The fucking holiday camp [3] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I kept her tightly wrapped in and again a tear rolled down her cheek. “Thanks!“Sighed. “I would have nicer the first time be unable to.“I kissed the tear and we cuddled for a while until we finally separated.
I first took a shower and let the cold water run over my back. I didn’t take long and entered freshly shaved and styled the living room where the others were already waiting.

“It is slowly getting time to get rolls,” I got to hear promptly when I entered the living room.

So I started and got fresh rolls like the day before and a few other little things. Back home we really enjoyed it. Since this Sunday, fresh, cooked eggs could not be missing.

After the exhausting night I really hit. “You seem to have done it properly?!“Pink Antje around. “Yes he gave everything and now needs plenty of refreshment.”” Oh what, “said Matthias” a real guy does nothing so quickly “. Trabbi only sat there totally incredulously and shook his head.

“What a confused stuff you talk about all the time?”” Sooner or later you will also experience it, “I countered and everyone else started laughing. I quickly changed the topic. “What are we actually doing today,” I asked in the round. “So Trabbi and I signed up for the first aid course,” said Danny announced.

“Oh first aid is called today!“Matze couldn’t help but the allusion. “How about if we play the rest of the beach volleyball together. There are a few kilometers from here at the beach I heard a field, ”suggested Antje. “OK.

We really grab something and stay there all day and in the evening we drive into the city and mix the village disco a little.“Katha Antje’s thoughts continued. So it was a decision and we washed up together and cleared the things away. Then we packed four things together and the girls then packed a small basket with food and drinks.

In the meantime I got a beach volleyball from mine Father, who was also a coach of the first women’s team in addition to the bus driver.

When we had everything together we packed the things in the car and roared.
It was almost noon again and the sun was beaming fantastic. It was a fantastic day around Beach To lie and laze. I drove the few kilometers to the small town where the field was. Here, too, there was a holiday settlement like ours.

We parked quite close to the beach and didn’t need to drag our things that far. We escaped the car and everyone took a little down to the beach. So we made our way through the large, white dunes, some of which were covered with green beach harbor.

Here you could definitely find one or the other cozy corner, it shot through my head.

We had followed the narrow path and came to the empty beach. Thank God the volleyball network was excited and to our surprise there were even changing rooms and small showers. So we came closer and discovered a strange sign. “It’s great!“Done Antje, who of course was the first to get to the sign.

“What’s that great?” I asked. “Read yourself or have you forgot your glasses?“It countered as usual. “The spit stayed away again when I read the fat letters. “Nudist beach.

Entered only without clothing!“The others also read the words and stared at me at a loss. “Ok why not,” said Antje as always, “we just play how God created us?!“And began to move out.

When Katha followed her example, Matthias and me had no choice but to drop the covers. So we dragged our things naked plus clothes to a point of wind and curious views of a protected area. In the meantime we already have a few others Nudist Found vacationers who, like us, lay in the dunes.

So we spread out our mats and lay down in the warm sun. “How about your gentlemen of creation trimmed our back with sun lotion a little bit?“After a while it came to mind. “Madame after all. But please do not complain if the whole sand sticks to your body after playing when playing.”I said and grabbed the bottle with the lotion.

Matthias also followed my example and began to spray Antje’s back with the white milk, while it was shouting as the cold lotion dripped onto her skin. I massaged Katha’s back and did not leave out a place. Your little, crisp butt was of course not forgotten and the long, tight thighs were also given her sun protection. However, I held back and did not appeal to her right away.

When I was finished she lay on her back.

“If you want you can also rub the rest!“She said and crossed her arms behind her head. She closed her eyes with relish. “What are you waiting for, or should I ask Matze. But he had both hands full with Antje, who of course was not satisfied with a back massage.

These two beasts knew exactly how they had to wrap us. I crouched over Katha’s petite body and painted a laughing face on her upper body. But then I got a thought. “Wait a moment! And I left my position to dig in my pocket.

Katha still shot his eyes and didn’t notice how I pulled the photoa parat out of my pocket. That would be a wonderful snapshot. I looked at my object of desire through the lens and pressed off. Antje and Matze are not spared either.

Ferred from the snap -free sound, everyone looked at me in horror. “No fear. The pictures stay below us.“I promised immediately and put the part aside again.
The sun milk was slowly on Katha’s skin and so I tenderly continued my treatment.

Her nipples were hard when I started moving between my fingers.

I tenderly rubbed everything. I took my time and had to find that she was totally tickled in many places, which I kept trying. After a while her whole body shone from the milk and just looked delicious. “Didn’t you forget anything?“She asked when I stopped.

I was not aware of any guilt and therefore shook my head. But Katha spread his legs a little and interpret me to a tiny place between her thighs. “You don’t want to get a sunburn there? Or?” “Of course not!“I gave back horror and stroked my fingers over their wet labia. I carefully pulled out these delicacies and smeared some lotion on it.

Of course I paid attention to that everything was well verified. I really got her touring, but before it came I broke my treatment abruptly. “What’s going on you are not finished yet,” she moaned quietly. “But.

Just like you like you last night.“And just put me on the mat next to her.

Antje and Matthias had also come to the meantime and Matze rested from the difficult work. We enjoyed the rays of the sun that warmed our bodies. We relaxed for a while before Matthias took the initiative and we all went to the field together. How should it be different played Katharina and I together against the other two.

At first it was time to get used to the heavy sand, because jumping up is not that easy. It was a amusing spectacle to see how the breasts of the two girls bobs every turn. Certainly Matthias and I also gave a strange picture. After a while we forgot all of this and it was a really good game in which no one gave the other one point.

So of course it came about the Katha and I suddenly lay on each other out of sheer zeal. Our bodies nestled each other. Katha turned laughing and I looked into her sweet, childish face.. I just couldn’t resist and gave her a little kiss on her narrow lips.

Her breasts pressed against my upper body and let the blood flow into my masculinity.

I gave her hand and we both got up. Now I stood with me, as I only noticed now, with a half -excited limb and pulled the eyes of Antje on me, which could not prevent a pointed remark.

As if nothing had happened, we continued to play. Because we started to sweat quickly, our bodies were quickly glued to sand.

I hit the ball pretty hard along the line into the opposing field. Matthias showed the right effort and danced after the ball. The length of the sand and was flat length. Since he had apparently abandoned his mouth during the rudely landing, he spat out the sand and shook his head.

Exhausted he remained a short moment. Antje went over to him. But instead of given his hand, she grabbed him between his spread legs. He turned around frightened.

Hands crossed her hips and her feet side by side she stood in front of him. Her breasts stood far and the light wind made her buds get hard. Matthias was tied up by this sight and finally handed her hand.

Antje laughed at him now and reached for the hand.

However, Matze pulled her back. Matze sat on her lap at lightning speed and took her arms. Antje had no chance to defend himself and gave him. “So you little beast.

Now you get a real cooling.“Matze looked over at me and I came to him. Together we made them arms and legs. She fidgeted wildly and asked Katha to help her. But it was on our side and watched from a safe distance.

We carried them a few meters into the cool water and counted to three while we hurled them back and forth.

At three we let go of her and she splashed out loudly into the cold North Sea. Laughing, we both stood in front of her as her head appearing strongly from the water. Almost at the same time we also jumped into the water. Katha was still standing on the beach and slowly followed us now.

We swam on the open sea for a few trains and enjoyed the little cooling. We tried to pull each other under water and dive under the other. Again and again we accidentally had physical contact. The water just reached my chin and so I quickly dipped.

I took Katha’s legs and quickly pulled apart.

While I appeared between her thighs. I played it out of the water and carried her on my shoulders. Matze followed my example and so each of one of these horny water nixes was.

The two girls now tried to move each other into the water. They dragged on the arms violently, pushed themselves and at the same time tried to keep their own balance. It didn’t take long and Katha lost this little wrangling. She pulled me with her so that we both dipped briefly.

Of course, she asked for a revenge. I took her back on the shoulders and the game started all over. But we had no chance, because it made the Matze bigger than I was in a better position and Katha went swimming again after a short time. Cheers Saß sat on Matze and laughed out loud, but she quickly passed.

Because Matze grabbed her feet and threw her backwards. This time we all laughed and slowly went back towards the beach.

Katha and I ran out of the water to our berth. I let her win and she fell on the free mat. I followed her and fell gently on her cold, delicate skin.

“You’re totally cold,” said I was horrified. “I wait a little warmth.“I took the thin blanket out of my pocket and we both wrapped in it. We cuddle closely together. I held her in my arms and she put her head on my chest.

I tenderly kissed her on her forehead. She said nothing and we both closed our eyes. Only when I heard a quiet moan did I open my eyes. But Katha slept deeply and firmly.

I turned my head and looked over to the mat where the other two had been located before. I had to grin when I saw Antje wide on my leg on Matthias and rode him violently. Her big, firm breasts moved in time.

I looked at the whole for a while.

My tail Was getting harder and apparently wanted to be put in a really hot hole again. Katha still closes deep and firm. I carefully loosened from her and went over to the two of them. Antje twitched a little when I stroked her shoulder tenderly and began to kiss her neck.

I nibbled on her earlobe and let my tongue run along the neck to the shoulder. Goosebumps ran down her back and I saw that she apparently liked. Meanwhile, my hands constantly knead their plump tits.

“Would you do me a favor?“She asked me half whispering, half moaning. “Yes …

every.”I gave back. “I’ve always wanted to be taken at the same time by two men.“She confessed to me. “I like to fuck you from behind” and Antje leaned over Matze. I reached for the sun lotion, which should serve as a lubricant.

Antje slowed down her pace a little. I voted her anus a little and rubbed him with the sun milk. Carefully inserted a finger into her to relax a little bit. Finally, the second finger followed until I could dare to bump my cock indas tight hole.

I rubbed him vigorously with lotion so that I didn’t hurt her and pressed him carefully against hers anus. A moan went over her lips when I entered her bit by bit.

The lotion made it easy and it didn’t take long and I was deep in her intestine. I rythmically adapted to the movements of the two below me.

Every time I was deep in her, my testicles clapped against Matzes plump sack and gave me the absolute kick. Antje was in the seventh heaven and it didn’t take long and a violent orgasm shook her body and her muscles milked our cocks. I drove into her faster and faster and Matze also increased his pace evenly. Antje groaned uninhibitedly and looked at Katha worried about Katha.

It had apparently become awake due to the loud cries of pleasure and had looked at the spectacle for a while before she grabbed the desire.

With her legs spread wide, she was heavily on the mattress around rubbed her clit. Her little cunt shone out of sheer moisture and was also waiting for a hard cock that was concerned with her. But Matze and I were busy bringing Antje to orgasm again. We drove our splendid slats into both holes and toughout.

Matze gasped violently and it seemed to come soon. His sack began to twitch strongly and his juice finally poured out in the warm, warm vagina.

I also didn’t endure it for long in her tight intestine. But before it came to me I pulled it out of the anus and unloaded my hot load on her pop cheeks and back.

I deteriorate it like Lotion and took a stroke with my finger and cost Antje from it. She sucked my finger wildly and asked for more and I gave her the rest. Exhausted I lay down next to them. But Antje couldn’t with Anse-Hen how it had to get Katharina alone and got up.

Matzes half -stiff member slid out of her vagina. Completely finished Matthais closed the eyes and relaxed for a moment.

Antje licked wild Kahas wet lust hole. Her lips surrounded the hard clit and Kabberten on it. Stimulated by the anal fuck I had taken care of her.

Also let a finger hike into the anus. Katha’s breasts they lifted faster and faster. I looked over at Matze that was nodding. My gaze wandered over his flawlessly well -trained, slim body and only paused on his half -stiff limb, which is long on his stomach and still after Antje Mösen juice and his sperm smell.

At his sight I got really horny and wondered if he would have there anything if I took his cock in my mouth. A loud moan brought me back from my dream. Katha was closely wrapped with Antje and the two gave themselves a long tongue kiss. It seemed to me forever until they separated from each other.

It was now a bit cooler and has become later.

Since we still wanted to go to the city, it was time to pack things together. When we all sat together again, I suggested that we slowly broke our tents here and set off. Said and done. We cleared together and dragged the things up to the places where the small building with the changing rooms and showers was.

The showers were separated by gender and so we just died. We left the things in the entrance. Matze and I immediately put ourselves under the two showers and let the cold water run over our bodies. Almost at the same time we breathed deeply and had to laugh out loud.

“Make it something out of me to pull my back?“He finally asked me. “Nope, no little.“And he gave me the bottle with shower cream.

I let my hands run a little and asked him to turn a little so that I could rip it off better. So I started his muscular body, which I was able to examine exactly earlier.

I massaged the lotion a little. “Ah that is good . Antje was right when she said that the divine hands have.”” Thank you “I said and reached for the bottle to apply some lotion. I am one of his back.

Somehow it excited me and my cock was already steep again.

Matze suddenly leaned to reach for the shower lotion and stretched out his crunchy butt. My latte obviously pressed against it and it turned around. But what came now I would never have expected from him. Without saying anything, his big hand grabbed my limb and massaged it.

A shower let me back over my back. All blood shot into my cock and let him be even more closely monitored. Slowly he caught a hand on me with one hand while the other kneaded my eggs. Then he got braver and put his lips over my red glossy glans.

Another man had never blown me before. Dediting sucked, he licked me. I pressed my cock deep into his throat and closed my eyes to moan loudly. His fingers massaged my buttocks and looked for the entrance to my anus.

He gently put two of his fingers in me and massaged me from the inside. It was such a great feeling and the idea alone made me come too quickly in his mouth. He swallowed all my sperm and then cleaned my cock with his tongue from the rest.

His spanking had now grown to full splendor again. But instead of being able to lick him, he wanted to put him in my already prepared intestine.

I felt a little queasy when I looked at all his splendor. But he made up and rubbed him with Lotion, as I had done with Antje before. I leaned out so that he had it easier and then he slowly pushed his hard thing into my anus. At the beginning it really hurt and somehow it was also a nice feeling.

Carefully he slid in and out again and again and continued to penetrate my intestine. I supported the wall with both hands and felt his free hand reached for my cock and brought him up again. He jerked it to me a second time and at the same time drove his crossbar into my ass.

He too came in me pretty quickly and I also had to cum again.

When I suddenly realized a figure in the door. Matze had also seen it and paused. “You just can’t get enough.“I heard Antje’s voice, who was dressed in the door. Katha came in now also looked at us.

My sperm stuck on Matze’s hand and his juice flowed out of my ass.
In any case, it must have looked strange, because the two left the room with a laugh again. We both quickly showered and pulled our clothes back before we returned to the car. “I didn’t even know that both of you are on a bi-sex” received us Antje. “We neither!“We answered at the same time.

I opened the car and we invited the things. We drove towards the city, where we wanted to spend a hot evening.
to be continued ..

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