Experiences of a sex horny nurse | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Chapter1ich am a nurse in a university in Rostock. To me: I am 26 years old, 1.70 m tall, weigh 58 kg, have blue eyes and brown hair. My breast size is 80 C and I have on my navel Piercing, Just like in my tongue. I’ve been an intern as an intern and for vocational training. After that I was taken over right away and I’m really happy about that, because the job really likes me really well.

Of course you also have a lot of disadvantages, because after all I have to work in shifts, which did not bring me real luck in terms of relationship. Myex friends just couldn’t live with the fact that I was not at home every evening, but also had to work very often. But when I was on the way home at some point in the morning and then my friends saw with other women, how they asked or kissed themselves, then I was mostly very offended and angry about it.

This has happened to me three times so far and it was always the end of the end because I want to have a loyalist who understands me and accepts my work. Fortunately, you get to know a lot of nice people in a hospital and then you will always disappear the grief before she started properly. My colleagues also help me again and again because the same problem always comes up with them again and again. I will now talk to you from a few experiences of myself or from my colleagues and then you may often look around in a hospital cafe after sole seating nurses to come into conversation with them.

It was on a Saturday evening, and I had the night shift in the accident surgery lately. It was around 10:30 p.m. and nothing was going on. As always at night, I was on my ward to supply the inpatient patients. So I was sitting in the station office in the ward. In the meantime it was already very quiet and I was actually no longer called in some rooms because all patients with medication and probably also fell asleep.

But then the lamp shone for room 2487 and I set off. There was only a private patient in this room, who had broken both arms several times in the event of a motorcycle accident two weeks ago. His room colleague had been released from the hospital on Friday and the bed has not yet been re-occupied. I opened the door and turned the light on. The patient still had both in plaster. I asked him how I could help him, and he replied that the toilet had to be grounded.

So I helped out of bed and then accompanied him to the toilet. So I took his little cock out of my pants, pushed his foreskin Back and held him, so that he could now pee directly Inda’s toilet pool, which he did then do. I felt his hot tail and handle a little firmer. When his beam dried up, I shook his cock again and took a washcloth off the hook. I made the washcloth wet and akusch its limb, then I dried it and carefully pushed his foreskin back and forth.

I noticed how the blood shot him into his cock and how he immediately greater and harder. I looked up to watch the patient in the eye, but this gave way to my gaze. He had already started very red, probably because it was so ashamed. But he didn’t go back and I became braver. I knelt down in front of him and before he knew he was my lips on his still greater pipe.

I picked him up deep in my mouth, closed my lips tightly and played with my tongue at his tap opening. He flinched slightly on the first touch, but then Erding then groaned. I noticed that it was a favor because he started moving on his pelvis with light bumps. I always picked up his pipe deep into my mouth and my tongue was getting faster and faster. I kept licking his glans and I felt the pulsation in his cock.

In addition, his movements were getting faster and faster and his moaning louder and louder. I felt that there was now time and I wanted it too. So I also clutched his shaft with one hand to create additional friction. He was already twitching wildly and I knew it was too late to stop it now. Again and again I felt his cock in my mouth very deep and I cramped and I felt the violent pulsation woman his cock.

Then he came with a loud moan and his hot sticky sperm sprayed directly into my mouth. In violent but declining bumps he sprayed everything in me. I swallowed his entire sperm Gently down. It just tastes wonderful and I had already blown as long as no cock blown. The patient slowly relaxed, but I wanted more. I sucked on his cock, like on a lollipop and sucked on it. In addition, I still pushed his foreskin in front of and.

With my tongue I licked his tube very clean. Then I got up and licked my eyes off his eyes. I told him it was very tasty and that I wanted more. He smiled at me and asked what else. I winked at him and said that he should go back to bed and that I would come back right away. I left the room and turned the control light out. Then I look in the hallway whether any other patient would need my help, which was not the case.

So I went back to room 2487, where the patient had now put himself back in your bed. I powered ceiling light because the little bed lamp would meet me. I then pulled out my white tanga, pushed my smock up and sat down to him with him. I saw him and then I leaned up. We then kissed very wildly and our tongues struck wildly. My hand hiked between my legs and felt immediately dipping.

I rubbed my clit while we kissed so wildly. But then I break away from him and without warning I sit down with open thighs on the face. He didn’t hesitate and immediately started licking my wet column. He first licked my labia, then he kept pushing his tongue in and licking my tiller. I enjoyed every push from his tongue and groaned softly. Then I also spread my labia wide apart so that he can do better and, above all, deep licking.

I held a pillow in front of the face so that I would not wake up the whole health care center with my moaning. The patient put me in extase and shook me orgasm after another. Then I needed a break and stand again. I stood next to his bed, pushed the ceiling aside and took his already raw tail in my hand. I would have loved to rose to him immediately, but then dominated something.

As when I leaned back and took his tail in my mouth deeply. I felt how he bumped into my suppository in the back, and swallowed to feel it even deeper. Now his pipe was in my mouth and in my throat. But I continued to swallow and I think it liked patient teaching. He groaned up every swallow. But now I wanted to feel it right now. So I continued to fuck something with my lips until I really couldn’t anymore.

I got into his bed and sat back on his poking pipe. He slipped into my almost overflowing hole without any problems. Then I rode it very slowly, but becoming faster and faster. Again and again I felt his cock in mine pussy. He groaned and I got one orgasm after the other. Then I felt that he was ready again. So I stopped riding and relying on him. I felt his cock calmed down in my hot pussy.

Then I off from him and took his cock back into his mouth. I cautiously licked the acorn and played with my tongue again at the opening. When I realized that he was calmwurde, I closed my lips tightly around his shaft, and then pushed him deep and firmly into my mouth. He immediately winced and I think that if his hands were not plaster, he would have grabbed my head and fucked me, fucked in Denmund until he had come.

But that was not possible and so I let him off again. I now sat down on his giant slat again and carefully pushed his cock into my crunchy buttocks. It was an incredibly horny feeling, like being a tail bit by bit deeper into mine rosette slip. And I groaned when Eromplett was sunk in my ass. Then I started to ride him carefully. I could feel his cock very strongly in me.

He insisted and I also felt that he would not endure more. But my hole relaxed a bit now and so it went more lightly. I rode him a little faster, but also paid attention to his reactions. When I heard his moaning faster and faster and louder I jumped from him again. I jumped off the bed and leaned over him. Then I took his cock back in my mouth to suck his cream out of his cock again.

I fucked him with my lips until he sprayed again and violently. When his sperm came I pulled his cock out of his mouth so that he could inject his sperm into my face. With violent bumps, his first load splashed into my wide open mouth and joined me over my lips and swallowed it down again. The next slopes were spread over my whole face. When he finished hooked up, I took his cock to lick into my mouth to clean.

I licked every drop of his valuable sperm from his cock and sucked the last drop out of it. Then I looked at my patient, who was very exhausted and breathing deeply in your bed. Then I went to the bathroom to wash myself quickly. When I was back to the patient gain, it had already fallen asleep exhausted. I covered him and gave him a kiss before I left him. Just when I left the room, a different light started in the hallway and I had more time to think about what has happened because I had something to do until the end of the service.

That was my last day before mine Vacation And when I again appeared in my station three weeks later, the patient had been released for almost two weeks. I then got the patient’s address with a pretext to visit him. Because honestly: I would have liked to make sex with him more often and maybe more. Then I drove to him in the evening and watched a long time the house.

After a long time he came too … but unfortunately another woman held him in his arms. Then I drove home to my home again, and did not want to destroy his relationship. After all, I also had my fun of both action and he will probably not be the right one … that was my first experience with a patient and I swore that it shouldn’t stay that. Chapter 2wieder Once I had early shift on a Monday morning.

It was once again one of this day when you couldn’t calm down due to sheer work. I was on our ward with my colleagues Angelika and Susanne to take care of all patients. I had an exciting weekend behind me, because on Saturday I took two -scale guys from the disco home and I had a lot of sex until Sunday evening. I was actually totally limp and could have been on vacation for a good week.

But of course the personnel situation did not allow that, and so I was before a long strenuous week. I started to make the patients’ beds. Mostly it is a bit difficult because the patients cannot get out of bed independently. With the patient I always try to deal very friendly and that’s why I always open the door sear very carefully. When I opened the door to the third room, I only heard a soft rustle and suspected that one of the four young men had put a magazine page.

I didn’t think about it and went to the most bed. I helped the young man out of bed to make his bed. He also shines in the bathroom to wash himself and to brush the teeth. I smiled the bed and also entertained me with the others in the room. It was a nice room because everyone was in a great mood and actually nobody had a serious injury that he had still had great pain.

When I wanted to shook the second from the bed, he said that I shouldn’t make his bed today. But we have strict instructions, probably also for hygienic reasons, to make all beds every morning. So I grinned away from him with a jerk the ceiling. I completely surprised my mouth, because the patient was lying in bed without a slip and he had a splatted bar that swipped slightly back and forth. I closed my mouth again and looked at the door, Dieimmer was still closed.

Then I looked at the other two who were still in their beds and laughed quietly. But somehow this cock attracted me magically and gave me to him. Then I saw the basic stiffening on the patient’s bedside table in the lower subject. There was an open porn arithmetic from the more extreme variety. I grip afterwards and leafed it through it. While I look at the photos like this, I felt again how I became more and more excited.

I prevailed on the patient on the bed and read the rather poorer texts for the pictures. Without controlling, my hand wandered down on my body and massaged through the smock Meinuschi. The patients were already braver and asked me to show them more precisely what I did. In addition, they said that my breasts would be clearly eligible and that some freedom would probably have needed. The whole thing was pretty much for me, but I was very excited by the texts with the pictures.

I put the booklet side and raised my smock. Now the three men present were able to see my freshly shaved pussy, but I also covered the sight again. I say that unfortunately it is probably not possible because I still have a lot of rooms and therefore my time was too scarce. However, I promised them to get to their room in the next night, because I would have night shift the next day. None of them really wanted to believe that, but at least they understood it.

They let me make now beds and I always leaned particularly far so that when I stood, they had a beautiful bold on my female, crispy buttocks. The rest of the day went without further incidents. And so I drove home quite excitedly. The wildest fantasies were already running inside, which would probably happen the next night. I was particularly tired that evening and went to sleep early.

When I was lying in bed and once again thought of the tail of the patient, it was pretty warm and moist in the crotch and I couldn’t help but satisfy myself. Then I am already exhausted. The next day was very difficult because the time just didn’t go on. Shortly before I had to go to the service, I took a hot bathroom again and have freshly shaved my shower again.

A little earlier than normal I replaced my colleague. First of all, I made tablet rounds and gave every patient their necessary medication. When I then came into the said room, four completely astonished pairs of eyes stared at me, because Siehatten really didn’t expect that I would really come again. I closed the door behind me and grinned at it. After a narrow greeting, I danced back and forth between the patient. I slowly opened my smock and so then the tension loosens.

When I uncovered my breasts, I asked everyone to do it right away. Now the spell was finally broken and they packed their half -tire cocks. When I slowly opened my lower buttons, they started rubbing on their straps. I liked that, because everyone had pretty big cocks. So it was already damp in my crotch. I felt that the juice ran on my thigh, because after all I didn’t have a slip.

So I went to Frank, a young type that was very muscular. I sat on his bed edge and reached for his pipe. It pulsed violently and I noticed how excited he was. Then I leaned before and began to suck on his cock. I stuck my Knackigenpo to his next man. Now he had a clear view of my most intimate place. I also spread my thighs and grabbed with one hand from below. With my fingers I opened in a column and then I hoped that he would finally take the initiative now.

He did that too, he now reached into my crotch and massaged my damp can. With his fingers he rummaged in my pussy and then he knelt behind me and began to work with my tongue. I groaned wild again and again and Frank felt because I sucked more and more on his pipe. Now the other two came along and kept their cocks in front of my nose. Each of them attacked my tits and enjoyed every touch.

Two pairs of hands massaged my breasts a few hands kneading buttocks and its tongue now worked on my rosette and my pussy alternately. In addition, I now always blew alternately on three stiff cocks now and the hands of Frank was redirected again and again. When a finger of them slowly drilled into my rosette, it had happened to me. I groaned so loudly that Frank had to press a pillow in front of my face so that the entire hospital was not moved in turmoil.

I had an insane orgasm and my body shook with excitement. When I got a little calmer again, I also got a finger in my pussy and I could have shouted out loud again, because that was just … cool. Now I had enough. I wanted to fuck now. Finally, I loosen me from them and then I first sit on the tail of Frank. The threshing part slipped into me as if it were nothing and I always rode him in a fastest rhythm.

The other three stood around me and kept my cocks against me. I asked one of them to put his cock into my ass, because I would like to experience a double-decker fuck now. They didn’t let that say twice and so one knelt behind me and slowly drilled his strap bit by bit into the rosette. I sucked alternately on the two remaining pipes, otherwise I would have shouted out loud again.

I shook me through an orgasm after others. Then I asked for a shift change, because everyone should have something from me before I was completely finished. So the other two fucked me in both holes and I sucked wildly on Frank’s Rohr. I felt the big cocks in me and I couldn’t. My cunt and my rosette burned me. Then I already felt how his cock pushed into my mouth and then it already came to him.

He suppressed his moan and twitched violently. Then I already felt the sticky perha in my mouth. I completely sucked his cock empty and then I swallowed your sauce down. I hadn’t even noticed that the others were so far and suddenly I felt how it was warm in mine and also in my ass … Maybe there is a great feeling. Nobody had done that yet. So I reached for the last tail and massaged his cream out of him.

In violent bumps he injected Miralles into my face completely covered by sweat. When he had emptied himself, I still lick his pipe clean. Then I licked the other two cocks until no more fucking traces of fuck.

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