Experience in the porn cinema | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

How this question annoyed me. It didn’t go a week when Michael didn’t ask, what do we do on Saturday evening.

We had hit a deal, although we never wanted to let the topic come back on the table. I went to the club with you and let everything be done with me. Even several men took me at the same time and my seeds in me in pussy, Mouth and injected in the butt, I replied.

I don’t want to go to a club, but in a porn cinema, I heard Michael say.

Although I was not particularly sharp to look at porn, I agreed to the suggestion to come back to Michael again.

I thought with myself, in a cinema you can’t happen that much, today on Friday there is not much going on there and the time is quickly around.

Should I change, or can I go like that, I asked Michael, even though I already knew he wanted to see me in sexy outfit. Before Michael could answer, I said that was just a joke.

I move around, I say and went up.

Then I stood in front of the wardrobe and wondered what I should wear. The black owner -free stockings were a must. I grabbed the purple blouse and put it on.

The white bra was clearly distinguished under the blouse because the blouse was very transparent. Well wait, I thought to myself, now I want to provoke him. I pulled out the blouse again, rose the closure of the bra and brushed it off. Now I put on the blouse again and looked at myself in the mirror.

As clear as the bra, you could now see my breasts. By touching the cool fabric of the blouse, my nipples immediately set up. But I can’t take the street like that, I thought with myself, then I can go up right above without. But just to jump Michael briefly so that you may still be able to stay at home, that is the right elevator.

Then I chose the short floral mini skirt and my outfit was ready.

In the mirror I saw that the mini skirt was so short that it just covered the edge of the owner -free stockings. However, as soon as I bent a little, the hem on my thigh slipped so high that you could see my white panties.

Well, then I have to change again, but first I want to provoke Michael. In order to put on the crown, I can actually sprout the panties.

Then Michael is guaranteed not to go to the cinema anymore, I thought to myself. So I only went down in the mini skirt, a transparent blouse and holy stockings.

When I entered the living room, I was startled by surprised and wanted to leave the room again immediately. Michael was no longer alone there, but his Brother Must have come together with Rusche while I had moved.

Hello, they greeted me what nice reception. If you always run around here, we will probably have to stop by more often.

Since we hadn’t expected a visit, I suddenly stood in front of the two, I noticed that we slowly shot my blood into my head.

Well, I stammered, Michael just wanted to show my new blouse.

We are gone right away. Michael should briefly put on a letter to me, said Andreas.

He can do that alone tomorrow, I said to the two. We wanted to go to the cinema right away.

No problem, said Andreas, which cinema do you want to go to and you should also move.

Michael wanted to surprise me, I stuttered, because that we wanted to go to a porn cinema was now a bit embarrassing. Of course there is still a blazer over the blouse, so I don’t go on the street.

Michael whispered my ear when we throw them out now, but I have two wishes free.

No ifs and buts.

If I don’t agree now, I thought to myself, I would have to sit down with the two and then they would certainly notice that I would not wear panties. That’s why I nodded quickly to Michael.

Then I heard Michael say we’ll come out right away, the film start soon.

Before I could reply, Michael had already picked up my blazer, thrown me and pushed us to the front door.

Outside it was slightly windy and so I struggled to press down the hem of the short mini skirt again and again so that you couldn’t look below. I also tried to go straight as possible so that the hem does not slip up.

We were almost on automobile, When I hear Andreas said that it will certainly be a nice evening. Birgit has even attracted a holder -free stockings.

Have fun both of you.

I quickly got into our car and put a hand between mine Legs, Because the mini skirt had almost slipped up to my hips and gave a view of my skin over the edge of the owner -free stockings.

Since Michael and I didn’t know where there was a porn cinema, we simply drove to the neighborhood. As always, Michael found a parking lot of the Reeperbahn nearby. Right at the beginning, the advertisement of a porn cinema shone towards us.

If we want to continue looking or go in here, Michael asked me.

I was able to read on the advertisement, at all times non -stop admission, women have free admission and replied, it fits why long searches.

But you take off the blazer beforehand, said Michael.

But then you see my bare breasts.

The blouse is too transparent for that, I tried the objection. OK. So everyone can see my breasts.

We entered the entrance. Inside everything was kept in red, even the lighting.

Behind the counter was a man and immediately said that through the right door it goes to the gloryhole, admission for free, through the left door to the cinema, admission only for the man EUR 10.00.

Before the counter I noticed a black one who had some mixing drink in front of him.

Michael said that he has never been in a gloryhole and initially wanted to go in there with me. At that point I didn’t know what was going on there. We then went into this room that had several cabins. I looked into one of these rooms and found that apart from two holes in the wall and a chair, he had nothing special.

Except that he was very tight.

Michael piled me in one of the cabins and said that he goes into the secondary cabin.

After a short time I saw a penis pushed through the hole.

Aha, anonymous sex, I thought and took the penis in my hand. I jerked him until he got tough. Then I leaned forward and took it in my mouth. Since the cabin was so tight, my butt bumped against the back wall.

When I drove my tongue over my glans, I heard Michael briefly groaned on the other side. With my mouth I drove up and down the shaft, which led to Michael to continue with Michael.

I liked the game when I suddenly felt a hand on my buttocks and it drove between my legs. At first I shrugged and wanted to avoid with my buttocks. However, the cabin was so tight, so that my butt was always close to the wall hole.

What’s it, I thought with myself, let myself be fingers a bit and have some fun too. I opened my thighs a bit and stood in front of the hole wide -legged.

The unknown understood this as a request and stroked my labia straight away. After a short time a finger drove between my labia and touched my pleasure pearl. I had to breathe deeply and since the matter started to prepare, I spread my legs even further.

The fingers stroked faster and faster between my labia and every time they touched my pleasure pearl. With lust I pressed my butt completely against the wall and started moaning quietly. On a sudden, the fingers remained quite quiet between my legs, with a finger pressing against my pleasure pearl. My pussy started to tingle and my love juice just flowed out of me.

The stranger must have noticed my condition, because suddenly he penetrated me with at least two fingers. I had to groan out loud . When I looked between my legs I saw that two black fingers were in me to the stop. Since the fingers could penetrate me without any resistance, I must have become very moist in the meantime.

Now my fingers moved in me and created smacking noises. I heard myself breathe hard and took Michael’s penis deeper in my mouth. The penis started to twitch and pump and suddenly Michael’s seeds shot into my throat. As I tried to swallow everything, my fingers moved in me faster and drove me to an orgasm.

I heard and sounded louder and louder. I got hot and cold and in my pussy the desire cheated up. My lower body now started to twitch uncontrollably and then it came to me. My legs were very soft and not to fall over, I supported my arms and at the same time pressed my butt against the wall.

I must have come away briefly, because when I was able to think clearly again, I felt that something big pushed between my labia and pressed against the entrance to my pussy.

The black one now wanted to swap his fingers for his penis and tried to penetrate me with him.

No, I really didn’t want that. To let myself be born by an unknown birds and also without a condom. I wanted to straighten up and startled because I was no longer alone in the cabin. In the dim light I could only see at second glance that Michael had entered the cabin unnoticed in the meantime.

My short hesitation was immediately exploited. The penis divided my labia and penetrated a little bit into me. I straightened up quickly and the penis slipped out of me again.

Treat him a little bit of fun, I heard Michael say. At least you can still stroke his penis until it comes.

Why not, I thought to myself, turned and took the penis in my hand.

Due to my touch, he grew even greater and harder.

Michael then stepped behind me and rubbed his penis between my buttocks. Due to the movements, I was pressed against the wall and my pussy was back in front of the hole.

The black penis briefly pushed against my stomach and then slipped between my legs. Probably due to the confines of the cabin, I was repeatedly pushed against the hole when Michael stroked my bottom with his penis.

At first the black man’s penis rubbed only slightly over my labia.

Now he already slid in between, touched my pleasure pearl from time to time and I noticed that my love juice was already flowing again.

Due to my own moisture, the penis once again shared my labia and penetrated a little bit deeper into me with everyone back and forth. However, I didn’t want this and tried to push Michael a bit away. However, I had no chance with the tightness and Michael kept pressing myself against the hole in the wall, towards the penis of the black man too.

I whispered quietly with Michael that if he keeps pressing me in the direction of the wall, it will not last long and the penis will penetrate me entirely.

Michael whispered that this was not possible in this position and that we only want to have a little fun together briefly together.

With these words he comprised my hips, pressed me back completely against the wall and rubbed with his penis between my porotes.

During this forward movement, I felt the penis shared my labia and penetrated me a bit deeper into me.

I looked down between my legs and found it horrified that not only the tip, but the penis was already in me over the glans.

Michael, it’s enough, the black fucks me through the wall now, I whispered. I don’t want this and certainly not without rubber.

As I expressed the words, Michael my pool pressed again in front of the hole in the wall. The black man must have pushed his penis through the hole at the same time, because suddenly my pussy was completely filled out.

The penis was pushed into me two or three times when I suddenly felt the twitching of the penis between my legs.

Now go aside quickly so that I can finally get away from the hole, I said to Michael, his penis starts to pump.

Michael pushed me towards the wall again and then stepped aside. OK., Then let’s go to the cinema.

I replied too late, now he is starting to spray his seed in me.

I quickly took a little step back and inevitably the penis slipped out of my pussy. I also saw that it was spraying out of the penis and felt like something from his seed on my pussy and thighs down.

Probably he hadn’t sprayed his first shot in me, I found relieved.

While we left the cabin, the penis was still shiny wet through the hole.

So now you go in first, I follow a little later and then sit down in a different row, I heard Michael say.

I looked at him in a surprise manner and asked what is that supposed to be now.

I have two wishes, you still remember, he replies.

Yes but, I wanted to ask and then just went towards the entrance because his words, without ifs and but.

I went through the door to the cinema, where I was welcomed by dim light and moan.

As I could see, the cinema only had six rows of chairs. In the last row I saw a couple sitting, which is kissing. In the fourth and fifth row there were two men each looking for more behind them than on the film.

The first three rows were totally free. Where should I sit down now.

The four solo men now stared at me.

I could literally feel their thoughts. What does a woman do in such a cinema alone. She wants to get fun here.

I quickly went into the third row and sat in the middle.

Only now did I notice how warm it was in here. When I remember the blazer, I am completely sweaty in the shortest possible time. So take off the blazer, you can’t see much in the dim light anyway, I thought to myself. I briefly resolved the blazer next to myself so that no one could sit down there.

I kept looking at the front door impatiently. I noticed that the two men in the row were sitting right behind me now too. Still nothing of Michael.

Without I really got it, a man suddenly sat right next to me.

If he could see that I was not wearing a bra, I asked myself and looked down at me. Panic came over me when I saw that I was sitting in film light and my breast was clearly seen through the blouse. Also my short mini skirt had slipped so far that you could not only see the end of the hold -up stockings, but also my naked, still glossy pussy. I tried to pull down the hem of the mini skirt a little, but with the short skirt the effort was unfortunately in vain.

Why do you want to cover your cunt, the man asked and I already felt how he put a hand on my thigh. At the same time, a hand pushed over my shoulder, towards my breasts. I wanted to jump up quickly, but my hand on my shoulder pressed me back into the armchair. The hand on my thigh now hiked higher, reached the edge of the owner -free stockings and then slid between my legs.

I tried to close my legs quickly, but the hand prevented this. I already felt a finger stroking my labia, pushed between the labia and before I could grasp it, entered me. I looked at the man next to me in disbelief what happened here and tried to get my finger out of me again. That shouldn’t be true, now I’m being fingered here in the cinema by a stranger.

Stop I said, otherwise I will scream immediately. At that moment I felt how he was introducing me to a second finger and my pleasure pearl was stimulated. Since I didn’t feel desired, I certainly had to have been surprised with a surprise. I just wanted to emit a cry, when a hand lay on my mouth.

I started to fidget to draw the attention of couples to the situation. My legs inevitably opened. The man used the favor of the hour and now pushed my third finger into my probably wet pussy. My legs were now packed and pulled back so that I could hardly move.

When my legs were so spread, I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my pussy and felt my stomach pumped up. I panicked I looked down between my legs and frightened. The man had penetrated me with his whole hand and turned her back and forth. Then he pulled her out a little and immediately pushed back.

Tears shot my eyes. Please take the hand out of me, it hurts so much, I tried to plead with your mouth closed. I also no longer defend myself and because of my sake you can then all fuck me. I don’t stand that, please, please, I pleaded several times.

To my surprise, my hand was pulled out of me and the legs were released. The hand also disappeared from my mouth. I took a grateful breath.

So do it.

Open your blouse, we want to see your tits very naked and touch.

Michael would have to come in soon, I thought to myself, I’ve been alone here for so long.

As I opened the buttons of my blouse, a black man stood between my legs.

I felt something big pressed against my labia, pushed between her and then penetrated me without resistance.

So now you are being fucked properly and do not refrain when it comes to me, I heard the black say.

That has to be the black man out of the gloryhole, I thought and looked down and saw how a dark penis kept disappearing between my labia into my wet hole. In horror, I found that he entered me without protection.

Please take a rubber, I tried to persuade the black man.

Where should we take a rubber from, one of the men asked.

The black then said that it would be too late anyway, I’m already in you and it will come to me right away. You also made me hot earlier and just let me sit.

As soon as he had spoken out, his penis started to twitch in me.

Please at least pull it out quickly before you come, I don’t want you to spray everything into me. If everyone wants to come in me, my pussy runs over and I can’t clean myself here, I asked.

Apparently he hadn’t understood me, because at the same moment he pushed his penis powerfully into me and cried out loudly.

No, please not, not quickly pull it out, I shouted at him.

But it was already too late. I felt his penis tip pressed against my cervix, the penis pumped and sprayed the seed directly into the uterus.

Oh god, if that goes well, I thought frightened. I don’t want a child, at least not by a stranger and not from a black one.

Why had I only got involved with this risk, I knew that I had dropped the pill last week.

In horror I noticed that I was still thrusting with thrust sperm was fully pumped.

When the black finally pulled his penis out, a gush of sperm shot out of me and dripped onto the armchair.

Horny fuck, Or did I hear the black say.

I turned in his direction and just wanted to reply when my legs suddenly pushed apart and something bumped into my labia. I saw a man standing between my legs who also wanted to penetrate me with his penis. Before I could react at all, the man pressed his hips against me and his penis slipped into my pussy without any problems. It started to ram like a rabbit so quickly and seconds later his penis shrugged in me.

Everything went so quickly that I couldn’t really defend myself. When I saw that he hadn’t fought over a rubber, I tried to push him away, but again too late. He groaned loudly and I felt his penis sprayed the seed against my cervix at intervals.

A short time later he also pulled out his penis and again dripped out of me and landed on the armchair, where a small lake had already formed.

When another man wanted to stand between my legs, I quickly closed my legs.

At the same time the door opened and everyone looked there when Michael came in.

I took the opportunity, stand up, went towards Michael and asked reproachfully where he was so long and said that I had to go to the toilet for a moment.

Michael looked at me in confusion and replied that it must have been quite hot in his absence, because it is not your way of going around with bare breasts here in the cinema.

Only now did I notice that my blouse was still wide open and everyone could see my uncovered breasts. Sperm was now dripping out of my pussy and was already running down my thighs over my owner -free stockings.

Michael shouldn’t see this and that’s why I left it and made my toilet urgent.

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