Horny fuck with an old acquaintance | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

10 years later on the www … this feeling is a bit strange, after all I had Michaela No longer seen before the class reunion for 18 years. What did she mean by “chatting a little”? She clearly meant that, or was she only the naive girl from the past?And now I’m standing on your doorstep and ringing. “Who ‘s there?”. “I’m ‘s, Martin”. The buzzer sounded and I opened the door. I climbed the stairs hastily until I in the 3.

Floor in front of Michaela’s door stood. I knocked against it twice and then she opened the door. She looked even more adorable and seductive than last night. She had a skin -tight jeans. A white T-shirt fell loosely above. The long blond hair fell openly over her shoulders. “Hi”. “Hello, come in. I haven’t expected you yet. But sit down first “. I went over to the spacious couch and let myself go on it.

I couldn’t take my gaze from Michaela. “What do you want to drink?”” Do you have a cola?” “Secure. “She said and disappeared into the kitchen. I thought about how best to do it. After a brief moment she came back from the kitchen with 2 glasses and a bottle of cola. I felt like mine tail Slowly swell in the pants. I leaned forward a little to hide this a little.

Michaela took a seat opposite me on a large leather armchair. When she prevented herself to pour the cola in to see the approaches of her well -shaped breasts. I tried to look her even deeper into the neckline, but she was already going up again. We spent the next quarter of an hour and entertaining about old times. “Let’s look at old photo albums?“She asked after a while. I replied “gladly”. She went over to a chest of drawers, opened a drawer and took out some photo albums.

When she took a seat next to me, I was able to smell her perfume for the first time. It just made me hornier. Together we looked at the photos. In the middle of the second album we came across a series where Michaela with a school friend whose names I no longer knew posed naked. Michaela went over these photos carelessly. “Stop, wait,” I said. She struck a side back. “You can’t just leave these photos!”” “This is a little uncomfortable” “But it really doesn’t need that.

You already had a dream figure back then. “She smiled embarrassed, but I thought I saw a fumbing on her face. “Do you think?” she asked. “Naturally! This waist, these hips, these breasts! Craziness! Today, however, you look even more adorable!“Then our eyes met and I slowly approached her face. A tremendous tension opened between us. You could literally hear it crackling. She came to me a few centimeters and opened her mouth lightly.

Then our lips met and she drove me into my mouth with her tongue. I replied this redeeming, passionate kiss. I drove her through the hair with my hand, over her shoulder down to her chest, which I gently included. Your tongue now danced faster about mine. I clearly took your inner tension. Then I started massaging her huge boobs. Michaela groaned slightly, let off me and put her head slightly back.

Now I pushed my hand under the T-shirt. I felt her hard buds as if she had come out of ice -cold water. “Pull off the T-shirt. “I said to her. Without a word she pulled it over her head. Now I included her big boobs with both hands. “Ohhh” she breathed towards me. Slowly I let my hands slide further down, opened her jeans button, then the zipper. Under the jeans, she wore a white lace lip.

I carefully grazed the jeans over the buttocks and finally pulled it out completely. Then the slip followed. She willingly opened her thighs and I looked at her cunt. She had shaved off her hair on the labia, it was a little fluff over it. I knelt in front of her and looked at her grotto. “Lick me!”She waved” I stop ‘s no longer!“She circled with her pelvis and stretched her hole towards me.

It was almost painful how my stand pressed in his pants. I leaned over her a little and pushed her labia apart. The hot juice clearly reflected on her cunt. I stroked my tongue alternately over her labia without touching the pink meat in the middle. That almost brought her to cook. “Make it, please” she floated impatiently. Then I licked her in the middle of the column. “Yeah, that’s good” I let my tongue dance over her clit.

Then I pushed my tongue as far as I could into her hole and let her slide the column again. Her demanding, circular movements of her pelvis made me even hornier. When I also pushed my finger deep into her cunt it was almost around her. “Make on, yes, don’t stop. Oh, like..“Then her whole body cramped. She reared up. Scream. “Ahhh, Jaaa” around my finger her vaginal muscles cramped.

“Uhh” throughout the time I did not stop working with my tongue, only when her climax slowly died off I paused. “Come up” she breathed. When I sat next to her again, she pushed her tongue back into my mouth. At the same time, her hand opened my pants and freed my stick -hard stand. She played very tender with my eggs, pushed her from one side to the other. Then she comprised my strap and skilfully moved her hand up and down.

Finally she leaned over me and first drove me over my glans with my tongue and then let her disappear completely in her mouth. In doing so, her hand pressed her hand more firmly around my pint. Rhythmically she moved her lips over my cock and her hand followed in the same clock. A shudder ran over every time her lips ran over the edge of my glans. “If you continue like this, I won’t be going through” “” We’ll see that we will already see, “she replied.

Then she pulled out my pants completely and sat on my lap, lifted her pelvis a little and put my hand on her hole with her hand and then slowly slide down. I looked at how my cock slowly disappeared into her wet grotto. When the glans had penetrated her with a slight jerk, she groaned softly, threw her head back and then dropped completely on my lap.

We paused for a moment and I looked at her beautiful body. Some sweat beads glittered on her light skin. Her chest was strikingly round and had two small, hard and protruding nipples that were looked at the excitement in which it was. She had taken her hands on my knees and her legs were bent. Slowly her pelvis went over to circular movements. I support this by putting my hands on her horny ass and taking the same movements.

“I want to see how you penetrate me,” said Michaela, put her hands around my neck and crouched off the knees. She put her feet next to me and let herself fall deeply. Now I was very deep inside her. She leaned forward and lifted her pelvis until the upper edge of my glans could be seen. “It looks awesome when you disappear into me” she kept let her wet cunt slide over the entire length of my cock, on which one saw clearly her wet juice glitter.

Due to the lack of pubic hair, you could clearly see her atmospheric labia and how she and her protruding clit slipped along my pint with every push. Then she increased her pace. Again and again she dropped to me. Her tits were now rocking at a quick pace. I encompassed her pugs and moved my hands together with the swinging meat. The smell of her body, the wet sweat, the cunt juice totally gave me.

“I’ll be right there”. “Yes, spray your whole juice into me. I’m ready again right away!”. Once again it increased the speed. Her movements were accompanied by the smack sounds that my cock created in her wet cunt. Then she leaned over me and bit me in my shoulder. At the same moment I felt her cunt with hers orgasm Pulsively moved together. “Come come come!“I noticed how the juice shot from my eggs into my tail and I put my first eruption in her hot twitching hole.

Several others followed at short intervals. Every time I unloaded another load into you. When our orgasm slowly lay down, she sank together on me. “Phuu!”She said after a while” you liked it “. “Wow, that was really cool”. She rose and my bedding cock fell out of her hole from a decent cargo sperm, The one the couch dripped. “I’m going to take a quick shower. “”. “OK”. She got up and disappeared into the bathroom.

A short time later I followed her. The bathroom was steamed and I saw her silhouette behind the shower partition. This sight put me back into slight excitement. When I opened the separation she laughed at me with foam in my hair. “Come on, come in!“I entered the shower and enjoyed the hot water that ran over our bodies. “Turn around” she said to me, opened the shower gel and started to wash my hair.

Finally she distributed the foam on my whole body. “Oh, what do we have here?“She asked with a smile on her lips when she noticed my half-stiff tail. Immediately she started to edit him again. It didn’t take long and he was full again. Then she took the shower and showered the foam. When she turned to hang the shower back into the bracket, I took her to the boobs from behind.

She made a hollow cross and pressed her ass against my plump stand. The tighter I massaged her tits, the more she pressed her ass against my pint with circular movements. Then my hands slid deeper over the flat stomach to the approach of her pubic hair. When my hands continued to advance, she paused with the violent pelvic movements to make it easier for me to feel the past in her column. She spread her legs slightly when I felt her clit with my middle finger.

“Your hands totally turn me on. “” I think it’s great to feel you too. “” Take me again. Here in the shower!“She stands on the slightly raised edge of the shower tray and stretched her ass towards me. With one hand she supported herself on the wall and with the other she massaged her column expectantly. I stand close behind her and let my cock look forward through her legs.

She grabbed him immediately and sat on her wet cunt. I encompassed her wet hips and pulled them up to me. I penetrated them very deeply into them. “Oh, I caught horny from behind. ” she said. I did not reply, but slowly began to push into her. With one hand she quickly turned the water off when I started to punch faster. I pulled her up to me so tightly every time that her ass crashed against my abdomen every time.

“Keep going. Just don’t stop!“She spelled me on. Again and again I rammed her my spanking deep into her hole. When I realize that she was just before the coming, I pulled her firmly to me and stay in this position. You, unable to continue the movement, groaned: “Keep on! I’m no longer standing out. “Slowly I pulled my cock out of her wet cunt until he was only in her with the glans.

She tried to swallow it again with violent pelvic movements. “Come on, push him back in!“With a jerk I banged my beating back into the hole and started to hit the hardest. “Yeah. Soo!“My movements became faster and faster and her moaning became more and more louder:“ Yes, yes, yes, yes, I’m coming right away. Aahhhhhh “. She threw her head back and cramped her whole body and was shaken by a violent orgasm. “Man, that was cool” she said after a few moments.

“Come on, we’ll continue in bed” she suggested. Wet, as we were, we went to her into the bedroom and I dropped my back on the soft feathers. My cock was still like a one. Due to the quick cumshot on the sofa earlier, it now had an incredible stamina. Michaela immediately started to devote himself to him. To do this, she knelt over my head, so that her hot slot was just a few centimeters away from my face, and let her tongue dance around my stand.

“Oh, you know your way around. “I said to her when she quickly danced over the underside of my glans with her tongue. “Do you like it?”” Yes, keep it up “then she made my cock disappear in her mouth up to approach and then went into an even rhythm. The one hand with my balls played and the other had clung to my shaft to reinforce the movements with the mouth.

Then she lowered her pelvis and pressed her shaved labia in my face. I felt her soft fragrant meat on my mouth and immediately buried my tongue in it. The taste of her hot juice only spurred me on and I let my tongue dance over her clit. This was immediately acknowledged by her with a groan. Then I took the small protruding nipple between my lips and started sucking.

Again and again he dived into my mouth. The juice now ran out of her cunt and distributed with me on my face. Then she straightened up and enjoyed my mouth. “Nobody has licked me like you yet. “I kept licking her scratch, after all she rose a little and sat on my chest, continued to slip over my stomach until she was sitting on my cock. I immediately felt her moist warmth, which pressed on my abdomen.

Then she moved her pelvis and distributed her juice on my strap. And he only wanted one thing: into the hole! But Michaela took the time. During her movements, my glans fluff into her wet grotto a few times, but she always pulled her back quickly. I tried to penetrate her by jerk -like lifting my pelvis, but she pulled her cunt back so quickly, so that I could only penetrate her for a short time.

“Who will have so in a hurry here?”She asked,” now I determine the pace “. Again my cock dived into her, but this time she pulled it out a little slower out of her hole. Then she moved her pelvis so targeted that my glans disappeared a bit in her hole with each of her movements. “I find the moment so horny when you penetrate me” Flup! She leaned forward and watched the spectacle.

Flup! Again and again I felt this resistance, which was created when her labia slowly stretched around my cock, and then the jerk when they finally swallowed me. Flup! My excitement increased to the infinite. “You should see that! It looks totally sharp as your cock always in mine pussy immerse “” describe me, how does it look?”I replied. “Your cock is soaking wet. And with everyone sliding in, you drive me over my clit.

Then my labia widen and your acorn drives into me. “Flup! “Uhh” but this time she didn’t go back, but let himself be slid down on my pint. She made a hollow cross, reached into her disassembled hair and dropped her whole weight on me. Her butt deformed lightly and made it look even plump when he was already. The arch of her breast.

Then she pushed her pelvis back and forth without having to support anything of her weight. So my entire shaft slid through their furrow. When she again made a strong hollow cross, she now moved her pelvis sideways. It was a jerk every time she went through the body when her clit stroked my tail during this movement. She stretched her ass towards me and put her left and sometimes the right cheek. The pressure she put on my cock was enormous.

Then she leaned forward so that her head was close to my legs and raised her butt vertically in the air. That was a sight: her little asshole, the teasing cunt and her big boobs in the background. And in the middle of it my cock, which was only the extreme tip in her. Your juice had spread all over my abdomen. At every stroke she grazed it on my pint and left a wet ring on the approach, which then spread on my sack and in the pubic hair.

She continued with very short bumps, although I only immersed in her cunt a few centimeters every time. The rest of my cock was vertically in the room. Our eyes met briefly past him. “This is a great feeling when you always drive with your labia over the edge of my glans”. Then she let herself slide down, but then slipped back into the starting position to continue with the game: many short bumps, then unite again.

In the beginning there were only a few long bumps, but the ratio changed rapidly. It increased the pace. Then she only used the full length. She started breathing faster. Again and again she drove my beating in. The moaning became louder and louder, just like in the shower. “Yeah, ohh, hhh, ohh, ohh,” her upper body stayed close over my legs, but her pelvis chased back and again with full force and buried my cock deeply every time.

“NOW!“With a cry she paused and pressed her pelvis as tight as she could down. Pain drove me through when she buried her fingernails in my calves. Slowly she loosened her fingers, the pain subsided and she dropped on her back next to me and pulled me on. She spread her legs and I pushed my beating into her wet cunt again. “Wait,” she said “I want to feel you deep inside me” then Michaela put on her legs, spread her as far as she could and put her arms in her squat.

Her outer labia gaped so far apart and thus gave the view of the widely protruding clit, the little labia and the wet pink hole. I put my cock on the hole and pressed it in to the stop. “Yes, that’s how I like that. !”” This sight makes me insane “, I said, and began to push it into her rhythmically, although I every time I could only go into it as deep as I could. I slowly pulled it out until I could see the glans and then pressed it into her with a jerk to the end.

“In this position you are even closer. I’m short of cooking. “I now went to an evenly fast pace. Her whole body rocked under my hard bumps. Her tits, which were so far to be asleep so far, have now bobbed up and down. I felt this pulling again. My movements have now become increasingly violent. Again and again I drove my cock into her wet cunt, which eagerly took up me. “I’ll be right there! I spray off! Same..“The orgasm slowly piled up.

All my muscles are stuck. “I want to see how you splash!Spray on me!“I noticed how my abdomen cramped. Now it was no longer to be stopped. “I’m coming!“I pulled my cock out of her cunt and quickly knelt over her chest. She immediately picked up my spanking and caught him jerk off, Then I noticed how the juice climbing up to me. “I’m coming! NOW! Ahh “” Yes! Spray!!“A huge load of sperm shot across her face into her hair.

Another landed her face directly on her face. The trail pulled from the neck over the mouth to the cheek. I noticed how she licked part of it with her tongue. “Yeah, read you,” she said and rubbed her hand over my cock. More drives landed on her tits and on the neck, which she distributed there with the other hand. When she realized that the wild syringe had decreased, she slowed her movements and pressed the last tropics out of the tube.

I took care of the bed next to her, looked at her and just said: “What about the shy, naive girl from back then ..?”End….

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