Meet our horny bi couple | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Continued confusion of bi-couple meeting of the special kind after our still very great evening in the club with the surprisingly potent Peter we wanted to catch up with the actual, unfortunately unusual date with the BI couple. Since it was not entirely impossible that the meeting could be canceled again, my wife and I decided to invite the couple to our home. So we saved the expensive club visit to a further cancellation. And the chance of meeting such a horny man as the last time.

Do you know the feeling that if you are expecting a very, very great evening and then have to wait and then have to wait? This mixture of anticipation, lust and remaining doubts, whether the people, the couple, also kept what it promised and gave an idea in reality, which it promised in the many chats and skypes? As a reminder: we had had an appointment with this bi-couple at the time in the club. But because one of her children suddenly got a fever, they had to cancel the meeting at short notice.

My wife and I had already horn off the bathing together. We both loved smoothly shaved bodies, I only had no objection to a beautiful well -kept beard. My wife was able to live with that too, because she only wanted to deal with the other woman anyway. It was our agreement that at the meetings it was not one Partner exchange comes. It was clear and horny that there was always one or two touches in the beautiful mess again.

While we freed each other from the last little hairs and stubble, we also felt the touch of the tongue and lips of the other again and again. Also, she kept sliding one of her delicate fingers into my shaving foam slipy rosette. There is almost no more beautiful sight for me than the freshly shaved pussy and the matching little poleaen in my wife when she presents both cheekily in which she stretches her little butt and pulls her buttocks apart.

Alone the look she gives me, my blood lets you get in again every time. Immediately afterwards comes the sight of a well -shaped plump, which produces the first anticipation droplets from the Eichelspitze under my treatments with lust. It was difficult for us to interrupt our lovemaking that started in the bathtub. She had already brought me out with her hands and especially with her imaginative tongue. After all these years, Petra knew exactly how she could get me around the mind.

Even when we then completed the only compulsory portion, the depth of our asses with the shower head provided, she sucked mine tail In the meantime so hard that I almost hose. But it stopped every time I was about to do what my lust increased every time. I, on the other hand, examined her sweet polo -hole extensively with my tongue after cleaning. Petra loved that, and she also liked it when she felt a finger in her buttocks.

However to be fucked anal, after that it rarely. But if she wanted it, then with great caution and with the commandment of the slowness. When all of this came together, they enjoyed it to the fullest. Today seemed to be such a day, because while I was delighted with my tongue, she suddenly said: “I now want to feel your cock in my ass. “I didn’t let that say twice.

I reached for the wonderfully slippery shower mousse, rubbed my cock with it and also your small back entrance. I first let my glans slide into it as carefully and slowly. She groaned. We both paused. But then she moved and pressed my cock gaaaanz deep into her ass. Only once, then she pulled her little butt again. My cock came out of sparkling clean, so everything was right with her. In return, Petra pushed me a thin but long glass dildo in the butt.

He was 25 centimeters long … and yet she pushed it into me in full length. My rosette closed for a few seconds after it had disappeared into me. Then I pushed him out again. The glass thing was also without annoying traces. Hardly anything is more abandoning in the anal sex than an unclean rectum. So we were well prepared and warned ourselves to be patient, after all we were full of hope for an upcoming awesome evening.

We went through our checklist again. A few bottles of sparkling wine were cold, of course the bed was freshly covered. In anticipation of a very damp evening, we had moved in the waterproof intermediate bed. All sex toys were ready to go if we asked for it. That too was an advantage at a private meeting. Because in our favorite club it was not allowed to bring your own toys. There were enough pillows, and the fragrant oil was already on the heating so that it was nicely warmed up if it was used.

The guest room was prepared, only in all cases. One of our rituals before every meeting with another couple was that we bought sexy wash for the partner. Something we are on him or. You wished for this evening. We gave it to ourselves, but we only got it to see when we turned out in the course of the evening. It was a bit like the bride with her dress, which the man should also only see on the wedding day.

She had bought transparent mesh shorts for me and a skin -tight shirt with network insert. Both in black. Certainly Petra would be surprised about what I bought her. This time I was not shopping in the sex online shop but in a real lingerie shop. I wanted something brave and equally horny. So I decided on a combination of slip and bra that was like a bikini. Fine blue and white cross strips adorned the fabric.

As an icing on the cake, I put a few socks on her, also streaked blue and white. I don’t know why, but I like it when a woman wore cheeky socks. Preferably only these socks. Petra had nothing against it because, like so many women, she suffered from the always cold feet. So my preferences also had something very practical. I couldn’t wait to see her in the actually very well -brave outfit. You were there on time. That was a good thing, because as horny as we were of the little foreplay, we didn’t want to wait a minute longer.

But of course we couldn’t already fall over them in the front door, so we asked them in. As usual, there was hug and kisses on the cheeks here and kisses on the cheeks. I could have sweared, Sabine’s corners of mouth tasted to tail. I drove my tongue over my lips and winked at her. Sabine understood and smiled mischievously. “I have in the car Already a bit cheated, ”she giggled, and Georg grinned too. We first made ourselves comfortable in the living room and encountered the evening with a sparkling wine.

We talked about the journey and this and that. It was Sabine, who then broke the ice and cheekily opened her blouse. Your white top bra came out. First of all, we are excited to see what Sabine did there. Button around the button was opened until she pulled out the blouse. She was two times Mother, And of course that had left traces. But we knew that. She was still very, very sexy. But we also knew how horny she can dislike and move.

“Well, if you start, I’ll take part in it,” I said and took off my shirt. My new network shirt came out. Petra summed up for me at the sight of her gift. “Then I’m probably on,” she said, but also buttoned her blouse. In the meantime, I watched the corner of the eye how Sabine stroked her breasts through the top fabric. Her big nipples were already emerging. When I saw the beautiful bra on my Petra, I realized what kind of luck I was.

She was a great and incredibly exciting woman. I inevitably had to put myself in the crotch because my cock reacted to the sight of the two women. Without a word, Georg pulled out his sweater. His chest was shaved bare. He only had a little overweight, but that didn’t matter, because my time of the six -pack was over too. We were actually normal people. And particularly horny people on this evening. “You have a nice bra,” said Sabine to my wife and began to stroke his shoulder very gently and then go down to the baskets along the narrow wearer.

Petra returned the compliment and initially enjoyed the delicate touches. Georg and I also only watched. The two women moved a little closer together, and now Petra touched Sabine’s skin with her sweet fingertips. She summed up with comfort. Then the women moved a little closer and gave themselves a gentle kiss. Her lips just touched the same way. And yet we all seemed to feel the resulting crackling in the room.

The small tongues cheated out of the slightly opened lips and their tips touched each other. They slowly played around. Petra and Sabine caressed each other. Her hands touched the shoulders and arms of the others. The kisses became a bit more intense and then as if by chance Petra stroked the top bra by Sabine. Sabine groaned softly when she felt how every single finger deliberately drove over her nipple hidden behind the fabric.

Sabine revised by walking along the contours of the sweet and striped bras with her index finger and slow circles around the nipple boring almost through the fabric. In doing so, she deliberately avoided touching the nipples herself. We men watched the beginning of the love of our two hot women. Petra looked over at us. “You like that what?!“, She said with a smile. “But don’t just watch,” she added. Suddenly there was a little uncertainty in me.

This is rather rare, and how I found very inappropriate. Fortunately that was not the case with Georg. He rose and took off his jeans. He actually did not wore underpants. So I had a look at this special cock directly. And not only that. Georg was already wearing a thick metal ring that firmly enclosed his tail and eggs. It was actually the first circumcised cock that I saw in Real. His glans was thick and already very swollen and seemed to grin me.

Georg sat down again and began to massage his cock. I watched him fascinated because he kneaded his glans quite consistently immediately. I, as a non -cut person, imagined it to be quite uncomfortable at first, even painfully, because it always took a little time for my glans to enjoy these intensive touch. And of course it had to be damp and slippery, because it was more likely to feel your hands or dry lips. At Georg it was obviously not so drastic.

But I had read beforehand that circumcised cocks were less sensitive overall, which is why they should also hold out longer. Of course I wanted to get to the bottom of this rumor here and today. Georg’s cock quickly grew through the wanking. Mine was still packed. So I also took off my pants. I tried to keep my new underpants so that Petra got her to see. “Uhhh, sexy”, she immediately commented. My tail that has already grown clearly emerged on the black fabric.

My hand immediately hiked to my cock, after all it wanted to finally be kneaded. Petra turned back to her playmate. She no longer torched and pulled the baskets of Sabines BH over her breasts. Now they were free. Large and somewhat hanging, with amazingly long dark nipples, they offered a hot sight. Petra immediately started licking and sucking on the nipples. Sabine liked it, but was not immediately impressed.

From our chats before we knew what Sabine wanted. I could see from my wife’s slowly deforming cheeks that she was now sucking more on the nipples. Sabine liked that and she asked Petra’s head in her hand as if she wanted to breastfeed my wife. When Sabine suddenly groaned, it was clear that Petra sucked very violently. To do this, she pulled her head back a bit, so that the nipples were also drawn nicely.

“Yes, that’s how it is,” commented Sabine, who immediately groaned loudly and lustfully, because Petra nibbled around on the nipples. She threw her head back and let it happen. Petra needed a break and released the nipple. But just to play with her fingers on it. She took both nipples between the thumb and index finger and twirled the long nipples. Sabine groaned again. “Yes, keep going, that’s awesome.

Pull her and turn her … Mhmmm come already! … arghhhhh. “Petra liked to do that. We guys were amazed at how much Sabine enjoyed these particularly intensive treatments on their nipples. Petra turned and turned, sometimes right, sometimes left around. And every time a little further. Sabine groaned, squeaked and whimpered. But she asked Petra to turn a little further. Petra actually manages the nipples to turn around 360 degrees.

Sabine Litt and enjoyed at the same time. When Petra also pulled the nipple that was so badly dried up, Sabine Schrill groaned … “Enough enough!“Called her and looked at Petra with a horny facial expression. “Wait, you little horny bitch, now it’s your turn,” she giggled. I kneaded my cock through the fabric. He bothered me, so I pulled out the shorts. Petra had something else in mind anyway. My cock literally hopped out when I finally freed him.

Georg watched that comfortably smiling. But at first he kept his hands with him and kept jerking off his cock. It had increased something in size and scope. While Petra leaned back, Sabine finally freed her breasts from the bra. Then she leaned over my wife and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. From this a violent smooch. It looked as if their tongues wanted to organize a ring fight with each other.

Sabine massaged Petra’s breasts. She enjoyed it and then didn’t mind that Sabine opened the lock and pulled the straps over her shoulders with her teeth. “What kind of beautiful tits,” said Sabine before she started kissing the firm nipples and playing around with her tongue. As I followed the lovemaking of the two women, I suddenly felt Georg’s hand on my cock. I just winced briefly because I was startled.

But of course I didn’t want Georg to take his hand again. On the contrary. He encompassed my firm shaft with his strong hand and just held it up for a moment. Then he loosened his grip and started to push my foreskin a little bit over my glans with his hand movements. Then back and down again. Mhm … that felt good. Every time my foreskin was pushed over the glans.

Then back again. When my glans was hidden back in the foreskin, Georg increased the pressure and pushed the thin skin down again. And then came the point where the foreskin slipped over the glorn. I had to moan under this wonderful treatment. My acorn was now free. It was plump and shone from the many pretense droplets that had been distributed evenly on the glans through the wicherei. Georg tried to push my foreskin back over the glans.

That didn’t want to work. Georg now increased the pressure. But the cutting didn’t want to go back. Georg slipped and I felt his firm hand directly over my sensitive glans. It was cool and really intense. I groaned loudly. Now the women became aware of us. They saw Georg my glans hidden in his mighty hand. He fought with the other to my shaft. At the bottom of the approach, he clutched my cock, pressed and subordinate the stimulus something.

Then he continued to massage my glans, but also a little firmer. I was able to endure it well by the stimulus suppression. But Georg had a plan. While I was giving myself his increasingly intensive touch, he suddenly loosened the grip on my shaft approach. All nerves were immediately fully supplied with blood. It seemed to me that I felt Georg’s firm grip suddenly intensely intensely. Again I groaned violently. Georg immediately pushed the shaft approach back to give me a short breather.

But really just a short one, because he leaned over me and took my cock in his mouth for about half. I love this moment when the heat of a mouth lies around my glans. He paused, didn’t move. But I felt how the vacuum in his mouth became stronger. I looked down at him. He watches me, wanted to see how much vacuum I could endure. He sucked more firmly and slowly pulled his head back a bit.

It felt mega horn. When he reached my glorn with his lips, he let the tail slide deeper into his mouth again. Without losing a little bit of vacuum. It was the bright madness. And then he loosened the pressure on the shaft approach without notice. At the same time, I felt his tongue, which lay wide and firmly on my ribbon and began to move very slowly. I loved this game with the stimulus control.

Petra dominated it like no other woman. But I had rarely experienced this, not at all with a man. And so what happened to happen. The stimulus overflowing suddenly let me come violently. I still wanted to suppress it, but Georg sucked and sucked. I had no chance to get control of my cock. “I’m coming,” I handed it off half delighted, half frightened. Perhaps the last time I had the last time I had a horny teenager at the sight of a wet pussy.

Then the sperm pumped out of me. At least my cock tried to pump because Georg sucked hard in one. As a result, I didn’t get into the pump, my juice was sucked out of my eggs in a constant beam. I was almost dizzy. Georg heard and does not stop sucking until the point was reached when I couldn’t stand it anymore. I couldn’t help but involuntarily make the laughter, even though I didn’t want that at all.

But I did it and Georg understood. He dismissed my now somewhat twitching cock. Not a single drop of sperm was seen. Georg had completely swallowed everything. My acorn was a turf and incredibly sensitive. Georg gently pushed my foreskin over the slowly losing glans and I breathed a relief. “Wow!“Petra also shouted from my quick cumshot,“ You are a machine. “We all laughed. Now the spell was finally broken.

The two women banged a bit together. They almost fell from the sofa. “Don’t we want to go to the bedroom, there is more space,” I suggested. Everyone was right and we changed the room. On the short way through the hallway, I thought I heard any quiet sounds. My mobile phone? No, that was switched to silently. It was more of such a quiet hidden ringing of bells. Oh, I thought, probably my ears of the yeast orgasm even.

Sabine and Georg looked around. “You have it cozy,” praised Sabine. Immediately the women hopped on the bed. We both guys also made ourselves comfortable. Sabine squeezed her breasts together and asked Petra to suck on the nipples again. She could not be asked twice and did what was desired. Georg also leaned to his wife. Now both sucked and sucked on one chest. Sabine squeaked delighted. Since my cock brought a little break, I took care of Georg’s best piece.

I still didn’t dare to grab his glans immediately without making it slippery beforehand. So I licked him with wet and a wide tongue. I massaged the shaft and I managed to knead out the first clear anticipation droplets. I immediately accepted them. It tasted horny and finally had to taste this special cock really. I let my lips slide over the glans, tried to penetrate his small opening with my tip of my tongue.

Then I played around the acorn wreath. First with my tongue, then I surrounded the wreath with thumb and middle finger, and turned it around as if I wanted to loosen a thick mother from a screw. Georg acknowledged this treatment with a cozy moan. I made the glans very wet with my tongue. The poor glans was already subjected to a very firm grip. But Georg liked it: “That was cool, come on again,” he asked me.

This time I started this firm grip with the two fingers but at the shaft approach. Gaaaanz slowly hiked the vice -like grip further up to the glans. Georg groaned and automatically increased his sucking on his wife’s nipple. Then she groaned even more. Petra now twirled the other nipple again. Sabine made this unequal treatment so horny that she grabbed my wife’s other hand and put her on her slip. My handle reached the glans and was squeezed through it.

“Jaaaaaa, Geiiiil,” Gurgelte Georg is still hard on the nipples. “Again yes?!”, he said. Of course I like to do. I also enjoyed it, because every time I squeezed new delicious droplets out of my tail, which I greedily sucked up. Petra massaged Sabine’s pussy through the top fabric. Her pelvis pressed rhythmically against her fingers, which they love. Again I thought to hear this quiet bell and my fingers enclosed the shaft of this wonderful spanking.

This time I put him in my mouth as deep as I could. About two thirds disappeared deep in my throat. I started sucking, pulling lips and the enclosed fingers of Laaaaaaaaaaaaa. At first the tail popped out of my vacuum, and immediately the glans was properly pressed by the handle. Georg groaned, in this almost borderline treatment. But I knew from the many horny chats that he liked that and found it cool.

Petra pulled and twirled Sabine’s nipple as if there was no tomorrow. Her other hand had searched her way to Sabine’s pussy on the side of the brief. There she seemed to be a good job, because Sabine groaned and squeaked like the undetected hinge of a door. With my free hand I felt myself in my wife’s groin. She opened her thighs as if at the push of a button. She too wanted to be touched. Her pussy was already pits wet and sucked my two fingers into itself.

And it was already there, the first wild and horny mess. Any touch of the one triggered a more intensive touch in the others. Under the horny moan could no longer be seen who was most excited. My cock was slowly taken care of with blood and grew quietly and secretly. Sabine sat at the head end of the bed, had clung to her husband’s hair and wife. Petra rubbed and caressed Sabine’s pussy as well as Georg let his hand hike over his inner leg to Sabine’s pussy.

This hand also disappeared under the fabric. Sabine groaned again. The slip clearly disturbed. Georg finally pulled out the top panties. While I kept wanking Georg’s cock, sometimes sucking both at the same time, I watch the action between Sabine’s thigh. Sometimes Petra Sabine’s clit, sometimes Georg. The other hand each let two or three fingers penetrate them between the big labia. Somehow the two hands came out of rhythm and suddenly there were six fingers in Sabine’s wet cunt.

Three by Sabine, three by Georg. “Yeah, horny horny … “Sabine acknowledged this“ error ”. Okay, the two of them take themselves and started to fuck with their finger sextet slowly. Of course they did not forget their nipples. On them was also sucked and twisted. Georg and Petra looked mischievously and stretched Sabine’s pussy in which they first pulled a little, then a little more apart. Suddenly it seemed as if they wanted to escape this stretch.

She became very quiet, held her breath and pressed her pelvis a bit into the sheet. And then it broke out of her. A huge orgasm passed through it. She hurled her pelvis again loudly and screamed her fingers out of her. And then I finally learned where this gentle bell was come from. In another wave of her violent orgasm, she pressed two almost tennis ball -sized sound balls out of her, accompanied by a strong river of juices.

“How cool is that,” I cheers spontaneously. The horny Sabine had already hidden the sound balls in her pussy all the time. Sabine’s basin twitched uncontrolled. Your skin reacted to every little touch. She was completely overexcited. Georg gave his wife a juicy kiss. We dissolved our fray and all took a breath. What kind of A horny evening, And he had just started. We fought after the champagne glasses and reached this evening again.

We learned that Sabine had already hidden the ball before departure. She had already horned up in such a way, because with every small spring movement of the car, the balls bumped into it and vibrating against each other by the sound. Georg joked that he didn’t leave a single pothole on the way. Sabine leaned over the breasts of my wife and dripped a few drops of sparkling wine from her pointed lips and around the nipples. Petra giggled.

“That tickles,” she squeaked. Sabine immediately sucked the potty off again. But only to do it again. And again she licked and sucked the droplets from the nipples. Petra liked that noticeably. She looked at how her nipples were repeatedly sucked in by Sabine’s lips. Then Sabine let a small gutter sparkling wine flow straight from her glass between Petra’s breasts to her navel. Petra giggled again. Something collected in her navel, but a few cheeky drops found the way to Petras.

Sabine was quick after capturing every droplet with her mouth and whipping. She made herself comfortable with her half -full glass between Petras thighs. She looked at Petra mischievously and let a few pods of the sect drop on the Venus hill. These then ran between Petra’s labia and disappeared there. Petra groaned pointed, but it seems too please her. Even more liked her that Sabine immediately sipped these stray droplets. Then she let a small gutter sparkling wine run directly on Petras pearl.

Bizzelte on her clit and Petra groaned again pointed. Georg and I watched this great spectacle. I was afraid that it might be pain. Once we tried this game with my cock. I almost cried back then, he had that much alcohol burned on my global tip. So for my part I didn’t need to have this experience a second time. Petra probably wiped back and forth between the fine pain and the blessing, the subsequent warm and soft tongue of Sabine.

Finally Sabine put the sparkling wine aside and now took care of Petras pussy extensively. She kissed her, licked her, sucked her labia. In between stroked with her thumb over the clit, but only to suck him back between her lips. Petra stepped back and enjoyed every single touch. Georg sat half lying next to my wife and held up his tail that just grown up. Since my cock was not completely there after my first cum, I was able to enjoy this wonderful cropped cock again and the hard testicles that were already powerful through the metal ring.

I started with the latter, licked and kissed them. I quickly gave up in the mouth. No chance to record these big bull eggs. Slowly I worked my way up, let my wide tongue hike up the shaft until up to the acorn wreath. There I made my tongue pointed again and played around the glans. I looked over to Petra and Sabine. Two fingers had already disappeared into Petra’s cunt, and third parties should also find his way quickly.

Today my wife would finally feel what she missed and, every time she got it, let her get completely out of control. I continued to take care of Georg’s cock. He enjoyed it, held his champagne glass in one hand. The other stroked my wife’s chest and played and plucked on the nipples. Petra breathed heavily, she said again and again “Oh yes, that’s so cool”. Although Sabine knew that Petra made it horny when she was fisted by another woman, she played a little game.

As if it is for Petra the first time be. “Well, you may feel a finger more?“She asked after the third had already disappeared. “Yes, please another one,” groaned Petra. No sooner said than done and apart from the thumb, all fingers and the first part of Sabine’s hand disappeared into her. As she fucked Petra a little like this, I put my lips around Georg’s glans again. I sucked on this beautiful cock as if it were a delicious ice cream.

Although I would not have wanted to swap this spanking for such a Leppian ice cream. Georg just enjoyed, let me do it. He put his glass aside and put the free hand on my back head. He smelled me gently. “And Petra, should I try my thumb too?“Asked Sabine. “Oh yes, please come, take your thumbs in too,” the answer came moaning moaning. I continued to suck Georg’s cock, I took very deep but not entirely in my mouth.

I pulled my head back again and again and caused a dolle vacuum. Meanwhile, Sabine’s thumb in my wife’s cunt disappeared. The hand was now half in it, to where the hand had the greatest scale. “Should I continue? Do you want the whole hand now?“Asked Sabine. Just when Petra wanted to agree, her Sabine came before and suddenly pushed her hand further in. Petra groaned loudly but with relish.

Throwed her head back and shouted: “Jaaaaaaaa, ihhhhhheeeee Jaaaa … Aruggg..Jaaaaa “. That was the sign for Georg. From the gentle stroking on my back of my head, a firm grip was suddenly gripped. He clawed his paw in my hair and pressed my head on his cock. Before I realized something going on, I felt his glans at my suppositor. But he pressed deeper and his cock found his way into the beginning of my esophagus. Georg moaned, but did not give up his firm grip for two seconds.

Petra groaned too, because now she finally felt the hand of another woman in herself again. I had tried to fist her various times, but my hand was just too thick. In addition, she could only relax with a woman and let it go. Georg let me snap the breath again. I looked up at him and we grinned at each other. The slight gag heater had triggered a strong saliva flow. I distributed the slippery water on Georg’s cock and almost jerked it up as a “revenge” very intensive.

That gave me the opportunity to look over to the women again. Petra was now literally fucked by Sabine’s hand. Sabine let her hand glide out every now and then, but only to push her back deep into the cunt in one swing. Petra groaned loudly every time, but whimpered but relish. I put my lips back on Georg’s Eichelspitze, actually to start my game again.

But Georg didn’t want to be used for long now, he now needed it hard and consistent. I was to blame myself, after all I put on the pace through my wicherei myself. Again Georg took my hair and pressed me over his spanking. I still had my lips on his glans when he pushed me down. His cock disappeared into my gurgling throat. This time he didn’t hold me down, but pulled me up again.

Just when I wanted to snap some air, he pushed me down completely. Meanwhile, Petra was intensively fucked by Sabines to the fist. It was a single smacking gurgling and moaning. “Please stop stop!“Petra suddenly called. “I need a little break, otherwise I’ll break. “Sabine immediately paused, but her hand was still in Petra’s cunt. She gently stroked her with her free hand over Petra’s stomach. “Sorry, didn’t want to hurt you, sweetie,” she said.

“Everything is fine, you don’t have it at all, it was just so incredibly intense,” gasped Petra and stroked through Sabine’s hair. Sabine wanted to pull her hand out, but Petra grabbed her forearm and prevented her from doing so. “Leave it in it, it feels so cool,” she said. Petra still clutched the forearm and pressed the fist a little deeper. Sabine’s wrist was just recognizable. “Turn a little,” Petra suggested.

Sabine did what was desired. A bit of the right, a bit to the left. Petra groaned. Due to these deep rotations of the fist, her cervix was touched and slightly massaged. That made Petra completely wild. She groaned and turned under the movements of the fist, which made it deep into it. During it I jerked Georg’s cock violently again. “So it’s horny, can be a little more Doller,” moaned Georg. Petra suddenly reared up next to us and screamed her orgasm unabashedly.

She pressed Sabine’s Faust out, with her inject a violent beam of her juice that hit Sabine directly in the face. The twitched shocked back, but then had to laugh. Petra’s entire body still shrugged in flattening waves. “Wow, you are well mouse,” said Sabine and grinning his face grinning. She looked over to us guys. “You also have fun, I see,” she laughed, leaning forward and sucking her husband’s hard cock.

I jerked him the shaft, which Georg of course liked very much. Petra was soon a mistress about her senses. “Now I want to fist you,” she almost said in an commanded tone. “Yes indeed!“, Sabine answered Lachend. She dropped onto the bed and spread her legs as far as she could. With her flat hand, she clapped her herself a few times on the bare pussy. “Come on sweet, I can hardly wait to be fisted properly.

“The sight was so cool that I almost forgot Georg’s tail. I held his way without clinging him tightly. Petra let two fingers glide in Sabine. Since she felt like no resistance, she quickly pushed two more fingers. “Well, play, play around and push her in there,” groaned Sabine, who almost put her legs behind her head. Petra made a narrow hand and let them go in a millimeter by millimeter.

Sabine didn’t work quickly enough. She fought for Petra’s forearm and pressed the little hand deep into her cunt in one slip. Cancer breathed in and out of a smile. Petra started fucking her hand. In doing so, she formed a fist inside, but continued to fuck. Sabine liked that. “Yes, she walks in properly,” she fired up Petra. Petra pulled her fist out completely again and again and without making her narrower she pushed her back in.

“Yes, do … get off, fuck me … Come on, ”she commented on this great treatment again and again. I surprised Georg with a finger, which I put on his rosette nicely moistened and slowly let it slide in. Georg solved the view of the horny happen next to us and looked at me delighted. While I slowly but slowly but with a firm handle, I pushed my finger a little deeper and felt myself in the sensitive area that is experienced differently in every man.

When Georg suddenly groaned it was clear that I had found the prostate. I massaged this soft area with the fingertip and at the same time jerked his tail. Georg almost purred, he liked that as good. In addition to us, Sabine interpreted that Petra should pull his hand out briefly. She looked around for searching, quickly found what she asked. She took one of her sound balls and made her disappear between her swollen labia. “Come on sweet, take her out again,” she suggested.

“Real?“Petra was a bit reserved. “Yes, come, come already dare. “Petra let her hand slide back in. And I pushed Georg in the ass. Both groaned at the same time. I fucked the tight ass with my fingers a bit before I massaged the prostate with two fingertips. Petra’s hand disappeared into the wide pussy over the wrist. Then she seemed to have found the ball. But somehow she didn’t dare.

Sabine noticed Petras hesitation and immediately encouraged her again. “Keep her tight and slowly pull her hand out,” she explained what it was whim. Georg didn’t know exactly what he should concentrate on. The sight of what women did was of course very cool. But at the same time his cock was also worked on while two fingers massaged his prostate intensively. Petra pulled her hand out of the shiny wet cunt, tightly clutches the colorful ball.

Hand and ball smacked under a pointed groan. Uh, that looked so cool. I noticed that my cock also stood up again. Everything else would have been really surprised, because it was a really cool mixture of feelings, look, scent and noise. “Come on, do it again,” grinned Sabine. And they repeated the game a few more times. Again and again the ball disappeared and then Petra’s hand in the wide -open cunt.

Until Sabine suddenly said, Petra should put his hand with the ball together again. Petra did it and elicited Sabine with a sensual outcry. Petra pulled his hand out immediately and immediately back in. Sabine chuckled and groaned under this special fucking. But then she suddenly stopped, turned and stretched out her butt. “Now fist me from behind, yes?!“She suggested. Petra felt his hand with her hand without the ball.

Sabine looked at Georg and asked him to fuck her now from behind. He loosened from my handle, my fingers slipped out of his ass. Petra wanted to make room for the tail, but Sabine said she should leave her hand inside. At first Petra didn’t understand what Sabine said. Georg positioned himself half -standing, half kneeling behind his wife, pressing his cock into the horizontal. Petra turned her hand in Sabine’s cunt and felt in her palm how the tail penetrated deeper and deeper.

Sabine made an extreme hollow cross and made it easier to penetrate. Almost like in a reflex, Petra clutched the tail inside. Georg groaned. From my position it looked like he was fucking his wife, which he did too. But at the same time he was also waxed by my wife’s hand inside Sabine’s cunt. Using Georg’s heavy breath, I could guess what bliss it had to be. If we want to increase this a bit, I said to myself and now fingered Georg’s Rosette, it was possible to push a finger against the slight resistance of the sphincter.

Petra and I smiled at. It was a really good decision to have invited the two. It was incomprehensible to me how Georg could endure it for so long. He fucked his wife and was waxed by mine at the same time. I probably would have hosed long ago. Suddenly it came Sabine. She exploded like the proverbial volcano. She groaned and screamed into the pillow. Everything was pressed in her, she certainly tried to press hand and tail out of her, but Georg fucked her with all his might.

Even the hottest orgasm ends. Sabine sagged the bed weakly. “It was soooo horny,” she said to breathe for breath. Petra massaged and loosened her hand. She had been asked for a lot. Georg’s cock was a real miracle. He was still hard and firm. He had now come to the taste of a tight fuck and wanted to continue it now. “I need your tight asshole now,” he said to me. He lay on his back and made his spanking challenging in the vertical.

“Come on, sit down!“He said and winked at me. Well, I didn’t let that say twice. I reached for the bottle of oil, spray a little on the flat hand and also on Georg’s tail. He distributed the wonderfully warm oil on his cock as I slashed my rosette from the outside and also using two fingers from the inside. Then I climbed over this great cock with my back to Georg’s face. Gaaaanz slowly I settled down.

Georg held his cock in a firm hand and helped him to continue stability. I felt the glans on my rosette, pressed against it. UBS, the first attempt to penetrate, failed. But the next succeeded. I tried to relax. Not so easy, after all I was so excited. According to exhaling, I felt the thick glans of millimeters found their way into my ass by millimeter. And then came the moment when the glans won against the resistance of the sphincter and slid several centimeters into the ass with one slide.

It was just cool to feel this wonderful cock in me. He had disappeared about half of me in me, when Georg started to move. He fucked me, only slowly, then faster and faster. My half -wipe tail hurled around in a circle. It was Petra who captured this funny propeller and pushed into her mouth. Georg pressed my pelvis on his cock. I felt it so deep in me. Petra sucked and jerked my cock meanwhile.

It didn’t take long and stood like a one. Sabine was added. “May I join?”, she asked. “But of course,” said Petra. Both women now jerk my cock. I found that only fair, after all my wife had also waxed the Georg’s tail. It was just so mega cool. My ass was nicely fucked by this spanking while two horny women edit my cock. So far I only knew that from the porn. I never thought that I could ever experience it myself.

I felt my energies began to bundle in my eggs. With difficulty I was looking for a clear thought. Georg obviously did not do any other way. He groaned and pruded. And then he came. He kept getting violently. I felt his hot sperm injected deep into my ass. He still pushed too. And then I couldn’t hold back my orgasm either. Petra sucked and licked my glans while Sabine jerked my shaft.

Then I inject, pump my juice into my wife’s mouth. She didn’t swallow my sperm this time. It ran out of her corner of the mouth over Sabine’s hand, which still clutched my shaft firmly. Very gently she pushed my foreskin over my glans. Both hands of the women played with my sperm, distributed it on my cock, sucked it off again, kissed. As long as my juice had disappeared through a miracle in the greedy mouths of the women.

The madness, I thought and rose from Georg’s cock with a heavy heart, who was still not swollen due to the really tight penis ring. His sperm, which he had pumped into my ass, ran out of my battered rosette. I love this feeling!Together we made ourselves comfortable, drank sparkling wine and raved about what was just experienced. What a horny evening! We all needed a break. However, the evening was not entirely over. At some point the women started to stroke their own pussies and we guys took this as a sign to take our cocks into their hands.

We made a game out of it, wanted to try to get all four of them at the same time wanking. We guys were ready at first, but could keep preventing the cumshot, or again and again. delay. But it was becoming increasingly difficult to wait for women. We almost succeeded. Unfortunately I inject first, but only a few seconds before Sabine and Petra came. In the end, Georg came again violently. This meeting was undoubtedly one of the hottest ones that my wife and I were able to experience together.

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