Hot photo shoot | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Lisa … a once dissatisfied housewife … Lisa is actually a normal housewife. She is already in his mid -forties, but if you ever driven it with a lady in her age group, it knows that this is a very nice age. The youthful flows are done, experiences are gathered … Often enough, this age is perfect to break new ground. So also with Lisa. At home in bedroom is not that much anymore, her gods of gods are almost 20 Lenze older and is no longer as active in these things as it was 10 years ago.

Lisa no longer really feels like a coveted woman, but believes not being able to keep up with the young chicks. Or does it? She wants to know now! And she is ready to do a lot and let you do a lot. It opts for an advertisement in two larger portals, which deals with the pleasure of the so -called milfs. Mother I´D Liked to Fuck as it says in long writing.

First of all, a few sharp pics need to show something of herself. But it should be a professional photographer. And so she browsing in Internet In the end, Klaus finds a initial replica with his own photographer homepage and a declared preference for the partial act and acts of women beyond the 40. She arranges a first appointment with Klaus to sniff. “Hello beautiful lady, you have to be Lisa, right?“He greets her in his studio.

“Yes, that’s me, Lisa. Thanks for the beautiful lady, ”Lisa replies nervously. She really threw herself, wears a wine -red knee -playing dress, which fits perfectly with her dark brown hair. As she always does, she has tied her hair together into a so -called bun on her head today. This somehow seems strict. “Then please come in, Lisa. I duke all of my models, it’s okay for you, or?”” Sure, Klaus, very happy “, Lisa replies, of whose initial extreme excitement, a lot has been eliminated after these few words.

“Then tell Lisa, which is the reason for your photo. Can you tell me everything is in good hands with me here. Nobody will ever find out! Just too, dare to. Here you are absolutely certain, ”Klaus speaks to her very calmly and conducts her without it being deliberately born with a bar stool that stands on and in front of a light gray fabric. Lisa is half on it, her hands fold her loosely on her thigh.

And then she just chats, Klaus tells about her sleepy love life and about her longings. “Tell up, I take a few photos in between,” Klaus asks her and Lisa continues to talk. Klaus stands behind them. “Just too, just keep going … don’t take care of me and what I do, Lisa” she hears his calming voice. Klaus pulls the three needles out of her bun and strokes her chestnut brown shoulder -length hair smoothly, spread her on her shoulders.

Then he touches her on her chin and turns his head very slightly to the right. “Talk on, Lisa. Oh, and grab your fingers to the left and right of the neck with opened fingers and lift her a little in a compartment. You do that very well, Lisa!“To provoke another facial expression on her, Klaus is now asking her a few very intimate questions! “Do you like spoiling a man with your lips?“Lisa is startled.

“Really now? I should answer that?“Asks her amazed. Klaus wanted exactly this facial expression! Lisa does not notice that something like a mixture of lust and indignation … that her cheeks are getting red. “Hammer … cute … and … When and how did you last fucked?“Klaus drills after. Another most intimate question! Lisa breathes much more difficult to answer. “You are someone … but good. It’s been a few weeks ago, the last time.

Then I wore a shorter skirt and asked my husband to keep the household manager on which I then climbed, ”Lisa replies quite broken. “And then?“Asks Klaus. “How I was back … my husband just bent over the table, my skirt up and pulled my panties down. Then he took me from behind. I get very hot when I think about it “breathes Lisa now. “Show the position in which he took you, Lisa.

Then I can imagine that better … ”Klaus asks her now. “Well, so” Lisa replies and climbs down from the stool. She turns around and wobbles with the buttocks. “As now … you just said that he pulled your skirt up and pulled the panties down. Well come, I want to see it … and look over the shoulder of wicked backwards..“He speaks to his current model quietly. “Du little lust you” breathes back Lisa and slowly lifts the hem of her dress.

“Next Lisa, push it up very high … Well, we’re all alone here. You, me and my camera, ”Klaus heats up the eroticism that has now emerged vigorously. The dress moves up and more. “I thought it was … Could have bet that you are wearing straps underneath today. That just looks stunning. And now … patrol the panties down to the knees. I want to see a lot more of this sharp woman. Please!!”” Well “croaks Lisa and starts pushing her fingers into the covenant of her black briefs on both sides.

Slowly, provocatively slowly she gradually releases her photographer’s eyes. “Oh man … the man who sees D a s just has to say yes. Wait, I’ll open your dress and pull it out of you, that’s okay for you Lisa?”” Just do … you make me very sweat anyway “breathes back Lisa. Klaus opens the zipper and grazes her dress over her head, but pushes it forward gently again.

The closure of the camera makes you constantly click click … “Please set up now, Lisa. Please pull your panties back up, so far that your Blessed Sacrament is still covered … and lick your lips when you slowly turn over ”are his next words. Lisa’s breathing rate increases more and more. Your chest lifts and lowers much more than at the beginning of the session. “Wow, what a horny sight,” says Klaus Leise to himself.

“Thank you, Klaus. That is really good to hear something from a man again. Would you please me … “she won’t get any further. Because Klaus believes to know what she wants to say now. He puts the camera aside for a moment, approaches Lisa very close to Lisa and … she kisses her lips tenderly. “How did you know that … can you read thoughts?““ Not really, but read in your eyes, I can do that quite well..“He replies and takes her in his arms before he kisses her passionately and with tongue! Lisa shakes tremendously! “You have no idea how much I needed it now, Klaus.

You are unique!“Lisa’s voice flutters a little and she has to clear her throat. “Thank you Lisa. Does also good for me, ”Klaus replies and already has the camera in front of the eye for the next pictures. “Please turn around now, Lisa, and do yours bra open it, slowly pull it off and hold it in the air on a finger with the arm stretched out. Then I count up to three, with three you just drop the bra.

I take a whole series of photos of it. You will like!” “I really hope so! I have never shown myself in front of a camera. But here with you I feel safe ”comes back in a fragile voice. “One two three!!“Layers Klaus and the BH falls to the ground, exactly on the dress that Klaus put there right there. “Put both hands on your breasts, knead them a little … and then turn around slowly.

I want to say your eyes to me … just look … that is all … for you!!! Or even better, just say it and you exactly in the camera!“Lisa’s hands massage her big breasts and she breathes even more heavily. Then she slowly turns … and speaks what Klaus wants to hear from her. “All of this is … for you, Klaus”. In the next seconds she takes her hands down from her breast and presents her photographer, sorry if I say that now, amazingly solid for her age! The two excited nipples sting out long and firmly.

The camera rattles without ceases. “May I?“Asks Klaus Leise and comes close to Lisa. “Absolutely, Klaus … just take her” breathes Lisa and feels his hands on her breasts seconds later, as you can massage them slightly with gentle finger movements. Lisa moans. Klaus now leans forward and takes one of the two tight nipples between his lips, sucks on it, lets his tongue dance on him. “Uhhhh … you make me soooo horny … Please keep going …” Lisa pours on and press his head again against her chest.

“You shouldn’t live like a dog” smiles Klaus and goes over to the other nipple, whom he caressed just as much, yes, in which he even bites very carefully into. Lisa moans powerfully! “Uhhhh … is that beautiful …. I think I’m gossiping down there … maybe you like to check?“She asks now, although her voice can hardly be mastered anymore. “Well and whether, my horny girl! But you have to move out of your panties all by yourself and I will take countless pictures of how you completely flare up in front of me.

Slowly, very slowly Lisa, even if I can hardly wait to see you completely naked!“Also in Klaus Voice is no longer calm, she almost trembles like Lisas! Millimeter, Lisa now pushes her panties down and reveals the view of a short -shaved hair that is trimmed in heart shape. “How cool is that!!!“It escapes his mouth. “Like what you see, Klaus?” “Fallen???? This is the understatement of the year!! I am really excited!!! Most of the women I have in front of the lens have previously shaved the pussy.

Looks also cool, especially with close -ups. But you … should always look like this!! You promise me that, Lisa?”” Yes Klaus, I do. I don’t really feel good down down there. What else did God have intended to have hair there for! But then I shaved it down … hair on the tongue is certainly not the burner, ”she says now, where she becomes red again on the face. “That’s right … and I will test exactly the way now … lie down over the table over over there …” asks Klaus Lisa now.

Lisa goes over to the table almost hastily and lays on his back there. Klaus puts the camera on a tripod, sets it up, switch to video and press the trigger. Then he comes up to Lisa, slowly presses her thighs apart with his hands, crouches and … lets his tongue do her work. Lisa groans and groans under his actions. How Klaus exposed her pleasure pearl with the fingers and sucks on it.. it happened to Lisa! She rears up, presses his head tightly between her Legs And a long -lasting time of wild twitches begins their bare body! Klaus has to really make an effort to be able to take a breath in between!Then the wild twitch is slowly absorbing, but not Lisa’s lust! “Fuck me now … I want yours tail Now feel in me … B i t t e !!!!“Keucht her off.

“Of course, my horny girl! I was looking forward to how you got into the door from the very first moment. I knew exactly that you want that! Even if it wasn’t clear to you immediately. But I knew it. And now, you horny piece … I’ll fuck you in the madness!!!“Responds Klaus and rises from his pants as soon as possible. He does not wear underpants, he never wears how he lets her know afterwards.

He places his rather thick device in front of the gate to the sky and … Press her deep into Lisas pussy in one go. A Laaaaanger sigh is the result, then Lisa begins to buzz under the “song of lust” under his strong thrusts. “Yeah.. fuck me…. Just shouted hard … Is that horny ….“She croaks again and again. Before Klaus shoots his men’s cream on her short, sheared cunt hair, Lisa crows one more times one more times orgasm out of itself.

The video SIRD now stopped and again in the photo mode Klaus makes a few very hot close -ups of Lisa’s freshly fucked cunt and his legacy on her pussy. Then it slowly gets quieter in the studio. “All well with you, my horny girl?“Asks Klaus Leise. “I … it’s super well, Klaus … that was … the absolute madness! I thank you from the deepest soul for the fact that I was allowed to experience myself again as a woman! And I’m looking forward to the photos … “Hears Klaus Lisa then say.

“Let yourself be surprised, Lisa … let’s say … the day after tomorrow after the same time? Then I’ll present the pictures to you. I am sure you will please you!!!“Respond to Klaus you. Then Lisa is getting dressed again, just putting bra and panties in her pocket. “I don’t think I need it anymore … And I continue to believe that I will crawl my deficiency afterwards … I need more, much, much more …” she breathes with a lustful look before the two say goodbye with an intimate kiss.

Two days later it shifts on the studio door. Lisa is back! But with her husband!!! Klaus’s unsound look quickly noticed. “Don’t worry, my dear. Everything OK. Paul wants to tell you something … “She speaks Klaus calmly, and then looks over to her husband. “Yes, Klaus, I want that. My dear Klaus … what did you do with the action … my Lisa, as soon as she was in the house, moved out her dress and opened the trouser slit …

I can only say … wow and… d a n k e f ü r a l l e s!!! I found a new Lisa. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!”And I a new Paul” smiles Lisa. All three hug each other. “Before I forget it … you can kiss her … or anything else …” Paul flattens and pinches one eye. Lisa does not wait long, grabs Klaus, then Paul and kisses the two men very, very tenderly.

“Come in really, you two. Was or was. It’s a pleasure!!! Please take a seat here, I will then load the selection of photos and start the presentation. Are you ready for a new Lisa?”” Jaaaaaaa … I can hardly wait … ”comes from Lisa afterwards and Klaus presses the start button. The first picture no longer lets the mouths of the two go. It is a text that slowly builds on the PC.

It reads: As from yesterday’s inconspicuous woman, the hot Lisa became “Well, that starts well”, says Paul and takes Lisa by the hand. “Come on … don’t adorn my horny girl … take your coat off …” he says quietly to his wife. “Just as you want it, loved one” breathes back Lisa, rises, opens the loop of the coat and slowly opens the buttons. Then … one last jerk … the coat falls to the ground! Below is a completely naked Lisa to light! “Wow … I seem to have hit the mark …” gives Klaus to his amazement expression.

“But I have to confess something, dear Klaus … Look … “Says Lisa and points to her pussy. “From now on Paul would rather like me without hair … bad?“She is hesitant. “Hoppala … there is nothing left, which prevents the view of your horny flat! I’ll take a few extra photos for you right away. Agreed? The most important thing is that you set it up like that, we like it. I’m sure it will be good for you.

And Paul, please forgive me that I brought Lisa so far with my damn intimate questions!“Klaus responds to it. “On the contrary! There is nothing to forgive. You have Lisa, I opened my eyes first! I am such a fool that I have not treated myself to the past few years earlier! You my dear Klaus, you will be a welcome guest in our house at any time when you understand how I mean that..“Paul comes on it.

Of course Klaus understood that, there are three times high five and a hearty laughter. With big eyes, the three then looked at the selected photos. Both Paul and especially Lisa are simply enthusiastic about the result and you are in your arms. “But I still have one … Paul, I hope you forgive..”Says Klaus and starts the video. Lisa can no longer get his mouth at all. Because she hadn’t noticed at all that Klaus recorded her intimate scenes as a video! “Boah ey … look … a new porn star …” laughs at how she understood, what is going on on the screen! “Sorry Paul … but D a s must be now!“She says after the video, turns to Klaus and gets his cock out of his pants to spoil him with hands, mouth and tongue according to all the rules of art and then get her portion of men’s cream! “This is the only thing I didn’t get in your studio about this horny afternoon!! At least not in my mouth!!“She thinks after that, wipes the rest sperm out of the face.

Paul pulls her up and kisses her on her freshly inseminated mouth. “Wow, great gesture of you Paul. I printed out the pictures and put in a photo album. Now take it home and take a look at it in peace. Where … calm … I think that won’t work today … “laughs at first Klaus, then all three at the same time. “But you will still send us the video clip, not true?“Paul asks again.

“And yes … loved Lisa.. You won’t have any rest today … and now come home with you, you little bad horny girl!“Paul has to laugh at how he pronounces it. A decent pat on Lisas still naked butt, then they are already gone. At some point in the late evening Klaus gets a photo sent to his cell phone. On top of that lies naked and tied to the bed, her breasts as well as belly and cunt are full of sperm.

The picture also bears a title… D a n K e f ü r a l e s !!!!!!Three years have passed since this memorable afternoon in Klaus’s studio. Three years in which the three people have become really good friends! Whenever possible, make an appointment, sometimes with Lisa and Paul, sometimes in the studio. And every time it goes high! Lisa has become a real grenade female! Nymphomaniac up to it no longer! It’s a good thing that she has two such magnificent guys at her side, which you can hit regularly! Paul then had to go to rehab after a hip surgery.

“Klaus, please take care of my horny girl, I won’t be able to do it for a while now. You have all freedoms! But you know that anyway, ”he expressed his wish to Klaus during a visit to Paul, without Lisa, without Lisa. “Can you rely on me, dear Paul. I do my best to keep her as horny as it has become through us. Promised!!!“What can I say … Klaus kept word!Like Paul after three months the first time Again “could” … everything was like before his operation.

Lisa, this rat -sharp fuck piece, after the first visit from Klaus afterwards, then let the two fuck through the two for a long time at home! How do you always say so well … And if they haven’t died … they still fuck today !!Lisa has never switched the display that initially mentioned the history of the story! For which too!E n d e the story.

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