Fucked in a bar | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A strenuous pub evening with consequences

How almost every evening I was sitting in this bar. With the firm resolution, this time not so much to drink I sipped my pils and typed on my cell phone. Katha already taped into a whole batch of new beers. I was always able to rely on the moment I would get a new beer when I drank the last sip.

As she brought the drinks to the few other guests, she smiled at me from the side. She knew that I enjoyed drinking my after -work beer in this atmosphere. My eyes followed her everywhere, I was able to get out of my bar stool the pub Dorch overlook very well. She always got compliments from the older gentlemen.

With increasing number of beer, these were also more and more freely shaped. When one of the gentlemen asked if she wasn’t warm in the sweater, I interfered and pointed out that all of us would be too warm if she waved this out.

Katha was really well built for her age. She was wearing tight jeans and a tight black sweater, which brought out her big breasts excellently.

In contrast to the gentlemen at the tables, I was able to enjoy the outlook on the counter all the time and, contrary to all the intentions.

To my amazement, the gentlemen ordered the bill almost simultaneously and left the bar. It was just 9pm and I was sitting alone with the waiter in the bar.

With the words: “I hope it doesn’t bother you when I smoke.“She sat down next to me after she quickly tapped a beer to both of us.

“It does not bother me. I smoke myself. You also don’t get trouble when we smoke?”. “No, this is allowed when the company is closed.“She pointed out that no guests would come anyway, got up and closed the door.

When we sat together for a while she suddenly pulled out the black sweater.

“If you get too hot for you, we can the window open up. I am definitely warm.“Katha was wearing a T-shirt under the sweater. I didn’t try to staring too much, but I could find that I was actually warm. An open window would not help me now, I replied and decided to tackle the evening a little more offensive.

“How should I understand that now?“Asked innocently and took a big sip of beer.

Without waiting for an answer, she went around the counter and taped two new beer.

“If I told you what I did with you in my thoughts when you were behind the counter would be even hot and you would also have to move out the T-shirt.”

She leaned back behind the counter, sit lightly on the table top next to the espresso machine and stretched her breasts slightly forward. Her nipples were clearly recognizable under her T-shirt and my statements seemed to be very excited.

“You can’t imagine how I am interested. I get like all of me on my tits when I go through the bar. But that’s exactly what I love about my job.

Then I always imagine what you probably play through in my thoughts. This usually makes me so hot that I would like to go to the toilet briefly.”

However, you shouldn’t neglect your guests, I said, drank my beer and pointed to the beers that have not yet been tapped. “But I can help you a little.”

When I arrived around the counter at the tap, she was already standing before. A hand on the tap lever and a glass in the other hand.

I stand behind her and took her breasts in both hands from behind. She acknowledged this with a quiet moan and pressed her bottom back against my step. I played a little with her and pressed her nipples together between two fingers.

The slight moan became a greedy moan. She asked for more and rubbed her butt harder against my member of my pants, which is now hard against his pants.

I noticed how she got a bit shaky on her legs and first decided to prefer a cool drink. When I read it from her, she quickly turned, gave me a kiss on the cheek the two full freshly tapped beer and said: “You wanted to help me.”

I took the glasses and brought them to the two bar stools we were sitting on beforehand.

“You would also be good as a waiter. Only with the bump in the pants would you have as hot female guests like me with the black sweater. All girls would imagine how this hard one would look after you tail probably feels between your lips.”

She pushed me, took a short sip and pulled her T-shirt over her head.

I leaned forward, pushed her bra to the side and managed to clear the nipple of a breast that I started to edit with my tongue. “I want you not to leave out a hole tonight. I haven’t had a tail for weeks and are not satisfied with these tenderness, of course?“I pulled her away from the stool and pulled her out her jeans with panties with her help. My belt was quickly open and my pants jumped from my pants completely upset.

I got rid of my clothes and couldn’t wait to spoil her from behind. “Come on, put it in and fuck me properly”. I didn’t let her wait long and put my cock tip on her damp pussy from behind. She literally pushed herself against me and so I slid followed by a relieved “Ahhh” from her the first time deep inside.

Again I took her breasts into my hands and started to push her with slow rhythm. “Oh, that’s so good. Please don’t stop. Likewise, I imagined it all day.“She breathed quietly.

“Wait what I imagined.“I replied and once came into her particularly strongly. She started moaning louder and tried to meet my bumps with her pelvis. I fucked her a felt eternity, sometimes faster, again slower again. Then I pushed her upper body forward so that she could no longer hold her arms on the stool.

So she was lying on the leather stool with her belly. I took her ass cheeks into both hands and kneaded her properly. I fucked her with all my might against the stool, which luckily was screwed on the floor. In this position I was able to treat myself to a sip of beer, but did not swallow everything, but let a part run from my mouth between her buttocks.

Katha screamed briefly when she felt the cool beer on her butt, but immediately the language also left her. While I rammed my cock into her cunt, I placed my right thumb on her rosette. Due to the beer well lubricated, I was able to press my thumb into her hole without any problems and started fireworks in it without any problems. She tried to set up, but I pressed her upper body firmly on the stool with my free hand.

My cock fucked her without a break and with my thumb I played around in her hole. “This is awesome. I’ll be right there. Yes, horny, oh yes fuck me through.“She screamed and moved her hip exactly in the rhythm in which my cock penetrated her.

Suddenly she started trembling all over the body. Her arms struck wildly and she screamed out her orgasm loudly. I then slowed down the pace, took her breasts back into my hands and slowly read her.

She turned aside, sat on the stool and took a big sip from her glass. “Mmh, but that no longer tastes fresh.

How long have you fucked me now?”

I was still a bit out of breath and just smiled back at her.

It was a horny sight how she went behind the counter with bobbing breasts to do their job. “Phew, that was awesome. I don’t know if I’ve been fucked so well.“, She said,“ when I’m done here I will pay you that, believe me.”

But I didn’t want to wait that long and visited them behind the counter again. She had both hands at work again and danced around slightly when I took her from behind.

I was able to grab the bowl of beer that she had put next to the sink and slowly tilt it on the neck from behind. Katha screamed when the beer slowly ran down her back. “You disgust, that totally sticks.”She shouted. But I could hear that she liked the little mess.

“If you go home today you will stick everywhere.“, I reacted. My cock stuck between her legs and I started moving back and forth. The beer rinsal had arrived on my eggs between her buttocks and once again provided a wet mood. I circled her rosette with my glans, took a little and pushed my cock slowly into her buttocks.

Katha enjoyed it, took the beer glass, which she had just tapped, drank a sip and groaned part of the beer out of her mouth. She leaned back. It ran down the chin on the neck on her breasts, which I massaged while she continued to cheer me on: “Oh yes. Fuck my ass.

That’s so cool. Yes. Oh I love this mess.“With these words she tipped the remaining beer on her breasts and put the glass aside. Now we stood in a puddle of beer and I also started spoiling her cunt with one hand, which was also beer -soaked.

Again I literally fucked her in extase. She completely lost control of herself and when I pressed her with the flat hand over her clit against the cunt.

This time she sagged behind the counter and didn’t seem to stop anymore. She crouched, sticking two fingers in the cunt and grabbing the second glass with the other hand to slowly tip over her head.

She seemed to have a permanent orgasm, groaned and enjoyed the beer which she flowed from the head across your body. I hadn’t seen something horny in my whole life and slowly started my cock too jerk off. Suddenly she opened her eyes and came towards my cock greedy with her mouth. Her lips tenderly encompassed my glans and I felt her tongue at the top.

She let off briefly and kissed me on the glans. “Fuck me in my mouth please.“I was happy to comply with this request and moved my cock between her lips and back. Again she let off. “You should fuck!“She cheered me on.

I didn’t want to hurt her, but noticed how cool it feels when my glans hits her neck briefly. I enjoyed this in front of and back and noticed that it was not really me to get my cock rhyt -mixed to devour my cock straight. Another time the glans slid out of her mouth and she looked at me from below with big eyes. It was amazing.

She sat there with completely beer -soaked hair and now fucked with both hands alternately. “I had said you should fuck me in my mouth.“She said quietly and kissed me back on the glans.“And if you don’t fulfill this wish, I will probably have to help.“Suddenly she took out and shot on my cock with torn mouth, which penetrated deep into her neck. There she lingered for a while, took out again and pushed her tail deep into her neck again. She had to choke and began to wind more and more.

When I looked down I could see that she almost put her fist into her cunt. She was already on the way to get an orgasm again and I was completely dazed with lust and didn’t even know what was happening.

Then she left my cock free and looked at me with a smile. “I love to have your cock in my throat.

Please fuck me, please. I can’t move my head so quickly.“Again she put her tail deep in the throat and began to present the rhythm with her head. She groaned in agreement when I started moving my hips forward. To get air, she let me look briefly again and breathed: “Well, so.

Firm.“I took out and pushed her tail as far as I could in the throat. She leaned against the counter with her head her fist deeper into her cunt, fucked herself and cheered me on with moaning. With each of her sounds I rammed her cock into her mouth and fucked her so tightly I could in the throat. If she choked too much I pulled him out so that she could take a short breath.

She screamed every time: “Horny, keep, spray everything in my throat. fuck. Yes…”

I noticed how an explosion registered with me and took her head into both hands. After the following push in her neck, I remained there, pressed her head against myself and splashed some loads in her neck.

Then I let myself fall back and shot her when my cock left her mouth a late load of sperm in the face of the face. I think she too had an orgasm. She slowly pulled her fist out of her body, breathed quickly and groaned: “I want more.“With one finger she distributed the sperm on her cheeks. She looked completely finished but still seemed to be horny.

Slowly she straightened up and danced in front of me. Her body shone from all the beer, which has now dried and made her skin sticky. The sight also made me extremely cool and I started to jerk off my cock again. Slowly she went back to a seating area and lured me behind with a finger.

Once there, she sat on the padded bank and leaned back. Again her hands wandered over her breasts and cunt. “Come on. Give me a little more of your cream.“I jerked faster and pulled towards her breasts.

With a loud moan I announced my orgasm and inject. At that moment Katha slipped down from the seat. So they met the sparrows on their stomach their breasts and back on their face. Once on the ground, she licked the remaining sperm threads from my cock and began to apply her hands completely.

I could hardly stand anymore and had to support myself at the table. I leaned against the edge of the table and tried to think clearly again. Slowly she came back to her and sat down at the table. I looked at the mess that we had left in the bar.

“I think we still have to tidy up,” I said and received a soft giggle. “And I need a shower.“She giggled and looked down in itself.

I suggested cleaning while taking a shower in the pension and then we leave the shop together. But she had already raised this great look again and pulled me backwards.

I lost control and slammed back on the table. “Oh, I think you can still, or?“She asked me seductively. “No, definitely not! You totally finished me!“With a dissatisfied facial expression, she began to play with my snap penis, which was on my stomach right in front of her. She pressed my glans together with her fingers and kept twice in my tail.

Slowly she knelt on the seat and let a little saliva drip on my cock from her mouth. The saliva pulled long threads to her mouth that she distributed over my stomach by leaning to the right to my head and giving me a kiss. Our tongues played for a while until she moved her head back and kept falling saliva on my body. She distributed it with one hand on my chest while her other hand continued to spoil my cock, which slowly started to rain again.

“Well, I like that much better.“A kiss on the glans and before I was able to protest she pushed the tails just growing deep into her throat. Hectically she pulled her head back and began to wank my cock wildly. I could only scream, she actually managed to get me back to the climax. “This time you are on.

And woe you hold back. I just want to see the sperm here flying here.“With these words she pressed more firmly and increased the pace again. When she realized that a first twitch was announced, she kept my cock a little more calmly and chased the first shot of sperm, which flew far up and then landed just under my belly button. Slowly she moved up her hand and pulled up with the tube until the second beam hit my chest.

I could hardly believe that I was still capable of such spermacies because a thick load of my face was already hit, long threads stretched over my upper body and a rest slowly from the acorn opening, flowed long and glued minePubic hair.

Katha met her work with satisfied and found that I could now also tolerate a shower. “Come!“, She took me from the hand from the table and we slowly went through the kitchen into the teppen house.

The pension rooms were not occupied at the moment because they were renovated. That means we didn’t need to be afraid to meet someone in the house. Katha quickly reached the general key and we returned directly in the first room.

Since I was still a bit exhausted, I let myself fall back on my bed and tried to relax a little. Katha first went to the toilet and then I heard the water in the shower rippling. My bubble also contacted and I followed Katha into the bathroom where I first landed on the toilet and supported my head with my arms.

From the shower I heard Katha: “Well? Are you flat?”.

“I’ve never felt so sucked out.”, I answered. “Come under the shower! It refreshes tremendous!”. I pulled the curtain to the side and looked at Katha, who was just soaping his hair. She already has a horny body, I thought when I climbed into her into the shower cubicle.

Despite the shower, there were still traces of sperm and beer on their stomach. I took a handful of soap out of the donor and soap her belly, back and her breasts. We turned so that I was under the water jet and I enjoyed the refreshment.

Katha stood in front of me and let his head fall back to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. I hugged her and continued to be in her body.

When my hand scurried past her legs, she flinched briefly and groaned: “I think I’m hot again.”

I therefore decided to linger there and put a finger in her warm hole. With the other hand I continued to distribute the soap on her buttocks and between her legs. Katha could be fell completely and I struggled to hold her with one hand and to hold my finger in her cunt. So I reached with the other hand from behind between her legs and could secure them in this way.

Two more fingers joined the one finger and their moans grew louder and louder.

Since it was very slippery due to the soap, I was looking for a little more for the second hand. I found it by sanking two fingers in her hole and then rapid up with both hands. It almost fell forward but could hold onto the wall with her hands. I shook her with my fingers until she was loudly freed from me and put together in the shower tray.

Only for a short time she rested, when she was already up and displaced me from the water jet. She also used the soap dispenser and started to pull me. However, she did not waste time until she jerked my cock back in her hand and grumbled: “You also believe you could get me ready here.“Suddenly I noticed how the second hand was looking up and down between my buttocks. Katha sank a finger deep in my anus without much announcement.

I took a deep breath and groaned loudly when she started to fuck my finger. Her other hand did not remain inactive either and diligently wanked.

With a loud moan I came again and sprayed the shower wall full.

We decided to keep our fingers from each other and to clean ourselves thoroughly. I was the first to finish, dried myself off and jumped to bed next door to rest briefly. Katha came behind a short time later.

She had wrapped her hair into a towel, which she was now wearing on her head and jumped to bed next to me. We snuggled up and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long we were there, but I woke up when the room was lit by sun rays. A little excited I woke Katha. “I think we should remove a few traces below before someone comes, or.“She only replied completely sleepy that nobody appears here before lunchtime, since the pub company only begins at 3 p.m.

I still got up and made myself a little fresh in the bathroom. “Do you bring me my clothes from below, please,” I heard Katha shouted before I opened the room door. I was just about to leave the room when I stumble across a bunch of neatly put together things in the hallway. I picked up the stack and returned to the room.

“Well, you are so early in the morning.“I didn’t know what to answer, put things on bed and reported that I found them at the door.

Katha sitting straight in bed and was wide awake. “Crap!”

We put on and went down the stairs together through the kitchen into the pub room. The floor in the restaurant was freshly cleaned and otherwise we found no traces of the last night. “Somebody seemed to us there.“Katha noticed.

While I didn’t find it funny at all, Katha grinned and added: “I will probably get into explanatory shortage.”

At that moment we heard a toilet flushing and shortly afterwards Anna, also a waiter in the bar through the corridor in the pub. “Good morning Anna”, Katha greeted her colleague and waved her laying. “Good morning you two. I cleaned a little here before the gymnastics club comes to the monthly lunch table.”, The” monthly lunch table “she had said a little reproachfully towards Katha.

“What about it upstairs? Should I wipe it again?“,“ Um, nööö! I can do that right away.“Katha took over quickly.

“and. Um, Anna? Thanks! If I can do that again, please let me know.”

“You can do that quickly again. Steve fails. He is sick.

So I’m alone with the gymnastics club. These are 15 older gentlemen. I can use two people well there.“Now Anna looked at me questioningly too. I looked over Katha briefly, nodded and gave me beaten.

I didn’t have anything else anyway and could try it as a waiter.

While Katha cleaned the pension room, I sat in the kitchen and let Anna briefly instruct me over a coffee and a sandwich. Anna has not been noted so far, however, that she took care of the counter and kitchen, katha serves the tables and that I should stop behind the counter. With my ability to stand that shouldn’t be a problem. “What do you know about my ability to stand?“It slipped out of me.

“I removed sperm in three different places in this bar. Either an orgy has taken place here, or you are a stable guy.“She countered immediately and grinned at me broadly. I couldn’t add anything. Instead, I stared at her with your mouth open and examined her.

She was a little smaller than Katha, much younger, but could record it in all details with Katha. Obviously it was common to hide the charms here. So she also had a tight sweater, which, contrary to Kathas, was not so high, but had a V-neck that showed a little bit of her full breast under a T-shirt with the same neckline.

My rescue at that moment was Katha, who came down the stairs and to us in the kitchen Sties. She too smeared a bun and drank a cup of coffee with us before we took a position in the pub.

I got an apron from the girls and tried to make a bit of friends with the counter.

Katha and Anna covered the tables and blasphemed over the gentlemen that they were expecting. The first guests came around 12 p.m. An older couple who immediately took a seat at a table and were happy to be the first. for whatever reason? Katha recorded the drink wishes and I was not overwhelmed with orange juice and mineral water.

The shop filled up quite quickly and some of the new guests – mostly older men – took a seat at the counter and ordered a pils directly from me. I also dominated the beer cone well and so all guests were first satisfied. Of all things when Anna came out of the kitchen, a full beer glass flew out of my hand. I was just able to catch it and put it on his beer lid to the gentleman.

Anna stood behind me and came close to me. I felt her breasts touch my back. In doing so, she whispered in my ear: “You shouldn’t shower the guests with beer, but give them to drink. Or do I have any form of use of beer on the umbrella?”.

Once again I lacked the words and I distracted myself by taking a closer look at the guests. It was Katha who poured me out and tore me out of my thoughts. “You are currently dreaming of lying there again on the table?“, She whispered to me. Four women sat at the table, who showed each other pictures of their grandchildren.

I looked over to her without understanding and replied: “If you don’t want to get a beer over your head here and now you should travel together.“I hadn’t noticed that Anna was still behind me and was startled when she disappeared towards the kitchen and said:“ When I hear it, I will be quite jealous that I had no service yesterday.”

In the meantime, all guests sat on the tables and Katha had already served all food together with Anna. So we were able to sit down in the kitchen and also eat something.

We alberten around and Anna tried to talk about yesterday evening. At some point she put on Katha and she told the smallest detail how the evening went. “I am never so lucky that I can finish the door with someone, who afterwards fuck me through for hours.“Anna stated insulted.

Katha came up, went behind Anna’s chair on Anna’s breasts and replied: “Oh Anna-Schatzi. We both know how horny the job does. All the gaffing horny grandpas out there. How many times have we done it on the toilet.

I just had to unload a little more.“In doing so, she kneaded firm Anna’s breasts, who grinned in agreement and enjoyed the massage. I added that I was to blame because it was so warm in the pub. Then Anna pulled the sweater over her head and said: “That’s right. It’s too warm today too.“Katha moved in and also decided to continue in the T-shirt.

With Katha’s massage, Anna’s nipple were nicely erected and rounded off the image of the full breasts in the narrow T-shirt perfectly. I remembered last night and found that I got warm again.

I quickly decided to go behind the counter and wait for further orders. Katha went a round, collected empty dishes and came back with a bunch of drinks. “Anna: You make the coffees, we take care of beer and schnapps”.

It got a little tight behind the counter, but we organized ourselves perfectly. While Anna served behind with the espresso machine and I tapped 12 beer knelt Katha in front of me and rummaged in the closet in search of Grappa. When she finally found what she was looking for, she turned around and sat in exactly the same position as the evening before. Without hesitation, she buttoned up my pants, pulled out my cock and put it in her mouth.

With one hand she indicated to me on my butt, which I should take over again. Slowly I pushed her head back against the closet with my cock in her mouth and slowly fucked her into my mouth. After a few bumps, she pushed me back again and got up. I fell into the arms of Anna, who was still behind me and had turned around.

This put her hands under my apron and reached for my cock. “Hey. you can’t wait until the guests are gone?“Slowly she jerked my cock and breathed my ear:“ I hope you have enough sperm on board again.“With Katha’s preparation, I was quickly to 180 and sprayed the sperm into the apron from the inside. Anna licked her fingers and went back to the kitchen, while Katha served the drinks and coffee.

I struggled to pack my cock back in my pants and was watched by my giggling colleagues. The mood in the pub was getting better and better. With the beer consumption, the noise level also grew and I always prepared enough beer to react quickly.When everyone was taken care of again I looked towards the kitchen but neither Anna nor Katha. I went into curious and saw Anna sitting on a kitchen table in the corner in the corner.

Her pants lay next to the table and in front of her Katha, who was burying her tongue in Anna’s cunt. “Hey. you can’t wait until the guests are gone?“I repeated Anna’s words, but it was already in the seventh heaven and just looked over at me extremely excited. Then I remembered that I hadn’t answered a few questions yet.

Without further ado, I took a full beer from the counter and entered the kitchen again. I took a sip, went to the two and stand behind Anna. From there I was able to watch Katha perfectly licked Anna because Anna had leaned back on the table on the table and enjoyed the treatment under a quiet growl. With one hand I grabbed Anna’s chest from the left and twirled the nipple a little through the T-shirt.

Anna sat up briefly and also took off the T-shirt. Which she certainly didn’t expect was that I was slowly pouring my beer over her shoulder. It immediately ran down the breasts between her legs, where Katha tried to catch up with the tongue as much as possible. “Ey.

Stop, we still have Gäs..“, I stopped her objection by pouring the remaining half glass of beer over her head completely. It ran from the head all over the body and dripped the whole table full. Katha had to laugh and applauded. Anna Sass poured on the table and didn’t know if she should laugh or cry.

I knew the decision, however, by getting to her by coming around her, unpacking my cock and putting it deep into her cunt in a punch. Without a reaction to wait, I started feast and quickly to fuck them. Meanwhile, Katha distributed the beer on her body and continued to massage Anna’s breasts. “You are pigs, but it feels totally cool!“Anna groaned out.

While I fucked Anna in her first orgasm, Katha took care of the guests again, some of whom already wanted to pay and left the shop afterwards. When she came back, she brought a tray on which she collected plates. She puts the tray on a table and just wanted to tip the remaining chocolate from the eggtiter in the trash when she turned over to Anna and held the complete plate with chocolate over her upper body and dripped it with it. Anna had just recovered from the orgasm, raved from my cock because Katha began to rub her completely with chocolate.

“Can you briefly bill the rest of the guests?“Without waiting for an answer, Katha pulled out completely and sat down on the table for Anna. When this leaked, Katha swung one leg over her and sat on Anna’s stomach. Slowly she pushed her cunt over Anna’s chocolate belly and massaged her breasts again. I had closed my pants again and went to the pub to settle down the rest of the guests.

When everyone left the shop, I closed the door and went back to the kitchen.

There my colleagues seem to have noticed that all guests went because they no longer suppressed their groans and fingered each other to the climax. I sat down to them in the kitchen gave myself a coffee and watched the hustle and bustle.

Katha and Anna put together on the table and lay together for a while and caressed each other. They had to laugh because their bodies stuck together and made fun smack noises with every movement.

Anna in particular was smeared with chocolate from top to bottom and had completely glued hair.

They straightened up and sat next to each other on the table. It was Anna who first got up and came over to me. She knelt on the floor in front of me and began to open my pants. My cock, who almost jumped towards her, immediately welcomed her tongue and slowly licked the trunk up.

“Human Katha, how did you get it completely in your mouth?“She asked and Katha replied Ernst:“ If he weren’t so incredibly careful and reserved, I would have got his eggs in with.”

She came to Anna, knelt behind her and tenderly took her head into both hands. Anna had just put her lips over my glans and danced with her tongue on my cock tip. A slight pressure from Katha sank my cock to Anna and until it stops. She pulled her head back and repeated the pressure.

This time I noticed how my cock tip pressed slightly into her neck, but was pulled out immediately. “N/a? Are you ready for a strong load?”She asked Anna, who excitedly with a” and how!“Replied.

The next pressure came as a surprise to Anna and sank my limb completely in her throat. She choked and pressed her head back. But briefly she had to moan immediately: “Los Katha.

Do it really the little one.”

Katha immediately pushed her head over my cock and began to fuck me with Anna’s head. I dipped deep into her throat with every punch. This extreme irritation of my glans quickly got me going and I showed Katha through a nod that it would be the time. This took out again and pushed Anna’s head as far as she could in my lap.

Anna stretched her tongue out and reached my eggs. I winced all over the body and injected several loads at short intervals in Anna’s throat. Anna pulled her head back my cock and began to wank him wildly. “You horny sow.

That was insane.“I almost fell off the chair, but she didn’t stop jerking off. Sperm flew up from my cock and met Anna. I tried to withdraw, but Katha was already behind me and captured my arms. Anna jerked more slowly and found that my cock was slowly sagging together.

“Let’s take a shower. I think our donor here needs to cool off.“, Anna collected her and Kathas clothes and ran the stairs up to the pension room. My pants had got a lot and I wiped the sperm residues with a kitchen flap before I also went up with Katha.

The girls disappeared immediately under the shower And I decided to rest a little on the bed. A little later I heard loud moan and giggled from the bathroom again.

The two really didn’t seem to be able to get enough. When both were freshly showered and dressed back into the room, they grinned and told me about their plan for the rest of the day.

“We decided to use the nice weather and go a little into the city. But since we cannot do without sex for a 10 -minute, you will have to come along.”

We clean the kitchen together, left the bar and briefly returned to Anna’s flat apartment, which was nearby nearby. Anna and Katha disappeared into Anna’s bedroom while I took a bottle of water out of the fridge and looked at the photos in the living room.

It didn’t take long for both of them come back and two sweet girls stood in front of me in short skirts and tight tops.

Anna had found suitable things in the closet of her roommate for Katha and was Gerae to pack two big dildos in a backpack. “We need something else?“Asked Anna, packed up a bottle of water and went to the apartment door. Katha and I followed and still on the stairs I took Katha with his right hand under her skirt and found that she had nothing on as expected. So I was able to put a finger in her cunt on the stairs, but it didn’t make it easier for her to go down the stairs.

When we got outside, we had to run a little, but still just reached the bus into the city.

Katha and I sat in the last row and Anna took a seat on my lap. I quickly pulled my cock out of my pants and put her in the cunt. Anna slowly moved back and forth on my lap and enjoyed the excitement and the view of the people on the street, which of course could not see that Anna is being fucked. The bus was not occupied in the back and so Anna was able to satisfy herself without inhibitions.

Unfortunately, however, we had to cancel the fun because the stop at the main train station was reached and we had to get out.

On the Bahnhofsplatz we first decided to drink a coffee and sit down at a free table, which made it possible for a little private shaft to be separated from the square through a small hedge from the square. The waitress brought each of us a double espresso and a small glass of water and disappeared into the café again.

“How long would you actually keep that to have a permanent sex. I have been horny for 24 hours now. Well, I’m always a horny, but for 24 hours I have been continuously satisfied.“Katha looked at us questioningly.

“I think you still have to hold out for a few hours. But since you have a little lead over me, I’ll give a little gas. For me there is still a lot of pressure on it.“Anna replied. She reached into the backpack and pulled out a silver dildo, which immediately disappeared between her legs under her skirt.

So far she seemed to pull him a little through her column. Her facial expression could be seen immediately that he was slowly disappearing into her cunt. So we sat there and watched Anna how she slowly spoiled herself. Katha had pulled out a shoe under the table and the foot I sat between my legs opposite.

So she could crawle my cock through her toes through her toes.

I briefly checked the location and found that nobody could watch the hustle and bustle under our table through the hedge. I opened my rice closure and let my cock through the leg opening of the short to the fresh air. Katha took her second foot and massaged my cock tenderly while she turned her head into the sun and relaxed. Anna just drank her water glass and pushed it over to me.

“That you don’t waste a valuable sperm under the table” was her words and she concentrated again on her dildo between her legs.

The foot massage had excited me properly, but I had to help with my hand. I took the little glass and steered my cock exactly over the glass under the table. The sperm in the glass and Katha noticed in fast batches that she didn’t think the glass is enough.

But it was only half full and I put it back on the table in front of Anna, packed my cock again and grinned proudly. Anna and Katha checked the glass content extensively by holding the glass in the sun and talking about the consistency.

Anna’s movements under the table became more hectic and she was not in need to scream the whole place together.

Timeting her tooth came and finally took a large sip of the fully waxed water glass. “Leave me over!“Katha protested, took the glass out of her hand and licked it completely empty with a clever tongue. “You are crazy!“I commented on my observation. Both of them replaced this remark with proud grin.

“To be honest, I would like to try out how crazy you are actually.“I don’t know what Katha meant exactly, but without further explanation she got up, went to the cafe and paid our invoice. Anna packed the dildo back in the backpack and we were back on the station place and thought about where we should go.

We decided to see the nearby castle park. At this time we did not expect a large human tower there and soon found a cozy corner near the expressway, where no person was due to the noise.

“Now I finally want to be fucked again.“Katha remarked and lies into the grass. I took off my pants, but left the short and lay down on it. I quickly penetrated them and we let ourselves be driven. Anna sat between our legs and kneaded my butt.

Every now and then she supported my bumps and cheered us on. We lay directly in the sun and I sweated it accordingly. Anna began licking the sweat over the edge of the short and groping with her tongue slowly towards my hole. With one hand she pushed my short over my butt and now started spoiling my rosette with her tongue.

Katha and I groaned our lust for the bet when I suddenly felt something hard on my rosette. Anna increased the pressure and when I was a little loosely my sling muscle she penetrated with the dildo, which was just in her cunt in my asshole. I didn’t dare to move anymore, but Anna used the lever around me and with it Katha to fuck properly, “If I had a cock, I would put it in your mouth now.“Anna threatened me. With a handle in her backpack, she took out a dildo in a tail shape and threw it to Katha.

This stroked my lips with the part and slowly pressed it into my mouth. I was lucky that the dildo was not too long when Katha had sunk all his mouth in his mouth. We fucked for a while, groaned loudly and cheered on each other. Anna had now put the dildo out of my ass between her legs and worked out extremely brutally.

I swung myself down from Katha knelt me behind Anna and put my cock from behind in her anus. She had switched on the vibrator of the dildo and I felt the vibration in her on my cock. Katha stood in front of Anna and let the cunt lick himself. We were hard to stop and I fear that we were able to hear our moans far.

I felt that I was so far and stood next to Anna. A few wanking movements were only necessary and I sprayed some loads of sperm in the face. Katha knee -up between us first licked Anna’s face and then put her mouth over my still twitching cock. Anna’s tongue also joined this and both licked every drop of my cock.

“Your sperm tastes terribly good.“Anna noticed. “Do you think it tastes different from the sperm of other men?“Was my reaction. “We haven’t cost a sperm for so long that we couldn’t assess this at all.“Anna agreed Katha nodding and added:“ But we got so much from you today that we will not be forgotten the taste. And at the next guy I will think and compare it.

We all got back on and left the park to drink a beer somewhere.

Anna knew a bar near the university and so we strolled across the campus in the hope that the bar already had up. It was just a semester break and the campus was accordingly empty. We broke into a small side street between two university buildings and noticed a small horde of young guys who stood around a box of beer and drank beer. We greeted them friendly and flogged through the 5 boys.

I saw how all 5 Katha and Anna stared afterwards, one of them couldn’t take it briefly to whistle. Another called after us: “If you want to go to the fire, they closed today.“We continued and found that he was right.

We stood there now. Thirsty and exhausted. “Maybe I can buy the boys 3 bottles,” I suggested, but Katha held me.

“I have a better idea.”

When we walked past the boys on the way back, Katha standed on the box and said the boys: “What do you think of it if you donate three bottles from your box?”. One of the boys, I all cheeky for 20 years: “I would give you completely different things.“The others laughed. Anna stood behind the boy and put her hand in his pants. He was a bit scared but let them rushes.

The others looked back at Katha, who had pulled her skirt up and fingered in front of the boys’ eyes. Anna had already grabbed the boy’s tail from his pants and pressed him towards Katha. This climbed down from the box opened the mouth and let the tail of Anna insert himself into the mouth. The boy stood stiffly and didn’t dare to move.

Anna kicked a knee in his butt and shouted at him: “Well go. Now fuck her. And woe you don’t give me something from your cream right away.“The boy started to fuck Katha slowly into his mouth. Katha put her hands on his butt and pulled the boy down where she wanted him.

Deep in their throat. Anna undressed her T-shirt and cheered on the other 4 boys: “Well, you also have cocks? Above all, you have all two hands, or?”. When they also dropped their skirt and the first two dared to touch them on their arms. The other two had unpacked their cocks and started to jerk off.

One of them put a finger in her cunt and began to finger her tenderly. Another took over her breasts and Anna began to enjoy the whole and groaned loudly. Katha just had from hers Mouth fuck withdrawn. The young knee in front of her and snorted.

He had shot all the loads in her throat because Katha had pushed him in so far with her hands. Anna got that and complained: “Come on smaller. You should give me something.“He shook his head and leaned against the box beer. He was totally finished.

“Then I take two as a replacement”. She knelt down and took two cocks in her hands. Alternately she blew the two until both of them splashed her big sperm into her mouth and face. The other two also came next to her and sprayed them from the side.

Katha had already taken a beer out of the box and threw me over one. Anna also came to us and took a bottle out of the box. We toasted the boys and put the bottles. Anna stood in front of me, leaned a little forward and I was able to easily insert my cock, which I was unpacking in her pussy at the same moment.

She just called for the boys: “Sorry, but I have to be fucked properly now.“I took out again and fucked it as hard as I could. Anna screamed and all the boys already had her cocks in her hand and jerked. Katha made a round and put all the cocks deep in the neck in turn. In a tail she stopped and said: “Oh.

I have a better use for you “. She pushed him to the ground and sat on his cock, who immediately disappeared into her cunt. “So boys! I still have two holes to award “. The guys did not let themselves be said twice and positioned themselves around Katha.

Alternately, they poured their cocks in Kathas ass and mouth. Katha was suddenly completely in extase and only screamed. I think she endured for 20 minutes and I don’t know how often the boys came up and in it but she came at least as often. Anna looked at the whole spectacle and let me continue to fuck.

In the meantime she also got her second orgasm and I also shot my load in her cunt. When the boys retired from Katha and Katha came back to himself, we put our clothes back on and quickly went back over the campus towards the train station. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced,” enthused Katha. “Oh yes,” confirmed Anna.

“Now let’s go a cozy beer. I think we all deserve a break.“I already had an idea. There was a nice bar in the basement near the station. There was usually good music there and it was quite mixed audience.

On the way there, the girls told me that they now have the proof that not every sperm tastes the same, but gluely stick under the clothes.

I suggested to them in Wetten that to register that. We had to laugh a lot and finally reached the bar. It was already in the evening and we studied the menu from outside. There wasn’t much going on inside and we decided to eat a schnitzel.

It was almost unusual to see the two dressed while we sat there and drank and ate beer there.

The rest of the people in the bar were rather uninteresting and did not even give potential to blaspheme. We sat there until midnight and talked about all the details of the past few hours. These conversations made me completely hot again. We were now the only ones in the bar.

The woman behind the bar suddenly called “shit, too”. We looked through the door and saw 4 young women in haste kostens who made their way to the bar. “It looks like a young man’s party,” Anna realized. The girls came in to sit down and ordered a round of schnapps.

I noticed Anna and Katha’s hands between my legs and also noticed that both grinned and obviously understood blindly.

My pants were quick and they pulled out my cock. Fortunately I was sitting behind the table. But of course the rabbits at the bar got what Katha and Anna got under the table. “That couldn’t be.

They jerk off the one here in the bar. “Well, let’s take a closer look at that, or”, another called another. All 4 came to our table and pulled it out of the field of vision.

Anna and Katha let off my cock and began to take me out and kiss everywhere. Alternately we gave ourselves long tongue kisses.

The first rabbit had already pulled his tongue over my glans and the others also alternately licked over my cock. In between I was blown harder and then we were waxed again. “N/a? Is that horny to be spoiled by 4 rabbits. You would like to fuck all of them now or now.

But we want you to enjoy it and stay nicely sitting here.“The rabbits knew exactly when they had to stop. Every time I was shortly before the cumshot, they became calmer again and tortured me for a while.

At some point Anna and Katha released me and called the bunnies to make me explode. They somehow tried to distribute their hands on my eggs and on my cock and jerk off as quickly as they could. “Now you can let everything out.

But please do not disappoint us.“I heard more screens from Anna and Katha suddenly had to scream loudly. I really had the feeling of exploding. The girls did not stop and my cock shot a huge load of sperm through the room. I tried to free my hands, but had no chance.

I always felt a mouth over my glans and I sprayed and sprayed until I sackled together and was kissed alternately by Anna and Katha. They helped me in my clothes, albert for a while with the rabbits until we decided to pay and go home.

It was very difficult for us to say goodbye to the street. Nobody could imagine going home now. But we agreed to put on hand again in bed and to remember the last few hours.

The certainty that both of them were alone in their beds at home and fingered myself made me so horny on the taxi trip that I fell into bed immediately at home and got a good down me down properly.

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