A Christmas party and its episodes | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Just before Christmas Last year things happened that led to some changes in my marriage. After the first fright, which only stopped for two days, I can only say that all changes resulted from the incidents have had a highly positive effect for me. It all started that on 12. 12.

had a pretty boredom. My wife Diana was at a Christmas party and I drove the time at home by through that Internet Surded and visited the relevant pages.

I looked at the images on which women took analyzed, men pampered with their mouths or who were bangs according to all the rules of art, according to all the rules of art. Every now and then I also came on somewhat harder pages on which BDSM, Golden Shower or Animal sex were shown. I could only dream of all of this.

Diana was the ideal wife for me, she looked good with her almost 1.80m. Maybe a little full with a little over 80 kg, but I like that. In particular, her horny butt was taken with me. Her green eyes, paired with half -length red -brown hair, give her a very proud look.

She is just a thoroughbred female.

Despite, or maybe because of her 37 years, all men turn to her on Derstrasse and I almost always burst with pride. The woman radiates a sex appeal that is simply incredible. But unfortunately it stops with the radiation. And that’s my real problem.

Diana is just prudish. More than the 08/15 number in “Dark” Bedroom does not run. Every attempt on my part to persuade you to a little more experimentation in our sex life has failed. Sometimes when she is pretty drunk, she lets herself be carried away to make it very briefly with my mouth.

But that’s the highest of feelings.

Well and that’s why I Saj3 in front of my computer that evening and dreamed of things that I would never reach. After surfing for two hours (and as usual had come very quickly) I hit the television. I bored myself, it was 23 now. 00 a.m. and in the box nothing decent left.

The pub, In the Diana’s company The Christmas party Had wasn’t too far away and actually I could drive past and celebrate a little more with her. I also knew in the company a few more people.

I quickly put on my shoes and jacket and got the car key. 15 minutes. Later I stood in the pub.

The party Was in full swing, the company had rented the entire pub for the Christmas party, so only colleagues were present. When I entered, the first known faces came to me and greeted. I quickly stood at the bar and had a beer in my hand. Robert, Diana’s boss, suddenly stood next to me and was incredibly talkative.

We talked about this and that and during the conversation I kept having my eyes stroke through the room to discover my wife somewhere.

Robert told me that he had seen her shortly before I had come, so she couldn’t be too far away. “Probably for little girls” he winked at me and ordered another pils for both of us. After another 20 min. Then I became restless and wanted to go looking.

Robert suddenly became quite hectic and tried to prevent me from explaining that she would probably be up somewhere and he wanted to talk to me a bit. It would be so nice just. I smiled at him and said I didn’t want to go, just look at Diana and would come back right away.

I started looking for it. She could not be found in the lower rooms and none that I asked had had an idea where she could be.

So I went up the stairs, where the buffet had been in the evening in the evening. There were only a few people left here, most of them with a drink in their hands and talked. Diana was not among them. In the meantime, the three glasses of beer demanded their toll and I went in search of the toilets that were apparently in the basement of the pub.

On the way there I came past a door that was provided with the “Only staff” sign.

Behind it could be heard some strange things that I didn’t care about at the moment. After I had silenced the call of nature, I came back past this door and this time I stopped and listened. As I meant to close from the noises, it apparently also followed min. Two people the call of nature, but a different one than I had done.

I was undecided at the door. It appealed to me to risk a look and watch them and my little friend agreed with me. Unfortunately you couldn’t see anything through the keyhole, since the key was still stuck.

My hand lay on the door handle. My heart suggested to my neck with excitement when I felt that the door was adding.

I opened a gap very carefully and ponded it in. What I saw, suddenly disbanded me. I found Diana. She just had one ever tail In her mouth, ass and pussy.

Two other guys stood next to it and jerked their cocks on my wife’s tits. Although she had pretty thick specimens of masculinity in her mouth, I could hear her moan pretty horny. One engraver was below her and had his cock in her wonderful ass.

The second lay between her widely opened thighs and fucked her pussy like a berserk. The third held her head and pushed his spanking into her mouth.

This hooker!! The room was back from the moan of six people and the sound of bouncing Lei-Ber. With me she makes Prude and here she lets you get it into all three holes by strangers. My heart had now presented a pace that could not be healthy in the long run. However, my excitement was there.

I felt glowing jealousy, paired with humiliation and disbelief through my body. I wanted to close the door and save myself the sight, but I couldn’t move.

I was nailed down, damn to look at this shame. One of the two who jerked her tails on Diana’s tits started to moan and announced his orgasm. Diana released the tail, which she was blewing out of her fuck mouth and shed up on her arms, the other tail towards the other tail.

She looked at the guy horny, her red -brown hair shone beautifully in the sparse lighting. “Come on, Klaus. Give me what your little fuck mare needs. Gives me your sperm!“I stood in such a way that I could look exactly between her legs, so she had turned her face to me.

In normal circumstances she should actually see me, but she was apparently so horny that she couldn’t get anymore.

After the request, she stretched her tongue out and that was probably a little bit for the guy, because only at the same time did a huge load of sperm in the mouth of my wife splashed at the same moment. He did not push his cock into her mouth, but aimed quite well and the first three shots they met in the middle of their throat. He inject the rest in the face and her hair. His spermawar was quite viscous and slowly ran over her face.

This sight triggered something in me. It was so cool to see how this proud woman ran the sperm over her face and she also visibly enjoyed it.

Apparently the guy who birded her pussy, too, because less than two seconds later he started to moan and insemined Dianas Pussy. After he had sprayed out, he pulled his cock out of her and changed the place with the guys she had blown his tail at the beginning. I could see his sperm from my wife’s pussy running.

At the moment when the other pushed his cock into my wife’s inseminated pussy and started to penetrate her with long bumps, the first pushed his spanking, which was covered with a thick layer of his sperm and pussy mucus, in Diana’s mouth.

“Come on, suck him clean, you bitch. I don’t want to make spots in my pants. “She willingly picked him up and at the moment when the cock was deep in her throat I could see how an orgasm of Diana’s body flaps. The tail slid out of her mouth and she fully concentrated on the joys that the two engravers gave her in her pussy and her ass.

After she calmed down a little again, she grabbed her tail again and sucked it clean. My excitement slowly returned. Even if I wasn’t that Diana fucked at the moment, what I was currently watching arose to bring new impulses to our marriage and sex life.

She was pretty dependent on me, had no parents or relatives and not many friends. If I hired it cleverly, I was able to steal it so that she had to do everything I would ask for from her.

But the best thing was the fact that we had a marriage contract, the u. A. It regulated that in the event that they were strange and that we would part, they would not get a penny from me. Since she didn’t deserve much in the call center in which she worked, she would be medium.

A smile scurried over my face. In the meantime, she had licked the tail and the guy, as before Klaus, started to get dressed.

The second guy had taken up his place, who had previously waned on her tits. Diana willingly picked him up in her mouth again and spoiled him to stroke and thread. I couldn’t stay on my observer post for long, because the two who had already inseminated my wife were already ready and looked as if they wanted to get rid of it right away.

What amazed me. After insemination, the two showed no interest in my wife. They had hose and now they went. What did that mean? Usually you still exchanged tenderness, but the two treated Diana like a hooker.

However, I didn’t waste too much thoughts about it because it was time to act.

I had now developed a coarse plan in my head and for his implementation it was necessary that Dianamit got it that I was caught had. I opened the door completely and six heads turned in my direction. Diana’s eyes were huge with horror when she saw who stood in the door. “I thought I could do a little society for you, but as I see that is probably no longer necessary.

“My ice -cold look was aimed at my wife, who still had the cock in her mouth and stared at me incredulously.

The others looked over to me a little confused, could not classify me. Before someone could say something, I turned and disappeared on the heel. Inside I made a jump in joy. The other three, would probably not be able to shoot this evening, Diana’s heart probably beat as quickly as mine discovered at that moment.

And she would collapse immediately if the scope of this incident would be fully aware of this incident. Level one of my plan had already worked excellently! When I was done with her, at least I would have a lot of fun. I sat in my car and lead to another pub.

I definitely didn’t want to be at home in front of her. This uncertainty, what she would expect, should definitely enjoy my little woman a bit.

Mail me if you liked the story and maybe there is a sequel that deals with these topics.

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