On a horny escape part 14 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The escape was over. Lea and Johann had arrived and had found a new girlfriend. The next few days Lea took himself to recover from the events and used this time intensively with Johann. Then she started with Dr.

Name to develop a plan in order to be able to take on your role as head of the family and chairman of the board of trustees. The merger plans stopped, but did not fall. This was primarily due to LEA, which immediately with the Family Di Luca Contact reception. With the greatest satisfaction, she noted that Anna di Luca like Peter Sanchez was cold.

The tape also caused horror there. However, the security service kept them under observation. The succession plan could be quickly clarified for all -round relief. An agreement was reached with the new rulers in the country.

The Sanchez family’s property was rebuilt at state costs, nationalization plans were withdrawn. The accusations against Johann Hauser were dropped. In return, the Board of Trustees was expanded by two places for state representatives and the involvement of the putschists in the attack was held under the ceiling. Nevertheless, the collaboration was icy and characterized by mutual distrust.

Only the experience and talent of the DR. Names led to a gradual de -escalation. Johann continued to advise the new company on security issues and also gave himself access to other companies and government agencies through this business card. Raissa withdrew from the undercover business against the will of her superiors and took on other tasks.

She remained closely connected to Lea and Johann at all levels.

A few weeks after the coup, Lea, Johann and Raissa sat together on the roof terrace and enjoyed the view of the city. The family’s property was rebuilt but Lea could not imagine returning there. In this apartment she felt happy and free.

Johann and Raissa had cooked for them and they had a relaxing evening with Johann’s fantastic cocktails.

“There is a news that I have learned today. Fortunately, I was able to hold them back because I would like to tell you personally.”

The women looked at Johann a little surprised.

“Your Uncle and Anna di Luca are dead.

A few hours ago they apparently became the victim of a car bomb.”

Raissa looked carefully at Lea like Johann. Her face was motionless and she looked like frozen.


Lea stalled with her question and couldn’t get any further. Your gaze was directed at a point on the horizon.

“It seems that there is a member of the foundation with connections to the mafia.

We suspect that the contact with the mysterious investor was established with which yours Father had negotiated about the project that was hired after the attack. When it became clear that your uncle had direct responsibility for the failure of this money laundering, the council member probably informed his contact directly. The judgment about your uncle was certainly made quickly and only a suitable opportunity was waited.”

“Mafia?“Lea was clearly horrified. She thought briefly.

“In the meantime, it will definitely help you to watch the media carefully. These were the words of dr. Name after the session with my uncle. He knew what would happen.

He probably threaded it through his statement at the beginning of the session. oh God.”

She held her hand in front of her mouth and looked at Johann and Raissa shocked. Then she seemed back to her.

“So now it’s finally over. I should be happy or at least relieved.

But I don’t succeed. So much hatred, so much resentment and so much violence. I’m not sorry for my uncle or Anna, but I don’t feel any satisfaction either.“Again she searched the point on the horizon and shook her head slightly. “We actually know what with Leonie Bertrand? Is she alive?”

“By automobile Sitting only Peter and Anna.

I can’t say what is with Leonie.”

“Figure it out. She should be able to live a normal life again … if she wants. And we will accompany that. And now … “Lea took a break and looked at Johann and Raissa.

“… now I want to experience one evening for three. I have to get away from these pictures in my head. We want to try the couch under the roof? It should be suitable for such an evening … ”
Lea grinned and rose. She didn’t want to lose time.

Johann and Raissa looked at each other and grinned too. Johann handed her hand to her friend.

“She is the one boss. What do you want to do there?”

End of the multi -part series!

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