Fuck friendship with my neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I have only lived here in this apartment block since 1999, Mrs. Faster, the woman who is about here, for many years longer. At first I lived here with my girlfriend Yvonne And she already found that it was more firm for me, in whatever way. However, this woman was not my age group at all. I was in my early 20th, in the late 60th. However, that had not led me to me my girlfriend At some point left, rather she burned through with a good friend.

From 2001 I was to have it again, single in its best form. I met Ms. Faster almost every day in and in front of the house, sometimes also in the basement and so we chatted about everything and I have to admit that I couldn’t get rid of her, but was captivated more and more. This older lady, who was like me, was alone, had really great. A good 175cm tall, nice slim, long legs, sweet crackpo and a hand full of breasts.

In addition a pretty appearance and a lovely face. But it then took another year for me to make a desire to build, which I tried to master, but at some point I was no longer up to. Of course we both got older, but instead that she dressed in the corresponding older, she attracted ever hotter, horny and narrower clothes. I saw her in skin -tight jeans and lederhosen, which emphasized her legs, her thighs and her hot cracked butt.

I saw them in incentive clothes with a deep neckline, in which you could not only see the bosom’s approach, but sometimes also see the nipple flashing. And then it got even hotter, because from time to time I saw them in pants and skirts that showed the string tanga and clothes that could be seen in suspenders. Nobody can make me know, that would have been no intention. When she also invited me to herself, supposedly only to chat, I did not put on underwear, but a tight jeans so that she could begin my lout.

I had often dreamed of standing in front of her in her apartment and just pulling myself out naked. So far nothing came of it and then this meeting. She welcomed me to her apartment door slightly made up and with a well -smelling perfume. In addition, she had a really hot dress, black with a lot of tulle and lace, with a high side slot and almost transparent at the top. I saw a bra and bare breasts with 2 wonderfully hard nipples.

After I followed her into the living room and we sat down opposite each other, the dress slipped wonderfully, with which I got her long, strained thigh and revealed my eyes, as I was there that I was doing it.has fallen. After we chatted a little, about everything, she asked me directly and determined whether I would like her dress and I, yes, I didn’t even know how to taught her to do it now.

I asked her for forgiveness that my words are analogously and said quietly and slowly to her: “Mrs. Faster, seriously, this dress is excellent for you. I would not have thought in life that they would wear such an open person for me. Not only that you have a great figure and that this dress is very good for you, no, it is also what this dress hides and yet shows. The top so nicely transparent, the skirt part so high that I can not only admire your miracles of beautiful, long legs here, no, as I see, even wear suspenders and straps stockings.

Then also the daring bra, which stages their beautiful breasts, they don’t believe how horny it does me. “It followed 2 minutes of absolute calm and I thought it was too direct, but then she started grinning and said, while she was very clear to me towards bumping my pants:“ Sven, I thought at first you lumped me,But as it looks, you actually have one erection.

“Now I stayed calm and hoped something would follow that would benefit me and my latte and that was the same. Mrs. Femter apparently took every courage together and then actually said to me: “Sven, it would be too much to be asked or wrong if you show me this beating 1x ?“This is exactly what I would like to do years ago and now I had the choice to make it or let it stay.

I showed her that I agreed, but asked that she should close her eyes. She laughed and did what I wanted. Then I looked over to her again as I opened my pants and put my best piece outside. I closed the buttons again, so that only my lout was hanging out. After I looked at her standing, I noticed that Ms. Faster had spread her legs a little and I had practically clear views in the area where there should have been a panties, but none was.

Now she was allowed to open her eyes and saw me, standing a little shy, almost 1 meter on the side of her. When she saw me, her eyes opened very far and her hands in front of her mouth. Then she stared at my long, far down penis and looked into my eyes shortly afterwards. Yes, of course I would have preferred to present a stand, but I just didn’t have it now. But my thing could be seen that way.

After her heart had calmed down again and she had escaped an infarction, she said very nice and nice to me: “Oh Sven, I don’t even know what to say. Is that a nice lout and so long. “I could clearly read on her face, she would have liked to touch it, stroked and wanked, maybe even blown. “And I, I would have been there, would have loved to pull her dress out of it, touch her plump breasts and stroke her ass, her bare ass, because she was not wearing panties.

I thought it was horny as she stared at the cock and now I would have loved to do it with her right away, but she was already old and I didn’t want to be responsible for anything about it now. Then words came out of her mouth that I hadn’t expected that. She said seriously to me: “Say Sven, if I would take off my dress now, you think I should touch this beautiful penis ?“Of course she could have done this and everything else that was still buzzing around in her brain, but I wanted to drive it right now, so I take it to the extreme.

So I made your following suggestion: “Ms. Fainter, if you want to touch my best piece, then this thing should be really stiff. I offer you the following. They take off very naked and sit on their leather couch posing. I will look at your hot body in peace and then I make myself naked and pose for you. I bet I then have a true liner pipe that you cannot resist.

You can then touch and do what you feel like for. “She looked at me embarrassed and meanwhile I stowed mine tail back in my pants. After I sat down, she said she agreed if that would remain our secret. I was very happy to follow this and then woman got up, put on sensual music and started to strip slowly and horny in front of me. I had never seen such a live trip before and it was all alone to say a private screening like this.

I followed her movements very greedily and I was also very impressed when she asked me to open the zipper of her dress. This started at the top of the neck, walked all over the back and ended directly at the approach of her two crunchy ass cheeks. I only saw the straps belt here, a panties were not in sight. Still with her back to me she slipped out of her dress and slowly let it slide down on her body to the ground.

When she had climbed out, she picked it up and put it aside. I saw wife more firmly, at least in the end of 60, from behind in suspenders and a bra, with long nylon occupied legs and a completely bare buttock that could really have been from a sporty 30-year-old. Then the first big moment came, she turned to me, even if she first covered her shame. Seriously, it was worth it.

The lifting stretched her hand full of breasts in the right light and the tits had a wonderful shape. Her nipples were small, pointed and rock hard. Next she took her hands from her blank shaved cunt, which I gave a special look. If someone had told me that this woman was in the end of 60, I wouldn’t have believed it. She really got going, gradually got rid of her hot nylons, then she also put the red straps belt off and finally the lifting also flew in my direction.

She put on the stick shoes, danced a little naked in front of me and then sat down on her leather couch, really hot and provocative, on the side of it. I was really cool and yet totally shocked. Then when she said: “Well Sven, how is it ?“I had to breathe deeply before I couldn’t help but get rid of the following. “Wow Mrs. Foster, you have an affair body.

This chassis, these legs, this horny ass and these beautiful, plump tits, my compliment. “She had to laugh a little and now wanted to see a little more from me. Now I got up, my gaze always focused on them and I started to get rid of my clothes. At some point I was very naked too, I had a real stand and I pursued wife firmly ‘eyes that couldn’t leave him. After I had stepped close to her, no, she didn’t touch my best piece or even stroked, she leaned to him and I felt how she kissed him.

I almost tore me off and I would have loved to drill my pipe in her mouth so that she would have a real stand in that same. But I turned off, went to the other, smaller leather couch, fled me in there, spread my legs a little and now put my abnormal stands in the direction of view. Her gaze became even hornier, her eyes stared at my hard latte and then I said to her: “Well, woman firm, how is it ? Do not even want to touch this hard rod, stroke and maybe even a little jerk off ?“She was still there and looked at me and my part.

Then I went one step further and offered her: “If you feel like you feel like it, lick my glans, crawl to me Egg and blow my pipe to me. I really have nothing to turn. “Then it became quiet again and now I started to fumble around my thing myself, which made her greedy look hornier. Then she winced briefly, finally got up and came over to me.

After kneeling between my legs, she stared at my hard device from less than 30cm. “Wow Sven, I can’t believe what I see. “Then I let go of my spanking, which just stopped and shortly afterwards Mrs. had started to stroke it gently on it. That did something like that, even if it was already so old. And how she made an effort.

Everything was touched, the eggs, the whole shaft, the glans and even then easily my anus. Then I saw how she put a index finger completely in her mouth and wetted out with mucus again. I thought, oh no, just didn’t. But then, then it was fantastic cool. A hand grabbed my latte and gently turned it to her head a little more. Then she licked me on the glans and drilled my stand in my mouth and after she started to blow me really horny, I also felt how she pressed the damp index finger against my anus and it then powerfully in my holedisappeared.

She fingered me in my ass and worked on the spanking orally to me that I heard and see. And Ms. Faster really had a clue what oral sex and up -horny meant, I was totally delivered to her and now let it happen. After leaving my finger again, she came to me on the side and wanted to get it orally until it would tear me. She still said: “Just no inhibitions, Sven.

If you want it, just spray from. “The next moment my stand disappeared into her throat and was edited by lips and tongue. In doing so, she stroked my thighs very close to the anus and I couldn’t help but put my hand on her ass and to treat this, just like her cunt with my fingers. Madness, as she had worked on me and less than 3 minutes later I could and did not want to master myself anymore.

I sprayed in a powerful explosion and mine sperm lap, deep in their throat in several batches. She almost swallowed up, then took out my pipe and got 2 pushing in the face in the face. That was it from my side, but she didn’t have enough yet. My noodle was licked very cool and then she also smooched me with my sperm stripes on the face. In doing so, she even licked on my tongue, although I was also allowed to taste my own juice, which she hadn’t swallowed completely.

Well, it wasn’t for me, but what’s the point. When we did it, she said that I should now be seen more often, we could regularly drink coffee, eat, chat and maybe I would also like to fuck her heartily. My dear husband, that was perhaps a choice of words that she showed here, I wouldn’t have dared to do it at all. I told her that if she wanted to be fucked by me, she also has to do something for it.

She was open to everything and I made it clear to her that she would get mail from me. She made a strange face, I got dressed, gave her a kiss and a slap on her horny naked ass and then I left. When I got to my apartment, I immediately grabbed a piece of paper and wrote her a letter. In this first letter it stood in it what she had to do so that I would soon fuck the brain out of her.

It was read in words: “If you want to get them and by ramming, like a wild stallion, then put on how a hooker. They wear a really tiny, hot string tanga on bare skin, with thighs high baor boots and wrap their bare body with a long coat. This is how you ring the doorbell in the stairwell, on an agreed appointment. I will open the door and regardless of whether we are alone, or not, you will say to me: na sven, desire for a fuck ? Then open the coat and place it in the stairwell.

So they are there in boast boots and in the mini-string tanga and ask me to follow them to spank their ass. I will carry the coat up to them, they run almost naked, with bare breasts and freely cheeks up. Then I do it and I birds through them until it either tears me out or they pass out. “I had set the appointment for 4 days later. You won’t believe what happened 4 days later, because someone rang my door and when I opened it stood outside, in the coat and with boots.

She said to me what to say, opened the coat and pulled it out completely. I looked at her, she was wearing a black lacquer, but was completely naked to the middle of the thigh and said to me: “Sorry Sven I couldn’t find a mini string. Please spank my ass and fuck my brain out of me ?“At that moment another older neighbor came over and made huge eyes. She stopped shocked and said: “Mrs. Faint, you are very naked and what do you have for smared boots ?“Then I drove her into her and said loudly and clearly:“ Ms. Faster wants to be fucked by me and that’s exactly what I do now.

“Then we went up to her and let the other neighbor be wordless. I think what happened then you could hear in the whole house, just as Ms. Shrown, when I spanked her naked ass and moaned when I groaned her brain out of her. She can’t get enough of it and it is quite right for me.

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