The maid Hermione | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Manfredmgm 0thie Zofe Hermine crept into the bedroom of her mistress. She had decided to use the most gracious perfume. That had to be enough at the first meeting. The young gardener was already waiting in the garden. He also had extensively poured fragrance water. But he did not have the opportunity to dust with good perfumes for nothing, and had to take what his barren wage allowed him. But Hermine didn’t bother that.

She found it chic that he had fallen into an expenses because of her. He was a bit nervous, and after a few stammed words, he led his new conquest into the inlaid corner on the garden wall. There was a small bank there. He had dragged her here in Weisem shortly after the appointment. He wanted to sit down. But he remembered in good time that he had to ask her to take a seat.

So he paused in motion and said laying: “Do you want to sit down?“He pointed the bench invitingly. She took a seat with a smile, and he finally let himself be ploped onto the seat. They started a tentative entertainment, and he moved closer to them. He said that she would not notice that, but he was in the mistake. It wasn’t as inexperienced and stupid as she did.

Her conversation was mainly about their shared rollers. However, he was not very concentrated. His thoughts circled more about another topic: he wanted to kiss her very much. He had made it hard to do it. But now the courage had to leave him. He didn’t even notice that he was already holding her hand and tenderly stroking her. There was only one place in his head, and that was the kiss he would give her.

Words came back into his absent consciousness: “You don’t listen to me at all!“Hermione scolded. “Yes, yes!“He assured and added in the same breath, not to be considered that he was transferred himself:“ What did you say?“She snorted:“ Nothing important! But if I bore you, I can go. ” “You stay!“He called and pulled her to himself. After long seconds he loosened his mouth from her lips.

Now he had kissed her! And it wasn’t outraged. A shining ray scurried over her face. Both came together even closer together and, as unintentional, she put her breasts into her hand. He grabbed him eagerly. But when he tried to button her blouse, she did not agree with it yet. “Not!“, She said and added quietly:“ Not yet!“It was clear that it wouldn’t just stay with the kisses.

But she wanted to get a little conquered and seduced. And in such a way, such as daylight and thus the risk of being discovered, the inhibitions of the two also swore. Josef was overwhelmed by greed to the young female body. He asserted her love stormily. Only interrupted by his kisses, he taught them: “I love you, Hermione! I’m crazy for you!“Her head scurried that he could not mean her, but only her body.

But Josef continued: “Next year, when the old Knauer leaves, I can have his position, the gracious gentleman said. And then I deserve enough to get married. “Hermione feared that he would have said that to everyone else. He was wild for her body and men promise everything. But she still hoped that he was serious. Because Josef was really a stately guy, and she had listened to how the gracious gentleman had said to the gracious wife that Josef would get this position.

In this case she had made a good game. For this she was ready to do almost everything. So her played resistance slowly, but Si. She got the blouse buttoned up, and Josef put it in. When he felt the firm breast approach over the bodice, he had to swallow and his heart made a sentence. He had never touched a woman so much. But that should only the beginning be, because Hermione now also wanted more.

It was no longer just ready for calculation to be taken;She was also driven by her own desire. She buttoned her blouse completely and let her slide from her shoulders. Josef saw the bare meat and his breath punched him. With trembling fingers he pointed to the bodice. “That too!“, He said with a lump in the throat. If she had refused, he would have fallen over her like a hungry animal.

But she didn’t think about refusing. He had never been so intimate with a girl. He had already had one with one whore slept. But it was so quickly that he had hardly noticed anything in his excitement. He had never been allowed to touch and look at a woman like today. He looked forward to wildness as she opened the lacing of the garment. He couldn’t take his eyes off the woman.

The situation was so different from everything before. He didn’t just want the woman’s body. Not only did the greed be more behind it. The woman sent herself a little shy to show her breasts. Josef fevert. He had already seen fraction of women -in pictures -but in a few minutes he would the first time See a female breast in his life – and touch! And Hermione was ready.

Slowly freed yourself from her corset. The man’s obvious desire was not without effect. With a shudder of pleasure she showed her bare, plump breasts. Her warts were stiff and firm. “Man oh man!“, Josef stammered. He stroked the delicate curves with hisess hands. He was so excited that he almost started to stutter. As if a dam was broken, the greed flooded him. Now he had to have everything.

The breasts were no longer enough. He wanted to see and touch everything. The legs, the thighs, their buttocks on which he had already given a slap, and also, he almost dared to think, hers pussy. And these greed enhanced Hermione by stroking him. Because she too was lustful like never before. Under his rough work trousers she felt his swollen tail. She was not one Virgo More and of course knew what the curvature of men’s pants hidden.

To hear it from his mouth, she asked: “Should I move on? Do you want me to have me?””Naturally!“, Josef, who didn’t understand why she asked. “Undress completely! Fast!“That’s what she wanted to hear. She noticed how she became wet between her legs. She could hardly wait to feel his cock because she left for this man. In his lustfulness he noticed nothing of it.

Because he saw breasts and he touched breasts. And he dawned that she had offered something very outrageous. She wanted to undress. Josef pushed. It was getting darker and darker, and if he wanted to see something else, she was not allowed to take a long time to take off. And she reached her back and buttoned up her skirt. For a short time, she regretted that she hadn’t put on her mistress’s elegant underpants.

But she hadn’t thought of something like that. She had expected a quick, stealthy handle under her skirt, because so far she had always got rid of her pants. None of her cavaliers had seen her in her underwear so far. When she dropped her skirt on her feet and Josef saw her white, linen underpants and the black stockings, he remained the air with drowsiness, nervousness and insatiable greed.

As in a dream, he saw that she climbed out of her skirt and immediately pulled out her pants. Josef gloted like an insane one. The only thing he brought out was: “Man, oh man!“Then she also brushed off her stockings and stood in front of him naked. His cock knocked in his prison. Josef had a dry mouth and cleared his throat. He stared at her like something that you have never seen before and would not have thought possible.

At the advanced twilight, her white body seemed particularly exposed. He stood out from the dark background and was still easy to see in his full nudity. A dark triangle emerged between her thighs. With a tail swollen to burst, Josef stretched out his right hand and tentatively touched the dark triangle. He felt Krauses hair and a delicate skin underneath. He had heard that women had hair down there, but he hadn’t seen her naked on his only experience with a woman so far with a woman.

But now he has the proof in his hands. And he continued to research. She indirectly encouraged him by further opening her legs. She had never been touched between her legs, and she didn’t get there very often, even though she enjoyed touching her pussy. And a strong, callous men’s hand excited her much more than her own hand. So she became more and more wet. Josef continued to push his fingers.

He was surprised that she had not only a hole, but also something like a swollen button and lips. Curiously he turned the buttons between his fingers and she snapped for air. He liked that and he continued to. She groaned, wheezed and turned under his handles. But since the young gardener was still unsettled, the stimulus soon became unbearable. Japsend she said: “Stop! I can not stand this anymore! come on now! I need you now!“Josef did not react because he didn’t understand what she meant.

So she became clearer: “I have to have you?“, She said,“ Kiss me finally! What are you still waiting for?“He understood that. It was clear to him that she wanted him because she needed it. He had heard from friends that she had a woman again like this. really finished ’. But he usually didn’t really believe it. Now he began to suspect that sometimes they had told the truth.

She was too slow, and that’s why she freed his cock out of her pants. This touch brought him to the last remnant of reflection. She whispered: “Wait!“, And reached between her widely spread thighs, between which the longed -for tail on the searcher was still raging the entrance. She grabbed it and looked after himself with the immense organ. Horny than ever, she felt the thick glans between her lips.

Josef stayed calm. It was a completely new feeling for him, and he had to find his way out first. Japsend and howling she groaned: “Stoj3 finally closed! Finally push him in! Ah, that’s wonderful, it is beautiful, push, further, firmer, even firmer, Jaaaa!“The guy raged on the young woman and increased in ecstasy. He heard their requests, groans and their consent. That made him even wilder.

And in his frenzied wildness he wanted to sigh and hear her juchzen. Then he stopped and she almost snapped over. In horror she shouted: “What is? Keep going! I have to feel you now!“She banged under him and tried to throw him off even though she had more necessary than ever. And there he moved again. It had happened to her as if hours had passed in which his firm tail had stuck motionlessly in her.

In reality, Josef had only been standing still for a few seconds and now pushed like a wild one again. She groaned, and the young guy understood that he was there, a woman. finish ’. And that excited him and let him bump and bump. He made sure not to come too early. He pressed his “man, oh man between the teeth!“, While she was only a bundle of vibrating nerves that was connected to a cunt.

All of her sensations were concentrated on her middle of the body, and she experienced the first orgasm of her life in a real sensestaumel. She hadn’t even dreamed that it could be so nice to be loved by a man. And Josef also reached his climax. He wailed: “Man, Oooooh!“He didn’t get more out. He came and not noticed anything from his surroundings. He did not notice how the young woman started to moan and clawed in his clothes.

She tore away her legs even further and received his last bumps. And then he rolled down from her. Neither had experienced anything like this yet. Never before had his cock so much enjoyed, and she had never had such sweet, provocative feelings before. Fortunately, it had gotten dark, because both were a bit embarrassed after the intoxication of feelings: after all, a naked woman in a garden was not exactly everyday.

So you first avoid watching yourself while getting dressed up quickly. They sat on the bench again. The embarrassment of the two young fonders quickly evaporated, and since it A mild summer evening Was, spent the rest of the evening together in the garden. Josef was now an attentive conversation partner because he no longer had any other things in mind. When they said goodbye, both were convinced that they had never seen anything that had never been there before, and hoped that this would be repeated shortly.

The next day it was time. He visited Hermione in her room. You drank a glass of wine. When Josef gave her to understand that it was clear to him that he would marry her, the evening took his course. To show him that from now on she would belong to him, she put his hands on her breasts. He felt her heart hit excitedly. His tail grew in a matter of seconds, too enormous size.

He knelt in front of the bed and kissed her clumsily. His mouth pressed on her lips and his tongue drove into her oral cavity three or four times and played around her tongue. His wild greed took her air and she loosened from him. “Not so stormy! I do not get air?“, She said snorting. His dismayed look let her smile. “Do not look at me like that. You didn’t do anything to me.

Come on, kiss me again!“A little awkward he brought his lips tenderly to hers. He gently pushed his tip of the tongue and gently penetrated her mouth. She tore him wildly at the first tender touch and passionately returned his kiss. And the pictures of a naked woman appeared again in his head. His loins hurt, and how foggy he captured her in front of greed. His hands drove over her body searching.

Like in the garden back then, she was entirely into his control and had it granted. He was hungry that she could not and did not want to stop him. He continued to stroke her body, over her breasts, her butt and her thighs. Suddenly he paused frightened. He had grown a piece of foster leg. But only for a short time Josef interrupted the exploring his girlfriend’s body. Determined, his hand drove up on the foster leg, the skirt hungry.

She continued to allow him. He had long since reached the knee beyond the knee. But he continued to feel up. Then he touched a piece of bare skin. The stocking was over. Josef loosened from the woman and stood upset. He looked at her as she was lying on the rumpled bed with a raised skirt. Her legs stuck in black silk stockings and let a strip of white meat see.

Excited he swallowed. She beamed at him. It was clear to her that he sought her, and that only made her more excited. Lascivious turned and turned on the bed. Her dress was pushed up more and more, gave more and more free. Her legs have long been seen in their full splendor. Kokett asked her: “Like you?“Josef swallowed again. He could hardly speak with lustfulness: see his hands to fist and opened up again.

He stood there motionless and stared at the girl, on his feet and underpants. He only had a look for it, so he didn’t even notice that she had pushed her dress on. Her words woke him out of his solidification. “Lock the door!“Without taking the woman out of sight, he went back to the door and turned the key in the castle. Hermione grazed her dress and now stood in front of her lover in the underwear.

Despite the short time in which they knew each other, both were so intimate with each other that they continued without shame. She knew that he would like to see her naked, so she undressed;and he expected that too. The borrowed clothing had fulfilled their purpose. He had seen her in the laundry, and her refiner elegance had enlarged his hunger for the wearer, and now they had to fall.

And with the female instinct for the erotic she took off. Not too fast and not too slow. The bodice fell, let her breasts be seen, and just when he had excited himself on the tight breasts and was ready for the other, the pants fell. Here, in the bright room, it was much clearer to see than in the insulating garden. Her hairy lap, the center of his lust, was additionally emphasized by the black stockings.

Smiling she said: “And now you! Take off too!“To show him how sharp she was on him, she pressed her breasts, let her fingers circle around the stiff warts. Josef could hardly stand it. His stiff member pushed out like crazy. Josef hesitated only briefly. Then he tore his clothes off the body as if they were on flames, with big, hurry he went to his naked lover.

With outstretched arms she was waiting for him. He hugged her and pressed his hungry mouth on her lips. She felt his enormous organ on her stomach. She registered slightly shuddering that it almost reached her navel. It would be filled very well. Josef stroked her naked back with hisess hands. She loosened from his strong arms. Breathless of his wild, greedy, demanding kissing, she said: “Come on! Come to bed with you! I have to have you now!“And before she knew how she happened, he had already taken her on his strong arms and was wearing the two steps to your bed.

He put her gently and she closed her eyes. And for the first time in his life, Josef had a woman in front of him, who belonged to him entirely. Proud and love mingled with his wild desire. He opened her closed legs very carefully. The sight of the young shell let his cock swell even further. He gently lay over his bride and carefully led the acorn to their entrance.

She felt the top and sighed. With her legs spread wide, she lay on her back and let himself be loved by the first man who meant something. And Josef had learned. In his lustfulness he no longer encountered like a obsessed. He had learned to coordinate his movements to the woman’s wishes. The bed creaked under his strong bumps, but neither of them took it true. In his loins there was an unprecedented feeling.

Streams of seeds emerged from its deep ones. Even if he had wanted if he had taken all his willpower together, he could no longer have stopped the effusion. “I’m coming! My god, I come!“Hermione threw back and forth in her head. She suspected that he would come now. Exhausted he ran down the bed next to the girl.

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