Pervers game with my husband | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was on an ordinary morning, my husband had just left the house and was on his way to work. I was sitting, a little tired at the table and devoted me to the daily newspaper when the phone suddenly rang. I already thought something happened, because who calls me shortly after seven o’clock ? So I got up quickly and went to the phone … It was my husband and his voice sounded so different than usual, which was a little surprised.

He asked me if I was ready to play a little game with him and I felt a little irritated, I didn’t know exactly what he meant by that.

I hesitantly gave him an answer: “Yes honey, why not if you explain to me what it is about,” I said with the approach of a smile that scurried me over my face. Now this, he said, I’ll do it right away. “And you are really sure that you trust me? ” asked he. Again a little irritated I replied: “Yes, of course, why do you ask that ?”

Well, he started: “You are now going to the bathroom and take a bathroom, then you make yourself beautiful and you put on your black knitting dress, but you will not wear underwear underneath, except for a few holy stockings ! “Then you put on your black boots and your coat, which you definitely leave open ! “You should be finished in about an hour and leave the house, you go towards the town center, there you will be picked up ! ”

I felt like uncomfortable, but also a completely different feeling of my possessed.

There was something that put me in excitement in a strange way. I heard a slight tingling sensation at that point, between my thighs … I began to concentrate on my husband’s instructions, but again and again curiously questioning what he was going to do.

So I went to the bathroom and got bathing water. As the tub filled steadily, I put my hair up with a clasp and began to brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I was finished, I loved the clasp and my hair fell over my shoulders again. I pulled out my bathrobe and stood naked in the bathroom while the water was still filling the tub. I stroked my breasts and felt how excitement rose in me and moisture between my thighs rose his way. I suddenly noticed a desire with mine Finger To touch there, but still called me back the schedule and began to finish me.

I tested the temperature of the water with the tips of the foot and when I found it pleasant, I slowly got into the tub. Delicate fragrant foam and cozy warmth surrounded my body. I let myself sink completely so that I was completely covered with water. So I lay for a little while and closed my eyes and wondered what would expect me …

Yes, I love surprises and unusual things, I thought and, and yes, I trust him, so what can happen ?? I was very excited … and full of expectation !

Again and again this feeling of excitement crawled the inside of my thighs and fulfilled me with this irrepressible request ….

I started to wash my body with a sponge, it was beautiful and pleasant than it was over mine Nipple rubbed and she slowly stretched as an external sign, my lust.

Finally, I was still running my hair and I slowly called back the schedule in my memory, because I had to be finished on time !

Well heated and with a pleasant feeling of relaxation, I arise from the water, slipped back into my bathrobe and wrapped me a towel in a turban. I went to the mirror, which had started something, wiped a little chip hole with a towel and began to apply my face and put on my face, which was not for much time thanks to my daily exercise. After that I cremated my now dry body and felt very comfortable. In the end I blow-dried my hair, rightly pluck it here and there until I was satisfied with the result and sprayed me when my hair with my favorite perfume.

I left the bathroom and now the unusual part came because, as required, I put on my black knitting dress without pulling underwear underneath.

When I stood in front of the mirror, I noticed my horror that this dress was not completely opaque, which was somewhat insecure me, but I did what the agreement asked and thought that the coat, albeit openly, left somewould cover. I now put on a few holy stockings and finally my boots. One last critical look in the mirror and then on the clock, oh dear, I had no time to think about what I actually did, let alone the presentation in which I left the house, because it was high timego, I wanted to be on time !

So I dropped the door behind me into the castle and went towards the town center, as agreed, with that feeling of expectation and tense … and the non -soft moisture between my legs, which I could perceive even more clearly due to the lack of the difference.

I walked along the street and to my relief that the general bustle at this time was still very low and I could not meet many people on my way which could possibly notice my “nudity” ..

When I had gone a piece, I heard that one automobile approached, it drove quite slowly and when I turned around, I saw that it was a taxi that then held next to me. I saw my husband sitting in the back of the car and opened the door.As soon as I got on, he greeted me with a very intense kiss, but what followed was something that I hadn’t expected at all and which almost got me out of the frame.

Two powers raged in me … On the one hand, tremendous shame and on the other hand an excitement that I had never experienced before, because my husband pushed my dress up to find out whether I had followed his instructions. But that’s not all, because he took his finger and felt after my now completely wet column and bored into my inside. He wanted to feel how I react in his kind of “game”.

And how I did ….

When he pulled his finger out, he held it onto my mouth and ordered me to lick it. I was now so willing and excited that I was ready to do everything he asked and I didn’t care about the taxi driver now. I did it, I licked my hot juice of excitation from his finger. Then he pulled a black silk scarf out of his jacket pocket and connected my eyes with it.

The journey started and nobody talked even a word. My senses were sharpened and my body trembled with demand …My heart hit me to my neck. What came next, what did he have before ?? We drove for a while, I had no idea where and how long. When we had arrived, he got out, opened my car door and helped me out.

Then he paid the taxi driver. When he had moved away, he took me by the hand and carefully led me up a few steps up to a house that, as my sense of smell, told me. He had a key to the door and when he opened it and we entered the house, a cozy warmth came towards me. Someone must have been here and heated it before we arrived …I thought now he would lose my blindfold, but he didn’t do that and he led me to a room in which a bed stood, led me to this bed, or whatever it might be and told me that I shouldsit down.

I did what he asked. When I was sitting there, I heard how he approached me and he started to touch me very slowly, the first of all pulled out my boots, my feet massaged me. After that he stroked my mine very carefully and tenderly Legs Along up and touched my venus hill for just a very short moment, grazed over it and left it again. My breath caught and my heart raced, I wanted him to continue, touch me there and didn’t stop, but he didn’t.

Instead, he slowly pulled out my stockings and took my feet into my hands to take my toes in his mouth soon after suck. I was crazy about asking for more, much more.

Now he slowly pulled out my dress and the fabric grazed slightly over my already excited breasts. I felt my nipples stood and stretched out in full size, it was a wonderful feeling that got even stronger when I suddenly felt his soft, warm lips and he sucked and licked her.

I started to whip and moan and now I couldn’t hide my wool lust, for which too !

When he removed from my nipples again, he pushed me back with gentle pressure, so that I was now in front of him, naked and completely cool, more cool than ever before. Suddenly I heard how he removed from me to get something from a different angle of the room. It only took a moment for him to be back with me and I realized what he was doing now. He took my feet and tied it so that my legs were spread to the extreme and after that my hands were tied up to me.

Now I was completely at the mercy and this thought made me so wild and excited that I could hardly stand it. My breath went by tide and I started to push up my abdomen to clearly signal that I only wanted one thing, namely to feel his masculinity between my legs!

The moisture that I heard there became a small trickle that slowly made a way and the center of my huge lust increased more and more. Not long and I would be ready to finally get a really hot orgasm …

Again I heard how he moved away, this time he even went out of the room, but immediately afterwards.

Suddenly it got very cold on my nipples because he had brought ice cubes and stroked it over my hard nipples and in between he bit again and again, it even hurt me something. He said: he had to prepare them for something special. Again and again the ice cubes circled my buds and also down towards my glowing volcano to roam it, only briefly he touched him so as not to go out. My perception was extremely intense due to the connected eyes and I felt everything much stronger.

That’s how it happened to me when he attached a clip to every nipple and I had to cry out in pain.

To my surprise, I found that the pain and the desire were so close to each other and the thought of being completely willless made me almost passed out.

A next cool shower poured out on my Venus hill and on my nectar cavity dripping in front of the wet, it had to be a spray cream, because he licked a part again, the one that on my swollen center of pleasure and greed for a huge, hard tail longed for. He licked and sucked me and rubbed my clitoris between his fingers, I shook and trembled, my butt rose and sank, he literally floated to finally be fucked. Again I got this cool, foamy mass sprayed on me and he started to shave completely bare, then cleaned everything with one towel and showered briefly with his tongue over my hot clit again. I threw my head back and forth, screamed, whined and yet I still didn’t get what I really wanted.

I heard the crackling of a plastic film, or something similar and suddenly I let me get a feeling that drilled through my body like an electric shock, because what he was doing now, everything else output many times over. He also pinched me clamps, as before on my breasts, which I hardly noticed, on my inner labia and were looping on these brackets, which he tied me around my spread legs. He put a pillow under my trembling butt. Through these clamps and the loops, my hot dripping wet column was completely pulled apart and he revealed the delicate pink colored interior of my nectar cavity.

My love juice ran out and he took a spoon and scratched it out to enjoy it with relish and he also held my spoon on my mouth and ordered me to lick it.I could hardly stand it anymore, I have never felt such overwhelming pleasure in my life. I started screaming, became hysterical, the wall, was simply unable to endure it, just wanted to come, finally came !! Suddenly he stood on my head and rammed me his big, hard masculinity in my mouth, very deep to the bottom and he took my head and pulled up even more firmly, so I started choking and I could hardly breathe… he fucked my mouth as hard as he could and I heard how he enjoyed it. But what was that?? I was startled, because while he was boring into my mouth, again and again, I got a violent push into my wet column on one time.

Who was there in the room, how long was this someone there, watched me how to bend for my orgasm and trembling and trembling up and down? I didn’t care, because he did so infinitely well, he filled everything, what I consumed and he rammed his big hard cock into me and he decided to delight my butt. With a great Dildo I was now taken so hard in both holes and at the same time I had my husband’s delicacies in my mouth, at least I believed it, because now I couldn’t say it with certainty who did what. I got my clitoris so tight and would almost have exploded when both suddenly stopped and turned away from me. I shouted at what they were doing and begged that they should fuck me to the end and …

Nothing helped, they left me like that, with my lust, which was no longer bearable and which would almost have reached the climax.

So they left me lying on me for a moment and did nothing, I ran after air and slowly came back to reflection when I noticed a lukewarm tough liquid on my still glowing clit, it was incredibly pleasant and beautiful. So I got back to the moment and my somewhat laid excitement awakened to new life. I felt this greed and the desire again.

This liquid, I think it was honey, or something similar ran along the summit of my lust and further between my Poritze, I also got it on my breasts and on my stomach and everywhere I was wetted with it, it was just cool. One of the two tore my ass cheeks apart and licked everything away from me again my clit, he washed thoroughly with his tongue, I started to moan and whip again, I lifted again and my whole abdomen twitched and trembled. Now it got down to business, because I finally got this hard dildo in my butt again, I got it until the stop. My hot column was fingered by the hand of one of the two and he put almost his whole hand in and moved it incredibly quickly back and forth I screamed and reared up, pushed my abdomen towards him and I felt that it would not be long nowwould take before I finally came, yes.

He rubbed my G-spot so violently and quickly and the dildo in my butt also became more and more violent in his movement and now, yes, now, I noticed how he was on and how my entire body, as was flooded with electric shocksNot ending wanting, strong orgasm, as I have never experienced it before, and my column poured out a huge wet gush from its inside … It was amazing, I almost lost reflection, felt my pulses in my pussy and could hardly breathe, hot waves flowed through my body and I was completely exhausted, it was wonderful. I was satisfied and happy and one of the two came and took my blindfold. At first I was dazzled by the light, but that lay down quite quickly and I didn’t believe my eyes who I saw next to me on the bed, it was none other than the taxi driver ..

Now the two men wanted to come to their luck, I enjoyed my husband’s hard cock, while the taxi driver rubbed his horny part between my breasts, he had taken the nipple clamps beforehand so that he could suck on my buds.

He groaned and became faster and faster and faster and then with a gush, he sprayed his hot load in my face. Even with my husband it didn’t take a very long time, he grabbed my head and pushed his concentrated masculinity so violently in my mouth and I got his horny liquid food directly in the throat, it was so cool …

I got the last one now Tie up and clamps removed and now we were all three very exhausted and satisfied in bed and slept for a few hours, after which we drove home by taxi. It was a wonderful idea, this game …. It has changed our sex life sustainably …

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