The mysterious phone number | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In the history of Stefans and Tim’s visit in the porn cinema

“Football frustration”

was talking about the note of the money that was noted on the banknote. Here is now ….

Tim does not leave the telephone number on the banknote in peace. Was that a message to him? Was it any number that might have had nothing to do with the Peepshhow that he spontaneously organized against banknotes with Stefan? How should he react when someone at the other ended? After all, it could be a completely uninvolved and he would only embarrass himself in a clumsy choice of words.

The curiosity won. After a short dial signal, a female voice already reported. So a mistake? Hello, I have a number here that I cannot assign …Wait, I give you mine Son. Hello, it came after a few moments.

Tim repeated his saying. Wait, I give you mine Father. Papa, there is a guy who wants to speak you. For me it is not …

A very pleasant male voice sounds a short time later. Good day….Hello, replied Tim and repeats his hint. … where did you get the number? She was on a banknote. Short break.

Do you want to visit us? Uhhh yes.. Bring your friend with you. Uhhh yes … I can ask him …

One night, 500.-, at Blank 1.000.-, the man offers. Craziness. A fake?

Tim buzzed his head. Financially he was completely bare.

With a “thousand” his overdraft disposation would be saved. What should I do, uhhh … what should we do? The same as in the porn cinema, the voice said. But without a wall in between.

And longer with more people. They have already proven that they can have several times. They would be picked up. How is your address? Tim outdo it and arranges an appointment for the coming Saturday and a time.

We expect your asses rinsed well on the inside and that you are thoroughly shaved, as well as your cocks, the voice still says. You will be part of an interesting program.

I don’t know, said Stefan, after Tim told him. I don’t feel quite kosher.

Take along, said Tim. I don’t like it alone and I need the gravel really urgently. OK. How to rely on and shave each other’s bodies until there is no hair anymore into the eel area.

Almost they would have it under the shower Already like to be driven together, but they want to hold back their sperm in expectation of the evening and are content with mutual teasing upgrading.

A large car, type of London taxi, with a chauffeur drove up and you get in. By the way, her friends are not at home, but wanted to go to any show alone. Se had certainly been very surprised about the shape of the mutual intensive body cleaning. The car lasts after a few kilometers.

The address is secret … Sit down these hoods. The two of them reach a large house almost blind.


Please use this basement input.

And don’t worry, I have left all guests again, says the chauffeur. It points to a small shower with a pre -switched enema. They are thoroughly cleaned? Have fun. A certain discomfort now gives way to curiosity.

There is a kind of wardrobe behind the cellar door. An invisible person gives a first instruction. Put your clothes completely and deposit everything here. Valuables do not get away.

Put the hose in my ass again, asks Tim Stefan. I need it. And they inject each other, now totally horny, again the warm water into their asses and relieve the respective water rays back outside with high pressure. The water flows back brightly and clearly without any smell and “solid fabrics”.

Stefan and Tim are now in front of a door to open. It is relatively dark, but you can see a leading staircase upwards. The door closes. Both feel forward.

They stop in a room that is only with candles and very few dim lamps. In the middle of the room there are two beams with leather loops and several gloryholes, from which three holes hang according to three large penises or protrude half -tires. Blast the cocks stiff, demands the voice. Tim and Stefan go to their knees and successfully meet the order.

Because after a short time all three parts rise steeply. That is enough. Lay on the pillows and let your eyes connect.

It appears, now naked, your chauffeur with two eye masks that he puts on you.

I have the order to make your cocks stiff, he says, and now also takes the half -tire members of Stefan and Tim in both hands to rub them together. Alternately, he also works very successfully with hands and also with his mouth. Lay on your back and hands behind your head, he orders. Both are happy to comply, because the cloth of the pillows is extremely pleasant and flatters the skin.

Only the spotlights, which seem to illuminate every quratin centimeter of their body and their erect limbs in a pleasant color, are irritating.

Only shadowy and at an air breath you notice that someone is sitting over them and on them. With a jerk your cocks are inserted into holes. You cannot see through the mask, but at best guess that Tim is in the butt of a woman and Stefan in that of a man.

Both holes are pleasantly tight and you feel that it cannot be the soft front cunt of a woman who you now fill out.

Obviously, however, both people are passionate anal rider. Both sphincter massage the tails in a very pleasant and very experienced form. After a while it is changed. But there is still no difference to notice which ass belongs to a man or a woman.

There could be two men or two women who glide up and down with their anus on Tim and Stefan’s stiff lust sticks. Tim only really realizes that the person is a man on him when a huge beam of sperm suddenly hits him in the face and on his neck. For a short time late he feels how this pleasure juice is licked on it by someone. The butt gives his tail hesitant.

The son of the house should now be fucked by you, the chauffeur appears. Unfortunately, it was not favored by nature at the front. By the way, his producers were sitting on you, he whispers to them and takes away their masks. They are led into an adjoining room, where there is a naked boy tied to the arms and legs between two posts, which should only be a little younger than they are.

The greed is written in his face and his small, at most 5cm long, tail with strikingly minimal testicles is steeply erected. In contrast, the butt is a tight and well -trained force. Tim has pity on the tail and takes the small but steel -hard, part in the mouth, while Stefan penetrates the obviously pre -lubricated rosette.

If this is a horny hole, he moans and encounters violently.

The boy screams and winds with lust in his leather bonds. Despite his less developed masculinity, after a short time he injects a larger amount of sperm in Tim’s mouth while obviously enjoying the rough fuck of Stefans. Let me in his ass, says Tim. Stefan is reluctant to go out, but he is fair enough to grant his friend the horny butt.

And Stefan hadn’t exaggerated. This hole was not only passive, but the sphincter actively worked for the mutual pleasure increase. He massages the penetrated tail as if by a hand. He can constantly increase the pressure on the intruder and let it up again.

Obviously the boy hadn’t had a cock in his ass for a long time. His cries of pleasure went into a long -lasting vulnerable moan.

Make me a child, called the son and turned under the strong fuck. Tim could no longer hold it and splashed his ejaculate far into the boy’s intestine.

Stefan immediately took the opportunity and slipped into the rosette again via Tims, which received him wildly twitching again. He immediately fucked, while Tim massaged his friend’s eggs and the boy under them. Its mini hive was immediately back. Obviously Stefan has now also caught the scouts of the fucked.

Because the sauce just runs out of his ass.

Obviously he is well filled with the sperm of friends and is free in portions. Tim would have liked to lick. But the chauffeur asks them to leave the place and put the masks on them again.

You will clean him, he says when Tim is just about to start his tongue on the anus. She? Who? In fact, a woman and a man who greedily greedily greedily together appears together the sperm and the connected juices from the ass of the still tied licking and sucking, during which he winds in a further orgasm in his leather straps.


In the meantime, Stefan and Tim can recover in another side room. The chauffeur is enough for you a drink. How does it go, inquires Stefan.

As long as you can, he grins. The night is long. And the family is big. So now I have to take care of your cocks.

Otherwise I get trouble. And with clever steps and even more clever mouth, he brings both parts back into their stiff position. He puts on the masks to them and brings them back to the room, which in the meantime seems to be empty. Even more pillows lie on the floor.

Lay on your stomach. Now your asses are spoiled.

It massages lubricants into the ass columns. Do you like the preparation with the help of a vibrator? Tim nods.

Why not? Stefan also agrees. Who knows how big the cocks you expect. Great than that of the son, grins the chauffeur by lubricating the devices in penis shape and introducing them to them at the back. The pleasant vibration is both rattling.

The chauffeur seems to have experience in dealing with the toy. He has now deeply sunk the vibrators in both asses. The holes from Tim and Stefan are well open.

And he was also right about the size of those who are now intended to penetrate.

Because it is at least 20 cm of living warm male meat with a considerable diameter that is pushed into the ass shortly later. Ruthlessly they are taken from behind in the dog position on knees. Both Tim and Stefan enjoy the strong bumps. There seem to be two potent stallions, which now really let off steam in them.

Suddenly two wet cock tips appear on their lips. Obviously now are at least four more guys in the room. Tim has never had such a six -session. Stefan in a sauna before.

He thinks comfortably about it and blows what it takes while he is in his ass. Obviously the four constantly change positions. When one of the fuckers in the mouth pretends, the others move in the free holes. Now another man has also joined it.

As with the famous “trip to Jerusalem”, their holes are fucked alternately at the top and bottom. Always one remains and there is such a happy bales around Tim and Stefan, who, like their fuckers, sink into a cloud of excitement.

Someone holds you a popper bottle on your nose. Stefan is not quite on the smell, but Tim sucks him in totally greedily.

He experiences a quick “flash” and takes up his current fucker even deeper. Its big tail has a very pleasant thickness and length for him and completely fills it out, without pain. End now, a female voice suddenly says at some point. We also want to use the two mares as stallions.

Sperm runs out of her ass. And like the boy, they are licked clean by someone from behind. They cannot judge whether they are men or women. At least one man is probably involved, because it occasionally scratches like a 3-day beard.

The tongues in the ass go to touring you totally.

They would also like to have their hands to help, but they are denied to wank them. When Tim tries it, his hands are immediately bound to his back with handcuffs. Ruthlessly he is thrown onto the pillows. His cock hurts with lust.

He is now pretty defenseless. His penis is now inserted into a slippery damp hole. It is obviously the cunt of a woman in which he is in. The entrance to her cervix receives his tail tip like a pleasant, soap -grown warm bathing sponge.

It is also the case with Stefan.

With his free hands he can also feel breasts. He pinches into the erect nipples, which the lady seems very excited. She accelerates her ride and obviously has a lot of fun on Stefan’s masculinity. At the back entrance, even cocks are requested by some cocks.

Both guys are totally on it to fuck while they are fucked themselves. As a “sandwitch” in the middle between Man And Woman go off like rockets.

The ladies also have a loud orgasm, as there are additional tongues and fingers in the game that spoil the clit in parallel to their cocks in their cunt and which Tim in particular sprayed on. The situation is too new and horny for him.

Stefan is back in the butt of an anal horny woman. Obviously, a sharp group orgy is underway, which focuses on the focus. But it only makes them hornier, just to feel instead of seeing and not knowing how many people which gender are involved in this orgy.

When you let go of them, Tim and Stefan are absolutely pumped out and further filled out.

The room empties. Again they are alone with the chauffeur who leads them under a shower. His fat 22cm tail is totally upright. You make me so horny, he whispers.

May I too? This really doesn’t matter, Stefan grins. And they also alternately hold the sperm -filled asses in the shower.

But I want to cum in your mouth, he asks Tim. And that receives the huge pent -up cargo of the chauffeur when a sharp voice sounds that it was not his mandate.

That is punished, says the voice. Binds him to the posts. But somehow that doesn’t seem to disturb the guy, but to belong to the game.

Tim and Stefan meet the order.

The chauffeur is now immersed in light light and tied up in leather straps. Punishes him with the whip, demands the voice. And in fact a whip is ready. Tim hesitantly strikes.

The chauffeur shrugs and gets a stand after the second blow, even though he had just hosed down.

Sadism is not my case, Stefan whispers, when suddenly a whip strike hits him like a flash. Skin, the chauffeur screams. Otherwise it will meet you.

Obviously he is addicted to pain. For the first time you now see two women who appear in the room. With the exception of an obscene red mouth, these are made up to their leather boots, which extends to the thighs and on the rest of the body. Even the large, completely disadvantaged labia with rings, seem particularly emphasized with any make -up.

Even the hair on the head is shaved up, which brings out a huge ear piercing particularly well. They are also pierced on the nipples of their tight breasts. Stefan and Tim have never seen completely disadvantaged women.

They hold large candles, of which they are now blown into the ass of the chauffeur like a huge dildo burning. He winc only briefly together.

With the wax of the other candles, as in an SM video, he is now drizzled. Under other blows of Tim, he now hangs half wasted between the posts when a huge orgasm drives him a wide ray of sperm out of his cock after many hot wax has been poured on it before. Women are also occasionally hit by the blows, which they seem to enjoy and their obscene movements around the chauffeur are more reinforced.

The light extinguishes and the women grind their victims on their feet.

One was still standing on the chest of the guy lying on the ground with the boots as if it had killed it like a wild animal. Stefan and Tim are asked to stop. When it gets brighter again, they are alone in the room again. Your cocks hang limp down.

How long does it work, Stefan groans, whom the strip of his whip strike hurts. No idea says Tim. But I’m still amazed.

There is now something to eat and a cultural program, says the voice.

Obviously they are observed by a blind glass panes on one side. As far as the food is concerned, you actually see two chairs and a table on which various delicious tapas, including tortilla, dates are arranged in bacon strips and scallops. Someone must have carried it in when they were busy with the SM scene. Serves and heals you, says the voice, now a little softer than before.

Then there is a cultural program.

As soon as Tim and Stefan have already put their napkins aside after a few bumps, the light exalted. African drums sound. In fact, they are suddenly surrounded by a horde of naked “wilder”, which storm into the room with spears.

These round ornaments painted on their bodies and and on their huge black cocks. As a result of the lighting effects in front of a black wall, you don’t see the bodies, but above all the ornaments and rocking genitals. But they recognize at least 7 men who dance ecstatically around them. It is an erotic wildness in the room that neither Tim nor Stefan knew beforehand.

And never before, except in porn films, they saw such big straps.

Note: The ornaments and huge cocks resembled this Xhamster – Pics of African Boys:

They are now in the middle of the blacks and are included in the jungle dance. The chopped lights twitch and the tails too. The naked, small -tailed boy comes back on the floor winding, and is caught immediately.

His ass seems to have recovered when he is now the victim of the “wild”. Three hold him down the head on his legs while others who leave the dance circle fuck from above.

One after the other climbs the boy, whose tanned skin shines after a few minutes of sperm white. A first of the dancers injected on him for the second time. I want that now, says Tim, and goes to his knees.

As if they had been waiting for the signal, he is now rummaged by the deep black guys, as they later found out of Ghana.

Stefan kneel out of solidarity and suddenly also has fat black cocks in the ass and in his mouth. He and Tim are no more than ever in their lives. Again and again, like the boy, they are seemingly effortlessly thrown through the air with the help of black muscle mass, collected, and hanging in the air or continuously fucked on the ground. When they really can no longer and lie on the ground in the sperm, the blacks move away with a cozy drum.

Stefan and Tim freeze. So what is that?

Suddenly the whole wall wags and moves in front of them and the voice says: I hope you liked our current erotic theater. Press-up applause and bravo calls of at least 150 people. With them and the blacks, almost 20 people suddenly stand, including four women including the bald heads, in the room, which turns out to be a theater stage.

It is now the chauffeur who, especially with great applause, is bending several times in front of the audience and seems to be recovered quickly from the torture. The seven blacks are also cheered. Se were under over 2.000 applicants from all parts of the African country according to the criteria of tail length, bulllösten and potency for you and a European erotic tour, explains the voice. Today was a short move out of the program.

The audience rages when the blacks laughing with joy, a little hip -soaking encore organized.

In particular, I can now also ask you for your applause for our today’s surprise actors, which we had for the first time here, he says: It is Stefan and Tim who did your job well. The audience Johlt. You have to go to the stage several times until the applause fails.

They no longer notice that they are sitting in front of the people who are sagging. Several moist panties also fly in their direction.

In Kuverts you will receive the agreed fee. The chauffeur takes you to the car.

I have a surprise, he announces. Surprise? What’s coming today? In the car sit…….. her friends. So so…

grin they … you could have said what you have in your free time except Football Still drives … you go to the erotic theater and then this show of your own guys, you Mosern, but rather amused. Tim has a bright red head.

You are not angry with us, he asks unsettled. I Where, it was really totally erotic … you were really great. Only when the black ones fucked you, we even had great concern about your sweet asses ….

Amazing what’s going on … We have known for a long time that it also sparks homosexual between you, says Tim’s girlfriend. But so public … TS..

TS … swam over it … we are sharp, whisper the girls. Please do something for our cunts now …

They smooch and lick. Both no longer have panties that were still damp on stage. A theater technician found her later, smelled it and jerked it in.

The girls kiss with each other when their clitoris is spoiled by both boys in the car on their knees. They relieve a lot of pent -up liquid into the mouths of Stefan and Tim.

The chauffeur grins and brakes when the girls get their first orgasms in the car and are now completely naked. In the rearview mirror he follows the scene. He continues the further journey with stiff tail, which he has to free from his pants at a red traffic light and that now, with slight wax residues, protrudes to the turn signal lever on the steering wheel. Some cars are driving past.

With four people in the back seat, it can also get tight in a London taxi and you don’t always see something like this while overtaking. It’s good that there was no rear -end collision.

In the underground car park of Stefan’s apartment they do not even get dressed, but drive up naked in the elevator. You don’t meet anyone from the neighborhood.

You probably didn’t care either. The house rules do not say that you are not allowed to drive naked with the elevator. Only the type that controls the video surveillance of the underground car park almost falls out of the head. When you catch your apartment door, it comes from his fast -awaited horny hetero -heteroshwanz, especially in a high beam that messes up the control screen.

The first night together of the four and above all, after awakening in the morning, the first day together in Stefan’s huge bed is joined.

Tim and Stefan have regenerate well again. The chauffeur enjoys his day off with them. It’s the first (!) Times in his life that the moth masokerl has sex with girls. Not bad at all, he groanes when the friends take him together and tied up with handcuffs.

They also spank their hands vigorously with their bright red ass, while Stefan and Tim just caress and tenderly caress each other and their cocks and eggs a short break before the next round. Heavenly, three potent guys and two sex addicted girls in bed …


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