The customer | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I need a bit of variety in my everyday life from time to time. My life goes exactly as many women want it. I am now 28 years old, look pretty good and am not married and have all the freedom of the world. Friday after Quitting time I treated myself to a long and relaxing bathroom. After my bath I went into bedroom. The clothes were already ready for the evening on the bed and I started to dress.

First came the corsage. I put them around my hips and then laced it up from top to bottom. The brackets in the incorporated bra almost pressed out my big breasts. Then it was the turn of the black slip. Next I then carefully put on the ownered stockings. Now the skirt, an ultra shorter paint mini of the silver shimmered. Black heels rounded off the outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror. The result could really be seen.

My curves were excellently emphasized and the stockings looked out under the skirt. Now back into the bathroom, style my hair and put on the make-up. Nothing stood in the way of the nice evening. I quickly swung myself into mine automobile and drove off. Half an hour later and I’m in my favorite cocktail bar. In this one that was in the middle of the old town, the bear raged at the weekend. People from 18 to 50 and from a wide variety of social classes met here and celebrated very well with each other.

Here it should be easy for me to find suitable victims. I parked near a hotel and got the key to the room already ordered. On the short path from the hotel to bar, I already pulled everyone’s attention. It was only around half past 7, so it wasn’t that much going on on the streets yet, but still I heard one or the other whistle, which accompanied me.

The bar was still completely empty, maybe only 20 guests in total. I went to the stairs and up the balcony. From there I had the best view of the counter and the dance floor. So I was able to choose my victim in peace and didn’t have to make sure all the spinners. It was almost 0 a.m. when I finally saw a group of suitable men. They were all between mid 20 and late 30 and already well drunk.

That’s exactly how it had to be. Now it was just me. I had to turn on the guys as inconspicuously as possible. They had to think that they had an easy game with me. I grabbed my bag and slowly and lasciviously climbed the steps. As expected, the eyes of the male guests were immediately liable to me. My victims also looked at me with big eyes. I went to her purposefully and looked for about. 2 m further a place at the counter.

They looked even better up close. I ordered a Caipirinha and looked at everyone. Which would accompany me to the hotel? When I the first time At the drink, the first 3 came up to me. “Well sweet mouse, so tonight?“That was my keyword, the bored housewife became the small dirty bitch within a few seconds. I flirted on hell come out and gave them more and more insights.

My way was not without effect and soon I felt my hands on my buttocks and my legs. The men changed and finally 2 of them remained. The selection was not easy for me and so I decided to leave the decision to leave chance. I went outside and waited for a moment. Which of the guys would probably follow me now. After I slowly took a few steps further, I suddenly heard both of them behind me.

“Hey du Luder, but that’s not how it works, first you make us hot and then you leave us. You may do that with others, but not with us!“I had every effort to suppress a grin. A short moment of doubts plagued me a few doubts. I would also work with 2 men, or would I lose control of the situation?Challenges have always irritated me, so I also accepted them.

I turned around and looked at the men: “O. K. You two, that was really not very nice of me, but I’ll make you a suggestion! Comes briefly to the hotel room. They looked at each other, grinned maliciously and then nodded. The night porter didn’t look bad when I climbed into the elevator with 2 men in tow. They were still holding back. How long still? In my room I went to the little fridge and opened it.

When I bent down to take out drinks I felt a man behind me. “Hey you little bitch, you just have to be fucked properly again, you can see that!“I turned away from the guy and landed directly in the arms of the other. Not exactly gently attacked me and threw me on the bed. Of course I tried to defend myself, but one held me while the other was tugging on my corsage.

After only a few seconds there was a few seconds and my breast literally jumped towards him. “Look at these tits, they are made for a horny titty fuck. Come on, keep it firmly, I have to let it down first!“Then everything went very quickly, his pants and his panties fell to the ground and he knelt about me. He pressed my breasts together and then pushed his tail between. I felt how he got bigger and bigger under the movements and was looking forward to feeling this gem in me.

I still walled back and forth, but it only reinforced his lust. After a few, violent bumps, he sprayed his first horny load. The cream landed exactly in my face and I felt the warm stuff down on my cheek. Then they changed places and the other held me tight. The tail that I now saw was huge. He stood in the air for long and thick. Before I kept me bored between my lips.

As soon as the glans was in my mouth, I already had a slight feeling of sausage. Any more would fit in at all. But then I was wrong. Hard and regardless of it, he pushed his cock again and again and deeper into my fuck mouth. Despite the stranging heater, I enjoyed being used like this. I sucked and sucked on the monster. “Well, our hooker seems to like the treatment. I think we have to take them properly right away.

Then she will definitely not enjoy it anymore!“This pejorative treatment tied me even more, I wanted to be fucked by them, I wanted to be used by them. My arms were let go and after a few moments my skirt was pushed up. The guy didn’t even make the trouble to take off my panties, but only pushed it aside before entering me hard with 3 fingers. If it hadn’t been the tail in my mouth, I would have shouted out loud with lust.

I wanted exactly such a treatment. He fingered me more and more violently and took the 4. Finger add. My pelvis was automatically moving towards his hand and my whole body trembled. I heard a violent moan above me and I already tasted the warm juice in my mouth. With several violent bumps he injected his whole cream deep into my throat and I had problems swallowing everything. “What else do you wait, fuck them whore Finally, she is already begging!“, I hear him say when he pulled the cock out of my mouth.

The fingers slid out of me and mine Legs were roughly raised. Then I was literally impaled by his crossbar and struggled vigorously. I felt the cock deeper and toughter and I whimpered with lust. The knowledge of being observed when birding was still observed. In the meantime I was shouting with lust and felt the waves climbing up in me. Meanwhile, the second guy jerked his cock hard again. Then he also went to the foot end of the bed and whispered something to the other.

To my horror, he got the cock out of me. One of the two lay down on the bed next to me and pulled me over with a jerk. His cock penetrated me and I rode wildly on him. The next moment I remained the air away from pain. The guy behind me pushed his tail into my wide -stretched cunt without warning. In addition to the already big tail, I was now fucked by the other.

I japied after air, it was unable to do anything. The cocks seemingly collapsed on each bump and I got one orgasm After the next. At some point I fell asleep with exhaustion. When I woke up a few hours later, there were 100 euros on the night cabinet and a small note: “Thanks for the number, you dream woman” I grinned satisfied, I was looking forward to the next great weekend and fell asleep again …

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