The first visit to the gynecologist | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Kati had a strange feeling when she got the stairs up to practice. She was on the way to her first visit to the gynecologist and she didn’t really know what to expect there.
Her classmates in the vocational school had hardly wanted to believe her at 19 years the first time for the Gynecologist went.

She hadn’t told her that she had never had sexual intercourse before. She found what she had heard from the conversations of her classmates about gynecological studies.

She hesitantly pressed the buzzing door. At the reception there was a young consultation hour aid that gave her her health insurance card.
“Go straight through room 2, Ms. Holten,” said the young woman to Kati. “Dr. Esser comes to you immediately.”” Yes, thank you, “said Kati.

She had hoped that she wouldn’t get on it yet, but that was not to be changed now.
She went through the door with the inscription, 2 ’and came into a small room where a desk and several chairs were stood.

She hadn’t closed the door behind her because the doctor was already entering through another door. Kati was surprised.
She had expected an elderly gentleman of at least 50, but the man who had kicked in was at the beginning to the beginning of 30 and looked serious but extremely good in his white coat.
“Good afternoon Ms. Holten,” he said. “You are with us for the first time?”” Yes “, Kati replied shyly.
“Please take a seat. I want to talk to you briefly before I examine them, ”said Dr.


He asked her in detail about illnesses and her menstrual cycle..
“When were the last time you were with a gynecologist?“He finally wanted to know.
Kati became red. “Never at all,” she admitted.
The doctor almost imperceptibly pulled his eyebrows up.
“It’s good that you say it,” he said. “Then a very detailed examination is necessary in any case.
When did you last sexual intercourse?”” Never before, “murmured Kati.
This time dr. Esser do not hide his surprise.

“Never?” asked he.

“Hm. Masturbate occasionally?“Kati became red again and nodded. Esser smiled.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, that is a completely natural matter. How do you normally do it?“Kati initially described herself, then a little more fluid, as she satisfied herself and noticed with a certain horror, how a comfortable feeling spread in her abdomen in the thought.

The question of whether they are also objects in their vagina or theirs when masturbating anus Intrading, she said no.

“Good,” said Dr. eater. “Then we are now going to the examination room next door and I will examine it. I will first feel your breasts and then examine your inner organs, i.e. the uterus and ovaries through the vagina and look at your vagina in detail myself.

Because they had no sexual intercourse and their vagina is probably still very tight, part of the investigations may be a bit uncomfortable, but I think we should still do them. In the end I will do a rectal examination.“Kati was getting hotter among her clothes. She followed the doctor into the adjoining room. There was a couch and a gynecological examination chair next to some devices, of which their friends had reported numerous horror stories.

“Please free your upper body, Frau fetched,” said the doctor “and then come over here.“Kati pulled blouse, undershirt and bra and stood in front of him.

Flink and carefully he felt her rights, then her left chest off. Kati felt how her nipples suddenly set up. Again she became red.
“But, but,” laughed Esser. “So excited?“Kati was annoyed.

But their nipples only became tougher and steeply steeped up from their breasts, which is rather big for their figure.

“In order, that feels good so far,” said the doctor. “Now I want to watch your vagina. Please also free the lower body and then take a seat here on the examination chair.“A little hectic Kati took off her jeans and panties and sat on the strange chair. She felt uncomfortable.
“So that Legs Please here on the shelves on the sides.“Kati obeyed, the doctor snapped her legs on the shelves and then carefully tipped the chair backwards.

So she was now with his legs spread wide, her vagina was openly in his field of vision. She felt a kind of twitching in her pussy. She tried to relax and think of something completely different, but the thought of what would come now did not let go.

“I’m starting the investigation now,” said Dr. eater.
With two fingers one hand, he spread Kati’s labia and touched the opening behind it.
“Oh, it looks even closer when I thought,” he said.

“Do not use tampons?”” No, “replied Kati,” only binding.”” Of course that explains a lot, “he replied.
Slowly and carefully he now pushed a finger in Kati’s vagina.
“That hurts?” asked he.
She slightly grimified her face.
“A little bit, honestly”.

“Well, I promise you, I will be very careful,” said the doctor. “But unfortunately I can’t spare them entirely. I will have to introduce a second finger right away, and afterwards in some other examinations, it is also inevitable that I have to push different devices into your vagina that are bigger than my fingers. It is important that you really relax.

Then it definitely hurts less.“Kati nodded. Despite the slight pain that her doctor Esser’s finger caused, she felt an increasing, pleasant tingling in her cunt. He moved his finger a little in her and then pulled it out again.
“I still want to look at their clitoris,” he said.

He pulled her little labia apart and pulled the little one foreskin Carefully back your clit. When he kneaded him with his thumb, the tingling sensation in her was stronger.

He felt her clit from all sides, Kati’s excitement became more violent.
“Looks good,” he finally said. “We will deal with it a little more later later. Now unfortunately I still have to examine your vagina correctly.“He led his fingers back to their hole.
“Oha, Ms. Holten, you suddenly got very moist!“Kati became red.

“But that’s not a bad thing,” the doctor smiled, “then my fingers and the instruments are easier to introduce.“With a skillful movement, he quickly pushed the show and middle finger in his right hand deep into her vagina. Kati groaned softly.

His coarse fingers in her caused her pain, but her excitement grew unstoppable. Dr. Esser pressed on her abdominal wall with his flat, left hand and worked towards her with his fingers.

He kept her cunt in detail from the inside. The movements that he carried out with his fingers in her genital organ gave her an overwhelming lust.

She instinctively pushed her pelvis a bit forward and groaned quietly again and again.
“Is it that bad?“Asked the doctor frightened.
“No, no,” pressed Kati out. “It’s just …” “What?“He asked without interrupting his fingers’ movements.

“Oh, nothing,” she groaned.
Dr. Esser slowly pulled his fingers out of her vagina. Kati noticed that she threatened to lose control of the twitching of her genital organ.

It was almost frenzied with lust. She had her lust forgotten all the rules of the decency.
“Lord … doctor,” she groaned.
“Yes, Ms. Holten?”Asked the doctor.

“Doctor, I want … I want you to deflower me!“She almost shouted out.
“Hm,” he replied.
The increasing excitement of his young patient was not hidden from him.

And he should have lieden if he had wanted to say that he didn’t feel tremendous by her body.
“Do you even know what you say, Ms. Holten?” asked he.

“Yes!“Kati came out. “I sign everything, but please, fuck me, otherwise I will be insane.“The doctor felt his strap in his pants more and more. He looked into her eyes. His own excitement grew every second, and he noticed that he was about to throw all rules for medical dealings with patients overboard.

“Are you really sure there?” asked he.

“My penis is quite big and her vagina is still very tight. That would certainly not go off for them without pain. Maybe think about the thing again?““ No, please do it!“Kati cried out, in her voice there was almost despair in her voice.
“As you want,” replied Dr. eater.

“But only under one condition: I determine the exact rules of the game. If you really choose it, you also have to join me 100 %.”” Do what you want with me, “groaned Kati. “But please do it!”” As you wish, “said the doctor.

He strapped Kati’s arms and legs so tightly with quick handles that their breasts and gender were completely openly accessible without them being able to defend themselves against it in any way. Now open his pants.

As soon as he pulled the zipper and striped his panties down a bit, his beating, which has now become completely hard, jumped out in full size. On Kati’s face, horror spread.
She hadn’t believed that a cock could be so big. At the same time, however, she felt how her cunt almost dripped with moisture.


Esser took a step closer to her and stood between her fixed, spread legs. He took his strap in his hand and stroked a wide open column several times over Katis. Their excitement was now so obvious that it couldn’t take long for them to orgasm came. He began stimulating her clitoris with his acorn, initially careful and slow, but gradually increasing intensity and pace.

Kati breathed faster and faster than he started kneading her breasts with his free hand, her groaned became louder and louder until it gradually turned into screams and she was finally almost shaken by an intensive orgasm.

“Well, Ms. Esser, but that was quick,” he smiled. “My penis didn’t even touch her hole!“But Kati was so excited again that she did not answer at all, but continued to groan. The doctor led his bolt to her opening and tried to penetrate a little with his glans. Kati was incredibly tight.

The pain of pain distorted on her face show him that it didn’t make much sense to torture her slowly. He would rather use the shock method.

“Relax,” he whispered and began to crawl her breasts and clit.
Kati closed his eyes and tried to relax. Suddenly she felt a violent pain, which she had loudly screamed, but at the same time triggered a lust in her that she only saw stars. The doctor had pierced her maiden hewn with his spear with all the force and rammed him deep into her wet vagina without further warning.

He reached for her breasts and fucked her so violently and intensely that you almost heard and see her passed. Again and again he pushed his huge limb into her until the stop, his testicles clapped on her back baking.

“Ohhhhhh Jaaaaaahhhhü!“She screamed, fulfilled of pain and lust.
He felt one orgasm after another drove it through it. Her tight organ seemed to suck his cock like a octopus his prey. He noticed that he would come soon too.

For the final, he included her backbake, quickly pushed a finger into her anus, and held tight and increased his fucking pace almost into the immeasurable.

“Where should I inject my juice to you?“He gasped.
“Spray him in, deep into my horny cunt” she screamed.
At the same moment he already felt his testicles pull together and immediately his seed in Kati’s inner sucks. It was clear to him that this investigation would still not be over ..
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