Beloved mistress [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I haven’t had one for years Contact More about mine Sister had. To say it exactly for more than 12 years. Of course she had written to me more often, mostly irrelevant. If you proudly over your Daughter Gaby reported that I was only interested in the edge.

My sister was poor on it. Her husband a tax advisor had used her entire inheritance to build his company. But the times were bad, so they lived more than right than right. I had speculated with my inheritance on the stock exchange.

That was risky, but I was just lucky. Now, at the age of 48, I was able to say that money was absolutely no longer a role for me. I was almost continuous to check my diverse undertakings. But I never got to visit my sister.

There was always something in between to prevent a visit. But now I didn’t get around it. My niece Gaby personally included an invitation to her Abitur final celebration. But I didn’t want to sleep with the hunger conductors, so I got a hotel room in town and set off.

The day before the celebration I was there and thought, visiting her once.

My sister was obviously happy, mine brother in law greeted me more reserved, Gaby wasn’t there. The door suddenly opened in the middle of drinking coffee and Gaby entered. I choked and had to cough when I saw her. My god, what had become of the lanky little one.

I’ve never seen such a great girl. Gaby had long blonde curly hair. She had visibly recognizable a great figure. She was wearing a summer dress.

She came to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She smelled wonderful. “Hello Uncle, Peter, ”she said in a bell -clear voice. I was paralyzed and did not bring out a word for the time being.

I stared after her. The whole time while I was there, my gaze kept going to her. When I looked brisk again, it hit me like a lightning beam. Gaby crouched on the armchair with her legs dressed.

I could clearly see her white panties under the dress. I was shit with excitement. Again and again my gaze was wrong to see something. I could only follow the conversation on the edge.

Suddenly our eyes crossed when I looked again. I sat in horror, discovered.

I saw rapidly flashing in her eyes. Then she sat down leisurely, she opened her legs even more and gave me a full look at her panties.

All the time, she looked at me mockingly. My forehead ran down my forehead, this little beast. I hurriedly said goodbye and fleetly left the house. The “goodbye, uncle Peter,” by Gaby Klang in my opinion very mockingly.

Then I was finally gone.
The rest of the evening, the picture of her panties didn’t get out of my head. It could be that I had forgotten myself into the little Gör? The next day I went to the celebration with pounding hearts. Gaby looked even better today. She was wearing a deeply cut blouse and a short skirt.

In addition, silver-ne tights. Throughout the celebration I tried to send a look at Gaby again and again. But it was difficult with the many guests. Only once did Gaby bent in front of me to fetch a piece of cake.

I was glowing when I got full insight into their excerpt. I saw small tight breasts that were only covered with a thin bra. When I was able to get away from this sight, I looked back into her mocking eyes. She had me again caught.

That evening I informed my sister that I wanted to stay here for some time. My sister was honest. Then I tried to get drunk. When all the guests had gone, my sister no longer let me go but insisted that I should sleep on the sofa.

I also dreamed of Gaby this night. Unrest and worries only gave me her mocking looks, which clearly showed that she had noticed something. In retrospect, I also found it wrong to have given her 5000 DM. The height of this gift could make my sister suspicious.

But somehow I didn’t care.

The next morning when I came to breakfast my sister and her husband was already in an option. Gaby was chewing at the table, in the morning mantle. My god, they wanted to leave me alone, but before I thought it out, they were already gone. I also started to have breakfast too.

For a while was silent, then Gaby suddenly said “I’m going to take a shower just.“She went up and I heard waters rushing. When it stopped I imagined that she was now naked in the bathroom. I couldn’t stand it, quietly I crept up the stairs and excitedly in front of the bathroom door. My mind screamed, you can’t do that, but I did it.

I bent myself and looked through the keyhole. I got really hot when I saw her white bare butt in the field of view. She dried up. Then she turned and I saw her in all its glory.

Small apple -sized breasts, strictly distant, crowned by thick raspberry red warts. A flat stomach and a thickly arched vulva that was shared by a pale pink slot in half. The lips were almost completely closed and everything framed by white blonde fluff. I noticed that she was almost motionless and presented herself to the keyhole.

Then she suddenly touched her gender and stroked her slit with a finger.

The finger started moving lightly at the top, my god jerked the beast in the bathroom. She stopped abruptly. She turned and turned to dry out her feet.

The white butt directly in front of the key hole. The deeply cut poker poker opened and I saw the little wrinkled after -hole the little wrinkle. My tail Place at the moment and I knew that I couldn’t stand it long anymore. I sneaked down again, sat down at the coffee table and started jerk off.

But that shouldn’t be granted to me either, because the bathroom door already worked and it came down again. Again only in the bathrobe, but it is firmly bound, so I could imagine that it was naked underneath. Hasty I stuffed my cock back into my pants, which was not easy due to his rigidity.

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