Such an erotic sex shoot | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Photo shoot story from the network I love pornography. I regularly invite videos and pictures from the Internet down and like to read erotic stories. I particularly like pictures of black women with their chocolate -brown skin, the almost black nipple and the velvety pubic hair. I am a man in my thirties and have never been with a black woman. I’ve been married for about ten years and my wife and I enjoy an adventurous sex life. She likes to see films with X-Rating and erotic as I do.

But she doesn’t understand my fascination for dark -skinned women. I work as a analyst for a securities company and my wife is a lawyer specializing in business mergers. She travels a lot and is often for several days at a time outside the city. Whenever she is gone, I surf the Internet or use my files sharing program to search for pictures and videos of beautiful black women. Most models on the websites I found look like junkie whores instead of serious models.

Where are the beautiful black babes? I come to the result of having to take things into my own hands and invite a young black woman into a photo shoot in my house. My wife had worked as a photographer during her studies and still has the entire camera equipment, lighting and backdrop. My fantasies go to the fact that a photo shoot leads to hot sex with a beautiful, young black woman. The current secret star of my imagination is Katrina, a sexy, black, 18-year-old intern, the one for the Summer works in our office.

She is the daughter of one of my customers and this is her third summer, in which she works for us. She sorts the post, does the files and general office work for the analysts who have their offices on my floor. We often work with a good relationship. Katrina is a real eye -catcher. She has shiny black hair up to her shoulders, very nice big brown eyes between high cheekbones and a smile that becomes more inviting due to a thick, pouting lower lip.

It is about 173 cm tall and has long, well -shaped legs covered with black nylons. She wears a short skirt that fits closely over her round buttocks and gently fits into her slim waist. However, she does not have too big breasts that are pressed up by the somewhat scarce shells of her bra. Every day I look at them from behind how to push the postal car through the corridors. I stand in front of your bare buttocks.

I dream of taking them home and taking pictures of them in various vigorous positions and sucking on their black teats before I tail get out and insert young pussy into her tight, young pussy. When she is in my office, I always have to stay behind my desk to hide the bay in my pants. “Hey, MR. C, I have a few letters for you today. Looks like a few papers to sign.

Should I wait for it?“Katrina came to my office by post. She wears a fine thin white blouse. The two upper buttons are open. That gives me a generous view of the top of her tits, which she has raised with a black top bra. She wears a tight gray skirt with a pink belt over her flat stomach. “That would be great, Kat. It should only take a minute or two. I please take a seat for so long.

“I point them to one of the chairs opposite my desk. It sits down, the skirt slips up at half height of her thigh before crossing her legs. I’m not trying to star it on while I open the envelopes. “Everything ready for college?”I ask:” When are you leaving us this time?“I cut on their beautiful legs while I sign the lines provided for this purpose in the letters. When she crosses her legs I can catch a look at the bare thigh over her black nylons.

“Three weeks, then I’m a college newcomer. My father drives me to school and stays with me for the weekend so that I can find my way around better. I will miss the home here. “Your smile is fascinating and pulls my eyes away from her legs. “We will be those who miss you, Kat. You will be too busy to study and celebrate and live life as a student to miss us.

I almost envy you, although I have to admit that there are aspects of my college days that I didn’t want to experience again. “I said laughing. “Really? How what?“Asks Katrina and prevents herself to hear my answer. Your blouse opens on one side and gives me a little view of the largest part of her left nipple. I am impressed by the sight of these smooth, milk -chocolate -colored tits and my cock reacts instantly and creates a huge bay in my pants.

“Well, for some of us, freedom to be away from home for the first time was a little more independent than we could cope with it. Let’s just say that my first semester did not make my parents proud. “My mouth is dry and I hide my lower body behind the desk when I finish signing the papers. With this feeling in my stomach, I suddenly thought of inviting Katrina to eat with me.

“I suggest the rest of the post first, instead of sitting here and chatting with me. Would you like to continue our conversation at lunch? What are you saying?“I ask when I finished addressing the envelopes. “That would be fun, mr. C. “Katrina smiles at me brightly, gets up and goes to the door. “I get my break at twelve, okay?”” Perfect, “I say,” I’ll meet you there. “I watch your firm, round buttocks swing back and forth while you push the postal car away from the hallway from my office.

It is half past six and I will not get any work in the next half hour. I think about how I can realize my imagination. It is clear to me that I need an excuse so as not to be seen as a dirty old man if I suggest a photo session. An idea develops that also appears obvious when I reach the elevator and press the button for the first floor. Katrina is already waiting for me at a table in the corner and reads the menu.

I face her and thank her for lunch with me. “No. Thanks, Mr. C. As the only intern in an office of managers and assistants, I usually eat alone. The fact that I can be with you now is a real pleasure for me. “Katrina says this with an intoxicating smile and her whole face shines that extends to sparkle in her eyes. I definitely want to hold this girl on film and photo.

“A beautiful girl like you should never have to eat alone. “I take the menu to see what is there today,“ Why Mr. C. Flirt with me?“She laughs and jams playfully with her eyelashes. “It is not commonplace that a girl is invited to lunch by a good -looking manager. “And why Katrina, you are now flirting with me?” I laugh. “We should. C drop and just call me chris, okay?““ Okay, Chris and please call me Kat, all my friends do it.

“The waiter comes over and we both order a salad and iced tea. After the waiter brought our drinks and some bread, I decide to address the topic of my imagination. “Katrina, I my Kat. There is something that I want to ask you, but I’m afraid I could insult you or reduce your opinion about me by asking it. “I look her straight into her eyes and wait for an answer. “Nothing would reduce my opinion about you, Chris.

You are the nicest person in the whole office. My father speaks of you very high. Just ask me what you want. “Well, that’s nothing that I ever want your father about knowing it. So I would like to ask you the question. But if you are insulted or it will be uncomfortable, we can forget that I have ever asked it. We then only talk about everyday life or discuss the future college life.

Is that okay with you? “Wow, you have really unsettled me now. I can’t wait to hear what this mysterious question is. I think I will definitely agree with your proposal, because I cannot imagine that something you say insulted me. “Katrina smiles again and bends to me in her seat. My eyes are tightened by their milk chocolate breasts that were visible through their gaping blouse.

“I have a photo affair that I work out part -time outside of my house for a selected group of customers with specific requirements. “I’m slowly talking and emphasizing the specific wishes. “I take pictures of models and provide my customers only available for individual use. “Here the” client “becomes a scapegoat for my own wishes. I am not, but the customer who wants these pictures. “And these pictures. I assume they are files or half-files.

“Katrina seems to be more curious than insulted. That could go better than I thought. “Yes. My customers provide specific inquiries, including age, the appearance of the model and even the exact poses they want. Sometimes they request videos, but normally they are just pictures. Now to the question. “I’ll take a break and take a bite of my salad. “Yes, I can’t wait to hear the big, mysterious question.

I have to say that you have already surprised me. I can roughly imagine what will come next. “Says Katrina and takes her glass of iced tea and her big brown eyes smile on me as she sucks the iced tea through the straw. “I have a customer who requested pictures of a young, pretty woman with a dark -skinned complexion. He particularly wants an 18-year-old, but not a professional model that has so far posed nobody naked.

That means I can’t rely on my usual sources and I don’t know any young dark -skinned women except you. So I thought it could possibly. Give a chance that you know someone who is ready. The payment is pretty fine. The model should be quite good -looking, maybe not quite as beautiful and attractive as you, but as close as possible to your appearance. That is the question. If it insults you, please accept my apology and we will forget that I have asked something like that.

“I stop talking and look at them. She has tilted her head to the side and studies me attentively. I dive a little bread in the salad dressing on my plate and take a bite while I am still looking at Katrina. “How lucrative?“Asks Katrina, pulls up an eyebrow and speaks slowly. “I usually pay $ 500 per four-hour session. Usually it takes one or two sessions to get all the necessary images. If you can make a suggestion, I would have to have an interview with the candidate beforehand and make sure that all qualifications are available from her.

“Before lunch, I decided that Katrina would be priceless naked in my bed. I could see on her face that she was thinking about it. It took a few minutes to speak. “I would do that? I meet the requirements for your photos?“She looks at me shyly and I’m not trying to show how excited I am of her answer. “Are you serious? I really didn’t think of you. What would your father think? I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, Kat.

” My God! I can actually see this young black teenage naked on my bed before the week runs. My wife goes out of the city the day after tomorrow and will be gone for four days. Timing couldn’t be more perfect. “Firstly, I wouldn’t tell my father, and I don’t think you should. He knows nothing about your photo business, or? He is not one of your customers, or?“Suddenly the conversation takes an unexpected turn and Katrina looks at me carefully.

“No, your father knows nothing about it and is not one of my customers. “I answer her honestly. Because of course there are no customers, so how could he be one? “OK. Second, I am 18 years old, can think for myself and I think it could be fun. You didn’t answer whether I would qualify. ” “So. If we want to pursue this, I have to ask a few more questions. First of all, however, I would like that you understand that it is very intimate photos with some extreme close -ups that may be embarrassing, Kat.

“” Chris, I’ve never done anything like this, but I trust you. If only you know who the client is, I expect you to do everything for the confidentiality to protect your models. I also agree to the types of pictures that you described have, and what kind of questions are they? “My cock now presses hard against my zipper again, while I think about the questions I want to ask, especially since I came up with it all.

“Okay, first you’re still a virgin?” “No. ” OK! First hurdle. This is all that interests me, but I ask a few more questions so that it seems realistic. “OK. Do you have birthmarks, tattoos or piercings that I should know about before we start taking pictures?“I’m staring at your neckline and the wonderful breasts. “Hmm. Let’s see. I have a small tattoo on the inside of my ankle, but otherwise nothing.

“I get a short flash of thighs and black panties when she lifts her leg to show me her tattoo. I can hardly see a little flower through her nylons. “Okay, no problem. Are you strongly hairy or partially or completely shaved?“I ask and look directly into her sexy, brown eyes. “What? Oh that!“She laughs when she says to me:“ Something hairy, I think. I cut it, but I don’t shave down there.

” “Perfect. How big is your bra, cat?“I’m just curious and try to make it appear as if there were certain criteria. “36c. Wow. Your customer calls for a certain bra size?“Katrina has overcome her initial fear and is now very concerned about fulfilling the customer’s criteria. “No. But as soon as I have found a model, I send the details for approval by email before we The photo shoot make. “I try to sound very factually while the excitement rummages in my chest and my cock pounds in my pants.

“There is no doubt, my client will approve these requirements. “” Um. Tell me again how these pictures are used. I will not appear in a bad magazine or throughout the Internet, or?“Katrina begins to think about the effects that she has agreed on and I feared that she will step down. “Absolutely not. First, I know this customer and he only keeps pictures for his personal pleasure. Second, I have a written contract with each of my customers that prohibits the publication or distribution of my photos.

I keep the copyright for all of my pictures, which makes the contract legally binding. I can guarantee that you don’t have to worry. “I assure her in serious words and she seems to me to believe it. “Then there is nothing that I have to worry about, except that my hairy, non-shaved, private area and my 36c breasts are photographed up close so that an uneven customer can stare at her … while he …Always he does while yawning.

“She leans back in her chair and laughs while she says, and I watch her tits gently bounce with laughter. “Basically it is, yes. Are you ready for it now?” I ask. I am definitely, my cock is particularly ready for it. “Sure, why not. When do we do that?” She asks. “When is your next day off that you have not planned anything?“I know that she doesn’t work on Thursday on the first day on which my wife is outside the city.

“I’m free on Thursday, that’s too early?” ask her. Nothing could be too early for me. I can hardly breathe. I have to pull myself together so that I can take a factual tone again. “Thursday would work well. We can start early, around 9 a.m. and see how far we get. “I am amazed at how far I have already come with my imagination and expect me to get a lot on on Thursday. “Now we have to talk about the wardrobe for the shoot.

I can deliver wardrobes if necessary, but I have found that it is more effective if you could largely wear your own clothes. The fit will be right and we don’t have to buy much new. The customer wants three different photo series, a conservative schoolgirl look, a sexy street look and a seductive bedroom look. “I prepared a list with some descriptions. I explain the records from the list: “Every series consists of you, which poses in one of three different outfits.

The schoolgirl look should be a conservative skirt and a blouse with a simple white bra and a short panties made of cotton. The sexy look becomes a closer, short skirt and a sleeveless blouse or a tank top with its lace bra, sexy nylons and a tanga. The seductive look is a simple nightgown or negligee with a suitable panties or tanga and without a bra. Which of them can you bring with you and which should I deliver? “I ask her in my most distant, most factual tone.

“Well, I think I have skirts and tops for both the schoolgirl and street girls look. But I don’t have white underwear, I mainly have black and purple. “She starts laughing. “You know it’s strange. It doesn’t matter to me to tell you whether I am shaved or not, but to talk about what kind of panties I have is embarrassing. That’s really strange. “I’m starting to laugh with her.

“It’s true. Some of my models are more shy when they show their underwear as if they pose totally naked. How about the rest of the clothes? “I’m starting to sound as if I’ve been doing this for years. “I have a black tanga and a black lace bra. “She looks down and I have the impression that she talks about what she is wearing. My cock reacts to the picture as she sits in a tanga under her short, tight skirt.

“What do we still need?”” A mere nightgown. “I answer without intonation and wonder if this pretty young teenager has sexy nightwear. “I have a baby doll, but I’m not sure how simple it is. It’s pink with little ruffles. “She shows me with her hands where the ruffles are around her hips and directly under her tits. I look at her and indifferent: “Show your nipples when you wear it? Almost nothing has to leave the imagination.

“I can’t help but look directly at her tits again when I ask them about it, and I mean I would now see the tips of your breasts that press through the blouse. Could this conversation have the same effect on you as on me? “Well, me … uh … no. I don’t think you can see so much. “She is nervous and I see her to get red for the first time.

Your complexion seems to have accepted a dark brown shimmer compared to the light brown color he had a minute ago. She takes a deep air and I see her breasts swell under her blouse and I definitely see the outlines of her teats in the white fabric. This girl is turned on by our conversation. “Okay, bring it with you anyway and we’ll see. How about if I give you money so that you will buy the white bra and the panties and I will take care of the Negligé?”” Sure, that will work.

“She smiles at me. “You have to bring your make-up. For the schoolgirl look, I will naturally take pictures of you without a lot of make-up, but for the sexy street look you need a light lipstick and an eyeliner that fits your outfit “seductive bedroom look”, you need subtle eyelinerand lipstick tones, okay? “”Yes. I have all of this, no problem. “She recovered from her embarrassment and prevents herself again to talk, as if we were planning an excursion to an excursion to a museum instead of a bare photo shoot in my bedroom.

“Good. I am happy that you do that. Then check out again in my office before you go, then I’ll explain the way to my house. “I get up as she leans over the bank’s side to get her handbag off the floor. The front of her blouse opens when she bends and her bra cups are about half a customs away from her body. I can see most of her soft, chocolate -colored breasts and about half of your black teats and atrials before you put on.

I turn to the door so that she cannot see the binge of my pants. This is just a foretaste of what I will see on Thursday. When Katrina brings the afternoon mail, I give her my address, some shopping money and tell her that she should wear the schoolgirl outfit when she comes by on Thursday and we start with it. Wednesday evening after my wife left for the airport, I set up the camera equipment in the guest room. The feminine decor in our guest room is a great place for the photo shoot.

I also go to the lingerie shop in the shopping center and buy a pink-colored negligee with a suitable tanga for the bedroom shoot. I am so excited that I can hardly sleep. Katrina rings on Thursday morning at nine o’clock. I lead her along the hallway and find a little nervousness with her when we stow your make-up and additional clothing in the guest bath. It is clear to me that I take it very slowly and help her to relax.

My plan is to make her so hot during the photo shoot that she wants me to fuck her. In the worst case, I get great pictures of your bare body. I had her filled out a release form that I created on the computer last night and then explained what we will do. “We will record you in different phases of pulling out and dressing in the schoolgirl outfit and then do the same for the sexy street look.

I will save the nude recordings and put them together in a gallery. Finally, I want to deal with the Negligé snapshot portraits. OK?”” Sure, what should I do first?“She is like a student on the first day of school, with big eyes and eager, but extremely nervous. “Just stand between the bed and the chest of drawers and let me take a few pictures. Just smile and some movements with the body to the right and left and back.

Make a few poses with your arms and hands. I will take the photos and give instructions as needed. “She wears a simple white top that is inserted into a brown fold skirt, socks and saddle shoes. I can’t believe how much she resembles a high school girl. Even without make-up, her face is beautiful and she smiles at me. I take a few pictures when she turns left and right and stands as she expected from a model.

I help her with the poses, move her chin up, adapt the position of her arms and only touch her very gently so that she has the feeling that this is a natural part of the photo shoot. “Okay, now turn around, lean on, raise your skirt and show me your panties. “I’m starting to think about how slow I will take them off. Katrina turns and raises the back of her skirt and shows me her cotton briefs for schoolgirls.

“Okay, look at me over your shoulder and smile. “Even with sexless school girls, your ass is perfect. I study your well -shaped thighs while taking a few pictures. Your milk chocolate color gradually becomes darker brown to her ass. I can’t wait to see her dark, round buttocks when she pulls out her panties. “So far everything is very good! Now let the blouse fall slowly. “Katrina takes off her blouse and I place her for a few shots, then I let her take off her skirt.

She stands in front of me in her simple white bra and panties, tries to find out what to do with her arms and looks very nervous. My cock begins to press against the zipper of my shorts when I go over to put them in pose. I can see the hint of its darker hair under the white cotton panties and find out how it stands out from the dark brown skin. I take different shots of her, as she stands, bend and lie on the bed before I ask her to take her bra.

With the first sight of her beautiful tits, my cock becomes full attention. Their black nipples and warts are in a strong contrast to the bright chocolate color of the rest of your skin. I go more closely to help her with the poses. The binge in my pants could not be more obvious. “That’s perfect,” I tell her. “Now just hold your breasts up with your hands as if you were offering me. “She grabs her hands with her hands, lifts her tits, presses them together slightly and presses the nipples towards me.

I adapt her hands to the shapes of her breasts so that she doesn’t press them so much. I replace her hand with mine to show her how I want her to keep her beautiful tits. My cock is now so hard that I will probably get into my pants soon without touching him. I do my best to keep a hint of professionalism while I touch this beautiful black goddess. “Well, now smile.

“I tell her while I take a few more pictures. I make different poses, front and page views again. She leans forward with the tits hanging down on the bed and lies on the bed with a spread legs. “Okay, now lead a hand in your panties and put a ‘Oh, it feels so good’ expression on your face. “She laughs out when she pushes her hand into her panties and tries to get a dreamy look.

But she can’t get it right without having to stay loudly. “I’m sorry,” she says and still laughs. “It’s just a strange pose. I mean … I think … I can see why someone wants it, … but it only seems funny to me. ” “It’s OK. “I say to her” You are not the first model that has problems keeping the character in certain poses. “I sit next to her on the bed and adapt the position of her legs, then I put my hand in her panties.

“What if you actually put your finger on your vagina?“I say to myself to think of“ vagina ”sounds more professional than on pussy. “I think you can imagine what the client sees when he looks at you in this pose. “She blushes from her neck to her forehead, but I see how her hand moves in her panties and she lifts her knees slightly and pushing her finger on her pussy.

I ask: “Can you think that for a few pictures?“Her face is reduced with embarrassment, but not her head and I go back to the camera while my cock pulsates in my shorts. Next I kneeling her on the bed, her panties just so deep that she shows her black haordy triangle. Finally I turn them over and take photos from behind with their panties directly under their beautiful black ass cheeks.

“Okay, change of wardrobe. It’s time for your sexy street outfit. How are you, cat? Do you need a break? Something to drink?” “No I’m fine. “She says, gets off bed and goes to the guest resort. She doesn’t bother to close the door since she was practically naked for the last twenty minutes. “I wonder how it feels to see you at work tomorrow when I know you saw me so naked.

“She says loudly and leans out of the bathroom door while she puts on her black top bra. “Do you think it will be strange? Would you feel strange if you knew that I would have seen you naked?“This could be exactly the opportunity to wait, I thought to myself. Then I say: “It’s funny, some of my models insist that I am also naked when I take pictures of them. You say you like to see my physical reaction to your poses.

I think you just want to compensate. “” I didn’t know that this was an option. “Says Katrina from the bathroom. “I think that’s a great idea. You will do it?” ask her. “What is? Take off for the next shoot?“I watch her tank top pull over her top bra and close her skirt with a zipper. “Yes. I think I would like that. “She says and smiles at me as she goes back to the bedroom.

Your sexy street outfit looks like a wet dream of a sailor. Her shiny golden tank top hugs her stomach, while the U-section extends closely over your tits and leaves a large amount of cleavage. Her tight black skirt tears out her perfect ass and gets stuck directly under her cheeks to vacate most of her legs covered with black nylon. “In order. “I say and take off my shirt. “Be warned that you will sit out my natural reaction to your beautiful body.

““ Looks more like you are the one who exposes himself. “She laughs, looks at how I pull out my shorts and boxers and adjust myself completely naked. My 8-inch tail protrudes right in front of me. “Don’t say I haven’t warned you. “I laugh. Katrina also laughs again and says: “Be careful where you swing the thing, Chris, you could injure yourself. “Either the sexy outfit or the fact that I exposed my hard cock has a positive effect on Katrina.

The nervousness is gone and it actually seems playful. I accompany you through the same poses that we did with the schoolgirl outfit. I continue to help her with the poses and touch her as often as I can. I am pleased to see that she spends a large part of the shoot to starve my cock unless I expressly ask you to look into the camera. You can now bend your body forward with your body and smile over her shoulder back into the camera.

I put my hand on the inside of her thigh and tell her that she should spread her legs a little broader. I brush an imaginary spot from your ass and pull your tanga aside. Her dark brown, almost black cheeks are about 3 inches from the end of my stiff cock and I dream of pushing him into her hot, young pussy. “Hey, keep the thing away from me. “She teases:” It looks dangerous.

“I replace:“ Your sexy ass looks much more dangerous for me!“I laugh and am tried to play them in a playful way, but resist me and wait for my time. “Let me make this picture, then we can take a break before the nude shots. “We end the recording and I lead it to one of the soft chairs on the other wall. “Take a seat and I’ll get something to drink. “I bring lemonade and pastries out of the kitchen and put them on the table between the chairs and sit on her counterpart.

“What do you think so far, Kat? Is it what you expected?“I ask her, drink some lemonade and study her naked meat as she takes a bite of pastries. I am in love with the subtle changes of your skin color on the belly and thighs and in her dark, almost black teats on the front of your breasts. The hardness in my cock has not declined a bit and he stands up and almost points to her while we talk.

“It is somehow the way I expected, I think. It still seems somehow unreal to sit here and talk normally, as we do if we were at work, except that we are naked now. “Well, technically speaking, you are not exactly naked, you still have your tanga on. ” I laugh. “But we will fix that in a minute. “” What does your wife think of you if you do this kind of photography?“Asks her, her eyes are directed at my excited tail.

“She won’t be jealous?“Well, my wife is in the same situation as your father when it comes to my photography. She doesn’t know anything about it. She’s not in the city just. “She just smiles and sits there and drinks her lemonade. “Chris, you think I can see some of the other pictures that you have made of the other models at some point?“She moves on her chair and turns to me.

I watch the gentle movement of her breasts while moving. “It’s not a really good idea, Kat. You wouldn’t want me to show them your pictures, or?” I ask. “You’re right. I don’t think I wanted that to. “She replies and then asks another question:“ What about you, Chris? You will ever go back and look at the pictures you have taken? You know, maybe later when your wife is not in the city? “She looks at me on my lips with a mischievous smile and her eyes fall on my lap, where my cock points to her.

“Would disturb you if I wanted to look at your pictures, cat?“I ask and smile at her. “It’s no secret that I am excited when I look at your beautiful body. “I laugh and look at my fully equipped tail and then back on your face. She also laughs and says: “I think I may find it flattering. “She stares at my cock again. She ended her lemonade and I tell her that it is time to continue our session.

I let her take off the tanga and get my first real view of your young pussy. It should lay sideways on the bed, bent the elbow and support her head with her hand. The left knee is then bent and the pussy is completely opened. In this position I take pictures of several series of pictures. Again and again with small changes, the right leg a little in front of or a little back the left knee a little higher or a little deeper, I take the corrections by hand myself.

I comb my pubic hair into the right barrel with a small comb, I wet my fingers with spit and smooth out individual strands of hair. I take the camera in my hand for close shots very close to the thick black lips. They are closed and form a thin slot along their pussy. I take a few pictures and then spread them apart with my fingers, which exposes the pink entrance to your pussy.

Your lips are juice wet and feel hot. Katrina grabs air when she feels my hand touch her handlaps. “Ohhhh. “She says nothing else. I think it will soon be time. “Okay, now I need a few shots from the nipples when they are completely erected. Some of my models use ice cubes to make their teats hard, pinch and turn between their fingers and some prefer a more natural approach and ask me to stimulate their breasts until they get hard.

What would your preference, young lady? “I ask as if it were the most innocent question in the world. “Hmmm,” she says, “definitely no ice cubes. “I watch her look at her tits and then up to me. My hard cock still points to her directly. She lifts her breasts with her hands and offers me exactly as she did in the previous pose. “You do it,” she says and smiles seductively.

I waited for this all the morning. I will suck this thick, black nipples and stroke their soft, round tits. I go on the bed, lean down my head and suck her right nipple into my mouth. I put my hand around her chest as far as possible and gently press it while I suck on her teat. I nibble on it and lick on the black atrium with my tongue circularly over the top.

She groans softly and puts her head back on the bed, where she clearly enjoys the sensations. I suck and nibble until the nipples are stone hard and stand off the chest. I switch to your left chest and stimulate and spoil her in the same way. I now use both hands and continue to massage all the breasts. I reach for the camera and capture these wonderful breasts in a series of pictures. “Mmmmm, that was nice.

“She says with half -closed eyes while taking close -ups. “Much better than ice cubes, I’m sure of that. “She says with a smile. I replace: “You have very nice tits and I really enjoyed making your nipples hard. “” Funny, I thought they were pretty hard before you started. ” She laughs. “But I think I underestimated your skills. “” Just don’t let it happen again. “I tire.

“What brings me to our next project. “I tell her with a smile:“ I have to have pictures from your pussy if she is completely excited shortly before an orgasm. “” Let me advise you to offer your services again to get me fully excited?“She seems amused. “This is a damn good job you have here, Chris. You can not only starve naked women all day, but also give them the choice of playing them with themselves or doing it for them.

My only question is, why do you only do it part -time? “She laughs when she says that rolls on her back and spreads her legs. “I will definitely not masturbate in front of you, so I think that you are stuck with the task of exciting me. “I look at her excavated eagle on the bed, her labia glitter from her juices and indicate that she is already quite excited. Your tight breasts and are pointing up to the ceiling.

She stares at me while moving my head between her sexy, dark thighs and licking a long line over the inside of her swollen black labia. I repeat the tongue strike a few more times before I put my tongue deep into her wet, hot pussy. “Oh dear God. “She groans:“ Nobody ever used her tongue with me. “She lifts her ass off bed and presses her pussy into my face, my tongue drives deeper into her hole.

“You make jokes, right? You don’t know what you missed. “I tell her while I breathe and her pussy more violent than before. I eat her delicious pussy, lick her sweet syrup as she lifts her hips off bed and presses my face into her velvety pussyhaar. Your smell is intoxicating and I have a high taste of it. I could eat her all day, but I want to stop just before she comes to take photos.

Now she jerks wildly and jerks against my face with her hips and wants my tongue into her hot, steaming hole. I lift my head and look on your face. She stares at me confused. “What? Why did you stop?” She moans. “I wanted to …” her voice falls silent when she sees how I get the camera. “You stopped to take photos? I am about this wonderful orgasm and you stop taking damn pictures?“She gasps and I enjoy the ups and downs of her beautiful breasts with her fully upright teats.

I move the camera between her legs and take photos of her wet cunt. I move around her labia as if I were pussing the pussy and she moans again, and then I explain what I can do with the camera. “The pictures are why we are here, right?“I ask you knowing that we really have it behind us now. she does not answer me. “Do you want to know what the next attitude will be?“I ask teasing.

“I think you could like it. “” What, Chris? What is the next?“She is visibly irritated that I stopped licking her before she came. “The next pictures are close recordings of your pussy after your orgasm. “I say and smile at them between their legs. “Should we continue?” I ask. “Please, yes, keep going. “She begs, stretches her legs apart and her juices seep out of her pink pussy column.

This time I put my arms behind her knees and raised her legs from the bed, making me unimpeded access to her wide -open black labia. I press it up and suck a thick, swollen lip into my mouth, nibble on it before I go over to the other. I am fascinated by the contrast between the pink center and the black outside of your lips. I suck them at them for a few minutes before I push my tongue deep into their pussy.

The tongue fucks them with quick, deep bumps. “Oh, shit, Chris!“She screams, lifts her hips from the bed and pushes her pussy into my face. “It feels so damn good! Ohhhh god!“I move my tongue to your clit and lick it a few times before I suck it in my mouth. I move my tongue over her long hard button on the clitoris while I suck gently on it. It becomes wild. “Oh my God! This is damn incredible!“She is out of control and beats her hip against my face, turns her body back and forth and pulls my face tightly against her pussy.

I press two fingers into her gossip wet pussy and start to fuck her with my fingers while I suck on her clit and snip with my tongue. That brings you up. “I’m coming! Do not stop! That’s perfect! Oh chris! Just keep it up! Oh fuck!“Katrina is like a crazy woman who holds my face and wraps her fingers through my hair so that I cannot withdraw.

I feel her pussy clamped on my fingers and bubble around her juices around her and run over my arm. I move my mouth from her clit to her pussy entrance and lick her delicious thick cream. Her chest rises and she works to get to breath away while licking her pussy and enjoying the taste of her sweet nectar. “Wow,” she breathes. “I can’t believe that nobody has ever done it to me! All the boys I know think that it tastes bad.

Of course they want their fat cocks to be pushed into my mouth. You don’t think that is evil!”She says sarcastic. “There is nothing bad about how you like, cat. “I say while I push my fingers out of her pussy and gently put her legs on the bed. “I could eat you for hours. “To maintain the photographic charade, I reach for my camera and start to take pictures of her thick cream that seeps out of her smooth, damp labia.

She lifts her head and looks at me, still holds her breath. “Chris. Please put the camera down. “She says softly. “You focused on me all morning. At the moment I’m more interested in the other thing that points to me. “She stares directly on my stiff cock. “Make something useful with it, or? You made me so hot, Chris. I promise we can take more pictures later.

At the moment I only need your hard cock in my pussy. It burns, Chris. I need you to extinguish the fire! You have to fuck me! ” Yes! My imagination is a reality and I don’t hesitate. I move up between her legs and press my cock against her labia. It is so wet that I can easily push the full length of my cock into her with one fake. Her hot, tight pussy wraps my cock like a glove and slowly caresses it while I lie on your body.

Her hard nipples feel fantastic when her big tits press against my chest. I leave a trace of kisses from your neck to your lips. She opens her mouth and eagerly greets my tongue soaked with pussy juice. Our tongues mix in your mouth while we take the rhythm of our fucking. “Mmmm. I’ve never tasted myself. “She says, licks her lips and snaps for air. “It is an interesting taste.

“She raises her ass to let my hammering tail further in. It will be more difficult to talk while I am into her tight, young pussy blast. “Yeah, I can’t get enough of it!“I manage to say between the breaths:“ I love your taste!“I press her tongue back into her mouth and start to pump out the tail and pump out like a compressed air hammer. Katrina groans into my mouth, scratches my back and presses her hot pussy with strong bumps against my cock.

The pussy signals its readiness to orgasm. I feel how your long legs wrap around my ass and her pussy muscles pull my cock together in a vice -like handle when she reaches your thundering orgasm. Your throbbing pussy walls that contract around my hard cock also bring me to my climax. I spit a load of hot sperm deep into her pulsating pussy. It takes a while until we recovered, “you did all of this just to fuck me? Why didn’t you just ask me?”” We are not allowed to meet with employees privately.

“I say directly. She laughs and shakes our two bodies with her laughter. “That’s good. No date, no private appointment, but you can take nude photos, eat my pussy and fuck my brain out, or fuck me? That’s okay?”” So I assume you are not angry?“Our bodies still swing gently together and I feel how my cock is recovering. “Evil? No, Chris, I’m flattered. The boys with whom I have made an appointment so far thought that pizza and a film should finish them, and they would rather skip the film.

But you did everything for us, invented this customer and organized this elaborate Scharade. Not to mention that I had the best sex I’ve ever had. How could I be angry? “I tell her:“ But that was not a bad trick of me with the invented customer, I had to give you the check all the time, no matter how it turned out to be. “” No, I will not accept any money, Chris.

I would like one whore feel that takes up after all of your money. There are also other ways to be rewarded. When does Ms. C come home?“Asks her and smiles shyly. “Saturday,” I say with a wide grin on my face. My cock is hard in her tight, young pussy as we continue to rock together. “Oooo Herr C, you will be so tired by Saturday. “She rolls around us and sat on me.

It starts bouncing up and down and riding my cock. –-Am Wednesday evening after my wife left for the airport, I set up the camera equipment in the guest room. The feminine decor in our guest room is a great place for the photo shoot. I also go to the lingerie shop in the shopping center and buy a pink-colored negligee with a suitable tanga for the bedroom shoot. I am so excited that I can hardly sleep. On Thursday morning I wake up completely over.

I have until the weekend Vacation. In my thoughts slowly and blurred a vision that my fantasies come true with a black woman, or?.

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