The sex teacher | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A few months ago I was moved from the big city to a small village in the mountains because of my job (mechanic). It shouldn’t be forever, only a year in total. I therefore lived as a tenant in a pension. This time brought me a lot of money, but it was sexually downhill: the next big city was two hours away from the car, in good weather – with bad things, it is best not to get on your way across the steep streets.

Internet was only possible via satellite and not always because the mountains often bothered the reception. In fact, in the past nine months I had only opened myself into the nearest city to let the sow out again and then had the opportunity to fuck again. In the four months since then I only had sex with myself porn look.

I didn’t expect to find other male lovers in the 300-soul village. Of course there were some, but they probably had wife and children and introduced themselves to sex with their wife with the “Schwabinger-Toni” or otherwise in bed.

But in the third month I had an interesting experience. When I came home one evening I saw painted, the young son man of the strictly Catholic family who belonged to the guesthouse through a window. What did I see in the dim light there? Malte smooched with another boy, as I later learned was Peter the Son of the mayor. I stopped for a few seconds and looked at the “young love” and smiled into me.

I found the scene sexually not stimulating, rather cute. I don’t like such young guys, but on adult men. Suddenly the view of Malte fell to the window. I didn’t know if he had recognized me, it was dark outside, but he made big eyes off his friend and extinguished the light.

I frowned my forehead, ohje I had a horror to the two.

I assumed that nobody was able to find out about her love affair. I went to my room and went to bed. After jerk off I didn’t feel like it, I thought, a little wistful, to my ex-boyfriend. The next morning it knocked on my door when I opened it looked me uncertainly.

“Hello,” he said. He looked nicely, slim, dark short hair, wide shoulders and a narrow hip.

“Hello,” I replied. “What is there?”

“May I come inside?”

“Of course,” I said and released the door. Malte closed the door from the inside.

He seemed undecided for a moment, then he said: “Because of last night …”

“Oha,” I thought. “So he had recognized me!”

“Yes?”, I said.

“What you saw. Me and peter. You can not tell anyone.

It would be the devil with our parents and throughout the village.”

“You don’t have to worry,” I said with a smile. “I didn’t even think about telling someone. I am gay myself.”

“Oh …” said Malte. “That’s good.“He seemed to want to say anything else and looked at me undecided.

“Anything else?”, I asked.

“I have to go to work now.”

“Uh ne. Understood. Thank you, ”said Malte and opened the door.

As I said, all of this happened three months after my arrival in the village. In the following weeks, Malte spoke and I no longer.

In fact, we spoke very little together. But he, and Peter, always greeted me friendly. Then Malte stood in front of my door one evening and asked if he could come in. Clearly he was allowed to.

I offered him something to drink (juice or water) but he decided on an orange juice. Then we sat two in the living room. I on the couch, he on the right of me in an armchair.

“So paint! What is there? Still afraid that I could tell you?”

“No no!“Malte vehemently defended. “I have a question.

Since they are also… gay.”

“What kind of question that may be?“, I said with a smile. “Just too, I’m excited.”

Malte slid back and forth restlessly on his armchair. “So Peter and me.

We have known each other for a few months. So of course actually our lives, but we … have only love each other for eight months.”

“It’s nice for you,” I said, excited to see what the matter was going out.

“At first we only smooched, then soon mutually … satisfied ourselves.”

“Wanked,” I added.

“Even satisfied, it is probably not the right expression if you are fiddling with each other your cocks.”

“Yes,” said Malte and grinned, then his expression became serious again. “We would like to do more. Peter has mine .. tail ..

put in the mouth briefly. But I didn’t want that. Because … hm … “


“Well I once spoke to the pastor ..

And mentions that with the mouth, of course I pretended that it was about a girl. He said that should never be done. It would be against God’s commandment … “

“What kind of nonsense,” I said angered. “If you feel like it, just do it!”

“The pastor said one gets pneumonia and may die.”

“You don’t learn anything in school?“I asked almost amused now.

“So when blowing you can actually get an illness when the partner is sick. But you can also put on that when shaking hands and hand. In any case, you will definitely not get pneumonia.”

“Peter also said the pastor talks nonsense. But I didn’t know if I should have asked otherwise unless you.”

“You only do it together, or with others?”, I asked.

“Only we!“Said Malte a little indignant.

“We both had never done anything sexual before, well except to put on hand!”

“Well then: make you fun both!”, I said.

Malte looked at me relieved, he looked very cute. “Thanks!”

“Where is Peter actually?”, I asked.

“He didn’t dare to come here. He is waiting in my room.”

“Well then go to him and you try it out,” I said grinning. Painted himself again on the door.

When I was lying in bed in the evening I had to think of the two boys. Whether they blown their tails each other? Both were cute yes. Peter was built a little beefier than the slim painting. I jerked my cock and fell asleep without coming.

A few days later Malte spoke to me on the street.

“Hello!“, He said, then a little quieter. “Can Peter and I come to visit you tonight, around 9 p.m.”

“Sure,” I said, and the rest of the day was excited to see what would come. Just around nine in the evening, the two were in front of the door, both in T-shirt and short trousers, and a few minutes later they sat on the couch and this time in the armchair. Both seemed tense.

First we chatted about irrelevant stuff: the weather, football. Then Malte said: “So why we are actually here …”

“Yes?”, I said.

“It’s about sex!“Peter suddenly burst out, when did his shame rushed in his face and he fell silent.

“It works with the blowing,” I asked and pinched me a grin.

“Yes,” said Malte. “Is great!”

“I always bubble to the end,” said Peter, “but Malte may not have the stuff in your mouth.“Painted Peter gave a dark look too. His friend just grinned.

I laughed and said: “A matter of taste!”

“So we …” Malte began.

“… so we would also like to try sexual intercourse.”

“Put in the butt,” added Peter.

“I can only recommend!”, I said. “Where is the problem?”

Malte swallowed. “We don’t know exactly ..


I looked at the two of them for a moment. “Well okay, some lubricant on the tail and then slowly put in. Before carefully widen the hole with one finger and do not rush anything … that would be the short form.”

“We don’t have a lubricant,” said Peter.

“And fear that we are doing something wrong. Can’t you just show us that?”

“Uh,” I said and was speechless at first. “Show?”

“Peter!“, Called Malte. “We talked about the fact that we don’t ask him that!”

“But you also said that that would be the best solution!“, Said Peter.

“Yes but …” said Malte.

“So guys.

I can give you lubricants and you can find out the rest alone!”

“Oh come!“, Said Peter.

“Maybe it would really be the best,” said Malte.

I sighed. “So if you want I can show you a little bit of something.”

“Excellent!“, Said Peter. Malte said nothing.

“Great,” said Peter and pulled out the T-shirt.

“Uh right now?”, I asked.

“Mine is already tough with all the talk about sex!“, Said Peter. When he was upright you could clearly see the bump in his pants.

He quickly took off his sneakers and stockings and then his pants. Then Peter stood there, naked and with stand. He was beefy, muscular, had a small cute belly. My cock shrugged in my pants and I tried to master myself.

Malte began to undress too.

I got up and closed the curtains, then I said, “I’m back” and went to the bathroom, where I stored the lubricant (to jerk off). “Masters you! These are innocent bead!“, I said to myself,“ You will give the two boys a few tips and nothing else!”. I grabbed a tube lubricant out of the closet and went back into the living room.

Malte and Peter both stood naked in my living room. Peters Schwengel stood steeply up, he was approx.

16 cm long and 4 cm wide, as I found with a professional look. Below are two plump testicles. A nice hanging. Maltes tail was only half -rifle, but significantly larger than that of his friend.

His eggs were smaller for that. Both had dense pubic hair.

Peter knelt down, put Maltes cock in his mouth and sucked it with delight. His little cracker hung tightly and with spreading cheeks over the ground. I watched the two boys for a while.

Then Peter turned to me. The two boy’s tails stretched high and glossy into the height. Mine already pressed painfully against his pants. “Who of you wants to be fucked?”, I asked.

“Both of us! But only me!“, Said Peter.

“Don’t want to move out too?”

“Well guys who are your thing here. I’ll stay dressed better.”

“Don’t worry us,” said Malte quickly, “if they undress too. Is okay!”

Peter grinned. “He would like to see the hard cock from an adult man!”.

This remark brought him an evil eye from Malte again.

I looked painted in the eye. “Do you want it?”, I asked. He just nodded.

“Ok,” I thought. “It should be so.“I first pulled shoes and stockings, then T-shirt and finally the jeans.

My cock already makes a tent in my shorts. Then I also took off my shorts. Both stared at my crossbar as spellbound.

“It’s even bigger than Maltes!“, Said Peter admiringly. “He always has the greatest of showering after sport!”

“Yes,” I said.

“Can’t complain about my best piece,” I said grinning. “So guys then come to the bedroom.”

Once there, I said Peter that he should lie on the bed. Malte I pressed the lubricant in my hand. “Lubricate him a bit on his hole,” I said.

When Malte went to the bed, he walked past me and my cock roamed his hand, leaving a wet track on the back of the hand. I always produce plenty of pre -seeds. I seemed as if this touch was intentional. Peters Little Knacktrosch looked like he was lying on the bed, but Maltes narrower butt also excited me.

Malte knelt next to Peter, held the tube over Peter’s butt and before I could intervene he pressed too.

A Schwall Gleitgels shot out and clapped on Peters’s ass column. “Not as much!“I said and reached for the tube. “Oh,” said Malte. “Sorry.

I’m a little excited! Didn’t think!“Again and again his gaze spread over my cock.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said grinning. “Massage him with your finger just his hole.“Peter instinctively spread his legs. Malte stretched out his index finger and stroked a few times from top to bottom over his friend’s little rosy hole.

“Not that way,” I said. “With a little more feeling.

Just massage a little!”

“Show me!“, Said Malte. I only hesitated for a little moment, then I put my finger on Peters hole and massaged it a little. Peter groaned. “Oooh, feels Guuuut,” he said.

Malte put his hand on mine and his finger now also stroked Peters Rosette. He stretched his butt a little higher.

“You see,” I said. “So you relax him.”

Malte pressed a little more firmly with his finger and pressed our two index fingers into the tight hole. Only the tips penetrated a little.

Peter winced and groaned. I saw the painted tail twitched. A thick prunation from my cock troff and on the bed. I pulled my hand back.

Malte now kept kept on, soon he moved his whole finger out in Peters hole and one. “Take a second finger,” I said.

Malte fingerfuck his friend now with a middle and index finger. What a horny sight how Peters boys hole was now widened. I said, “If you feel like it, then just try your tail.

Peter is ready for this, or?”

“Yeah,” said Peter.

“Ok,” Malte made. He knelt behind Peter. I got up. “I’ll leave both of you alone now,” I said and went to the door.

“But …” said Malte.

I took a look at the bed. Saw how one boy fucked the other boy. It looked awesome how the crunchy guy was on the other. I went out and closed the door.

I took a deep breath and went the kitchen. I was thirsty and maybe some cold water would bring me to other thoughts.

I stood in the kitchen. My bare ass leaning on the counter and sips my water drank. In the meantime, Peters ass should already be deflowered.

Whether painting would come quickly? My cock didn’t even think about becoming a bedroom and stood hard and upright.

After a few minutes I heard a door rattling and then Peter came into the kitchen. “Can you come again?”, asked he. “Somehow it doesn’t work …”

“What doesn’t work?”, I asked.

“Well Malte doesn’t get it in,” replied Peter.

“You have to try to be very relaxed and …”

“Is not up to me. I’m totally ready!“, Said Peter a little indignantly.

“Males cock is not really hard.”

“Oh …”, I sighed and went back to the bedroom with Peter. Malte lay on the bed, his half -wire tail was lying on his leg.

“Somehow it doesn’t work,” he said. Peter threw himself on the bed again. Malte knelt behind Peter, but he would definitely not get his half -tire in Peters hole.

“What is wrong?”, I asked.

“If you are too excited, then you make it another time?”

“No,” said Peter. “I want today and painted it too!”

Malte slipped aside. “Do it,” he asked.

“Present?”, I said. “You do it right, the problem is just that your tail is not really stiff.”

“Come on just show,” said Malte.

“Yours is no longer really stiff now”

“But he would be back quickly …”, I said.

“Show!“, Said Malte.

I could no longer be asked and knelt between Peter’s legs, rubbed my cock on his ass column. My cock immediately stiffened and left a wet track on Peters’s cheek. I looked down on the little horny boy po on which fat lay my tail.

I leaned a little and my glans bumped to Peters hole. The boy groaned.

“Looks horny,” said Malte, and his cock was now in full hardness again, but he made no institutions to take my place. I rubbed my glans over the narrow hole. Thick drops of my pre -seed quollen from the acorn slot.

“Ooooh,” said Peter. Malte knelt next to us and jerked his crossbar.

I was horny like something else: a guy in front of me urgently wanted a cock! A tight hole, right in front of my cock … I changed the angle a little and pushed back to Peters hole with the tip of the tail, lifted his butt a little and his hole opened under the pressure of my glans. I couldn’t help it and pushed a little more. My glans slowly pushed into Peters hole.

“Aaaaahhhhh!“, Said Peter. “Oh yes!”

I looked over to Malte. I was just in the process of deflowering, how would he react? But he only looked at my cock and jerked himself off his. “Ok,” I thought.

“Then it will happen that way!“I increased the pressure and my glans disappeared completely into the tight boy hole. I groaned softly, pulled my cock a bit back and then a little further than before. I lay down on Peter. “How do you like Peter?”, I asked.

“Please go on!”, he said.

“Do not stop. I want to feel it completely!”

With small bumps I pushed my hard latte to the attack in Peters ass. “Fuck me, fuck me!“, Said Peter. I had that! I fucked his knackpo with long, deep bumps while painting us wanking.

Soon I felt that I could no longer hold my sack cream back, but I didn’t want to cum in the boy, I loved to get it on horny ass cheeks, and Peters were awesome: crisp, firm and round! I pulled out my cock and jerked two or three times, then it came to me and my load splashed out. Right on Peters ass and on his hole. “Yeah,” said Malte and slipped closer. I pulled my cock out of Peters butt and painted my place.

With a thrust he sank his crossbar in his friend’s ass. He rammed him with quick bumps and Peter groaned loudly, soon Malte came. I saw his little ass cheeks pull together when he was sperm Splashed in Peters ass. “Ohhhhh,” made Peter and twitched under Malte while he came.

I let myself fall on the bed next to Peter, on the other side I was lying next to me.

“Wouldn’t have thought,” said Peter, “that it is so cool to be fucked!“I let my hand slide over Maltes butt. It was almost a hair that was just a little light fluff covered the cheeks. Peter saw that and grinned. “Want the next one?”

He did not wait for my answer but knelt behind Malte and began licking his hole.

Malte groaned, stretched his butt a bit. “Now take you in you!“, Said Peter. “Just like me! I want to watch!”

I turned Malte on my back and put his legs on my shoulder on the left and right. His cock was hard and stiff.

Peter sat next to us and jerked. I rubbed my glans to Males hole. “Do you want to feel me too?”, I asked.

“Yes fuck me!“, Said Malte excited. I leaned forward and put my latte on his wet -stained hole, a little pressure was enough and my fat acorn slowly widened his hole.

I enjoyed the moment, pushed her up very slowly and looked into the eyes that looked at me moaning. Only after half a minute was mine thick tail Until the attack in Maltes Loch. Now Peter raised one leg over Malte, turned to me and his ass in front of his friend’s face. “Aaaah Jaaaa,” said Peter as Malte, but then hesitantly but then full of lust licked his ass.

I meanwhile fucked him enjoyable.

Peter jerked faster and then suddenly called: “Oh shit! Oh …“And his hot load splashed out on my cock and maltes hole. I grinned. “Ok now down there!“I said and Peter followed the command. I leaned forward and with it Males legs far forward and began to fuck his young body with strong bumps.

Peter had a stiff again, young guys are just fucking machines! He knelt behind us and then I felt his wet tongue on my ass.

I pumped my cock in Maltes hole, kissed the boy who returned my kissing pleasantly. Suddenly painted under me and his boy’s cream splashed on his chest in the high arc. I wasn’t ready with him, fucking the boy on. His cock was just a little bedroom, but after a few strong bumps in his ass, Maltes tail quickly won back on hardness.

Then I felt Peters hot cock on my ass. I am not fucked often, love the active role, but today I wanted to feel a fresh boys’ cock.

I paused while fucking, Peter gave the opportunity to push his cock in with me, enjoyed the feeling. “Oh cool …”, said Peter. “You fuck him?”Asked Malte.

“Yeah,” replied Peter. Painted me kissed me again. Soon we found a common rhythm and I fucked Malte while Peter fucked me. Peter came first, I felt his cock twitching while he was “I come!“Called.

The spraying tail then let my cock explode in Maltes ass. I filled the young hole with my seed.

The next few months I got the holes of the boys countless times and my ass and mouth was also filled with a boy cream dozens of times. When I finally left the village again, of course I invited the boys to my home.

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