Sex date in the hotel room | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The story was part of my imagination – even if it was significantly influenced by some true events! The characters have neither names nor a concrete appearance (for me, of course :)). All readers can come up with them freely and enjoy the story. I would be happy about a like or comments! Have fun in history! The tingling in the belly became more intense. What did she just get involved? The thought of uncertainty came over, but evaporated as quickly as he had come.

“No, it will be a great evening full of fun, games and last but not least full of familiarity,” she thought confidently and checked her look again in the mirror. A white, competitive top, plus a transparent white panties and holding -free stockings covered her body, just as it was taken after numerous extremely intensive discussions. It is sufficient to cover the bare essentials, but also leaves enough scope to guess what is underneath. A light spot was already emerging in the crotch, but it didn’t bother her and he would hardly be prevented anyway, with the thoughts that went through her the last few days.

She had got involved with the game, even though she only partially knew what would come to her. The chat traffic in advance was a lot – there were various hints – and there were clear boundaries, which both sides generally noticed early enough to have exceeded one of the two. She roared nervously through the hotel room. Again and again she looked at the clock. 18. 5 a.m. Around 18. 30 should be ready.

With every passionate minute she became an excited and tested several times the seat of her stockings, even though she knew that it was not moving a millimeter – at least when wearing normal. She really thought of everything? She had arrived an hour earlier to have enough time to prepare in peace. The hot water of the shower had relaxed, although the thoughts in her head play through all possible scenarios. She felt the soft water, it played around her body, ran down the neck over her back and buttocks, to her legs – a wonderful feeling.

When she drove the body with the shower head, she flinched with the thoughts of the upcoming when she arrived at her most sensitive place. “No, not yet” it went through it and she quickly pulled the shower head up again. A knock on the door tore her out of her short daydream. It was 18. 15. “So early?“Thought and quickly roamed the hotel’s bathrobe over. Actually, it was made that she got a message if she should open the door a gap, then lie on the bed and close her eyes.

But the knock had to come from him, a room service at this time would be extremely strange. She looked through the spy of the door, but couldn’t see anyone. For a moment she was totally undecided, which had meant this. “Should I open? And if it is the room service? Then I only stand here in the bathrobe!“Shot it through her head. “But well, it doesn’t help”. She opened the door with shaky hands.

There was no one to see, only a small red package was in front of her door. She quickly grabbed it and immediately closed the door again. Her heart pounded as she removed the loop and took the lid of the package. A eye mask and a letter were in it. “You are certainly amazed to get a letter, but there is a small change. If you really want to experience an unforgettable evening today, you will kneel on the floor with your back to the door in 3 minutes, have your hands on your neck and wear your blindfold.

If you don’t want that, just open the door normally and we just go out to eat comfortably. “No sender was written, but she knew where the package came from. She looked at the eye mask in her hands. Pictures drove through her head, as it is tied up in addition to the eye mask. A short picture even flags that he took an additional man with him, but she rejected this thought again. “No, he wants to have fun and he will enjoy that.

He alone!“After she had already agreed to lie down on the bed half naked and wait with closed eyes, this requirement was hardly higher. Still, having really connected your eyes is something else. However, it was clear to her that there would be exactly these 3 minutes and then she had to give an answer. “Well, then I am excited to see what is going on now,” she said quietly, threw a pillow on the floor and knelt down.

She roamed the eye mask and waited excitedly for him … it took a while for the door to open. For a while that seemed like an eternity. She heard steps, first behind her, then they went around her. She trembled because she literally felt his patterns on her body. A perfume fragrance got her nose. “He doesn’t smell bad” came to mind briefly before making a touch on the inside of her arm almost shouted up.

He gently stroked his neck towards the face to remove the arm on the other side. “Hello the lady” he said with a good dose of self -confidence and stroked her finger over her lips when she wanted to reply the greeting. Due to the short lingering of the finger on her lips, he indicated that she shouldn’t speak at the moment. “I am pleased to see you and that you have followed the agreement – albeit slightly changed -.

“” Sure, “she thought,” I hardly had anything else … “She had not yet exposed the thought, the top was pulled down with a jerk. It immediately felt slightly cool on the breast and she felt how her nipples set up. “I call that a successful sight. You, kneeling in front of me. “He stroked her neck over her neck and caressed the nipples.

The breast was perfectly shaped, the hands on the neck did a good service for this. A short but strong trick in the nipple surprised her clearly and it escaped a short, moaning scream. “Aua!“She only protested briefly because the finger immediately landed on her lips again. “A little pain in between does not harm you. The exciting thing is that you never know exactly when it comes. It can be the case again at any moment.

“They had never talked about pain. For a short moment, she thought of ending the matter right away, but this short pain was not bad and on the contrary, it felt really exciting afterwards not to know when a short pain was coming. She had him granted with the knowledge that he would not overdo it because he knew her inexperience when it comes to pain. His hand felt warm and soft as she gently stroked her neck, back and all of her body.

She visibly enjoyed tenderness. “Stand up!“He then developed in such a research that she hardly knew and tore her out of the enjoyment of the gentle caresses. “Stay your hands where you are,” it took away when she started to lower them. She got up tentatively and felt how he was very close to her. He went around her again. When he was very close to her, his hands overturned her breasts and pressed her butt forward so that she stood in the hollow cross and leaning her head against his shoulder.

His hand drove down from her chest over his stomach and to the thigh and clearly indicated that she should spread her legs. “Now we want to see if you like the game so far,” he said, while his hand was slowly moving towards her step. A slight groan already escaped to her at the thought that he would immediately take into her crotch. His hand came closer … even closer and skillfully pushed the slip aside.

She knew that she was gossip wet and he would immediately notice it if he hadn’t already seen it anyway. He first put the whole hand on her labia and skillfully drove forward over her clit with a finger from behind. She groans and wants to repeat this movement, but he took his hand back and pulled the panties down with both hands in a single movement. Still standing in front of him in the hollow cross, he brought her up to the free -standing table in the room and pressed it down.

She was glad that she was finally able to relieve her hands, who were always on the neck beforehand. Since the table was slightly lower and smaller than normal, her buttock was literally up and the head looked over the table edge. She supported her elbows. “A perfect table for a perfect posture and a perfect fuck,” he commented on the situation. “Go even more into the hollow cross, I want your ass to be really raised!“He gave her to understand.

She was amazed at this game – once he is totally tender and other times almost rough and coarse. It didn’t matter to her, she felt her increasingly stronger lust, which cooked in her. He stood behind her and pressed her cheeks apart slightly. The sight of her two holes excited him. With a finger he drove from her back over her hole directly to her vagina and easily penetrated her into her.

She groaned and pressed her pool with her pelvis. A second finger was added. She was so wet that this finger could also slide into her without any problems. He curved his fingers lightly and started to finger her very slowly. She acknowledged his actions through an ever louder moan. He got up now and stood right next to her. Her face protruded into the air beyond the table.

“You don’t like that?“He said to her in convinced tone, while he first turned his head gently to his head and then opened his pants. He did not wore shorts, which is why his cock literally ran out of his pants and was right in front of her face. Since she was still wearing her eye mask and could therefore not see him, he nudged on her lips with his cock. She immediately understood and opened her mouth.

He slowly led it into her, while she immediately started sucking and sucking her tail. His hand did not pause on her pussy, on the contrary, he increased the intensity. In addition to lust, it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to groan, since the penis was now in her mouth and she now literally fucked. She choked slightly and he pulled back out of her mouth. He also let the hand in her rest briefly.

Her head slowly sank down and her gasps calm down. Again he began to circle her. Slowly, step by step he went around her, like a hungry predator that his prey was still eyed to make it with a final blow. “What do you want from me now?“He asked her with provocative tone. He wanted her to fuck him to fuck her and enjoyed the idea of undoubtedly having her in her hand.

And he was successful. She knew that she was only really fun when she did him the favor. “Please, I want you to take me now and here immediately,” she whispered her little. “Please? I couldn’t understand you!“He replied to her and gave her a gossip on the buttocks. “Finally fuck me!”. “Ah the lady wants me to fuck her. Ok, but I’ll take easy precautions. “” Prevention? What does he mean with that?“Shot it through her head.

As if he had heard the thought, he said when he went back: “We will still have a lot of fun together today. For this it is necessary to prepare you something. “In doing so, he drove down to her pussy over her back, entered 3 fingers and now uses the moisture of the fingers to rubbing on her buttocks. “What are you doing?“Asked in horror. “You shouldn’t talk, you should enjoy. Trust me and relax.

“He circled her rosette very slowly and slowly penetrated her into her with one finger. He did the very same thing with his penis. He worked piece by piece. The tension on her part was literally felt. She absolutely wanted him to take her right now and at the same time had the thought in her head that he does something indecent. But the thought was somehow horny for her and she had it granted.

His finger was now almost completely inside and he curved him again. He could feel his penis himself while he was slowly starting to push her from behind. At first the bumps were light and slow, but it increased the intensity of minute to minute, but only slightly. Her moan gave him the confirmation he needed and wanted. She liked it. After a few minutes in which the pace has already risen, he stopped abruptly.

“Enough, you will surely come to your fun elsewhere today,” he said and withdrew from her with his finger and his tail. It was now time for him to flash his dominant vein again. “So, you will definitely not reach the climax now, we will still stand up. But I! And for that you will now kneel on the pillow and blow me a blow. “You can take off the eye mask, I want you to look me in the eye.

“She did as said, got the pillow and knelt in front of him. She tasted her own juice as he pushed his cock into her. “You can also use your hands with you” He gave her to her and she again did as said. She licked his shaft, his testicles and at the same time jerked his cock. “And now deep in!”. He noticed how she blocked. Deepthroat was not her thing and before he got really deep she pulled back.

“Nanana, let’s practice it again, but I think you can also get me to the climax”. Smiling, she briefly bent on the glans and grinned at him with a look that was griefing by self -confidence. “We’ll see that right away!“Again she started spoiling his penis. She sucked and sucked as if she had never done anything else. When she realized that he could hardly hold back, she increased the intensity again.

He would be allowed to cum into her, both knew that. She jerked and sucked faster and also started to play around his scrotum very gently. That was too much … With a short but violent groaning, he began to pump thrust into her mouth by thrust. It was a violent orgasm, so she almost troubled to record everything, but she swallowed everything down and acknowledged it with a cheeky smile. “I was good?“She knowingly asked rhetorically.

“I was good?“Came the counter question immediately. Both smiled that they hardly needed to answer the question. “Phew, that was – intense,” she said when she got up and came up with him. “Oh yes that was it. So and now a real greeting! Hi, you’re fine?“He asked with a huge, warm hug. “Yes,” she said and grinned. “I never felt better!“So rest a little, then put on and then eat?“He suggested.

“Ok and I hope you keep your promise that I will still have fun today, otherwise you will get to know me!”” But hello, the fun will certainly go on – and when we eat we start with it “. He then went to his jacket and took out something. “You can not be serious can you?“She asked incredulously. With the words: “Oooooh but. You can leave the stockings – but a fresh panties and a chic bra and skirt and blouse would certainly be an idea?“He ended the conversation and she understood that a rejection would not use anything.

The game – so it goes on …

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