Sandra can be fucked by several guys | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Finally Friday! In an hour I have Quitting time. But today is not just Friday. Today is the first Friday of the month. And that’s something special. Today is skat evening! Every first Friday of the month my husband Klaus and his friends Jörg, Robert and Peter meet for skat with us. Actually nothing special. But since approx. I am included in this skat evening for a year. No, I don’t play a skat! I am responsible for the physical well -being of the players.

And in every respect!To understand how it came about, I have to go a little further. Briefly to me, my name is Sandra Berger and I am 26 years old. I am very satisfied with my appearance. I am 1.68 meters tall and weigh 56 kilograms. I have long, blonde hair. Klaus and I have been married for six years. We have two children, Julia is 18 and Fabian is 5. When Fabian was traveling, we got married.

I was still very young, but I loved Klaus and together we were looking forward to our first child. Klaus, who is almost two years older than me, made a career professionally and so we were able to buy a nice house three years ago. My parents helped us financially. Klaus had less and less time for me because he was increasingly busy professionally. And so what happened to many couples came. Before about.

I cheated for two years. And not because I didn’t love Klaus anymore, but because I just felt sexually neglected. But I could not live with my feelings of guilt and confessed Klaus my misstep. I had already set up on a divorce. But Klaus reacted very differently. We took a weekend free. We gave the children to my parents, who were happy as always. And we drove to the Baltic Sea. On long walks we talked.

We talked all weekend. And we found our love again. On Saturday evening we sat like two newly lovers in a small restaurant. The world was fine again. We drank wine while eating. More than you usually drink to eat. And so we had a decent hop at the end of the evening. In the hotel we almost fell over each other and loved each other as in the best days. When we were cuddled together in bed afterwards, we sweared to speak openly about our relationship and our wishes in the future.

We were both happy. Suddenly Klaus asked me how it was with the other man. I replied that it was neither better nor worse. Just different. And that I liked just being a coveted woman. I also told him that my misstep was not about love, but that I just wanted to be fucked properly again. (I really said ‘fuck’) Klaus wanted to know more. Not the name of the man, just as it was.

I should tell him how I was fucked. (He also said ‘fuck’ now) while I told him the story, he fingered me around my pussy. I was getting hornier always. I noticed that Klaus also excited about my story. I slowly jerked him off the already hard cock again. When I was finished with my story, I was keen on his hard. Klaus was also ready for the next number. The obscene talking had made both incredibly horny.

I wanted to give him something that he had always wanted. I put his cock in my mouth. I sucked, licked and jerked until he was shortly before he was shot. And this time I didn’t stop. I had never let myself be sprayed in my mouth. But tonight I wanted to give my husband what he always wanted. He wanted to push my head away when it came to him. But I defended myself and he understood what I wanted.

He injected the whole load in my mouth. And I found it cool. It didn’t taste exactly like honey, but the situation was that put me on like this. Klaus smiled at me happily. But I wanted to fulfill my husband a wish. I said to him: “If you get it up again my darling, I want to have your cock in my ass. “He tried to fuck me in my butt again and again, but I always rejected it.

Now I wanted to fulfill this wish. The idea alone seemed scary to excite him. His tail twitched again. Well, ten minutes later I had my first orgasm with a tail in my butt. It was amazing. I never thought that something like that could excite me. We actually wanted Sunday with walks at the beach spend. In the evening we wanted to go back to Hamburg. But we didn’t leave the hotel during the day.

We fuck as if there was no tomorrow. We let the food bring ourselves to the room. Shortly before we started our journey home, Klaus gave me a violent ass fuck. Together we reached a last, great highlight. After that nothing worked anymore. When we paid the keys and our invoice paid, the recipeist smiled at us knowingly and said goodbye to us with the words: “If you want to spend a weekend in peace again, you are very welcome.

“Arm in arm we left the hotel. On the way back I tried to suck the tail while driving. But little Klaus no longer moved. Was no wonder either. The weekend had definitely changed our sexual life completely. We no longer slept together, we fucked! And I enjoyed thinking about something new again and again that enriched our sex life. But Klaus the same. I bought lingerie, which I would never have done before.

I surprised Klaus with a sparkling blanker shaved pussy. Klaus led me to eat, although I was only allowed to wear one dress. I was naked underneath. When eating, he kept fingering my gossip wet cunt. And we talked to each other. I put words in my mouth that I never used before. Of course we made sure that the children didn’t get anything with them. We both flourished. In all these dirty games, we still dealt tenderly and lovingly together.

Of course, Klaus did not work less. Nevertheless, he now took care of me much more. And of course also for the children. Our marriage was saved. Then Klaus had to go to a training course for a week. I had no concern that he would cheat me. We just lived too harmoniously. And Klaus also had no concerns to leave me alone for a week. A few days before his departure, he wanted to take a few photos of me.

Of course naked and in clear poses. He said that he would have at least a few horny pictures of me if he were alone in the hotel room. At first I was skeptical, but then I was fun to pose in front of his camera. It made me horny to be a photo model for my husband. I even went on when he wished. I stuck my fingers in my cunt, kept my cunt and my asshole wide open, then licked my fingers clean again and asked him to take horny pictures from my cunt and asshole.

Of course, he did not last long and after a short time he drove his own tripod into the holes presented. Finally, he injected all of his juice in my face and also took a few pictures of it. When Klaus set out for the training, he presented me with a gift. It was so wrapped up that I couldn’t see what it was. But I shouldn’t open it until he would call me. After two days it was time.

Klaus called late in the evening. After exchanging the usual tenderness on the phone, he asked me to unpack the gift. A plastic tail came out. A pretty big one. So I experienced my first phone sex. Klaus jerked his cock and cheered me on while looking at my pictures. And I cheered him on, moving the thick thing in my cunt. We voted so that we both came at the same time.

It wasn’t the same as if Klaus had been with me, but it was already cool. So we did it every evening until Klaus was back home. Later we also included the rubber core in our games. So I became the first time fucked in both holes. The rubber hing in the cunt and Klaus in my butt. Since the rubber hing was a little thicker, I was a little afraid to put the part in my ass.

But when I was particularly horny and wild, he changed and drove the part slowly and with a lot of lubricant to the attack in my intestine. I thought it was tearing my sphincter. But not enough. When he also squeezed his cock into my cunt, it came to me like never before. I screamed and twitched and staggered from one orgasm to the next. It was this mixture of the pain of stretching and the movements in my cunt that triggered these feelings.

I didn’t even notice whether Klaus also came or not. In any case, this experience has finally brought me to the taste. My butt was at least as sensitive as my cunt. I could come in a violent ass fuck as with a normal fuck. But the best was when both holes were fucked at the same time. Since I had now learned to prepare for these anal games accordingly, there were no unpleasant surprises in the form of dirty beds.

Even this preparation in the form of enema and rinsing moved into Klaus and I in our horny games. That was precisely that gave me a special feeling of familiarity. At some point after one of these monster fuck, Klaus asked me if I would actually imagine being really fucked by two men. I replied to him that you couldn’t compare that. Two real cocks would definitely feel different. He then asked me if I wanted to try it out.

More in the joke, I answered him that it would certainly be attractive to do that. We didn’t talk more about it. When I was fucked by Klaus and the rubber hing again, the conversation returned to my memory and I imagined that the other tail would also be real. The thought of being fucked by two men paired with the feelings in my holes, tore me directly across the border. Klaus noticed exactly what was going on.

In addition, I had probably cheered on my two men in orgasm to fuck myself more firmly. It was again skat evening. The men were sitting in the dining room and playing while I saw far away in the living room. As usual, I served a small snack around 10:00 p.m. As always, the men were in a good mood. I sat down with them and also ate something. I could suffer the three well. Jörg, Robert and Klaus were about the same old and knew each other from the Bundeswehr period.

Jörg was still with the club. Peter was a few years older and was Robert’s brother -in -law. We combined a deep friendship. Robert and Jörg both weren’t married. Peter was married to Robert’s sister. I also knew Peters wife Corinna well. We had become friends at celebrations together. After eating, I moved back into the living room and watched an exciting late film. The skat group dissolved around 1:00.

Jörg just lived a few houses on the same street. Peter ordered a taxi. As always, Robert would spend the night in the guest room, because in his state he could not go to Neumünster, where he lived. Together we said goodbye to the two. In the usual hug Peter, Peter grabbed my butt again and said, as always, Klaus could be proud of his pretty wife. We three went back to the living room. Klaus suggested a clever drink.

While the two stayed with their beer, I got a glass of Martini out of the kitchen. Robert just asked Klaus why Peter was allowed to grasp my butt every time and why only he is allowed to do that. Klaus replied with a smile that my butt would probably not wear out by touching. And I asked him slightly provocative who said that only Peter was allowed. I can still remember Robert’s stunned face.

I faced him in the hope that he would raise the courage and also put my buttocks. And in fact he did that. He gently stroked me over my butt. Klaus nodded me inconspicuously. In any case, Robert made an appreciative remark. I itched the fur!I retired with an apology. I was sure that Klaus agreed. Robert was a really nice guy. Good -looking, educated and polite.

I was not quite sure if he was on my game, or. would respond to our game. I disappeared into the bathroom and made myself fresh. Then I went to our bedroom and searched for something attractive to put on. My choice fell on an ultra -grapes string and an almost completely transparent neglige. Only the high sandals and in my opinion I looked so that no man could resist. A look in the mirror confirmed this.

And I was hot. Hopefully there would be no failure and Robert would participate. When I came down the stairs to the living room, Robert fell down the jaw. Klaus also looked at me appreciatively. I went to Robert us told him that I would have made myself ready for bed and that he could check my butt again, which would not have been right with the jeans earlier. He looked at Klaus hesitantly and questioningly.

Klaus just said to him that if he had something against it, Robert had long had a blue eye for a long time. The enjoyed alcohol and my attractive outfit now took Robert the inhibitions. He stroked my butt tenderly. I asked him if he would like it. He stuttered approval. I sat on his lap and kissed him passionately. That was not without effects. He now kneaded my ass cheeks. While I kissed him on, I buttoned up his shirt and stroked his chest.

I saw from the corner of the eye how Klaus massaged his now hard cock through his pants. So he also liked the performance. So I slipped down to Robert and knelt in front of him. I opened his pants and freed his hard cock. And that wasn’t from bad parents. I greedily devour him with my mouth. Robert groaned. I licked and sucked until he was just before an exit. I was already looking out of my cunt.

But I didn’t let him cum. I straightened up, looked into his disappointed face and laughed: “So not my dear. I want to have something of it too. “I asked both to finally get rid of clothing. I have never seen how quickly men can undress. I also took off the two tiny parts, which actually nothing covered. Roberts tail still stood like a one. Again I sat on his lap.

But this time I sunk. Without resistance, the hard cock penetrated me until it stops. We both groaned. The situation horny me incredibly. My beloved man watched me fucking his friend. I looked at Klaus briefly. And my husband understood immediately. I wanted the double fuck. I had already lubricated my back entrance. Klaus positioned himself behind me and while I stopped briefly with my movements, he put his cock on my rosette.

It was clear to me that this number would not be a cuddly sex. But when Klaus put his cock in my ass with a jerk to the attack, I cried out. It hurt briefly, but it was good. And then he started to push. And I started screaming again. But this time not with pain, but out of pure lust and lust. An incredible feeling. Quite different from the rubber hinge.

Robert’s face, which had never experienced something like that, had never experienced in front of me. And I between the two. They quickly found a common rhythm. And I found my first orgasm. But the second was already ready. The whole thing took a maximum of five minutes. And I only had one orgasm. But it lasted for five minutes. As discussed, both at the same time inject their juices into my intestine. I saw stars. A whole fireworks exploded in my head.

And with an imaginary last bang it got dark around me. When I woke up, I saw two worried faces in front of me. But when I smiled at the two happily, the concern in their mines disappeared. Klaus only said: “I always wanted to fuck you passed out pass. “And they had succeeded in doing that. Robert got me something to drink. However, I took my husband in my arm and whispered a ‘thank you’ in his ear.

We talked afterwards and clarified Robert. We excused the attack and assured that the matter was guaranteed not to be planned. When asked whether he was angry with us now, he just laughed and said how he should be angry with us for such a great experience. Klaus and I were relieved. It took some getting used to sitting naked between two men. To break the ice, I had to do something now. So I moved to Robert and kissed him again.

I asked him if he had already shot his ammunition or whether there was a shot for me. However, he did not need to answer the question. When I reached for his cock, I noticed the first twitches. But then Robert surprised me. He almost shyly asked if he could lick my pussy. He had never licked such a bare pussy. I agreed more than willingly. I got back on the couch and spread my legs.

I pulled my long labia apart with my fingers. Just the fact that I presented me in front of a man made me horny again. And Robert greedily accepted my offer. While Robert licked me closer to a new orgasm, Klaus just put his cock in my mouth. But it was not the same as I licked and sucked his cock, but he literally fucked me in my mouth. This time it took a little longer until I came.

But Robert knew how to handle his tongue. In addition, he stimulated my entrances with his fingers. Sometimes he put a finger in my pussy, sometimes one in the buttocks. Then the bowling handle. (A finger in every hole) his tongue skilfully licked my clit. When he realized that I was about to, he put two fingers in my pussy and stimulated my G-spot. It came to me. Unlike the violent double fuck, but still good.

The subconscious probably played the greatest role in this. To be spoiled by two men this incredibly horny situation. I had hoped to the end that Klaus injected me in my mouth for crowning. But he held back. When I came, he even pulled his cock out of my mouth so that I could get enough air. Robert came out with his face between my legs. His whole face shone from my moisture. He thanked me again for the great experience.

I hadn’t done anything for him. Actually I should have thanked. But I wanted to do that in a different way. The tails of the two were still like a one. So I conducted Robert in my supine position and swung back over him. If he thought he could fuck me again in my cunt, he had been wrong. I didn’t want to miss the possibility of a real double fuck and use the favor of the moment.

When would I have the opportunity again? So I put his cock on my rosette and slowly let myself down on him. The slow penetration until the stop triggered feelings in me that I would never have thought possible before. I slowly started riding. Again and again I rammed the stately cock deep into the intestine. Klaus did not last long as a spectator. He knelt between my spread legs and put his cock into my gossip wet cunt.

Again I had two lively, twitching members in my abdomen. This time we let it take it slower. With long, deep bumps the two fucked me in time. During one penalty, the other withdrew. But then they changed. Both pulled back and at the same time penetrated deep into me. I was completely filled out. A few of these double jets were enough to create me. Again I screamed out my orgasm wildly. But they didn’t give me a break.

They kept fucking me with changing rhythm. Sometimes alternately, sometimes penetrating together. When I came again, Robert probably couldn’t stand it anymore. He sprayed his juice deep into my ass. Klaus retired and unloaded his juice in my mouth and my face. I fell aside completely exhausted, where. It took me a few minutes to breathe again.

Together we drank something and I thanked them now with the two. Especially my husband, because without him it would never have come true. Afterwards in bed we talked. Robert had disappeared into the guest room. I told my husband how much I love him and that I was very grateful to him for the opportunity to experience something like this. But where he said that I would not have to thank him, but he.

Which man would have such a super horny woman with whom he could experience such great things. So we both were happy. We fell asleep closely. When I woke up I was alone. Klaus had already got up. A look at the clock let me scare. 10:00 a.m ! I have never got up so late on Saturdays. When I swung out of bed, I was abruptly reminded of the last night. Everything hurt me.

It was probably very violent. I showered quickly and put on jogging pants and a T-shirt. When I came into the living room, Robert and Klaus sat there and both had a coffee in front of them. Klaus got up, hugged me and gave me a kiss. “Good morning my sweetness,” he greeted me. I pressed myself tightly. The two had already taken rolls and covered the breakfast table. I was really spoiled.

At breakfast Klaus told me that he was still talking to Robert in detail because he had a guilty conscience. Because of too much alcohol and exploiting the situation and such. He has informed Robert that I would have liked to experience something like this for a long time. And that he had preferred to experience something like a friend than with a stranger. Then Robert thanked us. He would never have experienced something like that.

He complimented me after the other. I felt really flattered. So the situation was saved. We were all three satisfied. And I felt that we were all serious. Robert was really a very good friend. After breakfast, Robert drove home. Klaus made fun of my somewhat wide -legged gear all day long. In the following weeks Klaus and I von the experience. We kept getting on it.

And both of us decided to include Robert back into our lovemaking during the next skate evening. When the time came, Robert surprised me with a great bouquet. Peter and Jörg asked what I would have deserved. Robert only said that I would have done him a favor. It was a great and horny night again. With a small difference. After breakfast the next morning, I was really taken again by the two of them.

Robert was included in our lovemaking every four weeks. But he never made any claims, but always waited for our initiative. I was always looking forward to the skat evening and became more and more courageous. At the usual dinner together I touched Robert under the table. Sometimes I reached into the crotch. Sometimes I took his hand and led her to my wet column. And one day it happened. At the greeting there was the usual kisses.

When I greeted Robert, I pushed my tongue into his mouth when I kiss. But I do not measure this meaning. After dinner together, whereby there had been teasing touch under the table again, I stood in the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Suddenly Peter stood with me. He looked at me badly. And he immediately told me that he was watching Robert and me for a while.

He was not hidden from what we did under the table. And the intimate welcoming kiss today made the decisive factor. He accused me of cheating on Klaus with Robert. Of course I denied everything. When Klaus was later on the toilet, I heard the men argued. That had never existed among the fours. Obviously it was about me and Robert. Jörg and Peter accused him of destroying our marriage.

Of course, Robert also denied everything. When Klaus came back, the dispute fell silent. But there was a pressed mood. I called Klaus to myself and briefly told him what had happened. Klaus considered. Then he took me by the hand and went to the others with me. There he explained Jörg and Peter what had happened to us. But without details. He emphasized that it would certainly be a little extraordinary, but was not forbidden.

And that we all agreed. And nothing would happen behind his back. And finally Peter would have given the impetus because he had grasped my butt again. Jörg was speechless. Peter grinned. I added that I can suffer all three equally well and that I could have happened that evening with each of the three. To confirm my words, I gave everyone a big kiss.

The situation was saved. Peter only said to Robert that he was a lucky guy. Skat was no longer played. We sat at the table and talked. The topics became more and more slippery. At some point we came up with the topic of tail size. And I said that the size was not important alone, but also how ‘man’ deals with it. Jörg was a little quieter on the subject. What Klaus said that Jörg would probably see it a little differently.

I asked why that would be so, assuming that Jörg might be built a little too small. Klaus laughed because he suspected my thoughts. It is not like that. At Jörg everything would be a little bigger. At the armed forces he had the nickname ‘jumbo’. I asked how that would mean. Jörg was big and muscular. So the nickname already hit. My husband said that the nickname bought more on Jörg’s appendix. That would have the format of an elephant truss.

I had to laugh. There’s nothing like that. Of course there were size differences. But Jörg couldn’t really laugh. He told of his problems to find a woman with whom he could play all the games we had just spoken of. I just couldn’t believe it. Klaus then said to Jörg: “Sandra show him. “We all had already drunk a lot and so Robert and Peter now demanded that Jörg should get his trunk out.

Jörg then agreed with something reluctantly. He got up, opened his jeans and pushed them down. Then he reached into the covenant of his boxer shorts and slowly pushed them down. I couldn’t believe what came up. A link that was already greater in the limp state than that of Klaus in the stiff state. Irromatic, but at the same time fascinated, I marveled at the part. With a short eye contact with my husband I got his consent.

“May I touch?“I asked Jörg. Jörg also looked at Klaus, who nodded in agreement. I gently grabbed. It feels good. Big but good. And it grew in my hand. I moved the foreskin a few times a few times. The tail continued to grow. Until I had the full and hard size in my hand. It was best to compare the tail with a meat sausage. I definitely estimated 25cm length and 6-7cm thickness.

I couldn’t resist the temptation and crouched in front of Jörg. I licked the glans and tried to get it into my mouth. That was just the case. But not more. So I left the glans in my mouth and played with my tongue. At the same time, I slowly jerked the thick shaft. I forgot everything around me. How would it feel to feel the giant thing in my pussy. An penetration into my butt was illusory.

But the idea of being fucked by the part made me horny. Slowly the tail started to twitch. Jörg approached an orgasm. I tried to get him deeper into my mouth, which was only partially successful. Jörg tried to warn me, just before he came. How should he know that sperm was now a delicacy for me. In which I grabbed his butt with my free hand and pulled him to me, I signaled my readiness.

Then he let himself go and sprayed off. In keeping with the big cock, the cargo he shot into my mouth was. I hardly came after swallowing. But I managed that almost nothing went wrong. Only a very small trickle ran from my mouth. When nothing came, I dismissed out of my mouth. Applause from the other men came. Jörg said that it had never been done with his mouth so well.

Now I had already done something except for Peter. So I turned to him and ordered: “Pants down!“He couldn’t say that twice. But I didn’t have to stimulate Peter anymore. The idea of Jörg had probably not only gave him a stiff. Peter also had a very big cock. But not to compare with Jörg’s elephant trunk. Peter was on the one hand between Klaus and Robert, and Jörg on the other hand.

I got it better in my mouth. Here, too, I did it until he poured out in my mouth with a loud moan. But I was not given a break. In the meantime, Klaus and Robert also got their cocks out. So after Peter I blew Robert, then Klaus. I felt wonderfully dirty. My cunt was gossip. When I sucked my husband, he pulled out my thin dress, under which I was of course absolutely nothing.

The men were now also naked. After Klaus also unloaded, I got up and thanked the delicious dessert. But now the boys should take care of me. I went into the living room and laid my legs on the couch. The men had of course followed me. I wanted to have a cock in me now and waved Peter to me. He started to spoil me with my tongue. I fended off this and told him that I was wet and horny enough and just wanted to be fucked now.

Peter’s big cock slowly penetrated me into me. It was very tight. But he continued to push it into it until the stop. Then he started to fuck me with slow hubs. That was good, even very good. After a few bumps I came for the first time. Peter even managed to give me three orgasms before syring his load in my body. That was even enough for a fourth.

Klaus had now sat down next to me. When Peter withdrew, I rose and sat on back on him. I led his cock in my butt. Peter, who was still in front of me, smiled at me appreciatively. A few times I raised and lowered my pelvis on my tail before I gave Robert. He knew what I was expecting from him and stuffed his cock into the free hole. The two fucked me in a way that is already known and changing rhythm.

As a crowning glory, Jörg came onto the couch and kept his tough tail back to me again. I was happy to accept this offer and put my lips over his crest. That had the favorable side effect that I couldn’t scream anymore. So the three gave me the next departures. Robert and Klaus were now a well -coordinated team and knew exactly how they could finish me. While Jörg held back, the two pumped their juices into me.

Robert pulled his cock out of me and I rolled aside. After a little breather, Jörg asked if he could try it. “But please be careful,” I agreed. He put his glans very carefully at my entrance. He penetrated me with gentle pressure. After a short time his thick glans stuck in me. I never thought it would work. At the same time, I also thought that my fuck channel finally let out my children.

So I would probably be able to cope with the part too. And so it was. Slowly, but steadily Jörg pushed into me. When he pushed to my uterus, I flinched slightly. Raddy he asked me if it hurt me. When I said no, he started moving very carefully. It was great. I felt completely filled out. I enjoyed him with all your senses now and slowly started climbing the summit.

Jörg had no problem to redeem me. And again several times. But then he also pumped his big load in my stomach. I stayed with it. After a long break we made a round in other combinations. After that nothing worked anymore. Neither among men nor with me. Nevertheless we sat together for a while. Just like back then at Robert, I had the feeling that I had exactly the right friends.

Everything was very harmonious. And I was deeply satisfied. Only to Peter I had easy remorse. After all, Corinna was my girlfriend. Peter seemed to guess my thoughts. “Don’t worry. I love Corinna more than anything. And she wouldn’t mind anything. Tomorrow ‘he’ can be back. “Peter and Jörg then said goodbye. Robert also disappeared into the guest room. When I lay in my husband’s arms, I wanted to tell him something else. But I was probably too finished and fell asleep immediately.

The view of the alarm clock was startled by me. It was already noon. Klaus had probably got up earlier. When I came into the living room after showering, nobody was there. Klaus not, not Robert, just coffee in the kitchen. This also has been good. Although I was already used to a lot, I felt my body very intensely today. I got some remorse now. Four men finished three times. That means twelve charges sperm in all holes.

My butt stretches so far from Peter’s thick cock that my sphincter was still hurt. But despite my somewhat bad conscience, it had been awesome. While the coffee slowly awakened my spirits, I thought about whether it had been something like a gang bang. I was really dirty. But I would do it again. These thoughts alone made me wet again. I grabbed my hot cunt under the waistband of the jogging pants.

My labia were still slightly swollen. Fingers away, I said to myself. That doesn’t work. Just a monster number behind me and your fingers in the plum again. Sandra, you are impossible. I decided to call Jörg. Not to get him involved for the next fuck, but to apologize to him for my freedom. Karin, Jörg’s stepmother went to the phone. “Oh, Hello Sandra. What is there?”She asked me. “Nothing special, Jörg just forgot something here yesterday,” I log.

“No problem, I’ll get over quickly. “Click. Damn!! And now ? What could have forgotten Jörg here? I considered. Apparently too long, because the doorbell rang. I slapped to the door and opened. Karin looked great again. I took her in my arm as a greeting. “Would you like a coffee?“I asked to distract them. “Gladly. “When we were sitting in the living room, Karin asked me if I was in the church yesterday.

I looked at her without understanding. “Why in the church?”, I asked. “Well, you look through it like that,” she laughed at me. “Klaus sparked me very, very much this morning,” I apologized. You can’t hide anything to a woman. Glad to have found another topic, we talked about men. “I also need someone who wakes me up,” said Karin. I knew she hadn’t had a new relationship since her husband’s death.

So we talked for a while. Klaus came home shortly afterwards. He also greeted Karin with a kiss. “It’s practical that you are there. Then you can take Jörg’s wallet with you. He forgot that here yesterday. “You should have photographed my facial expression. There’s nothing like that. Karin then said goodbye too. Fortunately, Klaus did not ask what Karin wanted here. Klaus hugged me very much and asked how I felt.

“Somewhat taken away, but good. And you? I was bad yesterday?”” No, you weren’t bad. You were horny. You are just born fuck frog. “” Why Frosch?”I asked back. “Well,” replied Klaus. “Have you ever observed frogs? They always have the legs far apart. “We had to laugh. We were sitting on the couch on the last night so much had happened. We cud with each other. It was really nice. Klaus stroked me.

But not demanding how to make me horny, but loving and tender. Which did not change anything that I became sharp again. I now had the feeling that my whole body would be a single erogenous zone. Even his caressing on the arms let my juices flow again. After some I loosened from Klaus. I explained to him that I would be horny again, but my cunt would still need some relaxation. Not to mention my butt.

So we had breakfast a bit late, as it was already after 1:00 p.m. After breakfast Klaus took me by the hand and pulled me into the bedroom. I pointed out to my break again, but he pulled me on. In the bedroom he put a large beach sheet on the bed and pulled out me. When he pulled a bottle of massage oil out of his pocket, I also knew what he was up to. It was fantastic.

I lay on my stomach and Klaus massaged my back. He had turned on soft music. I relaxed more and more. I enjoyed this treatment completely thoughtlessly. At some point he turned me over and massaged my front. He was not exactly sparingly dealing with the oil. I now had to shine like an oil sardine. But that wasn’t bad. And it smelled good. Then he devoted himself to my breasts. That was more than pleasant.

My breath was already harder. He slowly went down over the stomach. Now he dealt with my thighs. Sometimes strong, sometimes tender. He approached my pussy over the inside of the thighs. I was already happy. But shortly before he stopped and started again at the height of the knees. I grumbled slightly unwilling. He repeated this game several times. The shine on my pussy did not come from the oil now.

When he approached my pleasure center this time, I slowly continued my legs apart. I was so horny now that I wanted more. This time he didn’t stop. From the inside of my thighs, his hands grew very tenderly over my pussy. With his thumb he massaged my labia to me now. He always came to my clit. That was so good. I came as tender as my husband’s hands massaged me. That was one of these orgasms that may not be so violent that you have to scream, but they totally satisfy inside.

But since Klaus continued, I stayed at a fairly high level of excitement. He then turned me back on my stomach and pushed me a thick pillow under the pelvis. My rear part was nice and high now. In order to make the field of work better accessible to him, I bent my legs and spread it as far as possible. I felt something cold running down between my buttocks. Klaus poured abundant of the massage oil between my legs and distributed it.

To my horror, he then put the bottle directly on my hole and pressed a decent load of the oil in it. He did the same with my cunt. After putting the bottle away, he started to conjure up with his fingers. He stroked my labia, slowly penetrated his fingers into my holes and then pulled on my inner labia again and again. I like it when he pulls my inner labia long.

Then he pushed a finger of one hand into my bottom and another finger in the cunt. So he pulled my holes apart a little. He knew exactly what I like and how he gets me back then. This wonderful flexion feeling started again. But completely without pain. Klaus put more and more fingers into me. Until I had two fingers in my buttocks from each hand and two in pussy.

He pulled my holes apart rhythmically. So he could definitely see me deep into my stomach. He massaged me from the inside. The walls of my vagina and the intestinal walls were well lubricated by the oil. In addition, of course, from my own lubricant. When it comes back to me, my fingers leave me. Klaus reaches into the drawer of the night cabinet and picks out our grumbling. With a moving movement, he pushes it into my cunt to the stop and switches it on.

He begins to work quietly. But he doesn’t get stuck alone. Klaus takes a hand from me and leads it between my legs. I grab the end of the vibrator and hold it tight. Now he has both hands free again and continues his work in my butt. Again he pulls and pulls my sphincter apart. Now there are already three fingers in my ass from every hand. And it still doesn’t hurt.

Only horny feelings flinch through me. Suddenly the hands are gone. But only to return after a short time. Klaus got rid of his clothes. I expected that he would fuck me in the ass now, I was wrong. He squeezed his hard cock to the entrance to my cunt. But it was tight. Suddenly a pain joined me. Klaus had pinched me in the clit! But when the slight pain ended, I felt that the first piece of his cock was in me.

Slowly he continued until the vibrator and the tail were completely in me. I was full. Better said, filled out. But apparently Klaus wasn’t enough yet. Again his fingers penetrated my butt and pulled it apart again. And only here something moved. Just through the massage of my sphincter and the filled out in my cunt I came back. And this time really violent. Klaus’s cumshot looked like an orgasm amplifier.

The vibrations had probably been enough for him too. Tail and vibrator slide out. Klaus had already pulled his fingers out. “You are a little nimper. A really naturally hobby hooker, ”he whispered in my ear. “Let four men fuck you into all holes according to all the rules of art and still ask for more. I love you. ” He was right. If the three had been here now, I would have offered myself again. “I love you too.

More and more. “Later my parents called. Whether the children should stay until Sunday evening. In the zoo there would have been offspring that should be presented tomorrow. And the two would like to go there. Of course we agreed. In the evening we went to eat chic. I had dressed out extra. A half -transparent blouse, a short skirt and high pumps. Of course with nothing below. I cheekily combed my hair and put on a lot of make-up. We ate nicely and then went to a cozy bistro.

It was a wonderful evening. When we were back home, I took advantage of my husband’s services. And again. Then nothing worked anymore. It’s actually a shame. We were jogging together on Sunday morning. Jogging again at home, but this time in the horizontal. In the afternoon we went to the zoo to the surprise of my parents and the children. My parents greeted us warmly and the children fell around our neck as if they hadn’t seen us for three weeks.

Mine Mother said quietly to me: “You look good, my darling. Really happy. As if you were in the church this morning. “Again this stupid saying. “Ne mom,” I replied. “We have our own organ at home. “We laughed at the bet. Papa and Klaus looked at us without understanding. Just in time, the zookeepers led the elephant baby into the outdoor enclosure. Maybe that looked cute. As idiotic as it is therefore tapste. But why did I have to think of Jörg right now? “Look Klaus, there is Jörg,” I said to my husband.

Mama and dad looked around for a search, while Klaus and I held the bellies with laughter. “You are silly,” said even the little Fabian. Not much happened in the evening. Cuddled together we looked at the crime scene. We always do that on Sundays. On Monday, during work I had to think of my husband again and again. That hadn’t happened to me over the past few years. I was really in love. In the afternoon when Klaus came from work, I asked him how often he thinks of me so much a day.

“Often,” he just said. “I just can’t think of you too often, otherwise everyone will see the bump in my pants. ” “Crackhead!“Klaus drove away briefly to get something, as he said. Tuesday morning, I just came out of the bathroom, Klaus called me. He gave me a good morning kiss and said I should lie down on the bed. I wanted to ward off because the children could come in at any moment. “Go very quickly,” said Klaus only.

“And don’t look. “I lay on my back and closed my eyes. He fiddled with my column. Then I felt something penetrated into me. Over! The quickie already hoped for did not take place. But something was in me. I could feel that exactly. Not uncomfortable, but also not exciting. “Would you please keep that warm for me until tonight?“Klaus asked me. “But you shouldn’t take it out. It shouldn’t bother when peeing.

“What kind of game was that again? But I wanted to do him a favor. We had breakfast with the children and then started separately. I brought the children to kindergarten and then drove to the office. My half -day job was always over quickly. Just not today. At 9:00 am I winced together. In my cunt it vibrated like crazy. In addition, you could hear it ringing softly. Fortunately, nobody got that with.

Such a crap. Now I actually got feelings. The scoop. 9:20 a.m. Again the vibration let me flinch. This time the doorbell rang for almost a minute. “What kind of dreaming look do you have,” said my colleague. Then it was over. I went to the toilet to remove the part. When I was sitting, I thought about it differently. I had promised Klaus not to take it out. So I would endure it.

But at 10:00 a.m. there was a meeting with colleagues and my boss. Hopefully he left me alone for so long. We were currently discussing the procedure in a complicated case when I flinched again. Brrrr brrrr, brrrr brrrr. And the quiet ringing. “Someone forgot their cell phone,” remarked my boss and looked around. Brrrr brrrr, brrrr brrrr. Then it was over. The meeting could be ended without further disruption. “Mrs. Berger? Next time please leave your cell phone outside.

“” But boss, it wasn’t my cell phone. Where should I have it too?“I replied innocently. I really had no way to take a cell phone with me. I only had a skirt and a blouse. In addition, the folder with the documents in the hands. So no space to accommodate a cell phone. “Then excuse. I thought it would be from her direction. “And it went several times that day. Fortunately not on the way to kindergarten and home.

But in the afternoon all the more often. Once even so long that I got really cool. I almost let myself be carried away and worried myself. Klaus came from work at 6:00 p.m. Grinning he hugged me. “You scoop! You may have embarrassed me. At least could have turned off the ringing. “Oh, I forgot that. But now you at least know how often I think of you in the day.

“So the wind blew. Because I was so incredulously yesterday, he wanted to show me that he really thinks of me often. Somehow lovely. My revenge then followed when the children slept. I came into the living room naked and asked my husband to put his cock in now. And that of all things where football was running. But there were no excuses. I blew his cock hard and knelt on the couch.

I wobbled with my butt. He wanted to put his hard into my cunt. “There is still occupied,” I just said. So he put it in the other hole. When I was shortly before my orgasm, I asked him under groaning: “Call – me -!“He grabbed his cell phone from the living room table and let me ring. When he gave me his nature, I also came. Then I fished the cell phone out of my cunt.

Incidentally, it was carefully packed in a Parisian. “I have to be invited for tomorrow,” I just said. “But please do the ring. And while I clean myself, please bring your cock back to shape. I want to have another load in front. “When I came back, the mattress sports device was ready again and we rode together into the sunset. Wednesday morning, on time at 9:00 a.m. Brrrr brrrr, brrrr brrrr. And this time it didn’t ring.

The melody played for that: ‘Such a day, as beautiful as today’. And at full volume. My colleague started buzzing. Me too. Revenge is sweet. Thank God the morning no longer rang. But in the afternoon all the more often. By the way, on Wednesdays is my shopping day. Half the place now knows my ringtone. But not the place of origin. Fortunately. Despite everything it was kind of cool. In the evening I fuck Klaus out of my mind.

When, after the third time, extensive licking and sucking, nothing wanted to rain, I threatened to call his friends. That helped. So I got a departure. But unfortunately only with me. Klaus pleaded for mercy. When I came back from the bathroom, he slept deeply and firmly. So the days passed. Four weeks later it was again skat evening. And after dinner everyone took care of me again. It was even better than the first time.

It was still new for everyone and everyone was excited accordingly. Now it was more relaxed. I also got verbally at my expense. The three had noticed that I was looking for vulgar sayings during sex. And Peter had a lot in stock. So I had to do him z. B. Hold down my asshole or pull my slut cunt apart. It didn’t matter to me when he held his smeared cock to lick after a monster ass fuck.

I enthusiastically eliminated all tracks. Especially since I already had a tail in it. It happened after the second round. We just wanted to start again. I knelt on the floor and the men stood around me. I sucked one after the other stiff again. Then the doorbell rang. Klaus quickly took a towel, of which I had placed several, it was wrapped up and went to the front door.

In the meantime we were very quiet. I heard the voices of a stranger and a woman. Then I could hear: “We have to convince ourselves of that. “And Klaus was already in the living room door with two police officers. A man and a woman. Klaus said: “A walker heard screams from our house. Then he called the police. Sandra, be so nice and explain to the officials that you are doing well. “The policeman looked at me.

The police officer also waited for my confirmation, but looked like hypnotized on Jörg’s Rüssel. I got up and went naked as I was to the police officers. I only wore the ‘I want to be fucked by four men into all holes’ – shoes with a 10 centimeter heel. “Everything is fine with me. Unfortunately I am a little loud sometimes. Please excuse the misunderstanding. “And quietly I whispered in the policewoman:“ If you want to participate, I can give you one.

Apparently you have already chosen one. “Completely datter she replied:“ No, uh, thank you. But I still have service until 6:00 a.m. “” Otherwise you would stay?“, I continued to drill. “Please excuse the disorder,” said the man now. “And have fun. “” We have determined, “said Klaus. Much, much later, I should find out that the two police officers had nothing to do with no hurried way in the next dark way for half an hour of extra break.

We were really amused by the incident. As a precaution, Klaus closed the windows to avoid further incidents. Our good reputation was also at stake. I even put emphasis on it?We definitely continued. And it was a wonderful night. So it actually went on. Every first Friday of the month I was fucked by the boys in line and thread. Every first Saturday of the month I looked like after a visit to the church and went like counting an old farmer after the pig.

And every first Sunday of the month I lay quietly whispering, like a satisfied cat, at the crime scene in the arms of my beloved husband. As I said, today is the first Friday of the month again. I’m going to work on time. I don’t need to worry about the children. Papa picks up. Tomorrow they want to go to a leisure pool. The children were happy like wild. I’ll probably get my leisure pool again tonight. But not with water, but with sperm.

What was I became for a horny fucking woman last year. Just the anticipation for tonight let me run the water in my mouth, in the cunt and in the ass. What they can think of this time? “Network find”.

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