Bored wife on dirty because of part 1 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Sigrideine sexually neglected housewife, who breaks out of the trott and gets her from life, which in her marriage does not seem to be or can no longer get her in her marriage. She tries to get what she has withheld her friends and other conversations with people of her surroundings so far from stories her friends and novels and other conversations. ##############################################Prologdies is a fictional story that reproduces any mind games of individual people in many places and also represents their reactions.

Wishes – viscos and presentation of many combine here in a collected work and therefore seem exaggerated and unreal from time to time – but dear reader, look into yourself and you will surely find some parts of this treatise in your imagination and your wishes. So judgments are not too hasty, but first read it on to reflect on what it is in your area, what drives women there and how your personal relationship and your behavior are towards them and how you would react if you would react to the place of theNarrative or the enjoyment partner would be.

And then give yourself a jerk, close your eyes and already bet I see you, who sees his fantasies and wishes in pictures in front of him, unable to put them into word or put it on paper. Therefore, lie back and enjoy reading. ###########################################had gone to the country for a few years since the children were out of the house. Sigrid and her husband now lived alone and both had their job, who drove them out of the house during the day and then find their way back in the late afternoon.

They both did not have hobbies – at least not so far, because the concern for the children, their support and regular help in building up the existence had so far eaten every free time. And when the grandchildren were now in an age, where they could be unloaded after kindergarten at Grandma and Grandpa, the free time had shrunk even more. Friends and acquaintances had similar environments and so only the general holidays and festivities remained to break out of everyday grind.

But she wanted that, enough for her?More and more often wondered whether this should have been her life, whether she had slowly prepared for the old days and the actual life had not yet reached her. So she broke out, and again and again she pierced the bladder of her life as it had been presented and explored what else there was to have experienced experiences around her.

Carnival, fun fair and other bars celebrate as well as birthdays and other festivities in friends and acquaintances were now taken. Her husband did this at the beginning, but then he gradually passed the joy of it and he let her pull her alone more and more. On the other hand, he was sitting in front of the television and waiting for it to go to bed and end the day. So they were slowly living apart, there were always smaller quarrels because she had failed to get out of her friends until early in the morning and then he was awakened in her ‘going to bed’.

So it happened that she slept more and more on the sofa in the living room instead of getting up to him in the marriage bed. A regulation that made it possible for her to sleep, because it was not woken up by his snoring and for him also O. K. was that he was not awakened when she got up at night because she could no longer sleep or when she came home late from a women’s evening. They lived apart and soon only had a common address, she cooked for both and you lived side by side and past each other.

In the long run, this became too monidal, the frustration climbed into her and even in the job everything was no longer as round as she wanted. She needed a change, because that shouldn’t have been her life yet. So she came up with the idea of trying an advertisement in an online portal and thus adding nine content to her life and thus bringing in a drive spring again. Because only the sport she used to run out of her frustration only helped to a limited extent.

And this ad, which she hired and in which she carefully searched for contact for free hours / movement in nature, brought us together. Because I also had some professional frustration and otherwise some things that didn’t go as you would imagine. When I came across theirs when I browsed through the ads, I paused. Something told me that I should try the word choice and the discrete content somehow attracted me and so I wrote it down.

Not hoping to get an answer because her ad was over a year old, I just asked if the content and your search were still up to date. It took a few days before I received an answer in which she said that everything was still up to date and what I would be looking for. I wrote that this would always be important to the person who could be found, because something from a meeting / conversation or something is always a common action to which 2 people are necessary.

Not hoping to get an answer to this wage statement, I sent it off. And did not look in my mailbox the next few days, but was all the more astonished when I received a long message from Sigrid 2 days after my answer, in which she explained her motives for the complaint and said it was really better and easier of thisTo discuss an eye once … wow, not just an answer, but the view of a personal meeting – that seemed to be good …

I wrote her back and asked when and where you could meet and she replies that she had practically every day from 6:00 p.m. and since she would be mobile I could choose a place. In order to be able to create a certain ‘randomness’ here, I chose a public place, a branch of a bakery chain not too far away from your home town. A meeting for a cup of coffee and the first ‘sniff’. This time the answer came almost immediately and connected with a question about the day, which I then answered with “tomorrow” what with an immediate ‘yes, I gladly came back to it’.

And so the first meeting was bagged and I looked again at the pictures of her in her dating profile. ## the next day came and I was a little early at the meeting point, parked next to the access to the side and looked at me with every car that drove into the parking lot the inmates. Then an SUV slowly came to the parking lot and at the wheel I recognized Sigrid, who drove uncertainly to the parking lot, turned and then put her car on my side of the park area.

I got out and went to her car to speak to her, after getting out with a happy “Hello Sigrid, that it worked”. She was about. 165cm tall, had shoulder -length black hair and a friendly smile, from a barely made -up face. She greeted me and we hugged like old friends. Then it went into the coffee together. At the back end a table was released, which we took up before I made 2 cappuccino and then opposed her.

We looked at ourselves and when I started the conversation with it to ask her would have come to the train to start a contact ad because I noticed her wedding ring. She started telling me her life and hardly came to short breaks when she took a sip from the glass every now and then. Time betrayed and she said that unfortunately she had to go shopping, but would like to see me again and so we opened after we had agreed again for the coming day.

We hadn’t agreed yet, but it would be found that there were plenty of discrete bistros in the area and so we talked about it on the way to the car. Once there, she opened the driver’s side, leaned in and put her bag and vest in the passenger seat, stretching her butt. I couldn’t hold back and reached her hips. She turned like a flash and I already thought ‘Well, that’s it, now you are hooking ’.

But she smiled at me and her arms lay around my neck. I pulled her up and we kissed. At first tentative, but then I became more demanding, pressed her firmly against me, let a hand slide on her neck before my tongue found the way between her lips and in her mouth, where I met her tongue. Then I let her go as suddenly as I had taken her and we were facing each other.

“Then until tomorrow -” I said and she only nodded when she started. I closed her driver’s door and then said, “And then I want more of that …” She looked at me, smiled and said – “yes, too much” then she went and I went to my car. I was looking forward to the upcoming meeting in the bistro on the side street to the shopping mile when I drove home in my car. Not only did she not put any resistance to light when I kissed her and pulled her into my arms, she even started to feel comfortable in it and to press myself.

So she also seemed to be interested. I would test this a little further next day – let’s see if I could go on and how quickly it would go and how far. So I drove home with my car. ### The coming day was stressful at work and I was more than delighted Quitting time To have and meet me with Sigrid. This time we had an appointment in the parking lot behind the bistro and so I straightened my trip there.

When I arrived I parked at the back to be able to see who came from where to the parking lot and I had an overview. There seemed to be 3 entrances. The access over which I had come to the parking lot, then a path that seemed to lead to a private garden via a staircase and a kind of back entrance to the bistro, since the name of the bistro was also read above this building door. The parking lot itself was almost empty and next to my car there was also a delivery van and a motorcycle closer to the entrance.

Then she also came in with her SUV and drove towards me directly, parked next to me and came out of the car. Under her open jacket, she wore an olive colored shirt and a dark ocher -colored jeans. I greeted her and hugged her like an old girlfriend. Holding my hands on her back at the hip height I pulled her up and kissed her intensely.

Her arms pushed between and up and lay around my neck when she returned the kiss intensely. With this positive response I became cheeky and let my hands slide down on her buttocks and reached. It felt firm and tight there, not worn out and wobbly, no it was really firm muscle meat that I held in my hands there. So we kissed for a while before we separated our lips to go to the bistro.

She holds one of your PO baking in my arm and my hand with a firm grip. The bistro was almost deserted when we entered and we were looking for a table in the back third, which could not be seen directly from the front, but we could see everyone who would approach us clearly. Again we ordered 2 cappuccino that brought us the waitress immediately. We had moved out our jackets and laid behind us on the back of the bank we took a seat on.

I immediately put my right arm around Sigrid’s hip and used it to me. When the waitress had served us and disappeared back to the counter again, I let my right hand hike over my back from my hip. Sigrid let it happen without a comment and when she turned to me, I kissed her, especially at the moment when my hand had reached the height of the jeans and just slipped under the shirt and touched her bare skin.

I could feel the shiver that ran through her body and also grasped her lips. But again no resistance or defense against your side. I started exploring her back now, no wrinkles or so it bothered the path from the hip up to the shoulder and along the wearers of the brh’s. Then she turned a little to me, which caused my hand to go through under her arm, which she had laid over my shoulder and around my neck.

My hand slid down again and I felt the jeans at the back of her back when she prevented herself to me. I could now look into the neckline and so on their firm breasts that were held in position by a dark blue bra. Kissing, I let my hand disappear in my pants and reached for the buttocks that were under the thin fabric of her panties. She put on her right leg and sat on it, which I now had freer access to her buttocks.

But not only that;I was able to walk through the buttocks in this sitting position and with a pre -bent upper body and my fingers got to their labia. When I got there, she stopped briefly, listened to kissing me and grabbed her cappuccino to drink before she changed something in the seating position and made it easier for me to access. Nevertheless, I couldn’t get any further because the waistband was now too tight to let my arm so far into it and push the waistband away from the body.

My fingertips roamed along the lower halves of the labia, which opened as if remotely controlled and I felt a moisture there that could only come from her cunt. One finger slowly slided between the labia and I felt how she kept taking a deep breath while speaking ….Then she said that the pants would press quite a bit and she had to go to the toilet, whereupon I pulled my hand out of my pants and wiped my finger on the panties.

Then I looked out of the corner of the eye and waved her up to order 2 cappuccino before I got up and Sigrid past me in the direction of the toilet disappeared. The waitress was quite fixed when she had turned off the two cappuccinos and disappeared forward again, Sigrid came back from the back of the toilet, I got up again and she slipped back on the bench to take a seat on her leg.

When I saw her, I noticed that her jeans were now open at the front … I also said goodbye to the toilet and on the way there a lot went through my head. Was this woman so horny or only neglected that she was put on the touch and even freed the way for more … I would test it. I found Sigrid back on her cell phone from the toilet, just typing a message on Whats app.

When asked if there was something, she only said that her daughter -in -law would have asked whether she would get babysitters later, since she still had an invitation with her husband and that Sigrid shouldn’t forget it after all. So our time was now limited because it had an obligation. But I was determined to go as far as possible and that what was offered to me to test. So I sat next to her again, my hand immediately on the bare back under the shirt.

She turned to me after putting her cell phone in her handbag and her arm lay over my school again around a neck. But now I pulled my hand up, led it to the ligaments of the bra and slowly pulled it forward until her right breast was in my hand. I grabbed more firmly and had now tightened her handy chest. With the thumb I slid over the nipple, which was slowly hardening and taking off the courtyard.

She looked at me and think, “not here if someone caught us …” She didn’t get more because my kiss closed her mouth again while my hand knead her chest again before I let go of it again and back in my back with my handand went down to the bottom. When I stopped the kiss, she said quietly with a red face and quickly kissed me on the cheek. My hand was not idle, especially when I found that the waistband was somehow wide, well no wonder – the button was open and the zipper was also open and the zipper.

And with her way of sitting I was able to pass from behind from behind, my whole hand now had access to her wet cunt and a finger quickly slid up and down between the labia in the wet environment. Her breath now went to the point and she put both arms around my neck, looked at me from a glassy eyes and when I felt how close she was an orgasm I kissed her long and intense.

Her cunt spit out moisture and she winced. My hand got wet and 2 fingers slid into the inside of her pleasure grotto, which almost caused it collapse. Yes, I had brought her to orgasm, and that at our 2 meeting – in public and without peeling them out of the clothes. Slowly I pulled my hand back, wiped it dry on the slip before I pulled her out of my pants and she apologized again on the toilet.

This time it took a little longer and I had already paid when she came back. “Well my little connoisseur, everything drained again?“I asked her when she arrived at the table. She blushed on the spot and looked at me questioningly, whereupon I said that she would soon have to get rid of it so as not to late herself and to generate stress with son and daughter -in -law. Again she looked at me and then on the clock and agreed with me. She had now closed her pants and when I handed her her jacket to her so that she could go into it, I said with a wink “We can get out here at the back, then we are directly in the parking lot, the waiter said the door would be open …”her still her bag, I her arm and then we went through the back door.

Arriving on the cars we were now standing between the vehicles to say goodbye, in privacy screen through their SUV and I took them back in their arms and kissed them – actually as a farewell when I suddenly felt their hand on my pants and between my thighs. She felt along my cock and when I looked at her she asked “May I ???“And I nodded her to her. She quickly opened my pants as quickly as quickly her hand in my pants.

Her fingers reached around my hard -growing cock and she looked at me. “Wow, he’s big and hard …” I couldn’t say whether she just said or said it, but I just answered, “Well, he likes to be spoiled and if there is someone who is that of himTo see, then he shows it too … ”She laughed and brought him to the fresh air and began to jerk him. Your small hand enclosed the shaft and slid up and down it.

That was an absolutely cool feeling, which only increased the desire for more. So I let my hands slide along her, one at the front and the front opened the pants – both the button and the zipper before it slid in it. Short pubic hair received before I penetrated to the labia and they could split them. A finger slid between the labia and into her wet cunt while I kneaded her with my other hand.

Her jeans moved down and the butt was open in the air, as well as her cunt. I pushed her against the car and my cock penetrated between her legs when she let him go there positioned there. I now held her on the buttocks with both hands and my tail slid in and out between her damp thighs. She looked into my eyes and said “I want you … “I quickly pulled my cock back, turned it towards the bonnet so that she was in parallel to the side and fasted her on the butt, positioning myself behind her.

Your buttocks apart I pushed my cock from behind between the Oberschenke. My glans split her cunt and the labia opened up as me. For the first time I drove my cock into her cunt – into her wet pleasure grotto, which closed and closely closed around my tail. A few times I pushed my cock into her and pulled it out again when it began to twitch in her and I pulled myself out of her entirely.

She crouched and her cunt splashed while my cock was in front of her face. While she was groaning and it came again, I pressed my cock against her mouth and into it. The moaning of her orgasm was steamed and I felt her tongue on my glans, which was just licked clean. Then I pulled my cock out of her mouth and up to remind her of being waiting for her.

With a sad view of my cock, she grabbed a paper handkerchief and drained her twitching cunt dry. Then she pulled panties and jeans up and closed them again. I pushed her to the driver’s door and said, “It was a foretaste of it when we really get started, but then without the bra, your firm handy breast does not need it …” I reached under the shirt again and on the breastshard nipple.

Then I kissed her and sent her away so that she would not be too late and promised to report me. Since I had neither your mobile phone number nor email address, this was only possible via the chat. But somehow it was crazy, you had known yourself from the letter for a few weeks, met 2. Times real and she already had my cock in her pleasure grotto. Either she was naturally or. Nymphomaniac or totally starved and neglected.

But I would still explore that … For the moment it was only clear, she would come back and want more and as she had shown it without much show and around it. So I headed to drive towards home and enjoy a quiet night. A fish on the hook – or so wet and horny it is after the last meeting and the wet development towards the end, we had not been able to meet for almost two weeks now, since either it was prevented due to family events or I stayed away for several days.

We had stayed in contact with the chat, but that was different from a real contact. So I then wrote to the chat that I would be back in the country and wanted to meet friends with friends in the evening to relax again. Sigrid only asked briefly whether she could be there or whether it would be a closed round. I said I would be happy if she were there, but would like to meet her beforehand and then go to the disco with her.

So we met in advance In a parking space On the way to the disco. She carried an orange shirt and a black stretch leggings an equally black jacket and a black handbag rounded off the picture. It was warm and I had a polo shirt and my suit pants when we met. I always had a jacket in the car for an emergency. She was delayed a bit because she was so recharged again as she said, but that didn’t matter because we still had time.

I received them with open arms in the parking lot, which was lined with trees and bushes on the highway and was used as a park & ride space. Accordingly, there was hardly anything going on at this time, since most of them were already on the way home. She parked next to my car, so that her monster shielded us from the entrance against views and got out. She literally jumped into my arms and kissed me like crazy, “I missed you so” it came out of her mouth when I pushed her away from me and just said “hello”.

She was like crazy and so I grabbed her, pressed her firmly to me, kissed her and took her on her ass to make a hand under the waistband of the jeans disappear and to devote himself to the bare skin of the POS. She groaned when I kneaded her cheeks and then slipped up with one hand and get her breasts out of the packaging. “We leave the bra here, that doesn’t need your sexy breasts,” I told her and opened the closure on the back.

She hesitated, opposed it and say something about it, but I had already pulled her shirt up and she was only there in the open bra, which I then took away from her and overturned the shirt again. I put the bra on the back seat of her car and then closed the door. She snap off the summer jacket so that not everyone could perceive the first time she was looking at how her hard nipples emerged under the shirt.

But she didn’t say a word and let it happen that way. Then she got into my car and we continued to go to the discotheque. Once there, we went in, but did not find any of my buddies … we were too early, actually we got a drink and then enjoying the dance floor of the music. She was lying in my arms, either with her back to me or with her face, whereby we mostly kiss.

After a while I received a message via SMS that the meeting would fall flat today due to lack of participation, which I only answered that you could have sent it a little earlier because I was already on site …And when Sigrid noticed this, she snuggled up to me and one of her hands was suddenly in my pants on my cock. My mood changed very quickly. I enjoyed the music again, put her over my pants on her buttocks and in my pants to the bare buttocks, kissed her and then turned her back to me the next moment.

Since she was now leaning forward against parapet, so it was shielded from the front against sight, and nobody else was watching us, I let my right hand disappear under her shirt and reached her breasts. Her nipples quickly got hard and stretched out. I massaged her slowly and with pleasure … she continued to move to the music and tried not to show anything. Then slowly my hand slipped from the hard nipples back down on the belly button where they mean 2.

Hand hit with which I held her against me. She enjoyed it as well as I did, at least it seemed when you looked at her facial features that I could see in a glass pane on the side. Then I let my right hand slide from her navel from deeper so that my fingers disappeared under the waistband and dived in their panties. I didn’t feel a single hair there. She had removed my wish completely according to the sparse hair growth down there, I would know it in more detail.

Prevent me from her and kissing her neck, I now pushed my hand into her pants between her legs. No hair was felt, but it was a swollen pussy, the labia of which sounded. She was awesome, that was clear. The waistband was tight and so I was able to move my arm badly, which is why I now opened the buttons of the hood with my left hand and pushed the short zipper down.

She kept briefly in her flowing movements, looked around and when she saw no person in sight with us and also noticed how well she was shielded for strange looks, she took up her rhythmic movements to music. My arm now had more freedom of movement and my hand fully comprised her labia. I kept her pressed together and she moved what a rubbing movement of the labia created on the clit. Her cunt reacted and wetness quoll between the labia, which I then felt in the palm of your hand.

With light massage movements I rubbed their labia against each other by directed my fingers against the palm of your hand and rubbed the lips in between. It quickly became moist and I stopped the stimulation, released the labia of my handle and only put the flat hand against her cunt. I straightened up a bit, which made me noticeably increased the pressure from below through my hand against her cunt and reacted by putting on the tips of the toe.

Her cunt was firmly on my hand and I continued to press. I pressed them against myself and upwards, so that they finally sat practically on my hand when the toes no longer touched the ground. Her wet cunt was held by her own weight and opened under pressure. The labia gave up and slid sideways, increasing the contact surface, but also opened the inside to my hand at the same time.

I had been waiting for that and hoped. Hold it so ‘in’ my hand and spread her labia, my middle finger found the wet entrance to her pleasure grotto and buried in this. Now she was sitting on my hand with a stopper in her juicing pleasure grotto, which was pressing against her G-spot with its tip. And so she now leaned back to me with relish and forgas the surroundings. When she heard a soft moan and my hand was dipped in a small gush of her juice, I put her back on her own feet and slowly pulled my hand back out of her pants.

I closed her zipper and the button on the waistband and then put my hands on her stomach. She looked over her shoulder with glassy eyes. And turned to the side to kiss me. In doing so, she pushed her left hand along my polo shirt down and massaged my cock through her pants. Whereupon I reached under her shirt again and dealt with her nipples, who reacted immediately and how small steel bolts stand by the courtyards.

J it was horny and her body needed it to penetrate this lust through a valve. “Let’s go to the air, otherwise we have a puddle here,” I said to her, pulled my hand off her nipples and out under the shirt. She looked at me, but let herself be in the crowd and then conducted towards the exit to the parking lot. On the way through the crowd, many looks and a two hands her upper body and her hard -standing nipples.

I enjoyed seeing how it was also felt as hot by others and she enjoyed the touch. When we arrived at the output, we directed our steps to the point where I had parked in the visual shade of a service house. I pushed her through the hut and the car to the fender. I kissed her and massaged her nipples with a high shirt. She tried to get my pants with her hands and to get through my cock there.

I pressed her against the fenders and she was finally able to get my cock out of her pants and jerk it off when the zip is open so that he continued and continued and growed up. Apparently she put it to me to get me out, which I didn’t want yet. So I lifted her slightly and put her in position on the fender, opened her pants and with a quick jerk I had pulled up pants and panties to my knees and she was sitting on the feces with her bare buttocks.

A surprised “UII” came out of her mouth when I left her back on the car – i.e. pressed over the bonnet. Lifting her legs in the air, she now presented her bare wet cunt and the bare butt. Since she had already put my cock so nicely in shape, I put it on her lust grotto and hold it on my hips. She squeaked briefly when she felt how I opened her and penetrated her.

For too long she had not been properly taken by a cock. As soon as I was in it when she was already injecting and groaning on the bonnet, turning back and forth. But I continued to fuck until she was only dalag and everything ended up with her – a fainting she had withdrawn from the emotional chaos. I pulled my cock out of her, saw her hard clit from the upper cunt column and pinched it together with thumb and index finger.

She screamed briefly and was back with your senses, but also sprayed tremendously at the same moment, so that I stepped aside so as not to be hit by the beam. Then she was back with me and twitched that she had had a after -effective orgasm that was previously unknown to her in this intensity. So she was there and breathed heavily and deeply. I could see her chest rose and lowered, the hard nipples were gone.

So I gave her for a while to relax and come back completely before I gave her a folding on her pubic hill and said to her, “Come on, let’s go in again and drink something and enjoy the music. “I held out my hand to help her on her feet. 2 paper handkerchiefs dried her cunt superficially, the rest had to do it on the toilet inside. So she kept the damp cloths on the cunt when she pulled her pants up and then stood in front of me.

I took her in my arm, kissed her and then heading towards the entrance with her in her arms. Inside we went towards the toilets, which she disappeared into it and I was waiting for her at a standing table opposite her when I was addressed by a couple that seemed familiar to me. Of course, they had previously stood and smooched by us on the side of us, but then had to be made aware of it by a waiter to behave a little more.

She was about Silke’s size, but was a good 18 years younger and he was an asparagus of the same age. They had probably met in the disco and she was horny like ‘neighbor Lumpi’, but couldn’t really be satisfied by him. She kept pushing between him and me and with her tits against my upper body. I looked around briefly and then grasp her neck with one hand, kissing her on the mouth and at the same time hiking under your shirt and hiking up the bra over the tits.

Then I let go of her again and talked to him because he looked at me in a puzzled manner. I just said to her turning to her briefly, “Go to the toilet and pull the thing out, you can then bring it into your car or stow in your handbag, which is generally bothered by everything …” She looked at me in horror, felt theHighly pushed bra and walked quickly and red -red head into the women’s toilet. He stopped with me and just said that he wouldn’t have dared to do that.

I just said that he would always have to look, that his actions would happen to the look -protected and that the reactions would not draw attention to them when Sigrid just came back from the toilet and meandled into my arm. Her nipples were already clearly painted in the shirt and I introduced them to the fact that his ‘girlfriend’ was just in the toilet and that they had observed us earlier, which she would have horned up, but she caught had been and now needed some help … Sigrid looked at me questioningly from the side and I looked briefly into the group to be unobserved.

Then I reached her stomach and pushed her shirt up from there until her breasts were seen and her hard nipples flashed out. The youngster almost fell out his eyes when he saw what I was doing and how the hard nipples looked at him. At that moment his conquest came back from the toilet with an uncertain walk and to us at the table. Her eyes grew up and almost came out of the caves when she saw how I massaged Sigrid’s chest openly and her nipple was wet.

When an appreciative “wow” came out of her mouth, I quickly packed Sigrids you spoke to her. “If you want to experience something like that, then you have to become even more discreet and have to accept it more calmly, otherwise you will be caught permanently and get trouble. “I gave the two to understand Sigrid and to follow and we went back to the discotheque, where I found a look -protected corner with a standing table we were standing.

Leaving the ladies at the table, I went with the youngster drinking drinks. On the way back I told him that I would show him how it would work in his conquest, whereupon he reacted very excitedly and I had to convince him first, just as if everything is completely normal andwould be without any erotic component. When I arrived at the table, I stood between Sigrid and the other woman, Gabi As I got it out, Sigrid whispered in the ear to put my glass in the middle of the table, to put Sigrid closer to the other cunt and to stand behind it myself.

The youngster stood on the right of her and talked over the table with Sigrid, which brought her hard nipples into its own by skilfully placing her upper body under the light spot of the table. So I stood behind Gabi and grabbed her to the right of my glass while I put her left hand with my left hand and massaged it while I drank my non -alcoholic beer. Nobody paid attention to my left hand except Gabi, who stretched out her butt.

Then I put my glass on the table almost in the middle of her and pretended to listen to the entertainment of Sigrid and the youngster. I put my forearm on the table in front of Gabi and pushed it closer to the table from behind. Now all I had to do is move my hand in order to be able to touch her breasts and thus stimulate her nipples. I started playing the rhythm of the music on the table on the table and between my fingertips throughout my fingertips instead of landing on the table after her nipples and twirling them briefly before the fingers drummed back on the table top.

So someone who could never see exactly whether I played on the nipples or drummed on the table top – my fingers were constantly moving. But Gabi’s body reacted quickly to the stimulation and her nipples quickly became hard and steeped out of the courtyards, which was clearly evident in her shirt. Then I just let my arm fall off the table to put it on the plate again the next moment under her arm.

A small change of position, which had now significantly improved my access options. The youngster only looked back and forth between Gabi and Sigrid – apparently he compared the nipples in thought, which were hard and clearly visible in both women. Now I put my hand flat against Gabi’s stomach and rubbed slightly up and down, making her shirt pulled up slightly at the front. It took a few minutes because I didn’t want to draw attention to my actions, but then suddenly my hand was no longer on the shirt, but directly on her bare skin and under the shirt and when I bent my arm, she was tensionedShirt no longer over her nipple on the right side, but lay flat on my back of my hand while I kneaded her bare chest with my fingers underneath.

Everything without someone who was just looking over to us 4 could notice something striking, because Gabi continued to talk to Silke and the youngster. Her breath alone revealed that not everything was as always and that her pulse was clearly accelerated. Silke just smiled knowingly when she looked over at me briefly. Then my hand slid down again and gave Gabi over her belly button, waiting until her pulse had calmed down a bit again.

Then I pressed a little more firmly against my stomach so that at the front of her jeans when she moved in the stomach. I waited a few moments to see if someone would bother us, but even the waiter, who snapped the empty glass of Gabi, didn’t seem to notice anything unusual and went on without words. I now put my left hand on the standing table and Sigrid put her on it. Then my right hand slid into Gabis jeans and found it directly bleed, because the sexy bride did not wear slipping underneath.

So my fingers had penetrated to their labia in no time and shared them so that the middle finger could turn to the clit. Gabi was just standing on what my arm clamped. I put my head next to her and whispered in her ear, “Otherwise we will be noticeable, and you definitely don’t want to – or or you ??“She relaxed immediately and my arm had scope again. Exactly the scope that my hand needed to get deeper into her jeans and my middle finger to penetrate her grotto.

Her breath caught when I fingered her so that I had to stop her again, which was much more difficult for her this time. But this also remained undetected, although more and more people were also nearby. So I played in her cunt and the labia faith for a while until she totally cramped and her cunt narrowed – she came and bit her lips so as not to scream into the crowd.

I pulled my wet hand out of her pants and put her on the standing table in front of her. Only now had the youngster noticed what had left next to him. And he looked at me in astonishment. And was amazed when Sigrid standed next to him the next moment and asked him if she could try his cocktail, but at the same time her left hand under the table and hidden by Gabi and me, played on his pants and in the quick zipperhandle.

She sipped his glass and said that she would rather like something salty, jerked his cock, the tip of which looked out of his pants until it came seconds later. She pressed the tail together and nodded me. I gave her a paper handkerchief so that she could wipe the stain on her face, which she did first, but then put the handkerchief over the tail with the second hand, let it cum and then pushed it back into her pants.

She lifted her hand with sperm inhibitors and showed Gabi and the boys’ sprinkle, who quickly said goodbye to the toilet. There he had probably drained himself there, but Sigrid got another handkerchief and wiped his hand off. There was an appreciative “Wow” from Gabi and then we laughed all three. The disco became empty and Sigrid and I decided to drive home too. Gabi and the youngster accompanied us to the parking lot and on the car there was another ‘kiss round’ to say goodbye, in which I went to Gabi again hard nipples and hugged the car, whereupon Sigrid got my cock out of her pants andSaid, “I want to feel it now in me – let’s get you stallion fuck me …” I pulled her to me and found that she had already opened her pants.

“You horny piece, go around and go down with the fabric” I whispered to her, whereupon she turned her back on her back half and the jeans pushed down to the knees. Gabi got stem eyes when I put my bolt and Sigrid shattered on the bolts and moved up and down. I took the opportunity to take the opportunity, opened Gabis pants and pushed it down so that her cunt was now freely accessible.

I pushed Sigrid forward to the front fender and pressed her over it, kept her with one hand in the neck in a pre -bent position. With the other hand I pulled and pushed Gabi next to her in the same position and then suddenly changed from Sigrid’s cunt to that of Gabi and back. Gabi groaned when I quickly and quickly entered her wet grotto and pulled myself out of her and then dipped into Sigrid’s cunt.

I didn’t last long and I unloaded myself in Sigrid. I shot me deep into her, I shot loading into her into her. Gabi lay on the stomach on the fender, breathed heavily and only watches fascinated. After the last drop ended up in Sigrid, I pulled my bolt back and packed it in a paper handkerchief and wanted to put it in my pants when I saw Gabi in front of me and felt her lips on my cock how to remove the handhuff and my boltsleague.

Sigrid was still flat and lay deeply on his stomach over the fender and didn’t get anything with it. When Gabi was finished, she took the handkerchief, put it in her grotto “so that I didn’t sow in my pants”, she said and then pulled her pants up. Then we exchanged cell phone numbers and mail addresses, because we wanted to refer such a great evening. But this is fabric for another story.

Then she went to her car, who was diagonally opposite in the parking row and we got into my cars to drive home. A horny evening Had found a good thing (l) and she was also happy to get home for the orgasms and good pleasures of the evening to find some sleep. The next day she would have one of her grandchildren with herself and that would certainly cost enough.

When the lust wins – or the defective stove Sigrid and I stayed in touch, we met for a nice walk from time to time, where we smooched, fingered each other, I made them fingering several times before I mostly doggy-Style fucked and she planted my seeds deep into her grotto. After all, it was summer and you could have fun outside in nature, but then according to the weather forecast, a rain week also came and it wasn’t that easy to find a place where you didn’t get ‘wet’.

Then Sigrid came with the question of whether I would be familiar with electric herds, and when I asked, she said that he would have quirks with her daughter -in -law in the apartment and whether I could see afterwards. I told her that I would like to look at it, but couldn’t promise to find the mistake. So we agreed on your son’s apartment for the coming day. When I arrived I saw her car standing in front of the house and parked on the side of the road.

I called her and she said I should come to the front door of the apartment building, which would be open and it would be the first apartment on the first floor, she would expect me at the apartment door. I went into the house with a queasy feeling and up the first stairs. There Sigrid stood in the apartment door and quickly pulled me in and closed the door behind me and then immediately falling around my neck and kissing me.

I looked around because I was sure that she didn’t want her granddaughter to get us kissing us. “Don’t worry, my daughter -in -law is with my granddaughter and is waiting for the parcel service, we are all alone …”, then she went along the hallway into the kitchen. There was one of the fitted kitchen a sparkle -sable stove with Ceran hob on which she showed and said, “The good piece is there, somehow only 2 plates get hot …

“I looked and saw that the stove was not even properly screwed into the closet. So I pulled it out and looked at the cabling that looked good at first glance. What I also saw was that it was a rather expensive device, which was secured again internally with a fuse. I switched on the plates and took the phase tester to look at the cabling.

And lo and behold, with 2 of the 4 connections there was no juice on the line after the fuse. I once exchanged the securing of a functioning plate with one that didn’t do it and lo and behold. – Errid found –sigrid was happy, even if I could not fix this error due to a lack of fuse. I switched off the oven again, pushed it back into the closet and gave Sigrid the two defective fuses to send them to the electrical trade and get a replacement.

When I turned back after her again, she disappeared. I put the defective plugt -offs on the kitchen table and went into the hallway. From there I looked into the living room and saw Sigrid naked in front of the couch when she said “Well, fancy your reward my hero?“I stepped into the living room, looked around and went to her. She fell around my neck and my hand immediately reached between her legs.

She was wet as if it had been at least once and there were some towels on the couch, of which at least one had already damp traces. My fingers quickly accessed their wet grotto. She groaned when I grabbed her tighter and with 2 fingers in her, she gave her to me and raised her. Her body was already prepared by her because she had already played with herself in advance. When I played in her with my fingers, she almost came on the position.

Her juices dripped on the floor over my hand and she flinched with lust. Then I slowly put it off the couch, pushed her up a towel as it was under the butt so that no wet spots would remain on the couch. Her hands went towards my pants and quickly I was undressed. My swelling latte sucked her into her hungry throat and diligently licked my glans until I filled her mouth completely.

I once pressed him once against the rear throat wall, which was absolutely restricted by her breathing before I withdrew him, broke out in position at her lower end, lifted her legs into the air and let my hard cock slide up and slide up on her cunt. She sprayed up and down for the third time after I was down. , Her juice seeped away in the towel and I pressed my glans between the labia and the cunt grotto.

A deep moan came out of her mouth and she slipped back and forth so that I had to press her butt on the towel when my bolt penetrated her. Then I started penetrating her with pumping movements and she turned under me. Her groan no longer broke out as I keep going and slipped out of her. Then she cramped and her eyes seemed to jump out of her caves when she had the conspirator.

I continued to fuck and her cunt sucked myself up until it came to me and my juice was pressed deep into her … Waited until my bolt had shrunk so that he left it out of her, I stayed on her. Then I lay down next to her and she snuggled up on my chest and in my arm. I grabbed her chest and massaged it with my hand so that her nipple got hard again and she came to orgasm again through this massage.

She was just a piece of horny fuck meat at that moment that came back with every stimulation. So we were lying side by side for a while until I asked her when she was expecting her daughter -in -law and her son back in the apartment and she said that her son would be in Bonn until late and her daughter -in -law would be waiting at home to get back to her afterwardsTo be brought home … So there was no haste or haste and we could still enjoy the pleasure and went up and went towards the hallway- to the toilet as she said to reduce the inner pressure …- And I look at yoursnaked body, her little butt and the slim legs as they dashed.

On the way back, she hit the way into the kitchen again and stopped in front of the stove. There she stood and looked down on the stove shaking head. “And for that the shitty technician sat here for 2 hours and then said that he couldn’t do anything … “I heard her say when I got up and went over to her. She stood in front of the stove with slightly spread legs and held a defective backup in her hands.

“And where do I get them, or. Show me again where it has to get there when I get some, “she said when she saw me in the kitchen door. I stepped behind her, grabbed her and said that “you just go to the electrical retail, which also repairs, show the fuse and say that you need 4 new ones. Why just don’t say, just claim that your age has sent you to get you, then you will find the fewest questions.

– If you have the fuses, you first take out the fuses for the oven, where they are you just showed me. Then you pull here (open the oven flap with the other hand and pull the stove out of the closet) a little until you can see the slots here. (I pointed to the safety holders) and then put one in there. Then you can push the oven back in and screw it with the 2 screws on the right and left …

Then back in and it runs back. “” I can do that, “she replied and leaned back onto the stove plate, which pressed her butt against my lower body and my cock began to grow again. Exactly in the direction of how he would find his favorite position … in a wet pleasure grotto … “He wants again,” she said when she felt how I grow up between her legs. “Don’t say that you don’t already – or should I still say,” I answer and reached around her hip and from the front between her legs and in her wet grotto.

She groaned when I picked up the clitoris with thumb and index finger and put it together and her pleasure grotto undressed in a juice gate that poured on the floor between her legs and hit my cock on the glans. This continued to straighten up and then stood like one up, had already grown into her and had spread her labia wide. She breathed heavily when I spread to her and at the same time worked her clit with her fingers.

Then I straightened up and held it on his stomach with her hand, since it was now raised on my cock and the feet lost contact with the floor. A moan went through her body and her hands reached back over her head to find my neck on my neck. She was on my bolt and her body, which she was stretched by trying to get, reacted spontaneously.

Another orgasm pulled its lower body and I could feel the inner twitches on the abdominal blanket as well as around my bolt, around which her pleasure grotto now clung to a stake. So you spelled her on my bolt, I turned around to the kitchen table and had it supported there to a stopping manner. Then I seized her hips and kept them without having touched the ground again, in position to plow their pleasure grotto with my hard cock.

She groaned and walled in my handle and soon her arms let her upper body sink over the front so that she came to lie on the table top with her head. I continued to fuck and now she got more than just wet in her cunt, a real waterfall seemed to pour in it when she only gave sounds adapted to the breathing and how every push made the whole body tremble with a doll.

I fucked and faster and faster. My bolt ran in and out again and again, and when I retreated too quickly and firmly, the glans also got to see air and light in between. And then it happened, just as I was completely out of her again, she sprayed and twitched with the abdomen so that I had to keep her in position, but still slipped and my intersected hard bolt not the cunt, but her absolutelyRelaxed asshole met.

I drove him into it before I was aware of where he was now. She screamed briefly, more with a surprise than with pain, and then we both felt simultaneous. She splashed and pumped her juice out of the grotto onto the floor and I pumped her thrust by thrust into the intestine. So I held her until my shrinking cock was spit out by her intestine and she sagged again on the feet, but she did not wore and only because I was still not going to the ground and landed in her own juice.

I put her over the table and said, “I’m going fresh to make myself fresh …” Because I didn’t want to let her shit on my bolt. She turned her head to the side and just said, “Take one from the blue towels, I take them with me afterwards anyway …” Then I went slowly into the bathMy circulation announced. Under the shower I washed myself clean, washed her feces and the remains of her juice with soap and water from me before I dried myself and then went back to the living room to drink something and wait for Sigrid, who also underneath meThe shower made down the stomach around her body down.

Shortly afterwards we got dressed, kissed to say goodbye and I left the apartment and house in front of her and drove home. She also made sure that her puddles could no longer be seen and still cleared the towels before she drove home, where the daughter -in -law was still waiting for the parcel service, which was finally arriving with his delivery shortly after it arrived… So an enjoyable late afternoon ended, which she had to think about again and again when she was with her son in the kitchen and looked at the stove ….The stove that she brought back to the course with new fuses next day and got a respect for it from her son.

– If he had known how she had come to the knowledge and what else had come ….Walking on the lake The hiking trails close to the Sea, otherwise we often met at the lake and made a round along the bank. Here we watched nature and what happened before we fell over each other somewhere over each other and kissing it. Most of the time I went to her ass and knead the buttocks before I fingered her fingers to her already damp cunt.

Then she stood there, the pants down to her knees;My hand in her cunt and juice dripping from my hand, because shortly after I started fingers she mostly came the first time extremely explosive. Then there was mostly her breast and her nipple, which I nibbled on with my lips and then sucked out deep in my mouth to edit the nipple with my tongue. She mostly looked through the area anxiously;Fear of being seen by someone who would recognize them.

This only changed when she could be sure not to be seen from the ‘normal way’. But then she went off like the wild Luzie. Her cunt got wet like a sponge and my massage in her lust grotto kept getting this sponge injecting and her nipples then disappeared into the farms to stand out in the farms a second later. This then went to some stations around the lake until she could no longer endure it and her hand approached my pants to get my cock in the air there.

He was already waiting for it and jumped towards her joyfully when she opened the zipper and pushed the panties down. Her little hand comprised the tail and jerked it, even though he was already jumping hard into her hand … a pure habit from the time last, when she still had sex with her old one, but whose desire for her was no longer so big and thereforeHis cock only came to a standstill.

Then it arrived where we were, in some places, tree trunks leaned towards the lake in such a way that they could be leaned backwards and then my bolts were right at the right height with both legs next to the trunk toTo penetrate from the front, in other places, on the other hand, I turned her back to me, opened her legs and then raised her to get into her pleasure grotto from behind.

But I had always brought her to at least 4 – 5 orgasms in advance and her cunt was flooded. So there was enough of her juice that lubricated the cunt. When it was time to feel my bolt, she was transformed into a piece of fuck meat that now took everything she felt. She pumped herself against the bolt so that I could get into her as deep as possible and she could feel me hard and horny in her.

I fucked her regardless, rammed the bolt deep into her grotto again and again until I felt how it came to me or how it began to bubble in my eggs before I planted my loads boost deeply into her. Then I always kept her in the position so that I cum in her as deep as possible. She always enjoyed this moment, how I could see her smile on my face when I filled her from the front.

She always closed her eyes and her breath also went faster and faster until I stopped the pumping movements with the shooting. To do this, her cunt mostly took over the pump, but this time as a sucking pump movement around my cock to pull it even even deeper. But it was always a game of chance whether her jeans were shaped by all the juices or whether it injected past it. But since it was warm and sunny, I simply asked her to appear either in a skirt and shirt or in the dress at the next meeting.

This demand probably brought her a little embarrassed, because as she saw it, she only had “vacation clothes” in which she rarely walked around here. So she now had to wear it in normal daily life so that it would not be noticed if she came to the meeting in it. It was strange when she said that she came home from work, then threw herself in dress or rock and then went around for the rest of the day – contrary to her habits so far.

Even her husband noticed this and when he asked, she only said that it was too warm in the jeans if she was going through the sun to do everything, and when asked if he would not like itWhat in the beard and with it the thing was off the table. When she first appeared in the dress for the first time and we were turning our round at the lake, I grabbed her under the skirt and the butt, what she kept looking around whether we were alone on the way.

At the same time, this ‘excitement’ made her cunt ready without touch so damp and well -supplied that it was all the faster afterwards to make it cumshot. At the lake I was then against the trunk of a rather old tree, the trunk of which was already nice and thick and she was completely hidden from behind, kissed her and grabbed her on the breasts that she packed in a bandeau bikinialso wearless dress wore.

I pushed and pulled down the top of the dress with the bikini part and quickly exposed her handy breast and fully accessed. I alternately sucked on her breasts and kissed her again and again, while my hands lift the skirt of the dress and grabbed her legs on the side of her legs. Her cunt dripped and the slip was already totally wet when I pushed it down to my feet and then stepped out of the slip with one foot.

Now I lifted this leg and had free access to her cunt. Already the first procedure of 2 fingers created a juice beam that is directed against my hand and produced a puddle on her panties lying on the floor. Even slight movements of my fingers in her pleasure grotto made your body’s twitches and groan from her mouth. The situation turned them on as well as their lust. If someone had driven along the lake shore with a boat, he could have looked deep into her pleasure grotto.

She would not have noticed this at that moment because she was on orgasm cloud 14 and let herself drive. As soon as I just winced on a labia, as soon as I was just winced into her with the fingertip along a labia. She was no longer Sigrid the woman who took care of everyone, but a pleasure object that was only there for pleasure and everything else was noticeable around him.

Yes, she was reduced to the places of her body at that moment, which was called primary and secondary genital organs. So they ‘played’ for a while until I felt that their necessary breaks between the orgasms to get back to breath, became longer and the amount of juice was also significantly lower. Then I got my steel -hard bolt out of my pants and since I still kept her leg up, I was able to penetrate into her grotto without any problems from the side.

My bolt was wet and warm and she groaned when I pressed in her. After a few fucking shocks, which I put deep in her body, I felt how it started to bubble in my eggs. I held on to the trunk of the tree, pressed myself against it and into it and while I kissed it, my cargo unlocked into it. So we stopped until my bolts were reduced and slipped out of it in shrinking form.

I let her leg down again so that she could stand on both again, but her juice now also ran down on both inner legs. A paper handkerchief for wiping and another as a plug for in her grotto stopped the river. She picked up the wet panties from the ground and grabbed it in another handkerchief and then in a side bag on the dress. After we both got a breath of breath, she brought herself back to a normal state before we completed our walk to the cars.

On the way back there was always a hand from her on the side of her dress to prevent a flying up through the wind, which would have brought her bare butt or her bare cunt to light. When I arrived at the parking lot, I kissed her again, hugged her firmly and told her that from now on she always had to appear in skirt or dress if possible. “Let’s look,” she said when she was back in her SUV to drive home.

I got into my car and also drove away. ## sex on the branch and an angler in a tensioner – happy days later, in bright sunshine and brooding hot temperatures we met again at the lake to go for a walk. She came in a multi -layer skirt made of thin fabric, which was very similar to tulle, but was a little softer in the feeling. At the top she wore a polo shirt and clearly see below a bra that lay tight around the upper body.

So a clear difficulty to get to your breasts and nipples. So I hugged her at the parking lot, kissed her and opened the closure of the bra. When she looked at me questioningly, I said, “We let it right here in the car, otherwise I almost can’t get your nipples” when she turned away to go for her wrist and pulled her back next to the car.

Then I pushed the polo shirt up with the bra without warning so that her arms slipped out of the loops and sleeves and I held the bra in my hand immediately. She looked at me shocked. “When I say that it stays here, then it stays here – and if you want it again, then you give me your panties or I get it just like the bra …” She looked at me with a wide mouth, but did not move around the slip.

So I reached towards her skirt, which she took a little step back, crouched and pulled out the string and held me down. Since she had not yet completed her car, I put both in the passenger seat and then the brochures from the footwell. She looked back and forth between the car and me, but did not say a word. Then I took her in my arms, wrapped my arm around her and went with her on the walk to the lake.

There was no emotion or resistance. Again I had won by presenting them with completed facts and then knitting. On the trail of the trampfand along the bank, I picked up the skirt at the back and put her on her butt and then walking the way with her to a trunk group – her naked butt was looking open all the way opened all the way opened and uncovered. When I got to the tree group, I pushed it between the trees, put it on a side branch that led to the side, which made her sit so that her cunt was at the level of my tail.

I stood in front of her and between her legs so that they were spread wide and her cunt felt the afternoon air. She shivered when I also pulled her up her polo shirt in front and lifted over her head, so it only held on the arms and behind. She was now sitting in front of me and presented her breasts freely and without any shell in sunny nature. The spread legs brought the skirt up so far that it would only have been called a wide belt.

A sight to get horny and cums offered me. And when I kissed her and my right hand explored her cunt, I found hard -swollen labia in a juice bathroom and a clit that cheekily stretched in the air at the top between the labia. The touch there made her twitch and moan, which was luckily steamed by my kiss. But her still closed cunt was already dripping onto the branch on which she was sitting and from there it dripped onto the floor under the branch.

I opened her labia with my fingers and stroked between them up and down, always on the clit and briefly twisted between the thumb and index finger. She breathed in bumps when I kept this treatment for a few minutes before I suddenly felt an extreme moisture spell on my hand, which poured on the floor. Your first departure in this position on this day!I continued and my fingers slid and also into her cunt, diving into the wet grotto access.

In doing so, she got problems with the balance on the branch and supported me. Her nipples played “Hide and Return” when they disappeared into the warts and appeared out of it again. She came faster and faster as soon as I only changed the position where I stimulated it and when I sucked on a nipple with my mouth and captured with my teeth, sprayed and groaned. The puddle among her was already clearly visible, although the dry floor took up its juices well.

She came several times and was just fucking meat in front of the Lord, which now only wanted one more – whispered with my bolt and then filled with my sperm. So I opened my pants, got the bolt out, which immediately straightened up hard. I took a rubber boat at an angle behind me, but ignored it and pushed my bolt into the lust grotto. Her loud groan revealed exactly what was going on and I could see how the guy looked closely in the boat, changed the position of his boat to see better and then got his cock out of his pants and began to jerk off.

Should he, as long as he stayed in the boat and I was in Sigrid, I didn’t care. , Because I didn’t know him. I pumped into her cunt for some time and she juicous on the floor and moaned quietly until I sprayed deep inside her. Hunted my cream and shrinking my cock, pulling it out and taking a step back. She had already held on to the side of another trunk and waited with your eyes closed, swept quietly to herself that her last orgasm also died away and her body calmed down.

The tensioner in the boat could now clearly see her body and also see exactly how my cream dripped from the cunt in connection with her juice onto the floor. He had already injected his sperm on the water of the lake and now stowed his cock back in his pants. Then he pulled his boat back to the dew behind the reeds from which he had appeared earlier … everything without giving a sound.

When Sigrid opened his eyes again and blinked into the sun were only a few waves on the water that he had created. So she didn’t know that she had been observed during sex and that her dripping cunt and her horny nipples had made a guy spray. Slowly she came back to her and I helped her from the branch so that she didn’t have to step into the puddle of sperm and cunt juice to get back on the floor.

She leaned against another trunk that stood a little further towards the lake and breathed deeply. Her polo shirt was still pulled over her head and the skirt was still more of a belt than it was there. I handed her a paper pawn so that she could dry up and when she held it in her hands and her cunt advanced to dry her, the rubber boat came out behind the reed.

The wanker from earlier looked closely and now looked out of approx. 3 meters away directly on Sigrid. Looked at her dripping cunt, which she had put straight in position to look at when she wanted to dry her. Her hard nipples and red breasts were just as freedom of view. She stalled and stopped like a salt column until I stood in front of her, hid her with my body and said to the guy in the rubber boat, “Well enough, then you can turn your fishing again.

“He was so perplexed that he immediately disappeared behind the reed;Sigrid dried himself up and directed the shirt and then disappeared in the opposite direction on the path behind the bushes. When I followed her and caught her in and hugged her arm to kiss her, she trembled all over the body. “When he recognized me my marriage goes down the stream and I’m in my ass,” she said when I pressed her to me to calm her down that the guy would only have stared on her dripping cunt and her tits.

She pressed herself tightly and I held her until I felt her trembling slow. Then I heard her say softly, “Thank you for reacting so quickly and turning the guy into a pig, I will never forget you. “Who she knew that he had already watched and hosed when I fucked her would certainly not have been so ‘amused’, but I kept that for myself. But so we slowly went back to the cars after she had put her clothes back to.

BH and panties were still missing, since they were in their car in the passenger seat and were waiting for the return. Arm in arm we went back and arrived at the cars I looked around if we were undisturbed before she quickly pulled out her polo shirt and the bra put on before the shirt came back about it. When she wanted to put on the slip, another car turned into the parking lot and held a few meters away.

The inmates stayed sitting and you could see that the passenger was just talking about what it said to us that it could still take a while. However, since Sigrid had hardly any more time, she got in without pulling the slip, got a kiss from me and then drove off. Later she told me that she only put the slip back in the toilet at home. And only because they had a visit at home, 3 colleagues from their husband who had come with him and sat in the living room and drank a beer together.

And under no circumstances did she want to have a wet stain in her pants, in exactly the place that others wouldn’t do that much. Also, she didn’t want to give her ‘old’ no reason to open or blaspheme … she sat down with the 4 and listened to her conversation for a while until she started to get bored. At the same time, her cunt still itched and she felt my sperm still looking for his way in her.

So she got up and went to the toilet to ‘lie down’ again and play on her itchy cunt, which just blew some hot fantasies in her brain … So she went horny into the room, pulled her slip downAnd removed the paper handkerchief from the cunt and then turn around with a skirt pulled up and put it on the toilet. When leaving the living room, she hadn’t taken care of where the one colleague had just gone in front of her because he had an empty beer bottle in his hand and her colleagues normally served himself on the fridge, and so she only wanted his flatto exchange.

In her lust she had not closed the door to the toilet, but only pulled it up and since the lock did not keep it clean, it had now jumped up a wide gap. Outside in the hallway, her husband’s colleague stood and looked interested in what she was doing. He had already put the beer on the corridor and brought his cock out of his pants to jerk him and watch her. When Sigrid noticed her ‘observer’ she didn’t know what to do / say, she was only red when she now presented herself naked from front and looked at his half -tire tail, whose hardness increased more intensely when he was observed more intensely.

However, her observer, who was the only one was not married, kept his cock on when he saw her bare lower body and perceived her cunt with her fingers spread out. He became braver, pushed the toilet door completely, entered and closed it again. This time with a properly snap -in lock. So he stood there in front of Sigrid with his crossbar in his left hand and a hard glans out of the fist. Sigrid was speechless, she had never experienced so much audacity.

The colleagues and their husband were less than 5 meters away in the living room. But on the other hand, her cunt itched from the horny orgasms that I had given her that she absolutely needed a relief. So she ignored her tail and began to play on the cunt, which quickly made her injection and let her juices drain into the toilet. Her husband’s work colleague continued and when she was leaning back on the toilet with her legs wide open and cunt, the man knelt in front of her between her legs and his cock was now exactly at Mösenhöhe.

Before she could do anything, he had grabbed her on his hips, held her position and pushed his glans into her dripping, wet cunt. She came again immediately and with this juice charge he slid into her as a lubricant. They looked at each other and he whispered to her “I have dreamed of it 3 years ago since the company summer festival” Sigrid was flabby and couldn’t say anything, she was too shocked on one side and too horny by the feelings that the tail in herfucked cunt.

So she just kept silent when the cock slipped back and forth and then she felt how she felt the hot juice flowing out of the hitting tail. It only took seconds but it was an experience for her that it had never happened, but which she was extremely instructed, especially because she has the statement that he had been particularly shaking this for 3 years, these colleagues were regularly visiting,They had already seen lying in the sun in the bikini but never had shown their counterpart’s ‘any reaction’.

Her cunt shrugged – yes, when she was going through it, she came to the next orgasm with which she pressed out the shrinking tail and also pushed part of his sparrow load, which then dripped into the toilet. He took toilet paper from the roll, dried his cock and got up. Then he went out of the toilet after making his cock disappear in his pants. In the hallway he grabbed his beer from the chest of drawers and went to the others in the living room.

She didn’t notice anything, because football ran on TV and so they were all distracted. Sigrid stayed in the toilet for a while until her cunt had calmed down and she had ‘dry’ again. Then she put on the panties, directed the skirt and washed off before she left the toilet. At the living room door she collided with her ‘old’, who was also about to get a new beer – she said she was tired and would go to sleep in the guest room before going up the stairs and laying asleep …

A few days later … On the other day after this evening we met again at the lake, but this time on the other side of the lake shore, as there were some places where you could also make yourself comfortable with a picnic blanket on the shore and stillThe late investigator got off. From the parking lot around the corner where we met to the hidden areas on the bank it was only 5 minutes on foot. I was there in front of her and had stood the vicinity of the exit to sea with the car.

When she arrived from the car, getting out of the car in her blue jeans skirt and T-shirt, you could see that something was rumbling in her and she was restless. So she stood between our both cars when I also got out and put in front of her. She smiled at me. And I looked down at her. Her bra, which emerged through the T-shirt, was clearly recognizable. “Well, you can leave it in the car,” I said to her before I greeted her.

She looked at me puzzled – she didn’t know such a greeting from me. Then I pulled her into my arms and to myself, which seemed to calm her down. But the next moment when she put her head against my shoulder, she was shocked and woken up again when my hands reached after the bra was closed and opened through the shirt through the shirt. Then I reached for the shirt hem and lifted it all the more to remove her bra underneath.

She did not move and did not struggle either, but read everything done. So shortly afterwards the bra came to lie on the driver’s seat and my right hand drove between her legs to feel whether she was wearing a slip. I found her bare labia directly under the jeans skirt and saw in her handbag a white string at the top of the zipper flash. Then I took her back in my arms and kissed her as a greeting.

From the back seat of her car we took the folded picnic blanket, closed off the cars and went towards the lake shore. …. Like to continue if you like.

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