also had no comparisons. Bernhard increased his pace again. Every time he pushed himself into her, you heard a loud smacking noise. “Look at her!”He said and looked Paul in the eye. “Look at how I fuck her! Do you hear how wet it is?”. Her plump breasts rocked back and forth when his force hit her. “Jaaaaaaaaaa … fuck me,” moaned Doreen.

The old one continued to push them, with every blow clapped and smacked it. “Jaaaaaaaaaa … is good, Jaaaaaaaaaa … faster”. Paul sat on the couch with an open mouth, unable to rain. He watched Bernhard fucking her. You couldn’t call it otherwise. He rammed them mercilessly. “Look at how she enjoys it”. And Bernhard knew what he was doing. At his age he had everything under control. Holding her hip, he pushed his cock in and out with a consistently high pace.

Doreen felt that the first orgasm waves already occurred. It was just incredibly beautiful. It only took a few minutes. Doreen noticed again how this enormous orgasm wave was on her. She was still moaning. “Yes …, yes …, Jaaa …, Jaaaa …, Jaaaa …”, “Jaaaaaaaaaaa …” Then she came. Her labia began to twitch. They literally sucked on the tail of their fucker. Her legs cramped and her thighs wanted to close. Bernhard, however, held against it and spread them even further apart.

She grunted like a pig and gave other strange sounds. It took at least one to two minutes for her condition to normalize again and she had reasonably regained control of her body. During this time he paused and looked at her twitching and trembling body. For him it was an internal satisfaction to have brought the arrogant high -soaked marriage lamp into this condition. But he himself had not reached the climax, although he had really taken care of her.

A little dazed, Doreen still felt his hard cock in her pussy. Doreen moaned loudly. He pulled out his glans. Then he let the tail up and down several times between her labia and then fucked her back into her pussy. Bernhard felt like his orgasm, slowly came closer and started to moan. This time he didn’t want to waste any more time. He was now too horny for that. He now wanted to work faster on his project.

Again and again Doreen felt how Bernhard and his glans bumped into her uterus. It was incredibly cool. An orgasm wave came closer and closer. Doreen could hardly stand it anymore. Bernhard had completely under control and the entire situation. “I fuck you better than your husband?”” Pleasee, “she stammered desperately. What kind of game did he play with her. How could he ask her such a question in this situation?“I fuck you better than your husband?“Doreen couldn’t help it anymore, yes, he fucked her better, he even fucked her 1000 times better than her husband.

She had never been fucked as cool as just. “Yes much better. You are much better, please I want to come now, ”my cock is greater than that of your husband?“Asked the old man while he was fucking more and more violently. “Oh yes, much bigger, much bigger,” she grunted back. She felt every vein of his cock. “I’ve never been fucked so well, please finally continue”. “So,” said Bernhard Leise. “I fuck you better than your husband at the age of 65?“He wanted to hear the confirmation from her.

“Oh yes,” stammered Doreen. She didn’t get more out of it anymore. The old strengthened his fucking movements. He built up more and more to break out like a volcano. “Should I pull it out as I promised it?”. Again, Doreen nodded violently and was glad that he seemed to keep his promise. He moved a little faster and the wave that approached was greater. Bernhard asked again. “Should I really pull it out or do you want to experience the greatest orgasm of your life.

I just do what you want, my little sow?”. This time she couldn’t help it. The greatest orgasm of her life really seemed to be rolled on her. Should she really do without this. Your brain was now switched off. She bit her lips and then slowly shook her head. The old man had won, he knew that now. Doreen could no longer. Every reason was eliminated and her husband was suppressed very far and pushed into a drawer.

She had to say it now, no she wanted to say it. She never wanted to say something like that so much. “Please fuck me, fuck me you pig” “Spray everything into me, pregnant me, make me a baby. “” I want it so much, oh my god “” Let me come now, I’m soooo … horny … “. Through these words, the old’s tail increased again in volume. He now fucked her pussy like a obsessed person. “Do you really want a baby from me?“In the meantime, Doreen nodded unable to talk like a crazy one.

“Shouldn’t I really pull him out beforehand?“Again she shook her head negligently. No matter what the old one wanted, she would have given him now. Then the time came. In Doreen everything cramped. She trembled more and more violently. “Oh god is the huge” then came the greatest orgasm of her life. She literally screamed out her lust. “Ahh … ahhhrrr ….Yeah … firm ….now…..Jeeeeeeee Netzzzt ……. Yahhhhhhh “The pulsating twitch of her pussy was too much for Bernhard. “So .. You a little piece of dirt, now you get your souvenir!“His testicles contracted, his cock seemed to stretch again and then she felt the first beam deep in her uterus.

This made Doreen’s orgasm even more intense. She had never felt so intensely with her husband that he had come into her. That was completely different now. Bernhard literally flooded her uterus. She felt every beam that was pressed out of his glans. The old guy pumped and pumped. It was amazing. She grunted, whimpered and wind again like a pig and her body shook and winced like wild. After half an eternity that seemed to take her orgasms, Bernhard was sweaty on her.

Even his sleeping cock, who was still in it, felt greater than the stiff cock of Paul. Then he pulled his cock out of her. Her labia were swollen and stood far away. At first Doreen had the feeling that she was missing, then she noticed how his seed ran out of her, Paul had never deposited in her that much. Doreen was black in front of it, unconscious she dropped together.

“She’s a really good fuck, your wife!”. Bernhard pulled his pants up casually and left the house. With a fat grin on the face. “You get in touch …” Doreen could only nod.

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