Dirty couple sex | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“What a perfect day!“Julia screamed completely enthusiastically when she was naked after getting up as she was from the bedroom to the terass tenter in the living room to open her. The sun was just opening and we were in midsummer, which made the temperatures relatively high at night. I was still in bed and somehow tried to create a willingness to recover to pay the necessary attention. She ran through the apartment like a excited child and drained one song after the other and immediately spread incredibly good mood.

That she was still naked, of course, gave the whole spice to the whole. I still liked to look at her, regardless of whether she was wearing something or ran through the boobs with her tits. Even after several years of relationship, she was still the one who made me happy and above all satisfied. In all situations of our everyday life. When we spontaneously met at the time and spent an incredibly horny time in Norway, there were some dates over time that were similar to everyone else before.

Love became love from the initial feelings of sympathy. So extreme that we had to act and I moved in with her a short time later. In the end she was no longer just the girlfriend who refreshed me with her soul and her kind, no, she became a serious part of my life and I never regretted even a second. The years have passed rapidly and we are now in said high summer vacation mode. Julia jumped not only like a hen from room to room, but because we are in the afternoon this afternoon Vacation fly.

My bag is quickly packed … swimming trunks and flip flops in, plus pants, a tshirt and the toothbrush … the paint is ready. As is well known, it looks different for women. I don’t know if you can somehow study, to be able to follow the meaning or rather, to be able to follow the logic of a woman when packing the luggage. Julia has been in a stadium of despair for days. She grabbed something, then unpacked it and later packed it back in.

Funny spectacle, but now good … “So everyone has their hobby,” I thought and made my girl a coffee first. I put the freshly brewed coffee on the sunny terrace. Julia meanwhile was in the bedroom and crouched naked in front of one of our chests of drawers to go out towels that she wanted to pack in the already full suitcase anyway. The door frame in which I stood served as a perfect place to study Julia extensively.

She crouched to me with her back and I looked her back, her back, her ass … I immediately got a pleasant half -tire, but tore myself together, because I had a much more exciting thing than to fuck here in our domestic realms. So I grabbed her, pulled her up to me and turned her around me. Then I gave her a kiss on her incredibly charming lips and said to her “Nice that you exist!“I no longer let her answer, because I grabbed her on my wrist, pulled it onto the terrace and pushed it into one of our padded deck chairs.

I gave her the coffee pipe and looked at her in love. It is not for nothing that Julia is running around the whole morning and packing. Because she is excited in front of her flight and did not try to panic. However, as an airport employee, I am predestined to let the therapist hang out and could always calm them down. The pen went properly myself, but I didn’t show anything about it. So she should enjoy the coffee while seeing her with her.

Well, she was also naked and her pussy always shimmered particularly inviting in the sun. But as I said, the way is the goal … because we should be members that day. In … Mile High Clubjulia and I relax for some time on the terrace and then drove with our luggage stowed in the trunk to the airport. She became more and more calmer with every kilometer where we approached and in the end nothing more.

Julia has climbed the pallor in the face and her hands trembled nervously. I took her luggage from her, winked at her and told her that I would take care of her at any time. Then she got in with me and pressed a tortured friendly expression on her face. At the check-in we stood at the end of a really long snake that looked so bad as if our vacation ended when we were finished here. Julia was nervous at the end and had to get out of the fresh air, so I left my luggage briefly and took her hand to accompany her in front of the terminal.

I told her that I take care of everything else. She was relieved and gave me a kiss. So I went back to the queue and did the complete check in process. Then I had the longed -for spare cards in my hand and went back to Julia in front of the terminal. She sat with her face to the sun and had closed her eyes, almost it would have looked like she was meditating. I put her in gently to tell her that we now have to go slowly.

We started hand in hand. After a short security check we found our boarding gate. Briefly let the passports check by the federal police and then we were so far. Ready for our vacation in Vietnam. It should be incredibly great. A short time later the signal came that we can get in and Julia pressed my hand as if she were to squeeze it. It hurt insanely but I didn’t show anything and bit me on my lips.

Our plane was one of the largest in the world and had space for up to 400 passengers. So already a huge mass and the plane was just as massive. As I said, for me it was also a huge step to get into the thing. In order not to sit with the typical tourists in Economy Class like oil sardines, I booked very decadent for both 2 places in the first class. I had to dig deeper into my pocket, but the comfort and the space we had was always worth it to me.

So we both had a kind of armchair leather and could set up our cabin with a partition. Similar to an access section, but still a little smaller. We had full entertainment on a small flat screen and the seats could be driven again electrically so far that you can even reach the horizontal position to sleep. Julia was very amazed and had briefly forgot that she was on a plane. Her unrest felt, even if only for a short moment, as if she were looking forward to something.

Then we took a seat and buckled up. The handling was over and a short jerk went through the machine. My girl looked at me frightened as she almost crushed my hand and was looking for advice. I told her that it was the pushback vehicle that just coupled to the main chassis of the plane to push us back right away. She seemed a bit calm again and put her head in the chairlift. But my hand did not let go of it.

Shortly afterwards the time had come and we were pushed out of our parking position around the yellow line across the roller field to the runway. It is basically nothing more than in a car. Since the plane was also one of the biggest ever, you noticed almost nothing about shock. Julia’s hand still held mine, because it went into the air right away. The pilot made a short welcome announcement while steering the plane onto the runway.

When he was finished we stood and you heard the turbines craved. You have to imagine it like with a pulled handbrake in the car. The pilot stands on the brake and at the same time presses the thrust on full oats to generate the greatest possible strength. Once he has reached it, he loosens the brake and the wild journey goes off. We were pressed into the seats and reached almost 350km/h within seconds, so enough strength to be able to take off in the aerodynamic.

I looked to Julia to the right, who was sitting there with his eyes and lips that were tricked and was just about to die. I led her hand to my mouth and gave her a kiss on her palm … our climbing flight through the clouds was almost over and I said to her that she should look out of the window. She carefully opened her eyes and risked a look through the oval opening. You didn’t see anything. Everything was white and gray and you couldn’t look far at all.

Evil and almost disappointed, Julia looked at me when I said that from that moment she should count down from 10. Even more confused she turned back to the window and started counting … 10..9… 8..7..6..Then again a short questioning look at me, which I turned away with the turning away of your head and a “sssscchhht”..5… 4… 3… 2…..1 … Julia’s eyes tore up in astonishment. We had broken the cloud cover and were at a height of about 12km. Among us the clouds say how cotton candy and everything was white.

The sun was shining because it always does it and the sky was blue … as blue as if you had painted it. The rays of the sun reached Julia face and she was overwhelmed by the experience and spectacle which she experienced for the first time in her life. Again she closed her eyes and grinned up to both ears. She was always very pretty when she did it. So even more prettier than it already gets along.

The plane had now taken the horizontal location again and everything was completely quiet. No rattling, no quake … nothing. Everything you heard quietly was working on the turbines. So it promised to be a very relaxed flight. Julia was a bit exhausted by all the hardships and fell asleep relatively quickly to relax. So I gave her a kiss on her forehead and made it cozy too. I needed that too, because I had to struggle with myself not to panic.

After all, we flew for several hours. When Julia became aware of it after a few hours, she searched in vain for me. She looked around and became more restless from a minute, the longer I stayed away. Once again she looked at the square next to her, where I should have sitting and just when she wanted to give up at a loss she discovered a small yellow envelope with her name on it. She held him in her hands, wiped her hair out of her somewhat sleepy face and then opened it carefully.

Then she leaned back a bit and read the lines. “Dear sweetheart..Today I took a really big step and we have proven that we are brave enough to have new experiences and experiences. Are you brave enough to have the ultimate experience? If so, come to visit me on the back toilet … kiss!“Shortly before Julia woke up, I wrote a message for her and put it in the yellow envelope. Then I rose and once went through the whole plane to visit the on -board toilet.

Since nobody was on it after the start, it was hygienically in perfect condition. I went in and closed the door behind me. Julia woke up and looked asleep to look for me. She found the envelope and opened it. Her eyes are devouring my lines and when she was ready to read she rose and made her way to the on -board toilet. She knocked on the door for 3 times and after she unlocked, I opened her a little gap and held my hand on Julia.

She reached for her and I pulled her in. The toilet wasn’t really big. A toilet, a sink behind the cabin wall. She looked upstairs to me and just when she wanted to ask what the whole campaign should have meant I pressed her with a handle on her neck against the wall. I gave her a passionate and whispered her “welcome to the Mile High Club”. My hands hiked over her entire body while I didn’t let go of her lips.

I tore her the t-shirt out of my pants and put both palms around her belly while I was working to her tits. Her nipples were hard, very hard. She groaned softly when I kneaded her tits her cherries with thumb and index finger. Then I slid down over her stomach, took her T-shirt into both hands and tore it apart in the middle. I pressed my beauty even more firmly on the wall than before.

At first she didn’t know how she happened and what she should do, how she should reply what to do what to do with her. I was the dominant part right from the start and only my rules counted. Her tits jumped towards me and immediately I skillfully climbed them with both hands. Massating and kneading I put my lips over their hard nipples and sucked on them. Always alternately, first on the left and then right again. Julia took the initiative and meanwhile got to work on my pants.

She opened the buckle of my hooded belt and pulled tightly on the tab, which the closure pencil jumped out and now had free access to the button bar. Julia tried to open it with a free hand, but failed miserably because I fought out by grabbing her wrists and turning from the wall to the sink. She slammed with her horny ass cheeks and had to support herself with her hands for safety on the edge of the pelvis. I grabbed her neck with one hand, looked Julia deep in the eye and said that I will “lick her first and then deep and fuck”.

The verbal sentence already brought a moan out of it. As I kissed her with a slight sausage, I got to work on her pants and opened her by force … she lost 2 of her buttons, who brown loudly against the door. Then I got on my knees in front of her, took her open pants including string and tore her down her. I had to take one of her shoes to her so that I could free her from my pants to spread her legs.

Julia breathed very excitedly and bit her lips because she was curious about the next of my steps. I told her that she should bury her hands under her ass on the sink. Because she shouldn’t defend herself. She was delivered to me and that should stay that way. Now she leaned on her right leg with torn t-shirt on the sink and her pants and panties. And my face was 10, maybe 15cm away from her cunt.

I stared at her and mine tail In the pants, pumped so huge that it almost hurt me. My underpants were always damp so horny I was on the sharp floor in front of me. Julia had to be just as horny, because I watched her pussy formed through her juice through her pussy and slowly slid down on a thread … A very cool sight and I waited briefly to watch the juice slipped out of it.

Then, shortly before he seemed to drop on the floor, I took Julia’s pool opened my mouth and dropped her thread on my tip of the tongue. I approached her soaked pussy and gave her a smacking kiss on the clit. Then I licked her. Full of dedication, passion and extase. I used everything I had. Lips, tongue, finger and teeth. While I sucked her on her clit, I fingered her deeply and firmly with my remedy- and index finger.

Whenever I licked her myself, I looked up at Julia and grinned mischievously. From her pussy the juice was just out and that more and more ranked me. Julia wanted to scream all the time, but had to tear herself extremely that she didn’t do it, because only a few meters were sitting all the passengers. And we didn’t want to spread excitement. So Juliai pressed her lips together and sniffed through his nose violently.

If I had licked it on, it would certainly have come, but 12000m above the ground you only come to the Mile High Club if you also fuck or fucked. So I got up, wiped the bereaved juice off my lips and kisses Julia on my mouth. Long, persistent and sensual. So I had the time and opportunity to open my pants to finally free my rock -hard cock. My pants fell to the ground with one slide and my cock protruded up.

He pulsed and was wet. The veins on it were extremely visible and the glans shone or shimmered with lust. Julia asked if she was him suck But I can do no wink and told her “My girl, my rules … I decide!“Then I spread Julia’s legs again and put a leg on the toilet cover. With my cock in my hand I approached her pussy and slid up with him between her wet labia.

It felt Klitschig and was extremely hot. Her cunt literally glowed from desire for me. Then she couldn’t stand it anymore and Julia freed her hands that were buried under her ass. Immediately she came between her thighs and pressed my cock against her labia to feel me even more firmly. Her other hand included my neck and she screamed quietly “I want you to fuck me now that nobody has fucked me yet!!“Hardly ended the sentence, he was already in it.

The glans penetrated its smacking lips and I paused briefly or I didn’t get completely. For a few moments I fucked them only 2-3 cm. And slowly. Julia was far from enough, because she knows how much cm there were left. So I stimulated her to the extreme and waited until she complained. Disappointed she looked at me just wanted to say something when I got. I hammered my cock into her cunt and Julia groaned really loudly.

As loud now everyone knew what we drove on the toilet. But we didn’t care about that now. I fucked her hard and wild. I rammed my cock into her until I stopped. Again and again and again. From time to time I pulled it out completely to beat him back into her widened fuck hole. Julia massaged her clit and made sure that she soon reached her climax. I could not and did not want to control myself and fuck her so greedily that I forgot everything around me.

My cock always hammered hard into her gossip pussy, which she had to tighten the sink edge again and again. I could have burst, I would have continued at the pace. But the wild trip should not be over yet. So I pulled my slimy wet cock from Julia’s pussy and turned it around. She was now supporting herself at the sink and stretched her ass towards me.

“Next Level please” gasped Julia back to me while waiting to continue to be crowded. I placed one hand on her right ass cheek with a folding and with the other I helped to penetrate my cock back into her. He had an easy game to find his way between her lips, since Julia was still very wet. I put her in your first few cm and stopped briefly to hold my ass with my other hand.

I got something and gave her another folding, on the left cheek. She apparently liked that because she groaned every time I did it. Then I pushed too. However, slow and careful. After all, I didn’t want to kill Julia with my cock. In this position it is known that the tail can penetrate a pussy much deeper than in other positions. I looked at how I hesitated in Julia’s hole.

It was horny to see how my cock shimmered more and more from her juice every and more. That turned me on and I gradually fucked her doller and more passionate. After a few bumps I took up full speed and fuck Julia so hard that the stop on the sink was no longer sufficient. So she supported herself with both hands on the mirror and watched me through him how I always forgive my face out of sheer lust.

My downkeib kept crashing against her ass cheeks and leaving a loud bang with every stop. Julia twisted her eyes and bit her lower lip bloody so as not to groan loudly. She was in full extase and her legs trembled because she was short of a huge one orgasm was. I fucked her unhindered and then she was ready. Julia could not control herself and pushed out a loud “Oh my god” when she reached back to me with her hand to pack my neck.

She pulled me forward, turned her head aside and pressed her lips onto my cheek. Julia breathed so deeply and violently that she could hyperventilate at any moment. Her body shook and cramped more and more and when she came, I had to hold her down so that she did not collapse on the floor due to her butter -soft knees. Julia rode on a wave of multiple orgasms and it didn’t seem to end because I continued to fuck her unchanged.

I was now on my turn and while I was still stuck a few times and impulsive in Julia’s before exascy overflowing pussy, I had to hold her mouth so that we did not attract more attention than him already. Now I was finally ready and Julia felt my breath and my groans became more uncontrollable every second. She pulled my cock out of her cunt, turned and pushed me to the toilet wall with her last strength before she fell on my knees in front of me.

Her hand wrapped up my spanking and massively devoured it with her mouth. She jerked him faster and faster and alternately sucked and sucked on him. That was too much for me. I searched somewhere and found it on Julia’s head, with the other hand I supported myself on the blanket of the toilet. My pressure in the tail could no longer be endured because I felt my pulse on every pore of my skin.

Even my eyes let my pulse feel. Julia looked at me from below and this look gave me the absolute rest, as always when she was with me Blowjob look into the eye. She jerked my cock a few more times and I poured myself over her full face. With every splash juice that came out of me, I also lost the strength in my legs. I had completely sprayed Julia’s face and some splashes even flew through the on -board toilet uncontrollably.

When I thought I was empty, Julia licked my cock with relish, but that was so sensitive that every touch bound in me. I slipped back down the wall and sat down completely on the floor to her. We both looked at and grinned one sperm wipe out of the face. I gave Julia a kiss on my forehead before we both rapped each other up and carefully opened the toilet door.

Slowly we ran back to our seats and were quite relieved that no one had noticed anything of our adventure. We clumsy, satisfied and tired in our comfortable seats and shortly afterwards came the stewardess Gone with your sales trolley. She winked at us, gave us 2 ice -cold sparkling wine and handed us with the final words “Welcome to the Mile High Club!”.

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