Horny fuck with the neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

There is a fairly large rental house there on the edge of the city. With numerous floors and on every floor, a long winding hallway with many apartment doors, behind which there are mostly small apartments, which in turn are mostly inhabited by individuals or childless couples. Perhaps you know each other less often with names and contacts that go beyond a conversation in the elevator are the exception. Mike had been living here for several months. He usually left the house early and only returned when the residents had long since returned from their businesses.

No wonder that he hardly knew someone in the house. So he was also surprised when one day a late hour – it went to ten o’clock – ranging at his apartment door. Outside, the woman from the apartment was at an angle in a bright excitement. He knew her from seeing. She was no longer very young, had already crossed the forty, was always dressed, blonde had a short curly hair and a few pounds too much.

Her powerful breast was particularly striking about her. Whenever Mike had seen her so far, he thought that he would like to break on this breast. Now she stood in front of him. Probably already made up for the night. Without make -up, a pink bathrobe in a hurry and with a face drawn with fear and excitement. “Sorry for the disorder,” it came out, “but I don’t know how to help myself. There is a spider in my bathroom.

“Mike didn’t want to spin either. Like so many people, he had a horror in front of them. But here the opportunity arose to play the hero. And he didn’t want to miss this opportunity. “It’s not a problem,” he said comfortably, “we will have that right away. “In her apartment she pointed to a door and whispered:“ There she is in there. “Mike entered the bathroom. She sat on a tile on the wall.

It was a powerful specimen, dirty brown in the color, they seemed to look at it. Mike grabbed her with a sheet of toilet paper and threw it out of the window. The woman had waited outside the door. When Mike stepped out of the bathroom again, she looked at him questioningly. Her face was still drawn by disgust in front of the spider. “Is she gone?“She wanted to know. “Voila, Madame, Fort and disappeared. The bathroom belongs again to them, ”Mike Charmant, interpreting with the palm of your hand towards the bathroom door and laughing at the woman.

“Thank you so much,” continued the woman, “you are so nice. If I were a fairy you would have one wish now. “She looked at him, her eyes shone and she drove her tongue over her lips. That was a clear invitation. The only thing to do was to react correctly then there could be an exciting evening. Mike wondered for a moment and looked into the woman’s eyes.

She returned his gaze. He responded to her allusion: “You don’t need to be a good fairy for that. In addition, fairies always award three free wishes. I already know what I want. But that three times. “She laughed at. Her gaze lowered his pants. “Don’t take over a little?“She stepped towards him and breathed a kiss on his cheek. “I expect you in half an hour,” whisper her in his ear.

Mike used the time for a shower and to put on fresh laundry. He was looking forward to this encounter. It didn’t matter that this woman was a few years older than him. He fell that he didn’t even know how it was called. I shouldn’t forget to look at the name tag on the door afterwards, he said himself. A few minutes later he rang with her. Before that, he ran in front of the house quickly and had stolen a rose out of a front yard.

He now held it towards her when she opened the door. She had now had a silk shiny house coat on her hair and put on a little make -up. She led him into Living room. Subtle light and quiet music. A candle burned on the table. Next to it stood two glasses and a bottle of wine. They took a seat on the sofa. “Please open the bottle,” she said and rightly put the glasses. Without a word, Mike grabbed the bottle and pulled it open.

When he poured, his hand trembled a bit. She watched that. “Are you excited?“She wanted to know. “Yes, a little bit,” he admitted. “That doesn’t matter,” she continued, “me too. “She reached the glass and toasted him. “My name is Kerstin. “” My name is Michael, but I am called Mike, “he replied. “And?“She looked at him questioningly after drinking. “No kiss?“Mike put his glass off, put her arm around her and kissed her on her mouth.

Kerstin immediately replied the kiss. And so the brotherhood kiss immediately went into a hot, never -ending kiss. She just sucked on him. Her tongue pushed deep into his mouth and looked for the touch with his tongue. As they kissed, their hand first stroked his back, but then wandered forward over his body and stayed on the pants for a moment. But then she started gripping and looking for his through the fabric tail, found it and kneaded him with a strong grip.

In doing so, she continued her kissing unabated. “This woman is a volcano,” thought Mike. He stroked her and his hand quickly wandered under the fabric of her house coat and stroked his chest. She had a bra made of lace. He could feel that. The chest was big and felt firm. He stroked and pushed the fabric of the bra to the side. The nipple was free. He could feel it as a hard survey and let his fingertips circle around it.

He repeated the same game with the other breast. He could feel how the nipple got bigger under his finger and straightened up. Then he let his hand slide down further down. About bare skin to the approach of your briefs, which was also made of lace. He stroked the fabric and felt that there was an opening in the crotch. His hand had reached the goal. He felt her labia and almost as if by itself the middle finger slid into the gap.

There it was wet. Very wet. Kerstin interrupted her hot kisses. She covered her head a little. With your eyes closed she breathed deeply and enjoyed the feeling that Mike gave her. In doing so, she spread her thighs to make it easier for him to access her sanctuary. Her hand had tightened his cock through the trouser fabric. But then she loosened her grip and fingered his horny belt and then her pants.

She reached, searched and found a way. Finally, with warm hand, his now grown hard rod. She pushed the skin back and forth. “He stands like one,” she whispered, “and how hard he is. “Mike was proud and was happy about her praise. “And you are so nice wet,” he replimented her compliment. “Take off,” she said suddenly and let go of him. She got up and took off her house coat.

Below she had bright red lingerie. Her tits peeked over the basket of the bra with dark brown wart courtyards in the middle of which keck were erected two hard nipples. Below she had a panties made of red lace that was open in the crotch – as he had already grown -. Their strong thighs and the something to thicken Legs adorned red, self -holding stockings. She had a somewhat compressed figure and a large round butt on which a hint of orange skin could be seen.

She took off the bra. Their tits fell slightly. No wonder in size. But they were appetizing. Kerstin seemed to enjoy how Mike stared at her. “Now do it,” she asked him again and took a seat again. But this time in one of the two armchairs. Mike rose and slipped out of his clothes at lightning speed. When he was only wearing his panties, he hesitated for a moment. But then he grazed it down too.

His cock was big and hard from his body to get angry up. He tried to cover him by hand. “No, no, leave that,” she protested, “I want to see your cock. I like this. And you really don’t need to be ashamed. “And after a short break, she continued:“ Come to me. Imagine me. “Mike stood in front of her. Again she grabbed the tail – this time only with two fingers – and carefully pushed the skin back and forth.

Then she reached between his legs from below, comprised his Egg and massage them with infinitely tender grip. Again she grabbed his tail, lowered her head and breathed a kiss on the glans. In the next moment he felt her lips nestled around his glans and then his head lowered and he felt how his cock sank deep into her mouth. She behaved in this position for a moment, then she moved her head up and down and under these movements the tail drove back and forth in her mouth.

An incredibly horny feeling flowed through his body. Not that he didn’t know how to get a woman from a woman. But this woman knew what was important. She sucked, let her tongue play and supported the blowing with a lively handle of the hand that held his tail. If she continued like this, it could only take a short time and he shot his load in her mouth. But she let off from him beforehand. “Do you like that?” she asked.

She didn’t wait for an answer but continued: “Now I want to be licked by you. “She leaned back in the armchair and slipped forward with her rear part and spread her thighs as far as possible and spread her thighs. Like an open wound, her pussy there. Mike knelt in front of her, put her legs over his shoulders and sank his face in her crotch. She smelled fresh and certainly showered quickly.

Slowly he approached with the mouth of her cunt. He stretched his tongue out and touched her clit with the tip and let the tongue dance a little. He then carefully licks over the labia. But then he pressed his face into the crotch, pressed his tongue into the gap and licked as strong as he could. Kerstin groaned and crowded towards him. Mike tasted it and licked her. Alternately he pulled his tongue over her clit and pushed her as deep as he was able to go into her hole.

His arms had included her abdomen and his hands were on her mighty cheek. He loved licking it and he cost that fully here. Soon he was rewarded, “yes,” she called, “please continue. It comes to me right away. Yes, now it comes, now, now. “The last words came over their lips as small screams. She pressed her lower body even more than before. Then a twitch went through her body.

He was literally shaken and she twitched over and over again. Mike had put his tongue deep into her hole and there he also felt the twitching of her muscles. She came to rest very slowly and Mike loosened from her. His face was wet but that didn’t bother him. He looked for her face. She still closed her eyes. But then she looked down at him. “You are insane,” she whispered, “where did you learn that.

You are a master delicacy. “Mike was happy about this new praise and he kissed her cunt again. She winced when his lips touched there again. Mike knew that it was not just nice feelings with her, but that her pussy after this orgasm was particularly sensitive to touch. He got up and sat next to her on the armchair laid his arm around her and pulled her to himself. For a long time they sat there without a word.

Mike’s lance was still hard and stiff and longed to finally be able to cum. But he wanted to wait until she had calmed down a little more. He could use that too because he was so horny that it would come after a few seconds. He also needed a little time to calm down. But she didn’t let him. While she was so nestled on the armchair as they were sitting, her hand felt his hand to his cock and stroked him again.

But now very tender. Somehow she got it ready to put her mouth back to her cock and Mike felt her lips, her tongue and warm oral cavity again. But he also felt this well -known tickle in the depth of his body that said to him: “Attention, Mike, now it comes!She let off from him for a moment and said, “You can inject me in my mouth. I like this. I think that’s horny.

“The next moment she sucked on his cock again. Mike couldn’t hold it back. It shot out of him and her mouth. As with her earlier, his body shrugged and with every twitch a further load of his cream shot into her mouth. Finally, however, he came to rest again. She dropped out from him but not thoroughly licked his tail beforehand. “Come on,” she said, “let’s drink a sip of wine.

“Then they sat on the sofa again, nestled closely together. Everyone had put one arm around the other and nobody spoke a word, only from the radio came quiet music. “Have you cheated on someone now,” she suddenly asked. “No,” he replied. And after a break: “really not. And you?”” Not either, I’ve been solo for three months. “Silence again. “You did great,” she whispered a little later, “I didn’t even know how something like that was possible.

“She laughed silently. “But you really didn’t notice anything about that,” he replied and gave her a kiss. “Do you do that with me again?” she asked. She grabbed his cock. He hung limp and sad between his legs. She pressed and massaged him a little. The feeling was pleasant and Mike felt that he slowly got bigger again. He pulled her to him and kissed her. He stroked her chest.

Finally he whispers in her: “Do you also have a bed?“A little later they lay next to each other in their bed. Closely together so that they felt as much skin as possible on skin. She was lying on her back, on the side and next to her. He had put his head on her chest and stroked her between his legs. She had closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch. She had also spread a little, so that he could reach her in all of her particularly sensitive places.

Finally, however, he wandered down with his head, constantly touching her soft warm skin with his lips until he arrived at her pussy with his mouth. He pressed his mouth on the labia let the tongue advance and penetrated with her between the labia. He searched and found the clit and rubbed it with the tip of the tongue. Kerstin was only quiet there for a short time and then she began to oppose his lick in rhythmic movements in rhythmic movements.

Mike comprised her so that his hands were lying on her rear baking and tried to control her movements a little. You were now side by side in position 69. She had angled one leg on and put it over his head. She had also grabbed his cock and put him in her mouth. So they lay and licked each other and at the same time. They enjoyed the feelings that they gave each other and which became more and more challenged and more challenged.

“Come on,” she finally said, “I want to feel you properly. Put it in me. You are so hard again. Put your cock in my hole. “She had put herself on her back and put on the thighs and spread wide. Again her pussy gaped like an open wound. She was dark red and wet and shiny from her juice and saliva. Mike knelt behind her leaned his upper body forward and supported her with long arms over her.

So when he looked down he could see how his cock was sewing her wet cunt twitching until he touched her with the tip. Mike pushed carefully. Almost as if by itself, the bar slid into her hole. As deep as he could put the cock into her hole. Her hot meat enclosed the hard rod. It felt soft and yet firm again. Above all, this went from this Contact an indescribable feeling.

First slowly and carefully and then in even, powerful and deep thrusts he pushed his cock back and forth in her hole. At each of his bumps she pushed her abdomen towards him. She had lifted her legs and intertwined on his back. So she was able to control his bumps with her feet and give them even more strength. Again Mike felt this tickle in the depth of his body. The juice would immediately spray out of it.

“Come you too? It comes immediately, ”he stammered. “Please fuck me. Push me, ”she answered gasping. And then: “Yes, yes, give me your juice, spray it in me. “She pressed her abdomen towards him and her body twitched. But Mike didn’t take that because his body twitched. He splashed his juice deep into her as she was shaken by her orgasm. Then he let his body down on her.

Only every now and then and at ever greater intervals, their bodies twitched. Both breathed heavily and nobody said anything. His cock was still stiff and stuck deep in her hole. Only slowly he became softer and smaller. Finally he rolled down from her and then lay next to her. “At the first time. And then both at the same time. Great, ”Kerstin was happy and gave him a kiss. “Actually, the spider could have lost in my bathroom a few months ago,” she continued.

Mike only grunted.

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