Dirty Oktoberfest | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I like autumn when the trees play bright colors and the nights get a little cooler. When the holidays are over and everything goes his normal ways again. But there is one thing that I am particularly looking forward to today. The Oktoberfest! My friends and I are already real Oktoberfest veterans, since the Oktoberfest is one of our annual friendship rituals, where it is drunk and laughed properly. The lamented complaints with their women and the single complaints complain that they still haven’t encountered the dream woman.

It seems a little that it is also a kind of self -therapy group, but the next day all worries are forgotten and you feel good that you talked about it from your soul. If you can still remember it!So I went to a traditional costume business in a large shopping street in the afternoon, not far from me to get a new outfit for it. The old traditional costume had long since done its honorable service and is now being sent to the well -deserved retirement.

A nice seller was quickly ready, who was also dressed in costume. Her dress was not such a short, peppy, which the young girls wore in bright colors, but a very stylish one in traditional colors and with various decorations. But this was only at second glance, because the first glance landed exactly on her plump breasts, which were highlighted by her blouse. Before a suggestive sentence was able to slip out, I once again remembered the essential things why I actually came here.

I spent a good hour in the traditional costume business and was well advised by the seller. In the end I had a short, light brown goat velor leather pants, a long blue and white checkered traditional shirt and a dark blue traditional vest with stand-up collar and highlighted pocket slits. In the latter I immediately shot myself and it was actually clear that my outfit would only turn around this vest. Then I went over to the stand on which the belts hung and chose one with round, silver buckle on which a deer head was mapped with antlers and decorated with flower and leaf ornaments.

I had already guessed that the bill will be high, but I had the experience that quality actually paid off here. So I thanked the nice seller and left the business again. Arrived at home, the phone rang and Paul was on the apparatus. He was already finished with work and asked me if he could get ready for me for the Oktoberfest. Paul was my best friend and sometimes he lived with me when there was Zoff with his wife again.

I was totally happy with my new traditional outfit, threw my shirt into the washing machine and switched on the quick program, then I chatted comfortably with Paul on the terrace and we also oiled our voices with Jägermeister, because today we are still with one or one orwould sing along with the other song. After the shirt was ironed and we had ready and styled, we went by train towards Wiesn. Many young and older people were on the road in the train part and we inspected the outfits with extreme accuracy.

Especially those of the girls and women! The younger ones wore short dresses and mostly converse or ballerinas, the older ones, on the other hand, rather high heels and they tried to distract with pushed breasts, a little of their no more fresh youthfulness. Arrived at the platform at the Oktoberfest, the scenery seemed almost like in a home film. Only the place didn’t quite fit, maybe an alp with an old wooden sennhütte. We heard a loud roar in the middle of the crowd.

The other guys of our clique have already waited for us and when they saw us, they couldn’t leave it to make male holidays. Yes, everything is a little coarse and louder at the Oktoberfest!   Arrived at our reserved table in the marquee, the band has already started to play. We ordered the first round measure beer and Paul did not miss the opportunity to order the first round of Jägermeister.

So the hours passed with a lot of fun, we chatted, sang to Helene Fischer and Andreas Gabalier and again and again a new round of beer or hunter master came. The most important thing that evening was on which snake in front of the pissoir you were, because the waiting times were sometimes quite critical, but I was lucky and quickly came back into the tent. Suddenly there were two pretty ladies side by side, who were just in front of them and posed for a photographer.

At that moment I couldn’t think of anything better than put my head into the picture and to be there on the snapshot. However, the two women saw it very calmly and so we got into conversation. Then I invited you to get to our table and celebrate with us. We hugged each other, drank brotherhood, swayed to the songs and gave us kisses on the cheek. Claudia, the older one of the two, had always threw such a smile on me and I always used her tightly to me while dancing on the benches and suddenly it turned out that a kiss was on the cheek, the way on my lips.

I liked that very much, because I found Claudia very attractive and I imagined a little in my idea how it could be if you spend the time with her alone. She had long, black and wavy hair and incredibly beautiful green eyes that she had made dark. On her neck she wore a tightly pulled black velvet ribbon with a small silver trailer. The fabric of her knee -length, wine -red dress, shimmered in metallic colors.

In addition, a white blouse with artistic embroidery and their bust size was exactly right. Despite their black high heels and plenty of alcohol, she was astonishingly sure -footed on the bench. Marion, Claudia’s girlfriend, was tall, had long, smooth, blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her dress was not quite as pompous as Claudia, but she still cut a good figure in this one. It was a little more inconspicuous of the colors but emphasized their good figure.

Marion was the quieter one of the two, held a little back but had a great sweet smile. In the end the band played their last song and the tent emptied leisurely. However, I hadn’t had enough of celebrating and once interviewed the boys what we could do now. But beer and hunter had already hit them in such a way that they preferred to go home, only Claudia and Marion, were not ready to end the evening so early and so suggested Marion to go to her and thereto destroy the last remnants of fridge and minibar.

No sooner said than done, we jumped into a taxi and drove through the city for half an hour until we arrived at Marion. While driving, Claudia and I sat in the back and threw each other a smile. I grabbed her hand, which was a little cold and put it on my thigh. “Maybe I can warm her a little,” I said to her and continued to slip over to her. She smelled my thigh and we kissed, sometimes less intensely with the tongues.

The taxi driver didn’t do this at all on only Marion, turned a couple of times and watched us kissing. When I got to the apartment, I was looking for something drinkable and Claudia made for pleasant light and a little music from the radio. We drank, laughed and had really had fun together, Marion also got looser and so it happened that we also talked about intimate things. We described each other our funniest sexual people and talked about various preferences and what really turns on each of us.

“I quickly see what is there to eat in the kitchen,” said Marion and disappeared to prepare something. Claudia now moved closer to me and we continued where we in the car had previously stopped. But this time she was the one who took my hand and put on her thigh. “That just made me really horny to find out what turns you!“, She whispered in my ear. With my fingers I slowly pushed her dress up to get on her bare thigh and I kissed her on her neck and slid along it along it up to her ear.

With the tip I licked her earlobe and let the small earring dangle back and forth. Claudia seems to be really hot, because whenever she felt my kisses and breath on her neck, she started to breathe more. Then I pushed my hand into her crotch, felt a silky soft panties and massaged it in her sensitive place. In doing so, she put her foot over mine and was now sitting in front of me with a wide step.

I could already see that her panties were already damp and said to her whether we shouldn’t stop with it now, because after all, Marion will come back in again, but I didn’t get any response from her. So we kissed more and more wilder and more passionate and my fingers wandered past their panties and disappeared between their wet labia. She groaned softly and I could feel the tension of her pelvis on my leg at every circular movement at her G-spot.

It really turns me on, this little rough point in yours pussy To massage and see that she could hardly keep up under control. She roamed her dress down so that her breasts landed in front of my nose and she started massaging her herself her herself. I liked this woman, who sometimes took the initiative and not only could be served, then she got up the couch pulled her panties over her legs and said to me: “Come on, I want you to lick me!”.

Of course she didn’t have to tell me that twice and my head immersed between her legs and my tongue circled lustfully about labia and clitoris. In doing so, she grabbed my hair and really pulled me up to her so that my tongue could put even more pressure on her pleasure point and she every time the pleasure impulse with a “Jaa! … Yes!“Acknowledged. Mine erection It was so big in the leather pants that it slowly hurt because that leather Didn’t give up much and so I straightened up to get rid of my pants.

Suddenly I was startled, because Marion was still silent at the sofa and apparently watched us about it for quite a while. However, I didn’t have much time to worry about how I could explain this situation, because Claudia was already in front of me and opened my pants, pushed me back onto the couch and pulled it down with a horny look when she tensioned my tensionsaw in the tight -fitting boxer short. She got mine with relish tail Out of my pants knelt between my legs and took it in my mouth until I couldn’t see anything from him anymore.

“Aaahh Jaaa”, it escaped me, the feeling of being deep in her throat was just the madness and with slight movements of her head it seemed to me as if I was fucking her in her tight ass. Appropriately, Marion followed the action and she too seems to leave the excited situation hardly cold, because her hand was already under her skirt and I could see how she always bites on her lower lip and closed her eyes again and again.

Claudia was really a goddess in terms of blowing and I really didn’t have to concentrate in her mouth early. Then read it from me and undressed her dress and laundry. Only her heels and the black velvet ribbon on the neck left it because I mentioned it earlier that I like it when women go on the shoes during sex. With her knees on the couch, she sat on my lap and I took her horny tits, sucked and licked on her already hard nipples.

In the meantime, she grabbed my cock and pushed it into her dripping wet pussy, leaned back and supported my knees with her hands. Her pelvis moved up and down and the muscles between her legs spanned and relaxed with every movement. The feeling was breathtaking, it was an invisible hand in her pussy, massaging my thing and not only I groaned loudly, also Caroline.

From time to time when she came forward and kissed me and then hugged, I was able to take a little look at Marion. She was now naked on the sofa and stroked and massaged itself in all sensitive areas. Their intimate area was smooth and through their clitoris the parts of a silver piercing glittered. Part of her flawless body decorated a dyed tattoo, which partly appeared three -dimensional due to the various shades. She watched every action by both of us and was no less hot than we both.

Claudia threw herself from me, leaned over the back of the couch and stretched out her plump buttocks, whereupon she was eagerly waiting for me to enter her with my cock from behind. First I played a little with her and let my glans slide past her lips and unexpectedly I pushed him into her until the stop. She groaned loudly and screamed: “Yes come, give me really firmly from behind!“Then I took her with my left hand on her pelvis and with my right I grabbed her long, soft and well -smelling hair.

Pulled a little on it so that her head tipped backwards and pushed tight and always with slow movements. “Hit me” she asked me and at first, I didn’t really know what she wanted from me, but then I grabbed a little courage and spanked her butt while I kept her on my shot. “Fuck me! .. Fuck me “she called constantly and my bumps became more and more tougher, so that she had to support herself so as not to fall over the back and I crashed into her so tightly that my eggs clapped wildly on her.

Behind me at the sofa I heard that Marion’s groaned moan and when I turned to her I saw that she massaged wildly between her legs, then struck slightly again and massaged again. Intrusted two fingers and her body bogged over the sofa in front of the desire until her pleasure hews spread over the sofa and she exhausted a lot together. I almost felt it, if I hadn’t packed my penis on my shaft and pressed it together firmly, but for a long time I couldn’t hold it back now.

I now turned Claudia on my back, threw her two legs on the side and put him back into her wet column. To watch her twisted her eyes and vibrated her eyelids was really sharp and so it came over me to put my hand on her neck and light pressure. “Yes that is good, a little firmer,” she breathed and how ordered I increased the pressure on her neck.

Claudia’s moaning now became more, but the volume was a bit more steamed. Then I left off her neck again and held her firmly on her legs and fucked what the stuff was thinking. We both groaned and screamed and suddenly it came over me. With a loud lustful cry, all the pent -up lust unloaded into it and it was as if we were almost simultaneous. Exhausted I leaned back onto the couch and watched out how our horny juice dripped onto the couch.

Then I looked over to Marion, who smiled at me and said whether I still had strength for a second time and indeed, after a short break, my cock had had enough strength again to spoil this little mouse properly.  .

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