Stranger woman nibbles me in the thermal bath | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I had driven into the Alps with a buddy to relax from the work of work for a few weeks to climb one or the other mountain. That day did the weather not play along and since you can’t do much in the valleys in bad weather, we decided to visit a thermal bath with a sauna. Actually, I don’t like to go to public saunas because I feel a little uncomfortable when I walk naked in front of strangers.

Outside there is a swimming pool, on the edge of which you can sit like in a whirlpool. The bubbles massage your body and are so dense and bubbling that only the head looks out of the water, you don’t see anything from the rest of the body. After a few saunas, I left my buddy in one of the relaxation rooms and almost alone sat in this whirlpool basin on the edge and let my back and my butt knead from the air bubbles.

I had put my head on the edge of the pelvis and closed my eyes to relax. I only heard the noise of the water and the bubbling of the blisters. Suddenly I felt a water movement on my right foot and shortly afterwards a hand on my shin. I looked up in astonished and discovered a really nice brunette with about jaws with about jaws and dark, happy eyes. So she looked at me, happy and challenging. I didn’t do anything, I didn’t even know what to do.

Nobody was otherwise in the pool and since I am unbound, I basically had nothing against their gentle touch (which, in the way, slowly pushed up). I guess she is at the end of twenties, I had seen her in one of the infusions beforehand. Your breasts are full, but don’t hang down. They are nice and round and it is difficult to turn away from them. Your body is otherwise well browned, quite slim and with a female pool.

Her hand had now reached the inside of my thigh and was already dangerously close. While I was still looking in her eyes, I did it and put my hand in her lap. I suspected that they were with the legs of it, but she had hers Legs Prevised and so the first touch of my hand was already opening her pleasure opening. She groaned almost imperceptibly and her eyes groaned. I could see how much she had wished for this touch.

Finally, her hand continued to find what she was looking for, my best piece. It was hard as a rock and she clamped it firmly with the whole hand. With slow movements she started my penis with her hand jerk off, but didn’t hear on me deep in the eyes. I returned on my part and drove through their gap a few times and then rubbed their clit in generous movements. We were still alone in the pool but more and more people entered outdoors.

Probably an infusion was over. But my new acquaintances didn’t mind. Maybe it was exactly the attraction she was looking for. It was foreseeable that it couldn’t go on forever. I wanted to be in her and she wanted it too. As if she had read my thoughts at that moment, she moved closer to me and finally sat down completely on my lap, as if we were a couple and that was just more convenient for us.

So I had her back in front of me and in my lap there was a thorn that drove her between her legs and which she rubbed in rhythmic movements on her hot entrance. I crossed her breasts breastlessly, which luckily you couldn’t see from outside, and stroked and knead them through. I had to help myself get powerfully penetrated them and pushing them passionately because that would certainly have been noticed. So we moved more sensually and moved up to the extreme until she pushed her pelvis too far at a moment, and my penis instead of rubbing her clitoris instead of rubbing on her clitoris, putting it into her pleasure opening and enjoying it in the next reverse movement.

At first only a small piece, because she apparently didn’t expect that, or at least not yet. But then she relaxed and let herself sink to me with a deep sigh. So we stayed for a moment, both with air and with a short hectic look, whether nobody would have noticed that. Nobody had it. Slowly she started to circle her pelvis, I supported her as much as possible and fucked her in short, gentle bumps.

I couldn’t believe that I was sitting there in an outdoor pool in a public thermal bath and a beautiful brunette with an incredible tenderness in front of perhaps all eyes rode up to the madness. I noticed that I would not endure it for long and support her suppressed moaning by also rubbing your clit. So she came. And she came huge. Her body winced forward but I held her back and pressed her to myself, while her vaginal muscles moved around my staff and thereby also gave me a gigantic highlight.

Before my juice shot out of me, I penetrated the last piece into her and couldn’t be closer to her. Only slowly the waves of our common climax were slowing down. She recovered at first, breathed deeply a few times and then slipped down from me again. Then she swam to the ladder, left the pelvis and wrapped in her towel. She did all of this without seeing even me. I just continued to sit completely perplexed and looked at her.

My sperm had already spread throughout the pool. Then she walked around the pool and ran past me as if happened to. She leaned down and whispered “you come have a shower?“And then disappeared without a answer inside. There were still people outdoors. Some were just there and talked, others had made it comfortable on their loungers. Nobody seemed to have noticed anything. I grabbed my towel and followed the mysterious girl.

Fortunately, there was both purely female or in this sauna landscape. Male showers, as well as mixed showers. So I entered the mixed shower room because I assumed that she would most likely wait for me there. I should be right. I walked out the rows of the lockable shower cubes uncertainly, under my towel a considerable bump had already developed again. Her happy eyes suddenly peek out of the penultimate cabin and then her hand stretched out in an inviting way.

I did not let myself be asked and entered. Immediately she closed the door behind me. Since it was already naked, I just dropped my towel and nestled against her perfectly shaped body from behind. She acknowledged my initiative again with a sigh and grabbed her shower gel, while my staff rubbed her dripping hot cave again and was ready to penetrate in a few seconds until it stops. But she had other plans.

She distributed the gel on herself and to me and the soap turned into slippery foam in which our bodies slid together like oil. She took my hand, distributed shower gel again and then leaned forward. I only understood what she asked me when she finally took my hand and on her anus put. I immediately started massaging it. The gel made hers rosette smooth and compliant. Soon she supported herself with her hands on the wall and pressed towards me out of sheer pleasure.

The first finger disappeared into their forbidden territory. Gradually her sphincter relaxed and two fingers fit in at the same time. In the meantime we had changed the position. She leaned on the tiles with her back, my left leg was angled upwards. With the other hand I carefully fucked her ass. Her pleasure gap was swollen again and the juice ran out. I saw my time coming and put my penis on her sacred back entrance and for another breathless moment the world was quiet.

Then she slowly settled on me and first necessary my glans, then slowly the entire shaft in her wonderful round ass. We both groaned at the same time. We did it loudly and quite unmistakably. The first push was followed by a short break in which she relaxed and we looked deep into the eyes. Then followed a second push and then a third, fourth, fifth and so on. First tentative and then always wilder.

I can not remember the details. Completely torn from time and space I also took up her other leg and nailed her against the wall. At some point we changed the position again and she presented my wonderful butt. How senselessly we threw our pelvis against each other to merge only as deep and hot as possible. She screamed her lust freely and I clawed myself into her breasts, in her pelvis, in her buttocks.

With ever new thrusts, a climax chose how I have never experienced it before. This was today my first time Anal sex and I don’t regret a second. We both came together for the second time in an incredible eruption of feelings. After we recovered, we showered each other without saying a word and kissed for a long time to say goodbye. It disappeared from the thermal bath shortly afterwards.

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