Hot fuck on vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Now it was finally time again. Our common Vacation stood on. This time we had chosen a small but very nice club in Cuba. Just relax for 2 weeks, no work, no appointments. But first to us. We have been around since about. Married for 12 years. My wife, we call her Monika for a few years now has been running a small but well -walking optician shop in our city. I have had my own tax consultancy office for 5 years now.

Since we both earn, we are doing quite well financially, but unfortunately we have little time for each other. Without our children (we left them at grandma) we ended up at the airport and enjoyed the sun and the climate in Cuba from the first moment. We are picked up by a taxi at the airport and taken to our club complex. We check in there and go to our room. From the balcony we have a great view directly to the sea.

Monika immediately went to the balcony. I stood behind her, put my arms around her body. She nestled against me. So we enjoyed the view for a while. “And what else do we do today,” she asked me without turning around. I looked at the clock briefly. “I think we should dress something different, eat something down in the restaurant and then look at what’s evening program here. “She turned to me, smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

“And what should I put on?”. Typical woman, I thought. “Well, something chic, like a little sexy from me,” I replied. As always, of course, I was ready to get dressed faster. I was wearing light linen pants and a wide shirt. After Monika was still in the bathroom, I went out the door to look around. Shortly afterwards Monika came out of our room. I hardly got out of my amazement. She was wearing a tight black dress.

Her decoltée was very deep, only covered the most important and, above all, made it clear that she was not wearing a bra. Their beautiful breast came into its own. The skirt was cut wide and ends a little above the knee. In addition, she wore black pumps that made her legs released longer. “Wow! Treasure, you look stunning. “I eyed her from top to bottom. “Very sexy. “” You said I was supposed to put on sexy, “she replied grinning.

What can I say, which man does not like to give something with his wife. So I hug her and went into the dining room with her. I looked around and enjoyed the eyes of the other men on my wife. Monika also seemed to enjoy the situation, even if she did not show it. We were accompanied to our table, ordered a bottle of red wine and started eating. Our waiter, a good -looking Cuban, treated us as if we were kings.

In particular, my wife read every wish from his lips. After a while I noticed that he kept trying to look my wife into the excerpt. I smiled and told Monika. “And it bothers you?”She asked me. I thought briefly, “no not actually. “The next time the waiter came over, Monika leaned forward so that he could see more. I followed his gaze, noticed how he got a little nervous.

So we spent a wonderful evening with an excellent meal. “And what do we do with the opened evening,” asked Monika after we ate our dessert. “The hotel has a disco. Do you still want to go dancing?”I asked her. She looks at me a little mischievously: “Dancing yes, but in the hotel discos it is always so bourgeois. Wait a minute. “She got up and followed the waiter into the kitchen. After a few minutes she came back, took my hand and pulled me behind her.

“Come with. I have a better idea, ”she whispered to me. We left the dining room and a little surprised I noticed how she headed for the outcome of the hotel. Once at the door, she waved a taxi up. I looked at her questioningly. “Trust me,” she just says. Since I did that, we got into the taxi. She gave the driver an address and immediately the taxi started to move. After approx. The driver held in front of a somewhat shabby club for 15 minutes.

I paid the taxi and got out with Monika. First of all, I noticed that there are apparently only Cubans here. “Are you sure that this is the right address?”” Yes I am “she had already taken my hand again and pulled me to the entrance. The interior was very full.. Monika immediately pulled me onto the dance floor and started moving very sexy and provocative. I enjoyed the sight and slowly got a little hot, which was not just due to the temperature.

One or the other Cuban always looked at Monika again and again. After dancing for 20 minutes, I asked for a break and offered to get drinks. I went towards the bar and ordered two drinks. When I turned over again and looked at Monika, I found that she was now dancing with a big Cuban. I wanted to go back to her quickly. In half the way to the dance floor I was able to look briefly into her eyes.

I found it surprised that she seemed to be really good. She smiled at me sexy and nestled against the body of the Cuban. I stopped, didn’t really know what to do. Somehow my wife’s sight, who dances with another guy and obviously turned him on in the middle of the dance floor, excited me. So I leaned against a pillar and continued to watch it. She enjoyed the game with the man.

Even when he started pulling her and he slid down on her back to her back, she made no institutions to spread the whole thing. I got nervous, but enjoyed the situation and let it do it. After a few minutes, a second man joined the two. I noticed that it was the waiter from the dining room. Monika turned to him and now danced between the two, with the men trying to touch them again and again.

Sometimes purely by chance, but sometimes also very direct. In the meantime, her hands have already been on almost all of Monika in almost all parts of the body. My gaze kept walking through the room. I didn’t try to watch her too directly, even if my eyes kept hanging on the three. Monika looked questioningly and obviously also excited about me. I smiled at her and nodded almost unnoticed. Then she whispered something to the two men. The two looked at each other and started grinning.

Slowly the three pushed through the room to a back output. I followed them. Without thinking for a long time, I quickly went to the door and land in a small garden of a house. I heard music from the house and after a few seconds the laughing of Monika. I went close to the patio door and looked through the windows. Inside I saw Monika dancing with our waiter. The other sat in an armchair and watched the two.

This time the waiter put his hands very directly on the bottom of my wife. He started to massage it while dancing. After a while Monika turned his back on him. He pulled her back on him. This time his hands lay on her flat stomach and slowly hike up until he could enclose her breasts. Now it got too much for me. I was about to go through the door when I saw Monika’s gaze.

With astonishment, I found that she looked at me almost faded and asked me not to come in. How rooted I stopped. What should I do? I stopped and find that my pants were now tasting. The waiter now massaged my wife’s breasts. She rubbed her body on his and looked into my eyes. The second man enjoyed the spectacle and cheered on his friend. Monika turned again, put a leg around her dance partner and began rubbing on his thigh.

In doing so, she leaned her upper body far back, so that her breasts pressed firmly against the fabric of the dress. Our waiter held her with one hand, with the other he drove her over her breasts, pushed the fabric further and further to side. When the song ends, the guy quickly put on a new plate from the armchair. Monika looked back in my direction. After she turned back to the two guys, she pushed our waiter into an armchair and started dancing for the two, and probably also for me.

In doing so, she kept driving her breasts with her hand, giving her knees in front of the two and pushed her skirt higher by walking along her thighs with her hands. I looked over at the two Cubans. They seemed to enjoy the spectacle and I noticed how they easily rubbed their pants. Now Monika continued. With her hand she reached behind her head and opened the clasp of the dress. Slowly she let her top slide down and now only hides her breasts with her hands.

The dress got stuck on her hips. She went to the two. Right in front of them, she slowly took her hands off her breasts and now danced up without the two. Slowly she started to push her dress over her hips until it slid to the ground after a short time. Now she only wore her tight string and her pumps. She smiled at the two who are now massaging their bumps in her pants.

I was half crazy of fear. How far would she do the game? How would the two react if Monika just stopped. Still, I couldn’t intervene. I also started thinking now too tail Massage through my pants. Monika started dancing again. She kept getting to her knees, opening her thighs wide and drove her hands between her legs. Suddenly one of the two Cubans grabbed her head and held her below.

First Monika tried to free herself, but after noticing that he was stronger, she stayed down and looked at him. She smiled at him and I watched her hands walk up his legs. Slowly she pushed her hands on the inside of his thighs up to his bump. I saw in horror that my wife started massaging this unknown man through his pants. With the other hand she stroked her breasts.

After a few seconds she slowly opened his pants. She reached into his pants and picks out a huge bulk that pointed up steeply. Monika twitched back, but he held her again. In the meantime, our waiter had also opened his pants and got his cock out. Monika grabbed her hesitantly in front of her and began to stroke him. She kept looking up at the guy. He just grinned and seemed to enjoy the situation.

But my wife also seemed to please the situation, at least she made no institutions to put an end to the whole thing. On the contrary, she increased the speed in which she jerked her tail. Now the guy grabbed her head again. Monika looked up and smiling she slowly pushed herself towards his tail. She willingly opened her lips and started the tail too suck. At first only very carefully without taking it deep in the mouth.

Over time, however, her head moved faster and faster and after everyone up and down she pushed his cock a little deeper into her throat. With the hand now made free, she reached for the tail of our waiter and now started wildly jerk off. I actually spin, shot through my head. Inside is my wife and sucks some Cuban his cock and jerked another one. I can’t allow that!!! While I was still thinking and thinking about what to do, I was surprised that I also got my cock out of my pants and jerked myself.

I was already so hard that I had to be careful not to spray straight away. Unable to react somehow, I looked through the door again and stroked my cock. Even if I disgusted something in front of myself, I could and did not want to end the matter. Monika’s head was still moving quickly on his cock, and she has already pushed him deep into the throat. The two Cubans groaned loudly under the treatment of my wife and I also started to moan softly.

I could see how Monika began to stroke her free hand between her legs. I knew this sign. If she caresses herself, she just wants to have sex, sex. So it was not surprising that after a short time she paid off the two guys and uprising. The two first saw a little angry, but after they saw that Monika went to a nearby table to lay on the table top with slightly opened legs, grinned the two and went over to her.

Monika gave me a look for me briefly. Yes what did I see in it? Confusion, lust, lust? Probably a mixture of everything. The two guys stood around the table. Our waiter went to her head and held his cock right away. Monika reached for him, began licking and jerking off. I could look into the horny eyes of the waiter. The second leaned down and started the freshly shaved pussy to lick my wife.

I know how much she likes it and so she started moan shortly afterwards without taking the tail out of her mouth. The guy between her legs pushed his tongue into her pussy and began to fuck her with her tongue. In doing so, he reached for my wife’s breasts, who reared up with lust. My hand enclosed my cock and I jerked myself hard, but not so tight that I sprayed.

No, I wanted to continue enjoying the sight. Monika had now let himself go completely. She sucked wildly on the tail of our waiter, who had to make an effort so as not to cum straight away. But he too wanted to enjoy the matter even further. Now his friend straightened up. His huge cock was right in front of her pussy. He looked at Monika briefly, put his cock on her pussy and pushed into my wife with a violent shock.

Monika immediately let off our waiter and cried out loudly. She has never had such a cock in her pussy. Immediately the guy started to fuck her hard. My wife screamed, first of all in pain, but over time but more and more lust mixed in between. He almost pulled his cock out of her again and again, only to sink him deeply and firmly into her again. He took her legs on which her pumps are still stuck over his shoulders and held them so tight.

Again and again she fucked deep and hard. Monika’s moan grew louder and was now clearly shaped by lust. After a while our waiter took his head again, turns him to him and pushed his cock deep into her mouth. My wife was now fucked by two guys. I was frightened and horrified, but deep inside me it was clear to me that I had dreamed of it for a long time.

And Monika, apparently she too had such dreams. The two kept coming up. Monika could hardly move. She was pissed off between. the two Cubans. I just wanted them to splash my wife in full so that I could cum too. But the two were still not satisfied. Our waiter pulled his cock out of her mouth again. Monika tried to grab him to push him back into her mouth.

But he moved away from the table, went to the other side to her legs. His friend pulled his cock after a few last hard bumps that really let the Monika cry out again from her pussy. Together they turned Monika on her stomach with a jerk, so that she could now stand on the floor with her legs and stretch their buttocks towards them. You won’t be … ? She has never allowed me that before.

Monika also seemed a bit unsure now. But before she could react for a long time, our waiter started her anus First to spoil your fingers and then with your tongue. He distributed her own juice that he got out of her pussy at her back entrance. Monika only tasted himself when the other appeared in front of her again and she eagerly held his cock in front of her, she immediately took care of his latte and worked on him with his hands and mouth.

Our waiter continued to massage her butt. Slowly he penetrated her with his finger from behind, widened her and took a second one. I changed my position to see better what was going on there. After he was apparently satisfied with his preparatory work, he pulled out his fingers, put his cock on and slowly pushed him deeper into her anus. For the first time a cock penetrated it from behind, and that was not mine! Monika groaned loudly.

Immediately the other pushed his cock deep into her mouth and began to quickly fuck her in her mouth. Our waiter started to fuck her in the butt, slowly and then more and more violent and fast. That was too much for me. I have been dreaming of taking them like that for many years. And now I have to watch someone else fucks her. But not that I intervened, no I rubbed my cock firmer, now so firm that I am in a huge one orgasm spray.

My sperm shot against the window of the door in a high arc. I snorted deeply, I have to hold on to the frame of the door so that my knees do not fail the service. But I couldn’t turn away from my wife and the two Cubans. The two fucked them more and more violently and groaned faster and faster. Monika walled with lust between them. Shortly afterwards our waiter first came in her buttocks. He cried out loudly, pulled his cock out of her butt after the first volley of his sperm and distributed the rest over her back.

He was panting behind her and watched his friend. He too was now ready, held her head and shot his sperm into her mouth in several spices. Monika had to swallow everything because her head was pressed tightly on his cock. She had to choke, but swallowed everything down. Then I saw how waves of an orgasm run through her body. Again and again she shook horny. After the two of them took her cocks out of my wife, Monika slowly straightened up.

She also stood very shaky her legs and looked quite finished, but also very happy. Without saying a lot, she collected her clothes, but only put on her dress. The sperm ran down her back and a little dripped out of her mouth. But neither was it bothered. She took the string and pushed it into our waiter, gave both of them a kiss and turned to the patio door and behind which I was standing.

I quickly went deeper into the garden so that the two couldn’t see me. Monika came out. We were stunned to ourselves. Nobody could say a word because we both were not sure what just happened there. After a few moments I took her by the hand and led her without saying a word through the garden to the street. We waved a taxi and let ourselves be returned to the hotel. We didn’t speak a word during the whole trip.

In the hotel we immediately went to our room. Only then did Monika find her language again “Honey, you have to know that I love you. All of this was not planned. How … ”she stammered. I interrupted her, put a finger on her mouth: “Not more tonight. Let’s sleep over it for a night. Tomorrow we’ll talk about it, o. K. ?”. Monika just nodded, disappeared into the bathroom and shortly afterwards I crawled into bed and fall asleep in my arms.


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