My horny neighbor gives me hard | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was the first weekend after moving with mine Family In the new house on the outskirts. Like every Friday evening, I was appointed virtual battles with my gambler friends. I had just turned 18 and defied the normality of the youth culture in constant drenching of an excessive permanent party with demonstrative ignorance. The emerging autumn on the average of October made the day a little shorter every evening.

And so I noticed for the first time that I could take a very good look into my new neighbor’s room.

I had seen her for the first time on the day of the house tour. Your curly red hair with just a few freckles around your nose and a smile that could take every man with a functioning sex drive insane if the smile is not intended for him. I was fascinated by her on the spot. She ran past me to get her bus when our eyes met briefly.

It seemed to me as if she hadn’t taken any special note from me, but this brief moment was the only reason why I suggested my parents to buy this house.

Now I look directly into your kingdom from my darkened room, the realm of my aphrodite. She was currently examining herself in the mirror and kept her cell phone to the ear. She turned in a lively movement and I could see that she was a close T-shirt of a rock band that I liked very much and wore red hot pants. The T-shirt emphasized her round breasts that had to be about size B or C.

Your body was generally very female. She was not a model slank, she had her curves, but these were clearly perfectly proportioned and not too much. She threw her phone on her bed and disappeared out of her room. The light went out in the bathroom.

Unfortunately I couldn’t look into this room, there the window Thanks to frosted glass. I was disappointed about it and couldn’t concentrate on playing because I just naked in my mind’s eye under the shower saw.

Less than half an hour later, the light went out in the bathroom and in her room again. I looked over again and could see that she was completely naked in her room and looking for clean clothes out of the closet.

Your body had a beautiful pure pale and when she was bra Around her breathtaking breasts, she could see that she was over her pussy left a small red fluff. She put on her cell phone and put it in her pocket. Then she left her room and I saw her not showing her back home this night.

I was completely flabby and only now notice that mine tail has immediately become stiff by this brief sight. I had to satisfy myself first.

I paused my game pulled out my pants and closed my eyes to get this picture back in mind. It didn’t take long to pour my sperm out of me. I imagined how it runs over her face instead of landing on the floor or is fluently spread over her stomach.

That evening I was in bed and couldn’t close a eye. My thoughts on them continued to turn.

I imagined how we do it and it packed me again this extreme lust paired with jealousy because I couldn’t shake the thought of how she just blows you or lets you pop up properly.

The next day just didn’t go to see how Sau was looking over to her again tonight. I didn’t feel guilty you know that many films know nowadays in which girls like to show themselves openly in front of the cam. This thought did not leave it that I felt like a tensioner.

In the evening I sat in front of the PC again and kept looking at her.

She crouched on her bed, had headphones and drew something. She carried her hair backwards as a braid, a sleeveless shirt in white with a brightly colored pattern and a black tight pants that covered about 1/3 of her thighs. Suddenly she looked at her door. She threw off her big black headphones and I could see that a friend had probably come by.

They fell into their arms and gave themselves a short coachman on their mouths. Her friend had a long blond hair and was a bit bigger than my neighbor. I thought the evening was running. Today I no longer see her naked.

I crouched back on PC but always a look at the room opposite.

Suddenly the big light went out. I looked over it and didn’t believe my eyes. A small light source that probably came from the reading lamp next to her bed allows everything to be recognized.

The two were closely wrapped on the bed and kissed wildly and intimately. My neighbor rubbed my neighbor’s breasts and my neighbor’s hand was deeply sunk in her friend’s pants. Slowly her friend pulled out her shirt and immediately released her breast. Her friend massaged her breasts and sucked on her nipple.

My neighbor obviously enjoyed it. She lay her head behind and in my thoughts I was able to hear her quiet, enjoyable moaning.

I couldn’t think of a clear thought, except that I somehow have to see better. My father remembered the binoculars. My parents weren’t at home so I stormed into the living room to search the last moving boxes for binoculars.

I discovered mine Brother On the sofa he was just in his girlfriend with his tongue. Both didn’t really notice me. I was lucky in the first box. I ran back into my room with binoculars.

In the short moment I had to miss a lot. The blonde girlfriend was completely naked on the bed and my neighbor still had her pants on and was sunk with her face between her friend’s thighs. My cock was hard and pressed for freedom against my pants. I fulfilled his wish and he let him out of my pants.

I massaged him slowly. I could groan the loud groaning that just had to come out of the blonde’s mouth, I was really able to hear in my thoughts. Through the binoculars I could see the twitching on the belly of the blonde.

My neighbor lifted her head and smiled at her girlfriend.

She pulled her up and both of them started kissing wildly. The hands wandered down the body again. They played each other on their pussies. I imagined how I let my cock slide slowly and deeply into her pussy and hoped that she was only sexually open and bi.

I couldn’t slow myself anymore and jerked everything on my windowsill with a lot of shot.

On the other hand, my neighbor’s blonde pulled out my pants and also sank very slowly and with relishes between her legs. I imagined how I would lick her. Slowly press and suck gently with your tongue on your clit. Leave my tongue around it until it can no longer hold herself and claws into the mattress in a fireworks display of feelings.

My neighbor pressed her friend’s head against her pussy and alone by her facial expression you could see that she just had an orgasm.

She and her girlfriend were now naked and stroked. When her girlfriend got up and briefly moved into the bathroom, my neighbor went to her window and opened it, I was very sure that she couldn’t see me so I looked at her very well with the binoculars. I let my cock disappear back in my pants when my light suddenly approached. I saw my neighbor starling over horrified and behind me I only heard my brother questions “Ey Man, you know the PIN code from Sky?”

sequel follows?! 🙂

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