So I became a ladyboy [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

From man to woman: the next few days were quite normal except that I had to get used to the new part between my legs. I hadn’t found a way to get the part or somehow satisfy myself. Because I had become very horny due to these experiences but my wife has had a lot of work in the past few days and had no time for me.

I had spoken to my boss and he didn’t mind that I only work for half days from now on, since the order situation was not particularly good.

After a few more days, I had just been to buy a guy on my shoulder and pressed a big envelope into my hands and immediately disappeared without saying anything.

I was surprised, I quickly went into the apartment and tore up the envelope when I almost hit me. It was true photos that showed how I was fucked by the three men at the carnival session in my asshole and in my mouth, I couldn’t believe it. There was a letter in the stand that I should appear at the given address tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.

If I didn’t appear on time, the pictures would land with my wife and the neighborhood. What was the choice? What should I do? I would just go into it first and see what they wanted. In the evening my wife told me that she would have to go to London with her boss tomorrow.

The next morning I put on again as a woman, which was not so easy alone, especially the tight corset. I got a stiff cock again, which was now not surprising.

The make -up did not work properly and I didn’t get the Künstiichen nails glued on either. But the worst thing for me was that the carnival season was over and I had to go on the street now. I looked on the street map where the address was found, the street was in the city center but luckily it was a side street. Since I didn’t want to come too late for me early, I came into the car unseen because our garage is accessible from the house.

I found the address very quickly and I was amazed, it was the address of a cosmetic studio. I quickly found a parking space in the immediate vicinity. I looked again for the name of the woman I should report, she was called Ms. Herzog.

When the street was empty, I quickly went to the cosmetic studio. I went carefully to register, there was a great woman with a fantastic figure and a lush bust size that could be admired in a deep neckline.

I said that I should report to Ms. Herzog here, she looked into her schedule. Yes, we have them when they are the Monika. I put on, but then yes yes. She said the appointment was made up by phone and everything would be prepared.

She called an employee who was a susi The teaching girl imagined that it led me into the back rooms, which looked like every hairdresser, most places are proven to be true of middle -aged women. I should sit down in a hairdressing chair, the colleague would come right away. Apparently it was a normal cosmetic studio and I sit here in women’s clothes, it was not to be believed. Then as evidenced by the colleague she was introduced to me by Susi as Alice and that I shouldn’t be surprised that she would be silent.

Alice was a similarly built woman like the woman from the reception, only that she had a short white coat with a deep neckline.

What happened then I felt like I was dreaming. She told me I should come with me, she led me to a large room in which a bathtub stood in the middle. Then she made it clear to me that I should undress completely. I waited that she left the room but she just looked at me and made gestures that I should start.

So I took off and I wondered if she knew that I was a man. When I was naked in front of her, she was no reaction to you, as if it were the most natural in the world that a man in women’s clothes is being treated. Then she pushered me to tub and I got in, which was just surprising that there was no water in the tub. Then I should also kneel down.

She took a hose that had an attachment like a vibrator and put in my butt in me, then she put on the water. Now I was very surprised but I could do it because she was silent not what that was supposed to do. She filled me off after a short time I thought I would burst. She put on my stomach and felt whether the filling was sufficient, then she put the water off.

The warm water caused a strange feeling in my stomach.

I still knelt in the bathtub, Alice took the hose out of my butt and before I could empty Siemir stuck an anal plug that she also pumped out so that he could not be pushed out of the pressure that was in my intestine. I thought I was immediately, she put a kind of egg watch to 30 minutes, as long as I should keep the filling in me. Then I should sit down in the tub, I had my problems because of the anal plug in my butt, it took a while to take the correct sitting position. Then she let water run into the tub and did some bathing additives into the water.

I tried to relax I should put my head on the bathing tub and close my eyes. Then she applied me on my face and on my neck. I actually felt quite comfortable except for my full intestine.

Then the egg clock rang, Alice told me that I should get out of the tub. She took a towel and rubbed me dry.

I noticed that my entire hair from the body was to me, as it looked like it must have been a really good hair remover in the bathing water. I really didn’t have a single hair on my body. She reached for my cock or. on the part in which he was packed and made everything there fine -tuningly dry, and my cock swelled again vigorously.

But even if Alice had wanted, I couldn’t have fucked her. The part that my wife had given me just prevented me from doing so. Then she wiped the cream out of my face and I noticed that I also had no bar hair more. Then I was finally allowed to empty myself, she pulled out the anusspot from me and immediately it came out of me.

I spent the next half hour on the toilet.

Then to my surprise, artificial breasts were glued on, they held without a bra and saw after Alice had made up the breast and the cleavage had made up really real, I attached it and he also felt real. I noticed what problems for women that the breast was quite difficult and really big, I would appreciate on Cup D. Then the teaching girl Susi came back to us and said that the breasts would last about 14 days and I could do everything with it. I was startled, my wife wanted to be back in 1 week and how should I go to work.

I said they should remove it again. Susi did not say that, unless you cut off the skin. I was done, but something would come to mind. They gave me a white panties but when I looked closer it was that a panties were in which a cunt was installed in front, I put on, he sat perfectly.

Susi said the vagina was absolutely real if someone touched me there, only for sexual intercourse it would not be suitable, so I had to switch to other ways.

Then they put on a white corset to me, they put the corsage very closely, I hardly got any air again and my new breasts were almost out of the corsage. Then Susi painted my toenails and then I got black stockings that I put on. Susi and Alice made the stockings to the owners attached to the corsage. Then I only got a kind of bathrobe that this was made of fine -black lace and a few high -heeled slippers.

Then I was led to another room. Here I should be made up and styled.

I sat in the chair that was more of an armchair Alice began to put on make -up and Susi dealt with my nails. When Alice was finished with the make -up, she put on a straw blonde wig with long wavy hair, which she connected to my hair, she somehow interweaves the hair into the wig. In the between time, Susi had made me a wonderful red nails, just not clear to me how to grab something with it.

Suddenly I noticed how it twitched in my ears, the two of them had a hole shot in each ear without I noticed, they hanged my earrings with rhinestones for a long time.

Finally, I got a black tight skirt that was so short that he was just covering my tights, I should put on a white blouse with a very deep neckline. The blouse was plentiful with ruffles and lace. To do this, I got black pumps with an incredible 10 cm paragraphs that are attached with a wide strap around the ankle. Then came the moment, I saw myself in the mirror for the first time.

I was flabbergasted, in front of me there was a woman I would have nibbled immediately, my cock swelled to an unadired size. Then Susi explained to me that the make -up, the nails, the hair will hold for at least 2 weeks and I would therefore not have to worry about it.

My problem was that I had completely different worries. Susi said the client wish I immediately came to the address that she gave me now.

I should leave the car here and take the bus that drove the city away. She gave me a handbag in which she was a bus ticket and a few handkerchiefs. I asked her what that would be with my things, car keys, money, etc. She said the things and the car would be brought home, I shouldn’t worry and hurry up.

The greeting was now 3:00 p.m.

So I broke up, I would have to walk to the next stop for 5 minutes, my pumps clacked hellishly with every step. I saw many men turned after me. I climbed into the bus that was already waiting at the stop, devalued my ticket and sat in a free place. When I was sitting, I had to be careful because of my short skirt because he slipped even higher when sitting.

After approx. We arrived at my stop for 20 minutes, where I should get out. When I was outside I looked around, I was quite far out of the city and I didn’t know in which direction I should go. I came up with so helpless without money and car.

Then a car kept next to me and a man around 50, asked where I wanted to go. I showed him the address and he says that I should run down the street and then keep myself right, but on foot it would certainly be 30 minutes on foot and then he looked at me and said it could be more with my shoes. That would never endure my feet, it shot through my head. The man said that he was taken with me.

So I got in and he started.

After a short time he said we would be there right away, he drove right and said that I would be guilty of a little consideration now. That was probably not allowed to be, I only got into such men. I wanted to get out but he had closed the doors with the central locking. He pulled me over to him and took me into the neckline and fumbled around me wildly.

Then he raised his cheese slot and his cock jumped out big and thick. Immediately he pushed my head down and I put his cock in his mouth, with his hand that was on my neck he presented the clock. Again he shot me sperm In the mouth that I swallowed as a matter of course. Then he pushed me out of the car and said if I continued 500 m I would be at my goal.

So I started and really came to your destination after a short time, it was a large house with a large almost park -like property.

I shell and a middle age woman opened the door for me. She asked me in and said that it was slowly getting time that I come. But I cook internally and said to her what it was all about? She only asked me to be a table and said to me that I would have to do what she ordered me the coming week and without rejection. I shouldn’t address them without being asked and if necessary I should address you with very honored Miss Miss Duke.

If I didn’t stick to it, I would know what would happen. Then she continued that she called my boss and told him that I could not come the week, but he would have raged and said that it would not be possible because he suddenly got a big job and many employees were sick.

So she had agreed with him that mine Sister would work for him, in the morning between 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. I was swearing badly with my sister I was probably meant myself.

Then she explained the process for me. In the morning at 7:30 a.m. someone would go to work and pick up again on time at 12:00 p.m. I would be available between 12:00 and 7:30 a.m. Then she said if I didn’t want that I could go now, the consequence would be that the pictures in my neighborhood and my wife would end up.

I said I would agree.

She told me that she would have invited 5 guests to greet me for tonight. She showed me the house and then she took me up and showed me my room. She said I should take off my skirt and blouse and put on the dress ready. It was such a black serving girl costume that was extremely short.

The skirt was far off, almost like a prima ballerina, I also got a suitable white serving girl hood on the head. Finally, she gave me an anal cone that she pumped out extremely tightly.

Then I should follow her in the kitchen. She introduced me to the housekeeper, she was a somewhat chubby woman of Ca.

65 years. I should go to her when preparing dinner. So the afternoon passed quite quickly. At 7:00 p.m. it heralded the door, the dear Gnädi-Ge Miss Duke ordered me to open the door to only talk to me again when I was asked.

I opened the door and there were two middle -aged couples and a man who looked a little neglected, I took the jackets and coats. Then they welcomed the hostess, I was given no further attention. I brought the guests a welcome drink.

Then everyone sat on the large dining table, whose table top consisted of glass. The housekeeper started the 1.

Gang of the 5 course menu that we had prepared to serve. The very venerable graceful Miss Duke told me that I could spoil the guests now while eating and so that I would not bother so I should go under the table, she said I should start with the single man he would have been onmost necessary. So I climbed under the table and knelt in front of the man, I seemed so humiliated, in addition it came that everyone could watch through the glass table well. The host said I should be careful not to get the smallest spot in the carpet.

I opened him the hose and put in because his cock did not show up and pulled out his cock. He smelled very uncomfortable and I saw that he was not only neglected, but was also very neglected. When I withdrew his foreskin I saw why it was so smelled that his cock was covered everywhere with the “cheese” of his earlier wank attempts. I disgusted myself, but what was left to me, I took his cock in my mouth and sucked in clean.

The dear Miss Miss Duke said that I shouldn’t forget his eggs.

So I took his eggs in my hand and then carefully put them in my mouth, I played around his eggs with my tongue. Then I noticed that it would come immediately and blew his tail again. He pumped his cum into my mouth and I swallowed her down, then I licked again thoroughly cleanly and stowed his good back into his pants. Then I continued to slip to the woman next to him.

I pushed her skirt up and I saw that she was not wearing panties, which made it easier for me. I pulled her labia apart and put my tongue deep into her shaved cunt. I licked her shouting clit vigorously and her pussy juice started walking out of her, so that I had trouble not all of them ended up in the chair, I sucked and sipped everything into me. I enclose her hips with my arms and press my face deep into her cunt.

Then her cunt literally sprayed her juice out of her and luckily directly into my mouth, so that I only had to swallow vigorously.

After their orgasm I licked her clean. So I continued to work from one to the other. Then the gracious gentlemen was finished with dinner. The guests sat on the fireplace, the men undressed.

Two stood closely together, I should surpass myself at the front and the two stuck their two cocks in my mouth at the same time. The third made me from behind. He took the anal plug out of my ass, put his cock into my asshole and started to fuck me vigorously. I had had no orgasm since the day when I was with my wife at the carnival session.

Now it was tingled to me and I got from his Ass fuck Quickly a neat stand. Suck with my mouth and suck on the two cocks. Then both of them spray their load in my mouth almost at the same time. They splashed so much cum in my throat that it ran down my mouth again.

Then the rear man filled me off and pulled his cock out of my asshole. I could have screamed, I almost hose but the three were faster. I was so horny, for once I had done everything.

Then the ladies were on it, so far they had only watched and got hot each other hot. I licked her from her cunts a sweet mucus, and I licked and sipped every drop.

Then the evening was over and I was sent to my room. The housekeeper came to me and said I had messed up the carpet, I was probably with the double Mouth fuck a few drops went next to it. This must be punished. I had to undress naked, I got a large gauze diaper overturned and rubber pants over it.

Then she gave me two large bottles with a yellowish liquid that I had to drink, she smelled and tasted uncomfortable.

Then I had to lie on the bed and she tied my wrists on the bed post. Then she went, but not without saying that water that I had drunk was her piss with a digestive means. I was in the dark now and my stomach started to rum.

I was able to suppress peeing then I peed into the diaper. After another half an hour it came from behind without that I could prevent it. My diaper filled up, it was a warm slippery unpleasant feeling, but then I fell asleep at some point.

I was woken up early on the stripham next morning, the housekeeper took me to the bathroom, where I was finally allowed to take a shower. I got another enema.

Then I should put on the things you have provided. Only again this slip with the built -in pussy, A corset with black stockings. A gray costume with a deeply cut blouse and pumps with high paragraphs. After breakfast I was driven to work.

I was curious how my boss would look. When I arrived I went to his office, he greeted me and stared at me. He said that I mine Brother would see quite similarly and kept looking at me in the neckline. He showed me what to do and since I knew myself anyway, the morning went around quickly.

My boss said that we would take a company outing next Monday and I should bring swimming witness.

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