My way to Ladyboy | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The beginning

The impetus that it came, my wife actually gave me.

One day she said that she wanted to go to the carnival again with me, but I’m not actually the carnival type, I said that I didn’t feel like it and I didn’t know what I should go.

But that did not accept it and said we could swap the roles, she went as me and I as her, I looked at her irritated and mumbled into the beard that I never do it.

But what my wife put in my head once tries to enforce it somehow, so I had no chance from the start, she drilled around until I gave in.

In 3 days there should be a large carnival session in the city, it had already reserved tickets and if I had something, I would come with me.

She added that she would get everything necessary, but we didn’t need much anyway, because we are almost the same size.

So I was chess matt and finally agreed, somehow I liked the thought, but I didn’t say that to her.

On the day in question, my wife said at lunchtime I should go into the tub.

I was swearing bad, because my wife is an absolute perfectionist. When I sit in the tub she comes with a wet razor and starts shaving on my legs.

I protest loudly, but she says that it wouldn’t look otherwise. She not only shaved her legs but also my cock, my upper body and where you can find hair otherwise.

She smeared me in with a fragrant cream and said I should come to the bedroom with me.

There was the white satin corset with the pink lace, which I loved on her and that makes such a great waist, I promptly got a stiffness.

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Not now, she just said, so I reluctantly put on the corset, it was hellishly tight, I thought I couldn’t get air anymore, my wife pulled and pulled until she said that my waist had the right shape.

She gave me stockings with a seam that I put on and attached to the corset with the straps holders.

My wife surprised me again, she had worried large silicone inserts, so that she was padding my baskets of the corset and gave me a high -necked white ruffled blouse with a stiff top collar. She said you always want me to walk around, now you can try it yourself.

To do this, she gave me a narrow black pencil skirt that went over my knee, so I always had to be careful that you couldn’t see the tights.

She looked at me and was probably very satisfied with herself. Now she put on my make -up, that could really be more than good, stuck to me for a long time in a bright red, gave me a few hanging ear clips, a long pearl chain around my neck and a bangle.

Then she raised me a long curly black wig, my hair fell far my shoulders.

Finally, she gave me a few black pumps with a sure 10 cm high heels.

I put it on and said that I can never run with it, you can forget that, but she didn’t let any discussion.

Then I was allowed to look in the mirror and I was shocked, my wife had done a great job, a sexy woman stood in front of me.

My cock made itself felt. She pulled my skirt up and put a bandage in my silk patch.

She gave me a slap on my buttocks and said I should run a little in my shoes, I would have an hour to practice, she would get dressed in the meantime.

When she was finished, she had a black Chaplin suit, she said, as you look now, we baptize you Monika.

Then it started, I was terribly excited, what would people say, good it is carnival, but still … my wife drove us to the city, a little off the festival hall where the meeting took place, she parked thatCar and we got out.

I felt very strange. We went to the entrance to the hall, I tried to stick elegantly, my wife grinned at me and gave me a pat on the bottom, everyone who entered got a plastic bracelet, women in red, men in blue.

At first my wife went, she got a red one, then I came to the man who distributed the bracelets and he made me a red bracelet on my wrist.

My wife said that I did a good job and laughed.

We got something to drink and sat on our seats and the session started almost immediately.

The session lasted quite a long time and since I already had a few sparkling wine that pressed the corset, I inevitably had to go to the toilet after 2 hours.

You had to go to the basement to the toilets, the corridors were empty because everyone was still enjoying themselves at the session, where the royal couple just moved in.

My paragraphs clacked loudly in my ears, because three middle -aged men came towards me that looked quite drunk. One of the men said to me, you don’t want to come with us and have a little fun with us?

I said nothing and continued with an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, the saving lady toilet was not far anymore.

But two of the men stay on the right and left with me and held me. The third man stood behind me and hissed, come along or I stop you, I got hot and cold, I froze.

They pushed me through a door that lay in the corridor and closed them, there were only one table and a chair in the room. One of the men said, what kind of cute mouse we have.

Should you actually think of a woman?

I did not know what to say. I was rigid, there was nothing better than saying that I would have my days and that it would have no purpose anyway, but the three grinned just.

One of the men said we just want to have a little fun, just like you, you can see that you need it and stroked my bottom, pulled my skirt up a bit, so that the stockings and the suspenders came to light, if you see a woman who wears something like this wants to get it worried, he said, sat down on the table, got his already stiff cock out of my pants and asked me, come here sweetie, take it to you already.

I refused, but suddenly I felt something pointed in my back, that broke my resistance suddenly.

I was pressed with my head in the direction of the tail, forced to my knees, then my nose was kept to me and I honored myself, I had the cock to the end of my mouth.

The man fucked me in my mouth, I couldn’t believe it, what was going on, he held my head and pressed me down, he penetrated deep into my neck.

He praised me, mmmh you do that really great sweetness, I couldn’t do anything about it.

Then I noticed how another pulled my skirt up, pushed the panties aside, sank a finger into my buttocks, then the second finger. Your fuck hole feels good, sweet and fucked me with 2 fingers, then he held his cock to my beautifully stretched rosette. So at least we won’t come in the way, he said and laughed tuned.

Then he drilled his cock deeply and strongly into my ass.

There was or. Now I bent myself, at the front I blew his cock to a man and from behind I was fucked hard into the ass. I noticed how the third man took photos, I wanted to protest but the man whose tail I had in my mouth held my head and said just didn’t go a drop, I don’t want to mess up my clothes.

I got strange, I got a stiff, a great feeling spread in my butt, I couldn’t believe it, what’s wrong with me, I should be angry, but I wasn’t, I was cool.

Then the first came, he splashed a full load in my mouth, I wanted to spit it out, but the man just said it doesn’t dare otherwise you experience your blue miracle, so I swallow everything and then I had to lick my cock nicely. I always wanted my wife to blow me, but she never wanted that … I found my ever greater surprise that it really didn’t taste bad.

Then it came to the back and he shot his warm juice deep into my ass.

Now the men swept forward from behind and the photographer took me from behind. The photographer apparently had a huge cock, because although I actually had to be really slippery, I thought my butt flies apart, but the tingling feeling became even stronger, I thought, even though nobody had noticed, let alone touched. Then the man who had fucked me in my ass previously puts me in my mouth and fucked me in my already willing mouth.

The third takes photos again. The two who fucked me came quite quickly. And again I swallowed the whole cream and received a strong load deep in my buttocks. To which they exchanged the positions again, so that everyone had fucked me in the ass and then in the mouth.

The man who came forward now and almost torn my butt was really a murder’s tail.

I hardly knew how to get it in my mouth, but it didn’t help he stuck his cock to my neck and fucked me in my mouth like a obsessed man. I had to choke, but that didn’t bother him, it just made him hotter. But not only him, I would always be hotter, I didn’t understand anything anymore, why did it make me like this ..

Then almost all three came to us at the same time, first the warm juice of the two shot into my mouth and ass.

Then my own hot juice shot into my silk panties, I was confused and frightened about myself.

Without realizing it, the three were gone at a time. Now I stood that the juice from myself and the three guys ran down my thighs from my butt.

As a man, I was factually raped by three men because they thought I was a woman and as if that was not enough, I also got an orgasm.

How should I teach my wife? No, I couldn’t, I naturally went to the ladies’ toilet and first cleaned myself, moved my wig up, my lipstick was smeared.

I tried to straighten everything with what my wife had put in my handbag. Then I went up again, completely confused, I still had the taste of the sperm in my mouth.

I went through my head again that I asked my wife many times to blow one or let me take anal, but she never wanted it and now three men had fucked me in my ass and in my mouth.

I came up and sat next to my wife, the program was still running. My wife looked at me briefly and asked where were you so long, probably got out without me. I felled something from champagne bar and was then calm.

But the strange thing was not over yet.

When the event was over, my wife said that she was hungry and we should go out to eat, I should wait for her in the foyer, she would just go to the toilet again.

It took a while when she came I was amazed because she had changed again as a normal woman. I said, and I, but she just said you look so good, let’s go out to eat.

We went to an Italian restaurant, the waiter guided us at a table and we ordered something to eat.

I looked around, nobody seemed to notice that I was a man. We ate and talked, but I was not quite on the matter and my wife waved the waiter and paid at some point.

She absolutely wanted to get something going on and dragged me to a nearby taxi rank. I ambushed, the evening was exhausting as I found ..

But as always, I gave in and we got into the only taxi what was standing there and my wife said to the taxi driver, he should drive us somewhere where two lonely girls could dance and experience something.

The driver started and my wife said that taxi drivers would always be familiar and she wanted to drink a sip, we would pick up the car tomorrow.

The taxi driver put us at a restaurant that looked like a dance for lonely hearts.

But my wife apparently agreed to the proposal.

So we went in, inside was surprisingly an exuberant mood, the band played party striker.

We found a free table and ordered something to drink. The band leader just presented the new rules for today, if you were asked to dance.

I looked at my wife questioningly, but she just smiled.

Nobody went and the band started playing again. Then suddenly two men actually stood in front of our table and asked us to dance.

My wife said, of course we dance, we have already waited for that. One man held his arm down and I ran down, then he led me to the dance floor.

He took me around my waist and pulled me close to it, I had to concentrate at the beginning, because I was not used to dancing like a woman and letting me guide me. But since I have always enjoyed dancing, I had it out very quickly. His hand went down to my buttocks, he stroked it and let his hand hike back up, he repeated this again and again.

Showers ran over my back and my cock started again, hopefully my dance partner noticed nothing of my bump.

I looked over at the wife, she just beamed at me and pointed up with her thumb, which meant that she thought it was good, it seemed to be nothing that I was groped by the man. She seemed to be amazingly well amused.

The next song was a slow and the light became dimmer.

My dance partner was half a head bigger than me and quite strong.

He pulled me up and put a hand on my buttocks and the other on my back.

I had no choice but to hug him and cheekly dance with him. He started to get my ear. I wanted to free myself, but he kept me wrapped up and what should happen today ..

Then he looked at me and I inevitably had to look back, he suddenly pinched my buttocks and when I opened my mouth to complain, he suddenly kissed me on the mouth, he put his tongue deep in my mouth, I tried myselfdefend, but it was pointless, he had a firm grip on me, then he took me at my well -decorated breasts, which certainly felt lifelike.

He didn’t listen to kissing me, he kept putting his tongue deep in my neck, I don’t know why but I let it happen, the evening was already crazy enough anyway.

The next slow song came to all the abundance, he became more and more excited, I also strangely. His hands stayed on the hike and his kisses and his tongue were getting wilder. He pushed against me so that I felt his hard cock on my abdomen.

But then the song was over and he let go of me, I just wanted to tell him a bar to his attack, when my wife came to us and said close Monika, you seem to have found a great admirer.

The two gentlemen invited us to their table and I said that we would like to come to their table.

I was speechless, I didn’t know my wife anymore. So we went to their table, they ordered something to drink, it was a mixed drink and it was probably very strong.

The food was very sharp and so I drank too quickly. I got a good swips and my inhibitions fell, I thought what the hell it.

After some time, we had actually talked well, my dance partner put his arm around me, pulled me to myself and started sending his hands again on his wandering, then he caught me again at the right moment and kissed me again, we were sitting ina fairly dark corner and he started to rumble around me more and more violently. I heard my wife say, look at the two turtelniekchen, they do it right, show us what you can do.

He started buttocks to get on my bosom, but luckily my corset was not overcome for him.

So he stayed under my blouse and kneaded my breasts and didn’t notice that it was not a real one.

He did not take his tongue out of my mouth once, he became more and more excited, he took my hand and led her to his rice closure, I opened in as a matter of course and immediately jumped out of his cock from his pants.

I grabbed his cock, took him in my hand and jerked his really great cock, I pushed his foreskin back and forth quickly, it felt amazingly good in my hand … but again and again I got the thought, what are you doinghere…

It couldn’t take long and he would cum. But then my wife came and said that you don’t want to move somewhere else where it is a little quieter?

The man got up and said to my wife, you are right, we’re going into my car.

He led me out to the parking lot, I couldn’t believe that my wife had made this suggestion, what was going on.

So we went to his car, he took me tightly on my buttocks. It was a big van that was right and I was secretly happy because he held me because I could walk badly on the uneven ground.

He opens the back door and let me get in first, he reached under my skirt in a targeted manner and luckily only got the bandage that I still had to grasp.

He asked that you have your days? Doesn’t matter, we will already agree and grin.

He took a seat on one of the seats, I wanted to sit on the seat opposite, but he pulled me onto the floor so that I knelt in front of him. I was like in a trance, he opened his pants again and immediately his plump cock jumped towards me, since I was really quite vibular, I didn’t care pretty much now and my wife also urged me to do it, I couldn’t believe it.

I put his cock in my mouth and sucked and sucked his pleasure, then I took his eggs in my hand and kneaded her gently, pulled his foreskin back with his other hand and played around his glans with my tongue.

A little of his juice already quill out of him and I greedily licked it.

Then I had to turn around and kneel on the seat and he put his fingers deep into my back entrance and then immediately sink his hard cock deep inside me. Again and again he pushed his cock in my ass, as if he wanted to push his eggs into me, Mmmh did and said you have a wonderful asshole.

I myself had a stiff cock again and a shower chased through my body, it was incredible, it came back to me and filled my bandage that I was lucky with my juice again. Then he came too, he filled me off, he shot his hot white sauce deep inside me. Then he pulled his cock out of me, I turned around again and licked his already flap cock clean, I was absolutely no longer accountable.

During my treat his cock became stiff again and I blew him as if I had never done anything else until it came back, which took a while, he injected his juice in my throat and I swallowed it down.

Then we both sat next to each other and he said a woman who can blow as well as I have never met.

Then it knocked on the disc and my wife and the other man stood on the car. My wife said it was time to drive home, the men offered themselves as a driver, but my wife was thankful.

So we called a taxi and drove home.

On the way my wife asked me how I would have held the guy from his project, she had left in the restaurant to free me from the dilemma.

Outside I could have clearly said my opinion.

I was irritated there, should I misunderstood my wife. I told her that he had cooled on the way outside and I had told him in the car that I didn’t want to understand, he had understood and we talked a little until you came.

When we arrived at home my wife said if we have already exchanged the roles today, then we should do that in bed today. She pulled out and my horror she strapped a huge rubber peak that had two ends, one side introduced herself and the other was bigger for me. She said she would have procured it especially for today and smiled at me promisingly.

I should stay dressed and kneel on the bed, I was so perplexed that I followed her instructions.

She came behind me and pushed my skirt up and my silk patch down. Oh she said you are already very wet and you sprayed into the bandage, I was startled, I still have to drip the juice from the last guy out of my butt. But she said nothing but pushed the rubber peak into my ass with strong bumps, I thought my butt would tear, but she didn’t let me go and fucked me through vigorously.

Again I got a stiff, my wife reached for it and said that seems to be great fun as a woman.

I was somehow very ashamed because she was absolutely right.

She took a condom and put it over to me, but without stopping the ass fuck. She bumped me with a loud groan with strong bumps in the ass that apparently became increasingly my cunt.

I was so horny now, my wife held my cock from behind on the shaft with a firm handle to delay my orgasm.

But nothing helped we groaned the bet and my wife became faster and stronger with her bumps. Then both of us came, I had an orgasm as long and my hot juice filled the Parisian. My wife pulled the rubber peak out of my ass, then pulled the Parisian from my cock and put the Parisian on the left over her rubber heel, so that the inside was now outside. I didn’t understand immediately and my wife said in a tone that did not allow a contradiction, I should lick everything and free everything from my cum, I couldn’t believe what was suddenly going on with my wife.

But I did what she said and licked the rubber peak that was covered with my cum covered. I pushed the cock into my mouth and sucked and licked it, I got a stiff again, I couldn’t believe it.

But then my wife pulled the rubber peak out of my mouth and we sat on the bed. Then she suddenly changed the topic.

She said she had been approached by her boss whether she didn’t want to work all day with a significantly increased salary and she would have already agreed. Since she was earned considerably more than me now, should I speak to my boss immediately and tell him that I would only come for half days so that I could take care of the household.

I tried to talk her about it, but she just said I should do it and end. In addition, she noticed that I would like it very much in my ass cunt and in this way she also comes to orgasm significantly better than if we would sleep normally, for this reason we should stay with it.

Then she said she had a surprise for me, she took out a package under the bed and it came out of it an object that I had never seen before and didn’t know what he was good for for. My wife said I should stand up, then she put the part around my cock and closed it.

So, she said, so that you don’t try unnecessary energy, it will prevent you from playing around yourself or. to fuck anyone.

Nevertheless, you can keep your little friend clean and go to the toilet, but only while sitting, but that would come towards me as she would have experienced me tonight. Then she told me that if I had to get rid of it, I should ask someone for help, because I would not get into the unlocking myself.

From man to woman

The next few days were quite normal, except that I had to get used to the new part between my legs. I hadn’t found a way to get the part or somehow satisfy myself.

Because I had become very horny due to these experiences, but my wife has had a lot of work in the past few days and had no time for me. I had spoken to my boss and he didn’t mind that I only work for half days from now on, since the order situation was not particularly good.

After a few more days, I had just been shopping for a guy on my shoulder and pressed a big envelope into my hands and immediately disappeared without saying anything.

I was surprised, I quickly went into the apartment and tore up the envelope when I almost hit me.

It was photos that show how I was fucked by the three men at the carnival session in my asshole and in my mouth, I couldn’t believe it.

There was a letter in the stand that I should appear at the given address tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. If I didn’t appear on time, the pictures would land with my wife and the neighborhood.

What was the choice? What should I do? I would just go into it first and see what they wanted.

In the evening my wife informed me that she would have to go to London with her boss tomorrow, I was lucky, I thought I thought.

The next morning I put on again as a woman, which was not so easy alone, especially the tight corset. My little one wanted to get stiff, which was now not surprising, but the device that my wife had given me was impossible.

The make -up did not work properly and I didn’t get the artificial nails glued either.

But the worst thing for me was that the carnival season was over and I had to go on the street now. I looked on the street map where the address was found, the street was in the city center, but luckily it was a side street.

Since I didn’t want to come too late, I started early, I came into the car unseen because our garage is accessible from the house. I found the address very quickly and I was amazed, it was the address of a noble cosmetic studio.

I quickly found a parking space in the immediate vicinity. So I looked again for the name of the woman I should report, she was called Ms. Herzog.

When the street was empty, I went to the cosmetic studio as quickly as I was able to do with the pumps. I went carefully to register, there was a great woman with a fantastic figure and a lush bust size that could be admired in a deep neckline.

I said that I should report to Ms. Herzog here, she looked bored in her schedule.

Yes, we have them when they are the Monika. I stopped, but then said exactly.

She said the appointment had been identified by the dear Mrs. Herzog and everything would be prepared.

She called an employee who was a susi The teaching girl imagined that it led me into the back rooms that looked like every hairdresser, most places were occupied by middle -aged women. I should sit down in a hairdressing chair, the colleague would come right away. Apparently it was a normal cosmetic studio and I sit here in women’s clothes, it really couldn’t believe it.

Then came the colleague as promised, she was introduced to me by Susi as Alice and that I shouldn’t be surprised that she would be silent.

Alice was a similarly built woman like the woman from the reception, only that she had a short white coat with a deep neckline.

What happened then I felt like I was dreaming. She told me I should come with me, she led me to a large room in the middle of the middle of it was a bathtub. Then she made it clear to me that I should undress completely.

I waited that she left the room, but she just looked at me and made gestures that I should start. So I took off and I wondered if she knew that I was a man. When I was naked in front of her there was no reaction to her, she pretended that it was the most natural in the world that a man in women’s clothes is being treated. I asked what should happen now, but she couldn’t answer.

She pushed me to the tub and I got in, which was just surprising that there was no water in the tub.

Then I should also kneel down. She took a hose that had an attachment like a vibrator and put it in my butt without being asked, then she put on the water.

Now I was very surprised, but I could, because she was silent, didn’t ask what that should be. She filled me off, after a short time I thought I would burst.

She put on my stomach and felt whether the filling was sufficient, then she put the water off. The warm water caused a strange feeling in my stomach. I still knelt in the bathtub, Alice took the hose out of my butt and before I could empty it she put an anal plug that she also pumped up so that he could not be pushed out of the pressure that was in my intestine.

I thought I was immediately, she put a kind of egg watch to 30 minutes, as long as I should keep the filling in me.

Now I had to sit down in the tub, I had my problems because of the anal plug in my butt, it took a while to take the correct sitting position. Then she let water run into the tub and did some bathing additives into the water.

I tried to relax I should put my head on the bathing tub and close my eyes. Then she applied me on my face and on my neck.

I actually felt quite comfortable except for my overcrowded intestine, the ringing of the egg watch tore me out of my thoughts.

Alice told me that I should get out of the tub. She took a towel and rubbed me dry. I noticed that my entire hair from the body was to me, as it looked like it must have been a really good hair remover in the bathing water.

I really didn’t have a single hair on my body. She reached for my cock or. on the part in which he was packed and made everything there fine -tuningly dry, he wanted to swell vigorously again, but that didn’t work, which hurt a little.

She wiped the cream out of my face and I noticed that I also had no bar hair more.

Then I was finally allowed to empty myself, she pulled the anal plug out of me and immediately it came out of me.

I spent the next half hour on the toilet. Then to my surprise, artificial breasts were glued on, they held without a bra and saw after Alice had made up the breast and the cleavage. I noticed what problems women have, because the breast was quite heavy and really big, I would appreciate it on Cup D.

Then the teaching girl Susi came back to us and said that the breast and the make -up make -up would last for about 14 days and I could do everything with it. I was startled and panic rose in me, in 1 week my wife wanted to be back and how should I go to work. I asked you should remove it again. Susi said that it wouldn’t work unless you cut off the skin.

I was done, but something would come to mind. They gave me a white panties, but when I looked at him closer it was that a slip overt in which a cunt was installed in front, I put on, he sat perfectly.

Susi said the vagina was absolutely real if someone touched me there, only for sexual intercourse it would not be suitable, so I had to switch to other ways. Then they put on a white corset to me, they put the corset very tight, again I got hardly any air and my new breasts were almost out of the corset.

Then Susi painted my toenails and then I got black stockings that I put on. Susi and Alice made the stockings to the owners that were attached to the corset. Then I only got a kind of bathrobe that this was made of fine black tip and a few high -heeled slippers.

I was led to another room here I should be made up and styled.

I sat in the chair that was an armchair, Alice began to put on make -up and Susi dealt with my nails. When Alice was finished with the make -up, she put on a black wig with long corrugated hair that was astonished to my astonishment, firmly with my hair, she somehow interweaves the hair into the wig. In the between time Susi had made me wonderfully extra long red nails, I just didn’t understand how to grab something with it.

Suddenly I noticed how it twitched in my ears, the two of them had a hole shot in each ear without I noticed, they hung up my earrings with street stones for a long time.

Finally, I got a black tight skirt that was so short that he was just covering my tights, I should put on a white blouse with a very deep neckline.

The blouse was plentiful with ruffles and lace. To do this, I got black pumps with an incredible 12 cm paragraphs that were attached with a wide strap around the ankle.

Then came the moment, I saw myself in the mirror for the first time.

I was flabbergasted, there was a woman in front of me that I would have nibbled immediately, my cock wanted to swell to unexpected size again, but nothing went.

Then Susi explained to me that the make -up, the nails, the hair will also hold the hair for at least 2 weeks and I would therefore not have to worry about it. My problem was that I had completely different worries.

Susi said the very much loved one I would like to come to the address that she gave me now.

I should leave the car here and take the bus that drove the city away.

She gave me a handbag in which she was a bus ticket and a few handkerchiefs. I asked her what would be with my things, car keys, money, etc. She said the things and the car would be on my way to my home, I shouldn’t worry and hurry up.

The greeting

It was now 3:00 p.m. So I broke up, I would have to run to the next stop for 5 minutes, my pumps clacked hellishly with every step and I had some difficulties while walking, they were unusually high.

I noticed how many men turned to me and looked at me lustful, which made me a little proud. I got on the bus, which was already waiting at the stop, devalued my ticket and sat in a free place.

When I was sitting, I had to be careful because of my short skirt because he slipped even higher when sitting.

After approx. 20 minutes of excited journey we arrived at my stop where I should get out. When I was outside I looked around, I was pretty far out of the city and I didn’t know in which direction I should go.

I came up with so helpless without money and car.

Fortunately, a car kept next to me and a man around 60, asked me where I wanted to go. I showed him the address and he says that I should run down the street and then keep myself right, but on foot it would certainly be 30 minutes on foot and then he looked at me and said it could be much more with my shoes.

That would never endure my feet, it shot through my head.

The man said that he would like to take me with him if I wanted to.

So I got in and he started. He kept looking at my legs and my tights that were to be seen because I unfortunately were here in the car could not avoid. He said you have beautiful legs sweet and put a hand on my knee.

I can certainly thank you as a little for the trip? What should I say, nothing, I thought. He probably interpreted that as yes and pushed his hand up to his thighs, where he left her. After a short time he said we would be there, he drove right and said that I would probably be guilty of a little consideration now.

That couldn’t be true, I only got into such men.

I wanted to get out, but he had closed the doors. He pulled me over to him and took me into the neckline and fumbled around me wildly. Then he pulled his cheetah and his cock jumped out big and thick.

Immediately he pushed my head down and I put his cock in his mouth, with his hand that was on my neck he presented the clock.

When the cock between my lips, my lust woke up and mutual my resistance. I sucked him deep into my oral as if it were the last cock in this world. He groaned violently and said oh you are so good, I knew that immediately when I saw you.

It doesn’t take too long and again the sperm shot into my mouth, which I naturally swallowed, I sucked on for a while to elicit the last drops.

Then he pushed me out of the car and said if I continued 500 m I would be on my destination and he was gone.

So I started and luckily came to your destination after a short time, my feet were really burning in the unusual pumps.

It was a large house with a huge almost park -like property. I shell and a middle age woman opened the door for me. She asked me in and immediately said that it was slowly getting time that I would come.

But I cook internally and said to her what that was supposed to do? She only asked me to be a table and said to me that I would have to do what she ordered to me for the coming week and without rejection.

I shouldn’t address them without being asked and if necessary I should address you with very honored Miss Miss Duke. If I didn’t stick to it, I would know what would happen. I looked out of my laundry again.

Then she said to my surprise that she called my boss and told him that I could not come the week, but he would have raged and said that it would not be possible because he suddenly got a big order and many employees sickbe.

So she had agreed with him that my sister would work for him, in the morning between 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

I was swearing badly because I don’t have a sister, I was probably meant by my sister myself.

Then she explained the process for me. In the morning at 7:30 a.m. someone would go to work and pick up again on time at 12:00 p.m. I would be available between 12:00 and 7:30 a.m.

Then she said strictly, if I didn’t want that, I could go now, the consequence would be that the pictures in my neighborhood and my wife would land.

What else should I do, I said with grinding teeth I would agree.

So she took me through the house and then she took me up and showed me my room.

She said I should put my skirt and blouse off and put on the dress ready.

It was such a black serving girl costume that was extremely short. It was perfect for my amazement, the skirt was far away, almost like a prime ballerina, I also got a suitable white serving girl hood on the head and shocked again high black pumps, my feet already hurt now.

Finally, she gave me an anal plug that she pumped out extremely tightly.

In doing so, she told me that she would have invited 5 guests for greeting this evening, I should look forward to it and could then show what a good maid has to do.

Then I should follow her in the kitchen. She introduced me to the housekeeper, she was a somewhat chubby woman of Ca.

65 years. I should go to her when preparing dinner.

So the afternoon passed quite quickly and the housekeeper striped me because I didn’t do the unusual work quickly enough. At 7:00 p.m. it heralded at the door, the very venerable Miss Miss Duke ordered me to open the door, where.

I opened the door and there were two middle -aged couples and a man who looked a little neglected, I took the jackets and coats.

Then they welcomed the hostess, I was given no further attention.

I brought the guests a welcome drink, as it was applied to me and, as before.

Then everyone sat on the large dining table, whose table top consisted of glass.

The housekeeper started the 1. Gang of the 5 course menu that we had prepared to serve.

The very venerable gracious Miss Duke waved me and told me that I could spoil the guests now while eating and so I would not bother so, I should make it comfortable under the table, I looked at them again disturbed again.

However, she did not react to it and said that I should start with the single man, because he would have the most necessary and smiled at him.

I was still looking stupidly out of the laundry, which was understandable … but she just said, let’s go.

So I climbed to my own astonishment at myself under the table and knelt in front of the man, I felt so humiliated, in addition it was possible that everyone could watch through the glass table well.

The host expressly said that I should be careful not to get the smallest spot in the carpet. I opened him the slot and put in because his cock did not show up, I pulled out his limp cock with my hand.

He smelled very uncomfortable and I saw that he not only seemed neglected, but was also very neglected. I easily jerked it in my hand with my long red nails, with which I could really grasp really bad. Slowly he straightened up under the treatment.

When I withdrew his foreskin I saw why it was so smelled that his cock was covered everywhere with the “cheese” of his earlier wanking attempts.

I disgusted something now, but what was left to me, I took his cock in my mouth and sucked him clean and he was greater in my oral, which was shocked to my fright.

The dear Miss Miss Duke said that I shouldn’t forget his eggs.

So I took his eggs in my hand and massaged them carefully, then sucked it gently in my mouth, played around his eggs with my tongue and then licking his shaft back and enclosing his plump glans with my lips.

I noticed that it would come immediately and sucked his cock vigorously. Then he pumped his cum deep into my oral and I swallowed her down with pleasure, I licked him thoroughly shiny clean again and stowed his good piece back into his pants.

I was very surprised about myself again, then I continued to slip to the woman next to him.

I pushed her skirt up and I saw that she was not wearing panties, which made it easier for me.

I pulled her labia wide apart and put my tongue deep into her shaved cunt. I licked her swelling clit vigorously and her pussy juice started like a stream from her, so that I had trouble that didn’t end up in the chair, I sucked and sucked everything into me almost greedily.

I enclose her hips with my arms and press my face deep into her cunt, whereby my tongue drove deep into her. As a result, the juice sprayed out of her cunt out of her and luckily directly into my mouth, so that I only had to swallow vigorously.

After her orgasm, of course, I licked her well -clean.

So I continued to work from one to the other.

Then the gracious gentlemen were finished with dinner.

The guests sat on the fireplace, the men undressed. Two stood closely together, I should bend over at the front and the two stuck their two cocks in my mouth at the same time. The third made me from behind.

He took the anal plug out of my ass, put his cock into my asshole and immediately started to fuck me vigorously.

I had had no orgasm since the day when I was with my wife at the carnival session. Now it tingled with me and I would have quickly got a proper stand from his ass fuck if I could, but unfortunately my cock was still in his prison.

I sucked my mouth and sucked on the two cocks as if there was nothing better.

Then both of them spray their load in my mouth almost at the same time. They splashed so much cum in my throat that it ran down my mouth again.

Then the rear man filled me off and pulled his cock out of my asshole.

I could have screamed, almost I would have happened, despite the restriction, but the three were faster.

I was so horny now, for once I had done everything. But now the ladies were on it, so far they had only watched and made each other hot. I started licking her, a sweet mucus from her cunts, and I licked and sipped every drop. I drove one after the other with my tongue to orgasm.

Then the evening was over for me and I was sent unfulfilled to my room.

The housekeeper came to me and said I had messed up the carpet, I was probably with the double Mouth fuck a few drops went next to it.

This must be punished and immediately.

I had to undress naked, I got a large gauze diaper and rubber trousers.

A long -sleeved long ruffle nightgown.

She gave me two large bottles with a yellowish liquid that I had to drink, she smelled and tasted uncomfortable.

Then I had to lie on the bed and she tied my wrists on the bed post. She turned the light out and went, but not without saying that water that I had drunk was her piss with a digestive means ..

I heard her laughter.

I was in the dark now and my stomach started to rum. I could suppress peeing for an hour, but then I could only let it run and peed into my diaper.

My diaper filled up, it was a warm slippery uncomfortable feeling, it was so embarrassing, but then I fell asleep at some point and I dreamed and slept restlessly.

In the office

The next morning, a Friday I was woken up early, the housekeeper took me to the bathroom, where I was finally allowed to take a shower. I got another enema.

Then I should put on the things you have provided.

Only again this panties with the built -in pussy, a corset with black stockings. A gray costume with a deeply cut blouse that emphasized my really handsome cleavage and pumps with high paragraphs. After breakfast I was immediately driven to work as agreed.

I was excited to see how my boss would look and what he thought of my “sister”. When I arrived I went to his office, he greeted me and stared at me constantly.

He said that I would see my brother quite similarly and continued to look into the neckline.

He showed me what to do and since I knew myself anyway, my work was easy for me.

One colleague after the other came to my office as if by chance to take a look at the “sister”. Nobody seemed to notice anything, like, everyone looked deep into my cleavage.

At some point Klaus came, a colleague presented in my normal life, to whom I was working on and from whom I urgently needed for an important test report, because I would get into difficulties without this missing signature.

He was a macho with a belly and strongly hairy from little toe to the eyebrows, only at the head there was quite a clear blow.

He sat next to me without being asked, looked at me from the side and said how did this stupid man come to such a great sister? Ped my knee and said you have already worked into? I was aging and pointed out to the lack of signature to take the opportunity and to do it right away.

He grinned broadly and said, but they are doing it, but that’s not that simple. I thought I went on and smiled at him and put out my devotion, agreed to him and tried to get his good will to me.

That made him always a researcher, as I noticed too late, because he meant I dredged him.

Well you are a sweetness and do your best for your brother, what do you do when I sign?

I was speechless, he wanted sex? My silence was probably enough for him.

Well said he said, then he threw a ballpoint pen under his desk and said sweetie when you get the writer, then I sign.

This was easy I thought, crawled under the table, took it, but before I could get back up he drove the gap with his desk chair so that I couldn’t get under the table, since all other sides were disguised.

So cute then do what you want all the time, I look at that … I was surprised again ..

But what else should I do if I get this signature.

I opened his pants and his already big cock that was hairy hairy came towards me. I jerked him gently with my hands and then more violent … he just said that you can certainly do that better, so I kissed him on his really beautiful bliss acorn and slowly sucked it deep between my lips.

When I felt him deep to the stop in my throat, I heard the office door opened and someone came in, I hear him talking to Klaus, but the visitor couldn’t see me, because I crouched under the desk and Klaus his cockhad deep in my ward.

I just continued quietly because I already liked it so much again, which was still frightened and more amazed. Since the visitor probably stepped closer to the desk, Günter pushed his chair closer to the table, so I was caught and his cock pushed even deeper into my neck, I couldn’t stir and I was afraid that I had to choke.

Karl talked easily and moved imperceptibly so that his cock stayed in motion ..

I noticed that it came to him and his hot juice ran into my throat, I could only swallow and hope that nobody heard it … Why was I only so excited … Fortunately, the visitor went back and so I got my freedom of movement back. I used this to just continue sucking until I noticed that Klaus cock was limp and he leaned back.

Well made sweetness, he just said, are a talent, we often do that, at the latest when you need a signature again, he laughed and went … I still crouched under my desk …fresh.

The morning was over and I made my way back to the very toned merciless Miss Duke.

My boss still gave me on the way that we would take a company outing next Monday and I should bring swimming stuff with me, then he wished me a nice weekend.

On the line

When I came back I had to help the household in the household after I had put on my homemade dress.

In the evening, the very honored, the gracious Miss Duke said I could really let off steam tonight. I had to move out again and I was extensively wrapped up with a fragrant oil by the very toned merciless Miss Herzog.

Then I had to put on a red straps belt with red stockings.

In addition a red bra that was extremely close and pushed my breast up. I also got an extremely short stretch skirt under which my suspenders looked out and a short stretch of stretch made of transparent tip. It had a zipper that I almost completely left up, so that my plump tits could not be overlooked.

Finally, I got red pumps with at least 13 cm heels.

I looked in the mirror and saw a great cheap bitch.

I didn’t understand anything again?!

I was driven to the city by car. The area got worse and worse, and then I saw the hookers standing on the side of the road, always alone or in pairs at intervals of a few meters, we were really on the street here, I didn’t do it, what should that all.

The very venerable, gracious Miss Duke explained to me that I should buy here tonight, I wanted to refuse, but she made the consequences clear to me, so we got out.

She asked me not to come home with less than 1200 euros. I was chalk. She waved a bad -looking guy that not only looked like a pimp, but also one.

He said right away, so we have the little horny fuck piece and said that he would take care of me tonight and take care of me and drog violently on my butt so that I was almost a jump.

He explained the process and the prices when I jerked someone 30 euros, with a titty fuck 40,- Euro, for bubbles 50,- Euro, for an anal fuck 70,- Euro and for a normal fuck, the one for meyes would probably not be able to get 60 euros.

If he doesn’t take you in the car, the room costs extra, he pointed to a dilapidated house opposite. At the prices I wondered how I should ever get the money together.

The very venerable, a merciful Miss Duke said I should make an effort, they just don’t disappoint and drove away from it.

I was pushed to the roadside by the pimp and he moved into the background.

I stood as a hooker on the side of the road and waited for a free one. The cars rolled through the street at a walking pace and the girls looked at the girls when they liked one, they stopped, negotiated the price and the girls then usually climbed to the clients.

Now the first car kept with me, the driver left the window Down and waved me up, I went to him a little unsafe.

He asked me about the prices I called him.

He wanted me to bubble him and whether I would swallow everything too. Before I could say no, the pimp had stepped to us and said I was “the” wind player and of course I would swallow everything, that would be included in the price and grinned.

The client agreed, I got into him in the car and he drove a few hundred meters further where there was a quiet place.

He leaned back and I took his cock out of his pants and blew into his cock, my tongue caressed the shaft of his beating, sucked, sucked, licked his eggs, and again I had to admit that it made me so horny ..

Then he quickly unlocked himself into my mouth cunt and I took his delicious juice and swallowed, too, too bad that my cock did not come out of prison, he would have stood like a one again.

So it went all evening and half the night continued I was fucked in the ass by at least 25 men, or. I blew them one.

Then I stood on the side of the road again and my asshole hurt fucking my asshole from fucking.

A group of 10 men came as a stroll, and there were not many of the other hookers anymore. They came up to me and said such a little fuck would be missing tonight. They asked if there was a quantity discount?.

Immediately my pimp was on the spot and of course said.

He agreed for a price for everything and we went together in one of the rooms that were intended for this.

On the way there I heard her talking in a showy tone and cheering on each other, I got one or two slaps on the bottom … I just thought what I did here, but with every minute my lust increased.

They conducted me to bed lying on my back. One sat between my legs and I already had the fear he wanted to fuck me in my non -functioning cunt, but no, he lifted me up something, my legs were pushed up and then he put his cock in my asshole.

I felt really helpless in this situation.

Another came from above and almost sat on my face, he put his eggs in my mouth and my nose almost penetrated his butt.

He started to jerk off. The others joined around us, took out their already stiff cocks and also started to jerk off.

After a while one man went off my face and another put his cock in my mouth, she used me wildly, I totally lost control, my asshole was finally burning, but the lust remained.

I felt my hands everywhere, my legs showed to the sky and my butt got one pat after the other.

Everyone knelt around me and jerked off when they don’t use me. Then they almost came on command and spoiled their entire cum on me, they soaked me completely from the face, in the mouth all over the body and in my buttocks. It was literally a non -ending spermabad.

Then I was allowed to lick my cocks clean and then they quickly got out of the dust.

I was still on the bed, my butt burned violently and I was in one from top to bottom, my pimp came and grinned, it was probably that it was for today, I would have been doing very well, I could like to start in.

It was agreed that he brings me home, but the way I would look now I wouldn’t get into his car, he said, I should call myself a taxi.

So I taped to the taxi rank, I could hardly walk, my asshole burned and my feet hurt, I got in the back so that the driver didn’t see what I looked like and let me bring me back.

The housekeeper received me, asked what I would look like and said I would have had a lot of fun.

To punish for the mess, I should go to bed like I am without being allowed to move out and glued as I was as I was. I fell asleep quickly because I was ready.

The housekeeper

The next morning, it was Sunday, I was awakened early again and after showering I had to put on the maiden costume again and help the household house in the household. Only at lunchtime I had to come to the very honored Miss Duke and lick her pussy and ass gross extensively.

She stopped with the legs spread and I knelt and crawled under her wide bell skirt. I worked on her clit, licked him as if my tongue was just made for it, she rubbed her wet pussy in my face and when she came, I sucked her pussy juice and swallowed down into enjoyable.

The afternoon was filled with housework again.

After dinner, the housekeeper undressed me and put an anal plug again, this anal plug vibrated wild in my ass and created a wonderful feeling, so that my cock wanted to straighten up again, which was denied again.

The housekeeper said if I should allow myself to run out without a request, Sybille (chapter “The ride” is missing because of too much mess *smile) for a week to ride with me and I would know what that meant.

Then I had to put on a short one with loops and lace decorated nightgown.

The housekeeper took me to her room, she pulled out and her naked body didn’t look very appealing to me, she was a bit chubby and had a large Hänbusen. She just looked like a 65-year-old woman introducing herself.

She lay down in bed, I should lay between her legs so that my face was on her hairy pussy. Then she lay a kind of belt around her hip, to which she attached a kind of dishes in which she fixed my head. I was lying on her pussy with my face, I couldn’t get away from her because I was fixed with the dishes on her pussy and I got almost no air anymore.

She asked me to lick her.

So I did it, what was left with me.

I played around her clitoris, the vibrator in my asshole almost drove me crazy and I had to be careful that I couldn’t come although my cock couldn’t develop.

She came almost every 15 minutes and I sipped her cunt juice. She was insatiable.

I don’t know how long I licked her, but at some point I fell asleep on her slippery cunt.

Later at night she woke me up, I didn’t know where I was.

But then she started to turn around so that I lay on my back and she lay over my face with her pussy.

I started licking her again and she pressed her pussy rhythmically in the face, I stretched my tongue deep into her dark cunt.

I no longer know how long I licked her, but ran from her cunt ran streams of mucus that I enjoyed into myself.

Then we lay on the side and I fell asleep again between her legs.

In the early morning the housekeeper released me from my location, after which I had licked her again extensively.

The tropical pool

It was Monday the housekeeper put something out for me to put it on. But first I had to undress naked and lie down in a kind of women’s doctor chair. She said that today I had to go to the company outing in the company If it were and it would go to a swimming pool, she would stick a pussy to me that would keep for about 24 hours so that nobody would see anything from my lout in my swimsuit.

She put my cock up tight between my legs and stuck to me a tight -fitting bowl about it when I looked at the result I was surprised.

On the surface, it looked as if I had a pussy, there was nothing left of my cock and my eggs.

Then I was allowed to get dressed, first black stockings with a stocking holder, plus a black chest lift. Above it is a tight red blouse with a deep neckline and a tight short skirt.

She gave me another bag in which the bathing stuff was packed and gave me a greeting to my horror the very much honored Miss Miss Herzog included the following.

I should seduce all my colleagues during the excursion or. I would not regret what they asked for me, if I couldn’t succeed.

She would have me watched!

Then I was driven to work. I had 9 colleagues and an older colleague, they were already gathered and waited for me.

We all got into a mini bus and the journey started.

It should go to a fun bathroom and in the evening the boss had invited us to a drink at home.

When we arrived in the fun pool we went around, I unpacked my prepared bag and put on the existing red swimsuit, which was cut out too deep for my terms. As flip -flops, I had been added to high -heeled plastic sandals.

I went into the swimming pool in this way, I felt unsafe whether nobody noticed anything either. The colleagues were already finished and at their greedy looks I saw that I liked them, Klaus whom I had to blow last week winked at me.

We walked around in one of the whirlpools and Alberten. Again and again I noticed like me how to accidentally put me on the breasts and the buttocks. So the morning passed, we drank one or the other at the bar and the atmosphere became increasingly relaxed.

Then everyone wanted to go to the sauna at once. I said that I didn’t want to, but then let me be persuaded, I was well equipped, nobody would notice anything.

Except for us there was nobody in the sauna area. I went to the steam sauna, a colleague came, the others went to the Finnish sauna.

We weren’t quite yet in the sauna, Then the colleague staggered me unabashedly. I didn’t know why again, but I took the opportunity and took him to his cock. I jerked him, then took his cock in his mouth, licked his spanking from the root to the glans, took his big cock to my mouth and sucked it hard to it, he visibly liked it.

At that moment another colleague came to the steam sauna. He sees us, gets a stiff immediately and approaches me from behind.

I tell him because nothing else comes to mind and he shouldn’t fuck me in my non -existing pussy, come fuck me in the ass, I forgot my pill.

I like to do that, he said, he said and so he stuck his spanking violently in my asshole. So I felt the two cocks deep in me and it was so good, I was now horny. The challenge of the colleague injected me a strong gush into my mouth, I swallowed everything down and licked in thoroughly clean.

Then he splashed deep inside me.

So I fucked and blew from one to the other. I blew one in the changing room his plump cock and another even on the men’s toilet.

I liked the ass fuck in the whirlpool best.

We were alone in the pool and he hugged me from behind. I reached for his cock, which was already extremely stiff. He pulled my swimsuit aside and penetrated me. Through the bubbling water, nobody could see what we were driving.

He fucked me hard in the water, it took a while, he attacked me violently to the tits that really kept what was promised. After further short, strong bumps he pumped his juice into my asshole.

Then we all drove together to the boss’s house. It was a big house, everyone made it comfortable and a lot was drunk.

Except for the boss and my colleague, I had done my duty.

It seemed to me as if everyone had already told me about their experiences with me.

The two who had taken me in the middle on the couch suddenly started to fumble wildly on me. They put me on my back the couch, One sat over me and before I knew I put his cock deep between my lips and fucked me hard into the oral.

Since he was sitting above me I couldn’t move.

The other lifted my legs until she touched the back of the colleague who fucks me in my mouth.

He put his cock in my ass and fucked me through vigorously.

I was now tingling between my legs but my cock had no chance under the glued pussy.

From the corner of the eye I saw that three colleagues dealt with the colleague.

They had put their cocks in all the holes they had available and fucked them through vigorously.

Only the boss looked at everything calmly and showed no emotion. After the colleagues had really pimped me and the colleague, they all said goodbye.

Only me and the colleague still stayed.

But then the boss suddenly came to life.

My skirt and my blouse had already been lost to me.

The boss suddenly covered me from behind and kneaded my tits, said I was a horny sweet bitch, if I wanted to start with him in the company. I enjoyed his strong grip and didn’t even notice that he took me into the crotch.

He rummaged around there and pulled my glued pussy off with a jerk, I was startled.

But he just said that I thought it was and fed up with me unimpressed. He then freed me from my “thing” and my cock was finally free again.

First he jerked my cock behind me until he showed himself in full size.

I was just horny. Then he pushed me towards my colleague who was still in the armchair. She spread her legs and I penetrated into her still wet pussy. Immediately afterwards he put his cock in my ass, so I felt like a sausage on a sandwich.

With his violent bumps in my ass, he also placed my rhythm with which I fucked my colleague. My heavy eggs clapped to the brooch of the colleague and I was finally able to fuck a woman again after such a long time.

It came very quickly to me and I put my juice into her plum. I knelt in front of my colleague and licked her pussy violently, the boss still had his cock in my asshole and raged violently there.

But then he injects his juice deep into my buttocks and I licked his cock after I had licked the horny bitch from colleague extensively. After all the three of us were extensively satisfied, the boss brought me back home to the very toned merciful Miss Duke.

The knowledge

So the week flew by and I was worried about how I should teach my wife, since the breast and everything else was only removable after 14 days.

In the morning when the week ended, it crashed at the door that Dear Missing Miss Duke said I should open the door. And then the horror hit me, my wife stood in the door and grinned at me.

I was speechless and datted, we sat down in the living room. Then my wife clarified me. She said that she has noticed over the years that she was more on women, then the thought came with the carnival session and she committed 3 men at the festival to see how I would react.

Since I reacted better to the woman than she had ever expected, she threaded the past week together with the very toned, gracious Miss Herzog to be sure that I am ready to live as a woman.

As she had heard it, I liked the last week and the men and women had to be a man except for my boss, not even that I was a man. But they all had paid good money to do it with them and we would use this money now to give me a really wife’s body. She had already made an appointment in Italy with a clinic, I only needed to agree. I was surprised by myself and immediately agreed to.

So I broke up with my wife.

The transformation

When we arrived in this clinic I was immediately assigned a room and I was examined in detail. My wrong breast was taken from me and I was also made a man again, which seemed unusual after the week. Then I had to lie down on an examination table and my wife and the doctor looked at me, whereby the doctor was drawn with a felt writer on my face, my chest and hip. They discussed my future appearance without hinting at me.

I protested, but the doctor just said that we wanted to get started, gave me a syringe and I fell asleep.

When I woke up again I didn’t know where I was but when I looked around I knew it again. I wanted to get up but I was still too weak. I noticed that my face, my chest and my hip and my step was bandaged.

My wife came and she said that I would have survived the worst now.

In the next few weeks I got a lot of injections in which hormones were included. But since I was still connected, I still couldn’t see the result of my transformation.

But then came the day.

The facial association was taken from me and I was given a mirror. I saw a woman in the mirror and that without make -up.

My lips were much fuller, my eyes bigger, my nose smaller and there was nothing to see from beard growth.

Then the other associations were taken from me and I was allowed to get up.

I stood naked in front of the mirror and looked at myself. My wife had given me murder’s tits, at least bra size F, if that calculated, for the sake of heaven, they pulled me forward hard.

My cock was still in old place, which I was quite happy about, but my eggs and my sack were gone, instead I had a real cunt!!!

I had a pussy right under my cock, I couldn’t believe it at all.

My wife explained to me that my eggs would have been laid inwards and would rather have placed a real pussy that was fully functional. My hips and my butt also got more curves.

I had to stay for a week until the hormone treatment was stopped.

My wife drove home because she had to work again.

During the week, I was shown how to make up properly and other tricks that you need to know as a woman.

At the end of the week, 3 doctors and a sister came to me and said that they wanted to make the final examination.

I should take off my skirt and blouse. I could leave my suspenders and my high pumps.

As soon as I moved everything out, my sister pushed me onto the bed and blew my cock that immediately got stiff, but it was far from grew as big as before my operation. I got hot immediately because I haven’t had sex for a few weeks.

A doctor laid on the bed and I had to sit down over him so that he could penetrate deep into my new cunt, it was a wonderful feeling. The second came behind me and put his cock in my asshole.

The third came next to us and I blew his Schawnz. I enjoyed the feeling of being fucked into all three holes at the same time.

In my cunt, an indescribable feeling spread and when the sister started licking my cock I exploded.

My piss shot out of my cunt and at the same time my cum shot out of my cock. At this sight the three doctors also came and they injected their juice into my fuck holes. I sucked her cocks a little out of gratitude.

Then I lay on the bed and the sister sat on my face so that I could lick her cunt. One of the doctors fucked her in the ass so that I could change her cunt and eggs. When we all let off steamed, the doctors said that I had passed the final examination with flying colors and I would be released.

Back home

When I came home my wife had done a great job.

My whole male clothes had removed her and felt the wardrobe with clothes and lingerie, my closet was overwhelmed because of loud ruffles and lace, I even saw some dirndls underneath.

I was happy that I could put her on. Then she opened me that I would have to continue to limit my work to the morning, but the colleagues would already look forward to the “sister”, who will be the new secretary. I would also have to do what she told me, no matter what it was and without rejection.

I would also have to talk to her with a loved one. Then she told me that she would rent me to pay the costs for the operation and the hospital stay.

In the end, my beloved master showed me my new room where I should sleep from now on.

I was scared that I was no longer allowed to sleep with my wife, sorry for my beloved lord.

The new life

I looked at my new room it was kept in pink and pastel colors from top to bottom. Even the bed was covered with pink covers. I should undress and put on the things that are ready and then come to my master’s living room. I followed the things that were ready, they were all kept in pink.

The corset, which was luckily at the front of the cord, was hardly enough to tame my new huge tits. White opaque straps stockings were ready for this. With the dress, I almost hit me, it was a doll’s dress, also in pink with a lot of tip, ruffles and grinds. In addition, it still had puff sleeves and several sewn -on undercroodles so that the already very short dress.

In addition, there were also a few high heels ready with real 16 cm heel, of course they were also in pink and with grinding. I already felt a little strange as a barbie doll. I went back to my wife and a master because I wanted to take on my role.

She was sitting in the couch and I wanted to sit next to her.

I wasn’t quite sitting yet when she drove me on what I would afford to do, she would have said nothing about setting.

I jumped up again and looked at her questioningly. She started to list her idea of our coexistence and she said it so that I couldn’t contradict her.

Since I was in these women’s clothes and this hormones took my former self -confidence to me. My wife and authority told me that I would be responsible for the household and the house in the future and that while she would go to work, I would have to keep a high gloss.

If she is at home, I would have to take care of her and to fulfill every wish with absolute obedience. Whatever I experienced is a different story, for the time being

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