Horny game on his birthday | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

You have always been a woman with a lot of imagination and on my birthdays you succeeded in surprising me every time with something special. When I entered your apartment, I knew it would be an extraordinary festival. Your dress made of white cotton mouselin was transparent in an exciting way and I could see that you were not wearing anything underneath the white, owner-free stockings that I had given you some time ago.
You then served a very delicate snack, but to this day I have no memory of what you applied that day, because my eyes were tied to your sight. “Would you please open the champagne? We want to toast your birthday.“After the bottle was uncork and I had poured, I wanted to raise my glass.

“Please wait! Let me serve the noble drink in other ways.“You opened the cleavage of your dress, dipped a breast into the tingling liquid and came to me.

“Now you can cost!“You trembled when my lips surrounded the delicate hill. Yours were firmly of excitement Nipple Already now, as soon as I had touched her. I wanted to encompass your body with my hands, but you held me back. “We are not that far yet.

You have to be patient. After all, you haven’t got your birthday present yet. Are you not curious at all?”” Certainly, I am! Who wouldn’t be – with such an overture.” “That’s good! Just a moment of patience, some preparations are still to be made.“You reached behind yourself and switched on a headlight, a real stage headlight, which I had not noticed at all so far. There was a large cone of light, with a red lens chair in the middle of the room, as was made for a queen.

Music used: Jungle sounds underlaid with dull drums filled the room. You went to the room door and opened it. “Your appearance, Alis-Ha!“In these words, a young dark -skinned woman entered the room, dressed with a kind of caftan made of colored fabric. In her hands she held a braided basket that was closed with a lid.

She put it down next to the armchair.

I wanted to say something, but you put a finger on your lips and meant silence me. The stranger beautiful began to move in the beat of the music, which has now become more rhythmic. Somehow the appearance of scenes in historical adventure films from the 1960s reminded me, which always came up when it was particularly exotic and strange. But everything was real here.

Our dancer circled the throne with quick steps. She whirled around so that the slight cloak rose again and again and thus released the view of her fantastic body: muscular thighs, a solid buttock and the well -shaped belly. Suddenly the cape flew aside, it stopped, shows us her wonderful back, let her hips circle with slightly opened legs. A quick rotation – she turned, presented us her deep black shame.

Their movements became more challenging.

The thighs spread wide, slept their hands over their body, comprised the breasts, they lifted towards us. After this promising introduction, she revealed the secret of the basket. My breath caught when she took a snake. What I had only seen in Caba-Rets and Arab markets has now received a new erotic dimension.

Our dancer settled on the throne chair;The animal lay on her shoulders. She seized and put it on body so that the head of the snake rested between her breasts while the tail between her thighs – wall. She gently grabbed her reptile, carefully led it to her mouth, where the tongues first played around each other until the red lips of the tamer close to the head.

The snake became a wonderfully shaped, shiny penis, which our seducer repeatedly attracted attention. She ended the gorgeous spectacle and made the animal disappear in the basket.

Then Alisha came to us at the table. She whispered something in your ear and with a slight hesitation you nodding, as if you wanted to explain your consent. That I couldn’t hear what she had suggested to you, I was very excited about the progress of things. She meant to close her eyes.

From somewhere she had a kind of mask, which had no openings for the eyes. She roamed her so that you could see nothing more, took your hand and took you to the throne chair.

In the glistening light of the headlight, she opened your dress. It slid to the ground. She gently pressed you down.

Now I could see what I suspected when I had entered: your wonderful cunt was shaved again. Our dancer now reached under the pedestal, took out something. There were obviously wide straps made of black leather With adjustable tapes. With them she strapped your arms on the back of the chair.

Also yours Legs were laced. Only dressed in the white stockings, convicted of almost complete immobilization, the thighs spread, it was a bizarre sight. Again Alisha took the podium. A little can! She opened the inconspicuous -looking vessel that apparently contained a kind of ointment and took some of it with her finger.

It was a full red paste with which she first drew a circle around each of your breasts;Then a smaller around the nipples, one around the navel and an oval for your gender. Finally, she colored your lips.

During the whole procedure she spoke quietly to herself. It was a strange language and it sounded as if she is saying summoning formulas that should put you in a trance. She began to irritate your nipples with her long fingernails, which immediately updated and were hard under the touch.

Your breath got heavier, your stomach spanned and your pelvis slid restlessly before and back. “Alisha! What did you do, it burns like crazy!” “Yes, my dear! That is supposed to!”She said. “You wanted to show your lover what pleasure you can feel. I only allowed myself to give the game a little more spice.

Or maybe sharpness would be an even better word.“She spoke German without accent, our priestess of the jungle! One more surprise that evening. In the hot light of the headlight, your most sensitive body parts began to shine in the screaming red of the paste. You throw your head back and forth. Your moan became a penetrating sigh;You tried desperately to Tie up to free, but it was in vain.

“Please let go of me!“You plead them in a trembling voice. “Oh no, Darling! You should calm yourself down a little, the best will still come!“She kissed you, slide your tongue into your mouth, hardly let you breathe. Her hand slid between your legs and with her fingers she distributed the cream over her labia, shared her and just put your clitoris. “It’s like fire! I don’t stand it anymore!“Cramps shake your body.

“You wanted that – immeasurable lust. I only do what we discussed – maybe a little more.“She hesitated, as if she would imagine something. “The situation is simply too tempting. I decided to have you watched.“Alisha stepped behind you and took the mask off you.

“Because now I’ll take care of the birthday child!““ No, you are not allowed to do that!“You ride angrily and struggled onto the straps when Alisha came to me with crazy hips. “You kept me that your lover is such an attractive guy. I can’t hold back there. You should have warned me.

may I?“Without waiting, she sat on my thigh and put her hand on my crotch. “Especially since it is probably also quite well built!“My amazement was only exceeded by my excitement at that moment. I was banned. When I looked over to you, I saw how you watched the events with wide eyes.

The language also gave you the language.

Alisha grabbed my chin and turned my face to himself. A hypnotizing effect was based on her gaze that I could not and did not want to escape. “Come!”She pulled me on her breasts,” she kisses, she likes that!“The plump of her breasts lured and there was no hesitation for me. They were so different from your petite hills, which I had carefully caressed so often.

I buried my head between these fascinatingly tight mountains of femininity, pushed it together with my hands and licked wildly. It seemed to please her because she groaned extremely violently. Meanwhile, I felt how she was struggling with the belt of my pants. She buttoned her up and freed my lust rod from all covers.

“So he is exactly right! Nicely stiff! And the size is also right.“With her razor -sharp fingernails, she drove along my Jadestel angel, which made him twitch violently. “And now I’ll take it! Right here, in front of your eyes, love i..“With a single, quick movement she swung over me so that she turned my back on my back. “Look exactly how I put it in my black pussy.“She led my cock to the entrance of her vagina and let him slide the wet tightness of this grotto of lust. “Fantastic! I love to piss myself up like this.

But you know that, i.. Certainly you enjoy being penetrated by this instrument of lust. Not true?“You didn’t give an answer. “And if I play a little bit on my sweet, small clitoris, then it’s perfect.“The view was blocked, but I could feel the contractions of the muscles of her vagina.

They became more and more violent and I had to hold back a lot so that I couldn’t let my excitement to the extreme increased excitement now. But Alisha also wanted to get the tension. Before she got to a climax, she stood up abruptly.

“Enough! It is time for us to. take care.

Please also take off, B., My darling! Because you should assist me.“While I put my clothes off, I could observe, How Alisha put the mask back on you. “Was it very bad for you, i. – Darling?“Then Alisha turned to me. “I.

would like to be your pleasure object on your birthday today! Backless! Not true, i.?“You didn’t say anything, but nods in agreement.“And she asked me to help her a little. Because it is a little afraid of certain practices. In this case I could intervene help you understand?”” Mmmh! Actually very good! Because there are some things that she has never allowed, for example … ”For a moment I hesitated. “Do not say it! I am also your diplomat of lust today;And maybe it falls i.

easier to respond to your wishes when I convey it to her.”” Okay! Try confusion!“I whispered Alisha that I would always have liked to get into Ina’s mouth. The only thought of it, Schauer chased the lust through my body. “I will ask her!“Our moderator went to you and you put your heads together.
After a while eager whisper she returned. “I.

told me that she couldn’t because she is afraid of an involuntary nausea, otherwise she would do it. So I made another suggestion.”” And that would be?“Now I wanted to know exactly. “You will see! After all, it should be a surprise.“She did very mysteriously. “Some preparations are necessary for this project.

First we will free them from their bonds. Incidentally, “she still breathed in my ear,” I think I. can persuade to practice with me every now and then, then she will take off her shyness in front of it.“We solved the straps together, and the larva had also become superfluous. I.

came to me and we hugged each other. “It wasn’t an excellent idea to invite you?“You beamed at me. Your tension was forgotten, you were – in the truest sense of the word – completely solved.

“Sure, I will never forget this birthday. You are not angry with her because of the little skittling with her?“Oh no, she is and remains just irresistible! Although it annoyed me a little that she just owned you.

But I forgive you!“We kissed ourselves intimately and then watched Alis-ha, how they took two small boxes that were roughly the size of shoe boxes under the podium that placed them on both sides of the armchair. “What will it be when it’s done?”I asked her. “Wait only!“She replied and smiled slyly. She took me by the hand and led me to the podium.

“So, you are now putting your feet on it!“And pointed to the two boxes. I followed her request .I stood over the seat of the furniture with roared legs. Gradually I suspected what she intended;Only the whole thing was a bit shaky. “Stick on the backrest, then you are sure!“She looked at me unexpectedly.
“Come to me i., Then you see how Mr. B.

ready;Although there is currently exaggerated;He is a little slumped.“The ridicule in her voice could not be ignored. In addition, she was absolutely right, I was not in the slightest due to the distraction. “But that’s why we will take care of that!“And briefly snapped against my wireless body with her index finger. I winced together.

“You see, love i., He still reacts normally.”Alisha said to her.“Sit on our throne now and treat it a little gentle.“You crawled under me and took a seat. The only thought of the upcoming caresses made my penis swell. “Just look! You don’t even need to touch him.“But she didn’t leave it in words. With her razor -sharp fingernails she began, the sensitive skin between my testicles and the anus to irritate what pleasant shower chased me over my back.

Meanwhile, you tenderly kissed the tip of my limb, so that a so -called longing droplet came to light there.

Then your mouth completely enclosed my pleasure instrument and you carefully push them with your lips foreskin back. An enormous feeling of pleasure flooded me and I groaned hard. “He seems to like it!“Alisha commented on the action. “Make him really cool!“Her expression was sometimes very direct, almost ordinary.

We were also able to learn from her in this regard, because if the sex is supposed to be really wild, a certain level of shamelessness is extremely helpful. Your tongue first played around the glans, slid along the underside a few times, where she carefully but effectively tract the particularly sensitive cutting. These strokes drove through my body like punches and every time my abdomen pushed.

Alisha immediately noticed my increased excitement. “Let us exchange, i.!”She said and pushed along the armchair next to you.

You look puzzled when Alisha withdrew your toy. “Look closely, then you see what happens.“She took my penis with her teeth. “Please be careful, Alisha, the good piece is still needed!“I had to follow her movement until her head tightened on the backrest of the armchair. Then her hands comprised my hints and she opened her mouth very far, pulled me deep into her throat.

I started moving my pool. It was an attaching sight how my link was going between her red -glossed lips. My rhythm increased. Quite trapped in the feeling of fucking this wonderful throat, I had closed my eyes.

But alisha’s repertoire was not yet exhausted. It also stimulated the rosette My butt with her fingers. And when she finally pushed a one, this gave me an ecstatic climax.

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