A first time | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The summer vacation had just started, and although I was only 18, I was allowed to go alone Vacation. My Mother Was a bit down after the divorce a few years ago, she drank a lot and no longer took care of me. Basically it didn’t matter what I was doing, the main thing was that I didn’t annoy her and she could continue to run. So I was allowed to get out into freedom and since I had little money, I wanted to hitchhike.

In a kind of backpack I put a few things that I could use to change and the like.

Naive as I was, I had no sleeping bag, nor tent, or anything else, just a few mosquitoes, actually far too little to go on vacation for a few weeks. But I just wanted to get out.
It would of course be best to get off the relatives, spend a few days here and there, to live at their expense and then continue to travel. But that was not as easy as I imagined it. On the first day, it was a very hotter, I spent more time to stand on the street than to get away.

And so I didn’t bring it to mine aunt, I just pulled half the way back and just came to the big city in the evening.

The central point of every larger city is the train station as if I went there. It was later that the shops were closed, only cinemas and fast food chains were still open. Since I came from the country, I was just fascinated by all of this. So I let myself go, went along the street and looked into the individual sex shops that stretched across the quarter.

I couldn’t go in, but it was already horny to stand in front of it.
Since I was finally alone, I was able to drink something undisturbed and I enjoyed it. Two or three can beers, and I noticed that I was drunk and felt like a king. Only where should I sleep. I couldn’t afford a hotel or the like.

And I the gutter, well, I could imagine better. But the station still had a waiting hall that I could definitely spend the night, but as I stood before it was closed. The train station, as much as me, was like dead, hardly any people, everything in the half -darkness. Somehow I had overestimated myself.

“Wait for a train?“An older man, in his mid -50s, spoke to me.

I poured my head. “No, I wanted to rest something.”I explained to him. What else should I say. “They split up the hall in the evening from 10 a.m. so that no people stay here,” I thought, I thought.

“Went to spend the night here too?“Could read the thought. I nodded. “What’s your name?”He asked me. “Tobias” I told him.

He didn’t tell me his name. Instead, he pushed a can of beer in my hand and said: “Come on drinking. Maybe I know what you can sleep.” What should I do. I followed him, drank my beer and chatted with him.

After a short time I had lost the orientation, there was no longer back. I didn’t think that what could happen. I thought it was great to have something to drink and not to be alone.

We came to a high -rise building, one of dozens that are around here, one as hideous as the other. “I’m a caretaker here,” he said.

“An apartment is empty here, there are a few mattresses and blankets. I often use that as a party cellar. If you want, you can sleep here, ”I nodded, what else could I have done. We drove to the top with the elevator.

He opened the door and I looked into a backdrop, two mattresses lit by only one and only a spunned backdrop, a bald room, two mattresses lying on the floor, a blanket. I entered. The noise that he ended the door was not at all. He disappeared somewhere and came back with a pulse grain and two cans of beer.

We drank. He handed me the grain and I drank out of the bottle. He burned in my throat, I noticed how I was always drunk.

He also.

I sat down on the bed and said: “Man, I’m tired” “Then take you off and sleep* he said and before I knew it, he buttoned my pants and pulled her down. With one breath he had also moved out my shoes. I was still fiddling with my T-shirt when he was slipping the slip. I fell backwards and he leaned over me and took my sleep tail in the mouth.

His lips pressed himself closely to my glans and gently took up in himself and carefully pulled mine foreskin back. Although dog male, my cock straightened up and became hard.

“Do you like that?”He asked me. I nodded, unable to say anything at all and experienced how he blew my cock. I had never experienced anything like that.

He stopped, then got up and also undressed. Then he came to me on the mattress and pressed himself closely at me. Our stiff cocks rubbed each other. His whew urge my ear and made me even hornier when I was already.

Then he suddenly let off, reached into his pocket and took out a little bottle. He opened it and kept it under my nose. I smelled it and my senses were intoxicated. Whatever it was.

Suddenly he was so next to me that his cock was right in front of my mouth, he pressed it against my mouth, which I automatically opened and put his cock in his mouth, he clutched my head and pressed his thing deep into my throat, mineMouth sucked it greedily and penetrated into my mouth by aficid.

He literally fucked me in the mouth and I was busy sucking, my tongue tried to play with it, but I had no idea if that was right. Suddenly I felt something warm, wet, jelly -like. The guy injected my mouth and pressed my head so strongly that I could have nothing but swallow.

It took a while for him to let go of me. He then leaned back to me, but did not take my cock in his mouth, but massaged him, his hand turned mine to mine Egg, Uraped deeper between my thighs and suddenly a finger bored into my asshole. At first it was uncomfortable, but then my muscle relaxed and I felt lust. He jerked me while he fucked me my ass with a finger.

I was probably asleep because when I opened my eyes again, it was bright.

I looked around a little hell. The booth now seemed pretty run down in the light. Since I piss had to get up and went to the bathroom. Here, too, it was pretty dirty.

I pissed it up forever and went to my night camp. I wanted to get dressed, but my clothes were not there to my horror. Gone, everything. I got hot.

I went to the door, but she was closed. Shit, how was that possible. I shook her, but no, she was too. What should I do.

I went back to bed. There were only a few cans of beer there. I opened one and drank. First one, then a second, a third.

I noticed how my head started turning. So I didn’t notice how my landlord ’with another type, a fat Turk, stood in the room. I jumped up, but that failed.
“Make a half, smaller,” he said to me. And about the Turk: “Well, what did I promise you.“He tore me up on my arm so that I stood in front of the Turk and he looked at me extensively.

While the Turk left the room, the handle around the arm was harder. “Be nice and good now and be very friendly to my friend..“Then the Turk came back, completely naked, hairy from top to bottom. He had a little cock and it didn’t stand. He lay down on the bed and I was pushed to him.

His grifgfge was very hard and firm, he pushed me down directly and put his cock in my mouth, I was deployed.

He tasted of Piss. I wanted to defend myself, but the beer had its effect, I didn’t have the strength to do something. From behind my ass was put on a bit and I felt some cream on him and suddenly, without warning, something hard shoved in my ass, a candle or similar.
The Turk took my head and moved it rhyt-mixed, his tail became stiffer and he started to fuck me in my mouth. He came very quickly and inject his load into my mouth.

My ass was fucked extensively. The candle drilled deep into my ass and he pulled it out again. It excited me, so that I swallowed the load and did not spit it down. Since I was no longer clutched, I take the opportunity to get my cock too jerk off, When my landlord, who had just fucked me in the ass with a candle, got out of his cock, and held it in my mouth.

I greedily picked him up and blew him one until he came. He also injected his cargo into my mouth and I swallowed his juice.

Meanwhile the Turk came back, I didn’t see what he had in his hand, only suddenly I felt how it became wet with my cock. And rather I really understood, my cock was shaved. A strange feeling.

Then they let off, I lay there, a little foggy from the beer. They threw a bag for me and said they would come again tonight ..

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