In intoxication part 4: Melina | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

About a month later. I had that on a wonderful sunny day
Need to be completely for me for a time. So I went back alone
At our place to the bank and waded naked through the stream to the other bank,
on which I went along for several hundred meters. I came to a little one
Realing similar to ours.

But this was not empty people. I saw
a woman lying on a blanket. I went closer to me curiously. Then I noticed,
that she was as naked as me.

She had closed her eyes, seemed
to sleep. So I could take a closer look at her. She had very short
Black hair, little breasts and was completely smooth around her shame
shaved. At this sight, my limb set up automatically.
This woman, she might be around 35 years old, really turned me on.

I didn’t dare to take them closer to her, it was better to go back.
But the woman no longer got out of my head, somehow pulled me magically
at. I therefore opened up two days later, hoping to
to find back there. And indeed: when I was undressed again, through the
Bach was given, I found it in the same place. I hid myself
Behind a few branches.

From there I could look at her in peace. I
I chose a good place from where I was exactly in your crotch
could see. This time she was awake, but had closed her eyes. What
I then saw, amazed me.

She had a hand between the
Legs and rubbed their plums in peace. A wonderful sight!
I stood there and my eyes went over. And of course I got after
a stiff a few minutes of spanning. Fascinated I saw this
Woman satisfied herself so calmly.

Again and again her hand slid through yours
cunt. Occasionally she lingered on her pearl, which she then particularly
Dediting rubbed.
I stood in front of this woman with my stiff penis. I felt so much
through the head when they suddenly and my horror to my eyes
batch. Completely cool, she only says: “Oh, I have a visit! That’s a
tempting sight.

Well, you don’t need to get red. Come,
take a seat next to me!”
I stepped closer. “Yeah, if I don’t bother.”” By no means. Come!
I’ve just dreamed of a man – and then it actually says
one in front of me.

A pleasant surprise! By the way, my name is Malina.”
With that she gave me her hand. “An unusual name,” I said. “Yes,
This is Slavic and actually means raspberry.”” Well, like a raspberry
you just not. By the way, my name is Jan, ”I said slyly with a smile.
And with that I sat next to her, as if it were the most natural of the
WORLD: I, with a stiff cock, sit next to a naked, completely me
unknown woman.
I notice that you think tail Viewed with some benevolence.
First of all, however, she offers me something to drink and takes two cola

a picnic basket.

We continue our small talk for a while. I
Use the time to take a closer look and notice that
My first impression confirms in full: This woman totally makes me totally
at. She has something so erotic in itself. Your little breasts are just cute!
Your smile is inviting and takes away every shyness.

I feel I could
just hug. So I’ll go a little closer. She also leans to me
over. Our mouths approach, touch each other.

I kiss her. Your soft
Lips on mine. With your eyes closed, I give myself this entirely
Moment. Then I feel how she grabs my cock, comprises him
and gently caressed.
Then she lets off my mouth and presses me down.

Now is mine
Penis steeply into the air. She starts to masturbate very carefully. She
Makes it so clever that I will soon feel my seeds up.
But since she interrupts her movements, my tail lets go. First
A few minutes later she continues the masturbation.

And again: just before
my orgasm she pauses, lets my cock come to rest.
And again her hand begins the up and down. This game sets her
Fort four to five times. In the meantime I am bordered by madness.
It only takes a few moments when I feel how she finally bends down
and feel your lips on my stand. She is a ‘professional’.

Had something like that
I have never experienced, not even with Emma or Caro or Mary. With much emotion
Face your lips my member. Then your tongue is added,
The one over my glans. She moves her head very slowly
and from.

She continues to glide down, always takes my cock
deeper. With her the girls cannot keep up in any way, so sweet her
also are. And certainly not the boys. This is not just sex!
Malina takes me into another world, a world of intoxication.

I feel,
The fact that she wants more is there completely quietly and leave her to you
closed eyes my cock. I lose the sense of reality,
Was me in a world of ecstasy, intoxication and the complete
Well -being.
Now she starts carefully, with a finger that she is sliding with spit
made my hole exploring. You can quickly succeed in me
penetrate. She fucks me gently with her finger while her mouth and hers
Tongue almost synchronously stimulate my pleasure.

When she feels that
I approach an orgasm, pause briefly again, set it after a short
Time your game continued. This repeats them again several times.
Then she pulls on with one finger in my back opening, from
my member back and asks: “Are you ready now?“I can only nod.
Immediately her lips close around my stiff and her tongue
moves like a trill of music on my glans. Your finger has
In the meantime my prostate reaches and plays violently with her. A second finger
supports the first now.

That is too much for me then. I literally feel,
How my seed shoots into my cock. Immediately after that he bubbles into hers
Mouth that does not last in his movements. While I’m doing

ejaculate in her mouth, she puts her mouth-tongue game with all devotion

She obviously swallows all my juice, because no drop
escape from your lips. Since her fingers also the prostate massage
Continue, my seed flow does not want to end.
It must have been unexpected amounts of sperm. But also as me
She had given her everything from my seed, what the testicles gave, she held
further enclosed my tail, her tongue continued on my glans
play. Slowly she pulled her fingers out of my buttocks.

For more minutes, she lifted her head out of my lap. My tail stood
Still, but soon contracted his rest size.
I took her head and kissed her violently. I tasted that
Taste of my own sperm. She didn’t replace my kiss
less passionate.

We looked deep into our eyes. In that moment
I realized one thing: I had fallen in love! I had fallen in love with her
Black eyes, in her sweet breasts, in her yoni. Now I put them on them
Ceiling and slid with my head between your legs, towards yours
Labia, to her pleasure grotto, to her lotus blossom. I cautiously pulled yours
Labia apart and started with my tongue, lovingly on hers
To play bud.

I had probably found her most erogenic zone because it
only lasted a few minutes and she started to moan violently. From her yoni
Quolle sweet juice and she trembled on the whole body. I couldn’t get enough of
Drink your flower of pleasure.
But that also came to an end. “A man has never had me so tender
brought to orgasm.

Thanks!“, She sighed with a smile. And again
Found our lips and we kissed with all the devotion of
Lover. I was enchanted and had the feeling that it would be similar to her.
We chatted completely casually for a while, as if we were already
to know for a long time, and always looked deep into our eyes. Then
Melina said: “Jan, my Yoni calls for you.“I noticed how
Of course she dealt with the term from the Indian Kamasutra.
“How do you know this word?”, I asked.

“I would be happy to tell you later.
But now … “I understood, put my head between her thighs and let
My tongue slide over your pleasure pearl again.
After a few minutes of enjoying, I carefully led a finger with her
one to wet him with your love juice. Then I put it on
on her hole and tried to penetrate her back door very slowly.
That was something that obviously really dusty her. Greater
I moved my finger back and forth in her anus, licking hers
Clit. I now inserted my thumb into her vagina so that
Thumbs and index fingers of my right hand like in a tong handle
could stimulate both lower holes.

I caress her left chest
and sucked on her nipple.
Your lustful moan signaled me that I was exactly your sex with it-
Had hit taste. She let me continue for a few more minutes,
But then said vigorously: “Now fuck me finally! I need yours

Tail in my cunt!“That was the signal for me with the next one
Step. So I knelt in front of her, conducted my crossbar, the one
had set up to full size, in front of the entrance to your vagina and
Slowly penetrated her, deeper and deeper. Your pools pushed
towards my pleasure tab and we found the perfect almost immediately
Rhythm of our movements.

In between I almost pulled my penis
completely out of her, just to get back into her with a lot of feeling.
Since I only hosed off a relatively short time ago, I was able to do the act a lot
persevere. We enjoyed every moment! The movements of your
Rüibs gradually became a little faster, her moaning louder. Her
Orgasm was imminent! And then it broke out of her. With a
read “now! Yes / Yes!“She experienced her climax.

I wasn’t that far yet,
So she fucked in peace and quiet. In fact, she got one
Second orgasm that an “ohhh!“Elicited – nothing more. Then she sagged
a little together.
Now I pulled my still fully erect link out of her cunt
Back with your face in front of your vulva. I sipped her juices, licked them out
Your honey pot.

She enjoyed that as much as I do. Then I directed myself
on, knelt in front of her and began to masturbate. Excited she watched me
worked on my cock. “Yes, give me your juice now! Come!” With these
Words she put on and put my penis in her mouth.

She played with my eggs and sucked on my glans. I knew that
I wouldn’t stand it long. And then he came, mine
orgasm. My sperm flowed into her mouth in strong bumps.

she swallowed everything again. Then I pulled back out of her mouth and
She licked my glans and my penis shaft clean. We then sank
without a word on the ceiling, closely wrapped and exhausted. What we just experienced
had the ultimate orgasm for both of us.
Malina then suddenly began: “You know, jan, fucking, fucking, fucking,
short sexual satisfaction is as important as eating and drinking.
And as we do with these two activities or.

their preparation a lot
I have trouble, so we should do this during sex so that we are at the greatest degree
satisfy. The voice, hands, feet, buttocks and
Gender parts the organs for sensual activities, insofar as they lust
generate. The “Kamasutra” can teach us that. There the terms
“Yoni” and “Lingam” used.

I like these two words better than
“Cock” etc. or “cunt” or similar. It’s really interesting and
illuminating to read the “Kamasutra”. I also have been doing it since
Longer yoga, which is a great addition to the Kamasutra.

“Malina was
So a real sex expert who thought a lot about sex
had. And now I wanted to be her student. Your skills in yoga should
be a great help to me.
We made an appointment with her for the day after next. She wanted for us
Cook and make it comfortable.

I rang with a little palpitations
Just in time for the door of her nice little house. She opened, dressed in

an Indian house coat. We gave ourselves a fleeting kiss,
Then she took me to her living room. There were two glasses and one
Bottle of wine for us.

Both were a bit reserved, almost shy.
Nevertheless, the atmosphere was somehow erotically charged. “Come on, set
you, ”she asked me and poured us in wine. It developed
Conversation about our professions, travel destinations and preferences in eating and in
sex. And with that we were quickly on the subject again.

“Do you know,
Jan, I like it very much if you have my tongue on my pussy
spoiled. In general, I particularly like oral sex. You can feel, smell and
Tastes the other. I like it when you with your tongue my clit

But there must be a lot of variety. It is interesting
Also the underside of the tongue, which is softer. That feels special
pleasant. You can also use the entire alphabet with your tongue
to paint.

So you automatically change the direction and that
Intensity of your movement.“So she actually wanted my teacher in
Love things. And I wanted to become a learned student. Never
I spoke to a woman so openly about our sex practices, noticed
but that that was extremely useful. So she explained to me on mine
Ask, for example, ask what the G-spot is all about in women and
how I can find it quickly and stimulate it successfully.
After some time we landed in bed and loved each other with one
Passion of huge intensity.

We always tried new positions
out of. She guided me like a real teacher. We learned quickly
which positions both of us particularly liked and which less
Or just one. I wish the seminar “Introduction to a fulfilled
Love life for beginners and advanced “would still have a few days
At the subsequent meal, our conversation somehow came on the topic
‘Circumcision’ in men.

Malina noticed: “You know, I like
Actually pronounced cocks. You look better, are
more hygienic and also appear more male on me.”” Should I for
let you cut?”I asked worried. “No, no, don’t worry, yours
I like Lingam like that and he can do everything he should. But I would
like to have a cropped penis in your hand and have anywhere else.
Don’t you know someone who is circumcised?“I immediately remembered Jo.

“Oh well,
I already knew one, ”I replied. “Well, class, we don’t want that
times to a sensual three invite?“She asked innocently.
A threesome? I immediately felt something like jealousy. That seemed
Malina not missed because she said: “Don’t worry, there is
No reason for jealousy. It’s just sex.“Somewhat calmed down
I replied: “I can ask him.

As I know it, he won’t
say no.”” Have you ever had something with him?“She asked me curiously.
“Well, together with another guy and two girls. That was nice
really crude.”” Oh, Oh, you ruffle, I wouldn’t have believed that at all. Then
Ask him. Tomorrow would be a good day.”

When we were in bed, that no longer happened that evening.

We were easy
too exhausted. I woke up in the morning because someone on my cock
made a problem. Malina had crawled under the ceiling, still had mine
Sleeping tail wanted and found. Now she had her mouth and
woke him up lovingly.

My latte quickly stood. I let myself be this kind of
Awakened with pleasure. It then took a while until
I both, my penis and me, were really awake. But then stood mine
Friend like a one.

Malina had hit the ceiling aside and
Now jerked my cock, then she took it back into her mouth.
Finally she masturbated me again and now it didn’t take long,
Until I came. My seed sprayed on her hand and on my stomach. She
gave me another kiss, but then had to say goodbye because
she had an appointment. So I would like to be woken up more often!
The same evening I called Jo and told him about Malina and ours

He seemed really enthusiastic about it. We made an appointment for the
the following day with me. When I informed Malina this, she was immediately
agreed and promised to be with me on time.
When it shelled to me the next day, Jo and Malina were already stood
Together in front of the door. You had happened to meet in front of my apartment.
“Come in and make it comfortable,” I asked her.

I had a
Great pizza made it yourself, there should be red wine. We let it
Tasted and chatted over everything until Melina said: “So,
Boys, then we want.“With these words she started
take off. That was the signal for us to do it right away.
We were all naked for two minutes. When I was the beautiful Melina so naked in front of me
saw, my lance got stiff, and jo also stood up to be powerful

Malina now conducted us in such a way that we both stretched out a bit next to
Sitting each other, our stiff cocks stuck in the air and she sat us
opposite. She looked beautiful with her black eyes and that
Sweet breasts.
She approached us to kneel so that her face at the level of our cocks
was. I noticed what interest you cut JOS curtailed cock
looked at. When she knelt right in front of us, she turned straight away
to his stand and comprised him with both hands.

Jos Penis had for that
the right size. Then she began to glide on and down on two hands.
I couldn’t turn off my eyes from this sight, felt
But also something like jealousy, especially when she is now his cock
put in the mouth. But then she also picked up my limb and caught
on, me with Jos stiff in the mouth jerk off.
After a few minutes she switched from him to me, took my member in the
Mouth and jerked Jo. She licked my glans, took between mine
Tail deep in her mouth and masturbated me at the same time.

Variety licked my testicle and slid my tongue my tongue
entire penischaft up and down. Another change. She saw
that of us whose cock sucked it, deep in the eye.

The situation was really horny and exciting, and it seemed a lot of fun
close. Apparently it was enough to meet both of us and on one
To avoid stimulation of your body.
After about 10 minutes their movements gradually became something
Faster, she wanted to see us injection.

She now jerked us both in the same
Rhythm, concentrated on both cocks alike. To my
It was astonishment Jo who was the first to groan. Shot shortly afterwards
Sed in strong bumps from his limb, Melina hit the face and
the slightly opened mouth, dripped onto her breasts. Also in these minutes
Didn’t stop them to continue to masturbate, Jos Penis licked
When nothing came out of Jos stiff cock, she concentrated completely
My pleasure.

She jerked me intensely without neglecting Jo. I
felt how my juice rose up for me. Shortly afterwards I also exploded.
My seed shot her face, but she still took my stiff in the
Mouth and sucked me empty. She showed me that I was the more important for
she was.
When nothing came with me, she straightened up and gave me – not jo –
a kiss.

When my tongue drove into her mouth, I tasted the mixture
From Jos and my seed. Then she got up, her labia directly
in front of my face. I grabbed her buttocks, pulled her closer to me and kissed
and smelled her shame.
Then she said: “So, boys, now I’m on it too!“With these words,
they in front of us on the soft carpet, spread their legs and opened with
the right hand her yoni. Of course we wanted to follow this invitation immediately

I knelt between her thighs, my still erect
Member directly in front of the entrance to your vagina. I easily slipped into it. She
So while she had masturbated us, was excited because
Her cunt was dripping soak. I fucked her pretty violently now.

There was nothing of
Tenderness, only animal fucking.
And jo? He knelt over her face, drove his cock between
Her lips and began to fuck her violently in her mouth. That was probably exactly
What Malina wanted now: two cocks fucked them synchronously. Since we first
had recently hooked up, we held out for a long time. That too was completely in
their meaning.

She had comprised Jos Pobacken and conducted both the direction
his limb as well as the pace and depth of his movements and
It reached them our two cocks in the same rhythm
Glitten into and out again.
But this game also came to an end after many minutes. Jo missed to
second time his seed in her mouth. Malina swallowed his wet until
nothing came more. When I called: “Malina, I come!“, She moved her
Basin hectic and reared up.

She finally got hers too
orgasm. I pushed deep into her two or three times, then I came. My
Ejaculate splashed into her, so much that a part of her pussy quoll. I bent
Down to her and licked my seed between her labia

eagerly on and kissed gently her erect clitoris.

She dismissed Jos now
gradually sleeping penis out of her mouth, pushed me lovingly to
Page and said: “That was really great! Well done, you two. But now
I need something strong to drink.”
So we went to the table and mixed a big gin for everyone-
tonic. We sat together for a while, then said Malina: “So, that
It was for today. But we should repeat this on the occasion.” Gladly
we right.
In the next few days Malina and I met regularly, sometimes with her, sometimes
with me.

These meetings always ended in wonderful sex. One evening
I particularly like to remember. We had just moved out when
Malina to me said: “Come on, Jan, stand up. I’m going to you now

Just let what you feel.“She connected me
So the eyes and I just stood there, my penis stretched steeply into the air.
The next moment I felt her tongue on my glans. No hands,
No lips, just her tongue. She licked on my foreskin band, always
up and down. Then her tongue switched to the top of my glans, slid over the
small opening.

Then again over the entire acorn and back to the
Frenulum. To my astonishment I fell into one after what felt like an eternity
Kind of trance. Their tongue movements were absolutely even. I forgot,
that it was a tongue that stroked my penis tip.

It was
To the pure sex excitement. But I would get an orgasm with it?
She caressed my acorn for half an hour without too
fatigue. I had to hold on to the chair with one hand, had
Otherwise the reference to reality largely lost. And then I felt it
Then: it started to bubble in me, in the head and in the testicles.

Malina had to
I see my pre-cum flow out of me. She licked unabated
further. It took several minutes now before I realized that it
would come. “Yes, Malina, wonderful! I am coming now! Yes!“Again none
Change of your tongue.

It was probably this uniformity of her
Movement, the same rhythm with which your tongue on my glans
And from slide that made me so crazy horny. And then finally the
salvation! I felt my seed climbing, I felt how he was in powerful
Schös shot out.
Now I took off my blindfold and looked down at me. Malina’s face
Was sperm covered. I literally had the whole face

Only now did she take my cock in her mouth to the last
Catching my juice drop. When she released my penis, I bent
me to her and kissed her tenderly. That was a totally unusual
Orgasm, a gift from her to me.
One evening, we were with me and had loved each other again, she said
To me: “If you come to me tomorrow, I have a surprise for
you. Wait it off, you will like it.”
The next day I was in front of her door full of curiosity.

She let me in and we
went to a room that I didn’t know yet. There was a big one there

And width lies, one as you can find in a massage salon. Well
I suspected what would come. Malina had a thin, white shirt
and a white sports trousers.

I should take off my way around
would come right away. Completely naked I was lying on the lying when she was back
came in with a large bowl of oil. I should first get on
Put stomach. She covered my buttocks with a towel and dripped it
Oil that somehow got warm, over my back and that

Then she started massaging me very skillfully – shoulders, back shoulders,
Arms, legs, to the feet, then up to the neck again. I
Enjoyed the movements of your hands. She reached firmly, knew exactly,
How she had to massage. She was obviously an experienced one

I noticed how I really relaxed myself. Before I
Falls asleep, she took the cloth from my buttocks and started, too
massage. Your hands stroked on my back over my buttocks
And back again, then the legs down to the soles of the feet and back
to the buttocks.
After at least 20 minutes her right hand slid between my buttocks
to my hole, which she massaged them as well as they are also a
little penetrated into me. Then she led her hand to my testicles and
started kneading them carefully.

Of course I quickly got a stiff,
who pressed almost painfully against the couch.
Now she said I should turn around. She put the towel over mine
Abdomen, drizzle plenty of oil on my stomach and the thighs and
Set the massage there. Sometimes she leaned far beyond me
and often touched me with her breasts. Your shirt was from
Weded up sweat so that I saw her breasts shout through.

All my
Senses were tense. Again and again their oiled hands overturn
My oily skin. She did not leave out any centimeter of my body.
That was the case with further an estimated 20 minutes and I fell into something like one
trance. But then she pulled the cloth from me.

I was completely naked with half
stiff tail in front of her. She continued to massage, but soon concentrated
To my penis and the scrotum. Both oiled them particularly well.
She poured something of the oil over her shirt and her breasts. Then bowed
They are far over me again and pushed my cock under her shirt and
Between your breasts.

She moved back and forth and stimulated
so my member. That was more than a skilful massage. Now was
it pure sex. Most of the time I had closed my eyes to completely
To concentrate touching.

In between, however, I also opened it,
To watch them at their actions.
Now she undressed her shirt, reached my cock again and again
Kiden him with the breasts. Now she grabbed her with both hands
stiff penis and gave me a handjob of the extra class. Again and again
She played around my glans, which she on her lips after many minutes
led. But it should still take a while before my cock also
Completely put in the mouth.

She gradually approached this goal. Previously

she continued the game on my erection, occasionally blew on the
Acorn. I was now so sensitized that I was the breath of air
Breaths felt intensely on my glans.
After a while she paused and now completely undressed. Then she knelt
So about me that my cock touched her pussy.

Then finally
she introduced him. She slid very slowly over my cock and let herself let herself
on him. Due to the many oil, we fled together effortlessly. Now fucked
they correctly in the riding position.

Sometimes she leaned so far
before that our lips touched. Your kisses were hot and sensual.
Her movements became faster, she now rode me to an orgasm.
But then she got up, told me that I should also sit down and sat down
behind me, her feet nestled around my cock. She masturbated me
so with your feet, occasionally supported by your hands. After a few
Minutes that brought me closer and closer to my orgasm, she put me
back on the back, leaned over me and masturbated me
quick -grown handles.

In between, she took my cock in
The mouth to spoil him there.
I noticed that I wouldn’t last long anymore. She jerked me
Now at high speed and with one hand, with the other she played around
My testicles. Her hand now held my cock in front of her chest. When I now
Came, shot my seed in thick sparkles on their breasts.

she pushed my bubbling link in mouth and took the rest of the
Samens in him. She sucked until nothing came. Then she licked mine
Weif clean and released it. I leaned forward and licked mine
Juice from their breasts.

A final intimate kiss ended them
meeting. For true, a real surprise. I hoped it wasn’t at
would stay this one time.
Our relationship strengthened. We had the most wonderful almost every day
Sex, often went out, sometimes just sat with her or me and
talked, watched a film, cooked together or made excursions
the sea.

One evening she asked me what I thought of sex with animals. Nearly
I shouted out: “Never! I find that somehow disgusting. Why
you ask?”Oh, I don’t think that’s good either. But the other day one has me
Girlfriend asked what I meant.

It turned out that they
regularly has sex with your horse and if I don’t even look at that
wool. You know, I would like to see that. That’s it
quite slanted. What do you think, we want to visit them?” “If you

I don’t really feel like it, but if you want to do it
we that.”
So it happened that a few days later we have her friend Griselda, called Grisi,
On her little one Farm yard attend. Grisi was a woman in Malina’s age,
With big breasts and long black hair. She was wearing a yellow shorts
And a white top. She looked pretty good and I was surprised that she was up
Sex with horses stood, in her appearance she would have every man

She greeted us with the words: “Oh, you’re already there. That hits

good. I was about to go to Prince in the barn, awaits already
me. Comes right away and enjoy what you will see.”
So three of us went into the stable.

There was tied up in his box
A magnificent stallion, an apple mold, on the left of him several hay bales.
For some reason the stallion was excited, a huge horse penis
hung under him. I had never seen such a huge cock. He was
A good 40 cm long and almost as thick with about 10 cm diameter as that
Forearm of a girl. The tip, i.e. its glans, almost had that
Size of a small fist.

And she wanted to introduce it? Incredible!
Grisi had quickly undressed and said: “Coming calm
closer.”” And you actually let him fuck you?”, Asked Malina,” you
Never get his cock in.”” You will see, it will still be
greater.“With these words she stroked the animal, then leaned after
below and reached for the horse cock, which is actually even more
Growing to almost 1 m. Grisi stroked him with both hands, slid up on him
and from. The animal seemed to like this very much, he snorted quietly, but stood
Grisi now sat on the hay bales, which she was right for this purpose
had placed there. She led the mighty member of the stallion with one hand
to the mouth and licked it, it even stuck a few centimeters in the mouth.
I couldn’t get out of amazement: she actually blew the animal one.
With her other hand she played on her pussy, only shoved two, then then
Three, then four fingers and jerked off.

Sure, she wanted her cunt something
Wide to be able to take the horse penis at all. Malina saw herself
with increasing interest in. And when Grisi said: “I could one
use little help.“, She went to her friend and started whose cunt
to edit. Only with your fingers until she then gently

Grisi groaned slightly, in pain and also with lust.
I could see how she was always wetter. Malina pulled her fist
out, but she pushed in again.
“Thank you, that’s enough! Do you want to compensate for the penis?“This leaned Malina
but decidedly off. “Don’t do anything, I can do that alone now.” With these
Words now put the glans of the stallions on her labia. The
Hengst took a step forward and his cock urged in Grisi’s plum

She groaned with pain and lust. She now pushed her pelvis,
held the ponytail with both hands. In fact, the huge one penetrated
Latte deeper and deeper into them. The animal made fucking movements.
At the same time, Grisi supported his movements by the huge
Penis like a dildo in and pushed out.

So it only took a few minutes
And she screamed out her first orgasm, but kept going.
Prince’s member, now over 60 cm long, disappeared a good 30 every time
cm in your cunt. You could see that something like one
Pre -fluid dripped out of it. His penis widened Grisis cunt and he could
Now penetrate without any problems. The sight of her pussy with the huge part

deep in it was actually very exciting.

Malina also looked like now
hypnotized too.
Grisi obviously enjoyed the campaign. And even if I am at all
I couldn’t imagine having sex with an animal, I had to admit,
that the situation made me sharp. A stallion and a woman fucked like
obsessed with each other. Obviously, such an animal has less perseverance than a
Man, because after a few minutes quoll from Grisis, a hide
From milky liquid.

The stallion exuded its seed in Grisi in
a never -ending gush. Grisi now pulled out the horse penis,
Holded to his mouth and let the sauce inject over her face. Included
she also put the thing in her mouth. And the stallion did not stop his
To be disconnected.
Grisi stepped back exhausted.

Horse names flowed out of her vagina and
her mouth. She started to satisfy herself again with her hand. She
wanted to feel one last orgasm. And in fact it didn’t take
long until she groaned again and another orgasm wave

She was now completely exhausted and asked Malina quietly if she
Don’t want to try that too, the stallion has enough strength for one
second round. But Malina clearly rejected this.
We then went into the house, grisi still naked. You have to take a shower first.
After Grisi had dressed again, we were still sitting for a while,
Drank a glass of wine and chatted. Grisi mentioned that they
Sex can only have a prince to me, a man was unable to hire this
To give joy and satisfaction.

A little later we drove home. There
It showed how much the sight of Grisi was how she was from her horse
had fucked, turned on. We were hardly in the house when Malina tore me
Even the dresses from the body, took off his own at lightning speed and put it
on the bed. We had incredibly intensive sex.
In one of our later conversations, she once said: “You know what kind of
is particularly important to me in a relationship? The playful in sex that
Variety, try it out.

Without jealousy, but with a lot of trust in
the other.“I could only agree with her. And so I asked her: “I have
You from Emma, my neighbor, her friend and Jo and Max
told, and of the great sex we had together. Could you
imagine that we do something together, as an orgy?” She had to
laugh. “So, you dream of an orgy.

I like to know jo from me
I liked that.”
And so it happened that we all at each other a few days later in the early afternoon
You met: Emma, Caro, Mary, Max and Jo. So we were too seventh, enough for
A real orgy. I was excited to see how the evening would develop.
Malina had prepared something to eat, there were also plenty of drinks,
And so the afternoon started with a cozy food and
much alcohol. Then when I saw that Malina, who was sitting next to Jo as if happened,
went to his pants and stroked him in the crotch, I asked everyone: “So, now now
should we slowly get ready.

All move out!”I ordered.

We were all naked quickly and looked at each other curiously. Me
it immediately noticed that Max already had a mighty stand. That also saw
Emma. She grabbed the tail, led it to the mouth and sucked it
enjoy the erect penis by Max.

Malina now knelt in front of Jo,
admired his circumcised cock, gently jerked him and pushed himself
Then the belt in the mouth. I looked at all of this with interest.
My own pleasure tab swell quite a bit. Came to my joy
Now Mary, knelt with my back to my face and spoiled
Then my penis with my mouth while she is at the same time her cunt
Face held. I admired her wonderful black labia with that
red pleasure point in between.

I concentrated on him, sucked it
Little penis and fucked them with two fingers.
Only Caro was unlucky. Nobody filled one of their holes, no tail in theirs
mouth. So at the moment she had nothing more than to masturbate violently.
But she didn’t want to be satisfied with that. So she interrupted after 20
Minutes our sex games and came with a suggestion.

“Hey, people, how
Would it be if we always create new partner constellations with a cube
would. In this way nobody would be too short. Malina, do you have a cube?”
“I think,” replied Malina and got a cube. “And how is that supposed
Now go?“” Quite simply: we dice and everyone is the number he is
or dice it, be or.

Your partner is then the counterpart
Seven: 6 + 1, 2 + 5, 3 + 4. Whoever is left is, so to speak, the referee who
observed everything or, if he or she wants, can participate. And he or she
determined how long a round should go. For the new round the
Referee number one and number six becomes referee.

Cube now and have a 6, D.H. Jan dice and gets a one. Jan is
My partner, six + one.“So she gave Jo the cube, one 2
Dice, with 5 with 5 his temporary partner. So was
The third couple Max and Mary.

Malina was a referee.
Caro immediately got over me. She lay down in front of me so that I was good
could look into her sweet cunt. She was totally shaved, with little ones, not
protruding labia. When I opened it gently, I shone
the interior of her cunt is rosy.

She had a very small clit,
which I now stimulated with my tongue, which gave her great pleasure. I
Now enter her with my tongue and enjoyed the female scent of her
In the meantime, Emma Jos had wonderful penis in her mouth
pushed. She sucked, sucked and prepared jo in this way the way into this way
Sex paradise. When she was pushing her moistened finger into his buttocks,
began to moan jo.
Max, on the other hand, immediately pushed his member in Mary’s black pussy
and fucked them according to all the rules of art.

Mary went off fully and raised her
Basin so that Max could penetrate them deeper.
After what felt like 15 minutes we changed our partners according to the rules and
Our little orgy continued. After another change and 10

Minutes later Caro said: “So now we only form two new groups,
From numbers 1 – 3 and 4 – 6, i.e. with Jan, Jo and Mary and
With Max, Emma and me, Malina is a referee.”
Everyone agreed and off we went. Mary knelt in front of me and Jo,
put our two cocks in her hands, jerked her and always sucked
alternately to them. Max had to somehow Emma and Caro at the same time

To do this, he put both girls on their backs alongside each other,
Licked her cunts alternately before he was in Emmas
Cunt sank, pulled out again and put in Caros Pflaum. So it went
always back and forth, and both girls enjoyed his activities.
Malina took us a good 20 minutes before she interrupted our game: “And
Now it’s getting funny. Now the three boys are a group and the three girls
the other. Make something of it!“Max, Jo and I look at a little puzzled –
How should that work? But the rule was rule.

So we agreed
So that I lay down, Max should push his beating into my buttocks,
While I wanted to blow jo. After 5 minutes each we wanted
change. Our plan worked out very well: I enjoyed the tail of
Max, which he had cleverly introduced into me, and delighted me at the same time
On the tail of jo in my mouth. He fucked me carefully in the

After a while I could taste his sweet to the juice.
In between we looked at the girls and how to do this task
master. Mary had lay on her back, Caro was lying on his stomach
With his head in front of Mary’s cunt. Emma licked Mary devotedly while
Caro Emma’s pussy spoiled with her tongue. It was a horny sight.
Now everyone felt that they approached their climax.

So finished the previous game and Malina, Mary and Caro snapped
Everyone a tail and let themselves be fucked. Emma slipped from one
Pärchen to the other and licked the respective cunt into which the
Partner tail in and slipped out. So it didn’t take long and the three
Fucked girls started to moan violently. Juice stepped out of her cunts and
Emma gently licked him.

Mary was the first to scream with a loud scream
its climax, where she gave a gush of vaginal fluid. Her
Caro followed with a lustful cry. Shortly afterwards Malina was so far.
We were enthusiastic about three boys with our stiff cocks how much
Love fluid from her pussy flowed. Emma had a lot to do, all the juices
And then we were on.

We stood in a circle, in front of me knelt Mary, in front of Jo
Kniet Emma and Caro in front of Max. Malina was now a referee and fired
her friends, alternately stroking our eggs. It was
Clear that we wouldn’t last long. Max was the first one
whose phallus seeds shot into white sprayers.

Caro took everything in her
Mouth, no drop was lost because she swallowed the ejaculate, completely
Obviously with a lot of pleasure. Finally, she licked all the remains of the white
Juice from his penis.

Then Jo suddenly called: “Yes, it comes to me now!“Emma accepted it
Lord from the mouth to see better what would happen now. And
Then his seed was bubbling from his mighty link. He splashed
Everything in Emma’s face.

And only at the end she took his tail
back in the mouth to lick it clean.
I could only endure a few minutes now, it already felt that
Close of a huge orgasm ‘. With the last strength I fucked Mary between
Your full lips, deep into your throat. She could bolt
In fact, take up to my testicles and gave me
This an incredible feeling of pleasure. I knew from experience that they
it preferred to have my seed deep and right in front of their esophagus in
she shot in, which I did now.

With a lot of love in her eyes she saw
me in my orgasm while I am in ever new batches in
She poured out.
After all, we all sank very exhausted to the ground, loving ours ours
respective partner still. I lay down next to Malina, stroked hers
Labia and – sank into sleep. After a short time we decided to still
Something to eat and drink, then everyone wanted to go home to their bed. Only
I stayed with Malina and snuggled up close to her in her big bed.

were asleep immediately.
A few weeks later, Malina and I practically lived together, sometimes at
You, sometimes with me, she made the suggestion to invite Jo and Max to us for
a fun, relaxing evening. What should happen there, she wanted
not say. So two days later the two came to us. We drank
Some mix drinks that Malina prepared for us.

Then we looked one
be called porn, who let our cocks grow in his pants, what Malina
well noticed. So she said: “Take off, then have
Your slats more space.“She herself also slipped out of her clothes, so that
We were all four naked in front of the television and let ourselves be made by the film
Inspire – with a powerful swelling cocks. Something was
Different, I felt more strange than ever.
And then she said: “So now the Viagra would have to develop its full effect
have.“She had and actually this sex remedy in our drinks
mixed. I wonder why? “I want to see now how Viagra your potency
can increase.

Stand around me and start yours
Masturbate cocks. Let’s see how long you can endure. who it
The longest ended, won and may fuck me. But don’t cheat!
Always jerk off nicely!“So that’s it! She sat on the
Floor, we stood with erect welding, which somehow bigger and stiffer
Were than usual, around them.
So we started.

Jo had got some oil from which we both
but also served. So our slats were really slippery, what
made masting particularly easy. We wank synchronously and im
same rhythm. Malina took one, sometimes the other penis in the
Hand and helped wanking.

In between, she also took one

Cock in the mouth. But she distributed her grant very evenly, so
that it was fair. The stimulant showed his
Effect. I mastled like in a trance, got into a intoxication with tremendous
Excitement, but without an orgasm to feel.

The other
Both seemed to be similar. They jerked as an indifferent as me,
but with the same enthusiasm.
When I finally felt that it would come soon, Max sprayed
already from. Big fountains of his seeds splashed on Malina’s breasts
and especially in your face. She beamed with excitement.

Then jo moaned,
Malina sat in front of his cock, from which the cream
out. The white wet initially flowed out in a steady stream
His cock, then suddenly he splashed on her face and hers
Hair. Now it came to me too. I screamed: “Yes, honey, I come too!”
Immediately she turned to me and my mighty member.

And then shot
My seed out. This time she had my penis in the
Mouth taken and so it could absorb everything in it and swallow.
After licking my cock cleanly, she says: “Jan, you have
won. You can fuck me now. I think the other two should
but do not go away empty -handed.

Finally I have three holes. But first once
Should you come back to strength.“But we didn’t take long, ours
Pistons quickly stiff in the air again, thanks to Viagra.
I lay down on my back and Malina sat on me, lowered
About my pleasure tab and rode me at a pleasant pace, with yours
Breasts could caress. Jo oiled Malina’s hole and began his
To push huge cock into your buttocks. Malina groaned with pleasure.

Now Max stood in front of her so that she comfortably in the
Could take mouth, she had actually filled all three holes.
Max was the first to give up his seed. He splashed the cream in her
mouth. Malina had the juice run over her breast. “It comes to me now too!”,
A little later also called Jo.

I felt his pulsating penis through the
thin partition between the vagina and the intestine. That wore to my excitement
at and I felt how it came to me. It has to be a huge amount
Have been a sperm that I hurled in Malina’s pussy. When we are
Had furred apart again, my Malina: “Guys, you got it great

Thanks!“But she wasn’t finished with us yet. We all went
Four in your bathroom to take a shower. Malina took over our sleeping
Cocks, which she insisted one after the other and washed very carefully, so
in detail that we all three got a crossbar again. You helped us with
Dry, then we went into the living room.
There she ordered me to put me on the sofa.

When I was to their satisfaction,
she sat down on my stiff cock, but with her back
to my face so that her cunt was free with my cock. Then
She said: “So, Max, now your Schwengel is shying in me too. I want yours
Feel both cocks in my hole. Let’s see if you can do it.” N/a,
whether that would succeed? In fact, now I felt his penis on mine

Glide past into Malina’s cunt.

This was still wide that that
went very easily. I didn’t have much freedom of movement and so I kept myself
Almost immobile and left Max to fuck. It was already an amazing
Feeling: Max ‘penis rubbed my, so he not only excited Malina, but also
also me. Then she said: “Jo, now I want your cock to the
Take mouth.

Come!“So Jo leaned over her and left her his
tail. Since this happened exactly over my face, I could
first see from the immediate vicinity of a cock in a mouth
fuck. She sucked him as if obsessed and moved her pelvis in
Rhythm of Max. I stared at the mighty tail of Jo
and began to stroke him and his eggs.
The position was quite exhausting for all of us, but at the same time very much

So it happened that Max was ready to cum after a few minutes.
I felt his cock got a little thicker. When then his cream
shot out of his member, I was able to do the pulsation from his penis
feel. His seed flowed from Malina’s cunt and dripped onto my cock,
who was still in her. At the same time, Jo roasted: “I come!
Malina, I’ll spray my juice in your mouth now!“He caught his
To hand it down, but then quickly pulled his penis out of Malina’s mouth
and in this way let a good part of his seed on my face

Then he came down so far that I was dripping
Could put tail in the mouth. I licked it dry.
Since I had done relatively little in this four, I could do something else
endure. Malina got up and sat on my stake again, this time
with my face to me. She rode me like a cowgirl and looked deep
in the eyes.

Her ride on me and my tail faster and faster.
That’s why it didn’t take long and I shot my seed
in her. She continued until her horse became too limp. Then she got up.
“Great, boys!“That’s it for the evening.

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