The jail bride | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My name is Ralf Weber and shortly after my 23 birthday my luck left me. Due to a stupid coincidence, my actually secure system noticed and I was given out money caught. The judge did not have much of a forbearance to me, which might have been caught in the past with small frauds. So I was sentenced to 2 years without probation.

On a Monday I started my prison sentence. After an incoming initial examination, I was dressed and included in my cell. It was a single cell and I should be about. Keep 1 week.

This would be the time to get used to. After dinner we were able to move freely in our wing for 2 hours. Shortly after dinner I was addressed by a relative boy. He was clearly gay, which he had a very do -it -yourself appearance.

“Hello my beautiful, you are probably the new one. My name is Rene and should invite you to the boss, ”he said in a bright voice.

I asked him in astonishment who would be the boss here and where I could find him. Rene looked at me doubtfully and asked: “Is that your first time in jail? There is a boss in every jail.

Come to cell 15 later.”

I was a little afraid, but since the cells were all open, not much could happen. In addition, I didn’t want to make enemies here if possible. So I went eagerly in cell 15.

It was a normal cell for two people and there were 5 people in the cell.

I could quickly see the boss. Not only that he was by far the oldest, largest and muscular oil, he was also the only one who was completely dressed. The other 4 were naked, except for a small lumbar spine. They alberten around on the lower bed and giggled like little girls.

One of them was Rene.

The boss spoke to me with a dark, rough voice. “Hello Ralf! I am Richard. Welcome to your new home.

Sit at the table with me here. We have something to discuss.“He made an inviting hand movement and pointed to one of the two chairs. The giggle and whisper of the others became louder. “Rest her pussies”, Richard shouted and immediately there was silence in the cell.

“The girls always get restless in the evening. If I have climbed them, they’ll be calmer again, ”Richard explained to me with an apologizing smile. I didn’t know what to say, swallowed several times and sat down.

“So Ralf, I want to explain a few things to you today, on your first evening,” Richard started.

“Kim get us two glasses of water”.

A slim, very young -looking man rose elegantly from the bed and served us two glasses with water. Kim stood on Richard’s side and wobbled something back and forth with his butt. Richard stroked Kim’s butt.

Kim groaned when Richard drilled the index finger in his anus. Kim put the upper body over the table to make Richard easier fucking with his finger. “You can blow up little Richard today my girl,” Richard whispered and pulled his finger out of Kim. Kim immediately got on his knees and licked and sucked the finger clean quickly and went back to the others with a delighted smile.

Where was I only got in here. And above all what Richard wanted from me. Should I also blow him down little Richard? I showered with the thought. I was a normal man and had slept with women as often as I could.

My relationships didn’t last long, but I had already had some women. The only idea of kissing only one man totally disgusted me.

Richard put the word back to me: “Kim is my last new addition. He has just been insatiable since I ridden him. He smiled pensively and said: “But that’s how it should be.

But I wander off. Now back to you. It is your first evening and I would like to explain some things to you here with us.”

He explained to me almost half an hour how living together was regulated here.

He would be the undisputed boss here in the tract.

There would be an agreement with the head of the prison. Richard regulates everything here. There is no riot or serious injuries, but he has quite a free hand. This works so well, especially because Richard dared that many of the inmates would be sexually balanced.

In the past there were always fights, jealousy scenes and rapes. Since he regulates everything, this has practically no longer occurred. He determines for every newcomer whether he lives here as a man or woman. Women would choose a man and live with him.

Men can advertise a woman, but the decision lies with the woman and is accepted by everyone.

My head buzzed me. What shit did he told me. Classification after Man And Woman, Where are we here? I didn’t want to have anything to do with the gay stuff and just my rest.

“Richard, I’m not gay. I don’t want a woman. I’m not participating, ”I told him. Whoever says you should get a woman, ”replied Richard.

“I have your investigation report here. The institutional doctor helps me with my division, ”the boss told me. He got a paper and read: “Slightly thick, beautiful breasts with delicate buds, small penis and small testicles, a delicate, tight and probably still virgin anus. Female attributes mostly clear.“He put the note aside and looked at me.

What should all this nonsense? I found everything totally weird and crazy. And I said that too. “I’m a man and not gay. In addition, I am not interested in all the nonsense, ”I explained to him loudly.

The “girls” giggled loudly over my uprising. Richard looked at her evil and said loudly and clearly: “Anyone who still says a tone watches and has leak service at the end”. Immediately it was quiet again. The four racked out on the bed but nothing more.

“You don’t have to be a woman here. However, you are alone and free game for the single men. If you are strong enough, nothing happens to you either. But you have no protection from your husband or through me.

As I said, you have a week. If you want to participate, the men can look at you on Saturday and talk to you. On Sunday you then choose a man and move into the cell to him, ”he explained to me. “You could also move in with me.

I always have the right with the new ones. Then one of my girls would be passed on. You may not know, but you are one of the top mares here, ”he enthused me.

I didn’t want to annoy him, but that was probably the very last thing I wanted.

“I will not accept any of your offers. But thank you very much for your information, ”I tried to say calmly. “Can I go back to my cell now,” I asked. “Of course, just go.

If you change your opinion, just let me know.“I got up and slowly went out of the cell. Shortly before I was outside, I heard Richard commanding with a hard voice: “Extend pussies, Kim immediately here”. I couldn’t help I had to turn around again. The “girls” tore off their lumbar ceilings and lay back on the bed with their legs spread wide.

Kim got on his knees naked in front of Richard and got his tail From prison pants and blew the little Richard loudly. I quickly turned and went into my cell.

The next few days ran relatively uneventfully. I learned to distinguish slowly who was a woman here and who a man and also what couples there was. There were some men without a woman and they looked almost all more than me and pretty brutal.

I was left alone, but again and again the men gave me desirable looks. On the third day one told me that he was looking forward to next week. In the evening I found a note in my bed where a sleepless Monday was announced to me. On Thursday I became under the shower touched by a giant.

He pushed his hand between my legs to put his penis into my mouth. Fortunately, Richard joined and held the other from other handles. The giant was called Karl. Karl jerked his long cock, looked at me and made clear movements with his tongue.

Richard apologized to me. It would have become known that I still Virgo would be and read the men almost freaked out. You could hardly be checked.

I went back to my cell and saw that someone had waxed my pillow.

On Friday I stayed in my cell and thought after.

Slowly my time became scarce and I confessed, my fear and bigger and bigger. I thought about my shitty situation. I had the choice, but what was that choice. I was able to choose between the plague and cholera.

But slowly it became clear to me that I wouldn’t get through it alone. There were two prisoners who were “classified” as a woman and lived alone. They were completely scared and every day they had minor injuries on their face and in the visible places. I didn’t want to imagine what her other body looked like.

No man wanted to “marry” these women anymore. The men without a woman could do what they wanted anyway.

I slowly realized that I had no other choice. Maybe I was able to finish with a single man and stop him from sleeping with me.

So I went to Richard on Friday evening. The cell door was too. I knocked on and heard a loud in. The picture that offered me almost had made me turn around.

Everyone was naked and Richard had fun with his girls. Rene lay on his back, his knees pulled to his ears and was fucked hard. Richard had a big big cock and plowed Rene through Order. Rene squeaked like a piglet with every push.

Kim knelt behind Richard and licked his asshole and tried to take part in his fucking movements. The other two licked and sucked on a nipple by Richard. I quickly looked away and said: “Sorry, I didn’t want to bother you. I come again later.”

“No problem, stay here.

What do you want to tell me, ”Richard asked and fucked in peace, but a little slower, further. Quickly before I handed over it differently, I told him: “I thought about it. I want to come back to your offer.”

“Sit down and wait briefly,” came his answer. He fucked faster again and injected after a few minutes.

Then he turned over and Kim sucked his cock clean with the tuning. Then he sat naked on the other chair. He congratulated me on my sensible decision and explained the further process to me. Tomorrow the men can decide whether they want me.

The day after tomorrow, the interested parties would come back and I would have to choose one.

He tried to calm me down and encouraged me again in my decision. I went back to my cell and slept very restlessly that night.

The demonstration began on Saturday after breakfast. Me and another prisoner, he was called Sven, whose first week was also over, went to Richard in the cell.

We had to undress naked and then the interested parties came. We were taken off and attached like on a cattle market. It all seemed very strange to me, but Sven got a crossbar in the first minute. Then Karl came out of the shower.

He went around me and whispered in my ear that his cock would make me happy. He would give me heaven on earth and fuck me every day. He quickly reached my tail and jerked me off a few times. I became bright red and really got a stiff.

He smiled and went for a victory afterwards. The last thing was an older man. He limp because he was missing a foot. He had a thick nose and very sultry eyebrows.

The hair on the head was almost completely unusual. To do this, they grew out of his nose and ears. Even out of its shirt cutout, the hair just out. Overall, a really unattractive, almost ugly man.

He introduced himself as Wilhelm, touched me everywhere and smiled at me. I would like him and he would be very happy if I voted him. I shouldn’t be mistaken that he could “stand his husband every day” and would be strong enough to protect me. Unfortunately he would not have many chances among women.

Its appearance would scare the most. But he would treat me respectfully, would wash himself in a daisle and not apply violence. Only during sex would I have to fit his will if we couldn’t agree.

Then the day was over and I went back to my cell.

I lay down and thought about. Again the situation seemed very grotesque and unreal. But if I wanted to get my 2 years of lightly light, I had to choose a man. The ugly Wilhelm was the sympathetic to me.

Maybe I was even able to assert myself physically with him and keep my body in me. Besides, it didn’t seem to be about sex. I chose Wilhelm and fell asleep.

The interested parties came on Sunday.

First the Sven was asked. He had 3 interested parties, including the giant. Sven also chose this. The giant looked at me badly, took Sven by the hand and went into his cell with him .

He closed the cell and less than 30 seconds later heard gossiping noises and Sven moan loudly and clearly.

Then it was my turn. With me there were 5 interested parties. I became totally red and suddenly didn’t want to decide anymore. But I tore myself together and said quietly Wilhelm.

Wilhelm beamed at me, took me by the hand and went to his cell with me. We went inside and he closed the door.

“I am extremely happy that you chose me. Thanks for your trust.

I never took one of the “free women” by force and no one came with me voluntarily. Since I am for it Jerk off Too old, I haven’t had Ograsm for weeks. I have to take you now.”

He came up to me, pressed me itself and kissed me. I tried to defend myself, but immediately noticed that I had completely underestimated him.

He had a grip on me and I felt that he was much stronger than expected and also stronger than me. He pulled out naked and I saw my partner for the first time without clothes. As suspected, he was very hairy all over the body. He had a proper beer belly and was through and through muscular.

His penis was fat and small, but his testicles looked huge. The leg without foot looked strange, but it didn’t trigger a corner with me. Then he pulled out me. I thought about running out briefly, but I knew what the consequences were.

So I stayed. As soon as I was naked, he led me to the bed, hit the blanket and I lay down in it. He went to the sink and came behind. His cock was already stiff as a cannon tube from him and had developed a considerable length and thickness.

I was an orphan hub against this extent. He had brought sliding cream with him. Immediately he pushed my legs towards the head and skilfully and casually lubricated the anus. I realized that he doesn’t do that for the first time.

Immediately he lay down on me and wanted to penetrate me. He seemed to be a nice and personable man, but he was just a sow in bed. Since he couldn’t penetrate, he gave me a kiss of tongue. Then he turned me over and worked on my anus for several minutes.

He first stuck one and then two fingers in me. Then he tried to spread my anus as far as possible with the two fingers and he had strength. Then he hit mine slightly by hand anus and rubbed everything again with a giant blisspire. This whole treatment did not pass me without a trace.

Although I didn’t want to get an erection. He pulled my ass to him and tried to penetrate again. This time I was so open that there was no longer an insurmountable obstacle. He penetrated slowly but consistently into me and began to fuck.

After some bumps, the big penis was completely inside me. Then his movements became faster and suddenly I felt how he fed into me with warm rays. I found out that I was totally horny and almost came myself. He lay down next to me and pulled me to.

Wilhelm apologized that he had sprayed so quickly began to stroke and kiss. I also feel better and better. He knew where he had to touch me to excite me. After maybe 10 minutes, Wilhelm had a good crossbar again.

He rolled on me, put my legs on his chest and penetrated me again, this time without any resistance into me. “There is nothing about a lubricated roll,” he explained to me in a good mood and pushed deeply too. Actually I didn’t want to fuck anymore, but he was just too strong for me. And although I didn’t want to admit it, I was getting hotter.

When he started to stroke my nipples and lightly pinching, I had to moan. That was happy and he strengthened his stroking. “Your curves and tits are just beautiful,” he whispered in my ear. “You are so soft and tender.

Simply heavenly. Then he spat on my breasts and rubbed his spit on my nipples. Then he briefly jerked my totally hard penis and then fucked again stronger. I always thought I was a powerful fucker, but what Wilhelm did was much stronger.

He practically fucked my brain out of my head. And that’s how I felt slowly. I was getting hornier, let myself continue to drive and concentrated me on the beautiful feelings that my lover gave me. When he pinched my nipples again, it happened.

I inject out my juice without having touched me. I inject into my face. Heinz took sperm open with your finger and lick it. Then he gives me from my own sperm that I immediately unlocked from his finger without thinking.

Then Wilhelm also seems to be about orgasms. He pulls his cock out of me, which elicits a little groan, and kneels on my upper body wanking. His cock is now in front of my mouth. “Come on my mouth, I want to put on your second hole,” moans Wilhelm excitedly.

I shake my head. I’m not that stupid either. He quickly kneels on my arms, which is very painful and keeps my nose. I try to defend myself, but without success.

Again I notice how strong he is. Finally I open my mouth briefly to breathe. That is enough. Wilhelm presses my cheek inwards so that I can no longer close my mouth.

Shortly afterwards he sprayed into my mouth. He makes sure that his entire sperm ends up in my mouth. Since I can’t move in the Imme yet, his sperm is slowly running into my throat. Finally I swallow and Wilhelm strokes my head paternally.

“You did that very well my darling,” he said.

Then we wash ourselves and go to dinner. We sit together and Wilhelm has his hand on my thigh. He is proud of me and that he found a partner.

He consumes the slippery remarks of the others effortlessly. From Richard we get a shower attachment for enema and depilatory cream.

Then we go back into our cell under the jooling of the others. We sit down and talk about everything for a long time.

I tell about myself and he. At least I am becoming more and more open and realizing that I can tell him everything. Wilhelm is a good listener and I gain more and more trust in him.

Then he wants sex again.

I do not want to be in their own way and try to explain it to him. But Wilhelm only waves off, pulls out naked and stays in bed.

“Come my little one in bed,” lures Wilhelm. I feel that this is a crucial moment.

I continue to hesitate and see how he looks more and more disappointed. I know he thinks my hesitation has to do with his appearance. Finally I gave up and get up and go to him. I have decided.

Wilhelm is a decent, nice man and I don’t want to disappoint him. I go to him, also take off and take his penis in my mouth. I start blowing and managing to bring him to the organ in a very short time. Again I swallow his sperm and it is much easier for me than the last time.

Then I go into the shower and make the enema until everything is clean. I also used the depilatory cream. Now I want to like Wilhelm. He should get the best woman there is here.

I decided and I don’t do any things. Back in the cell I take off again. I show Wilhelm my hairless body and tell him that I am completely clean.

Immediately he pulls me to bed and I blow his cock again, which I like better and better. He pulls my legs up and finally my anus is in front of his face.

He starts tender and then licking my anus harder and then harder. I’m totally horny of this treatment and bubble like crazy. His tail becomes thick and big again. Wilhelm now pushes me out of it and sits on a chair I go to him and sat on the back on his lap.

He introduces his penis and I start riding on him, while massaging my breasts. My penis stands stiff again and tough from my body. Then I turn around and sat down on his lap differently. Again he introduces his penis and I continue to ride.

We hug ourselves and through my riding my cock is grated between our bodies. I don’t hold it out for long and inject it. Due to my orgasm, Wilhelm’s penis is stimulated even more in me and he also pours in me again. We lie down in bed.

I’m lying to the wall with my face. Wilhelm pushes behind me and introduces his half -tire cock deeply again. So connected we fall asleep. In the morning his cock is still in me.

But now stiff and thick again. And so I get a load of sperm again before breakfast.

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