Sex on vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

sex on holiday ,

I have been married more or less happily for 23 years and have never cheated on my husband during this time. I like to flirt and also like men, like it when I get compliments and enjoy my effect on men, but I have never driven it with a strange man. Not in my marriage. I have been busy in recent years to raise my two children and each Mother knows how much nerves and time it costs, there was not always sex for sex.

Unfortunately the men don’t understand that. And I think my husband was not very happy with this situation and he got sex with other women. The guys are all the same. And yes, over the years my desire for sex was no longer so pronounced and my desire for sex was zero.

My husband was very annoyed when I rejected him. But I can’t just change the switch and pretend I would like sex if I don’t have it. My husband then wanted oral sex, but I didn’t feel like it at all, and I also have a guilty conscience that I haven’t blown his penis in recent years. I used to like that very much, no longer today.

The children have finally grown up now and I finally have a little more time for myself, my hobbies, my friends and also my husband. Finally I don’t have to get up every morning early and take care of the household. Study and live my k ** s in their own shared apartments. Splendid.

Well, it’s time to tell you my vacation experience, and I hope you have not been too shocked by me that I did something like this … I can’t explain it myself. 4 weeks ago I flew to Cuba with my husband. We had booked a great luxury hotel on Cayo Coco, a wonderful island before Cuba. When we arrived at Ciego de Avila Airport, I felt the special feeling of Cuba.

The people were happy, laughed and were very friendly. And the pleasant warm temperatures immediately got under my skin. Pure Caribbean feeling. Finally holidays Without the children, no stress, just recovering and spending nice days with my husband, I knew that he had special expectations and I hoped not to disappoint him too much.

Maybe the relaxed atmosphere and the warm weather would bring back the desire. We had acclimatized very quickly and got used to the heat. We had sex on the first evening and it was nice. The next day we planned a full day of the beach.

We had two loungers right on the water and the beach was hardly occupied, wonderful. I took off my bikini top so that my tits would finally get some color. Unfortunately, my tits are far too big and are more dependent than that is nice, but I didn’t care what others think and the other one stare at me. Of course I am no longer the youngest when I was 48, but I still look very attractive and the men (and women) still look at myself intensively and try to flirt with me.

And sometimes I enjoy that too. Here in Vacation especially. “Should I apply you to apply you?”, My husband asked,” yes, absolutely. I don’t want to get a sunburn on the first day, ”I replied.

“And I think that is very quick with this heat.

My husband took the cream out of his pocket and dripped the cream on my back. He massaged the sunscreen gently and I ran a pleasant shower over my back. “Turn around, I’ll cream you at the front,” he pressed my body to the side. “Better not, better if I do it myself,” I said.

“No, I want to do that, so don’t do you that way,” he said because I didn’t want to be snapped again and I didn’t want to provoke a noise, I let him grant him. I lean back, closed my eyes and felt the cream dripping on my skin. I winced something because she was cool, but when my husband’s warm hands distributed her, I relaxed myself. He cremated my legs first, his hands were gently and he slid over my skin with a lot of feeling.

I immediately got goose bumps, although I actually didn’t want that. Then he creamed my stomach and his hands wandered up again and grabbed my tits. I winced together. “Please don’t, we are not alone here, people can see that!“I complained.

“Relax, let people look. We don’t do anything indecent, I just cream your skin, ”said my husband. “But I don’t want it,” I said “your body says something else,” he grinned. “Your nipples are tougher than Kruppstahl!”” But not just my nipples when I really look around, “I said.

I didn’t want an argument, so I let him continue to massage it. Of course I saw that his tail was already hard and he was getting more and more. He sat on my stomach and massaged my tits. “You have such horny tits, honey.

I could fiddle around all day “. “You always say that”. “But I mean it too,” he said. “I’m totally horny.

Come on, let’s go to the room. We are on holiday!”” No, I don’t want to, “I replied, knowing that he will be snapped in again.“I want to lie in the sun now and relax and become brown. We can have sex tonight, “” Come on, don’t stand up like this, “he replied. “We don’t always have to make sex when it is evening, let’s break the habit.

Now.Here!”” No, but I don’t want. We still have enough time and don’t have to do everything on the first day, “I said” then not, “he said. He turned away from me and went into the sea to cool off. The day went around quickly and my husband quickly cooled down again.

In the evening we had quick sex and everything was fine. The next few days everyone went similarly: lazing, bathing and relaxing during the day, eating well and drinking in the evening. After a week there was a big argument. We had too much alcohol Drunk and my husband wanted to have sex again and pressed me quite a bit.

I rejected him because I didn’t feel like it. “I can no longer bear that you constantly reject me. I finally want real sex, ”he blew me on. “We already had sex on vacation three times, what else do you want?”, I answered.

“I finally want to fuck properly, not this boring sex. Listen to dirty words, horny positions and that you blow me “” Don’t talk that way, that disagrees me! If you don’t like our sex, then we can let it be, ”I replied.”I’m not a hooker” “I would be happy, sometimes you would be one in bed. Let yourself go!“, My husband answers. “But I’m not one! Basta!“, I hissed back.

“You Frigide cow, I have something like that of the snout. I finally want a real woman who enjoys sex.“, He shouted at me. “I think you are crazy, what can you think of!“I shouted back.”I don’t let it like it”. So it went for a while.

The words flew through the air and when he further insulted me, I threw an object for him, just missed his head. I whirled around and raced out of the room and slammed the door behind me. I went to the hotel garden with an angry head and ran a few laps. Then I went to the pool bar and ordered with a mojito.

It was pretty late and there were only a few people left in the bar. Since I was already drunk, the mojito hit all the worse. I immediately felt the effect. I didn’t care.

I drank it quickly and ordered one more.

“You shouldn’t drink so quickly, the Mojitos here are incredibly strong,” said a male voice behind me. “What does she do, I can drink what I want and as much as I want,” I answered sharply. “Naturally. You are already a big girl, I just wanted to warn her, ”said the guy.

I turned around and looked at a very attractive man in his mid -thirties. Dark blue eyes, striking cheeks, great figure, at least 1.85m tall. Wow, what attractive man. “Thanks.

Sorry because of my sharp tone, but I’m a little annoyed, ”I said. “Why are they annoyed in a beautiful place? You will definitely go on vacation here? You should have fun on vacation and not be annoyed.” “I do not want to talk about it. And of course you are right. So we change the topic.

By the way, my name is Gaby.“I said and handed his hand to him. “Alex, my name is Alex, nice to get to know you Gaby,” he replied, shook me vigorously, but not too strongly my hand. And he held her a second too long. I looked in his eyes and a light shower ran over my back.

We chatted for a while and I liked his male voice better and better. Alex was very sympathetic to me straight away. “Do you like another drink,” he asked me. I was pretty drunk and wasn’t sure.

On the other hand, I didn’t want to go back to the hotel room and go on with my husband. “Why not, even though I’m pretty drunk,” I replied. “I have you the last few days at the beach observed, the accompaniment is your husband?“, Ask me Alex. “Yes, we argued violently, so I’m here,” I said.

“I had to get out of the room, otherwise I would be totally freaked out”. “You seem to have a lot of temperament.“, He said Alex. “And you are very attractive, all men gap you on the beach, you noticed that?“Alex flirted. “No,” I said a little embarrassed.” I did not notice.”” Come on let’s dance, there are hardly any people here, but the music is good.Desire?”, Asked Alex,” I don’t know.“I replied, unsure how I should react to the offer.

Alex didn’t torch for long and took me on my arm and led me on the dance floor. There was a rhythmic salsa and Alex was a very good dancer. His beautiful hands pack my waist and took me over the dance floor. I hovered over the dance floor.

I felt his hands on my back and how they gently stroked my back. One hand approached my buttocks and he slowly stroked over it. The other hand approached my tits and I felt his fingers at the base of my tits. I was confused and wanted to defend myself at first, but it was so pleasant, so I had it granted.

The alcohol did the rest. I pressed my pelvis towards him and felt his cock slowly getting hard. I enjoyed it and rubbed my pelvis on his hard cock. It got bigger and bigger and I got a horror at the idea of how big it was.

“Like what you feel there?“, He breathed in my ear. “We have to stop, I can’t do that,” I replied and loosened out of his hug and went back to the bar. I drank my Mojito on a train and immediately felt the violent effect. My legs bent, I was drunk.

Very drunk, the effect was now increasing more and more. “Everything ok with you, you suddenly look so pale?“Asked Alex. “I’m drunk, it is embarrassing to me. I should go back to the room, ”I laughed with a heavy tongue.

“I take you to your room, you can’t make your way through the dark garden, as shaky as you are on your feet,” said Alex. “It’s very nice of you,” I replied. “I am happy to accept the offer”. The resort was very extensive and the rooms were divided into several hotel areas that were distributed across the entire facility.

In the dark you could get lost quickly when you were drunk. Alex paid the bill and support me with his strong arms so that I couldn’t stumble. “Everything ok, you can go like that?”, asked he. “Yes, I’m a bit dizzy, but it works.

Hold me well, ”I smiled at him, gratefully that he accompanied me to the room.

After a few minutes we were garden where there were no more people. I leaned against Alex’s shoulder while we were running slowly.I smelled his male fragrance. “Short break please Alex, I have to breathe!“I said, looking at him in his beautiful eyes. “No problem,” he replied, pulled me and kissed me.

His tongue bored deep in my mouth. I wanted to defend myself, but he grabbed more firmly and I had no chance to get out of his clasp. “Please don’t, Alex,” I said. “I am..“But I couldn’t finish the sentence, when his tongue was already deep in my mouth again.

My cramped detached and I returned the kiss. “I knew you liked it,” Alex breathed in my ear.“From the first moment when I saw you!“We kissed intensely and violently. Alex pulled me tightly and I could feel his hard, big cock. He rubbed it on me and I didn’t loosen myself, but let him grant him.

He opened my blouse with one hand and grabbed my tits, my nipples were steel hard of lust, but I was afraid that someone could see us. “Not Alex, someone could see us. That is too risky, ”I bend him. “You are right, it’s too risky.

We’ll go on, ”he said and I was a little relieved, but also disappointed because it felt good. After a few minutes we stood in front of a bungalow. “This is my bungalow, is a suite with several rooms. Let’s drink a little glass of champagne before we go on to your room, ok?“Alex whispered in my ear.

“Better not,” I replace, “don’t stand like that, Gaby. It’s just a glass of champagne, ”he said I didn’t want to bump him up because he was so nice to me. “But just a little glass,” I smiled.”I’m already drunk enough”. Alex opened the door, only slightly dimmed the light and led me into the room.

Immediately he put his arms around me and kissed my neck. His hands fuched wildly on my blouse, hectic, nervous, greedy. “I’m so horny for you, Gaby. I want you.

Now.Here.Immediately!“, He groaned into my ear. “We just wanted to drink a glass of champagne,” I said, trying to loosen out of the clasp. “Now don’t adhere that, you want it too.“His hand pushed himself under my skirt. He grabbed my legs hard and pushed the panties aside so that he could grab my cunt.

I tried to solve myself, but he was too strong. “Please not, Alex. We can’t do that, please let go of me, ”I was rather half -hearted. My cunt was totally wet and of course he felt that.

“You are very wet, your clit is swollen, you want it too, you little horny sow!“I tried to push his hand out of my panties, but he grabbed even firmer. He bit me in my throat, I felt his breath on my skin and I could smell his sweat. So male. “I want to fuck you, you are so horny gaby! Say that you want it “” No, please don’t, I don’t want.

We can’t do that, ”I replied, knowing that he didn’t care. He would take what he wanted. “Don’t be like this and forget your husband, here you have a real cock here.“He led my hand down, opened his pants and let me touch his big cock. “Well, you like that? Is it not nice and tough?“He groaned my ear.

His cock was huge. I was getting wetter and horny with lust. The idea of feeling this big cock drove me crazy. “He’s sooo big, Alex,” I groaned, “yes, that is and tastes good too”.

He pushed me on his knees and pushed my head to his cock. “Come on, bland him, you horny sow. I want you to suck him and pamper it “,” I don’t like it, my husband always wants it, but I don’t want to, “I pleaded” I don’t care what you want. Finally take it in your mouth and suck him.“He pressed my head to his cock, which he jerked with one hand.I tried to turn my head to the side, but it was too strong.

His cock pressed my lips that I pressed together. “Now finally do, open your lips and suck him,” he said.“You want it too,“ he doesn’t let go, pressed my head firmer against his cock and I could no longer avoid. Slowly I opened my lips. His cock penetrated hard into my mouth.

He tasted salty to sweat and urine, and he was so huge.“Yes, that’s good. good girl. Take him deep in his mouth, lick him, you horny, ”he groaned.

I grabbed his cock with one hand and jerked him while spoiling him.My lips sucked tightly on his shaft and I moved them faster and faster. Alex massaged my tits, and I realized that I was getting hotter and my cunt was exposed to lust.

“Ohaahh, that’s good. Keep going. This is wonderful. You do that very well”.

he groaned. His tail dripped, the first sperm drops ran out of his glans. At first it disgusted me a little, but then I didn’t care. I licked it.

In the meantime he drilled with his fingers in my cunt and I had no control anymore. I was just horny. I felt how his lower body was increasingly hectic twitching. “Do you want to inject on my tits?“, I ask him while I jerked his cock.

“No pale, do it, don’t stop!“, He ordered perch. I took his cock back into my mouth and sucked up like wild. Suddenly he exploded in me. He screamed and kept my head tightly pressed on his cock so that I couldn’t take his cock out of my mouth.

“Sip everything, you sow!“, He groaned. “Every drop!”. He unloaded his full load of sperm in my mouth. I could hardly record everything, so much gushed out of his cock.

It dripped out of my corners of the mouth. I could swallow most of it. “Make him clean, lick him bare, Gaby. Brave girl, it works.

You do it great.“I licked his cock, his testicles, just everything. It tasted great. I was dazed and extremely excited. “And now lick me.

Now it’s my turn. Lick my cunt!“I ordered him. I had forgotten my husband for a long time and I didn’t have any moral concerns. I was just endlessly horny and wanted to have my satisfaction too.

Alex threw me on the bed and pulled out my panties. Immediately he spread my legs and spoiled me with his tongue without foreplay.She was hectic and wild. At first it was a little uncomfortable because he licked too tightly. “Not so hectic, Alex.

Please lick me a little gentler, then I feel better, ”I whispered. “Don’t stand like that, Gaby, you women want it hard, admit it! You have enough of your softies. Is time to fuck you in a real man .”He said rugged and drilled two fingers in my hole. I groaned loudly.

He fingered me hard and violent, no tenderness, and I enjoyed it! It was infinitely cool. After a few minutes I inject a gush of cunt over his hand because I through the first one orgasm exploded. “Oh man, you are a horny cunt,” he laughed. “You splash more than one man.“In the meantime, his cock grew back to the considerable size.

“Time to fuck, little one,” he ordered.“Come on, on my knees, I want to fuck you from behind and massage your big tits.“I turned around and held my ass towards him. “Come on, fuck me and don’t talk that much. I want it now. Make me, I’m horny!“I groaned, surprised by my choice of words.

“You are welcome to have that.“He grabbed my legs, spread her apart and hit my cheek with my flat hand. Then he led his huge cock to my cunt. He pressed it through my cunt lobe a few times, massaged my swollen clit with his globe and then rammed his cock hard into my hole. I groaned loudly with lust.

“Oh yes, fuck me. It feels good! Fuck me deep, ”I groaned. “You can have that, you horny cunt”. He pushed more and more stronger and more violent.

I screamed loudly with lust and pain. “Ohhhh, that’s so good..Do not stop. Further. Firm!! come on!“, I cheered him on.

He fucked me hard. “Come on, sit on me, then I can massage your huge tits even better. Ride him, you horny bitch!“I was now wet wet. I sat on his cock and led the large part into my cunt.

Oh, how good it felt. I had never fucked with such a big cock. Alex sweat very strongly and I enjoyed the penetrative smell, it was incredibly male. I rode him slowly, then I moved faster to feel his cock better.

I had closed my eyes to be able to enjoy better. I was like senselessly with pleasure and I had no remorse. Alex massaged my tits and I leaned forward to kiss him better. One hand massaged my tits, the other clapped my ass cheeks.

Suddenly I felt a third hand on my tits.

At first I thought it was a delusion of the sensation, but then it quickly became clear that it was not a deception. A second man knelt on the bed, naked, and he held his excited cock in front of my mouth and asked me to lick him. I winced together. “Alex, what’s going on, what’s the point, who is that?“I asked hectic.

I panicked. I wanted to detach myself from Alex, but he grabbed me and I couldn’t move. “This is my friend Ralf, we share the bungalow. He probably slept in the other room.

And now don’t be like this!“He ordered and rammed his cock deeply and firmly into me.“Enjoy it, you bitch! Or do you want your husband to find out about it?“Ralf packed my head, turned him to him and led him to his cock. “And now just take it in your mouth and suck him, you will like it,” he grinned. I didn’t know what to do, but above all was afraid of what Alex said. That he would tell me about it.

Under no circumstances could that happen. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. Ralf led his cock into my mouth and immediately moved his abdomen rhythmically. His cock was by no means as big as that of Alex, more like that of my husband, and he didn’t taste as strictly as Alex’s tail.

“You do that wonderfully, little one. What is you actually called?“Asked Ralf rather I could answer, Alex replied. “The little bitch is called Gaby, and while she can be fucked by us, her husband is unsuspecting in bed,” said Alex. “Are you really such a bad girl?”Asked Ralf.

He grinned at me and I looked at him from the bottom up while I blew his cock. “Yes, I am. I’m such a bad girl. You can do what you want with me, but my husband is not allowed to know anything about it.

I have to go back soon, otherwise he will notice something, ”I hoped for understanding. “Well, then we want to be nice and not reveal anything,” said Ralf. “And now we have some fun”. His cock penetrated deep into my mouth and Alex edited my cunt.

My cunt pounded, so hard fucked me Alex. What a large part. I came for the second time. Ralf started pumping and he felt his juice shot into my mouth.

He pulled it out and distributed the rest on my tits. He seemed to spray sperm endlessly, I had never seen such a large amount of sperm from a tail. My tits were covered with sperm. “Well, you like it, sweetie?”Asked Ralf.

“Do you like it? “Yes it tastes and I like it. It feels good, ”I whispered. I was still sitting on Alex, who continued to fuck my cunt. She started to burn slowly, but didn’t want to whine so that they would not be annoyed.

And I have to admit, I liked it. Alex pulled my body down, he started kissing me while he continued to push his cock into my cunt, but luckily no longer so firm. It felt good. Ralf suddenly knelt behind me and stroked my butt.

“You have a fantastic ass. Sensational. Round and firm like an apple, and that at your age. Respect, Gaby, ”he flirted.

“I turned my head to him and thank you for the compliment. He was sitting in front of my back and jerking his cock. He greedily looked like Alex’s tail and flutsche out. Suddenly I felt his finger penetrated into my ass.

I cramped immediately and wanted to say something, but Alex already had his tongue in my mouth . “Just close your eyes and enjoy, and don’t always cramp!”, he said. I closed my eyes and read them. I couldn’t change it anyway.

“I’m now taking your asshole, gaby and then I’ll fuck it. Relax, ”said Ralf pretty rugged. Resistance was pointless. With two fingers he drilled my asshole, stretched it and introduced the cream.

Alex fucked now slower. Then Ralf entered my butt with his hard cock and started to slowly fuck me in the ass. Both of them climbed in the same rhythm, my holes fuck hard. I completely lost control and the mind, groaned loudly and constantly.

It was so terribly horny. They cheered on each other, use vulgar expressions, and all of that made me even hornier. “I’ll be right away,” shouted Alex. “Me too,” replies Ralf.

“Come on, we are fully injecting together. Deses everything to your body!”

The next moment they pulled their cocks out of my holes and inseminated my whole body. My ass, my tits and my face. My body shook and I had my next orgasm, I couldn’t tough anymore how often I had come.

Exhausted we sagged everything together and relaxed on the bed. “I have to go now,” I said exhausted. “Yes, ok Gaby. It was great.

And of course we would never tell your husband. It was a really great fuck. Don’t take it so seriously and don’t have a guilty conscience, ”said Alex in a gentle voice. “Thank you.It was crazy and I will definitely have a terribly guilty conscience, but that’s not important now.“, I replied, kissed both of them on their cheeks, put on my skirt and my blouse.

I wiped the sperm as best I could with a towel. I didn’t want to take a shower, my husband could notice and how should I explain that I was showered somewhere else. I left the bungalow, step into the dark and immediately felt the warm, sultry tropical air that I loved so much. I was still tipsy, but not as drunk as before.

My body hurt. My cunt and my hole burned with every step. I was no longer in shape. And the taste according to sperm still stuck in my mouth.

But I felt good. After a few minutes I had reached my room. It was dark, obviously my husband slept. I slipped out of my clothes and snuggled up naked on him.

He turned around and asked: “You are late, where were you so long? “I was at the bar, drank two cocktails to calm me down and then ran to the beach to think about our argument. I’m sorry that we argued and I want to apologize to you.““ It’s ok, I calmed down again. I love you Gaby.And sometimes you have to do without things that you would like to have. You know what I mean, I will not blame you.

If you don’t like that, that’s the way it is. I accept it.”” I also thought, Thomas. And I also want you to be happy. I will try to fulfill your dreams.“, I breathed in his ear and pressed myself against his body.

I wandered into his shorts with my hand and felt that his cock was hard. I heard a slight moan. “Maybe I should start with it right away,” I grinned, moving my head to his hard cock. “You don’t have to do that, Gaby,” said my husband “But I want”, I replied and took his hard cock in his mouth.

“Do you like it?“I asked him after a few minutes after his body moved up and down and he breathed heavily. “Yes, and how. You blastingly blows!“, My husband replies,“ come in me! Sprays me in my mouth, ”I asked him. Whether sperm of two or three men now didn’t care now.

“Are you sure, I thought you didn’t like that?“Asked my husband. “I do it for you, my darling. Come on, inject everything into my mouth, or would you prefer to inject it on my tits?“, I demanded him. “Both, in the mouth and on your tits.

As cool as I am now, my sperm is enough, ”he grinned. His hand wandered to my cunt and he gently rubbed my clit. Then he introduced two fingers into my cunt. It burned like crazy and I had to bite my lips so as not to scream.

“Gaby, you run out. My fingers swim in your cunt, ”he asked surprised. “Because I’m so horny, honey. I enjoy licking your cock.

Come on my mouth now, I’m tired!“I whispered. If he knew that this is all sperm of foreign men. My shame crawled into my cheeks. “I’m coming!“He screamed and explodes in my mouth at the same time.

I caught the first load, then he pulled it out of my mouth and inject the next load on my tits and on my stomach. He rubbed it gently. “I want to lick you briefly so that you can fall asleep well. So far you have hardly had anything of it, ”said Thomas and before I could protest his tongue I pushed my hole and licked my cunt.

It just hurt, but I pretended to come. Exhausted I sank together. “Thank you honey, that was a nice orgasm, let’s go to sleep now, tomorrow is also a day,” I breathed into his ear “Oh yes and how nice that was. Your cunt tasted very salty this time, probably that comes from the heat and sweat!”, he said.

“Probably it is, honey,” I replied and fell asleep. The next morning I looked around at breakfast if I would see my two lovers, but they weren’t there, not even on the beach. I never saw her again and was very relieved. My cunt hurt for days, but I felt good and my husband was happy because he now got what he always wanted

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