Horny threesome with Claudia | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Kerstin is a good friend of Claudia. You got to know each other in Florian’s crawling group, which Kerstin headed. It is tall, has blonde medium -length hair, big breasts and a somewhat wide buttock. Claudia and Kerstin get along very well and talk about everything too. Kerstin moved to Passau with her husband Stefan and the 3 children – Stefan’s company is nearby. She comes to visit with the children every now and then, and Daniel and Florian are always huge.

Last weekend, however, Kerstin had announced himself alone – the children were at theirs Mother and Stefan was on business. She just wanted to ratchet Claudia again in peace and enjoyed the fact that the children were gone. We therefore also let Daniel and Florian spend the night with their grandma and grandpa. It was a very hot and sultry Friday. Kerstin arrived in her old BMW without air conditioning. Her t-shirt was on the back of sweaty and her hair stuck on her forehead.

“My God is disgusting today” she said to Claudia when she got out “Every garment is too much”. “Do not do any compulsion” I joked. “You would like to have that,” said Claudia ” have a shower?”She asked Kerstin. “First to drink something when it works”. The women sat in the shade in the outdoor seat and I got some cool to drink from the basement. When I poured Kerstin she sat there and waved her T-shirt.

I saw the bearers of their bra’s and just had to blaspheme: “But you women always constrict you, no matter what weather is. “She pulled the T-shirt away from her herself and looked underneath. “Right” she noticed “actually stupid”. She performed the feat, which was surprised by the women every time. She took off the bra without moving out the T-shirt beforehand. “Better?“I asked, and secretly admired their big breasts, who were now a little more precise under the T-shirt.

“Much better” she said, and waved her further with the T-shirt air. “I left away right away today,” said Claudia grinning, and briefly raised her t-shirt and showed us her bare breasts. I noticed that her nipples set up when she had left the T-shirt down again. Kerstin noticed that too. She drank a few sip. “Really hot today” she noticed and wagged again. Her nipples also became hard. “What do you both think about?“I grinned and rubbed a nipple for fun.

“Why?“Claudia also grinned and twisted her nipples once through the T-shirt. Kerstin became red. “I think I’m shower quickly,” she said, “maybe you have a T-shirt and a short trousers? Unfortunately I have nothing else with me “” No problem, we find something “said Claudia” You can have a t-shirt from Paul and underwear … hmmm … I think we have a different size. I’ll see what I think. We went into the house, Kerstin went to the bathroom and I got a T-shirt out of my closet.

After Claudia Kerstin had given a shower gel, she also went up and looked for a panties that would fit and pants. Meanwhile I stood in the kitchen and made a coffee. I heard the water rippling and imagining Kerstin naked in our shower. In the thought suddenly I heard Kerstin calling which towel she could take. Without thinking much I went to the bathroom and wanted to give her out of the closet.

She stood in front of me naked and soaked soak. Their nipples stood streaked and firmly. She had probably still showered ice cold. She had light goosebumps. Her blond pubic hair stuck wet on her pubic hill. She stared at me perplexed and I. At some point I noticed that she was staring at my swimming trunks (we had set up the pool and had always jumped in before Kerstin came). I followed her gaze and noticed my horror that I was a powerful one erection had and the pants built a large tent.

Only now did she seem to notice that she was naked herself and suddenly stood shame and breasts. “Hoppla, sorry” I said a little “but we probably have tie”. I looked down at my swimming trunks. Kerstin smiled a bit. At that moment Claudia came to the bathroom. She eyed Kerstin and then me, although of course the erection was not hidden from her. “Did I miss something? Did you start without me?“She grinned. “What ..?”Asked Kerstin confused” what started?”” Was just a joke “she smiled” What did you do with my husband?“She reached my swimming trunks and pressed mine tail through the fabric.

“Nothing at all, honestly” Kerstin was completely embarrassed. “Well, don’t panic” I also grinned “Maybe I should just take a cold shower” I just pulled my swimming trunks down and my cock shouted out. I took off the T-shirt and stood naked in front of the two women. Kerstin stared at my cock incredulously. When she realized that I grinned her she became red. “I think I shower with” Claudia saved the situation and quickly pulled out bikini pants and the T-shirt.

Now we were all 3 naked in the bathroom. Kerstin now looked alternately from my cock to Claudia’s pubic hill. “You are both shaved?”She stated. Slowly she got used to the situation. “Pretty, not? We could also give you a hairstyle, ”I said“ or everything away, that feels much better ”. “I know that in women, but in men …” She looked back at my cock, which of course did not get smaller of so much female attention.

“That feels really better,” said Claudia. She took Kerstin’s hand and put her on my cock. Kerstin quickly pulled his hand away and became bright red. “Now just feel” insisted Claudia, and put her hand back between my legs. This time the hand left the hand and even slowly enclosed the shaft. Then she stroked my shaved eggs with the second hand. “That feels really great,” she noticed.

Your hand became a little braver. She now grabbed my tail with one hand from above and the eggs. “It’s really good – so soft” she grinned. “I don’t think it is still soft”. I grinned back. “Hay, why well?“She joked, took my cock alone and slowly pushed it foreskin back that the plump red acorn came to light. “Will be very dry, the good one” said Claudia. She leaned down and took my glans into her mouth and stroked her tongue a few times.

If it was still possible, Kerstin just got a little red. But she smiled. Apparently she liked what she saw. “What now?”I asked Kerstin. “May we shave you?”” Uh, … well. Grows again if I don’t like it. “” Who can shave?”I asked, and grinned. “Claudia can definitely do that, or?“She looked unsafe to Claudia. “No problem, come with”. We grabbed a large bathing towel, disposable razor, shower gel and my long hair cutter.

Claudia got a bowl of warm water out of the kitchen and brought it into the living room. I spread the towel on the sofa, put some large pillows on the backrest and asked Kerstin to sit down. She sat on the sofa and leaned back. “Well, you have to spread your legs” I smiled at them. Slowly she opened her thighs and gave a view of her pussy free. “Don’t worry, I just make the rough with my long hair cutter,” I said to her.

I knelt on the floor between her open thighs. Claudia sat next to Kerstin, also leaned and put on a leg. I could now see two pussies – I had always dreamed of that. I took my long hair cutter and wanted to start. “Ohhhh … Look Claudia” I grinned and showed on Kerstin’s labia that shone with moisture. Claudia straightened up and looked between Kerstin’s legs. Now Kerstin was definitely a little red.

“Schööön,” I said, and slowly stroked my female with my thumb through her labia. I let my thumbs slide into the vagina. Then I carefully pressed on her clit. “Ooohhhh …” groaned Kerstin quietly and slipped away from me with her lap. “Well, I stop,” I said, and switched on the razor. Kerstin calmed the humming something again. I slowly drove through her pubic hair with the long hair cutters.

First on the top of the pubic mound, and then down on her labia. I always put a finger between her labia, as if happily. Kerstin’s lap moved restlessly. “So, my part is finished,” I said and switched off the razor. “Now you are coming,” I said to Claudia and briefly typed on Claudia’s clit with my left index finger. “Aha, so you don’t get me wet. I will remember that”.

You grin. She got up and also knelt on the floor between Kerstin’s legs. Instead, I sat down on Claudia’s place next to Kerstin. My tail was still steeply up. Kerstin kept looking at him, while Claudia started sapping. At some point Kerstin casually put her hand on my thigh. Then she left him as if she didn’t notice where he was. After a while – Claudia shaved hard – I took her hand and put her on my cock.

Kerstin turned red again, but pretended that she hadn’t noticed the whole thing. Her fingers started a game very slowly. First a finger stroked slowly up and down on the shaft, then 2 fingers to the left and right of tail down to the eggs. Finally she took the tail tight and pressed it lightly. “Hmmmm … That’s nice, ”I said to her. Claudia looked up and smiled. Kerstin saw that and became a little braver.

She started with slow wanking movements, very carefully, then she stroked the eggs again to continue again jerk off. “Thank God I’m done,” grinned Claudia. “I almost couldn’t have continued as damp as you have now become. Feel, dad “. She took my hand and put it between Kerstin’s legs. I drove down over her labia. “Wow, that’s enough for two”. I pushed two fingers deep into her pussy without resistance.

“Oohh …… beautiful”. Kerstin groaned softly. I slowly pulled my fingers out and massaged her clit with it. Meanwhile, Kerstin jerked my cock more and more violent. “Don’t break him,” said Claudia. She held Kerstin’s hand, took her away, took my cock in her mouth and started blowing. “Schööön” I groaned softly. Kerstin turned on the sofa and was now very close to Claudias with her head. She had apparently lost her inhibitions now.

She licked along my shaft at the bottom. Claudia took my cock and kept him Kerstin. This took him deep into his mouth and drove up and down with her head. Then Claudia came on again. “Wait, I’ll lie down now. Claudia you come over me. “I conducted Claudia on me so that I came with my head between her legs and she was on my cock. Kerstin was at the other end of the sofa and both started to blow again.

I drove my tongue deep through Claudia’s labia. She was gossip and my face was immediately smeared with her juice. I kept pushing my tongue deep into her vagina. Claudia groaned every time. Kerstin heard to edit my cock and came to my side of the sofa. She leaned down to me and drove her tongue through Claudia’s labia. Then we kissed and licked each other Claudia’s juice from our lips.

I slowly pulled Kerstin up to the sofa and placed her so that her pussy was right over my face. Claudia noticed that, got down from me and turned so that she could watch me and continue blowing me at the same time. I now drove Kerstin through the pussy with my tongue. Since she was sitting above me, her juice flowed on my own face. I worked on her clit with my tongue, and sucked it all into my mouth and then playing on it with my tongue.

“Oohh Jaaaaa ….”. Kerstin’s moaning was getting louder and louder. “Stop! Now I want to ”ordered Claudia. I had to climb out under Kerstin and Claudia took my place. She pushed herself on her back under Kerstins and spread her own legs. Kerstin immediately understood and leaned between Claudia’s legs. Immediately her tongue slid through Claudia’s pussy and she sucked violently on the labia. “Ooohh is awesome” groaned Claudia. I knelt behind Kerstins Po, Claudia’s head looked out between her legs.

“Hello beautiful woman” I said. I leaned down to Claudia, previously drove my tongue through Kerstin’s labia, who were right in front of me and then gave Claudia a long violent kiss. I knelt behind Kerstin and kept Claudia my cock to my mouth. She greedily sucked him in her mouth and sucked him. I pulled him out of her mouth with a plop and put him on Kerstin’s pussy. Claudia grinned.

She licked over Kerstins Kitzler. Kerstin groaned between Claudia’s legs. I drove my glans through Kerstin’s labia and made her full of her pussy juice. “Man you are wet,” I said to her. “Hmmm?“You heard with full mouth. I put my cock at her opening and slowly pressed it until the attack in Kerstin’s vagina. Suddenly she heard to lick Claudia and straightened up slightly and groaned long.

I left my cock in her calm. Kerstin even started me slight shock movements. Claudia watched the whole thing up close from below. She alternately licked over my eggs and Kerstins clit. I started to reply Kerstin’s shock movements. “Aahh … my God what do we do here ….!“Kerstin groaned. “Should I stop?“I asked her and pushed faster. “No way…. “Back it came back. Claudia grinned and worked on Kerstins Kitzler. She reached around Kerstin’s buttocks and started to stroke Kerstin’s poloch from above.

In doing so, she kept putting her fingers on my cock to get the lubrication. When Kerstin’s poloch shone from her own juice, Claudia slowly pushed her index finger into her rosette. “Oooooohhh ….“Kerstin. She straightened up and tried to get a look at her buttocks. Claudia had pushed her finger up to the attack. She stroked my cock through the thin partition, which was still in Kerstin’s vagina.

“Heeee ….Not bad, ”I grinned Claudia. “Ooohhh, it feels cool” groaned Kerstin. Claudia pulled her finger out and put on 2 fingers. Slowly she pressed against the sphincter until this gone. Her fingers slowly slipped into Kerstin’s ass and Kerstin until her fingers stuck completely in her again. “Leave me” I said to Claudia. I pulled my cock out of Kerstin’s pussy and left it on Claudia’s face. “Heeeee” she protested.

She opened her mouth and let my cock slide into him. She greedily licked Kerstin’s juice. I massaged Kerstin’s sphincter with my thumb, which I kept getting wet in her pussy. I pressed my thumb deep into Kerstin’s intestine. “Yeah …” she groaned “, please”. “I have something better for you”. I pulled my thumb out of her and put my cock on her rosette. “Oooh, it’s not too big?”. Kerstin had concerns.

“Relax and let everything go very easily,” I said to her. Kerstin sank her head between Claudia’s legs again. Claudia moaned. I pressed my acorn against Kerstin’s sphincter very carefully. Bit by bit she disappeared into the rosette. “Oh my god” Kerstin groaned. When the glans put in it all, I paused and rocked back and forth very easily. Kerstin rocked with. Her rosette slowly stretched. From time to time Kerstin stopped her swings, and my cock slid into her a little further, accompanied by her moan.

Claudia looked at the whole thing up close and continued to lick Kerstins Kitzler. Her face was completely smeared by Kerstin’s pussy juice, which now flooded almost in her. When my cock was half in Kerstin’s ass, Claudia pushed 2 fingers into Kerstin’s pussy and then distributed the juice on my cock. So lubricated I slowly pushed on until my cock had disappeared into Kerstin’s buttocks. I started with careful shock movements.

“Yes…..Is the Geiiiiil, ”whining Kerstin. But she now replied the bumps. My cock was getting tougher. Kerstin’s tight rosette was amazing. Kerstin moaned uninhibitedly. “Ohhh my god, I’ll come right away. “Suddenly her body started to twitch. She pressed her head between Claudia’s thigh and screamed. When she got injected properly. Not much, but Claudia had her mouth on Kerstin’s pussy. Part of the load swallowed Claudia, the rest spread on her face.

I continued to drive violently, I was also that far too. Kerstin was sagged together on Claudia, and groaned with every push. “I come” I groaned. I inject my load deep into Kerstin’s ass. “I’m coming back” was heard Kerstin between Claudia’s legs. Your body shrugged again. They inject again, but not that much anymore. Claudia swallowed everything – this time she was prepared for it. “Wow”. I sank on Kerstin’s back. “Yes, wow” she gave back.

“Wow too,” said Claudia. Kerstin sat up and turned to Claudia. I also looked down at her. Claudia’s face was completely smeared by Kerstin’s juice. “Wait, I’ll help you” grinned Kerstin. She turned around and started licking Claudia’s face. “So I think I could really take a shower now,” I said. “We too,” said the two in the choir. We climbed into the shower cubicle together. It was very tight, but we liked it as we tapped each other.

The warm water flowed through our bodies. We soap and mutually into each other and washed the foam off again. We just stood there for a while and let the water run over our bodies. “I have to” whispered Kerstin “Let me out”. “Well let’s go” I said to her. I took her between my legs and kept her labia apart. “Here?”Asked in astonishment. “You have never peed in the shower?”Asked Claudia.

“Yes, yes … but I was alone in the shower”. “Well, do it,” I said to her. I put the water off and held the other hand in front of her pussy. “First you, then I” said Claudia. Kerstin closed her eyes and concentrated. The first small steel flowed into my hand. She opened her eyes and smiled at us slightly. Then a strong yellow beam shot out of her pussy. She opened her lips slightly and groaned softly.

Claudia pushed my hand aside and was also peeing her hand. She put her hand entirely on Kerstin’s pussy and rubbed your urine over the pubic hill. I caught a few drops and deteriorated them on Claudia’s chest. Claudia grinned at me. She took my cock and held it under the ray. The warm piss flowed over my shaft and I noticed how it slowly became stiff again. The beam slowly subsided and became a dripping.

“That’s it,” said Kerstin and looked down to my cock. “That probably liked that? Will be “she grinned at Claudia. “If you pour it now too, it is ready for use again. “She took him in her hand and made slight wanking movements. “Well that helps too,” I grinned at her. “Well, now I” said Claudia and pressed her knees apart. She took her labia and pulled her apart and upwards.

She closed her eyes and immediately pee on. A thick beam hit Kerstin on the stomach. Claudia aimed right. She opened her eyes again and grinned Kerstin. Claudia turned lightly and pissed on my tail and about Kerstin’s hand, which still jerked him. Kerstin pulled the foreskin back and kept the acorn in the beam. “It feels really cool” I grinned at them. Claudia briefly pulled her labia up and pressed violently.

The piss beam shot high over Kerstin’s breasts. “Heeee, not bad” was amazed by Kerstin. With her free hand she rubbed the urine over her breasts. Her nipples came up and steeply stopped. “So you can really get hurt on them,” I grinned Kerstin. I leaned down and licked over her left nipple. Meanwhile, Claudia pee on my cock, which was now fully erect. Her ray also got smaller and then stopped completely.

“Oh…. It’s a shame, ”I said. “And what about you?“Asked Kerstin. “Yes, exactly, now you come,” asked Claudia. “Well, I’m trying it, but I have to warn you. I can pee higher, ”I noticed cheekily. “We want to see that,” said Claudia. She put her arm around Kerstin and pulled her up. Backe on the cheek looked at my cock and waited. “Aaaaaaaaaa” made Claudia and locked her mouth open. Kerstin stretched his tongue out.

I took my cock and aimed at. I noticed how it slowly climbed up. The first beam hit Claudia’s chest. Then I aimed higher and a rich ray shot into Claudia’s open mouth. She left her mouth open and let the piss run out again. I aimed over to Kerstin and hit her tongue stretched out. She opened her mouth and did it to Claudia. I wagged the cock between the two and alternately hit Claudia and then Kerstin in the face and on the breasts.

Then it got less and stopped completely. The two looked at each other and grinned. Then they bent and gave me a violent kiss of tongue together. I tasted the urine and sucked on her tongues. “I think we should take a shower again,” said Kerstin and put the water back on.

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