My hottest sex fantasy | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My Vacation Had just started, after 2 days it was definitely worth it. Anna, my girlfriend Sarah’s cousin, was, as it turned out, also at Xhamster. She was a horny mare that was looking for the fuck in between. So far I have not been able to find any direction in their preferences or something. So far it was just hotter, sensual sex, without anything unusual. This morning she had spontaneously visited me on a Nümmerchen.

Her smell was still on my body. Especially on mine tail. Now it was in the evening. I was sitting in front of the TV and bored. All day long, I thought about where the discovery over Anna’s secret could lead. My thoughts were again interrupted by the front door bell. I went there. Through the window I already saw that it was our sex friend Stefan, who got to know Xhamster. I opened him. “Hey Maik,” he greeted me with his horny facial expression, “I was just in the area and thought I visited you both again”.

“You were horny just!“I winked at him. “Joaah!“He laughed shy and even more excited. “Come in!“I said and he grinned past me with a grin and then purposefully into the living room to go the scene of our previous adventure. I followed him there. “Sarah not there at all?“He asked excitedly. I knew he would ask. “It will only come back in 2 weeks. She is on vacation, ”I replied and enjoyed his disappointment about it.

“How about you?”I wanted to know,” some interesting news?””Not really. The usual level. Yesterday I still had a nice meeting with a young guy “immediately my interest rose. “Was very cool!“He continued without asking. “He is a dirty brass and bip piece!““ Just like Sarah and me?”I asked grinning. It immediately flashed in his eyes. “Yes exactly like you!“I could notice how my blood pressure rose when he started to pump blood between my legs.

At the same time, pictures of his best piece shot through my head. It probably didn’t happen otherwise. Or it has probably happened to him since he had entered our property. The bump in his pants could hardly be overlooked. As usual, he sat on the sofa wide -legged, so you couldn’t overlook her at all. Just when I wanted to do any institutions to go over to him, the doorbell rang. He looked at me briefly, but then I got up and went there.

In the hallway I could already see through the window that it was Anna. I thought whether she would like a lookup and had already suppressed Stefan. I opened. “Hii” she said casually grinning. “Well you” I replace expectantly. She approached me;put my arms on my shoulders and kissed me, just like a newly in love couple did. Then she joyfully steered into the house. “You will hardly believe it, but I’m horny again!”She said in walking past.

The Stefan sitting in the living room shot through my head directly. However, I thought to myself, let them tell them first. That could be interesting. I closed the door behind us. “Can you again?“She said cheekily and stroked my crotch. “Boah!“Burst out when she touched the hard bump“ You’re already hard again!“Stefan only sat one room further. He had definitely noticed everything. The thought grinned me.

She continued to go towards the living room. “Then let’s let’s,” she started and “ahh ohh, hello …” she ended the sentence as, she stepped through the living room door and saw Stefan. I stood to her and also looked inside. Stefan sat there with a grin and got up. “Hi, I’m Stefan” greeted her kindly. “Anna” stammered Sarah’s Kusine her name. She was like paralyzed. “I have a visit,” I said very dryly to her robe.

But inside I screamed because of the surprise. Stefan made no secret of how cool he was. His bump was now clearly visible because he was standing. “This is Sarah’s kusine,” I said in the direction of Stefan and squeezed past her to take a seat on the armchair. Stefan also sat down on the sofa again and let his gaze wander over her. Anna wore a boyish slab clothes, which is why it was not yet possible for him to take a closer look at her horny body.

“Come here!”I said amused to Anna and waved her up. She sat silently on the armchair, staring all the time on Stefan. She already knew that we had met an older man named Stefan at Xhamster. Only now I didn’t know whether she was so calm due to her shame, due to her talk, what he had heard, or because she could smile together that he was our sex friend. I pinched her in the butt to annoy her a little.

Immediately she turned to me with angery facial expression and didn’t gently hit my thigh with my flat hand with her flat hand. “Auaa” I grinned playfully. “Why do you say nothing?!“Asked her to know. “Oh Anna, don’t worry about it” Unterbach Stefan the tense situation. However, she continued to stared at me badly. “I am for the same reason as you are here!“He added. Sarah’s eyes widened because of the statement and slowly she turned her head in his direction.

She eyed him for a few moments. Then she drove back to me. “The Stefan?“She asked curiously. I nodded. Again she looked at him. Then back to me. “Really?“Asked in horror. It was clear to her that she was a little disgusted. Stefan was by no means our preferred partner because of his appearance. We wanted his perverse, horny species much more. I just grinned. Meanwhile, Stefan was brazenly busy to undress his pants.

Due to the noises he made, Anna turned back in his direction. With big eyes and astonished mouth, she continued to stared at him. It was only when he was just wearing his shirt and wide legs massaged on his half -tire tail she again and achieved her mouth back and achieved some version back. However, her gaze remained rigidly directed between his legs. As always, his exposed penis distributed the horny smell of old sperm. My cock also shrugged due to the sensory impressions that act on me.

Anna, on the other hand, slightly trembled on her body that is currently so tense. Stefan just grinned at her horny. With my right hand I slowly drove under her shirt and started to stroke her back. They easy when I touched her, but let it happen without further ado. My other hand meanwhile went between my legs and I also took out my best piece. He also scattered the fragrance according to old sperm. In addition, there was the cumer from Anna’s dry cunt mucus, which has been stuck to him since our morning.

Anna noticed him next to him and looked down at him. She drove up to him with her left and grabbed him gently. Their uncertainty and the tremor could be felt directly on her hand. It also no longer looked like the clumsy farm girl, but extremely intimidated due to the situation. She massaged me very slowly with a tight grip. Precisely. My hand, which strokes her back, I let it drive around her body so that I reached around her.

From there I drove over her stomach between her legs. The closer I came, the hotter it got and the greater her tension. To be seen how to be felled was very exciting for them. Arrived in her slip, it was wet and hot as always. Immediately I let a finger into her wet column into. She closed her eyes and breathed out as if a huge load fell from her.

“So the little one liked something like that!“Stefan noted which tried to get a seductive tone. However, his lust made it sound rather ridiculous. Anna did not react to it, but spread her thighs a little further and slumped a little further, so that I could better penetrate her with my fingers. She was totally tight again. Just crazy!Immediately she closed her eyes and her grip around my best piece became firmer. “Yes a! Do it, ”I heard Stefan whisper.

The wet she became, the hornier we became too. Stefan’s gaze was directed between her legs all the time and observed what happened under the fabric. It was really exciting to see how he lived up. Then I pulled my hand back out of her pants. Anna opened her eyes in half and waited to see how it went on. I started to take off her shirt. At first she captured the hem of her top.

It was probably a bit uncomfortable. That excited me all the more, so I pushed her hands away and then finally pulled her over her head. As always, no bra covered her small, sweet A-cups. A little embarrassed she crossed her arms in front of her body as Stefan’s eyes greedily immigrated to her body. “Yeah, come on! show me more!”Ged the old man. She didn’t do it, so I helped after. I encompassed her upper body from behind, grabbed her arms and pressed her to the outside, so that Stefan had a clear view.

She trembled. Probably from a mixture of fear and excitement. Then I gently hiked on her hips with my hands and drove up her body from there. There I grabbed her little round breasts. Her nipples were already hard excited. I pinched her with my fingers, which made her body slightly twitching. “Cool!“Stefan grumbled. I could notice how Anna relaxed more and more. Her serenity increased with her lust. Her grip around my plump tail was firmer again.

She was so far. I let off from her and got up. I immediately started to undress my pants. My cock was ready for use. I also indicated Anna to get up. She did it immediately. Only covered with pants, she stood in front of the seated, wanking Stefan. His tension could not be overlooked. He looked like a predator that his prey wanted to start. “You know,” I started and turned Anna around, so she stood with her back to him.

She was visibly intimidated, but still excited. “Our Anna stands on horses and thinks a little mare. If she doesn’t ride on them. She is often covered by a stallion!“Stefan’s eyes sparkled with greed and his pleasure meat twitched between his legs with this statement. I started to open her pants without a word. First the button, then the zipper. I pulled her pants down very slowly. More and more of her tight thighs have been revealed.

And as every time she was wearing a white, simple panties. Once at the bottom she trudged out of her pants. Stefan had opened his eyes wide. Like a small child, which was waiting for the climax of a fairy tale. His tail pulsed in his hand. With one hand I slid into Anna’s slip from behind. I slid my hand between her soft butchers and then slide into your wet hole with a finger from behind. I had never experienced her as wet as now and she trembled slightly again.

I pulled my finger out and raised my hand. My wet finger sparkled in the light and the scent of the one he went out immediately spread out in the room. Stefan unintentionally raised his head and I could see his nose wings trembled. As if he tried to smell her. I put it in my mouth with relish and sucked the salty, fishing mucus away from it. The taste, cunt, piss and sweat flooded my taste buds and made my spanking twitch again.

“Tastes ready!”I grinned. I grabbed her panties and pulled it down. This time not slow, but quickly and determined. Again she trudged with her feet. She had pressed her buttocks together slightly. Stefan burned to finally throw himself on her. But, as always, waited for me to allow him. Surprisingly, she clapped her cheek with her flat hand. She flinched up and immediately tensed her baking. She still gave me an evil look.

I ignored my eyes and pushed her down on her shoulders so that she was supporting the armchair. Through this attitude, Stefan could now see the two holes between her cheeks. The lust overturned him. He jumped up. I did not make any institutions to stop him. Anna reacted to the tumult by looking over to me. Their expression screamed with uncertainty. Stefan almost stumbled behind her over his pants, but came up and jumped behind her.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had started to drool. I leaned down to her. “Now you are being covered!“I whispered in the ear. In these words she straightened her head and closed her eyes as if she wanted to endure it. But she wanted it. I knew that. I went to Stefan and watched him proceed. He was just spreading her cheeks. White on his tip of the tail shimmered white secretions of old sperm and his glans was covered by fresh.

Hasty handle he led his tip between her tight, the look that has not yet been used as often used so often. Anna twitched at the first Contact. His 62-year-old Eichel had disappeared in her 26-year-old cunt. Then he corrected his stand, put Anna on his shoulders and pushed. A lustful, short cry escaped her lips. Before this ended the old man had started to beat as always. Anna groaned and her body jerked the bumps.

It smacked incessantly and the smell of stressed genitals was even more intense. At the front, Anna clawed more and more in the fabric of the armchair, while her legs were trembling on the other end and almost giving up. The hardness of my cock rose with her lust. It made me totally horny to see how our horny friend fell into her. Anna had big problems stopping. I went next to her grabbed her on my head, turned it in my direction and pushed my hard part into her moaning mouth.

Immediately her lushes changed to a strained hum. She could hardly concentrate when she was blowing so violently her body on Stefan’s tail. It was only my shock movements that had their lips hiked over my shaft. It was wonderful to see them between 2 cocks fixed. With my cock in her mouth she lifted her head a little and looked into my eyes. She had an submissive look full of satisfaction.

As if she wanted to thank me for this opportunity. Stefan’s look, on the other hand, was that of a frenzied berserk. He was so much in the intoxication that he almost changed Anna when he came into her. He loudly informed how violent it was to pump his hot juice into her even hotter hole. At his last bumps, which became really strong towards the end, I pulled my beating out of Anna’s mouth. Anna used her too much about his orgasm to accumulate.

When Stefan pulled out of her, which was still slightly twitching, covered with sperm, Anna trembled and had trouble staying on his feet. We immediately changed our positions to both men. I clutched Anna’s hot hips while he was stringing steps to her head. I would have loved to see Anna’s face when the old, dripping cock dangled in front of her face. But my lust had now achieved such a scale that I just wanted to fuck you.

In addition, Anna hardly thought about who held out his meat. Just as greedy as we were others, she fell on his best piece and began to lick and blow and blow. It almost looked like she was afraid someone could take something away from her. Her enjoyable smacking could be seen. Now I also wanted to get my money’s worth. Exactly Wi Stefan Before I only put my acorn briefly before I ramped the rest of my mind under another cries of pleasure to the stop.

Stefan had let off steam in her, but she still felt very tight. Even though her interior was full of his old juice. Anna trembled, groaned and whimpered louder than before. My cock was also longer and thicker than that of my predecessor. Nevertheless, Stefan had done very good preparatory work. Because after less than 10 bumps of me, Anna’s body started to shake and her legs gave up with loud moan.

But I wasn’t finished yet, so I held her, so that she was peaked on my spanking and trembling all over the body. Her body, fidgeting with ecstasy, was too much for me and a short time later I also shot my delicious seeds into her little cunt. My whole abdomen also shrugged as my orgasm in the form of sperm into it. When I came, I sagged with her until we knelt in front of the armchair.

Anna breathed an effort with his eyes closed while I was wobbling. She looked at me. Then my white exaggerated penis. She knew what would come and she wanted it. She willingly opened her mouth and received my excessive spanking with her delicate mouth. With relish, she sucked and licked the white sperm coating from my meat. I winced when her tongue shouted my overwritten acorn. Anna had closed her eyes with relish and her breath came out of her nose.

Stefan observed the spectacle only casually. He was already busy getting dressed. When our little mare was finished, she dragged her body, which was mutually mut imposed onto the sofa, and remained there with a satisfied facial expression. Stefan said goodbye and I lay down in Anna where we spent the rest of the evening cuddling. She did not mention the action with any word, but kept her thoughts to herself. But as she had given it, she had to please her extraordinarily.


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