Business relationship becomes hot fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Axonis 0 thirty years it has been about since I saw her for the last time. How often did I tied her down, tortured, fucked, fucked, abused and what else in my imagination at the time. She just looked heavenly, with her crunchy breasts, the slim legs, and handy, solid butt. The pretty face, usually a little hidden from the shoulder -length curly hair, with the expressive, dark eyes, which often gave me the feeling that she was only waiting to be addressed.

But we were in a business relationship with each other, and so I refrained from ever tackling them. After all, she worked for one of my biggest customers. On the contrary, when the conversation began to become private, we almost only talked about her then new video camera, I think it had bought the same system that I also used when there was something to film. That was her big hobby and always brought enough conversation.

But a lot should change that evening. I just crossed the entrance. It was Friday and I still had about. To drive 250 km to Frankfurt. Here was a conference that should go by Saturday afternoon. I was already on the highway in my thoughts and was annoyed about the expected traffic jams because of the afternoon traffic. She came across the sidewalk and almost ran against that automobile.

But what does almost mean? With her hands she leaned on the left front fender and was just about to go trumpet when she recognized me. I got out to apologize, so I recognized her too. After the first fright, there was of course great laughter, we greeted each other warmly and started chatting immediately. After the soon some other passers -by grumbling over the hindrasty car, I invited them to eat simply and spontaneously: “As a little compensation for my mishap.

“How I assured her. She agreed promptly and I soon drove her into a small but fine Italian restaurant, where we were assigned a small table a little offside. She liked to drink red wine, but I stayed with water, since there was still a longer distance in front of me. And so we chatted about pretty much everything. I also learned that they obviously did not seem to have the right happiness in their relationships, which was very amazed at my appearance.

In general, I found it not just the picture, but also super sympathetic. Since the conversation became more and more personal in his course, we have said to each other since their third glass of wine, I also asked straight ahead: “A girl that is as nice and also as pretty as you shouldn’t actually have any special problemshave to find a decent partner. But you seem to have had a lot of bad luck?”” It is damn difficult to talk about it, “she replied to me after a break” but where you ask so specifically, I want to tell you anyway.

The boys, with whom I was a little longer, then broke off the relationship because, as they said more or less directly, I was perverted. “After these words, she drank her red wine glass empty in one train and then looked me straight into the face with sad eyes. Her gaze told me that she now knew what she got into, he asked for further questions.

My curiosity was definitely awakened, and so I also asked: “And why do these people think they can say something like that?”” Shit, “she said very quietly” I knew that this question had to come, but well … I tell you before it is too late again. “She put this aside half empty glass again, and you could feel her inner tension. “I am plagued by fantasies that pursue me in my dreams and that make me totally crazy: I am captured and are interrogated, tortured, raped, and I am humiliated in the presence of others.

I do things that I would never do otherwise. Such an irrepressible desire overshades me that I have the feeling that I have to experience something like that. So far, my ex partner could not do anything with something perverse, to say the least, with something perversem. Whenever I told them about it, it didn’t take long and I was alone again. “With a red head she stopped by me, and then said:“ Well, it was a nice evening, but if you want to end it now, I understand it and will not prevent you from doing so.

“But I gave her a glass of red wine, smiled a little, and then said:“ So, if you are already dreaming of being interrogated, I just ask you a few questions and you are answeringyou honestly. “I looked into her eyes. My gaze did not tolerate any resistance. She became bright red and said: “How now …, what do you have with me?”” You will notice that, “I said,” and I ask the questions from now on.

“” Yes, “she just breathed. “Since when have you have these fantasies?““ Approximately since I am seventeen. “” From the beginning so extreme?““ No, at first it was only weak, but then always more specific. ““ You get wake up from these dreams every time?“” “I think when I am awake, I try to influence the thoughts and continue to paint the respective situation. “” You satisfy yourself?”” This question must be?”” You should answer!“” Yes, that somehow helps me.

“” So from now on you only answer yes or no!““ So you horny yourself?”” … Yes. ““ Do you want to experience something like that because?”” Please …, I think I would be afraid of. ” “Yes or no?””…Yes. “” You could imagine experiencing something like this with me?“Now I put everything on one card. She hesitated again … “yes” “you have a few years ago when we did business with each other, thought of letting me torture you?“She now turned more and more.

“Listen,” it came, “it was actually the case, all of this is totally embarrassing to me now. “” Ok, “I said, it’s already quite late and I still have to go to Frankfurt today. We let it be gone. “Now she looked over to me quite gratefully. “May I also ask a question now?””Please. “I smiled at her. “Do you find something like that?““ No, not at all, on the contrary, I also enjoy this game, but are on the other hand of such fantasies.

“I answered her and waved the upper to pay. “It was indeed a very nice evening with you,” I said, “but I really have to drive now. Here you have my card, all the phone numbers are on it. If you have processed all of this here, you should contact me again, but I still have a question to you, this little interrogation made you sharp?”” And whether it has.

“This time she answered without hesitation. I put her off at home and said goodbye to her. It was put in a trance, but which was also a little alcohol could have lying. After an hour, of course I was still stuck in some traffic jam, my car phone beeped. I was amazed, it was Silke with whom I had sitting together earlier. “Hello,” she said a little, “I am.

“” But hello, “I called back,” but that was quick, if you want to sweeten my dust time?”” “You know,” she started “what you did with me earlier, I got under my skin. My brain has been striking. That was totally embarrassing for me on the one hand, on the other hand it horned me terribly. If you want, we can, as soon as you are back … well you already know.

“” Your imagination goes through with you again?”I asked laughing. “Ok,” I suggested. “Let’s see how brave you are, you still have your video camera?” “Yes why?” She answered. “I’ll explain that to you now. ” I said. “You will now build the camera with a fresh cassette on the tripod, and in your Living room put down. You have exactly five minutes for that. I’ll call you again.

“Before she could answer, I had put on the listener. After five minutes and about 200 dams I called them again. She was immediately in the line. “Hello?” Called her. “Did you follow my instruction?” I asked. “Yes. “It came brief. “Now switch on the camera and into the recording mode. “After a short break, she said:“ The recording is now running. ““ You will now be buttoned up your blouse, get your breasts out and slowly step in front of the camera that they are depicted large.

” “What is the?“She asked in a trembling voice. “And now you will be braving your nipples until they protrude into the picture stiffly. “I ordered her without responding to her question. “Hee, how should that go on?“She asked very unsettled. “You get over it now, then pull yourself out completely, and slowly present your body in front of the camera that does not stay hidden from the lens! And when you’re done with it, call me again to report enforcement!“I already put on.

I hoped that she would have the courage to go as far as possible. Some time later the phone rang again. I decreased and already heard her voice. She breathed quite flat and said: “I don’t know why I do it all, but now please tell me how to go on. “” “You will now satisfy yourself in front of the running camera, and your fantasies speak out loud. If you have come to an end, and really only then, you can switch off the camera.

You will remove the cassette, pack it in a small packet, and personally throw in the mailbox at home. The address is on the back of my business card. I will watch everything when I’m back home. If I’m satisfied with you, I’ll call you then. “My instructions hit her like a grenade. “You can’t do that … that’s unfair … I don’t know if I …” I couldn’t hear more because I had put on the listener again.

In retrospect, I found myself somewhat in common, because afterwards she no longer contacted me. The conference itself was very exhausting, and so I didn’t have time to think about other things than business. Also on the way back, my thoughts went primarily through my business life. Once at home, I found a small parcel to my surprise in the mailbox, the origin of which was easy to guess.

To be honest, I no longer expected to hear anything from her, at least not in our current context. I opened the package curiously and actually found a video cassette that I was able to find in my video recorder by means of an adapter cassette. What followed me almost took my breath: the phone protesting in my hand, opened Silke her blouse, pulled it out, actually approached the camera, and twirled her nipple until it got stiff.

And what she had for breasts, not too big, but great shaped. They were tanned and looked super crispy. After she had put the listener away, she soon began to undress, the last time she pulled out her panties. Her entire appearance was even more excited than I had ever dreamed of. The delicate skin was deeply tanned down to a tangel strip, and the narrow waist went into a comfortable buttocks, with slim muscular legs underneath.

The bright madness. She started to make calls again and became bright red. But she had apparently understood my last instruction because she soon knelt on the sofa and then sat on her heels. She closed her eyes and started talking: I just leave the disco that I often visit on Saturday evening. It is so late that the last bus is already gone, a taxi is not in sight anywhere.

Meanwhile, she caresses her whole body, especially the breasts. Again and again a finger got lost between her thighs, which she now spread a little apart. After a few steps, a car stops next to me, I scare at first, but then see that it is a patrol car. Two uniformed men arise from the vehicle, and one speaks to me: “General personal control, please show us your ID!“Of course I have no papers with myself and now have to listen to a stand:“ Without papers, and also mother soul at this time at this time.

Unfortunately we have to take them on the guard to determine their personal details. Please enter!“The view of the larger does not tolerate any resistance. Before I can react, put me handcuffs. “Only for our security. “Grins the smaller one. You drive out of the city with me and I ask what that is about. “We are part of a special department, and now keep your flap. “Comes only briefly and flush.

After a long drive we turn off the street, cross an automatic gate, and drive to a building sturgeon. One grabs me on the neck and pushes me into the building. In a windowless room, hook my handcuffs into an eyelet that is attached to a rope that hangs down from the ceiling. In the meantime, the tender stroking had passed to a strong massage of the body, especially the breasts. She now kept clearly visible her nipples and often groaned during her “report”.

“We have received clues that you should be involved in dubious shops that have to do with intoxicants. Your visit to this disco also fits this. “While the rope on my handcuffs is now moved to the ceiling in motor. “The two uniformed trenches now their coarse hands in all pockets of my clothes. After the jacket has been followed up, grab it underneath.

The two pockets of my blouse over the breasts seem to be particularly interested in them. The one behind me grabs a bag with both hands and pinch unabashedly into the already stiff nipples. I scream loudly. The reference to the outcry was really superfluous, she turned while she worked on her nipples, and cried out loudly into the camera microphone for the first time. “Hee, the Luder seems to be on the search.

“Says the back to his colleague, who then only grins wrongly. “That will pass the little sow. “He only responds to it. “Unfortunately we didn’t find anything in your clothes, but as you know, your body has more hidden ready, which we will now do now. “Taking a thin rubber tab on hand, he says:“ Out on Deinmaul!“And poking around between my teeth.

“She has nothing in her snout. “On the other hand,“ then we will probably have to continue looking. “You are starting to undress now, the blouse is torn open, the one bra open. They pull down my mini skirt that slides carelessly to the ground. My panties are pulled down in no time. I clamp with all my might Legs together. “But hello, the bitch is ashamed. “Says one more. They bind loops around my ankle, and my legs are pulled apart over a winch.

Now my whole dilemma is shown. I’m totally wet between my legs. You could say that, she rubbed around her cunt like an obsessed person, twitched and groaned. With her left hand, she supported herself behind her body and lifted the butt a bit to be able to better handle between her now spread legs. From time to time she hit her clit with her flat hand, which made her pelvis twitch even further up.

Her whole body was excited to see how a flash arch. “Look at that, the piglet is shitty, the juice runs out of your cunt. “Laughs one. All of this is endlessly embarrassed. I can’t do anything against the two companies, I am helpless. Now someone grabs me on my hip bones, which are plenty of in this provocative attitude, and brutally pushes me back against my will, and brutally against the train of the bondage.

“This is how your ass Even hornier, it will be fun to search him. “The other now rams this rubber bar between my cheeks, overcomes my sphincter, and stirs around in my ass. I scream in pain. “Don’t worry, that is just intended for widening, the best is yet coming!“If my pain is commented on. She shrugged totally sweaty on the sofa, but she also seemed to be totally necessary.

My tail had become rock hard. He also wanted something from it. But it should come even better. She suddenly threw herself on her side, bent the leg on top and now let the camera film the pleasure center between her legs. One hand led her to the butt behind her body and pushed a finger in the middle of the asshole. With the other hand she continued to work on her hot gender.

You could watch the exciting twitch of your abdominal and gluten muscles perfectly. “If we have grown your ass nicely, the actual investigation begins. “He added. “I think that’s enough now. “He now leads two fingers into my asshole and the other puts two fingers in my cunt. They rummage around in my openings like the crazy ones, whereby the fingers meet frequently, only separated by the thin walls of my intestines.

But you can’t find anything now. “Well, well, we suspect that you really don’t do anything with yourself. Have you taken drugs? Whichever?“You take a wood line and hit me on my ass. I scream in front of pain and you keep repeating your question. For tightening, they are now hit on my tits, and especially on the nipples. It hurts so damn. Of course I have not taken any drugs and keep your pressing questions.

“So, we won’t get any further with you. We will now take a truth test with you. “I hear how something is pushed behind me, the handwell loan loosens and my legs bend with exhaustion. I suddenly sit on a chair -like device. The hands are bound to the very long backrest over my head. Now my legs are also loosened out of the loops, but only to be recovered to the side layers of this chair.

I am now sitting like on a gyn chair. The backrest is folded back so that I come to lie. Eases are attached everywhere where my body is mercilessly fixed. I can no longer move in a direction. But that was a lie! She was now on her back and had bent her legs towards the upper body. She rubbed around with both hands on her cunt like a crazy man.

Her head flew back and forth. “For our test we have to boost the blood flow to your genitals a little. “Grins one and keeps on my cunt with a whip again and again. The other leaves one whip dance on my tits. I’ll be crazy about it. As if to be confirmed, she now hit her clit with her flat hand, and pinched her nipple with the other hand, and then rolling back and forth between her fingers.

Your body reacted more and more violently, it couldn’t take long anymore. She had to be so far immediately. You open a glass with a strong smelling liquid and dive into a brush. “We will now spread your sensitive areas with an itching tincture. Your body reactions will then show whether you have taken drugs. “One of the two describes me. You also start with your devil’s work. First it tickles comfortably on the nipples when the cool liquid is applied with the delicate brush and distributed.

Even between the legs on the cunt, it feels comfortable at first, but when the brush touches my sensitive asshole through the strokes, it will soon be over with my version. “Just see how cute she puts her wrinkled asshole together, the stuff begins to work, for example?“I am about to explosion. It starts to itch and burn all over the body. Especially in my cunt and on the nipples.

My ass, my cunt itch like crazy, I don’t know anymore. Now these sadists put their cocks in my mouth and start again with whipping me. I can’t even scream anymore … and if she could do that. She screamed out her whole poured power. She fidgeted in wild movements, her emerging muscles gave a very nice picture when the climax finally came over it. After that she was completely done.

Her right hand rubbed a little through the wet column, the pelvis twitched as in time. With the other she was still working on her breasts, but the demanding pinch had now become a strong massage. Slowly she calmed down again. She got up slightly weakened and went towards the camera. While her breasts were still rocking with her steps, I was able to see the wet shower of lust around her shame around her shame.

“Now you know how it has been with me all the years,” she said in the camera, “To be honest. Please call me, please. “Then it got black on the screen. I was talking to her on the phone the same evening. But this is another story.

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